UUOD ItlYEK GLAUKK THLiLSDAl. NoYEMNEK 0. 1019 IT'S NOT YOUR HEART IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS 'NO POISON DANGER ! FROM APPLE SPRAY tuiis A n-ajunty of tti itis afflicting l .;. tu U) tan t iraxed link to k.-:i.-.y tio- i. T'. kui!t the tnrwt Important or-Tirw if the Mrly. They are the fuerers the i-jr-ricris, cf uur b.oovi. K .lnpv dis-a is xeually indicated by n- :n n. sift-pifssneas, nervousness, i-bpontltii y, U k ii-bf. stomach trou pain in lins an.l lower abdomen, sail rtnnrs. ifratei, rbtumiMin, aciatica and lumbago. AH these derangements are nature' iKnin to warn you that the ki1reya j iif-U hep You should use iiLli MKIIAL 1'aarleru Oil Capsules inline-I diately. The soothing, healing oil stim ulates th kidnSk relieves ii.rtaaima tiuhs in-d des;roys the germs which have iajsed it. o nut wut until to morrow iju to yo ir druggist t.id,iv aint insist on tiLL MfclD-VL. ilaarirm ')'.! Capsules. In twenty-fnur hours yti should feel health and v.ifor returnm and will bleta the d.ty you flrst heard of 0LJ MEl'Ali Haarlem Oil. After you fel that ou hae cured yourself, continue to take one or tw cApsules each day. so aa to keep in flrst-rtaag condition and ward off the danger of other attacks Ask for the original imported GOLD MHlAL, brand. Three aiiee. Money re funded If they do not help you. HT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time Table No. 33 I aking effect Wednesday. October i"th, W. mmmr rxm w 1- VJ Ky SOITH lio('M) XoKTIlllol'ND No 5 Mulur Daily V. .M. 4. (HI 4 o:s 4.1'.' 4 20 4 . -it 4 4.40 1 4 i 4 47 1 : 4.S7 No. 3 Motor Daily A. M. 10 4 ") 10 4S r. i; V. M 11.30 11.33 n .:s 1 1 .4:1 n ..v; 12 IM) M. No. I ! haily : Kir-ept, S lid V i A. M. I H.IN) j K.lCi , K.1S j i i .3o I H.40 S S. .- ' ; S.'0 ; 9.00 9,Or '.I L0 9 '.'" !' .'!" 10. IH) A. M. Stations Lv. Hood River Ar . . . . PoWerdale . . . Switchback . . . .Van Hum ...... Mohr (Well Summit Hloucher Holstein inans Pee i-M. . . . Trmit Creek . . . .Wiinilworth Ar. Parkdalc Lv.... No. i ily t I'Hily ! u,. 'Sunday ; Sunday ! IMHJf ! No. 2 i No. 4 ri)ail; V M. 3 (h) 2 r7 2 AO 2 .40 .'.") L'.W L'5 2 20 2.10 2.05 2 (hi 11.15 11.05 11.00 A M. A. M. 0.2.5 y 22 0 15 0.02 8 . 5H H.WJ S.40 K.42 8.H7 8.34 8.:(0 8.25 H.15 8 10 A. M. V. M. 2.15 2.11 2 04 1.52 1.4S 1.4.: !.:6 1.32 1.27 1.24 1.20 1 . 15 1 05 1.00 V. M. i No. 8 I Molorj Saturd Only 1'. !M. i ti.45 i .41 ! H.34 0 22 I ri.lH j ti.13 ! ti on : 0.02 , 5.57 ! 5.54 ' 5.50 ' 5.45 ' 5.S5 , 5.30 P. M. Stfm. tMiitur. Owinu' to 1 i t i i 1 1 1 atplU'il mi tlie t-tt'iuu Hpare on Motor Curs all trunks ami heavy baiae will lie trains, either in ii'lvance of or followiiiK the passengers. "Don't Cheat Yourself" says the Good Judge There's nothing saved by chewing ordinary tobacco. A little thew of that good rich-tasting tobaccogoesalotfarther, and its good taste lasts all the way through. Little chew lasting satisfying. That's why it's a real saving to buy this class of tobacco. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco V-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco QUALITY CLOTHES In -these times of liih prices, jtoor cloth and inferior workmanship, it is a H'reat satisfaction to a man to know that he is pelting something that is absolute ly riht. That is why we are selling more clothes now than ever he fore. Men know that the clothes we make are right and that we don't sell shoddy or cotton mixed cloth. You can buy cheaper clothes than we sell, but you can't bu pood clothes at mure reasonable prices than ours. Meyer & Wood HOTEL OKKGON Bl.lx;. TEL. 1U4 Quality Clothes, $45.00 to $90.00 Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, fctc. Heath & Milligan Mixed Paints Glidden's Varnishes Room Mouldings Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Plate and Card Rail Dry Paste on If you want the Best Meat try our Grain-Fed Government Inspected Beef the best money can buy. Don't foruret us for the best and treshest Groceries. Remember our Mmnirfr Delivery L. H. HUGGINS" GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET TWELFTH STREET PHONE 21H R. H. Robinson, hswx-iaie chemist of the Oregon Agricultural College school of agriculture and experimeiit station, who has completed examination of ap ; pies from Oregon orchards, which bear i heavy deposits of spray material, de clares that it would be impossible to : eat a sultk-ient number to cause fatal j arsenic poisoning. Mr. Robinson'a lab ', oratory tests of the fruit followed a I recent alarm raised by Boston health ' authorities who ordered the condemna j tion of California liartlett pears and I Yakima Jonathan apples, declaring the j fruit dangerous for food purposes. The action of the authorities resulted from the illness of a woman in a Boston suburb. . She bad eaten California I pears, and analysis of her stomach i contents, it is said, showed traces of ! arsenic poisoning. "1 endeavored to obtain samples with exceptionally large quantities of spray sediment left on the apple and consequently picked apples from trees that had received five applications dur ing the season," writes Mr. Robinson. "Also the strength of these applica tions was double that ordinarily UBed by horticulturists generally. "Chemical analysis of these apples showed that the average amount was only .0007 grams of arsenic. Compared with an average fatal dose, it would be necessary for a person to eat :W0 apules. " FROST WILL NOT AFFECT PROSPERITY The frost damage to the apple crop will have no )erceptible influence on the community's general proserity. While the freeze, coming when many individual growers had apples unpicked, will result in serious losses to individu als, the community, even after damage is accounted for, will in the final anal ysis have more apples than were ex pected generally at the outset of the harvest. Numerous growers, who mav experience loss of apples from freeze, had already harvested and stored more apples than indicated by their pre harvest estimates. It has developed that freezes have caused practically no'damage to apples already picked and stacked in boxes. Eruit that remained on the tress will be badly, damaged. The total percent age, however, will not run over five per cent. The frost damage was heav iest in the Upper Valley and on the higher ranches, where picking was least advanced. DR. THOMPSON LOCATES HERE Dr. W. II. Thompson, who for the past three years has been located in practice at Newport and The Dalles, having been associated at the latter place with his brother, Dr. Fred Thompson, a prominent physician, has opened an office here. Dr. Thompson, a graduate of the University of Ore gon medical school, was for 18 months an interne at the Multnomah hospital. Dr. Thompson is a son of Dr. A. Thompson, physician of Uresham. The latter was here last week visiting his son. Dr. Thompson's office is in the suite in the Eliot building formerly occupied by Dr. Waugh. He and Dr. H. D. W. Pineo will have joint reception rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Acheson Celebrate Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Acheson cele brated their loth wedding anniversary at their Cascade avenue home labt Thursday night. They were married in Portland, coming at once to Hood River, where Mr. Acheson has since been employed with the Butler Bank ing Co. Mr. Acheson is now assistant cashier. Friends present for the dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. Acheson in eel" ebration of the event were : Cant. and Mrs. Geo. R. Wilbur. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McClain, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Price. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boddv, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hovt and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Arrick, the latter couple trom i.ogansport, Ina. Aggers Grapes Popular Here The best grapes, according to groc ers, obtainable in the mid-tkilumbia today are locally grown. The fruit, of the Tokay variety, is produced bv Geo. L. Aggers, whose ranch is on the promontory formed at the confluence of the White Salmon and Columbia rivers, just opposite Hood River. On terraced south slopes that get full ben efit of the sunshine, the grapes mature fully, the sugar content comparing fa vorably with fruit from California. The Agger grapes retail here for 15 cents per pound. Earlier in the season Concord and Niagara grapes, grown on the ranch of the late C. W. J. Reckers, the place adjoining the Aggers ranch, were sold in large quantities here. Many Sheep Moved Out ThR Mount Hood R. R. Co. has re moved from Dee, where the animals were assembled from logged off tracts and national forests, i2 carloads of sheep during the past few weeks. Most of the sheen were IohHpi! fnr routing direct to market. vvnne pasturage has been good this vear. lack of herrlera familiar with fho topography of the country has resulted in many stray sneep. anu orcnaroists whose tracts have been injured by ma rauding bands, are protesting the cus tom of local pasturage. Tax Delinquency is Less Deputy Sheriff Huirhes renorta that Hood River county's delinquent taxes are approximately $20,000, by about $4,000 less than last vear. The total tax for the current year was $287,000. That for last year was $276,000. S. E. BARTMESS Licensed with Oregon's first class of Embalmers. Phone 1381, , HOOD RIVER. OREGON 3821 Husum Damage Nil i Frank J. Fox, Hueum orchardist. j here last week on business, reported ; that the damage from the freeze would i be nominal in his section. Not only had the apples practically all been j picked, but they were under shelter. Only a fold ' Are you ill? is often answered: 'llhl it'- o ... i.i .. : .. . . i vmj , lb o uuijr n v:uill, as 11 u COia was a matter of little consequence, but people are beginning to learn that a common cold is a matter not to be trifled with, that some of the most serious diseases start with a cold. As soon as the first indication of a cold appears take Chamberlain's Cough remedy. Remember that the sooner , vou get rid of your cold the less the dangers, and this remedy will hek you , to throw it otr. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hri Rivsr Cccnty. Jennie B. SlaOe and Alfred P. SUde. Plaintiffs, vs. Harriett N. Mevers, Hans Ijige. Edwin Lage. Mdll Lage, Penjamin Lage, Myrtle Lae, Henry Lage, Iella Lage, Emma Ko berg, John Koberg, Ijiura Hender son, Alexander Henderson, Meta Seo bee, Mary Keys, Bertha Hoeck, EIv.cakI Hoeck, Earl Hoeck, Minnie Hoeck, Wil bert Kennedy, Elliott Kennedy, Edgar Kennedy, William H. Bishop, Isabel Howe, the unknown heirs of George A. Lube, the unknown heirs of Minnie Jensen, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming a right, ti tle, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint here in. Defendants. To Harriet N. Stevens, Wilbert Ken nedy, Elliott Kennedy, Edgar Kenne dy, Benjamin Lage, Myrtle Lage, Henry Lage, Delia Lage, Laura Henderson, Alexander Henderson, the unknown heirs of George A. Liebe, the unknown heirs of Minnie Jensen, and also all other persons or parties unknown claim ing any rinht, title, estate, lien or in terest in the real estate described in the complaint, defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon : You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed agairst you in the above entitled suit on or before the expira tion of six (6) weeks fromThe date of the first publication of this summons, which date is hereinafter stated, and if you fail so to appear or answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in their complaint to-wit: For a decree forever quieting their title to, and decreeing them to be the owners in fee simple of the following described real property in Hood River County, Oregon, to-wit : Beginning at the southwest corner of Section six (0), Township two (2) north, Range eleven (11) east of the Willamette Meridian, and running thence east twenty and fifty-five hun dredths (20.55) chains to the middle of the county road ; thence run north nine and seventy-three hundredths (0.73) chain; thence run west twenty and fifty-five, hundredths (20.55) chains; and thence run south nine and seventy three (lJ.73) chains to the place of be ginn'ng, containing 20 acres, more or lees ; Also beginning at a point in the middle of the county road where the same is intersected by the south line of said Section 6, which point is twen ty and fifty-five hundredths (20.55) chains east of the southwest corner of said section and run thence north six hundred forty-two and two tenths (ti-12.2) feet; thence run east sixty one (til) feet to the middle of the county road ; thence run in a southwesterly direction following the middle of said county road to the place of beginning, containing .45 of un acre. Excepting, however, an undivided one-half (j) interest in the following tract: Beginning at the southwest corner of said section and running thence east twenty and fifty-five hun dredths (20.55) chains to the middle of the county road ; thence run north one (1) rod; thence west twenty and fifty-five hundredths (20.55) chains and thence run south one (1) rod to the place of beginning. and decreeing that you, or any of you, have no right, title, estate, lien or in terest in or to said real estate, or any part or portion thereof, and that you, and each of you and all of you, shall be forever barred and enjoined from asserting or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest therein adverse to the plaintiffs; that the plaintiffs may have such other relief as the court may deem equitable. This summons is served upon you by the publication thereof pursuant to an orJer made herein by the Hon. L. N. Blowers, County Judge of Hood River, County, Oregon, on the 2'Jth day of Sep tember, 11)10, which order directs that yon shall appear and answer to said complaint on or before the expiration of six ((i) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which date is fixed in sHid order as October 2, 1910. This summons was first published on October 2, 1019. Ernest C. Smith, Attorney for Plaintilfs, o2nl3 Hood River, Oregon. Oi 0 3 a aoi DC DC 0 0 o A Three Million Dollar Product THOS. A. EDISON, "The Wizard," spent the above amount before he would give to the world his new product. After his associates said "This is good enough," he spent two million more in perfecting it. Today he has a Phonograph so perfect he allows the living artist to sing in direct comparison with the machine the hardest test ever conceived to be given a mechanical instrument. We carry a full line of these machines and records. They may be purchased on easy time payments if desired. See the new models on display. A. S. KEIR SMITH BLOCK RELIABLE DRUGGIST DC DO DC DC Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County. In the Matter of the Estate of Fred erick Luthy Deceased. Notice is hereby civen that the un dersigned has filed his final account as executor of the above named estate with the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Hood River County, and the Judge thereof has set Friday, the 14th day of November. 1919, as the time, and the County Court Room as the place for hearing and settling the same. Fred 0. Luthy, ol6nl3 Executor. Citation In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Hood River. In the Matter of the Estate of John Donohue, Deceased. To Emma Wiletta Parker, formerly Emma Wiletta Taylor; to the unknown heirs of John Donohue, deceased ; and to all others unllnown, interested in the estate of said John Donohue, de ceased ; Greeting : In the name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, at the court room thereof", in the City of Hood Riv er, Oiegon, on Tuesday, December 2, 1919, at 10 o'clock a.m., then and there to show cause, if any there be, why a license should not be issued to George R. Wilbur, administrator, de bonis non, with the will annexed, of the estate of John Donohue, deceased, authorizing him to sell the following described real property belonging to said estate, for the purpose of paying the funeral charges, the expenses of administation, and the claims against said estate, to wit : Lots 2 and 3 in Block B of Barrett Sipma. an addition to the City of Hood River, Oregon. This citation is served upon you by this publication in accordance with the order of the Judge of the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, made and entered October 22, 1919. prescrib ing such publication should continue for four weeks. Witness, the Hon. L. N. Blowers. Judge of the County Court of Hood Kiver tounty, Oregon, with the seal of said Cou t affixed, this 22nd day of October, 1919. Attest : E. E. Shoemaker, County Clerk. (Seal) By Kent Shoemaker, o23n20 Deputy. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY Sl'RMEON U prepared to do any work In the veterln. ry flue. II can lw found ty railing at or i pltutit to the r'aiUlou sjLuLleo. , Perfect Rainbow Saturday Local folk who arose early Saturday ' morning were rewarded by one of the ! most gorgeous rainbows ever seen in j the mid-Columbia. The shower ofj mist over the Columbia gorge was j touched by the first shaft of light as ; the sun emerged from a cloudless east ern horizon. Of even density over the whole ethereal expanse, the mist pro-! duced equal refraction, and the arc, high toward the sky's dome because of the early hour, produced a perfect arch spanning the Columbia. Notice of Sheriff's Sale ! In the Circuit Court of the State ofj Oregon, for Hood River County. ! Ellinor M. Chase, Plaintiff, vs. De-' los J. Walker. Leona E. Walker, hus band and wife, and Frank Caddy, De-i fendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a writ of execution and order of j sale, issued out of the Circuit t'ourt of the State of Oregon, for Hood River, County, on the 20th day of October. 1919. in a certain suit wherein Ellinor M. Chase was plaintiff and Delos J. 1 Walker, Leona E. Walker, husband and wife, and Frank Caddy were de fendants, and wherein the plaintiff re covered judgment against the defend ants Delos J. Walker, and Leona E. Walker on the 20th day of October, 1919, for the sum of $400," with interest ; thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, since the 1st day of April, 1915, for the further sum of $50, attor ney's fees, and for plaintiffs costs and disbursements taxed at $l(i.75. which writ of execution commands me, as sheriff of said county, to make sale of the real property described in said ' judgment and decree to satisfy said de cree and the costs and expenses of said sale: ! I will, therefore, at the hour of 10.30 i o'clock a. m., on the 22nd day of No-1 vember, 1919, at the front door of the court house in the City of Hood River, Oregon, sell at public auction to the : highest bidder for cash in hand, all the! right, title and interest which the said ; defendants, or either of them, had on ; the 2nd day of April, 1913, or which j said defendants or eiher of them have ! since acquired therein, which real prop- I erty is described as follows : j Commencing at the northeast corner j of the southwest quarter of the north - j east quarter of section 33, in township ! 3 north of range 10 east of the Willam ette meridian thence west 6 10 chains; thence south 3.50 chains to Phelps Creek ; thence Bouth 30 degrees west, ; 1.47 chains; thence south 32 degrees! east, 1.60 chains ; thence north 70 de grees east, 2.95 chains ; thence east 2.70 chains, and thence north 4.40 chainR to the place of beginning. Dated and first published this 23rd ! day ot October, 1919. Thos. F. Johnson, Sheriff of Hood River County, o23n20 Oregon." Notice of Final Account and Settlement i of Estate j Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned administrator with will an-' nexed of the estate of Philip U. War-! ren, deceased, has filed in the county j court of Oregon in and for Hood River' County, his final account as such, and said court has named and fixed Friday. I the 21st day of November, 1919, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., at the county court room at Hood River, Ore., as the time and place for hearing on said ac count and objections to said account and settlement. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, Octo ber 23, A. D. 1919. R. C. Glanville, Administrator with will annexed, of the estate of Philin U. Warren, J o23n20 Deceased. 3 ctfmrrico'j firjl Car LIGHT SIX OLDSMOBILE TRUCKS E. A. FRANZ CO. Agents OREGON LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturers LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS Wholesale and Retail A complete stock of GOODYEAR and REPUBLIC TIRES AND TUBES together with our ser vice, makes this an ideal place to pur chase your tire re quirements. DeWITT MOTOR CO. Announcement Commencing Saturday, November 1st we will be permanently located in the new building at 4th and Cascade Streets. HOE 3 HOOD RIVER FUEL CO. Phone 2181 DALLES -COLUMBIA LINE The Steamer J. N. Teal leaves Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7.00 a. m., arrives in Hood River about 7.00 p. m. Leaves Hood Kiver Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays about 9.30 a. m. for Portland and way landings. 0 Phone 3514 L. S. MILLER, Agent o 0 w 0 0