The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 04, 1919, Image 9

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-I -i-;
:f local mlntion
To vr.
srri Mrs. HarcM J.
,V t-:
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f I.:'
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:i: I
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is v'.-i"
C Hi t
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kiu F..
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an I
11 0 !
C. B. Corrpton, who ate Thar.ksgiv
ir.. dirner at 1'ilot Butte lrm. Ber.d,
says lrvm Cobb did not exaggerate in
his compliments to the hosttiry. Mr.
fiiet.ds -'omttun ltft Tuesday night to see
I Harry Lauder.
Mrs. Wilson Johnston, rf Portland,
will te the euest of St. Mark's Guild
at the home cf Mrs. E. D. Kanaka
text Wednesday, at which time she
wilt retort on meetings of the general
convention in Detroit last October.
.1. t' I
K. ','
i;. !
1 ! ! i'
'. f A-t. r a, ha be in
ii r a t. or.
ill r a a i.iu:ness vis
,i il tl'.t' tirt i f the etii.
is now with the G.lbert
m - j,t tne ;orksne?t
. . .. . i . .
; rtv!r.iiT i, a si n.
r. Kl .Mrs. F. W. fhir.d'urd sre-t
i: .n I', rtlar.d with
H O 1'cteM. F.jt Si.e orchhT.Jlst. !
ifU las. week, returning to Cincinnati
t i s: en i the w u-u-r.
IU-v. 1!. Van Waters will h'dd
s r .ivs at St. Mark's church Sunday
at 7 I! J o. m.
l; n- T Mr. and Mr. A. C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Prather. who
of j (liuvt. at tne Storks:ie:-t Mon have been here from Portland partici
U.-.y, lv ember 1, an 8 round dactbter. patirg in the apple harvest, returned
A. I,tr. of l a r.randp K i,n week. Mr. Prather. nephew of
i (
. J. :
i- i
V i
' I i
'liltswhrt h e"t Thanks
r with her children.
' A. M. St-:t!tin vVtel relatives
i ' ' .-;,,. r iv., r Th.inkjyiyinx.
! i r .)..- jm was duw n from Ike
h.t r t'i: . t, on h..:.ire.-s.
- ' i pi :! 1 to a mi ir
i i '.. . . i ,v - ,-ic.T. I.;:: 7J
1 r ' I ' 1 1 tn ml.'.w p,i I tfrauf
r i'"-. I' i- 'ii. Ill :d st ii, Mi
B. I. S i'!.' -.t, h. ha been visitfiit?
i .' ' I., is returned here.
! ar-iA.-r, i,.f ' h s the famous Cor
yt.i -v' t r h; i '. f r a are.
V . a. . Mi. Ii. U. Smith are visit-1
l b'ortl i: d this week.
r I t oir car. in i.A sha-ie. and '
ilthviry car fur sale. G ltmt
t Car omf-ary. n.nif
-ci-i.tiiM-ailv exan iiif l h II. I..
r uck, ( Ii'1'!. i-.'trii-t. Il.'ilbro'itiei
h. 1 If
Mr. and Mrs. P.ritce Ct.mhs !-;n'nt
'I'h: ".!.-n'ivii-jr is. Portland ViMtititf rtla-
. . v s.
Ii. A. Macli.::ial I, fi.rtnerly of this
tv, i- now w ith t le Ik i k p trti.'ier.t
' I J. K. (.ill it Co., of Po-tla id.
P..r ; To Mr ii: d Mit.. .1. J. Wu.-dey
V.'e 'ni'Mlay, Novell. ber -ii, an 11
; i u-.J son. j
F, . I'.lani'liKr porl Tha'ikat'ivntr
''i Portland visiting friends and rela
t. . t ..
Mr. and Mr. J. R. Nuramaker have '
. ri ;vc i in l.oi'K' Peach. Calif., wheie '
U ty will si end th'j w inter. ,
I' 'ca i-e he 1 uys for throe h'g store, :
I r .w ,v i aide to niv : vou unprece- :
e. cted val'ic in diamonds.
W.'mn i.nd famlU will !havc
t r a vis it of sever I weeks with
;. iv . s and ft ic;:d i in i llino.s.
'. 1!. Ih ;rn. owner of an O ik Crove
aid hoc. v;a here list week on
.: e S.
e s II. l'.uker, of ti e I'ppcr Val
v :.s a In iiess visit'a1 in the city
.hs. W. IK M'lmhy, of P.iitland, is
;'!!':; for a ft w i!,,..s at the home of
l.s.Kir over the vallev with a view
locati' jr.
ai U 1 I.nrire contract of cord wood .
C'lttitir by i.arties with pt'Wer saw.'
VWr.e I . P. Pieison, loTU Portsmouth
Ave., P rtlu.d, Dreir. n. dll i
Mis J. aflt rine Mende, formerly of
Mar-nth id is now Uikkeeper at the
C.i ert Motor Car Company's place of:
Mr. t-d !r3. Herbert Monroe and
little d. UL'ht-r spent Thanksgiving at
Gatewav with Mrs. Monroe's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McLucas. '
Fij;er -kman was un from O. A. j
C. to spend the Thanks divine holidav I
w ith h nare.'.ts, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. j
1:1a; km; n. j Pearl hae-'ser was home fronC
(. A. C. for Thc.nksirivirv? vacation
w ith her patents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
K aesrstr.
Vv'aite I- l.irire contract of cord wood
('tilting !iV jiarlie w;th power saw.
Write H. K. 1 iers n, PJ7a Portsmouth
Av., Portland, O'tgoii. dll
Mrs. P. P. Pve-rlce, who ha been
vis tirg her daughter. Mrs. G. 11.
Lynn, ail faiiily, left Sunday
horn.! in forthmd.
I I ' iu paint and paper wants to
' Unlit Pa nt Wall Paper Co., w bo w i 1
t k care of small as well us larc
iiius. jv-'l'll
j i,i'i'!i'! of record and reliable al -stiai
ts i.iade by ('.i -jdii Abstract Com
I..iti,.'( A. W On, mnk, Malinger, H05
i Oak' Street. Phone loL'l. jy.D-ti
! A 'ter a visit, with her parents, Mr.
; am! Mrs. Sanford Sitiith, and other rel
ativ s and hienos, Mrs. It. K. lmbler to Portland last Friday.
Mr. ii' il Mrs. E. N. Ply the were up
fron. Pi. iland over Thanksgiving, vis
iliior Mr. Pl.the's patents, Mr. and
Geo. T. Prather and a former resident,
recently returned from an 18 month's
service in France.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Packard, cf
Minneapolis, who have been visiting
the.r daughter, Mrs. L. L. Murphy,
left Satuiday for Los Antteles. They
were accompanied as far as F'ortlar.d
by Dr. and Mts. Murphy.
Hood River Commardery of Knights
Templar elected ollicers for the ensu
ing year as follows Tuesday night : E.
O. Planchar, L. C. ; A.G. Lew is. Gen. ;
C. K. Marshall. C. G. ; Truman Butler,
treas. ; A. D. Moe, kec.
The annual meeting and election cf
( Hhers of Hood Kiver Ixlge, A. F &
A. M.,will be held on Wednesday even
ing, December 17. A joint installation
of Blue Lodge and Royal Arch Masons
officers will probably be held on St.
John's night, December 27.
H. M. Hosick is recovering at the
Cottage hospital from a remarkable
operation, when a part of the iris was
removed, making a new pupil or the ill
man's eye. Mr. Hosick was able to
see out of the member for the first
for her i time in several years.
News has been received here of the
illness of Miss Lillian Brook, who with
her mother, Mrs. V. C. Brock, is liv
ing in Seattle. Miss Brock Buffered
hemorrhages following an operation
for the removal of her tonsils. She
has recovered.
J. D. Mays sustained a painfully
bruised hin when he fell at the ean
nery last week. Mr. Mavs has bten
See Our New Utz & Dunn Shoes
They are really a revelation to all who desire elegance, style and durability in footwear.
We fit you carefully and the transaction is one of satisfaction to you and pleasure to us.
VrM5 py
v; v i ill r .
! r-o-
iN-s inm
Make Your Selections Early While Sizes
and Colors are Complete.
Christmas Handkerchiefs Now Ready
In wondrous array, 5c to Sl.OO. See them
Si'k Hosiery, Fine Neckwear, Purses,
Cloaks, Skirts, Dressesfor Gifts.
Two Oregon Lumber Co. employes,
Edward Nelson. 23. logger, and John
Seisenberger. car repair man, were
killed Monday. Nelson's death oc
curred in the woods southwest of Dee.
,? v l fr n 'iL It i iV i when a tree struck a snag, felling it. on
removed from,the Hole Oregon, where . Th th ,
he was rooming, to the home of his
son, Norman W. Mays. He is reported
as recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Knot and Mrs.
E. D. Kanaga have been visiting in
Mrs S. K. Blythu, on Twin Oaks farm. Po tland this week. Mrs. Root and
. . . ... ..... M . a kunuju hu.u hujin unlcrtuiiiM ft.i.
I 'r. ;u d M i s. I .
I.. i.ui;h.y.
is up 1 1 uni
t '.lard
I.. I! Pt; Ji: v
u it i his eh, I lien over the Thai
iiu hi lid.i s.
Mis.-i Martha Firemen was home
frien Willamette I'mveivity fur Thai. hs
N'is. I'll ji Frin ler, iiu'inher of the
h'lK'i s-bool fa.-iilty. sie Tfaid.sgiv
vk' in Corvi.llis isitii-g Iot pntcnts.
(iC 'M'.e ::i.e, pan! h i.- j.isl pur.-liased
a I'n.lje toitniig ear fn.i.i the (iilbeit
Mot. r Ci.t C.
Aii'ses I : ei te i rani, .Margaret r
in ii .!. .-.-ie L. v. is were uti I ri m
I'loverpity ' f O: ( Lr"ii for Than siv
'I i. ii r t". i I
i f l . im'lic:.
Tliiii.k "Civil j
u I v w i'.s nn from P.
:t i:i.:' I in.' Pee plant ( f the
er Co.
iiijvA i.y, fltiilent at I he U.
. c. was home fur the
vci iition.
Mi ' i' i ' i " M"f and bri li t r. Mark
P. .;oe, tu"i' iiotne I loin O. A. C. for
ifc 'i inii.k.-'i. i , .it,; vacatisin.
I- rank Hall, who ii attending lihh
.-rl. " I in W h.te Salm Ml, t- old. the week
el d with h.s piit-eiits iiikI ustcrs liete.
Ii!.;he;;t cash pi ,!'. .:t.d l .r .ii'ir used
f'ii'ii iiiie, s' i el r 1 1 u -. ('.il, M rl lain
a' P. A. hi nn i.'. i. (-'.'(HI
I h iie t-..k n the :e'i ii.'y i ir the S it
e'lii Coisel. '.ti. ;ii P.'ichiw Ta-lor Shop.
Mi-. Karl l!-i.d" . lb" d Kiver, or. If
F'ltd tui'.ri'i c-ir, in goiid shiipt', and
I' i i I iieli , t ry car for dale. dilhtrt
.Motor Car Compai y. rltf.
Mm ,les-ie M. I'.i-hop aiiii'iiini (" hc
I a 1 o hill ni'i I Mr-i. i. II. I.'ttletield't
Nil I', ll" I '"' set, A'.'enry. Vnlir put roll-
iij'- is solicited. Tcli'i hone 3111. oU.Hf
Mr. ai 1 Mr?. W. J. Furnish were up
from l'oillaniover the Thanksgiving1
In I i 1 ;i v their daughter, Mis.
S. J. Moi tc, ard family.
(ho. M. Wi-hiirt returned to his Up-1
for ViiP .v h .tne Monday, alter having!
start Tnank-'.giving in Portland with
his son i ml daugh'er.
C. (i. Roberts has left Tanglewood,
his Dee rand, for Med ford, where he
will niitAe an extended visit with rela
tive. An imnnrtant meeting of St. Mark's
f luild will he held at the home of Mrs.
W. J. iliiker Friilay afternoon at 2
Mrs. Geo. Mellon and Miss Pisa Sal-ipji-t.
Hi-cntt panied by Mr. Mellon,
it; i !;t Tbaiiksitiving visiting their par
ent. s in P ltland. The trip was made
over the Highway. ,
Vis Unmet Hamiinp, who is at
ten lii is l.usinci-s college in Pmlland,
'iashioc over Thank-giving holidays
win Ii t parents, Mr. and Mis. Win.
ll.ii i.iii;.
Aee.mnianyi.ig his aunt. Mies Pertha
Can "ti, Forrest Ci rter was here over
T.'iiiiiks). ivieg from Portland visiting
Irs gr;o ilparciits, Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Mr. nt.d Mrs. Dale F-lushcr, return
itm from the Portland stoi k show, to
their home at Manpin, were here last
week vi.-iting Mr. islusher's eister,
Mrs. C. N. Chit'ki!, and family.
C. R. Pone, who last summer sold
orchard holdings in Central Vale and
a, it. i, amcd his intention of retiring
from active production of fruit, has
purchased from the United Hrethren
church the parsonage here. Mr. Pone
ini wife will tt.a'ii; their home in the
new place, following a remodeling.
Miss (ieitru.le Pader, Ortgon direc
tor of business anil professional wom
en, is to lie in It.. mi Kiver Friday. De
ci inner 5, and will speak to women of
Hood River about the world service
progiam of the Y. M. C. A. The meet
ing will he held at 3.31) p. m. at Li
brary hall.
frijiids theie. Tuesday night Mrs,
Ro-it was presented in a recital by the
McDowell club. Her Hinging won
nitch favorable comment.
Members of Pomona grange will dis
cu:s road bonding at the next meeting,
to be held Wednesday at Pine Grove
grange hall. The meeting was origin
ally scheduled for Park grange, but it
was later decided to hold a session of
tne county organization at Park hall in
February. J. R. Forden will lead the
The Christian church revival is con
tinuing. The evangelist is giving
some most important sermons this
week, and the special music is most
impressive. Hear these special ser
mons. This evening "The CliHnge of
Heart." Friday evening, "The Sin
Against the Holy Spirit." Sunday
nn ruing. "The Little Foxes." Sun
day evening. "What We Pelieve and
Te;u'h." Monday evening, the visit of
tne Regional committee. He cure and
hear these people.
P. X. Arens, who, as he states, has
been playing hermit on his Middle Val
ley orchard place, left Sunday to re
tarn to New York city. Mr. Arens has
been on his ranch place for the past
two months. Not once has he visited
the city, and his friends here supposed
that he had already leturned to New
York. Mr. Arens has been engaging
in light orchard work, recuperating, as
he declares, from a strenuous season
last year.
Riverside Church liazaar
The ladies of Riverside church an
nounce a bazaar to be held at the
church next Saturday afternoon, De
cember (ith, opening at 2 o'clock.
An excellent line of lingerie, fancy
work and good things to eat will be
placed on sale, and those who come
early will lind the best selection.
For Butter Labels printed in accord
ance with Dairy and Food Laws, call at
this ollice.
him. The other, aged 40. was engaged
in overhauling a car in the Dee loaning
yards. His body, crushed between a
car and a platform, was found wher
the men returned to wntk after the
noon hour. The car was held up by
jacks, and it is indicated that the man
was caught w hen he heard the r oot
whistle and was leaving work for
Young Nelson leaves a sister at
Bend. Siesenberger, a German, so far
as is known, has no relatives in Amer
ica. The accidents are the first fatal
j oues suffered by employes of the Ore
gon Lumber t o. in three years.
Rev. Fr. Maximilian Klein announce?
that Bishop McGrath, succeesor to
Bishop O'Reilley fur the Baker diocese,
will pay his first visit to the local
church Sunday. December 14. Bishop
McGrath will deliver a sermun at both
morning masses.
Fr. Maximilian Fpent Tuesday at The
Dalles, where, with Bishop McGratl:
present, services were held in com
memoiation of Fr. Bronsgeest, for
many years pastor of St Peter's church
there, whose death occurred a year
Fafjen Found Guilty
After less than an hour's deliberation
Tuesday night a juiy found Luther
Fagen, charged with assault with in
tent to commit rape, guilty. The man,
an ex-sol lier, who claims to have been
wounded severely in France, came here
last summer from F.l Centro, Calif.
The complaining witness. Mrs. Louise
Watkins. a young nurse, testified that
Fagen followed her here frem the south
and hounded her with threats of reveal
ing indiscretions in her own pa t life.
Through trickery, she said, he per
suade her to go on a ride into the val
ley one night last fall and while on the
ride she was attacked.
Judge Wilson will pass sentence, set
by law at a maximum of 10 years, to
day. Dr. Murphy, dentist, Brosius Building,
Telephone 2N3. d4tf
With but ten citizens, one half
of these echool officials and members
of the board of education, present for
the special meeting last Friday the
Hood River school district voted to
ra-se by tax levy the coming year
$", 000, about $11,000 more than last
vt ar. Additional funds, the school
la ard decided, were necessaiy to meet
hi avier increases in teachers' salaries,
w ages for janitors and general ex-p-
Aid Asked of Farmers' I'nion
Representing the Hood River Anti- j
Asiatic League, R. E. Scott and J. H.
Koberg yesterday attended a meeting
o the Farmers' Union at The Dalle
t ask the cooperation of that organiz
a'ion in agitation to secure legislation
tnat will prevent ownership of land by
Footpad Working Again
J. Brent, while walking along Oak
street near the Eureka House, was ac
costed by a masked man Tuesday night
and relieved of $15 and a diamond pin.
Ollicers were notified at once, but the
footpad escaped.
This is the second holdup in the past
two weeks.
Elks of the Hood River valley are
planning on stampeding The Dalles
Lodge, of which local men are mem
bers, with a held of 25 candidate on
the evening of Thursday, December 11.
The initiation of the new class of baby
Elks will give Hood River valley more
than 50 Best People, according to J. H.
Fredricy, considered by his brelhern as
bull of the local herd.
A large number of Filks will visit
The Dalies next Sunday, when memorial
services will be held. W. II. Buddy
will deliver the memorial address.
The second of a scriei of Sunday
evening lectures will be given by I r.
Calvin S. White, of Port mil, under
the auspices of Riverside Fnum Sun
day night. Dr White will talk o'l
"Phase. of Public Health Education "
The first lecture was given recently
by Dr. L. B. Penrose, of A hitma i col
lege. Rev. W. H. B.iihlv will go to Thj
Dalles Sunday morning to debv.r th)
adilre-s at an Elk. menn.'i..l scrvi-e.
Rev. B aidinot Seeley, of Portland, w.ll
till the local pulpit.
This is a good buy for someone look
ing for a home location. Six acres in
hearing orchard, 3,000 boxes this
vear. Stock and equipment.
E. M. Holman, Phone Odell 11x2.
immmMt p (Mm& Shop barlyDo It Now
i Com? to e ve ea,s 01' 'ns
I V, . J -' u.,..7V7. V. N
i i-' i.-'.t. X'.r :' .i.
Ciiiue in early ami have the advantage
of our complete new stock to select from.
It is going to be very dillicult to get any
kind 1 1 inercl audi-e later, and w hat we do
get v ill be higher in price than our present
It Pays Both Ways to Buy Now
Silk Waists, Georgette and Crepe de
Chine, $6.75 and $9.85
Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin
Camisoles, $2.68 to $4.98
Silk Hose, in Black, White, and the
good colors, $1.50 to $5.00
Silk Lined and Suede Cloth Lined
Ladies' Gloves, $1.00 and $1.50
Silk Petticoats, New Solid Colors and
Fancy, $6.75 to $12.45
1 19 1
A fresh barrel of this Fine Mo
hisses just arrived and is now on
This came direct from a small
Indiana Grower and is the real
It will not last long, so order
what you want now. It is fine
Table Use
Candy Making
"Good Things to Eat"
Velvet Hats and Caps
for Ladies ami Misses are
the very latest we have them
$3.85 and $4.85
Shoes Always Acceptable, Especially So Now
We Carry the Best Makes of Shoes, from AA to E widths, and have the New Button Shoes Too
Red Cross and Shelby Dress Shoes for Ladies-Fieldmouse, Gray, Brown, White and Black.
These come in Louis Dress Heel, Cuban and Military Heels, in all leather as well as cloth tops, $7.45 to $16.50
Men's and Young Men's Dress Shoes, Brown and Black, English, Medium and Wide Lasts.
(ie'i'ii- Ivinonioo Shoes ;nv soft and pliable anil do not peel or skuff, the most comfortable dress flQ A 11 -
shoe, ve have a Rood assortment of widths and styles in genuine Kangaroo Shoes J)0.jU to $1 l.DU
POCAHONTAS MOCASSINS for Baby, for Brother and Sister, Mother and Daddy, Real Comfort
and - a res like them. Thev are different from the old clumsy house slipper, softer and wear better too. The quaint Indian
l beading designs, make these moccasins very attractive and they are warm lined as well.
New Velvet Hags
New Narrow Belts
MoldenHuelatSather Co.
(The House of Personal Service)
The Very Latest in Camisoles
Dark Fancies and Plain
will be known after
May 1st, 1919, as
No change in ownership
The melodies (hat have set all Broadway to whistling
are included in the splendid assortment of dance, vocal
and instrumental records that we are just unpacking.
Come hear them now while the widest choice is yt.urs.
iSl!li While Others are lluihlini! (Vtles in the
Sometime It Will lie Lovetiinc
C.til..lie'.l & Ihl'T
Ileiiri I u it
221U8-Freckle Tally Murray
In Miami rtliiir Fichl
L'L".W-Your Kyi's Have ToM Me So "uni Axh
Weeping- Willow Fane . Few i - James im I Kl!'"t Slinw
2:"J01 -I've (lot My Captain Wo-kimr For Me X..w F.hl:e C -utor
When They're Ohl Fnonli lo Know Het'ir .... Kil he lanior
l!22'i- Karavan, Fox Trot .To-eph Siim'i.'l's i)rcln'str:
Fa (iiiapil Miii'haeha, One Step Joseph Siunuel 's Ori'ln so a
222IW--Wil.l ami Woollv, One Step Ma-ter Sum.iiI. Sestet
That Shanha'' Melody, Fo Trot .... Master S'lsepli-nii- S x'et
22201 Co Ch, Fox Trot Tuxe.l'i Sypcopalers
.Mouil iht on the N h', Medley Fox Trot . . Tum do Syneop iters
2220-You'll He Sorry, Medlv Fox Trot l'uhice Trio
Just For Today, One Step 1'iilace Tlio
2220H I'oor Little Butteilly IV 11 I'.ak r
I Love Him ". Hi de UiKir
22lh'.t Tears Tell Harry Mi Chiskey and Invincible Four
(iirl of Mine .... Lewis James
221!2 Hreiimy Alabama Hotel UilUnore Hawaiian Oalntra
Hawaiian Lullaby Hotel Biltinore llawaiiai. Orehc'-l a
221'.il My Sugar Coated Chocolate Hoy Hiiaiie Sawyer
Little Ulll S.itt er
221h7 -l t'sed to Call Her Baby Billy Mnriay
If You Don't Stop Making Fvcs At Me Arthur Fields
2219!t Open lp The (ioldeu dates To Dlx e Land. Acme Male i nir et
Mending a Heart S.un A-h
Sapphire Ball
Plays Records
Full 1000 Times
This wonderful sphere is no larger than the end of a
pin, but it holds within its polished surface the secret of
the sweetest music ever pla.ed on a phonograph. It does
away with needles and needle wear. The i'athe plays all
makes of records.
M-m-m. Big turkey roasted to a turn
'N lots of cranberry sauce 'n all the trimmins
Topped off with a piece of the best pie
you ever ate that's
Christmas Dinner at "Hicks"'!
"Oh, Boy, Lemme at it."
Hicks' Sweets N' Eats
For Kent ami For Sale signs at the
El (.Tiwier orace.