HOOD IUVEU GLACIER. Til CHS DAY, DECEMBER 4, 1910 SAVE WITHOUT EFFORT We will help you to become a partner in our business. Through our SPECIAL SAVINGS PLAN it is easy to acquire The 7 Cumulative Preferred Stock of the PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO. $100 and Accrued Dividend per Share Just ask any of our employees to tell you about this plan. You really owe it to yourself to know about it. Svrial No. 14 JLCIIARDS RETURN APORTANT CHURCH ' HANDSOME REVENUE MEETING MONDAY Some of the Ilotd River valley oreh ircn have returned a fine revenue this . etr. J. H. Litter, local realty man. : a ho has been gathering- data on re turns, gives the following: "Here is one example: By per-' .nisMon of J. EL Ferguson. Hood Riv- r. 1 ran state this: He has 20 acres t apple trees. This vear he has har vested about 12,t " boxes. This will ,nean a revenue of $"24,(XM. "Here is another, Mr. H. L. Shoe maker has an orchard of 40 acres from wh ch he harvested 23,000 boxes of p- ies. This will make a revenue f 25,000. " There are other instances that A'o-jld till paees." The Seely Oresst-r orchard tract, op-t-rated bv L. V. Smith, has produced his year 14.tM.iO packed boxes of ap jles ; 41K) boxes Bose pears; 21K) boxes !i.ches. The tract is 40 acres, 3 not .daiited. These outputs of fruitage have a var iation. Circumstances of culture and tge of orchards make the difference. LEGION MEN FOR CAPITAL PUNISHMENT A three weeks' eargtlistic meetirg ut the" First Christian church will come o a close r.ext Monday night when nerubers of the Northwestern Budget Committee working n the interest of ihe world inter-church movement will meet members of the local congrega tion at a banquet at the church. In addition to outlining plans for raising ur Js for the worldw ide movement the oiumittee. according to plans, will ut gest a way for the church to raise t budget for calling a permanent pas- or. The members of the committee ; oming here are Kev. W. F. Turner, : .v thwestern regional superintendent , f missions, of Spokane; Mrs. Louit-e , e lv, superintendent of women's ' ai. k, of Spokane; Rev. E. S. Muokly, ; f Cortland superintendent of benevo ierres. and Rev. C. F. Leander, state j ec etary, of Portland. I The meetings, which have resulted ' in a numlier of conversions, followed 1 jv baptismal service, are being con ! iu ted by Rev. C. H. Hilton, of Rose- U'K- HOOD RIVER SUP PORTS THE FIREMEN McCORMICK DEEPJNG INTERNATIONAL YOU know these trade names. Your father and grandfather knew three of them. They knew In their time, and you know today, that these names stand for the highest quality farm machinery in the worklj McConnick huilt the first practical reaper; Deering sold the first twine hinder and was a good twine pioneer; and William Pari in was one of the first steel plow pioneers. The lines of harvesting machines and plows started hy these farm machine builders have heen growing and developing ever since. Other machines have heen Invented and developed by the same manufacturers, and every new machine and implement has had built Into it the years of manufacturing experience and farm knowledge accumulated by McCormick, Deerlng, Parlin and their successors. Now all of these ma chines and Implements hav e been merged Into one line - the International 1 lurvester. The reputation of every machine and implement in this line Is the same. WE SELL THE INTERNATIONAL LINE HOOD RIVER FRUIT COMPANY WANTED J. F. BATCHELDER Box 86 Orchards and Farm Lands If you have an orchard or desirable piece of undeveloped land in the Hood River Valley that you wish to sell let me have a full description of the same and I will investigate it If your property is found to be satisfactory as to condition, soil, and price, a contract of sale will be entered into with you. Only desirable properties which are offered for sale at a reasonable price will be listed for sale through the Farm Land Clearing House now being organized in the City of Portland, with offices in the Henry Building, for which I am local representative. We are prepared to give the best service pos sible and such inquiries as come into the Portland office looking for desirable orchard properties, will be sent to Hood River, and the undersigned will show such listings as are offered for sale through the Hood River office; failing to satisfy the buyers in the Hood River Valley, the would-be buyers will be sent to other Orchard Districts in the states of Oregon and Washington. HOOD RIVER, OREGON Hood River Post, American Legion, Monday night adopted a resolution fa voring the return of capital punish ment. Discussing paroles, the ex-sol diers expressed the opinion that courts Aere too lenient in this wise. How ever, as it was believed that individual ! ca.-es warranted such action by the i courts.no recommendations were made. The Legion men voted to forward to the Red Cross Chapter a dollar each to j pay for a 1U20 menibeship for each of the paid up 131 members. Hood River soldiers, in their first meeting since the Centralia assassina tions, took their first official notice of the murders of their fellows. The Le gion members stated that newspaper reports intimated that the Centralia Legion was in need of funds. The sum of $10 was forwarded from here, with the statement that the sum in its mea greness was merely symbolic: that more money awaited the Centralia men if they needed it. Hood River believes in its volunteer fire department. The citizens and their wives and sweethearts, or as many of them as could get into the big ball room, attended the Firemen's ball j Thanksgiving night. 1. G. Ripper, chairman of the committee' in charge of the ball, the proceeds of which were used to bolster a sick and benefit fund, reports a revenue of fiom the hop. The fo. 'ball game with the high school team resulted in a score of 19 to 12 in favor of the firemen. MR. HELMICK TO ADDRESS YOUTH Following the installation of new officers of the Lpwnrth League of the Methodist church Rev. D. M. Helmick will preach a sermon next Sunday even ing at 7.3U o'clock prepared especially for young people of the city. "Visions" will be the subiect of Mr. Helmick. All students of the high school have I ben invited to attend the service. ! Officers for the Enworth League to be installed are: Karl Tshank, pres. ; I Frank Norton, 1st vice; Naomi Carter, ! Und vice: Mabel Brown. 3rd vice; Ma- i bel Slavens. 4th vice ; Dr. Caroline Underbill, treas. ; Bern ice Robinson, cec. ; Nellie Brown, organist. E. A. FRANZ CO. TO RUILD NEW GARAGE Splendid (ougli Medicine "As I feel that everv family should know what a splendid medicine Cham bei bin's Cough Remedy is, 1 am only too pleased to relate my experience and only wish that 1 had known of its merits years ago," writes Mrs. Clay rry. hergus Station, Mo. 1 give it to my children when they show the 'slightest symptoms of being croupy, ami w hen 1 have a cough or cold on the lungs a very few doses will relieve me, and by taking it for a few days 1 soon get rid of the cold." BLUESTONE LIME Orchard Supplies Farm Trucks Farm Implements KELLY BROS. CO. Phone 1401 Office and Store : STEWART BLOCK, Third and State Streets Buyers and Shippers of APPLES PEARS B. B. POWELL j Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work : 310 Cascade Avenue j HOOD RIVER, OREGON j Stranahan & Slaven Contractors & Builders HOOD RIVER. OREGON. The E. A. Franz Co. last Saturday, through the agency of VV. J. Raker, uurchased from the estate of the late 1). McDonald the corner quarter block at the intersection of Cascade avenue and Third street. The property, 100x 100 feet, will be the location of a new parage building. "While we have not made definite plans as to the exact size of our new building," says Mr. Franz, "it will be constructed of concrete." Mr. McMinn Meets Son Announcement of the appearance here last week of the Milos, a troupe nf show people touring the country by automobile, resulted in a reunion be tween Milu McMinn, leader of the or ganization, and his father. W. F. Mo Minn, now owner of an Odell orchard place, after a 20 years' separation. The father was formerly a show man. lfe last saw his son in Roise, Ida. The father visited the Liberty thea tre, where the Milos were featured, and between acts he Hnd his son, be hind the stage, told of experiences of the past 20 years. Sonniksen Funeral Friday Funeral services were held at the Anderson chapel Friday afternoon for A. T. Sonniksen, native of Denmark, who had resided here for 20 years. Mr. Sonniksen was owner of a West Side orchard place. Kev. I). M. Helmick, pastor of the Methodist chucrh, offici ated at the service. Interment fol lowed at Idlewide cemetery. Mr. Sonniksen. who was 60 years old. came to America 35 years ago, first settling in Illinois. In addition to his widow, he is survived by five sons and a daughter. Administrator's Sale In the Countv Court of Hood River County, Oregon. In the matter of the Estate of John Djnohue, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pur suance to a license and older of sale of the Ccunty CoufTof the County of Hood River, State of Oregon, made, issued and entered December 2, l'.tlit, in the mutter of the estate of John Donohue, deceased, the undersigned, administrator with the will annexed, de bonis non, of the estate of said de ceased, will sell at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, and subject to confirmation by said County ci.urt, on Saturday, January 8, l'J20, at the hour of 10.00 o'clock in the foie ii( Oil of that day, at the front door of the county court house in Hood River. Hood River County, Oregon, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said John Douohue, deceased, at the time of his death, in and to the real property hereinafter described, and all ihe right, title and interest, that the said estate has. hy operation of law. or otherwise acquired, other than or in addition to that of said deceased at the time of his death, of, in and to that I'trtain piece or parcel of land, with all buildintiS and improvements there on, situated, lying and being in the County of Hood River and State of Or egon, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Lots numbered two (2) and three (3) of Block lettered "B" of Harrett-Sip-ma addition to the Citv of Hood River. Dated December 4, 'l'Jlit. George K. Wilbur, Administrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of John Donuhue, de ceased, d-ljl R. C. GLANVILLE ATTORNEY AT LAW Room 1 National Bank Building Hood River, Oregon DR E. 0. DUTRO rilYSlClAS AND SCRCKON Office: Hall Bldg , Phone Vul Hours, 2 to 5 p. m. Residence: Odell. l'lione, Odell 3T3 Hours: !) to 1 1 a. ni. J. F. WATT, M. D. FHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Equipped for X Ray and Electro-Therapeutics. elf plumes: 1H01 nd IH02 Homes Change Hands L. F. Brazeau was worried last week over the housing situation. His pres ent residence having been sold, Mr. Brazeau will be forced to move soon, and he had no place to go. The home occupied by Mr. Brazeau, on Cascade avenue, has been bought by G. A. Molden. Mr. and Mrs. Molden occu- I pied a place on State street owned by j C. A. Plath, now in business in Klam i ath Falls. The I'lath home was sold to D. A. Pierson. Notice of Hearing of Final Account and Settlement Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of the last will and estate of John W. Davis, deceased, him filed her final account and report with the clerk of the county court of Hood River County. State of Oregon, and that Saturday, the 3rdjday of Jan ary, 1920, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. at the county court room, in Hood River City and County, Oregon, has been appointed as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto, and the final settlement therof and the distribution of said estate. Dated and first published December 4th, 1919. Sarah Davis, Executrix, Hood River. Oregon. E. H. Hartwig, Attorney, d4jl Hood River, Ore. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Calls promptly nWBrU lu town or couutr) Iy or N Ik tit. Telephones: Kvaldcnce, 1031: Office, 1241. Office In the llnmlMH HuHiUc? E. D. KAN AG A Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 4211 Kes. 1MI Office in Eliot Building DRS. ABRAHAM AND SIFTON PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Rooms 17, 19, 20 Brosius Building Res. Phones: Dr. Abraham 4152. Dr. Sifton 3613. OHice 41 51. DR. F. C. BROSIUS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OHice boms (or Summer, before 10 and after 5. Rooms 1, 2 and 3 lirosius Bldg. Phone 181. Calls answered from Dee, 12 to 5. Phone, Odell 403. DR. W. H. THOMPSON Physician and Surgeon OFFICE: ELIOT WILDING Office phone 2222 Residence 2221 Winter Arrives on Schedule Winter arrived in Hood River on schedule time. Snowfall, mixed with rain, beginning at midnight Sunday, continued throughout Monday. The temperature falling Monday night, a fine, sleetlike snow prevailed for a time. Tuesday a blanket, increasing from an inch on lower levels to several inches as the altitude gains, covered the mid-Columbia. With schools closed for the annual county teachers' insti tute children put in a a vacation coast ing Tuesday. Should He Quarantined Many physicians believe that anyone who has a bad cold should be complete ly isolated to prevent other members of the family and associates from con tracting the disease, as colds are about as catching as measles. One thing sure- the sooner one rids himself of a cold the less the danger, and you will look a good while before you find a better medicine than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to aid you in curing a cold. We have money for Farm l-oans with prepayment privileges, and can give you prompt service. Abstracts Insur ance and Surveying. Hood River Ab stract and Inv, Co. Phone 1331, tf Notice of Sheriff's Sale In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County. Ellinor May Chase, Plaintiff, vs. Al bert Norder, Defendant. Notice is hereby given that, by vir tue of an Order of Sale and Writ of Execution issued out ot the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County, on the 22nd day of November, 1919, in a certain suit wherein Ellinor May Chase was plain tiff, and Albert Norder was defendant, and wherein the plaintiff recovered judgment against the defendant on the 20th day of November, 1919, for the sum of $800. with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum since the 11th day of April, 1919, for the further sum of $100. attorney's fees, and for the costs and disburse ments of said suit taxed at $10, which said Writ commands me, as Sheriff of Hood River County, Oregon, to make sale of the real property described .in said judgment and order of sale, to satisfy said judgment and the costs and expenses of said sale. I will therefore on the 27th dav of December, li)19, at the hour of 10.30 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the front door of the courthouse in the City of Hood River, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand all the rieht, title and interest which the said defendant had on the 1 11th day of April, 1912, or has since ! acquired in and to the following de scribed real property to-wit: The southeast quarter of the south east quarter of Section 19 ; the south west quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 20; the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 29 und the northeast quarter of the north eaet quarter of Section 30 all in Town ship 1 North of Range 11 East of the Willamette Meridian. Dated and first published this 27th day of November 1919. n27d25 Thos. F. Johnson, Sheriff. Dr. William Morton 9 Dentist Post Rooms 1 and 2 Hall Bldg. Phone 2401 HOOD RIVER, OREGON 0. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST Telephones: Office 1081; residence 3331 Office over Butler Bank E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. DENTIST Telephones : Office 3HU ; residence 3412 Office in Brosius Building Dr. Carolyn Underhill DENTIST Smith Building. Telephone 2021 L. L. MURPHY, D D.M. General Uentistry Rooms 1 1-15 Brosius Bldg. H. D. W. PINEO, D.D.S. ELIOT BUILDING Telephone 3812 HOOD RIVER LOOK FOR THE RED BALL TRADE, MARK m fifeai1ms$Aminunition Shooting Eight fifcj My' Our New Roller Mill equipment will soon be ready for the season's run. We propose that Hood River People will come to know SHAMROCK BRAND products as well as the discriminating apple markets of the world know their extra fancy apples. CEREALS, CHICKEN AND STOCK FEEDS The Highland Milling Co. HOOD RIVER, OREGON Getting Amumttmtmtt River We wish to inform the people of Hood of our purchase of the C. F. SUMNER PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT at the corner of State and Second Streets We assure you of a continuation of the same courteous and efficient service rendered by our predecessor. Trusting that we may have a con tinuation of patronage we invite you to come in and get acquainted. HUCKABAY & BARGER AUCTION SALE OF COWS On Friday, December 5th, I will sell 10 Milch Cows and Two Heifers, all with Calf. Two of the cows are fresh and all are well bred Jerseys. Sale begins at 2 p. m. at my DUKES VALLEY PLACE. CLAYTON FLETCHER. For further information Tel. Odell 193. We have a full line oT Bulk Cookies and Crackers also Package Crackers in all sizes. "The Home of Quality Groceries" BVY YOUR Cookies and Crackers where they are always fresh. VINCENT & SHANK o