The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 01, 1920, Image 2

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- 1 I "I"
AttlNl k l. MOB. I'ublKher
Subscription, 82.00 I'er Year.
M i l" HH-I
When subscribers delr m imnid in address
tbU office tnquld bt notified prom illy, and h
l before lfptMislhle. A1wh)-h mve old ad
dress H-ueli. tti 'ii.H. Also, llxod Kiver
abaerlberi Miouiil notify this office at once
when hmnrlnK tl.fli jcl tretiM from one rural
ronte to another, or Imm city delivery to
country delivery, or rtoa rersg, ir you do not
K.-i your paWI promptly, notify uh by mall or
li-pbonf and the matter will lie In vcHtlgRled,
Dlupliy advurtlnlim, per inch, traiiKleut rate
.'Sc. nU (ti nine and 41 centH for same adv.
hkrIii; OOQtrscI mtc, Brit time 20 cents and M
oanta for mine adv. Hifuln.
Local reading notice, Scents per line.
Classified Ada.-L'A cents lor one Insei Hon, 5
lines or m; lOcenti lor eacii additional I user,
tion ol sh in.' M.
The notice recently given by Sheriff
Johnson continue to stimulate sales of
dog licenses. Clerk Shoemaker reports
that 62 dogs of the county are now
legally at large.
Clipped Here and
I i r
Do not let a day pass now without
doing a little cleaning up around your
home. Get ready a flower garden. A
little paint here and there before June
will help to greet the Shrinera. Of
course, we think Hood River valley "a
little bit of heaven," and we want the
visiting Nobles to think the same. But
cleanliness is the first heavenly attri
Domestic life in the honies of aces of
the screen seems as unsettled as the
political situation in Ireland. Charles
Chaplin and wife are on the verge of
an up-heaval. Douglas Fairbanks and
Mary Fickford haying freed themselves
of their respective ex-spouses by the
divorce court, have just formed a wed
ding ring alliance.
A Republican
sweeping forward,
the crest of the
Herbert Hoover.
tide seems to be
and the man riding
wave appears to be
What are those
Democrats who have been so stalwart
ly boosting Mr. Hoover going to say?
Time remains for them to change their
registration and vote for him at the
May primaries.
From what the county clerk tells us
300 voters of this county, at least, need
to register. If you do not hurry it
will be too late. I'olitics haven't
warmed up much yet, but we'll wager
that yuu'll be in a voting mood by the
time of the primaries. Then, if you
haven't registered, you are going to
annoy six kind neighbors.
The members of the Game Protective
Association residing in the Lower val
ley plan an automobile junket to Park
dale next Wednesday evening. A bat
tery of 20 cars, loaded with sportsmen,
it is anticipated, will make the trip.
The Upper Valley men will tender
their visitors a banquet, a committee,
composed of J. F. Thompson. Ralph
Davies and Robert Leasure, having
been appointed to forage for food.
A new spring run of steelheads and
salmon trout began here last week antl
fishermen are again active. H. ().
Kresse caught two 15-inch salmon
trout Friday. li. B. Powell landed a
steelhead that measured .'S.r inches. In
landing the big fish Mr. Powell hooked
himself in the hand. But the wound
was not given any attention until the
steelhead was safe. Then Mr. Powell
found the.hook was so deeply imbedded
that he had to come to town and have
a physician remove it.
L. S. Bennett has become a:i enthus
iastic chicken fancier. He has just
received a batch of purebred White
Wyandotte chicks, for which he paid 50
cents a piece. His wife says he s
stung. But Mr. Bennett's neighbor l
take an interest, and he bids fair to
raise a fine flock. The other after
noon, according to a story told bv Mr
Bennett, a neighbor woman camejin to
see the newly arrived White Wyan
dottes. She related an incident of
when she kept chickens. An old hen
on leaving the nest with a hatch of
chicks, left one egg that seemed to re
quire a few more days of sitting. To
prevent it from being a loss she plact
the egg in her boBom, and in two days
a fine chicken was hatched.
Wenachee and Salem are planning on
apple blossom festivals. Hood River's
plans for the year are thwarted by
paving on the Highway. It does seem
that the paving work progressed at a
snail's pace last fall. We hope the
Commercial club's activity will stimu
late the contractors to action.
worry over some I
that blow up the
casionally at this
local people who
of the stiff winds
Columbia gorge oc
season. When they
think of complaining just let them con
template the wake of the cyclone back
in Illinois and Indiana Sunday.
Some enterprising orchardist might
have made a fortune f he had just
thought of planting a (Mark Seedling
strawberry nursery last year. Every
body is trying to buy the plants but
none are to be had.
One thing seems assured Hood Riv
er county taxpayers, if they are going
to have to bear a lart;e share of the
expense of the proposed trunk road,
must have more of a share in its loac
tion. The OragWllan passes us this little
compliment: "Hood River oK!tis the
aeason with $-11,000 for a new school
building, setting the pace for the
Pay your taxes. They may seem
high, but if you will stop antl figure
them out you will find that taxes have
made less advance in the past few
years than anything else.
"Jiggs," a half dog half coyote ani
mal belonging to H. W. Whitely, of
Dee, has won the reputation of being
the swiftest being in the Hood River
valley. Frequently when Mr. Whitely
motors to ndod River the dog will ract
the 12-mile distance beside the car. H
will stop in the more remote sections
to chase tligger squirrels and clOMr in
towartls town will halt a moment a
the car whi.zes along to exchange
greetings with strange dogs. Hut over
taking his master s machine is no trick
at all. The little trip to town doesn't
seem to tire the dog in the least.
Jiggs is a faithful watchdog antl
when night comes, neighbors say, no
stranger dares enter the Whitely yard
without permission of the hybrid
beast's master.
Oregon Students Luncheon
There will be a luncheon held at The
Pheasant today at 1 p. m., when all
students, former students and gradu
ates of the University of Oregon are
requestetl to attend. Besides having
an informal reunion some Important
matters of student affairs will be
brought up anil the committee wants a
good attendance. Notices have boM
sent out. but if the mail fails to ar
rive, those reading this notice will
please be present. Subscription to tin
luncheon is 60 cents per plate.
The graduates and students will ar
range for entertaining the (Wee Club
Saturday. The visiting singers will he
taken for an automobile tour of the
valley Saturtlay afternoon.
Compton dels Decree
.ludge Geo. W. Stapleton, of Port
land, here three weeks ago to hear the
divorce case of C. B. Compton vs. Mrs.
Kllen M. (Compton, has given the plain
tiff the decree. Mrs. Compton hied a
cross bill, asking for the divorce. In
his summing up of the case Judge BU
pleton states that Mrs. Compton
claims tt) her husband and her testi
mony that she was born in 1886 art
contraverted by testimony of the plain
tiff that she was born in 1875. Mrs.
Compton is a native of Ireland, and a
certified cony of her naturalization pa
pers, introduced by Mr. Compton. gave
the year of her birth as 1H75.
J. E Montgomery, who was one of
the livest of Marshficd'l live wires be
fore he entered the service, is back in
the harne-s as chairman of the public
ity committee of the Marsh fled Cham
ber of Commerce. A man like Mont
gomery is a big asset to any commun
ity. Oregon Voter.
The subject under discussion former
ly lived here. The Voter is right.
"The fireside story of the Oregon
country," is "The Pioneer Campfire, "
a highly interesting story of the Ore
gon country by Rev. (. W. Kennedy,
himself a pioneer of Was. Ihe sub
heading reads. "Around the campfire
with emigrants on the great plains,
with the settlers in the log cabin
honies, with the hunters arid miners,
with the preachers on the trails, at
camp meeting and in the log cabins,"
antl the book is replete with anecdotes,
adventures and reminiscences. The
Oregon trail, or the "Old Emigrant
Trail," as it should, be called, says
the author, plays, of course, an im
portant part in the narrative, and its
interesting history is told. JTransla
tions of many of the Indian names of
the state are furnished, and the vol
ume is illustrated with pen-and-ink
sketches of pioneer days and photo
graphs of scenic interest. The Pioneer
Campfire will prove a useful compen
dium of information for Oregonians as
well as furnishing interesting reading
to the public, Portland Spectator.
Oar display of spring hats was never before more
complete than now. Becoming styles, trimmed and
ready for you to put on and wear. Dozens of the
newest styles, designed and trimmed by the best
artists in the millinery profession. You must see
them to appreciate the completeness of our display
this spring.
Misses' Hats for Girls, 9 to 16 yrs. Tailored hats
with ribbon bands, or streamers, fancy straw hats in
bright and dark colors, turbans, poke hats, and
sport hats. You'll find our prices the lowest.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Hood River County.
E. A. linker, Plaintiff, vs. W. Mar
gulis, Ida Margulis, Clarke County
Iron Works, u corporation, Frank Corr
and Emma T. Corr, Defendants.
To Frank Corr and Emma T. Corr,
of the abflve named defendants:
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint in the above entitled Court and
Cause, on or before six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this
summons, to wit: tin or before the
14th day of .May, P.120; and if you fail
so to appear and answer said complaint
a decree will be taken against you for
Ihe relief prayed for in said complaint,
to wit: ror a decree of said court for
ever barring and foreclosing all the
right, title and interest of you and
each of you In and to the northwest
quarter of the northwest quarter of
Section 11, in Township I North.
Rang.- 10 East of the Willamette Mer
idian, and declaring said right, title or
interest, if any you or either of you
have, to be inferior in point of time
and subsequent to the lien of that cer
tain mortgage executed by E. A. Rak
er and Adelaide C. Baker to Eva Hill
strom, dated the 28rd day of March
1910, antl recorded on the 21th dav of
March. L910, in the of lice of the Coun
ty IJ rk of Hood River County, Ore
gon, in Volume 4 at Page 64 of the
Records of Mortgages of saitl Countv.
i'his summons is set veil upon vou and
each of you by publication thereof in
UK 'loot! River Glacier, a weekly
newspaper printed and published at
Hood kiver, Oregon, for six successive
weeks, the date of the first publication
thereof being the 1st dav of Atiril.
920, pursuant to an order of the Hon.
L. N. Blowers, County Judge of Hood
River Countv, Oregon, made and en
tered on the 1st day of April. 1920.
A. J, Derby,
almlli Attorney for Plaintiff.
A big assortment for you to choose from, Blazier
Jackets, plain and fancy sweater jackets -fish tail,
ruffed tail and slip on styles. See the display we
have in our suit department. We know you'll admire
these new styles.
A big assortment for you to choose from, in
Georgette, Crepe De Chine and Voils.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits For Men
Are stylish They're all-wool; the tailoring is of
the best quality; and' these are the things that give
service. You don't want to buy any more clothes
than you have to; so we don't want to sell you any
more than you positively need; clothes cost money so
don't be reckless with them.
We guarantee these suits to give you perfect
satisfaction in every way. You take no chances
when you buy Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits.
A dandy lot of new patterns and fabrics, in band
collars and with collars attached.
All the new colorings in the latest styles. A big
assortment for you to cnoose from.
Of Georgette Crepe, Taffeta, Tricotine Jersey,
and "Serge, made up in the season's newest styles.
Let us show you these new models. 2nd floor.
I oi Hale-A Biiiiill sawmill.
Up, Hood Klver, Ore.
Hee J. It Phi -
Por Hal Kiri for setting from purebrec
tin le comb Rhode Inland Rcdx, from trap
nested Mock, at I W for a netting of 15. Also
on, concern from KMiie mock. 11, - M
W II. llorcy. inlSlI
tor Male Oregon "d Kliode Pland Red I
'-K.- lor Helt.lijK, HI lor a Hcttinn ol Ifi. Wanted
to hay nit AMoqa rooater. Tel. atu. al
I or Sale Setting-- of Iturred iloelc and
W i He Wyandotte euuH, KL'.M) per 15. Day oi l
ebleki, 2b cent web, daring April, latw
ii red Book cockerel, IB each. Mra K. j.
Nit liolHon., Hood Klver, Ore. R8U
I' or Hale 14 lot In east half of bloek 2, of
II" " I Kiver, between Hazel and Enron
Slice's win, heHiililul lew of tire Uoliiinbl i
tin I cannot lie obstructed. Can be bought on
eay term, adpi.v to A. H Onthank. liltf
I or HaJa flf wood, partly dry, 1H Inch BJ 00
I Oord delivered; i font, 11100. Wreckage
wood, dry aud good lor kindling. PboneH754
O. A. Downey. J22tf
I 'll Sale -320
MM, lie Valley.
II I Klver.
Acrea of unimproved land in
KM. I.
lnUtre, K Wreun
I or Sale A good cow. also good single and
dOUb I barMH, Tel. mtj. nUtf
H'.'t riale-cbeap. 85 acres Hood Klver land.
Terms If desired Kor particulars write, A. H.
Knitgensack., 1065 .Hit Ave . Cedar,
lowi. myffl
Kor Hale-,'I0 acres of land, alsowln-at and
all'iilia hay and wheal stiaw, also a corn
tbeiler, PnoaaHM. fK'if
Kor Hale One heav. (cam of work homes, 8
and li years old, wl about HiMi eaeb.sound and
true In every way. See Hartshorn at Hihi(
er Oarage, Tel. nil Jl5tf
For Sale Heeoml hand auto pari.
Oarage, phone Hlftl.
No, March is not K""K "Ut likg a
lion. Tbi Malta haa a truer BmHt k if
v.e cay iabCtooifa liRcr. The snow
fall Might haw- waited a day and pre
sented a fine April fool incident.
Now that the l.eairue of nations and
peace treaty ia temporarily killed, ex
perts arc utilizing their idle moment s
in tailing just how it all happened.
Unless we permit their solicitors to
cati-h us napping, we need have no
fear of the Non-I'artisan I . urn. in
ilissl Kiver.
We hope they catch some of the
flower thieves. Such petty criminals
deserve heavy punishment.
llannum lipper Valley Choice
At a caucus of Upper Valley citiMM
held Saturday at i'arkdale for lacar
taininir the choice of residents of thnl
district for a candidate for countv com
tut: .loner at the approaching primaries,
J. o. llannum. Ka publican Incumbent
was named. Of the 6t citizens, present
Mr. llannum received 2i votes. Other
votes were as follows: M. O. Hoe. 1
votes; Major Chan. Steinhauser. 4, and
w. A. I.aiiLOlle, 1. Mr. Laneille wai
not present.
iluod Kiver (lean and lieautiful
The first week in April is to lie clean
up week. May we not each and even
citizen of Hood kiver make a special
effort to clean his premises of all ruh
hish and by so doing make our town
the cleanest and most sanitary in the
Let ns begin now to beautify our
grounds. I'lant window Itoxes and
pgfcfe DOXea. This will aid very ma
terially in making Hood River beaut i
ful and attractive to many tourists who
will visit here this summer.
Woman's Club Civic Committee.
Appointment or Administrator
in the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Hood River County,
In the matter of Ihe KstHte of Eliza
beth Cooper Qragory, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has boon appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Klizalielh t'oop-
er Qragory, deceased, by the County
Court of Hood River Countv, Oregon,
and that all persons having claim:!
against said estate are required to
present the same, duly erilieil accord
mg to law, to the undersigned at the
office of A. J, Derby, Fust National
Hunk Ituilding. Hood River. Oregon,
within six months from the date of the
first publication of this notice.
W. L. (iregory,
la'2! Administrator.
I-,. i Sale -A number of good vacant bouses
ChII A. K. Htianahan at the fashion Stable.
Tel. tm, hint
l or Hale-Tim e ipiatlers of a block between
61 1 mill 71b and May and June sir., 27U feet on
Ha si., ;iUQ,oti 7th St., sldewslK In lUasM
graded. tlv room bungalow, one room cot
tutie. sheds, oali Iiees. fine views, close to
high school. Ai.'a whole, or will subdivide
It, ,.- mnble term. Make oiler to owner, Mrs.
II It. I.angille, lbS Durant Ave.. Berkeley,
i ahiorefce. - MU
Kor Hale-Ideal grader,
'iner moved away, C.
used one season.
N. Kavltii phone
Kor Sale :iil acres of tne best unimproved
trail hind In i lie MoMer district. Write tor
mi 'rnianoii, then make iiic your cash prop
Irlvi i
Hale one M0 (IMP) i 1,1 rhnvrnlet,
i .i'.nm miles M . ti ,i, ..,!,. t
Klve good fires - new. IVmiim ulve'n. Plmne
-.' 1
The old i'ark street school may eml
in an apartment house.
Te have one hope- that
will not last long.
Have you
bought our Faster over-
vVho the di uce vtrote a spring poem''
Boy, page Mr. Cupid.
Cram Shows Hat Forms
One of the most interestine displays
recently seenwas at the Cram store
last week, when a large numlier of
Hardeman hata in different stages of
manufacture were shown. The Harde
man Hat Co., i... aied at Seattle, is be
! coming one Of the largest roast manu
I facturing , concerns. The exhibition
! gave the layman an idea of how the
' raw fur of Australian rabbits and
other animals is turned into felt, grad
1 uall shrunken and made into handsome
headgear for men.
Kor Hale tine single borne walking pi w
rme portable power ipraj rig and taimV ,ue
cook stove, forty straviiiiin cioilera 1'boue
4, ;,K
f or Sal.
. and s yeins o
ilounie, phone or
I llle span burses,
ld, can lr
write A
Weight 11.41 each.
used single or
BUMM i at iide
A. BretS, 117 W. Trail Hi., Jackson,
hoi' Hah Light team and harness, II 76;
li inns, almost new; two row corn planter
Sunanaaker grader, old stvle. l.ava Hed
UreoardCo., i'arkdale, or. deeUH, niehtu
ful Bale VOBBg horses Dry 16 In. first
gin" ill tlr wood, ail per cord In (""(! lots.
I i .. I a-i. i n I Iregou wheal bay, (it pel
Ion al the yard If taken ,, II I he car a lower
pi ice will be made. One Hludetiaker Hix, 7
pamenger car In fine condition Will taken
-in i I rear in trade. Nice two year old J i
e milk cow, (lift. Hhelley wood yard, phone
li I corner First and Htate. mlllf
J.,,,- Hale- The leading varieties of apple,
peach pear and plum trees, one and two
vearsolil Als., asparagus plants, stock not
treated K. A. Maasee. I,,: ut
l"r Sale Single Couth Khode Island Ked
batching eggs fraca heavy laying, uniform In
OOlor, ebeolutely purebred slock. No moiiey
ipared In bnyfng foundation Mock. Avalon
Poultry Kanii, snerman J. Frank, phone ,ius
quarter mile west from ball park. nilstf
H anted To niiy a good row.
1'bnne i "in I
Km sale stii'lehakci si cylinder, seven
pass, nuei mining rn in fine ciutltlnn JJ
be ad better, Ifjo Taylor tM.
Bale- i 'bickering
bone Hne,
mi i r
owner niov
hoi Hale Strawberr plants Tel CM, as
Kor Sale t room house and large ps hi tree
large wood house, liglda an-t water, sew.-i'
connections 1 nice ,,is, glided street and
sidewalk. Iixpiliell (J. Delta, tel gift sltf
rot sub- ktaetaeaCieoker, latest BMxtel, oete
compartment, complete with aluminum
cooking vessels A I cuidltion I, lection,.
Udell M ms
f-or Hale I -Passenger ford cr. I M.ers
spray machine, I llardle spi naehlM
ll Amricin trucks hunts, trucks, ivm
lro e Oarage.
1 1 act, .is fsMO (HI plUe
IV I It i HaMdsim. 47fl.
Kor Sale
I , a eg
wlilte egg,
Klver, Or,
re reared
lor setting, f- "
II. T. Kegnell,
J. M. Taylor.
Itcgtstcr !
Prrtipilalicn Urlcom
For an hour
weather ts h ,
lUuck the lot
of enow form
than b half
vailed during
With rainf
the aeaaon, (
Tuesday afternoon the
n a mid wee tern inten
jr a western gale, a
mixed rain ard eleet
valley. New blanketa
- the fisithilla. More j
h of precipitation pre-
-till below normal for
ardists welcomed the
Hotr Thwves Are Art it e
llice are receiving complainta from
resident against activities of Mower
thieves. Karelv a night pastes that
tomebody's flower lieda are not raided
ne ol" the moat flagrant rases re
ported occurred Monday night when
the hyacinth and daffodil beds at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. I.. Johnson,
masses of perfumed bloom a, were aept
clean. Both Mr. and Mr. Johneon. an
aged couple, ire ill in bed, ami their
loss is feit acutely.
St Man's r aster Sen it t -
feature of
colol, ill e k Mm
l for IS The big
M I'. N li,,.i
, tea yean old
and gentle; one
' share plow.
Telephone is.t
t to business
:ih. n ilance
aneaa, turuare
i nnt by the
!d Apidy to
W oiled Housekeeper, middle age for small
bo lae sul family of three Must heclcunand
to. .t plain c,s,k Wages, SB.MI per month
V.i liess I' li Sinclair, ltonnevllle. Ore. al
Wanted An ex nerleiieed man In orchard
work, pruning, spraying, harvesting, etc
Will pat g,.,,,i salary, and give Interest 111 the
yield, also furnish house and fuel. Address
1. -no I'arkdale, Ore. I'elephoti e Odell
Baa, au
iinteii A woman or girl for light house .
wiii k. call 1 ,vt. or address HOi state. al
Wanted A gisid drag
i. ue citsti price
l)e ill
Ml. HisMt
in Eta si ron
reply O. M.
Wanted I ,, rent n or 7 room house, or lease
i i" a, ie lancll w llll gisxl House, not larlliei
out i, ,ii ,,ne and a half milts from town I el
tst l or IP . i Kiver. al
Wanted A
mail to work on
farm. J. 1
in: ill
Wanted- To buy yoor used tui nttiire, stoves
nun nigs , Hsn or new gisaia in exelisngi
K. 4. Kranx t o. eJMi
wanted A married man aud family to
woi k on Irult ranrh by inontb, or year, atat
i i m-e and wages expected. Address U.
rare tilarler. mlllf
for Hale
I'hom M ,v
A used rar.
--I -' umng order.
in itf
rliing KggC tt
nd P
i' .
W annsl To lease 111 to SO arree of bearing
orrhHid, with the option of tmytng. Have
e.iiipment, V M. Kdwsrds.. Rid No. 2 mlllf
1 Os i
pair o noeeglasea, and selfwind
ing ri, in, tietw. , . r- ii and cem -tiv
1,1 Mrs. T K. Johneon, 5Sls. at j
Lost - h! ween town and Van Ho n. parrel
rsmtalulng ball white yarn, and beny s
sweater Phone 4s. at
lost Hmrk suede strop with monogram.
i. m-iiiraiii iiisiii-i omce at
lost one dog near Wyeth Ore
sine of
Mrs. Sallenhath Boried
The body of Mrs. A. C Sallenbach.
wife of an t'piier Valley orchardist,
who died week before last, was taken to
Portland last Saturday. Interment oc
curred at Riverview -emetery.
Speetal music will be
the Easter services at St. Mary
Catholic church. The chotrbaa mail
partirular i reparations. Rev. Max
milian says, for the high mass at MJ
.o'clock. Low mass will be held st
Dsveuport.o ' ' lulHtf
For Kale-A Jrrsev i-ow. coming 4 year old. I r
id fresh in S weeks. Ver ru-h no k t su vc
seen at Isth at. J. J. Was ley, phone I oc
tor ale- Fresh Ijjg Keep Put down vour I -gs
t..r, re, ywr ,T, i, Kut n t lie eggs
Fofrz.z rir.r'rTi
raper almost n w, tin. (era. T. Prattler.
PP. 4, llcod K:v. r. Ore. at an
Ftar Bale Anroua ivo tor srtting. Ph,o wl
It al
ners and stteer herder
c wanted on .ny holdings but
l'n using Bay property tor
i at ft per day per sheep, and
h,ep thereon ts the aeasrptanre
e terms. Yoo are warned that
n ,at for nvlenu and sheep
Albert Tosler. at
mush too an estimate of yoor
pair too. x erj i
' arde Uarage. the
oier offlee.
1 b printing at the tila-
nng - Player plan... repwlrtnc and
Work gnaraateed Hhooe IJI1
stadei. care Haws French Plsno
Note These Essex
The ESSEX is easy to operate. Driving does not fatigue. Its
smooth, restful comfort in motion, no less than handling ease, accounts for
That is another reason why so many women are counted among ESSEX
owners. They appreciate its safety, too. Its controls are simple and
instantaneous. It makes fast time, with security, even in difficult
traffic conditions.
ESSEX won its recognition on the issue of finest quality, without
useless weight or size. a
That issue is uppermost today. For nimblenesSS, convenience in
crowded traffic and economy of upkeep and operation are more important
now than ever.
With the ESSEX you sacrifice no pleasure, comfort or performance
ability that the large, high-priced car can give. Match its speed, power
and riding ease with any.
Judge if ESSEX lacks any essential, either of comfort, fineness of fin
ish, structural care, or distinction in performance, that the big cars of
higher price range can give.
It is comparable to no other light car. And for a car that might give
you the speed, power and endurance of the ESSEX, you must pay far
more. Nor would you, even then, get the ESSEX advantages of low up
keep, tire and gasoline economy, which result from its light weight.
You will take pride in your ESSEX from the first. Its good looks, its
completeness of detail and finish, its quiet luxury, give it distinction every
where. And time and use will increase your esteem and respect for it.
You will come to count on its dependability with the confidence that has
never been dissappointed. It requires little attention. You are not
repeatedly deprived of its use. You learn to expect the ESSEX to be on
duty, ready for any demands you may make.
To Be Sure of an Essex
You Must Order Now
It L-
At 0EWITT MOTOR CO. until our new building is completed.
Inter-Church World Movement
April 7 th, 1920
9:30 a. m., 2:00 and 7:30 p. m.
All Are Invited.