noon iiivKi: ULAi'iKii. nin:.-iiAi, fk'itaky sc. mio TEACHERS' ASS'N ORGANIZED HERE The Hood River County Teachers" Association has been ortkrozed with the following officers: k. V. Wright, pres. ; Mabel Stevens, vice pres. ; Fave liolin. sec.-tr ras. ; Cora E. Dunn an j Klizabeth H. Swanson, members of the executive board. Improvement of helth conditions an stimulation of thrift will be the aim of the teacne rs. A health committee is composed of the following memtiers: L. H. GiNson. Clara Steele, Bessie Coyette, Mabel Phillips and Uertha HenUricka. Uthtr committees are : Thrift. B. M. Yeates, Lertha Hen dricks, Bertha M. Gibson, Evelyn Has- ; brouck a: I C. C. Newhotlse ; sslarie-. eni livv ewditions. K. . i . .. Cora K. I. r n, C. C. NV'A hou.-e. H.r ence "I'lfer Len pi Hukari, Liva C -y .- I n, Catne Evans, Lam.ra K. Vtii . Laura Gu..rd Haie, CU B. Gratf, Helen Br si, Orisa Hani, l.( U'-e M. Nelson, M: rsgrtt Harm. Mai I Narver and LtiU Johnson. Toe courty teachers' orgr :zt:on adopted a resolution in favor of a n.ini mum salary of $1,in for teachers. First Ciarch of Christ. Scientist Services mill U- held ui I hurch Biuidin. V h and Kiitf.-ne. ;m lay, 1 1 :f a.m.; Suiject: Jeis Cl.rit. Siuidav S.'b(.l at 1 1 a. tiu edned tv service, ti p. m. The read Hit room is ....-ii d.til fr.mi S to f p. in., in the Church. RAISE IN SJPT.'S SALARY ASKED Af a rreetire last week of retre-er-tut ; t-s of various ci-ur.ty school dt tn ts, it was u'.hs.iiiiou.-ly voted to cir cu late retitlons for the initiation of a t ill ; I at iwu the salary of toe i'hu' ty s.h-xl sui-erixitenerit to L. 1;. Giost n, who has been super mten dti t for a r.omier of years at a riwm salary, has tn en forced to tea-.d, et.ut-ts Mt t'.e h'nh school in order to I i!m a The meeting voiced ' to a im i.s Mi H.rt i f Mr. Gibson, who with salary will be able to ! dev. te his entire time to school work. I l. I., i'ier-uri, elected president vt the; com nittte. and J W. ( rites, secretary, j Here ir strutted to prepare the pe'r for e n ulation. Others who were present it the nt-.t ing were H. J. Graff. O. L. Wal'tf A.' M.Kelly. J. H. Jeffrey. Ceo. 0... I away. F. A. Cram and Lts'ie Ecaptd Ccys Caught E. Roberts and H. Harneeote, both f'tred 17, were arrested la-t Week bv Night Mar.-hal Hart on complaint frorn Cascade Locks, whire trey had faTe-i ' to pay for a n eal. City Marshal Kra later learned that the "t. ys xve e wanted at Che! a s. where they bta ' escaped fat-ma detention home arid hac stolen the automobile in which t ie were " Express and l'.au;:ue Ha i-d. Tel F F. tioodricb, No. eO'd. jlotf SECENT SHIPMENT TEACHER COTTAGES OF APPLES HEAVY ARE PLANNED F0!i ill lilC Th, Wo '"5 A t DP 1 t$ T-.iT T 1 1 W$M- s tit j (:.ri'.'-.( relative val t' t I s. V'.'. T , d.. I"! 'H f. .-0. ly iS lilXVi r" s:-C-, are i tiro f.:c....v."-r Ail that i! methec;.; hv. iiN'ailab'e to t.ic Guuy car nauie, i ul- tven .' 1 , v-:.r Coals wlich. e-.-tip c':e C:i"rtc.! cars, embody a bi;IuT te ilian t'o GiHiuvear Tiros ia c '-I C-- .i O A'iicrs cf Ford, Chcvro;;t, :, and other cars takni'j these x.:& ?, irea' --re of performance ut enty woirSdV. !a rgest i 'c'-"-.! to these size.; can snpj-ly. us company's experience and ve c.cccnplh-hed in thee tires i yoj novvr ; t the nearest Goodyear "on. Goto this s'c Gnition Dealer for these tires and fo." Ccodyear Mea yToun- tTuhes. He has them. n 30 x Vi CionJvear Doiiblc-Cure ) i)$ rabric, AH-Wcaihcr Tread s I J 10 x y-z CooJvcar Single-Cure S f abric, Aou-Skiil Tread . 1 I - i V i O r Tuc arc Jilck, stronu tubes (hat icino .i-.'.. j . .. j-.. n-i.-iv. V- ' y iv k a v'Oid ta .! with a ch. i '!, .' , ,! 1 ii ,o y loin-ist Tii'.X'i cost little more th :a tn'-.- o:' lev. nuit. 30.3', , she in wattf' 'JQ proof s J . i ii i .iw m mMftmM.Mnmmm.xmw.iiarimmsii tru n ntTimn iwrnwiii w nm tmmmumu.immm .nmtm The Canadian Government bought 5000 CLETRAC TRACTORS after exhaustive tryouts of all makes. The output of the factory has been doubled, enabling a reduction in price $1570.00 F. O. B. HOOD RIVER Do you know the Cleveland will plow one 10 inch furrow 36 miles longmore in a 10 hour day than the average tractor ? HOC RECENT PURCHASERS: J. E. STEELE, J. R. NUNAMAKER SONS (2), H. K. DAVENPORT. W. T. HUKARI, AUGUST GUIGNARD, WILL FOSS E. C. JOHNSON, UNDERWOOD. ion Hood R iver Garage Phone 4444 it Shinrr.enu of apples from here du ii'C the past few weeks have Uei: hcd'.y, more than 3.V) cars of the f-u:t j e rolled to jxdnt of c.istntiut.o-. ire Apple Growers Association, ro-.v ever, r ow holdinR practically all of t'.e lo.r.rr.t rcially packed apples remai:i:: here still has alout W cars of ap; -U'S ut'Sold. The atrency is hohlint; in s-tor-'e for instruction from buer al.--.ut Ki" cars. Last year at this f.n.e apj Us if all varieties had teen suld. but li'.e,; I Association still held a few cars fur j purchasers. j j A few Portland dealers are active , here now buying from growers their j cull and cooking stock. This class i.f fruit, it is said, will soon be cleaned !u'- ; We are liow prepared to fan voir ' Sutherlin A Shay, Tel. 3.'i7.'. jli'tf THE LIBERTY o ut a: Kr i . N rt 3 WE CARRY a complete line of GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES DE WITT MOTOR CO. it p ar s or tne recently ormzea iV,,i.-.. i iV ... , lrit;.iV. IV.-:-, ti'd Ktver t-ur'tv Ithcht'S As.-...-,. -, .... . ,; . , ;, , tH n msterinhze c ttaees for t-:cper J t- -i ' f -j "'. ' r ' "v.'" (. will he erectc.l ht v.t'i i'I .ce. n th. -'". ti '','-, - i, c vaiiey. in ii it is a.d. col ta res i!l I.-- tre- te I by p.'i..'e it di viduals for tei t t t-.i.-:ier--. ai:d it ot'.er cu-e the s. ;.d d.-tr ct XVi! co struct tt-e hooM s. Tf- :ted foi su -a houses it I-' tit ! t'e ' h i t.a-nt . the H-ti.t ... an ,-tt.t r. .. .- j-.' "V e have a c. aia.Utee now at worl on the livirg CnT..:t...!i i !' teacher? j j here," says K. ". Wriht. . hair-ivm ut th new county org.r::.'h'i-.:i. ' are asctrtattai-g the c-.-t i-f o-.a-d 0:10 ' ' i "d .' ac. wini i't:o".s. He-eaft' r. - ' '! - -!; co.. ing teachers arrive. ve wi-l le i. -I ' - -to meet then, viith all axud.o-le dat ot , ... 1 r iivi.g cor-dlttors. W e a,. !.rn--,i . , , . . ; .., 1 c . , ing to he ori the watch f: r i: c..n ; t i -i j., v ! ' 'I 't v '' teachers XAho mav try t t t r !:,. ; ! ley at a cut in the salar : r.c a n , I: . : I .-a'. '.. for teachers to live ptoperi..." ' ' ' . "1 . t .v 1 m. i T a:.i I ao kc av, March 1 a .1 !o ul lat- Jury List Urawn Jurors have heen drawn for the 1 ; temi of circuit court, xvhi h will i called Monday. March 1, hy .la!.-i V.'. son The following men mchi, e t; pa iel: W. II. McCalin, Kn liar. I Won -ward. A. O. Anderson, C. 1. limn,;, J. F. Candee, J. A. Wue-t, A. H a ' hum, H. H. I'owell, Chas. l"avis. I i: lh-irgett, W. I.. Clark, I. I . l.atl'eit . F. 11. von Luolien, C. F. (Haze. .1. r. Volstorir. Clenn H. Marsh, M. 1. 1 tetgaard. (leo. Sheppard, J. F. li.i'u ! -elcer, Kalph Hinrichs, F. A. Oam. (i II. Wollam, A. l Moo. U. II 1': ping, II. F.Allen. II. S. tiail g . .. Acheson, VV. I.. Gregory, A. K lluv.t.-, I. T. lieal and Dr C. H. Jenkins. I'eiiinn.1 (roin your -jrnc-ri ncin " I'd. -;i. led I'lintv 1 i .ui " ai d ' aiai -r, Ceo -ids. Made in II I u ll-ghhuid Mil. ing Co. i' 1 ' "nit: oi:n v a-J i-'ii-Hv. Fv!'-:.r- . :, . It .l.ii.a- I- ' .(. i a:..: t ' 1-' I.' ...I 1 .i.n M -i... 1 y, ' ' v hi 1-rnarv ' 'Fools and Tht ;r 5! I'vl-n:-.rx i.iva- t V ; 'l,.-Vc i;.-U! a-,, e, " ul-- 1 li- - I:iv ur ii Friday. March i and . f 1 -hv 1.1 ' lime r i-t-." I .i.f ' l'i.e Great K.i M,. - I n iv'ian i Missionary Alliance ..! ! . rl..-l .u-r. S:in. -V o,o ,. 1 1 I - a: . I ' . - - - - ty it ," o n,. l-.x: - , . I - o 01 I ' (.., ty .. , When you couple up OUR NAME with the adjoining advertisement you have AN IDEAL COMBINATION Goodyeaf 0 11 T f 55k UTS 1 IF o TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED E. A. Fran THE' UNIVERSAL CAR j - ! 1 Surest Thing in the World Twoand two have always made four. There would not 1" more than three million five hundred thousand Ford cars in daily service--which is just ahout one half of all the automobiles in America if the Ford, as a rvliahle motor ear. did not meet the demands of all classes of people averywhen- and under all circum stances. Tw7oand two have always made four. If the nvderial, the iron and the marvelous Vanadium steel used in the construction of the Ford chassis, were not of the highest quality known to the science of Metallurgy, then the Ford car could not have won its wot Id-wide reputation for reliability. Two and two have always made four. When replacements and repairs are required on Ford cars, the Ford owner will he wise in lirinjnng his ear loom place, because we use only the Genuine Ford Parts, and we have th Ford skili"d mechanics, and all the Ford knowledge that goes to maintain lite high sla.idard of quality which is original in the Ford car. When you want a Ford car or a Ford truck, and when you want repairs or replacements for the same, we earnestly solicit your bu.sirn-..s, assuring you of prompt attention, real Ford service, and economical Ford prices. DeWitt Motor Co, 1 1 i m 1 I'M ? ;!i ii. 1