HOOD RIVER GLACIER TUFRSDAY. XOVFMRER C. 1010 7 Six Camels ar? soldevery where in scientifically aealed packages of 20 cigarettes or ten pack ages (300 cigarettes) in m gtassinepaper covered carton. We atronftly recommend thia carton for the home or office supply or when you travel! R. J. Reynold, Tsbacc C. Wmitoa-S.Ua, N. C. 18c a package CAMELS are the most refreshing, satisfying cigarette you ever smoked! Put all your cigarette desires in a bunch, then buy some Camels, give them every taste-test and know for ycur own satisfaction that in quality, flavor, smooth body and in many other delightful ways Camels are in a cass by themselves! Camels tre an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domest ic tot accos. You'll not only prefer this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight, but you'll appreciate the remarkable tull-bcxlied rnildruss and smooth, refreshing flavor it provides! Camels are a curette revelation! Camels win you in so many new ways! They not only permit you to smoke liberally without tiring your taste but leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or un pleasant cigaretty odor! Compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! You'll prefer Camel quality' to premiums, coupons or gifts! ta n ti 2MW THE SMOKER will find here a full supply of Velvet Smoking Tobacco made by Mother Nature's ways. The kind that has inspired the pithy paragraphs and poems of "Velvet Joe." Pat's Place Fifteen Cents a Tin Logging Brakeman Hurt C. S. Cecil, brakeman on the lodging train of the Oregon Lumber Co. at Dee, narrowly escaped death when he fell from a Irain moving over a tre9tle last Friday. Young Cecil plunged more than 30 feet into a rock canyon. If .!..,. ... ft-., r....1l k.t Urt Unrl ...... I it w o ot ill 31 icairu mat lie iiau nuo- I tained internal injuries, but he soon regained consciousness and injuries seem limited to body injuries. Willamette Valley Apple Orchard Four miles from Corvallis, Oregon, on gravel road, V2 mile to school. 18 acres 10 acres in ten-year-old orchard, 3A Yellow Newtowns, balance Grimes Golden, Yellow Transparent and Winter Bananas, balance in cultivation. 4-room plastered Bungalow, good well, 3 chicken houses, barn, sheds, etc. Cherries, pears, small fruits. For sale owing to illness. Price, $9,500. V2 cash. Address : A. M. LUNDEEN Rochester, Minn. OVER-ACIDITY of the stomach has upset tnany a night's rest. If your stomach is acid disturbed, dissolve two or three EtKlQIDg on the tongue before retiring and en joy refreshing sleep. The purity and goodness of Ki-moids guaranteed by SCOTT Sc. BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION LOOK FOR THE RED BALL TRADE, MARK i as firearms Ammunition Shooting fight" 9PHPM ROOSEVELT FUND i REACHES $315.25 Chairman Smith, of the Hood River countv Kooevelt Memorial fund com i mittee. has comtileted the accounting of Hood River subscriptions. A total of 1V2 subscribers gave $315.25. The ! heaviest subscription came from M'ses j Anna and E. 1. Sprine. who are now i at Coronado, Calif. They cave $40. Chairman Smith received letter from State Chairman Henry Waldo Coe, who expresses his appreciation of the promptness with which Hood River raised her quota. Mr. (.oe s letter follows: "Wherever people are sincere and direct in their dealing's, wherever a vigorous western type of Americanism prevails, there is and always will be unqualified appreciation for the pre- cents and ideals of Theodore Roose velt. During the course of the cam paign throughout Oregon for the Roos evelt Memorial there has been no greater work done and no more en couraging results than in Hood Kiver countv. This comes, we think, from a community spirit in w hich the herit age of Theodore Roosevelt has found its most characterise embodiment and where the cult of every man for him self is overshadowed by the religion of the square deal. "In the name of the committee I am sending you heartiest thanks and best wishes. Hood River county will not be forgotten as the home of Theodore Roosevelt's truest admirers." nr i FANCY DLUf.:T31FWW MAKES WHITER, LIGHTER BREAD GET IT FROM YOUR GROCER B. B. POWELL Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work 310 Cascade Avenue HOOD RIVER, OREGON PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS Simp early this year and get what you want at the time you want it, as the supply will not, meet the demand this year, and the sooner you come the more sure you will be to get the particular instrument you desire. PIANOS, BRUNSVVICKS AND COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPHS & RECORDS, also small goods ami slieet music. J. P. DARNALL Ti'li.ionp U'I2 REED-FRENCH PIANO CO. GILBERT BECOMES CHANDLER BOOSTER Clarence F. Gilbert has become a booster for the Chandler motor car. Mr. Gilbert, now touring California fruit districts for the Hardie Sprayer Manufacfuring Co., made the trip south In his Chandler Dispatch model. He writes : "My record is not a bad one. I have covered just a little over 3,000 miles since I left Hood River, including the trip through the mud down through Oregon and over the Siskiyou moun tains. I averaged just a trifle over 16.5 miles to the gallon of gasoline. I have used just one quart of oil for every 250 miles. 1 still have the original air in all live tires. All 1 have to do when I get home is to take a valve out of the tire and get a breath of Hood River air." Mr. Gilbert is accompanied by his mother, Mrs. May Gilbert, who had been in ill health. He writes that the journey is being enjoyed by her and that motoring is improving her health. DEED TO AUTO PARK PRESENTED The Commercial club and Hood River Volunteer Hre dennrtment Mnnrlnv nr. . - i -.j i Hpntetl Mvnr Xrnhee with h HepH vp. cuted to the city, for three acres just at tne west euge ot trie my to oe used for a free automobie park. The tract wh4 nuri'hnsied with fnniia of S 1 I MM) raised by the two organizations at the asi rourtn oi juiy celebration. While the ritv him lipen pnirutwl in minor improvements, costly work of a permanent nature has been withheld until the deed, delayed by some irregu alities in title, was assured. Highway Work is Slow Although one of the shortest links ever let in a single contract, the sec tion of Columbia Highway between the city and Ruthton hill, to replace the old State road, has been one of the most ditlicult contrators have ever en countered. Less than three miles in length, it was anticipated that work would be tiniehed before this date. Almost a half mile of the stretch is unfinished. A tough cemented lava ash, impervious to blasting, has been encountered on a large section of the work. The excavation in this material progresses slowly by hand woik. A steam shovel on the link will be removed soon, and the remainder, chiefly rock wotk, will be finished this winter. California Buyer Here "San Francisco will make a heavy consumption of Hood River apples.'' says Joseph Peirano, of the John De Martini Co., Golden Gate commistion merchants. "The Hood River apple has gained a firm foothold in the south, "declares the San Francisco buyer, who has been here conferring with Association offici als. "San Francasicans want the best, and they consider Oregon apples ahead of those grown in their own state." Fletcher Grows Fine Walnuts Allison Fletcher, whose orchard place is in the Odell district, has iust : completed the harvest of 300 poundu of J L'nirlish walnuts from three trees. The I nuts are of excellent quality and Mr. rletcher will realize returns of $75 af ter saving out enough for his own use. "I believe I would have had 100 pounds more of walnuts," says Mr. Fletcher, "if the silver grav squirrels had not helped themselves. The ener getic animals fairly stripped one tree." Roxylite Suit Cases and Hand Bags. The best cheap Case on the market today. Also, I have in stock Auto and Buggy Dusters W. G. WEBER Bell Building Milk Prices Take a Jump Atlhough the announcement was made several weeks ago that local milk prices would not increase, the claim having been made that local dairymen, as they delivered their product them selves, were able to sell more cheaply than city distibutors, an advance has just been made from 12$ to 15 cents per quart. Bulk milk will be sold ar. 50 cents per gallon. F. E. Matt, T. J. Mills, Uruno Franz and G. R. Dickie. All Kinds of Hides and Furs BOUGHT AT PORTLAND PRICES H. GROSS The Third Street Second-Hand Man Tel. 1213 W. J. Baker & Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands Madras Has Cold Snap B. L. Cummings. owner of a ranch near Madras, who came here last sum mer with his family, buying a Belmont orchard place, returned last week from looking after his eastern Oregon place. "It was certainly cold over there," he said. "Oldtime residents told me that it was a record temperature for the season. The thermometers regis tered from 12 to 14 degrees above zero." Freak Apple Found i The season's record freak apple was i found by sorters at the Barrett Com munity packing house last week. The , apple, of Spitzenburg variety, had two calyx ends and two cores, but a single stem. The stem centers merged just under the apple's skin, forming a per fect Y. I" An inspection will convince you that ! the service of the Palace Hotel, Port j land, Oregon, Washington and Twelfth j streets, is second to none. Convenient to shopping and theatre districts, clean 1 est rooms in city for 50 eta. and up. Exit, the Horse-Enter, the Tractor f0WER farming, or the substitution of mechanical for animal power, is a distinctive development of the past few years. Because of the variety of uses to which the tractor can be put, including plowing, harrowing, culti vating, pulling the sprayer and running power machinery of all kinds, it i.s becoming an essential on all but the smallest Hood River Ranches. Case Tractors have this year given such a high degree of satisfaction here in Hood River that a demand has arisen which this week made us feel justified in ordering One Carload of Some of these have been sold for Fall work. Others will be held in order to enable us to make prompt delivery either this Fall or in the early Spring. We shall endeavor to keep one on the floor for demonstration at all times. The Case 10-18 Kerosene Tractor-the "baby" of the Case Tractor family is the one which has found favor in Hood River. The 10-18 is small and can be taken almost anywhere. It is compact, built low, and has a short wheel base 65 inches which enables the operator to turn it completely in a very small area. Its compactness and the fact that its belt pulley is on the crank shaft and on the same side as the steering wheel, make it easily lined up with power-driven machines. Developing 10 horse power on the drawbar, the 10-18 Tractor, traveling 2!i miles an hour, exerts a pull of 1,666 pounds more than enough ordinarily to pull a two-bottom plow seven to eight inches deep. Depending on grade and footing, it will draw a load of from5 to 16 tons. Ranchers who are interested in what the Tractor will do are urged to let us know and we shall be glad to let them know when a Case will be in action in the neighborhood of their ranch. Gilbert Motor Car Company HOOD RIVER APPLE BOXES 1 C We have a carload this week. Are now taking orders. Can get more if the growers need them. Come and see us or phone your order. TUMALUM LUMBER CO. PHONE 4121 5 1 0 Cascade Avenue F. DAVENPORT, JR., Resident Manager CANCER NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD No Plasters and Pains for Hours or Days TUMORS PILES FISTULA GOITRE DISEASES OF WOMEN SKIN STOMACH BOWELS Four Years Study in Europe Over Thirty Years Experience Portland Physical Therapy Laboratories 412 t 417 Journal Buildin PORTLAND. ORE. Searcbei of records and reliable ab stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com pany, A. W. Onthank, Manager, 305 Oak Street, fhone 1521. jy20-tf SAY! Don't a nice "Stack o' good syrup go fine mornings ? Hots" with these cool When thinking of that splendid breakfast, just think of the place you can find the things necessary to make such a breakfast and Call 4451 VINCENT & SHANK "The Home of Quality Groceries" i ii BES13