HOOD KIVER, OREGON, THOIWDAY, XV ML 1, 1920 VOL. XXXI - - a seaeeaaeai s eeeejaeM aMtBeeeeeeeeeeaaa s saaeesaeaes Heritage of Happiness EASTER morninj? all mankind steps forth light hearted, ruddy faced, with sparkling eyes. Cares and worries are forgotten in the radiant beauty of spring weather. What matter if an occasional shower of raindrops comes, the long golden hoard of summer sunshine is safe in store a free heritage of happiness for the ben efit of every living thing. Whoever forms an affiliation with an Institution Jike ours is subscribing to another kind of hap pinessthe happiness of financial independence the prestige of right amoeiation. Courtesy, responsibility and everything that spells satisfaction in a- banking connection await you here. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOOD RIVER, OREGON mEr aBBSBSSJHBSSJJMBBKSBaaBESBSBHMHBHflHME I TttiS IS THE TINE Dye That Straw Hat I I WE HAVE THE DYES I . Colorite Vogue Okay's j I WE HAVE ALL COLORS I Kresse Drug Company I j 1 7 QmnaJUL Start I II Come at and hear the Latest March Record j FOSTER GIVES LEAGUE FACTS REO .1 Rocco to the mat with a straight r l to the jaw. Rocco took the full eour of njoe and when he got to bin feet ru met by a volley of .lefta and rights the made the gong a weleoeae to the ft j1 ian as a platter of spaghetti. He n r bark strong, however, and earned vat d limit bv fiirhtina Rvan off his FOSTER ADDRESSES ORCBMILSTS,inhecioringwyiida. i jimmy uu:iv, or nnerann, Nou-Par(isan Oi ZMZulm foaibatti Nan Mo lias Observed Working of the Poliiicil Regime 1- vt t) 0 EASTER TIME IS DRESS UP TIME We can show you at this time the NEW In Easter SUITS HATS SHIRTS SHOES . SOCKS NECKTIES Everything that a well-dressed man wants to wear J. G. VOGT Nationally Known Merchandise , MORTGAGE LOANS Our country is daily recovering from the effect of the war and now that the necessity for strict economy is lessened, our people are turning their attention to the further development and improvement of the galley. After the next distribution of apple returns, we will have customers with funds available for long time investment and will be glad to receive applications for first mortgage loans on income producing property. We will also appreciate having those who have funds to invest, list the amounts with us. BUTLER BANKING COMPANY Member Federal Reserve System MS SEEDS In addition to ordinary Package Seeds, we have a full line of Grass and Vegetable Seeds in Bulk We are in a position to quote close prices for quantity lots. SEE US For Efficiency and Convenience LaaBjaajJBSjHflksjBBjBjBa 1 THE "FRIEND" SPRAY GUN Order your Friend" Sprayer Now PRICES WILL ADVANCE SOON Come to us for all your Spray requirements. Arthur Foster, rancher of Ciyde S D , wlA addressed orchardleia at . Piee Cirovo jr-angr halt Mo day.wa Widens o tho district to he vr b alert fur representative" f the Hon Partisan league. Xir Fo;;lcr, who 'gave data on results from the ti fcrtifan regime in nor in lSKojafJJ - on persona) observation declarer! solicitors lor th oranualion greesed through districts semi-secr They never begin their ra.npa of publicity " said Mr. roster. "un; I : thev have ma -la Iheir danvMatwa have sec-used the $S dues i i Ueml When they get the nvmjy, tba begin to baa t of their sue esrjes. J J keep vour money in your pocket a d tho Non Partisan League will eeas its solictude about vou. 1 urge that U-penale have two or three reuveit ' tive farmeis in every community 1 i in touch with activities in their tricts, and the initait a move is I for Non-Partisan organizing, the i will be well f OR. you to net busy." . Mr. Foster delivered his ad:ires u -der aopfices of the Hood River Goi Taxpayers' League, an a.ililiatio; the Siete Taxpayers' League an ganizel ti combat the Ndh-I'ait .:. I,ei.g;..: and its Oregon alliance, United Land and Labor pa ty. Mr. foster declared that the COU at large had beard much of t lie t Bank of North Dakota. Ho cited Stations that prohibited soy exair, lion of it. Ml that the general pi i c may know of ihe ba.ik's Condition, d Mr. Foster, must be accepted i . statements of the director general Mr. Foster explained why the I examiners closed the S.-ardina . rf)i Bank at Fargo. The laws of the s j he said, limit loans to individual or coporation? to 15 per cent of the i tal stock and eurpltis. a suoj of appmx imately $60,000 at the North )v. . lb institution. "The examiners," however," aid Mr. Foster, "found that the bank u loaned about $709,000 to the Li j, u and allied organ tfations, taking ii e cuiity about Sfl.OOO.OtlO of postd ed checks. The supreme court of the . t of North Dakpta, a Non-Partisan I has inled that such cheftk are re.? ; bje poper and proper collateral. , do your bankers think of such seta. v. V. More recently, however, by announcing a reorganization, those in charge 61 th bank, by stating that it can be polled ut of Uie mud. admit that it has bvti in a bad way. Mr. Foster ouliineo the histor Of the Non Parti.fan League; how it g natoU through .frnbition vt pol..i. c when gr.ain ramthara of the at at e- anie dUsstitsiiuii with mtthoda of i id ing wheat. He s .id that farmer'- -re- izing that they were being Piikf: uy the men hiehei uu in the manacen.i-i.t ot the Loouue, were irradually drop n away from it In Noith Dakota. ASSOCIATION TO ELECT SATDRD given a dacisicn ac me ena oi r unds of sluw and uninteresting ing over Kid Herman, stvled new h chumpion of Portland. He a doubt a better iJW!.bjy thin boxer. Referee Mickey Kelly slopped th Hicks H It to in the rtcond lound. a ter Hicka hari hit Holt with everjtio but the v.i.te, bucket. EXCHANGE RAy.Y CHEERS 0HCBARDI? r News Sat t rday of he rally in U -icr ' exchange is creCring to (o'-al otc. ardists who have shipped Newtown England. "With the pound baek to S3 0o oi t change, our growers will net 51.05 i their apples." .'aid Walter Woolpert f Dun Wuille ft C . "As we have sbii.;- I only the smaller sie, this figure ivi i better than domestic sales or :r same quality." tar. Woolpert slated that his cense- ad for the most part onfj ili n-,1 j grides a follows: Crrade, 125- : 1 mailer: fancv, JoOa and smeller, n l extra fancy, J63s and smaHer. Hood River Spray Company Phone 2421 PINE GROVE STORE A. F. BICHFORD, Prop. For Sale A 4 room house in Winsns Addition near Lovers Lane for sale at $000.00. The lot is 60x160. Here is a chance for someone with a little money to get a home and pay the balance on monthly payments. R. E. SCOTT Agent 0 We have taken the Agency for the SAMSON TRACTOR and expect a shipment in about THIS WEEK . THE LIBERTY Presents The Mighty Elmo Lincoln, In "Elmo, the Mighty A wonderful 15 episode Serial that will start Friday & Saturday, April 2 & 3 The Heights Garage J. F. VOLSTORFF, Manager CORNER OF TWELFTH AND C STR&TS Telephone 3151 T.N.T. HAS ARRIVED FROM BREMERTo:. Following a vigorous fcmHign launched bv Judge Blower?, a kit r va reeeivei! last week from tiie S c Uiphway Commission anncurfrirR i hipmtnt of uo,onu pounds or 1. n. . rom Biemuitbn. Wah., to he ue. local road construction. The cllotn . nt f the powder hy the (jovernmcnt v.il we the county ia.ZtO. Jheh'pheM iloRlve has heen stored in the ol 1 ( McDonald powder house we3t of the It. . twee mowers, alter numerous red ape delays in getting the powder tartcd, wrote to ltenresentativ.j fi! itt and other members of the Oa ron lelegatiois aakine that investigatio; bt nsilH'and action taken before tunc i r oad buildinc airived. Judge Blov i rn leclared that some beasrecrat musi offering from chronic inertia. GEO. L DAVIS BUYS GALLIGAN RANCH The annual election of directo the Apple tirowcrs Association w;l held SalurJay, whorl growers Will vote on three amendment!! to the laws of tho agency. One- of amendments provides for an ann harge of Irom one t live oer.li pacKajre Banolea tor raiJi.i;; a oui! md eiimpmciit Juno. 11 k propo' amend anotlier of the by-laws in manner as to permit the non- fharing (ooperntive organization U ape feilern! taxation. Nominations for tho directorate . hetn made aa follows: A. f. Bj ford, E. W. Birge. A. J. Graff. J. Guttery. J. H. Jeifrey, I, R. N maker, U. b. Mye, J. t; fort.er, A Staten, all members of the old b. and C. K. Benton, D. L. Kierson, ! . Mclsaac, Roy D. hmith, Frank . wick, Amr. Guijrnard adn C. E. Mi tosh. t oi . it 38 a e ick- D. na C j ! J n In GIBSON SALARY BILL IS BEING INITIATE On receipt of a notification from At tornev General Brown that salarie ol counLits mav be adiur-ted by voie o their recpe."tive electors, citizens o Hood Kiver are initiating a bill lor in creasing the salary of County B hoc Superintendent lib?on to jfr.WK) nei annum. The question, it is stated may be brounht betoro the eledwr by initi ative petition or ty a en: I from thi county court. The sentiment for ai increase in Mr. Gibson's salary is gen eral, the initiative petitun receiving signature from all parts of the oun tv. Those circulating the documan found cupport. o the proposed measure practically unanimous. The opinion ot the altorppy g::ier.-i was asked because of tho futility ut ar initiative bill in 1914 fostered, b ill grangt-rs of the district for an adiisl ment of various county salaries. In bill then adopted wrs declared invali bv the Supreme touit. An enalilin act DBised bv the 191'J legislature, ue wording to Mr. Brown, makes tatar adjustment by vote ot counties po? stole. MANY SEE LEGION'S '. FIRST FISTIC BUIjT: The Liberty theatre, chart -: fi the event bv the American 1 a o Post, was ciowJed Ti u fday ;o'.h; fr. the first official boxing bouts eer he1 here. Three "matches were fou-:h The poccess of the rounds will re- I ii other boxing contests, it is sa d. While bi th sexes wore invited o a tend the contests but a single vm braved the show. OIIicial ers Micky Kelly, referee; Earl Wobei hi r-ouicer. and Joa M. Johnsen, timr keeper. In the main event BiU Ryan end Chick Rocco went eight rounds to a draw. Ryan had all the better f the first three rounds and in the ucoi d pi t RD MARCH SNOW PREVAILS FARMERS WELCOME PRBClPKATiO i Snow Piled in tb FoofhiHi Vitot Forni b Sloisfurt: Tliroafih ihe Summer Berrt Cicp Cictfiud With Um BUM EC by tho ;;nusual lo v temperatuxej last to.-ember, the de ments - ontinM to break oil precedrr:. in tfn mki-Cofumfais, aid je teriry .morniiT' Mtidente ar.-se te find Ida i ket of snow ranging from four to fr e in"hedep. In the hinterland for k hills it i" estimhlod that a foot of ne v row n-u.t have fallen, and while tl o i now flurry temporarily ended orcho, d 'uik ;d numerous conf tract ion pr i je Is, the precipitation is welc ir.cd i y fruit fr rowers. The deep snowhanl ptli r up in the forested area of hi?hor elevation -.7111 mean, it is said, h steady wcter supply throughout the "eaatVh, The snow, most of which slowly n.elteJ as it fell, will till the ?ai th and strawberry growers declare it indea-,e- a tine strawberry crop. S. F. hlythc f.ivs he has never wn so deep a snow on the lower levels at any tune in March during the past U '.ear;. It 8'ts a new record. Fays Mr. Rlythe. "While it is net infrequent for as1 to have snows on the higher alti tudes surrounding the valley, thcsr.ows rarely ever stick on the lower leveW. Our rr nth of deep fnows in the pm-t ha b;c i Fet.raarv. In we had live feot of sn-w in February." Tli r..iow blanket extfiiir'c l to the very water's edge of the Columbia. Ihe mew wai 15 inches ncep in Hie foi-e-ts of the snnthwcern paTt of tho ;:nt; nd the Oregon Ivimner fjo. has en forco.l to close its Lee mill. Tu ck lriie ors. wr.a nave poa.' r.-u oxner CM' ly plants up', say the sno.v blanket will cfcuse no damage. The larpest cash consideration f jcal orchard nla-e reported in ears was paid last Friday when Davis, Hoouiam, Wash., ret umfter! n:r ate, b iiight fror G". 'alligan his 40-ocre East Siiie'r. or a consideration of $30 000. Davis' two sons, Ha'olri and Cec nnnoun td by C. N. Ravlin, matie vne sine win come nere ana barge of -the place, ihe formi enti v 8 ;ld a 40-ac-re orrharj pla:. he Yakima district. The latter s in ovesscss veieran, naving pai noted with the 91st Division in the Ar- ronne Forest. The Galligan place is known a: ne if the must desirable valley ore ir.i oraes. While the larger portion :s in learing coir.mer-ial apples and v np irs. a na.t or the rahch is devotr-1 t jeneral farming. Ir. is eqiuppetl n cmmouii.'up if.suence alio line i " i buildings. T .Mr. I, it vho ike re in il is ici MH CONFERENCE HERE WEDNESi) ; r in! A team of five prominent Oi- ministers will he hsre WeJnesiay. ft , to participate in the Hood River ountv conference of all Protestant de nominations held for the promoti', i of he Interehurch movement. Dr. M Ai- veen, ot the f irst fresnytnan en rc f Portland, will be one ot thepiini ipul l't rtr.rio. Toe conterence will la?t inroog iont ihe dny, and stereopticon slides wi 1 be used in showing the social side of the need of church expansion. Slides will how rural needs lor the church A survey of Hood River county has heer. under way. and it is liKeiy mat ome of the program will be devotee to showing local needs. FRIENDS TO HANDLE SINNOTT CAMPAIGN Representative Kinnott, celled frrs.n Wa ni'itjton to attend the funeral of hi brother. Ro;er B. Sinnott, la t v.etk nn his return to Wa-WngtrUJ stated that he wr.u Id leave his campaign fcr nom ir.ation on the Republican tlftjet to succeed himelf in the hand of friend''. He sayi that rnngrrfs probably will keep In session until lime. Mr. Sinnott engineered mi put through in tho face of strong opposi tion the oil-leasing bill, which will bring miltior.8 of dollars into lha recla mation fund, thus providing mo ey for reclamation development on an exten sive program. Aa chairman of the hodVe e.mrnittee on public lnd, a (omnvtfse of esperisl itnportene.'. to Oregon; he held cut for months vnUl the oil I'jUMng bill contained the terms he wfinted. Discussing the soldiers' prefercrtial riglit i.i the Oreaon & California land grant lands in Oregon, Mr. Sinnott, who put the bill through the houie. ays that these Oregon lands were not particularly in mind when tho hill was passed ; that what the bill doea is to aive tho soldiers a preferential right on all Isttda which may he restored lo cn tryirrtbe future, including reclamation pro.ie ts. CENTRAILIAN FEARS LEAGUE'S ADVANCE R E Scott, chairman of the Hood River County Taxpayers' League, or cr:o.!r.:(i to Vombut the Non-Partisan nfoiin Nelson, of Centralis, asking for help to light the movement 'here. "1 saw an article in the Oreganian," writes Mr. Nel.oo, "that stated that Arthur Forter was going to addres.i you and tell the facts about tho Noh Parti nan League We certainly reed Mr. Foster in this neighborhood. We have had pekings in our grange hall latelv on the Triple Alliance, which, I think, is about the Eamc as the Non-Partisan League." COMMERCIAL CLUB . URGES ROAD WOiffi JAMES CHITTY IS FOUND DEAD James Chitty.eaed 05, pioneer home steader of the Viento section, was found dead at his Heights home, where he lived alone, Fiiday morning. The old man, who came to the district Hi years ago frum Texas, vvns lying be side his Ptove, and it i thought he was fatally stricken whih stooping to light the morning fire. Funeral services will he held tomor row nt tne Anoeraon undertaking rhapel, Rev. D. M. Helmick officiating I terment will follow at Idlewilne cemeter. The funeral services were delayed while authorities were loroilnt n eon, Andrew ;hitty, who was found at Fresno, Calif. Mr. Chitty camo here f.r his father's funeral. Mr. Chitty, who livei alor.e on the Heights, was well to do financially. Approximately S6.00.) in can, Liberty bonds and notes wa.- found in his pick et?. DAN CUPID IS IN HIBERNATION Slow progresa ot . contractors last summer and fall and their delays in laving paving this spring on the link of the Columbia Highway between here md Wveth has aroused citizens. The Commercial Club has given the m.uttei attention, and it is stated that the dt rectorate of the organization wnl ap point an inspector to make daily re ports on the progress of the paving crews. While tne contractors per.nu. traffic to pass over the road 8t noon and after work hours at night tie Complaint is made that material placed along the route for six miles makes progress of automobiles slow and tor tuous. Citizens Rlate that their patience is at at end. While contractors have an nounced that the highway will be opened for traffic with paving complete bv the time of theShrinera' convention in June, ths Commercial Club is de termined to tee that the schedule promised is maintained. U, w. M tuuegn, president c; in? ('ommetcial Club, states that numerous complaints are being made ns to the 1 condition of paving already laid be tween Wyeth ami Cascade Lock-:. The surface In taid to be very rough and wavy ; ai d that trftwork seems im'eri I or to that of the Multnomah end o the highway. Mr. McCuilagh state? hat the club will call tire attention of theae comphunb to the State Highway Commission, ' Plans of the Commercial Cloh will be given to ihe county court here, and a contest In th? race for county r im miinbir' of that bxty will be a?teJ to misaioner is loominir. Wh le at a met- c .(operate in hastening the pav.r to jnR oi Upper Valley citixana last v:sek completion. , support was accorded J. O. Hannum, Republican incumbent, citizen ' of the J. W. West waa a buslrei visitor in city end OJell d strict are ! iBting Portland the letter pert of Ut week, s o !: of George Sheppard. ' Cjpid's on a strike." Such was the report yesterday of C-iunty Clrk Shoemaker. A tetter! month has prrs-ed here without r single marriage license issued at the clerk's oitlee. County authorities are prone to think the high cost of living may have teTTpered the effe't of Cupid's dart. It was nuggested thet Mrs. f.hoe,. maker i-riiB a search warrant and have Sheriff Johnson visit the highway n d hy-was and locate one Daniel Cupid. Sbeppard's Candidacy Roosled . V 1 P0CH PRTNT