The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 19, 1920, Image 5

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    hhi iu Lit t; ll. u l Kill shA. 1 r'";l i;v u l-.o.
tor 1920
Plant Onlv
f i I r.-;
t''L"V-'y f r grcxvrs of the
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Supples iinJ lujuiprumt
k.,r Catalog No. 1H0
j through Hi Bureau of Education ha
j called up. n the General Federation c'
jWomens Clubs to bend every erfutt
I toward nation-wide Arr.ericaiiizatton,
j bence the President of the Oregon Fed-.
criuun nas nameo a committee to r.eip
direct this work in the state of Oregon. ;
Knowing bo little of tbe conoitions in
the various localities the chairman can
do no more at this time than suggest
careful preparation for this ineantie
Americanization means the fullest
realization of the opportunities and du
ties of an American citizen and applies .
not only to the foreign born but to the I
native born as well. No one can fully
appreciate the opportunities of Amen-1
can citizenship until he knows the his-!
tory of his country and the sacrifices '
made for its perpetuity; therefore, i
every club should devote some time to
the review of American history, the
Constitution of the United States, the '
Declaration of Independence and the j
study of the naturalization laws and !
the requirements for citizenship papers. !
If there are groups of foreign born
in your vicinity a study should be made
of the countries from which they came,
their literature, arts, laws, customs,
etc. Neighliorhood meetings and enter
tainments may be held in order to break I
fdown the barriers between the old and !
the new Americans. After this is done
it will be easy to form classes in Eng
Although it has occasional social
meetings the Ch.b is di.-tinctively a
business clubar.d is aNavs on the altr;.
for v interests.
(Mrs.) Wilma Waggoner.
Salem Woman's Clnb
club has not been idle the pas
Will be available for Violin
Lessons every Suturd.iy in Hood
Kiver. Clap now organizing.
Mips dregorv is a violinist of
European training and experience,
anil is an accredited Mute teacher.
For information inquire of Mrs.
E. D. Kanaka, 41:12, or writo Miss
Gregory, 8i)N Hitieock St., 1'ortl.ind,
W. J. Baker & Co.
Dealers in
Fruit and Farm
Paint and Wallpaper
Contracts taken, larjre or small
Phone 1294
year but its work has been varied by ,
existing eor.d.tions. largely due to the '
exigency of war, which developed ran- j
idly the work of th Women's clubs. !
perhaps not directly but through the j
numerous auxiliary organisations which I
sprung up at our country's call.
The story of our work is ti Id in the
i following summary of the president's
annual report to the local club.
The first work isf the year was in re
sponse to a call for assistance in the
Salvation Army drive resulting in
contribution of $ii.M, notwithstand
ing the fact that our quota was only
$800, or less than half the amount
raised. The Cooperative Commit tec
assisted the Salem Committee for Re
lief in lielgium in June conducting a
tag day netting $30X70. This was
followed by a Belgian fete, netting
$th0.2', making a total for the Belgian
; fund of $7KjH."..
i Additional assistance was given in
various other ways to organizations
engaged in similar laudable work.
j There was raised bv the Scholarship
Loan committee 35. volun-
lish sewing and home economics. I tarv eont ibutiona of the members,
We hope that every club will have an making the aggregate f.'.547. It!
enthusiastic Americanization commit- -T' i'ndrt,11 ,',!"a Vf "j" i'1!1
, . ... i money is invested in the Fourth Liber-
tee. l,et your state chairman know ty Loan.
how your work is progressing and if ! Besides these cash contributions the
there is anv helu. suggestion or infor-1 N"nie Economics committee rendered
..;.. iku u a.u . f.i.i, . valuable service in supplying cooked
services are at your command.
(Mrs. S. L.) Mayme K. Albaugh.
245 East 13th St., Portland, Ore..
Chairman Americanization Committee,
O. F. W. C.
food to those who were ill am) without
!heli during the inlluneza epidemic,
which epidemic handicapped our work
necessitating the omission of our No
i vember and January meetings.
However, in spite of all obstacles
l we have kent our organization alive
and aded eight new names to our ros
iter. Our year closed with a tea mid
! musicale in charge of the Social com-
Of the things said of the Federation j mittee.
of Womens Clubs one of the best was special committee was appointed
tu i , , i .I i . . at our last meeting to arrange tor a
the remark of Mrs. t allahan, our State j f(ir the Oman's building at
I'resident, at the club luncheon in Fort- Eugene, which resulted in an al fresco
land recently, "That we may learn to : tea netting $;12
Federation Extension
disagree agreeably."
It's the meeting w ith other women
in the home club and state meetings
that has made it possible for woman
to go forward and do as much as she
has done. By joining the State Feder
ation we get away from our small town
views and see the state as a whole.
That is what we need, to have a
vision beyond our own circle, our own
town and our own state. The stronger
our State Federation the more decided
stand we can take on questions of par
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth McNary Albert.
President Salem Woman's Club.
Pendleton Delphine Club
I herewith submit the following re-
port of the Pendleton Delphine CIj'j
j for the year l'.tlll :
j This club consists of twelve active
'members. This is the tVurth year of
! its existence. It has been federated
! three years. In January. I'.Hlt, its con
j tit'ition and by-laws were revised,
.establishing an initiation fee and annual
dues of $1 per member.
tirular interest to women. I hope that ' ' no Ullt) s,l"lv wor this year has
anyone who knows of a club that wish- j (,reek l,hll"!'hy ti.d Roman his
es to join the State Federation will let Owing to war conditions the activi
me know of the same, that I may drop ! ties of the Club were mostly confined
them a line on the why and how feder
ate. Mrs. L. VV. Hyde,
Chairman of Federation Extension. .
The February Bulletin of the Oregon
Federated Women's Clubs, which has
just been issued by Mrs. CM. Castner.
the editor, is of interest to all club
women and follows :
Greeting to the Federated Clubs of
Oregon :
At this time I wish to call your atten
tion again to the three questions adopt
ed for the year at the convention held
in Corvallis last October. We are to
give ppecial attention to Americaniza
tion, Thrift and Community Service.
The chairman for the first is Mrs. S. L.
Albaugh, 245 East 13th Stieet, Port
land; the chairman for the second is
Mrs. Mabel Settlemier, of Woodburn,
and the chairman for the third will be
announced soon. The clubs of Oregon
are asked to appoint chairmen of com
mittees for these three departments
and to do all they can in aiding the
General Federation in this work.
Under Americanization what better
work could be done than to study the
measures to be voted or at the special
election next May? We are told to
Americanize the native born and it
would be a splendid piece of work for
the club women of Oregon to familiar
ize themselves with the measures and
then to see that their neighbors who
are not club members also get this
knowledge. This is the opportunity for
the women of the state to show their
appreciation of having the ballot, by
giving a very large vote. It should be
truly representative of the "new citi
zens." Again let me remind you of the re
quest of Dr. David N. Roberg, State
Health Officer, to secure and send at
once the list of practical and trained
nurses in your territory to your city and
county health officers.
Tho next meeting of the Federation
will be held in Enterprise, probably
about the first bf June. All of the
clubs of Wallowa county and the Cham
ber of Commerce are uniting to enter
tain the Federation and the plans are
already being made for a pleasurable
as well as a profitable meeting.
Ida B. Callahan,
State President.
The Lebanon Civic Club
Since i's organizaion in UUO the
Woman's Civic Club of Lebanon has
been a factor in the community life of
the town. It is responsible for the an
nual observance of Clean up Day, and
each year conducts a canvas of the town
selling tags for ten cents each to help
defray expenses. The city council
shares in the expense of carting the
rubbish away. The club owns 2." acres
of land dedicated for park purposes.
For it $1,000 was paid, which was
earned in three years in the devious
ways known only to the ardent club
Founders' Day is observed by giving
a reception in ..onor of the pioneers of
Lebanon and vicinity. A New Year's
reception to the people of the town is
another method of creating community
spirit, and for three years the streets
were decorated with evergreens during
the holidays and a community sing was
held about the Christmas tree, lighted
with electricity.
On account of health conditions the
reception and sing were omitted last
During the annual strawberry and
rose lestival the Uub has charge ot
the rose exhibit and through its efforts
has stimulated interest in the queen of
the garden until local growers have an
enviable reputation for choice varieties.
During the war period tbe club did
its bit and contributed $150 to the K?d
Cross. It also held patriotic meetings,
Mrs. C. H. Castner speaking on one
occasion. Previous to the war period
the Club cooperated with the extension
department of O. A. C. and demonstra
tion lectures on Domestic Science,
Home Dressmaking and House Decora
tion were given for the benefit of the
women of the town. W e hope to re
sume these lectures this year. A drink
ing fountain has been erected by the
Club on the high school campus. A
free swimming pool is conducted dur
ing the summer months, the necessary
funds being provided by contributions
from the bu?ine?s men. This year $215
were contributed. The Mountain States
Power Company has granted pertnis
mm to use the grcunds during the
swimming seajon, the Club being re
sponsiple for the care of the grounds
while in use. A caretaker is in charge
from 9 a. m. until nightfsill and strict
order is maintained. Dressing PK'm.
are provided for bathers and swings
and teeter boards give pleasure lo the
children. Tables are conveniently ar
ranged for use, and a camn fire for
camp cookery. The swimming pool
park is
to Red Cross and patriotic work. The
Club has standing committees on patri
otic duties and crmpled children.
The Club has contributed $10 to the
Scholarship Loan Fund, and $5 to the
Woman's building at Oregon Univer
sity. Respectfully submitted.
(Mrs.) Laura D. Nash, Pres.
Jefferson Woman's Clufi
Our past year's work was composed
largely of a magazine course and news
paper articles and current events, and
we found it very interesting and in
structive, hlso entertaining. Our mem
bers were faithful and all worked to
gether. We have a fund fur flowers
that gives us an opportunity to give
them often, "when we wish, to sick peo
ple and friends of the Club.
We subscribed $2 for the Satunl iv
Evening Post to be sent to the hospital
f ir convalescent soldiers; this was sent
to Miss Ortschild. Our silver tea
brought us in $11 for the Scholarshp
Loan Fund. We also subscribed for
the President's traveling fund. We
sent $5 to the Relief in the Near East
sending the money to Ben Selling, and
we paid $5 to the Woman's building at
Eugene. We had a guest day that was
a success socially and was enioyed by
It is hoped that, we can accomplish
more this coming year than we did the
last. We are iroing to study eaily
American literature.
Mrs. Sherman, President.
Americanization Committee
The Department of the Interior
Fossil Welfare Club
The Fossil Welfare Club is an organ
ization of women, and as the name im
plies is a organization whose duty is to
assist in all activities pertaining to the
welfare of our town, country or state.
During the past year among the im
portant things accomplished by our
The cleaning of the cemetery before
Memorial day and arranging for the
proper care of same in the future.
The arrangements made for beautify
ing the court house lawn, turning it
into a puhlic psrk and planting trees,
(lowers and shrubs. The holding of a
flower show during the county fair and
the paying of prizes for the best ex
hibit in order to encourage the raising
of mote flowers with which to beautify
our homes. I
In addition to this our club procured '
nurses for the sick who were in unl'oi
tjnate circumstances; donated $2. to ;
Armerian Relief fund; do-iated S2." to !
the Baby Home; assisted in the neces
sary drives for funds and clothing for
our idlies. At present we have a mem-!
bers iip of 55 and have ?:W2.01 in our
trea: ury.
In closing I wish to say in behalf of ,
the .irganizatlon I represent that you '
will find us at all time willing to (1 ) '
our part in any worthy er.terpri-e on
riertuken by the Oregon Federation f.r
the betterment of our state or fiction.
Hood River Woman's Club
When our calendars for 1;1S-1919
were being prepared we were still in
the midst of the groat world war anil
the Calendar committte wi-ely duciJed
to plan the year's work along lines of
greatest usefulness for the accomplish
ment of the one great purpose.
Our prrgrams, therefore, have con
sisted of topics on Food ConsL'rva ion.
the community center of town i Liberty Loan, talks on several of the
Mil xcuLet
Entertain Km
Si i
1 tT VN 'Jf 7T T- -r
i f ' V H O
v b n a r. r mi - a
1 i
1 hat is what happens when an Ambero-a comes into your home. The wizardry of
Edison the Matter Product of his Mr. ter Mind iurnishes you with years and
years of enteitainnient all the hest music ol ;ul the world u produced
superior way that none but Edison could accomplish
in a
ffl.Mi M
to. tt fcjtti' (Lmt
J) "i ' vl P o - i
Anion? the larr number of
ptionoprapliS ;nci "ttlliti; n;t
cl.itifV' on tho ;i:;rk t. tiir g"n!J3
of E(!3uii ru.iLrs t!i' Amhcrola
stand out as tlie one perfect instru
ment for your home.
Thousands of families in the
U. S. A. have purchased phono
graphs hastily, without careful
comparison anil as a it-suit they
are repenting their choice at
You can safely trust the phono
graph that has hern perfected hy
the greatest inventor of the age.
Choose the Ar.ibf io!a, and you
will never regut jour selection.
The "longer you possess an Ainhe
rola, the more you will appreciate
its marked nupenority over ordi
nary phonographs and "talking
Its marvelous, pure forw will
afford perpetual delight to your-
i-r-Tii f-n e?jn
r k i a l
n Your Homo
V wtil pUi e rn Ambrrola in
your home f.r a 3 Days' 7rui
whit, K vi'i not put yuu under
the ! i lit t ol tuition or ex
prn. Come ttere, select nn
Antberola od number of rec
ords ami we'll senci thrtn to
your home. At the end of 3
dav, if you do not want the
Amberola, w e'i i call and take
it away, if you iio want it, we'll
anange tr; i. of payment to
suit you.
s com-
self, our family, your fti-nds. No
metallic soupt ' r : ' .
tin n pi.' .ihl:i.. . ! , ...
hut pure i;. i '' -!y 1.. - c;y l.ole
from your An:' t o !a.
No needles to charge, w ith i dii
stant bother and e.; ense. 1 he
genuine Duimo'ul ! . .' Reproducer
of the An.ljcio'.t i. ' r:;;j;ien(.
And the wond'-tful Am!crol
Records are piuetic.i'iy unlrcjkuib'c
and everlaslii:;!. ') on can handle
them quicldv, car'!e;,lv yes,
tirop tru-m
know how rasnv i .
t f - .sr. (You
c i nonograpn
i i i o
records are bt.-l.i n.! ,-nU on th se
i'H 1 ave all the
Arnherol lc
worlds iM-st mi;: :r il'O greatest
singers, the latest songs and
dances to selet t I mm.
e will gladly demonstrate the
superiority of tic Am' 'MoJa to you
ct anil time, ( erne :n today, to
morrow - bring the family along.
Ar- V M
When In- Portland
i! i:
One of the liest llostlerws of
the Rose City
446 Washington Street
The (! ro.iin in 1 1 rily. le-! rl;i- M-rvio', liifpiof. tiv
niinli'tn, laivo ytoiuol floor lolr.y, sicen lii-ul.-.l r.nin-, wit:, i.r
li.Uli, hot iinil (i liter, in .hoiiii!!ir anI lliratri' ili-trirt, 1 1 -it 1 1 .t I I
ratt's. An insjHM tin will ronvii-iv yu.
'I i
r (Hil! i;un co!! o!'i!!';. it to (lit' people- of
I loo. kit-r 1 1 ill so t.,i .)s i poN- iMo tin' products
olicicd ot our nuiiket ,iii' no , nod ot home. Cattle
me pMichnsed in lrt!.url -.el !'iou;''ht heie for
l! is out endo.ivoi to s ne 1 o id KMer folk with
the hest i resh tiiid Cuied
Sueci'ssors lo V. J I I! ".I I MM'.KI I .
life during the sesjon and Indies and
clubs find it a delightful 'lace to have
covered dish suppers. Even church
missionary societies hold afternoon
meetings there, the men coming for
Just now the Club is working in con
junction with the city council to estab
lish a camping ground for tourists and
by next season hopes to be able to ex
tend a welcomejto the pasner by.
nations involved in the war, inclmiin.;
Htltrhim, France, England, Italy and
A few of our programs had to be
given up on account of the dreadful
scourge of irfluenzn that was miring in
our community ; but pleasant afternoons
were spent on American Day. Oreg in
Day and Valley (luest Day, while Hus
bands' Evening, which occmred in
March, was one of the most hrilliar'
and successful soi'ial functions ever
j given by the organisation. No prorga-n
i was given on Scholarship Ixmn Fivd
Now is the time o pivi tre for building thn(
Bungalow ; have mm y .0 loan on or.y monthly
payments at low intetx i. Let me explain how you
can build a home and p: y tVr it like paying rent.
WANTED. List in of I orchard properties
for sale; have connecti ir iindin buyers it your
price is right.
J. F. BATCliELDER, Realtor
liox 86 itOCl) RIVER, OKI G ON'
1 !!
!! i!
:t -r.
!!: !
We Arc Now I:: 0;; ':i av Quarters
Oni" tViliuos for K(jrM'-c ' i: -cn-as' il.
All tilt liU'illil'tS III' a AO'.'.' : . i iHiil i I'liccrv.
Join tii'.' thrift niou'iiu-iti u. : iv for cali purclinsus.
Morning and uftornoon deli ri
L. H. I, LJ :;gi MS'
i wi ill ii s rui.irr rnoi: m
Ii) tiiis
Diiv. the club votirg to rai-e monev by : le ture on Home
r: :a Wewart.
1 Ciim nut tec li:is had
ir MTVii-c 'St ci.t
i'i.;.,i ei i ieniic and
. iiif"i t and serv, ice
!t)irl..i. Ah-.lit Z
v.'I'.iiitarv I'ontriuution.
was raised.
Oar eommitteea have teen a-
hihI have aceomnli-hed a ureal, do; I ) '
their r.';ei'tive hoes. Some rc iir.
special mention, r, I would (.;. e
the lie. I Cio9 Auxiliary, tha n,."T)' tr.
nf wh oh were faithtul and tfi n" '
tin i the fttardaril of their work la:
am.mj; the l.-t i'i the ''(;i:.t.,'. I'..
ll.ime Ei'pnomi! Comniitt.'e Iuh i.t.- r.
helpful In keeping w po-ted on I i"
to.xi situation and has also presontl a
" i: : lll il
I t . I',i: a:
v il.ini;.: t;
tin-; been .
t i the m
l.-i k.-t
thr. . o
rum !.
ii'll i
f -i :,.
. i
t re (totributol t i the pe. r
i-.mwnt'e at. Clui.-tm.i. I in'
M...-U Dei.artnitnt u:e.e ;i o,: o
t:.t 1 O.Ci t.N of A i.i 1, To.', 0
ilraperle, a 1 1 i ;i . o lam;1 mil m:
i'hI ini,)rove:nents to l.ihrarv hi
t'icics t'ommittee wa active
i.i .1 1
.' 'il.'
it f-- i.i
.i . ii.. i
Ii. Tne
.Ivil i: -
cl-o'l-up 'acck w.rkir.g in corjnnr
'A O i our ciiy ci.uncil to make our
ii. !..' a:,,!aiy and nttrai'tive.
I-. acational t'oiimittee, in oidj-r
.1 iieialte an interest in the live d
i.f th" d''V hm org Ihe young eepl
i ur oiiiiity, elFeH'd prizei jinio.
t ?Ju f. r the h-'st writt."
; eiiaa in tin- hu'h schfxd him! i.:
iO'.i ii s. I'fii.- plan received the
u i . i m : t ..f our riii-toi s and v,:,
ni'oem r f awakening an intu:e...i
w a I.J all 1 1 rs.
AporiiptiatHiris of. money have i
i i.
i t
!:, '
i:. I '
!! MnL', Fund for Sii
! :' .;, the It io'e ; 'I ! Me
I ne I am of New Yu' k, the
I i hi Hood River, an I $.") l
i. i's building at K gene,
e of the ure at demaad that
i n a I.' uiioti our womt-.i fur
fi lms of patriotic VAork our
!!. lia. kept up tn the mnd
riiiw have hl'J womet' who
l' and ready to help H'lve the
of reconstruction which are
e Ue.-pvctfully Hulon tte I,
;. Arthur G. Lewis, I'reilJunt,