MOOD ttlVfifi GLAC1KR. TIH'KNPA V, APH1L ir, 1020 A nnouncem A- TT gives us a good deal of pleas Iure to announce that we havo been appointed distributors for Horse -Shoe tires and tubes in this district. We realize that we could only expect continued tire patronage as long as the tires we sold mad i good. Consequently we were very careful in making our selection. States, Municipalities and many of the world's largest corporations are today using Horse-Shoe tires. Exhaustive tests proved the supe rior quality so thoroughly that some cf them specified that Horse Shoe tires be used exclusively So good has this make of tire proven that the demand has increased nearly sixty-fold in the last six years. Horso-Shoe products are of exceptional quality, yet when figured by Corporations on cost per mile basis they proved them selves by far the cheaper tire. We would appreciate an oppor tunity to show, as vell as tell you, of their merit. Fashion Stables Telephone 1201 LL a I ! IT', " t! is 9 "S-:fi htiim; I , .jr. wnn a & i svT fel V Only During April Brings you the Ohio-Tuec $5.00 a Month Lets You Keep It Spring house cleaning is here. We know that nearly every woman in Hood River will require the aid of an electrictic cleaner to meet this problem. We are ready to help you. Our special April terms give you immediate posses sion of the Ohio-Tuec cleaner, and the small payment of $5.00 each month will let you keep it. The ad ditional interest regularly charged for deferred payments will be omitted during this unusual event. The large number of cleiners sold siiue April First is evidence that you appreciate our co-operation. Even greater returns are promised for the next two weeks. A re cord will be set. With your help we are going to "put it over." Just phone 4231, and say, "without obligations, send the Ohio to my home for trial. If it suits me, I will p,i ou $2. SO down and $5.00 each month until paid for. You can't send it too soon." Pacific Power & Light Co. Edwards Will Build F. M. Edwards, who has juut pur hased a 20-arre orchard place in the Willow Flat district from W. R. Ken dull, will l)')jiii immediately to con struct a new residence and other build ings. Mr. Edwardt) recently Kd a 20 acre orchard place in Pukes Valley to A. Copcnrude, a former eastern Ore gon rancher. Ii. EL Scott made the sale. Coming to Vancouver DR. MELLENTHIN & CO. SPECIALISTS DO NOT USE SURGERY Will he at fcT. ELMO HOTEL MONDAY, APRIL 26 Office Hours. 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. MIKA TILLICUM DE SCRIBES A FREAK F. o. b. cars, Southern Orsgon, morning of March 5. North hound. Editor Clacier As previously stated, the long dark night of mv sorrowful escapades has passed and joy has come in the morning, according to promise. The Messed light of another day that I feared 1 would never see, is shedding its effulgent beams on the dew-spangled trees of dear old Oregon. Perhaps they ,ie tears of joy making glad the waste places, and making the wilderness to blossom as the rose. Be this as it may. " The face of all nature looks gay," and my tncrale has risen from zero to 90 in the shade. I became sociable and unite inter, .at- ed in one of our fellow passengers, he is not conspicuously attractive in ap pearance irom a lavman s standnoint of view. I think he said he wa fmm Mpoon river, though lrom what state ilon t remember. It miirht have Mm from the state of single blessedness. If he was to be i mitred on nntnta I think he would have scored a goose egg, for he was the bowleggedest gink I eer saw; looked like the wishbone of a Dodo; looked like he was spring ing to jump all the time, and to jump sideways, and in opposite directions all at once. I was solicitous for his welfare for a time fur I vn.. ..(,! if he committed sideways, as he threat ened to, he would part along the lines of least resistance ; i. e., along jelly spine ridtre, and sometimes known as scrabble joint heights. So when he assumed a jumping attitude, I made a wish and bet on the off side, but as he never jumped nothing came of it. If he hat! fullilled my conjecture he would have been a couple of monopeds, in stead of a spiral perambulating biped. 1 asked him how he got through the night. He said, ' Fine: didn't wake up until morning." For one hrief mo man 1 I envied him for what excellent shock absorbers he had. Our conversation naturally turned to the resources of the country we were passing through, He said fie had rela tives living here in the Willamette val ley and that hog raising was quite an industry, though at one time it was feared they would have to give it up. as they were dying off with soma un- Kiiown maiaoy. rimmy some unserv ing person noticed that most of the swine had mud balls about as large as the clapper of a pile driver hunirintr to their tails, and he came to the conclu sion that the burden was more than their souls could bear, so he decapitat ed the hog from his adjunct I lenient, the tail, and immediately the bog re' gained his long lost cheerfulness and be gan to convalesce. It was found that the weiuht of the mud hall s drew t lu skin of their bucks so tight they coul not closu. their eyes, and hence they had died Irom want of sleep. So everybody separated the caust from the elfect and now the industry is in a nourishing condition. A junk man bought up all the dehoirged tails he could get, but for what purpose it hiiH'never been definitely known. Hu mor was they were (hipping them to WOW orK slate to rick them up on t lit Hudson to make more palisades, au Hit old ones were cominir down with ner TOtM prostration from being stared at so much. Hut the most plausable theory was, they were sent to a paint factory to he made into nip-men) with which to whitewash lloir Island. We have been looking all day lor the man in gum boots with a long pule prodding around in the water trying to locate his well bo he could water "his stock, but have been unable to see him I think someone has been "stringing" us. I hate liars. Someone ought to catch them by the heel and jerk their neckties off. As our next stop is Portland, I am reminded that ere long we will be in Hood Kiver. famous as the home of the big led apple and the discoverer of the si ar spangled lizard. Mika Tillicum. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES (By Laura M. Folts) Mrs. Henney's (iiee club will put on the operetta, "Love Pirates of Ha waii,' Friday night. This is the an nual operetta and everyone havimr anything to do with it has been work ing bard at it for the last two months Reserved Feat tickets at Clarke's drug store. Better hurry, for they are go ing fast. Don't forget, Friday night. April Hi, at the auditorium, "l.ove Pirates of Hawaii. " Monday afternoon ended the tourna ment and the tournament party will he naiurnay evening, April 17. We sus pect it will be some party, for there baa been great excitement over the tournament. Huud Kiver high school base ball team will probably play with The Dalles next Friday afternoon if the boys can get back in time for the oper etta in the evening. Two new students have arrived from Woud Mr. I and Mr mi fire terestir in, Laura and Muriel Davis, "razier visited assembly Munday Overland spoke to the students prevention. It was h very in g talk and everyone enjoyed it. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge lor Examination The doctor in charge is a graduate in medicine and suT(rJ' and is licensed by the state of Washington. He visits professionally the more important n and exam expense of "Always at Your Service Phone 4231 First Natl Bank Bldg. i all'1'! th ination free, except the treatment when desired. According to his method ment he does not operate f appendicitis, tonsil.' or adeno He h i tu his credit many- results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nervts, ' heart, kidnev, bladder, bedwettirp, catarrh, weak lut g, rheumatism, sci atica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. I If you have been ailing for any 1 length of time ami d mil get any bet- j tcr, do not fail to call, as impr p r l measures rather than disease Cre very J often the cau'e of your long standing t rootle. j Remember above date, that cxamin-1 ation on this trip will he free and that his treatment is different. Addreaa : 3 Boston Block, Minne- a8-22 WHITE SALMON. The Woman's Club held its regular meeting Thursday, April I. at the home of Mrs. Silas Jensen. The ofl'ic ers fur the ensuing year were elected as follows: Mrs. C. N. Clark, pres. ; Mrs. F. S. Baker, first vice pres. ; Mrs. (iuv Crow, second vice-pres. ; Mrs. S H, Thomas, sec. ;Mrs. K. E. Mills, cor. fee. ; Mrs. A. Lauterbach, treas. ; Mrs. C. N Clark, press reporter; Mrs. R. lleaman, trustee. H. C. (ireene, of the Mount Adams Farm, near Hustim, returned from Portland Mondav, where he purchased two tine spans of mules for the big orchards. Mr. (ireene report that they are planting 12n Bosc tear trees this spriiig. makinir IS acres addition! orchard. The Mount Adams Farm al ready had 15,00(1 pear trees, mostly o'Anjous now bearing. Spraying of the big orchard static J last week. Jjst Little Mom's u.. U tl: . l , m mrs. v. mnf-neii, JUsl U8CK Irom a I visit with friends and relatives in I Washington, I). C, tells a joke on he r little daughter, Ruth Anna, aired i three. Mr. Winihell and the little girl were visiting a family ..f coiirins whose I surname is Bird. The family has three) daughter. One day Mrs. Wir.chell ad dressed the girls, saying: "Hello. Birdies." iiuth Anna was at once mystified. "Thev're rot birds, mother, they're girls." she protested. the si-ricv of the Palace Hotel, Port land, Oreg .n, Washington and Twelfth streets, is second to none. Convenient t i shopping and theatre districts, clean est rooms in city for 50 eta. and up. It Pays Better Than Ever Before None Our Prices on Retreading Tires : 30x8 Plain $ 9.45. 30x3ii Plain 11.75; Non-Skid $13.40 32x3 Plain 12.95; Non-Skid 15.75 32x4 Plain 16.35; Non-Skid 18.25 33x4 Plain 17.20; Non-Skid..... 19.20 34x4 Plain 17.50; Non-Skid 20.00 32x1-, Plain 21.90; Non-Skid 24.45 33x1', Plain 22.50; Non-Skid 25.15 31x4', Plain 23.40; Non-Skid 26.00 35x4', Plain 24.45; Non-Skid 27.25 35x5' Non-Skid 31.00 37x5 Non-Skid 32.00 (For Cord Tires add 10 to above prices) THE TIRE SHOP 214 Oak Street HOOD RIVER, OREGON Beauty-Comfort-Service The Three Graces of a Motor Car ALL ARE FOUND IN THE BRISCOE Model B-4-24 The most remarkable value in a day of remarkable values That is a fair characterization of this beautiful BRISCOE By all present, price Btaftdftrfla it would boa "best seller" at several hundred dollars more. Hut the Briscoe sales policy has always been to he satisfied with a moder ate profit on lartfe volume. Anil even though the public would undoubtedly be willing to pay a much higher price for Briscoe quality, we know that the maintenance of the present low figure will pay ten-fold in the addition of thousands of enthusiastic owners to the Briscoe family. E. U. CATE & CO. AGENTS FOR HOOD RIVER COUNTY 1015 TWELFTH ST. TEL. 3922 We Sell Ljenuine International Repairs Made For Tl L me By the International Harvester Company REPAIRS made for International implements and otht-r farm equipment by the Harvester Com pany arc t!ie only repairs made from the original patterns. All others are copied from copies, and in this roundabout reproduction they may lone in correct ness of shape, sharpness of detail, closeness in fitting, and quality of material. 1 htse repairs arc made for Deering, McCormick, Milwaukee, Titan and other International-made machines. Uenuine (Qj! Repairs Are Better in Quality Fit Better and Wear Longer The Harvester Company stand.; back of its machines. Be fair in the matter. Do IM t substitute imitation repairs for the genuine and rued Hedcrv .i i . Repairs made by other concerns ard marl ed 'Made for" or "Will fit", are not genuine I KC I p T hey often lack weight, are not always com . . . 'pe, are imperfectly finished, do not fit properly. 01 ar made of inferior material. Buy Genuine International Repairs for your International Farm Equipment. Beware of Any Other Kind! HOOD RIVER FRUIT CO.