lln(U lilVKK U LAI. IKK THt asOAV. JAM'AUY . 102 maifiesiiGTi kO YOU Ki;0V that iadig&Jon can be cured, permanently cured, so that you can eat any in . kind ot icod that you crave? It has been done not only once, but in almost every case when Cham berlain's Tablets are used. An instance: Mr. T. jj Pominville, Stillwater, Minn., v. ho had spent over : $2,coo.oo for medicine and treatment was perma- H nentiy cured b these tablets. "GET THE HABIT" Call at MacMillan's Store for your GROCERIES Or phone 2.551, and we w ill delher them at your door. My .stock is ettinj more complete each day to take care of your w ants. A trial will satisfy you that it pays to trade w ith me. N. II. MacMILLAN Successor to A. C. STAT EN FUEL AND TRANSPORTATION (THAT'S OUR BUSINESS i Motor Trucking and Hauling of all kinds. Try some of our GASCO BRIQUETS They are good for furnace, fireplace or range. TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Telephone 4111 Resolved That we will continue to sell Quality Groceries, from a Clean Store, at a Fair Price, giving the Best Service, through the coming year. YOURS FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR VINCENT & SHANK The Homo of Oualily ( .roceries We would ajiin call attention to iiu people ot Hood River that in so tar as is possible the pioducts offered at our market are prepared .it home. Cattle are purchased in Portland and brought here for I Kicking. It Is our endeavor to serve Hood River tolk with the best FRESH AND CURED MEATS FISH AND POULTRY RFORGAM.l 1) DI 11VI RV SF.11V1CF W. J. F1LZ MEAT MARKET NEWTOWN S Wo want all trrades. Our ro'iuirements for tho Poulaml Market is alum! 20. (HK) boxes tho balance of the season. Wo can use your slightly chilled at moro favorable prices net to the growers than it is possible for you to obtain on any East em market. We see quoted : Extra Taney Newtowns, hirge sizes selling $1.75 to $2.25 the box Quality and Grade make the Price. SHERIDAN-BECKLEY CO., Inc. 126 Front Street, PORTLAND, ORE. IMVtvnce: Iliherniu Siivimis !:uik. I'llnNK: MAIN :r07. (let marking s'.encil at this cilice free. Anderson Undertaking Co. C. C. ANDl RSON, Sole Proprietor Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director ii OAK STREET uNE FISH SQUABBLE IS DISCUSSED LOCALLY Interest in the election nJ annual n Ectirn i f the lkA River Cour.ty ('an e I'rutevfve Asociaton last nijfht is.i rvn.-ed through the jirecedmir tit 4 ir.tin.atio! s wtre dropped that the a.'ti.iii i f the State Fish & Game O.m n ii-on in oustii n State Biologist Kin l j would le diM-u-ted. While mem l .rs if tie rsjhnizatioii. one of the s;r-inaest leagues of sportsmen in the e .te, were hesitant in expressing t!u motives the petn 'Hl etntimerl teemed to fhVur Mr. F;nley. Open rrit i-ism of Governor Oleott' hi illations in the matter were ma'ie, anil sentiment of sportsmen indicated tnat the proposal of two commissions instead ot one to handle game and c -nunerial tishin would he opposed. As resolutions on the matter were in l rosiei t the iiitetir was well attend ed. State Gan.e Warden Shoemaker wa present. Trie fijuabble called forth a letter -f protest fn m J. I). Mit'ully to the t're-'niiijtn. Mr. Mcl'ully wrote "The ol'iee of name commissioner ap ears to be a football for Oregon 3 ! Kovcrnors. I "Gciv. Olcott now arises to his op I portunity for an inning. In order to retire the present hoard for its insub ordination and make the going easy the jrovernor proposes that we have two commissions instead of one. j "It semis to me that some of our officials lie awake nights studying ! some new scheme to tap the public iPiir.-e. If there is a crying need for the legislature to do one thing more i than another it is to cut out a few commissions instead of forming new oms. It is about time for the public i to have its inning and reduce the num ber of tax eaters. "There is no official from the presi dent to the lowest whose acts in hand ling public money should not be sub ject to scrutiny and control. "1'ublicity keeps many of us honest and incorruptible." STATE ROAD MAIN TENANCE SUPPORTED The application of fhe county court of Columbia county to the legislature for adoption of a bill that will provide for state maintenance of all state high ways finds fairly unanimous support here. The Hood Riser county court has approved the appeal of their fellow officials by unanimous resolution. Uuii-ne-is interests and orchardists have ex pressed a favorable sentiment and let ters have already aone forward to W. 1. R'jlton, of Friend, asking his sup port of the proposed bill. Citizens w ill vw ite their approval to other legisla tors, and a deltgation will personally interview J. R. Nickelsen. APPLES TRUCKED OVER HIGHWAY; Five of the large motor trucks, caught in the recent snowstorm while miigtd in hauling crushed rock and i gravel for surfacing local stretches of t. . 1 1 Columbia Highway, left last week for 1'urtland, where construction work calls them. In most instances the trucks have hauled heavy loads of apples. 1 he loads not only enable the owners to make the trips at a profit, as freightage of 2a cents per box is aiil for delivery of the fruit to I'ort- hind commission houses, but furnishes better traction for negotiating the icy roads. Une big truck left for Portland tow i;ig another. The owner of the live vehicle was not able to secure apple freight, and in order to weight his te:ir v hi els down he piled the bed of the truck full of heavy rocks. MANY WILL PLANT STRAWBERRY TRACTS Numerous ranchers (if the Upper, Valley will plant tracts of Ktrawhernec the coming spring. The demand fur ; Clark Seedling her'y plants was never; stronger, and all gruwera have been Hked to save plants for early setting, i Among the most active prospective berry growers Jure some 10 purchasers of logged otF tracts from the Oregon I. umber Co. Tears will be set on the i cleared land and berries planted be tueen the rows. 1 F. 1!. Mercer, a young West Side i civhardist, plans on the heaviest set ting of strawberries. If he can secuie the plants Mr. Mercer will set out , 200,0110 Clark Seedlings the coming! spring. i Nickilsen Cusy With Fish Committee J. K. Nickel?en, joint state senator from Hood River and Wasco counties, just back from Portland, where he and his family have been spending the : wilder, is making preparations for the special legislative session. Mr. Nick-; elsen, as a member of the Senate fish and game committee, was called to Salem fur a conference with (Jovernor J OK'ott on the Fish and Game Commis sion squabble, set for Monday. Senator Nickelsen spent Saturday at The Lialles, where he says considerable difference of sentiment on the Com-mission-Finley controversy exists. He says he linds local sportsmen fairly harmonious in a desire for a single commission for handling affairs of commercial and game fish interests. Senator Nickelsen returned here from Salem in time to attend the annual meeting of the Hood River County Game Protective Association Inst night. hite Home Burglarized While the family was away Sunday ; night burglar entered the home of E. j M. White at the west edge of the city, j hut was evidently frightened away j while wrapping up loot. Only $5 ini silver was taken from the home, a $0 bill in a cupboard having been xiver- ( looked. Silverware, jewelry and other ! valuables were on the dining room ta- Lie. The thief whs apparently wrap ping the articles when he was fright-' eiied away by boys delivering milk, it I is thought. The door, however, had ' been carefully locked by the escaping; burglar. Dr. Murphy Heads Alumni The Hood River High School Alumni Association has elected officers for the i ensuing year as follows: Dr. L. L. i Murphy, president; Miss Margaret j Perry, vice president ; Miss Annamae Chipping, alumni secretary; Chas. ' Johnson, treasurer; and Emmettj Thiimas, sergeant-at-arms. A large number of cut of town j al'imni were present for the annual ' banquet. I IS POPULAR We have just received three of these cars, all sold. We have orders for others for Spring delivery. The OVERLAND demand exceeds pro duction. But let us have your order for future delivery, and we guarantee to get you a car when you want it. We handle the FISK AND PENNSYL VANIA VACUUM CUP TIRES with a 6,000 mile guarantee. caor) ELLIOTT-OVERLAND CO. Temporirily located in the old McDonald Store on CASCADE AVENUE HOOD RIVER, OREGON You can't o wrong if you buy a Plow or an International Harvester Implement u ini The Vaughan 4 H. P. Portable Drag Saw is the best that money can buy. Cuts 25 cords wood in 10 hrs. nor: HOOD RIVER FRUIT CO. Distributors Wanted Wood Cutters APPLY TO TAFT TRANSFER CO. Ml mi uk ( -, II II We have just received a ney 1 !l I 1 1 lot of Hi' I I Country Club Toilet Ml LLAJJ Preparations j 11 jly Come in & let us show them to you vjLj i 3 r'i Chas. N. Clarke YOUR Drug QWe have just received a consignment of 30-30 CALIBER WINCHESTER CARBINES These guns were pur chased at a low price from the Government author ities at Vancouver, Wash ington; some have been carried a few days but never fired. It has been practically impossible to buy fire arms in the regular way and this is an opportunity for anyone wanting a WIN CHESTER RIFLE to ob tain it at a very reason able price. Come in while we have a good stock to select from, they wont last long at the prices we are quoting. Blowers Hardware Company WHERE BETTER BEGINS Better hiilos and bettor tanning are the beojnninj.'; !' the "Better" that goes all the way through Star l'rand Shoes and all the way up from the bottom of the soles. Better tannin": is the very groundwork of substance, the foundation of stability it determines what shoes are made of. The Better that begins with making better leather is woukkh in, shaped in. skwkd in, and summed up in shoes that serve better, feel better, look better, and last longer. STAR BRAND SHOES ARE "BETTER" EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE And now that lt.s all over you will be wanting ENCORE PANCAKE FLOUR After the trills and fancies ol the Holiday .Season particular housewives will he lad to &et hack to the more wholesome, more economical, more easily prepared dishes. When you want pan cake (lour he sure to ask for l.NCORI . - the repeat kind. Packages and Sacks. CONSOLIDATED MERCANTILE CO. i Automobile Service to all points of Mid-Columbia Regular Stage to and from Parkdale As follows : Leave Hood River daily, except Sunday, at 4.110 p. in. Irf'ave Parkdale daily, except Sunday, at !).15, and nn Saturday even ings at t.4fi p. in. PORTLAND-HOOD RIVER MOTOR STAGE Enabling you to see tlie Wonderful Columbia Kiver Highway at a nominal font. FASHION LIVERY COMPANY PHONE 1201 HOOD KIVER, OREGON THE BEST in Diamonds, Watches, Silverware and Cut Glass Optical Department with metropolitan equipment QUALITY AND RELIABILITY W. F. LARAWAY JEWELER I I