HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 0, 101 9 v join The American Red Cross 1 a All you need is a I WV k-f -awv Lay a bet on V v. .v t ' si in 1 1 'em with rolling Albert 1 fne national joy smoke ROLLING your own cigarettes with Trinco Albert h yoz , about as joy 'us a sideline r.3 you ever carried around in your grip ! For, take it at any.anjlo, you r.cv cr ot sad: quality, flavor, fragrance and coolness in a makin's ci?;jrctte in your life as every "P. A. home-made' will presort yon! Prince Albert puts new srr.oker.ctions under your tonnet! It's so delightful rolled into a cigarette and, so easy t " ro'!! And, you ja. t aV 3 to it like you been doing it since away bach ! You I A. u ui;r.p cut and a cinch to handle ! It stays put nnd j ou don'i 'csa a lut whan yoa Start to hug the paper cround tho ichccco ' You'll like Prince Albert i.i a jimmy pipe a3 much as you clo Li a home rolled cigarette, too! Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process. You hnovv P. A. is the tobacco thct has LJ throe 1.10:1 to srnohi pipes where ore wan smoked lefore. Yes sir, Prince Albert biased the way. And, me-o-my, what a wad cf sraokesport will ripple your way every time you fill up ! Awa tinit Yftvf nT-mo, rou'7 f-nd tonpv rrd bs. tidy red f.'ns, hjn1niTi9 pnund end ha:f pnrnd t n "Kitiors anrf that c.'flss rdtfirl f oukI cry stal jjjss humidor wirh S"ono i.iuiLnfr top that Aetrs Albert in 1 u .i pcrt'-j t LjnQittoii 1 C J. Reynolds Tobacco Company V.'i.Kton-Sili-m. N.C. TT I-iiiimiii 1 iu Sd your At Receiving $1 C A A Stations j?l)"v CueII Apples a a Profit tZ AH Receiving flO.UU stations. We will buy them ; write us now. HENRY WEINHARD PLANT Established 1862 PORTLAND, OREGON ANNOUNCING The First Three-Day Showing of any picture in Hood River. A combination of the World's Greatest Star in a picture produced at Ins own studios and released on its own merits entirely. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in His Majesty, The American An 8-Reel Masterpiece produced by Mr. Fairbanks and his own selected company. The Liberty Vm J Sun., Mon. & Tues. 1WV. 1 Showing Three Days So Everyone May See It 6 7 8 McCLATCHY WILL TALK ON JAPANESE We would like to list some good Country and City property. We have sold the following property in the last two weeks : Eby, Nickelsen and Gibbons farms; Heuperman, Lucas, Perigo, Stauffer, Rand and Vincent dwellings. Have buyers for some good Country and City property, call and give us a list of your property. J. M. CULBERTSON & CO. While he expressed a support of the principles tor which the organization of Hood River orchardists stands W. H. Buddy, who Monday night was pre sent at a meeting of the body, warned the memhers of the new association against pent up feelings and irrespons ible acts and expressions that might lead to unpleasantness between whites and Japanese. Mr. Poddy, who at tended the meeting, he said, seeking information, was called on for a talk. Members of the organization told him that every means would be used to pre vent friction between Japanese already landowers and whites, but that the organization would be uncompromising in ways and means to prevent a further aggression of the orientals. The Forum, recently organized by i the men of the Riverside church at the instigation of Mr. Buddy, has invited W. S. McClutchy, publisher of the Sacramento Bee, who has taken a de cided stand against further Japanese immigration, here to deliver an ad dress. The Anti-Asiatic Association voted to pay a half of the expenses of Mr. McClatchy should he come. The Forum has also decided to invite W. 1). Wheelwiight, prominent Portland citizen well versed in Oriental affairs, , here to discuss the Japanese situation. The league of orchardists instructed their secretary, R. E. Scott, to write Senator Chamberlain and ascertain his attitude on the question. The league was illy satisfied with an answer received to a letter written the senator. It is ; claimed that the letter evidences an I "on-the-fence" attitude. If this is the case, the anti-Japanese orchardists say, they want to know it. For Butter Labels printed in accord ance with I'airy and Food Laws, call at this ollice. Rubber Stamp Ink at Glacier Office Notice of Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County. In the matter of the estate of Virgil Buchanan, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of the will of Vir gil Buchanan, deceased, has filed her final account in the Count? Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County, and that Wednesday, Decem ber 3, 1919, at the hour of 10 a. m.. of said day, at the court house at Hood River, in said county and state, has been appointed as the time ami place for the hearing of objections to said final settlement thereof. Date of first publication, -October 30, 1919. Date of last publication, November 20, 1919. Ella M. Buchanan, Executrix. Lewis & Lewis, Attorneys. PUSLIC HEALTH NURSE MENTIONED IN BIBLE "I commend unto you Phoebe, our sister, who is a servant of the Church which is at Cenehrea," wrote St. Paul to the Romans, "lliat ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you, for she hath been a succorer of many and of myself also." Phoebe, explains Biblical history, was a woman who went about nursing the sick and teaching them better methods of living. Phoebe was the first public health nurse. Public health nursing, which is one of the most important enterprises in the peace program of the American Red Cross, is not a new movement, but it is one which heretofore has never received its just meed ot atteu tion as a factor in maintaining the health of the nation. Phoebe's sister in the twentieth cen tury is the community nurse who teaches betti-r, cleaner living. Because the betterment of public health is now definitely accepted as an Individual and a community responsibility, the Red Cross will make a definite effort to raise the standards of living in the United States by urging the employ ment of public health nurses in all cities, towns and rural districts, par ticularly iu those where there are no organized public health activities. A healthier, happier America that is what the Red Cross is striving toward in Its Roll Call the first weeks iu No ve niber. WHOLE WORLD EMULATES AMERICAN RED CROSS With Ihe Red Cross societies of tw enty six nations co operating as members, the League of Red Cross Societies is now actively engaged in extending Red Cross efforts through out the world, says a cablegram to the American Red Cross from Sir David Henderson, director-general of the league. The membership roster now In cludes, the table said, the Red Cross of the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Ktlglum, Brazil, Canada, China. Cuba, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Ureece, Holland, India, Italy, Japan. New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Roiuiiaiiia, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Slates and Venezuela. MOTHERS MUST NOT DIE, SAYS THE RED CROSS Sixteen thousand mothers die in childbirth every year in the United States of America, more than are thus sacrificed in any other country of im portance in the civilized world. The American Red Cross has announced its belief that these mothers, the very flower of the womanhood of America and heroines every one, shall no longer du; through ignorance or neglect, If the public health nursing resources of the country can possibly be extended to give them the necessary care. This is one of the reasons for the Third Red Cross Roll Call which begins Sun day, November 2. MERCY WOMEN PRODUCE FORTUNE IN GARMENTS More than 8,000,000 women and girls participated in the sewing and knit ting of the American Red Cross dur ing the war. Most of these workers will be active iu soliciting members for the Red Cross for 1920, during the ten days ending Armistice Day. When it is remembered that these women and girls in two years' time produced nearly $100,000,000 worth of surgical articles and garments, includ ing more than 373,000,000 surgical dressings, the fact that they are to assist in the Roll Call is a practical assurance that universal membership will be achieved. THIRD RED CROSS ROLL CALL Novtmbtr 2 to 11, 1919 Time to Re-Join O.-W. R. & N. Co. Time Table WEST BOUND No. No. No. No. No, No, No. No. No. No, 11. Spokane-Port. Pass....fi 5, Fast Mail 10 19, Omaha, Kan. City, 1 . Denver, passenger. . 1, Pendleton-Port. Local.. 3 1", Ore.-Wash. Limited. .4: EAST BOUND fi, Salt Lake Express... 12: 2, Port.-Pendleton Local. 9 1H, Ore.-Wash, Ltd 11: 4, Omaha, Kun. City, ) n - .,... ( 12, Spokane-Port. PaB8,, 8 11 a. m. l'" a. in. .00 p. ui, :05 p.m. W p. 111. 5-5 a. m. :50 1. 111. 02 a. m. 52 p. m. 48 p. m. In your' home ' " 'or corrvenience and comfort econcfimy W Wctifamend Perfection Oil Heaters STANDARD. OIL, COMPANY (California) G. W. PEFFER, Special Agent, Standard Oil Company, Hood River, Oregon. FMLoxiifell Good looks, plenty of comfort and convenience and ample room for five adults make the Maxwell Touring model the ideal car for family use. The popularity of this pleasure car alone, during the past five seasons, would have enabled the Maxwell Motor Company to attain a volume production such as few motor car companies achieve with an entire line. Five years of intensive manufacture have developed the Maxwell chassis remarkably, and the efforts of the past year to enhance the car's appearance have borne good fruit. ' The Touring Car appears this season with a new body. It is just a little more roomy than its predecessors more space in the tonneau and more clearance and leg room in the driving compartment. This naturally followed as a result of lengthening the chassis several inches. A FULL LINE OF UNITED STATES TIRES IN STOCK L. E. FOUST Texihnne i!97 The Glacier office makes rubber stamps Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days. Place your orders now. Never have we seen the Hood River Volley more contentedly busy. Optimism is reaching all the way down the line. It is a day of good things, among them good roads - and remember our Good Groceries ,53 CONSOLIDATED MERCANTILE CO.