HOOD IlIVEli GLACIER. TUT US DAY, XOVEMPEU 4.. 1010 IMUDBY 9 f x m r0UR COMPLEXION is muddy. Ycu bok h.r - a gard and yellow. Your eyes are 1c .in-T tlidv fl lustre. The trouble is with your liver. T.-ic- Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Takers. T':y will correct that. Then avoid meal ;, I ; ; brszil and hot cakes, take frequent baths and a lon walk every day, and you will soon be cs well and a3 beautiful as ever. Price 25 cents per hct:h. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Remember that when you bring your Ford car to us for mechanical attention that you t't the genuine Ford service materials, experienced workmen and Ford factory prices. Your Ford is too useful, too valuable to take chances with poor mechanics, with equally poor quality materials. Bring it to us and save both time and money. We are authorized Ford dealers, trusted by the Ford Motor Company to look after the wants of Ford owners that's the assurance we oiler. We are getting a few Ford cars and first come first to receive delivery. DeWitt Motor Co. Why Go Down Town when you can get your Groceries and Fresh Vegetables on the Heights? A full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries carried at all times, also fresh vegetables. 1 also carry Swift's Lard Shortening and Meats, fresh every week. My motto is to serve the pub lic as they should be served. QUALITY AND SERVICE ALWAYS GIVE ML A TRIAL N. II. MacMILLAN Successor to A. C. STAT KN APPLE GROWERS ATTENTION Mr. Jack Bagley is our appointed Agent to buy your CIDEil and VINEGAR CULLS for which the First National Bank of Hood Kiver will pay you in cash on presentation of delivery slip, signed in ink by Mr. Bagley. HOOD RIVER VALLEY PRO. CO. ilk I" s i FOR THE HOME at all times of the year, and for the Vacation Day Picnic Parties our shelves and cases are filled with anything you may desire in groceries. VI W ILL HI (,l.li TO PACK I HAT BOX OF camimm; sutliks THE ARNOLD GROCERY CO. Is Always At Your Service Wood "md Coal Now is the time to purchase your fuel for the year. Remember we have the best and arc prepared to supply you. TAFT TRANSFER CO. 1 VAST APPLE TON NAGE TO BE CANNED j With applesstureJ in every available i ware house in the city, according to ' The Ialles Chronicle, the preat can- , ! niri? 1 lar.t f Libhy McNeil & l.ibby is j bei!irir,irg its canning of apples which ' is estimated will keep the plant optr-1 ! ating at full blast until Fberuary 1. The plant w ill put up 75,000 cases of j canned apples this season and 2f,Wi. caes of apple butter. Probably a ' third of this enormous output will be exjiortej to the countries of Europe. Ei'la'id alone i."- anxious to contract for double the outimt of the plant. However, the rirrn of Libby. McNeil Ai Libhy believes in taking care of do mestic consumption first. j The company has had a corps of buy ers here securing all available ton- ' h "J I nage. ; K. OF P. BAND IS ! ROUNDING INTO SHAPE The Knights of Pythias band, the members of which -beyan their first lessons six weeks bgn under director- ship of Ch-ji. II. Schultz, a former and instrument teacher of California pub-' lie schools and a San Franeisco orches tra ulayer, has Lvld its first ensemble lehearsa1. The music master praised the men for their aptitude in learning. The band members will continue their daily ! ?sons and weekly practice by alt m : bers will be held Fiiday even ing.' s.t the court house. Hood Kiver has been w ithout a regu lar band for some years, and members of the fraternal order conceived the idea of oranizinur a musical aggrega tion for the promotion of civic pride. Following next year, the damper of former public occasions, when band music was lacking, will be eliminated. G. W. j Clipped Here and There J iMII-!4HMI-H4H--H From Hund River, the hi, pie center of Oregon if not the universe, comes continual word of distress anionir farmers and business men on account of Japanese ownership. It is shown that wise men from the islands of the Ha arc buying the choicest orchard li.nj in the Hood Kiver valley, cieat-1 inn a center of Oriental life and cus tom which must certainly lead to con-; ilitions entirely out of keeping with the prospects of the richest section of the state a few years ao. The Telegram ?aw the dappers to he feared on account of the concentration of Japanese in the Hood Kiver valley, s'veral years airo. In fact, this paper I was the first in Oreg n to put out a : dai aer signal. It was not heeded. On I the other hund certain business men of ! Hood Kiver took the dignitiej position that the paper was knocking the dist rict. At the same time farmers wel comed the yellow men because thev stood ready to buy land at fair prices and pay for it. Nobody seemed to rjnlie the wisdom displayed by the f ireiiiiiors In selectinjr. the land for p irehase. Only the best was consid ered, and the men who controlled the purchases had all the information that could be (lathered at the time. It was in litis, four years ago, that the Telegram sounded the alarm snainst the purchase of land in Hood Kiver valley by Japanese. To be ex act, it was in October, 1915, when three or four articles were published, in which the problems of apple produc tion and marketing were discussed. In the article printed October U, the following warning against Japanese ownership was printed: "The stranger landing at the depot in Hood Kiver must be struck with the 'yellow peril' when he is approached by a real Japanese 'runner, decked out with a cap bearing in gilt letters the name of a prominent hotel. A Japanese hotel runner would be new in many Oregon towns, much less would the innovation be expected in a high class apple city. On inquiry it is ascertained "that the hotel runner is one of about 500 Japanese who have become fixtures in the valley. Japan ese pick and pack strawberries and ap ples and pears; they clear land; they j cultivate and care for trees. Lately I they have',been buying land, real apple land, and they are rapidly becoming j owners of orchards. In ever district of the valley Japanese are getting title to land and they are paying for it, too. Thus far the white growers have con sidered the Japanese as servants; they are soon to realize the change to land- j lords. Something of the condition can i be gathered from the fact that one of j every lo persons one meets in Hood Kiver county is a Japanese. And the whole colony has come to stay within less than 10 years." It is only just to the Japanese to say they are of the most conservative type of land buyers. First as workers of the soil, then as tenants, tlien as own ers of the land, Japanese invade a district and become permanent resi dents. They do not hastily colonize and speculaie. They study every con idtions, and then develop markets. There is no disposition among Japan ese, either those with resources or those without, to kjte land values and rob the newcomer. In this fact lies much of the certainty of the success of ventures projected by the little yellow men. Hood Kiver is not the only section of I the Northwest that has or will have the Japanese problem to contend with and to solve. Two or three sections of I the state of Washington have large j colonies of Japanese. In Oregon, other sections are threatened with the same peril that has been recognized, even though too late, at Hood Kiver. Port land Telegram. I.) le-White Salmon Road Muddy Chas. S. Crawford, of Salem, en route home by automobile from Top-p-nish, where with friends he has been hunting bear and deer, reported while here last week that the road between Toppenish and Goldendale over the Simcoe Indian reservation was in fair condition. He says they traveled for 50 miles over the high prairie country without seeing a habitation. "The worst road I struck between here and Toppenish," said Mr. Craw ford, "was between Lj le and White Salmon. The recent snow and rains have made this stretch very muddy and full of bad, wet holes." --.' A (iooil Cough Medicine l or liildre :i Mrs. J. W. Phillips, Redon, Ga., phoned to J. M. Floyd, the merchant there, for a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and said she had bought a bottle of it at his store re cently and that it was doing her chil dren so much good, that she wanted to keep up the treatment. You will find nothing better for coughs and colds in rh'ldrenjnr for yourself. It keeps the cough loose, expectoration easy and soon frees the system from the cold. i C. A. LEVEQl'E The Car Lasts Longer becauM Zerolen meets with scientific accuracy th lubrica tion needs of the car. It is refined from se lected California cruda oil. Deposits least car bon. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart (or your car. STANDARD OIL COM PANT PEFFl.R, Special Agent. Standard Oil Co.. Hood River. cm iilll J 1C Order Some Today from the TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Telephone 4111 Permanency and Durability are combined with beauty in the JEWELRY offered for sale by us After n lifetime In the business we have become ' acquainted with the best, and only the best Is offered to our patrons. W. F. Laraway Chas. N. Clarke YOUP-. Druggist IMflilF UDDB! fH lj II We have just received a'new I I 1 1 Country Club Toilet ' UAJM Preparations 1 Come in & let u: show them to you 11 ' Metropolitan Service from a Crossroads Country Store, yet customers get the benefit of many eliminated expenses. no: AUTO TRUCK DELIVERIES TO ANY PART OF WEST SIDE. Oak Grove Store TEL. 5582 FRANK FF.NWICK, Jr. A postscript for the young people: Hut up cafnphi) or excursion par ties atnl charter our hipr truck with pneumatic tire, to haul yourselves ant) all camp equipment. DWe have just received a consignment of 30-30 CALIBER WINCHESTER CARBINES These guns were pur chased at a low price from the Government author ities at Vancouver, Wash ington; some have been carried a few days but never fired It has been practically impossible to buy fire arms in the regular way and this is an opportunity tor anyone wanting a WIN CHESTER RIFLE to ob tain it at a very reason able price. Come in while we have a good stock to select from, they wont last long at the prices we are quoting. Blowers Hardware Company In as large a degree as possible we supply you, by means of our packing plant, with the pro duct raised at home. Fresh and Cured Meats i i W. J. F1LZ MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCEMENT Commencing Saturday, November 1st, our office will be located in the new building at 4th and Cascade Streets, where we will carry a general line of Building Material. We will still continue to carry a complete stock at our Yard on R. R. Street. PHONE 2181 - YARD AT 4th AM) CASCADE. PHONE 3621- YARD ON R. R. STREET. BRIDAL VEIL LUMBERING COMPANY We are selling Schillings Best Line with a Money Back guarantee if you are not satisfied after using them. Kaesser's Grocery Grocery of Quality E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor Phone 3192 Truck Owners, Attention ! We have installed in our repair simp a 200 ton hydraulic press for mounting solid tires. We are now ready to handle this line of work for you. It is our intentions to carry the celebrated line of KELLY-SPRINGFIELD SOLID TIRES. These Tires are, in our opinion, the finest product of their kind on the mar ket. The regular type of Tire carries a guarantee of 10,k)0 miles while the catapillar type is guaranteed 15,000 miles. THE TIRE SHOP, Inc. 214 OAK STREET, HOOD RIVER, OREGON Anderson Undertaking Co. C. C. ANDERSON, Sole Proprietor Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 415 OAK STREET PHONE 1394