B m mm9 - m mm - noon tn rr olai fieri tiu hkw U'HIiV, go. I ft 20 ODELL Mr. nni Hn .1 w McDanaM i mm nut i" (Mr 1 1 SiilitrlHv for llirir niMil mimI Mtf i-N' I for N very nhorl roll. 'I dry wrnt t Hood River to puck than household i-If. i't . which had lech stored Mfn l(.i left Odell few weeks mnrr. Iln s Imv purchased h properly jut niitnlc the city limit of Oregon t 1 1 . whore (hey have decided to locale for Ihi- present, st least. Elrr.er AiuiiiIh, Vinton Jones and (ico. Iiitknn went tn I'ortlnrd SHturday In ni l- Hie hit game, returned home Mi.iidii i . ninvr. Mr. and Mis. Edwiird Wheeler are now Ml home in the Wheeler property Ht Summit, a finr home, and on liaril proper! v. (J. f. I'urdy ai.d S. I'. Waldorf have made an exchange of properties. Mr. I'urdy now owns Um property whirh Dr. Dotro and family occupy, while Mr. Waldorf has acquired a property near Mt. Hood postofTice. County Supt. Gibson will speak at 'i ntral Vaio achoolhouse Friday even ing April .'Ml. Mr. Gibson will explain the millage tax bill. A short program will either precede or immediately fol low Mr. Gibson's talk. Cieode Sampson, who has Hpent the winter in California, motored through last week and stopped over for a short .visit with his little son, Karl, at the home of the small boy's grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Holes. Mr. Samp son went from here to Wa.shougal for a visit with his parents. Miss Emma Holes spent a few days last week visiting friends at Washou gal. A. C. Kook, formerly of Odell, spent the week end with Mr. U)d Mrs. Tims. Holes. Tuesday morning Mr. Rook find Mr. Holes left Odell. They expect to go into the timber as fallers at some point out from l'ortland. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKarlane, of Portland, motored over the Highway Saturday evening. After having stop ped for a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Eggert they re turned home Sunday evening. They were accompanied bv Mrs. Anna Hm richs and Master Fred Hinrichs, of Chicago. The home of Mr. and Mrs. I,. C. Weinheimer was the scene of one of the prettiest home weddings Saturday afternoon, when Miss Nettie Fletcher, of Iowa, became the bride of Algie E. Weinheimer. Kev. E. C Newham, the officiating minister, chose a ceiemony which was beautiful and impressive. The decorations were artistic and the wedding luncheon perfect. An early Htart over the Highway had been planned, but owing to the kindly atten tions of men guests the ever faithful I'aige absolutely refused to start for (juite a time. All adjustments were finally made and the happy couple mo tored to l'ortland for a short stay. After they have returned to their borne in Odell we epect to be able to give you an interesting account of the re ception whii h will he t lered them. The best wishes of a host of friends are theirs. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth odist church will hold its annual spring dinner in the basement of the church Friday evening of this week from six to nine o'clock. The dinner will la served cafeteria style. The committee in charge of the affair is composed of Mrs. C. F. Alloway, Mis. F. A. Mas iee. Mrs. W. N. Weber, Mrs. Mont. Hawthorne, Mrs. K. ('. Newham and Mrs. ,luiues. The usual services will be held at the Methodist church next Sunday. The on-time campaign which was be gun several weeks ago has made it possible to begin all services promptly with nearly everybody in their place before the services begin. Members of the Ladies' Aid and others guve a surprise party to Mrs. W. N. Weber at her home Thursday afternoon of last week. About two dozen persons were in attendance. Annual spring dinner will be served by Ladies Aid. Society at Odell Meth Mr. 'rat Htokoe and children, of i-itu ir at the home of her Marsh imtkttg, and fam- Miss Alma Kil.chel returned from l'ortland last Tuesday. Sam MeConri returned home Wednes day from Hood River, where he had been operated upon for appendicitis. Miss Mvrl Narver spent the week end here with her mother, Mrs. Mabel Narver. Mrs. E. A. Iliinna. Mrs. Wm. Henna and Mrs Mabel Hendricks were Hood River visitors last week Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Ertle and daughter, Virignia Dale, Robert J. Hurr anil Miss Vera Gano. of Hood River, spent Sunday at the George Harr home. Mrs. Ertle and daughter remained to spend the week. The Parent-Teacher Association held their regal! evening meeting Friday. Mr. Renthin showed slides of Washing ton, D. Cm and Mount Vernon. Officers for the ensuing vear were elected This was the last evening meeting to be held until school lakes op in the full. Mrs. Narver and school children took their lunches and climbed Raid Hutte Saturday. Misses Cloy Smith and Lenora Webb spent the week end at Hood River W. T. Wyatt and Miss Hernice Ever son attended the Sunday school conven tion at Hood River last Wednesday. Frank Hanel was a Hood River visit or Wednesday. The regular church services will bt held Sunday ovening. , t Mi imtt'r, vi.iled I he following delegate, bev lrt phi week at Dm alerted lo attend two (Trend lodg I 0 ighler, Mrs. W. .1 or and Itcheksh inmMy. which y, mi-el in Maker ill May Juror. nn.ii ami I. .1 Wil-on, for the Oddfrllow., ami M El he I Camp and Mis LeMfTI Hunter for the Rebckahs. UNDERWOOD. A. J. Hhvm was a business vliitor in Hood RiVtf the first of the week. The S. I'. & S. R. R. Co is planning extensive improvements at the local tatlotl, The old passenger depot will he removed a. id a new one constructed. All fruit shipping stations and other buildings that are now located in a congested position will be moved to the east. The rail line will be moved over toward the rivur. and the new station yards will te commodious. They will be beautified with flowers. Two new apple warehouses are due to arise at Underwood this season. The UnderWOOd Prist and Warehouse Co., composed of a number'of growers, who are organized tor concerted action in handling their crops, will erect a new shipping station. Dan Wuille & Co. are planning a commodious new ware house. The new steel bridge over the White Salmon river is progressing. It will be ready for traffic some time this summer. The Underwood fruit crop indicates good returns. No peaches will be har vested, however. While this crop was formerly of considerable importance when peach fillers were used in young orchards, most of the peach trees had been removed, and the loss from peaches will be nominal. Cherry trees are in full bloom. Canners have visit ed the district the past week, offering 15 cents per pound for all cherries on contracts. Berries look good, and prospects are that a large percentage of the berry crop will go to canners for Pi cents per pound and better. With two mills alrearly cutting more than .00,000 feet daily, a lumber boom is on in the Underwood district. A new milling concern, owning large timber holdings on the Little White Salmon river, is conternplatiing the construction of a mill at Hood. Op lions have been taken on all available property there, and indications are that a large yard will be established. lints I rule i . r " . if olentli j that rnnlli-r i with If. i imi.i- H ..C f r II MM i roMI'SV A N4IIOSWIDI I S-1 1 1 1 l N Mrs. C. I'rl, are sHler, Mrs lly. Van Norder, of Condon, Vietied his mother and brother, Ed. last gti-k. He n piii I - . .i -. -nil .in ih. in,' iniii h damage to the wheat fields of eastern in gon, Clayton Wentz.in addition to his own family, took a numbfl of his neigh bors' children In Die entertainment in Hood River laal Frnlm . Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family came over the new road from The Dalles Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mis. W. V. Allen, leaving in the evening for home. They found (In road rough in places, but not as rough as they had expected. Elmer laanbefl and family spent the Sunday visiting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Moore, on the Fast Side. Mrs. Moore is an aunt of Mrs. Isenberg. S. F. Aitken left. Tuesday for Klam ath Falls, going by way of Rend, where he will visit some cousins, I'earl Chubb spent the week end at the home of Mis M. I'. Isenberg. MOUNT HOOD home -Wild i.'l. h-.Ai.ir. Iliflueiuw II, grower whoa system of spacing seed may be ju.tilleiito cut his ,sed smaller than two mini - or hen's i . Halloo, iti Ohio, has shown that a comparison of Die varieties, Hovel and Carman No. .'!, a many eyed and few j eyed varieties, respectively, that with, a given size of seed piece, the risure ! eves preeenl the more atalke that lll I develop through the radio of eye to stalk increase is not proportional. Whipple, of Montana, thinned stands of potatoes planted to two ounces pieces to one stalk per hill in order to i test whether the marketable yield might be thus increased. Such thin-! ning improved the market shaiie and uniformity, but the ret ults do not justi- : fy any conclusion that either total or marketable yield was increased. Sum- ! marizing, the best authority on this i QOaation shows that while the number of eyes increased, tin total yield in creased while the per cent of market able yield decreased. The difference in marketable yield, was, however, not I more than per cent in any ease. The ame tests show that the yield is pro portional to the number of stalks per hill. Since other tests indicate con elosively that yield is also proportional to size of seed piece, nothing is gained by cutting to a certain minimum num- DOT of eyes. It is udvisable to cut seed as closely to planting as possible, a day or so at most. Without dusting, the sooner the seed is planted the better both for seed and yield. There are a number of ma terials which may be used to dust the cut seed. They are land plaster, sul phur, hydrated lime, air slacked lime, road dust and ashes. Most growers ' prefer land plaster because it ia eh ap. O.-W. R. & N. Co. Time Table WEST HOUND No. 11, Spokane-Port. Rasa H:lla. m. v. MOSIER. Mosier friends received word Satur day morning from Mrs. 11. M. Roop of the very sudden death ct Mr. Roop Fri day evening in Independence at the home of their daughter in-law. Mrs. Wm. Harnett, where the old couple had arrived Wednesday evening to make their home. The message stated that no arrangerneulH had been made for funeral services. Mark A. Mayer returned home the last of the week over the Highway in company with S. A. Renson, of Port land. The ball game Friday afternoon be tweeu the high school boys of Hood River and the Mosier high school was well attended and full of interest from start lo finish. The game was not commenced until after school closed, which made the time short, when the return trip for the two big trucks from II I River was considered. Owing to that fact it was decided after the fifth inning to make the game seven innings because of the lateness of the hour. At the close of the seventh inning the score stood 11-11 in favor of Hood Riv- There lln.nl HOW TO PREPARE YOUR SEED POTATOES! ( By Gordon i . Rrow a) The writer wishes briefly to refer to No. 8. Fust Mail B:fM a No. 19, Omaha, Kan. City, I .,, Denver, passenger . ( P- Ul- No. l, Pendleton-Port. Local. .3:89 p. an. No. 17, Chi., Omaha. Denver, i Kan. City, Suit Luke ' 1 :50 p m to Port land, pusseng'r ) EAST ROUND No ii, Port-Sail Liike.JpasH. 12:5.ri a. m. No. 2, Port.-Pendleton Local...0:5O i. m. No. 18, Port., Ball Lake, Den- Kan. City, Omaha, 11 SQI am Chicago, paaaengor... j No. 4, Omuba, Kan. City, - r., Denver, passenger .. j :,)" D" ul' No. IJ, Spokane-Port. Pass.. 8:)Hp. m. Seasonable Footwear at Reasonable Prices The season for Pumps is here. We have for your inspection a lifgl assortment of the newest styles in Summer I'umps. Now the stocks are complete; we have all sizes from Tripple A up, 2', to K There ia no need for you to go to the city to be fitted in Summer Footwear. Your size is here for you and we will save you money. Do not wait until the season is too far advanced, pet your footwear now before the lots are broken when it will be more difficult to fit you. Black Kid Pumps, Military Heels, 17.50, $8.90, $9.90 Black Kid Pumps, Louis Heels, plain $8.50 Black Satin Kid Pumps, Louis Heels, plain $9.90 Black Pat. Leather Pumps, Louis Heels, plain.. $6.90 Black Pat. Leather Pumps, Louis Heels, buckle $7.50 Black Pat. 2-Eyelet Tie Pumps $9.90 Brown Satin Kid Tie Pumps, a beauty $10.90 Black Lace Oxfords, Military Heels $4.50, $6.90, $7.90, $8.90 Brown Lace Oxfords, Military Heels $6.90, $7.90, $8.90 Black Kid Lace Oxfords, BABY LOUIS HEEL $8.90 Black Kid Pumps, .... BABY LOUIS HEEL $8.90 Brown Kid Lace Ox., Louis Heel, tip and pi. toe, $8.90, $9.90 Ladies' Old Indian Napa Tan, 12-in. Hiker boot $10.90 Just the thing for camping, fishing, hiking, or general outdoor wear. A Shoe for every purpose for every member of the family at saving prices. While Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords at Saving Prices. !VJl, " Barefoot Sandals for Hoys and Girls .1. ;. PENNEY COMPANY A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION Ht oHa( oiiun ii Many. April 10, from 6ar, All Um bojra played well. to p. m., on the cafeteria style, pay for what you out. Everybody welcome". PINE GROVE The jadiaa of the Aid Boetety will entertain at a community aaclal at the charch Thursday evening. A muHiral program has hion airtuied, two ruim ban of whirh are a nolo he Mrs. Kalph Pool and a violin trio. Mim. Hhikely, the eountv health nurse, will he pres t nl for a talk. An opportunity will bt graa) all lad lot not members of thr sooietv to join at that time. The en- Unrta latent and lum-h will he fret of charge. Mr. mid Mrs. H. (I. Davidson have movtd from their ranch to the Camp hell house at Van Horn. I'Iims. Wella left last week for All.cr ta, Canada, on a analnim trip, lie was accompanied by aire. Jerome Welle, who will visit her sister. Mrs. Mark Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Lew is Mason. who went to Califronin earlv in the winter, have returned to BoOO Kiver to make theil home. Mrs. Aiihrev Paiie is visiting mother. Mrs. John Johnson. Mrs. J. P. Thomson entertained a number of friends last Saturday even ing. The evening was pleasantly sit at cards. Miss OWa Heynoldi came from la attlo last week to vicit her aunt, Mrs. A. K. Hiekford. She returned home yesterday. Several families made the trip to the Sam') Sunday for smelt. Mrs. Russell MoCully and daughter, Martha, hae arrived from Eugene, where he has leeii with her mother for several weeks. Mr. Kr. d Thomt-en li ft Kriday for Philadelphia for a visit at her former home. Mr. P. 11. I.arawit) and Miss spent last Saturday in Portland. Mrs. John Mohr and daughter, Perl Marie, spent the week end in Portland Mr end Mrs. E. E. House returned last week from Seattle, where Mr. House putt H i paled in a bowling l nament. Earl Moore, wra Adrox Motor and C Portland, has finisl ia at home igam. A good program has Ire for the social grange Satur ing. The numbers follow : K and song. Mrs. Hasbroor violin solo, Mrs. Clifford K quartet ; piano solo. Pearl Mi reading. Mrs. J. K. Kergu ado. Mrs. Kelph rW ; bosm inir by liura and Vern Foils the course and . ladies' r M-.hr; : vocal r danc- BELMONT will be a return game played Kiver in tlic near futue. A line boy itrrived in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Itrooka April 22. J. N. Mosier arrived from Illnckfoot, Ida., Saturday to see to his property interests. The Union Sunday aahool rally was held last week Monday evening at t he Church of Christ. A large aadiance enjoyed the special program of vocal and instrumental music and speaking. Harold Humbert, of Portland, was the principal speaker of the evening and explained at length the inlerchurch movement. Mrs. Geo, Chamberlain and cl ildren vial ted Grandpa and Grandma Middle- swart in Hood Kiver last week. Ceo. Chamberlain motored lo Tygh Valley last week after several hives of bees. He was accitnilianieil by hit lirolher-m law, Mr. Morgensen. r Lei evervono remember the date of the clean-up day. May .'1. Everyone turn out and see what a jolly good time CM be had in making our little city shine like a new pin and then all are to enjof an old faiahioned basket supper her at the grounds near Cold Spring, whirh has been designated as a park for aulo pai ties. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Vensel were in town Thurnday with their new Chevro let. Miss Ann Shogren motored to The Halles Thursday. VV. E. Chown was in The Halles last week Wednesday. A physician was called to Mosier last week Tuesday to attend Ceo. Car roll who was taken suddenly ill. He ia amah better at this writing, h rnlay. Misses Helen and Wilma Eolsom sK'iit tan week end with friends in l msi ado 1iH'ks. J. T. Havenport received word Sun dav that his brother, tieo. I.. Haven parti of Portland, was very ill with ptomaine poisoning. He was thouirht to be out of danger late Sunday even ing. Geo Evans and family motored to Troutdale Sunday, where they enjoyed the sport of catching smelt in Sandy vi t They stopped along the way at points of interest, taking their lunch at I km '.iie Mr. Evans father, see Kvans, accompanied the party. jee Hunter left Monday for Cen tralia, where he will be employed in the Kane Mfg. plant. Mr. and Mrs. Wash McKinney, of . Hlaloek. spent Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs. had Evans. K. L Huvall area in Hood Kiver Monday. I.lov.l Kisber waa in The Halles Sun dav. Sunday and Monday mere grand days, as warm and balmy aa real summer. Adah John Anderson returned Thursday from Lang Reach, where he spent the winter. Mrs. Maie Chubb spent the week end visiting friends at White Salmon. Mr. Hixon and family are nicely set tled on the late Prank Countryman i anon, wnicn iney recently four very important considerations with reference to the handling of seed pota toes. I his ih a year especially when a knowledge of how to use high priced seed and incidentally high priced land anil lalior is essential. I he following have been dealt with at some time by various experiment stations in the United States. They are: I. Cargo versus small tubers for seed. 2. Whole versus cut seed. .'1. Large versus small Mad pieces. 4. The nubtner of eyes. A great ileal ol contusion lias arisen in interpreting tin; results of experi ments bearing upon these points lie- ause in many instances a verv imp'ir taut related factor has not. received due onsideratioti ; that is, the amount of Heed per acre. To illustrate : In tests comparing the influence on yield of whole, half. Quarter and eighth tubers. the results usually favor the whole tu ber. The conclusion, therefore, was, that the larger the seed piece planted, the greater the yield is likely to be. In reality, eight times as much seed is used to the acre when whole seed is Hied as where eighth tubers are plant ed. II trrain were used instead of po latoes the credit would be given to the dillerence in the amount of seed plant ed per unit of area and total yields. Many experiments have, therefore, in reality not shown that whole tuhera are to be preferred lo eighth tubers, pro vided the eighth tubers were planted enough closer together in the row to consume t tie same amount of seed as would be used in case whole tubers were planted. Let us consider the first HTnt raised, large versus small whole tubers for seed. Here, obviously, the estimated relative value ol large versus small tu bers is probably the controlling factor, in the mind of the grower. Extensive experiments show thut the gross yield is increased as the size of the tuber I: increased. I his was also true of the marketable yiel.1. In a few instain N, owing In the increase in the number of stalks per hill as the size of tuber in . n ased, the mai l.vtable yield was not greatest from the largest seed potatoes It must lie concluded, however, that large whole seed is better than small whole hoed under equidistance of plant ing only liecnuse of the greater weight ol seed used. The cost of labor and seed has an im portant bearing upon the question of whole versus cut seed, but no reliable dat a is available. I he high cost of seed favors cutting at present. Most literal ore ileal with a third consideration, thai of viclds. Culling a seed tuber at once allocs a loss of cell sap and permits the en trance of producing soil fungi and bac leria. un ineaoiiier hand there is a distinct advantage in cutting. Whereas whole tula-rs planted or germinated above ground normally develop onlv sprouts near the seed end, cutting such tubers, both basal and end eyes may be made to grow. The more ready en trance of oxygen to the potato as a result of cutting enhances gowth which would otherwise remain dormant and probably never function. This indicates a more economical use of teed potatiK-s than plant ii g them whole. Aii her and Welch, of Idaho experiment station, made a three vear test ot w hole and .ut seed and while obtaining a greater total yield from whole seed, the great er markelanic yield in all cases was from cut seed. These tests are not a true criterion of relative valueof whole versus cut sed as far more seed per . - . M . . . acre was useci in ine .ai , i in,- whole seed. The best test of this qneathm was made aj the New ork oxh riraent station when equal weight of seed pieces of whole and cut luU-rs was used icr acre. Whereas about equal total yield was obtained from the cut and the whole seed. I he maiketable yield from cut seed was nearly double thst from whole seed. Anoarentlv w ith equal rates of planting cut seed is the more economical. I v : . r r . i- of Emerson, of Nebras ka, and Zavitx, of Ontario, tested large versus small seed pieces thoroughly. Emerson planted eighth quarter and ifl . i WZ i .' 1 "Tt ' Keep Beesi If you own an orchard you must have bees if you would secure the largest crops of the most perfect fruits, as proper pollination is essential for best development and bees are the only dependable pollenizing agents. You can keep bees anywhere that they can forage within a mile they require but little attention and will often render you a splendid profit. We can start you right and save you unnecessary work und txpctise. Our Bee Supply Catalog lists everything necessary for the successful production of honey; .-. huw ta care tor and handle bees. Ask for Catalog Number.H43. Wrife us for Queen Bees W'iiiU-rii Ag ul A 1 l; .i SPECIAL NOTICE For Quick Sale, we offer at $50 per 100 200 Winter Banana 100 Arkansas Black 200 5fellow Transparent 100 Jonathan 400 Italian Prune 200 Buerre D'Anjou Pear 200 Bartiett Pear Order direct from this ad. We guarantee genuineness and quality. GARDNER'S NURSERIES KENNEWIOK, WASH. half tuber pieces, ctielv li. 12 and 24 mehei Mum or shr the ioople enjoyed long auto ride rs lked along roadways, en the scenery and the rarity of r so early in the spring. Ev ; lorks lovely, the blossoming it green fields and hillsides ui-h beautiful coloring with Nriaai wild shruba, different 1 rtcr tidier and lowest le half tuber. Zayitt from one and two ne ounce piece liein j wild flowers and green gra same weight of seed per acre. Here also, the greatest total marketable .1 net ield rame from the one oartee pieces. We may conclude from the two The Nash Six with Perfected Valve-in-Head Motor HTHE wide-spread and heavy demand which exists for the Nash Six 1 with Perfected Valve-in-Head Motor but reflects the quality of its performance in owner service. This big and steadily increasing demand is certain proof that this car has more than met the expectations of its owners in practically every community from coast to coast. It has performed and is performing in a way that creates for it hosts of admirers wherever it is in service. Because ot the high character of this performance the Nash Six is now generally recog nized to be a class leader to offer an unusually attractive value at its price. The thousands of Nash Sixes in use have demonstrated conclu sively that they do possess the three qualities which owners appre ciate most in a motor car. The Nash Six is unusually powerful unusually economical and unusually comfortable to ride in and to drive. Its Nash Perfected Valve-in-Head Motor is now generally accepted as marking a distinct step forward in motor car engineering. MT. HOOD MOTOR CO. About June First in our New Building on Oak Street near Second V. a.