I1001 RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1010 3 ce Nature ifcrrir. to ccd liver oil said that a s err.; s a ready-made food' WILI.YS-OYERLAND AGENCY ESTABLISHED HOOD RIVER APPLES GO TO CHURCH i t 1 CO 1 ' is richest tlfic manner, very much I of butter-fat. Sec it's is r.ct but many f.rslrr-!:.ue it er-oi-. Sccti's Emulsion - r - - -. ,r o'.l, cir.Lorated in a scien : l;:re wraps up each globule u :.!.ke cream in consistency, r than they do other fats, s concentrated nourishment iy btrenj. Give it a trial. u ! r: Sco!t" LmitUioa is the famous : u d i...?iftl :u our wi Aaier.can i .-. a' .1 ruUtatitUty uasurissrii. v - --!- -J. N. J. 19-M Heed Kiver util have'a'r.ew ub n.o hde acencv :"Vn. I.'. A. Eihutt, a tt tiai automhile man. who hit-; l?en lo cated at I'rt-t'oii City, was here last wtek with . P. Plake. f the Port U: d ohVe i.f the V iils-Overlard Co.. Tv'S'Knrii; to tsthl lh a local t ranch if the con.-ern. .Mr. Elliott has se cond term orarv quarters in the eld ?lTv f the lute I). McDonald, j Mr. Elliott drove here over the Co lumbia Highway in one irf the rew , small model Overlamis. While'in the j city re gave a number of demer stra I tii.n.s and made a favorable impression ! with the bar.deume rew machine. Mr i Ki.iutt returned to Portland user the are te Highway, hut will arrive here to I permanently on the jub after tonior-tu. will shio Several thou- applcs that shield le Hixl Kiver sand lmes if even letter than the test if f..rn:er yr-tr. The af le will be siurtd fcr several weeks in the l i lted Brtthren church, fiT several tars Without a palter, t rews f men were busy last week shrir.fc up the tlnur with heavy tin i ers ant stai kintr the lew. Sat uriiay ni'tiT trui k .delivered their lua'Js nf the district's precious New tuw r,s and Spitzenburs. Cther relitf iocs edilices which are without regular pastors, will be used for temporary st'Tare. The tbasements of all busi ness bouses where space i available B hlled w ith applea. JL A 1 ING IN TERNATIONAL YOl' l-.now l .'MI H lt.ltll" iht'ii tiim. tun sl.iinl lor tli,' ywmI.i; u ( l)f'i in. ' si .;i u-sc ti.ido n.iiiK's. Vour father and r knew th,t'0()l thcni. 1 hey knew in ou kni tw today, that these names !i,wl fin ip'r I inn iiii. Kliw.ri- In fK. ltUI.lltlllt 111 lllJ ! ( i . It 'in' iitst practical reaper; l I a ir.'..' hindci and was n hkk1- K'"it ( i i i: r.i'.i. k I t'ne l.i tw ine pii ! it'iT ; first su-el plow mill iiiian l'ai lin was pioneers. I he lines of one of the harvesting p:ows staiteil by these farm machine been 'Towing and tle eloping ever nines lune teen invented and mac nines and buildets since. C):l,er de eloped by tite same manufacturers, and every new machine and implement has had built into it the eais ol manulai ttii in; experience and tarm knowledge accumulated by McConnick, )eerin. I'ailin and their successors. Now all of these ma- bines and implements hav e been merged into one lie reputation of this line is the line -e ei lie Inte; 1 1; if it na! I fat ester, "i ma' lane and implement in vhln' V.i Sill. III1-: lYKMNATlONAI. LINE HOOD RIVER FllUIT COMPANY BOYS KILL BRUNO FRANZ' FINE COW List of Orchard Tracts Hood River, Oregon 2' i acres ; Tj tearintr orchard ; modern home, apple house, a jraraire, barn and chicken house; ;ii nuies out. l'rice, $lti,NN). Youthful pheasant hunters Saturday killed an imported purebred Jersey cow on the dairv farm of Kruno Kranz. The boys must have tired at cluse rane. as ! 20 acres. 4 miles out : mostly planted : small t ird shot in netrated the cow 's tftfinnitiir to bear liberally, l.'im boxes heart. The animal was valued at fj.'.d. I this year, l'rice, $1.",W. An examination showed that she had i l0 acres, J miles out; all planted. 6 been shot earlier in the pheasant sea- room house. " i.r.e $7 ,NI0 son, a charireof small shot havintr been found lodged under the skin just behind! " acres near Odell, all under culti the horns. : vation. ready to plant, l'rice, Jtl.tKM). An investigation ts btw conducted1 o:! s.10 M u acres in lieari to determine the identity ,.f he boys, r,har(,( Roud ho'use larse 1)arn , who were seen huntinK on the Irani house and tine sprin water, l'r ce farm about the time the crow was mi shot. 121 acres, 3-mile out; 1(1 ac res under cultivation, ti acres orchard. d'Anjou rears, Spitzenhurtr and New town ap ples, l'rice, $10,")iio. Fine buy for someone. (By Laura 'M. Folts) r. ... . x. , , . i acres, ,! in New town and Spitz as The Mid-Columbia Athletic League fine apples as any in the valley. 60 met at the Oreiron hotel Saturdav ! cherrv trees. l'.osc and d'Aniou nears HIGH SCHOOL NOTES mormnir and settled the foot ball schedule, but could not come to any settlement for basket ball, so there will be another meet tig tomorrow af ternoon after the foot ball game here between (ioldendale and Hood Kiver. The foot ball schedule has been ai raniied so that four outside teams come to play us here. T'HVv are: November T, Goldi'tidale ; 11, Fstacuda ; November 0-rouin house, l'rice, $2."im. Hit acres, 4 miles out, i: acres in orchard bearing liberally, cherries, prunes, tfraie9, larjje double house, ap ple bouse, Dower house, barn, l'rice, si2,r.H). H acres, one mile out. fine modern louse ; all planted to best commercial November apidi s, peaches, pears, prunes, l'rice, l, w nite j js.ooo. :4 if in iisiiie i oaay IJ V. 'I L TAKK YKARS BEFORE S'lUCf.S COME DOWN IF EVER F you have not found the house you are looking for, let us help you. If you have a lot paid for, we will build a house on it; finance it, and you can pay for it like rent in other words you can become your own landlord. PE WS ARE DRAWN ACCORDING 1 ,Y()U11 HJEAS If you do not have a lot, we know of a limited number of choice lots that can be bought right. As we can start only a limited number of houses before bad weather sets in, see our local representative regarding details at once, as it will he a case of "first come first served." We are alio help Mood River jildin? for Portland. We can Portland Home Bulling Association, Inc. Home Builders and Financiers J. 1". r.vrciii.u)! r. Phone Local Representative MM salmon; November 21, The Dalles, and the Thankstnvinir trame between the Firemen and 11. H. H. S. The hopes of the foot ball team ran hitfh Friday morning as they planned u bin; victory over Camas and hoped to be home in time for the Hallowe'en party that nierht. They had their first downfall in spirits when the other high school students were not allowed to jrive them a send-off. Then they were sure blue when they lost the dirtiest iranie that our boys ever played in, the score being T-C. The H. K. boys out played the Camus team in every de pai tment of the game, but could" not beat the referee and head linesman. In evidence of the roughness of the .rainc, ('apt. Niokelsen and Carson re turned home one with a broken rib and the other with a broken nose. Ilec'arilless of the absence of the foot ball boys during the tirat of the 1 1 evening, the seniors scored a Iik suc cess with their Hallowe'en masquerade nart.v Friday ninht and were amply re paid for their hard work the weeks pievious. Many of the seniors acting as uhosts guided the people through the Chamber of Horrors to the fortune teller's booth, the witches' caldion. and water fortune's booth, and finally up to the auditorium where they en- ! jnyt-d the short but very good program I which consisted of a sliort play, "A j Hoy Who Pid Not Helieve in Ghosts." : The re.-t of the evening was spent in I dancing and much fun was made over ; each other's costumes. The patrons j and patronesses also enjoyed the even ling very muih. The refreshments i were pumpkin pie and cider, j I'rof. I!niley called u meeting Wed- I ncsday evening for the purpose of dig- j : cussing lit entries for the coming year, j j Some wanted many debates in the lit- , jeraries, while others wanted morel , dramas, and after much arguing we ; came to t tie conclusion to have two lit- i jerary societies and half and half de-1 i bates and dramas. I In Monday s assembly the student i m ! body was called together for the nur- ! i(,t8- i ."','h n'l ,!,lifnui"C af,rect',ti0" l, A fine home on Ninth street; 1ft lots. I .i Idoidale fellows after the foot ba 1 1 1 l'rice $;i,"illi j game Friday afternoon, ll was decided i ' ' : to give both foot ball teams a feed af- I 8 lota, abundance of fruit, barn, I ter the game and following that a re- ! chicken house, excellent garden tract, j ception for the whole high school, j large 8-room house, well equipped, Alter the meeting we had a good, l laundry house, cement basement, l'rice, lively yell practice. j $7,0no. D-ronm house on Cascade, abundance of fruit. 2 lots, l'rice, $1450. lots. 7-room house, all kinds of fruit, cellar, garage, l'rice, $3500. 3 lots, double house, abundance of fruit, l'rice $4,000. Situated on North Fine street. 3-room house with basement, on South Fine street. Price, $1100. and 'J acres less than a mile out ; all planted to best commercial apples, one of the finest homes in the vallev. l'rice. fltl.OOO. a iicres. 3 miles out: 3 acres under cultivation, good house and barn, pine tree grove; excellent for a chicken ranch, l'rice, $2750. SO acres. 4 miles out. 12 acres in bearinir orchard, f5 inches free water, 20 inches ditch water, large area of strawberry planting that yielded in KM! 2050 crates Kxtra F'ancv. one of the finest houses, good out buildings, l'rice, $20,niK). 10 acres near Odell, 7 acres in bear ing orchard, trees 7 years old. !'imi HM'J crop; 7-room house, barn and chicken house; the orchard is planted in Spitz cnbuig, Newtown, Ortley and Delicious apple trees, l'rice, $5750. 30 acres of walnut trees with apple libers 7 years old. l'rice, $y,000. 18 ai res of walnut trees with apple fillers S wars old. l'rice. $5,40U. 5 acres of walnut trees with apple fillers y vears old. l'rice, $lioit. 5 acres wit h apple, peach and cherry fillers ! vears old. l'rice. $1000. Wulnuts on trees this V'i'r. 10 acres of cultivated land, l'rice $2 dim. 5 acres of woodland, l'rice, i-ViO. The entire 73 acres mav be had for if 17. 5ol i. acres 2'i miles out; 7 acres orch ard good bottom pear land; barn and good house; ram installed. l'rice, $',0110. M acres 2J miles on, all planted; g' ( 'I house and barn; 12 inches free wjiUt. l'rice, $ti,uiiil. Homes in Hood River H-roorn house on State street south side close in two lots, l'rice, $2250. f-room house on Sherman Ave., close peaches, cherries and apples; 2J l'rice. $1050. Windstorm Saturday A windstorm reaching the propor tions of a gale swept down power line poles Saturday, putting rural light ser vice out of commission. A number of apple packing plants, where sizing ma chines are operated by electricity, were tied up for the day. in districts where the storm prevailed trees of unpicked apples were stripped. The percentage of fruit, however.was negligibly small. Yakima Man Buys Gibbons Place J. J. Gibbons has sold his llarrett 30 acre orchard place to bklward Axup, formerly a resident of Yakima. Mr. Axup, with his wfie and family of live children, will come here at "once to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Gib bons, oldtime residents of the commun ity, will move to 1'ortland. J. M. Culbertson made the sale. Mrs. Bell to Have New Rocker Mrs. C. A. Hell has been engaged t'ne past week in cutting the runners I 4-room cottage, corner Twelfth May streets. Price, $2,000. 8-room house with bath, on Park street. Price, $2250. Lot 50x150, with large store room 40x100, suitable for garage. Price, $2,000. Modern house, bath and furnace, two lots, fruit garage; one of the best houses in the city. Price, $4,750. 7 room house at corner of Eugene and Ninth street, $2,000. tiath and range. Stock Ranch trom a huge purple Japanese wisteria , 404 6-10 acres, 3 barns, two houses, vine that clambers over a porch of the ' several fine springs of water, 100 acres fenced, 1 million feet of timber: rail. ALBtllTA FARM FOR SALE BY OWNER. COTl O N ATI O N DISTRICT. Mount Hood hotel. Some of the run ners, which will be sent, to the Orenco furniture company to be woven into a rocking chair, are (50 feet in length. "We expect it to furnish sufficient runners for some other niece of furni ture next year," says Mrs. Hell. road touches one side. See Price, $7,500. r r s 1 in .ii to t,,w am.' pn -tun- and hay. i, 5 eiev ators ; School Level mile lii in I' -", cement foundation. . inn. '';im shed, uiiraue, grain in.: "ll i;r-ii). 1 1 1 iir pasture, Uo l.ir flock. Worlds of hay and ' le.tse very chl'llp. c 1 i'-.' bii. wheat and 10u 1m. akei. Poor health cnipi'ls ) : "Pc tl.ild eu.-h, balance ice modem and furnished home ill acri'a.'c, snlim fan place well M a -l desirable property at 'o--' ii going concern '. ; vk, horses, car and bouse i. l'n-aogh. Allien i, Can, ,-, Chevrolet Man With II. R. Garage Holla, "Harry," Harrison, who comes here directly from the Chevrolet factory at Oakland, Calif., has pur chased an interest in the Hood River Garage. The dealers, who also operate one of the city's most thoroughly equipped machine and repair shops, make a specialty of Chevrolet. ( oiistiiation Mo?t laxatives and cathartics afford only temporary relief and should be used only for that purpose. When you want permanent relief take Chamber lain's Tablets and be careful to observe the directions with each package. These tablets not only move the bow els, but improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. J. B. LISTER Licensed Salesman of Real Property 821 Cascade Ave., Phone 3844 HOOD RIVER. OREGON Ash Your Dealer Si) T Grand PrizeMoto nrc&rms o Ammunition Writ? for Catalogue THE REMINGTON ARMS U M C CO INC mw.mi.'. mi lam &r I Glacier otlice makes rubber stamps. P.ubber Stamp Ink at this office. BLUESTONE LIME Orchard Supplies Farm Trucks Farm Implements KELLY BROS. CO. Phone 1401 Office and Store : STEWART BLOCK, Third and State Strett Buyers and Shippers of APPLES and PEARS DERBY & STEARNS Lawyers HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Stranahan & Slaven Contractors & Builders HOOD RIVER. OREGON. R. C. GLANVILLE ATTORNEY AT LAW Room 1 National Rank Building Hood Rivwr, Oregon DR E. 0. DUTRO PHYSICIAN AM) SI KGKON Office: Hall I'.ldg ., Plume 1571 Hours, 2 to 5 p. m. Residence: Odell. Phone, Odell 3.r3 Hours: 0 to 11 a. m. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Equipped for X Ray and Electro-Therapeutics. lt)le(ilioiH'H: null and Mi H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. I'm I In promptly Hnwer:l in tuwunr oouutry lny or Night. TeleptmiiM: Resilience, KHI: Offloe, 1241. ntrlce lu the Hroiu Uulldiu E. D. EANAGA Physician and Surgeon Otlice in Kliot Building Phones: Otlice 4211 Res. lull DRS. ABRAHAM AMD SIFTON PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Rooms 17, 10, 20 lirosius Ituildtiiy Res. l'liouou: Dr. Abraham 4152. Dr. Sifton 3013. Otlice 4151. Our New Roller Mill equipment will soon be ready for the season's run. We propose that Hood River People will come to know SHAMROCK BRAND products as well as the discriminating apple markets of the world know their extra fancy apples. CEREALS, CHICKEN AND STOCK FEEDS The Highland Milling Co. HOOD RIVER, OREGON DR. F. C. BROSIUS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Otlice hours for Summer, before 10 and after 5. Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Brosius Bldg. Phone 18.HI. Calls answered from Dee, 12 to 5. Phone, Odell 403. DR. W. H. THOMPSON Physician and Surgeon OFFICE: KI.IOT BUILDING Otlice phone 2222 Residence 2221 Dr William Morton Post Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Hall Bldg. Phone 2401 HOOD RIVER, OREGON C. H. JENKINS, D. M.D. DENTIST Telephones: Office 1081; resident's 3331 Oflice over Butler Bank E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. DENTIST Telephones: Oflice 3101 j residence 3412 Olliee in Brosius Building OUR REPAIR POLICY Recharging, repairs, testing these are part of our service. We have the tratnin ' and equipment to do this work well, at the least price consistent with good work. Cheap work isn't really cheap at any price, and would only We us customers. ' w ii B'o r''-'a!'d 8ervice aHa lUt our obligation to make Willard Batteries last as long as posiiblH at least expense Another of our obligations is to diatribute for Willard a butterv that will last longer and doesn't need so many repairs the Willard Battery with Threaded Rubber Insulation. 1 ' H gives longer life with fewer troubles just as a cord tire does Drop in and let us tell you its remurkuble performance record alter over four years ot service. MOORE ELECTRIC CO. 406 OAK STREET Residence Phone, 2043 Office I'hone, 1782 Dr. Carolyn Underbill DENTIST Smith Building. Telephone 2021 L. L. MURPHY, D.D.M. General Dentistry Rooms 11-15 RrosiiiB Bldg. WILLIAM DAVID CHANDLER TEACHER OF VIOLIN Authorized to give music credits. Summer Class on. Registered. Telephone 2512. a!4 Automobile Service to all points of Mid -Columbia Regular Stage to and from Parkdale AS follow 11 ! Leave Hood River daily, except Sunday, at 4.30 p. . -?.w'iale laily' txve Su,lday. and nigs at 6.45 p. m. and on Saturday even- PORTLAND-HOOD RIVER MOTOR STAGE Enabling you to see the Wonderful Columbia River Higl a nominal cost. iwav FASHION LIVERY COMPANY iiu.v h 1201 HOOD RIVER, OREGON C. H. SHULTZ Teacher of Violin and all String and Wind Instruments. Instructor of Knights of Pythias Band. Solicits pupils for Violin especially. Call at K. of P. Hall any morning. MRS. HENRY W. BLAGG Teacher of Piano and Vocal (European MetboiD For terms: Phone 5813 yniiug Anttamirpmptit We wish to Inform the people of Hood River ol our purchase of the C. F. SUMNER PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT at the corner of itate and Second Streets We assure you of a continuation of the same courteous and efficient service rendered by our nnni!550 TrUSUng lhat we V -ave a con tinuation of patronage we Invite you to come in and et acquainted. HUCKABAY & BARGER