ii' mHi imvf.u ;i.aii;u. Tnn;i.Y. n:i i:r.itv 20. io Head sells 'p 1 aMgamiat'Si jBaa1j n THniKANDS OF WOMEN sufer miserable from periodic attacks of headache, never dreaming that a permanent cure may be had. Headache nearly always result? from some disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels. Take Chamberlain's Tablets. They will correct these disorders and tVsTf will he nr mnrp JiMrliirhe. Tanv have been $ - J permanently cured by Chamberlain's Tablets. HOOD RIVER FUEL COMPANY Wood and Coal 4th and Cascade Phone 2181 1 rjEgfirea jsjLTzr'uvsmm u FUEL AND TRANSPORTATION (THAT'S OUR BUSINESS) Motor Trucking" and Hauling of all kinds. Try some of our QASCO BRIQUETS They are good for furnace, fireplace or range. ALBKilT TOZIEii IS WAT FAIR BOOSTER In all the stats r.o man ha been a erealer twsier fir the Oregon State Fair than Albeit Tiz;er, who fi ends a irrea; ( rt i f h time at L'te on hi hi tiittfH'l ( live. Mr. To?i-r is a na tive of Louis wile. Ky. t'vt -3 years he h;i$ Ti t mis-el he 11 if in i hartie of the ' carno croiinls at the state fair. He 'lattcj tre nr-'Ur-.tls, laid out the tietts, all of which are namel ir.ost of them I tan: t: e name of some ln ; at io:.ee r MiiHirter of the fair, lie personally attends t the comfort of ' the i ana its ami ti e i-leai liness of the nu ills. lii, ii. tiii liivitit; the lo- : vatic n of every camper on the place . ar.d is authority 'ii all subverts, from j where the uheeloarruw and axe may 1 be found to alt points of pioneer his ' tory. Never too tire! to do anyone a ! favor at any hour of the day or niirht, ! he ItciueMly misses seeing the exiiib i its boi au.-e he is ktpt busy attending to tne iiUiiitr. us demands uooti him. i He )ii !s his j y out of seeing the hap y j reunions between old friends and in iki.ottiitf that the fame of Oregon's pro-liits w ru travel a little tai tner etn h ear through the thousands w ho eutne to camp. The fi ttate occupied by Toz'er and hii t -stei. Mis. Kd.tti l' zier Weather red, has in it Limber which came from Maine, brought around the horn iti 1M1. The old wooden tavestrotiirh, o er SO years old, is still servii eabie. Two other ol I huililines on the camp Hr.i:-;it are the old headquarters hoiie of ('en. tirai-t when he was stationed at Vaiuouver. wh.ch pioneers took by ox team to Salem m the early day, and the headquarters of (it-n. Sheridan, which was taken from Sheridan to Sa lem in the same manner. i t.. i. .1 ..n ...1 j I lie sittit. jail iinnig in aiu'v nijf nn- uiuonai nop. vcmeiii s on uie camp 1 un.!s this ear, and hosts of people 'who have enjoyed camping there in past years anil who are outspoken in their appreciation of the capable man agement and unfailing courtesy of Al LeitTozer, w ill be glad to see him Hgtii i next fair time. SWIPING SICKNESS CLAIMS W.JL COOPER News received here last week that VV. M. Cunper, of the Upper Valley and a veteran of the forestry service, had passed away in Portbmd, follow ing an attack of sleeping sickness, brought a general expression of legret. Mr. Conner was one of the most en thusiasiic promoters id the Lost Lake highway, lie was eagerly 1 oking for ward t-i the spring and sjmmer wlun he could push the work to completion and turn the beautiful fure.-ted area around the lake intu u public picnic gr.iinds. Several weeks ago Cooper was de tailed to the Oregon national forest olh' hi 1 1' the service, so that he might be near lm wife, who was ill in a 1'oitla.id h spi lal. Cooper was a sturdy outdoor type of man and during the period of his woik in Portland main taini d a cheerfulness and good humor that made his final nervous prostration a suipiiio to Ins as-ociutea. While prostrated h:m-elf Cooper's wife died mine than a week ago. but if this le wai not even informed. Cooper iiet lopeil sleeping sickness and tir-aily i.ieum nr-i to which he suc cumbed last, Wednesday night, lie is survived by a seven year old son, h's parents and four brothers, all of whom resine in the valley. ; The body was brought here Friday and taken to 1'arkdale lor interment. BUILD Without Waste Sli 30 Write for Catalog of Economical House Hans It's the Amer ican "produc tion idea" brought to your home a better house for less money. You cut out watte of lumber an) Ijbor; the house comes to you with every board cu to tit it elj.e-no hand tawing uo spoiled lumber juj uaelesa end. 1 here no high price labor ao aimple you can do it yourself with unakilWd labor. ou know when you buy what it is going lo eost ih.it repoutltihty is ours all ma terial eoriu-s to you complete in one sti iirnent. i'Jcxd Office Q2 Brook!) SL PortlmlOve. LU;-. ijfri - T' J l. . .. -- ,-. -: - . . ' . .-L?x --iWdhHMSnMasBl w'-'iFTSTiT m 41 TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Telephone 4111 Bridal Veil Lumbering Co, A FULL LINE O F BUILDING MATERIAL YARD AT FOURTH AND CASCADE PHONE 2181 We are selling Schillings Best Line with a Money Back guarantee if you are not satisfied after using them. Kaesser's Grocery Grocery of Quality E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor Phone 3192 SUCCESSFUL NIGHT ! SCHOOL ENDED A ?mvisfu! winter ninht school con- j (iuct'-tl 1 1 v tiit' hill school catne to a close J last week. ('Ia.' were conducted in I the lollowiiifj three ili'iiartrnents : Hook ! kee(duy.t I'ewnti:; Mini shnrthand and aiicultuie. The latter course created i the t'lentest ihteiest. R. V. Wrinlit, j who had chaikie of the nuricultural niyht s hoo!, says : j ' Our elas.-es were very successful, j We had an average attendance of 20 adult u lianli.-its at all stssmns. Ve Will In. lu the scliiKil aKam next win ter. " Mr. VYritrht was assist r:I in his work l;v dordoii Hrown and l.eroy I'hilds, of ti e exntnnu iit station, ai,d 1'rof. I,, j I''. Iltndeison. l'rof. H. V. (iuiin, of the O. A. t' faculty, was also here to deliver lectures. CLEVELAND MAKES A DEMONSTRATION Willi its fan belt removed and its water j)U:Tip rendered inoperative a Cleveland light six touring car carry ing four persons has been Biiccessfuiiy dnvi n up Mount Hamilton in northern Caliiornia. urcoidiiiK to a report re- i ceived hy liennett Hrotheis, local Cleveland distributors. Tte trip uu the mountain, on which the ijick observatory is located, is 1"0 mile-'. UuritiL' the rule the car wa.- no! stopped to cool oil-, nor was it other-wi-e .-pared. The pai l v of four mem bers of the 1'eiietck Motor Sales Co., Sao r'lamiseo, Cleveland distributois, lelt OaKiand at N -15 a m, and reached the lick observatory at 12 o'clock. The party stopped for lum h and com pit t. d the trip to Oakland at 5. HI in the evenint:. Stanley 1). Lewin, of San Francisco, acted a.- observer and at the end of the trip made an atlidavit describing the remarkably suciessfu! radiation test without fan bell or water pump. Tl e car a stock and no adjustments were made bevond the removal of the fan oelt and.the operation which ren deied the water pump useless. Which D c You Need? io THE INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER LINE Tillage Implements Power Machines Tractor 1'! as Tractor (Iruli r.reakers Kiiiiim- I'l'iu s Walking I'low.s Hillside Plows Subsoil Plows T O-WllV I'loWS J)isc Pious Disc Harrow's P.evcrsilile Disc Harrows Taiuleni Disc Harrows Level-loss Tractor Disc Harrows Orchard Harrows Spring-Tooth Harrows Pe-Tooth Harrows Conili Sprin.u and Pi'tr-Tootli Harrows Flexible Pojr-Toolh Harrows One-Horse Cultivators Culti-Packers (Soil Pulverizers) Kerosene Engines Casoline Engines Kerosene Tractors Motor Trucks Other Farm Equipment Cream Separators Farm Wagons Farm Trucks drain Trucks Manure Spreaders Stalk Cutters Feed Grinders Stone Purr Mills Knife Grinders Tractor Hitches Syrup Evaporators Evaporator Furnaces binder Twine ALSO ALL KINDS OF Grain Harvesting, Haying and Weding Machines HOOD RIVER FRUIT CO. distributors l.KT PS yri)TK YOU PRICES ON NITRATE OF SODA SEASONABLE OFFERINGS 8 foot Clyde Pruners - - - $1.50 10 foot 44 " .... 1.85 12 foot " 44 .... 2,00 8 foot Bastian Pruners ... 1.50 10 foot 44 - - - 1.75 12 foot 44 44 .... 1.95 26 inch Fresno Pruners - 2.75 Atkins Folding Saws - 1.15 12 inch Curved Saws .... 1.00 14 inch 44 44 .... 1 .1 0 Double Cut Saws - SOc, $1.10, $1.25 Hand Pruning Shears 50c to $3. CO The nail situation is a very serious one, we have contracted for our 1920 stock and hope to be in position to care for our customers. Blowers Hardware Company WHERE BETTER BEGINS Better hides and better tanning are the beginning of the "Better" that goes all the way through Star Prand Shoe-; and all the way up from the imttom of the soles. Hotter tanning is the very groundwork of substance, the foundation of stability it determines what slices are made of. The Better that begins with making better leather is woi;Ki:i in, SHAPED in, SKWED in, and summed up in shoes that serve better, feel better, look better, .-lii.) last longer. STAR BRAND SHOES ARE "BETTER" EXCLUSIVE SHOE STOKE And now that its all over you will e wanting ENCORE PANCAKE FLOUR After the trills and fancies of the Holiday Season particular housewives will he !ad to c back to the more wholesome, moie economical, more easily prepared dishes. W hen you want pan cake flour be sure to ask lor .NCORfl - the repeat kind. Packages and backs. CONSOLIDATED MERCANTILE CO. S. E. B ARTMESS HIMTflR AMI Licensed with Oregon's first class of Embalmers. Phone I3SI.3S2I HOOD RIVER. OREGON Anderson Undertaking Co. C. C. ANDERSON, Solo Proprietor Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 411 OAK STREET PMoNE m SALVATION A1IMY BOARD IS FORMED THERS SERVICE STATION DODGE We wish to am ounce to owners of Dodge Brothers' cars that ws are now prepared to give prompt, expert service. We employ competent mechanics and carr a large stock of Dodge Brothers' Repair Parts. Likewise, we are prepared to render competent service on Chandler Cars. Ill I P THE STARVING CHRISTIAN MARTYRS DO YOUR HIT FOR THE ARMENIANS BENNETT BROTHERS HOOD RIVER Automobile Service to all points of Mid-Columbia Regular Stage to and from Parkdale An IuIIiuvh : I-eave Hood River daily, except. Sm-ilay, at 4. HO p. m. Leave I'arkdale daily, except Sunday, ,.t 15, and im Saturday eve;, ingg at tt.45 p. m. PORTLAND-HOOD RIVER MOTOR STAGE Enahlinu you to Bee the Wonderful Columbia River Highway at a nominal cost. FASHION LIVERY COMPANY PHONE 1201 HOOD RIVER, OREGON With Elmer S. Turner, field seere-j tary ( f the organization here, a Salva tion Army Advisory hoard was furmod ! j lat week at the Commercial club. : i Memhtrs of the hoard were named as ' I follows: Or. E. C. tirosius, chairman; I I. II. Hazlett, vice chairman : V. II. Vautihan, S. J. Mooie. k. H. 1'eriiro, C. A. 1U II, E. A. Eranz. A. W. Stone, E. T. Hull and John II. Mohr. Tne new hoard will constitute a link through which Hood River county may he aide to benefit from the Salvation Army hoi' service program for H20. l'oinand Ironi your urnccruinin "Ihchdeil l'urity Elour-' and Shaii.ro. k (. ercaN. Mule in Hood liner by ilibiaii i lloill Co, jMf i All Kinds of Hides and Furs BOUGHT AT PORTLAND PRICES H. GROSS The Third Street Second-Hand Man Tel. 1213 THE BEST in Diamonds, Watches, Silverware and Cut Glass Optical Department with metropolitan equipment PqUALITY AND KI UMUI.I1Y W. F. LARA WAY JEWELER