The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 02, 1919, Image 8

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    HOOD 111VEK GLAllKli TllHtl)Al. M 'TOUKK U
KldMy IImim ! no repctr of par
son A n.jority of th ilia afflicting
Vrop to-1iy tu t traced back to
k.dney troub.t.
Tt kidney r th most Important
rgaos of tk body. Thy ar th
taartrt. th piiririers, of your blood,
KMi difcaa it usually indicated ky
riu, iMinauoras. nerveuaneea,
tponifwy, backache, stomach trou
ble, pain in Ictus and lower abdomen,
(all stones. trael, rheumat'.aru. sciatica
aud lummia.
All thus daraagements are nature's
iKnala to warn you that the kidneys
need he p Tou should ute (inLD
MODAL, ilaarlem Oil Capsules liuu.e-
dlateljr. The soothing-, heaang oil ium
ulaLes tha kidney relieves mrtamrr.a
tlona and destroys the germs xti.ifc
have caused it. Ix nut it until to
morrow. Uo to your druirif ist toJiy so. 1
insist on OJiUU MtU.U, Hariem oil
Capsules. In twenty-tour huurs J 'U
houid feel health a:il vigor
and will bless the iliv yu flist heard
of :OLl MKI'AI. 11 tarlem Oil.
After you frel that you Lave cure.l
yourself, continue to take one or two.
oav'Ulr each dav, act as to kep la
first-class eondltlon and ward oil ths
danger of other attacks
Ask for the ordinal imported GL,r
MEItAL. brand. Three sizes Money re
funded If they do not help you.
LULL APPLES ARE cs sssssa s:
Time Table No. 31
Taking effect 12:91 a. m. Sunday, July 15th, IH7.
J aaea
S tTimoi'SD
N. i Z No. 3 No. I
Motor Motor iiiy
5 ww
f. M. A. M. A. M.
6.00 10.45 8(H)
5.113 10 48 8 .115
6.12 10.57 8.15
6.L'ti 11.10 8.L'5
6.11) 11.1:4 8.30
b.M 11 18 8 40
5.40 11.1!:! 8 45
ft.4:i u. h.m
5.47 11.30 9.IK)
5.50 11.3.! H.0A
5.57 11.38 9 20
(12 11.43 t
ti.12 11.53 9.35 1
U.17 12 00 10.00
V. M. M. A. M.
No. 2 I No. 4 : No.
I Kutpt
I Sunday
; I liaily
i Kxvrpt
! No. 8
Siiturit y
lv. Hood River Ar. .
. . . . I'owerdale
. . . Switchback . . . .
Van Norn ....
V mans
Dee pm
. . . Trout t'reek
. . . .WimhI worth
. Ar. Parkdalt Lv...
P. M. I A. M. P. M. P. M.
3.00 ! 9.25 2.15 " 45
2.57 ! 9.22 2.11 : 7.41
2 50 i 9 15 ' 2 04 7 31
2.40 j 9.02 J 1.52 ! 7.22
2 35 ! 8.5S i 1.4H : 7.H
2.30 1 H 53 1.43 j 7.13
2 25 i 8 4t 1 !.3H 1 7 .()'
2 20 ' 8.42 ; 1.32 , 7.02
2.10 j 8.37 ! 1.27 ' 8.57
2.05 8.34 i 1.24 j .54
2.IKI I 8.30 ! 1.20 1 li.50
11.15 i 8 2") ' 1.15 ; fi.4.
11.05 i 8.15 ! 1.05 1 ti.35
11.00 8.10 , 1.00 ! ti .30
A.M. i A. M. P.M. ' I'.'M.
Steam, t. Motor.
Owinu to limited space on Motor Cars all trunks ami heavy baniraue will 'ie
handled on the steam traimi, either in advance of or followiuK the passengers.
When In Portland
One of the Best flostlerics of
the Rose City
446 Washington Street
The cleanest rooiiiB in the city, first class service, fireproof, strictly
modern, larue ground floor lobby, steam heated rooms, with or without
hath, hot and cold water, in shopping and theatre district, reasonable
rate's. An inspection will convince you.
(By S. J. Mitchell, in Houston, Tex.,
The history of thrilling baseball in
Houston tfues away back into the Vs,
when there was a cleanup ir.ade in the
Teaxs League, with Houston easily on
top. Everyone sa d : "You just can't
beat 'em. They have a combination
w ith that guy Hilly Sunday huldintr the
key, and he's woice than a bulldog- he
won t turn loose.
That's just the way the opix.sing cit
ies, with their clubs, were talking, and
from that on they just grew listless, as
far as any hoie of making a creditable
show ing w as concerned.
Hut the big leagues toon took notice.
and plucked Hilly away from the Tex
as League, and he literally took his
second sack with him in the campaign
of aggressiveness that made him in
stantly popular everywhere.
lears rolled along and liillv turned
his second base into a'broader field of
activity, and widened it into a pulpit,
horn which he draws as ir.any, alone.
as may ue seen on a tine day at the
New Y'ork Polo grounds. He was al
ways impolite enough to discuss the
equity of close decisions with the Tex
as umpires, and his flow of language,
even at that early date, was the sub
ject ot admiration, lie is pre-eminently
the man with a punch, and goes
in but little for theological methods.
claiming that too much of it often
mars or obscures the truth.
Hut with all the wear and tear on
his constitution that so much strenuous
work must entail Hilly must have some
relaxation, and he shows another side
of himself as a successful ranch owner
in the Hood Kiver valley of Oregon.
"1 am only granting the devil a tiuca
out here," he said, "while 1 enjoy the
pure air that blows from snow covered
Mount Hood and acts as a beneficial
sleeping draught."
aunuav is nothing if not versatile,
nd while he can soar awav to the
heights (f idealism, he is eoually suc
cessful in commercializing his work.
In all his engagements he first has to
talk it over with Ma, and this means
that his transactions will terminate in
a distinct compensation for Billy.
Hut with all the wealth he accumu
lates, much of it is put to a good and
charitable use, and he often takes the
lead with a good round donation to any
worthy cause.
It is. after all, the wonders of Witch
mountain that allured bunday, just as
many other nature worshippers have
been chained in her enchanting spell.
No one ever tires ot the mountain, for,
like a kaleidoscope, it never presents
the same picutre any two hours of the
day. It is like a realistic painting on
which eome unseen 1 itan with an in
visible brush and easel pours out his
inspiration in the colors of nature
Now the sun may sparkle with bril
liance indescribable on narticles of
snow tipped peaks nad vast snow fields
and irlaciers. The peak itself rises in
to the skv as limpid as a svlvan lake
where nymphs and gnomes come to
peer and mirror themselves for their
morning toilet. But in a moment this
vista may pass from view. A sudden
cloud rolls together and throws its
shadow over the Witch Mountain.
It is the land of the nirnrod in the
fall season and among the crags and
crevasses mountain goat, bear and
deer abound, the latter often bold
enough to raid the growing grain. Ap
pie harvesting is a wonderful sight,
One sees a familiar auto truck, loaded
with bowers of choice fruit and rum
hling alcng the half paved roads to the
town of Hood River. The man at the
wheel is infinitely happy. He knows
them all. They all know him. He
doesn't look in the least ecclesiastical,
but it is Hilly bunday, just the same
In these times of liih prices, poor
cloth and inferior workmanship, it is a
Kreut satisfaction to a man to know i hat
he is Retting something that is absolute
ly right.
That is why we are selling more
clothes now than ever before, Men know
that the clothes we make are right am
that we don't sell shoddy or cotton mixed
cloth. Yon can buy cheaper clothes than
we sell, but you can't bin good clothes
at more reasonable trices than ours.
Meyer & Wood
TEL. 1124
Quality Clothes, $45.00 to $90.00
Prices fyr cull apples are far in ex
cess of any former years.'ard grow ers,
if returns on commercial packs of the
fruit reach a proportionate rate of in
crease over former years, will t more
prosperous than at ai.y time in their
history. Oder and vinegar apples,
w ith cockers graded out. are in sir jng
denial J now at $15 per too. The big li
es t price in any former seasjn as
paid last year when growers received
$S tr ton.
Canners ar otTering A) per ton for
straight ungraded stocks below t'
grade. Representatives of six vine
gar, cider and canning concerns are
canvassing the valley, contracting cull
siocks. ine Atmle urowers Associa
tion, while it permits no individual
sales of commercial stocks of apples,
allows its growers to sell their cider
and cooking stocks direct.
Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co.
Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc.
Heath & Milligan Mixed Paints
Glidden's Varnishes
Room Mouldings
Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order
Plate and Card Rail
Dry Paste
tis up.
When you have any Apples or Tears to sell call
Highest price paid for high class fruit.
Orchard supplies, spray materials on hand.
The Woman's club has begun the
activities of the fall and winter season
with 122 members. An ambitious cal
endar has been prepared. Standing
committees for the year have been an
nounced as follows :
Calendar: Mrs. P. R. Hughes, Mrs.
W. W. Rodwell, Mrs. J. W. Sifton,
Mrs. E. W. Hirge; educational. Mrs.
R. I). Gould. Mrs. E. T. Robinson,
Mrs. Harvey Jones. Mrs. H. G. Coo
per, Mrs. Ella Wilbur; legislative,
Mrs. Wm. Mutiroe, Mrs. C. H. Cast
ner; civic, Mrs. C. O. Huelut. Mrs. C.
A. Hell, Mrs. W. A. Schatl'ner, Mrs.
R. H. I'erigo, Miss E. M. lavidson;
current events and parlimentary drill,
Mrs. ('. 1). Hoyt, Mrs. Wm. Munroe;
prei-s, Mrs. V. R. Abraham, Mrs. W.
11. McClain: property, Mrs. S. K. Hart
mess, Mrs. Harry Connawav, home ec
onomics, Mrs. F. M. Edwards, Mrs. L.
M. Kissinger, Mrs. A. E. I'age, Mrs.
W. li. Heath, Mrs. E. Hawkes. Mrs.
E. I Scobee; philanthropic. Mrs. I..
M. Hentlev, Mrs. Hubbard Taylor,
Mrs. W. L." Nichols, Mrs. A. C. Eofts;
emergency Mrs. Truman Iiutler, Mrs.
W. 11. Chipping, Mrs. Kent Shoemak
er; social, Mrs. C. C Paddock, Mrs.
C. O. Heulat, Mrs. (J. A. MeC'urdy;
auditing, Mrs. Jessie Hishop, Mrs. M.
E. McCarty ; music, Mrs. W. M. Post,
Miss R. Howes, Mrs. K. W. Sinclair,
Mrs. A. S. Keir, Mrs. Geo. R. Wilbur.
Licensed with Oregon's first class of Embalmers. . Phone 1381, 3821
Apple-Pear Fruit Found
Samuel Samuelson, a West Side orch
aridst, has a new species of fruit. As
Mr. Samuelson describes them :
"Roth the foliage and the blossoms
were betwixt and between those of
pears and apples."
When the fruit finally matured this
fall it had the shape of an apple. The
skin is russet and covered with tiny
specks. Mr. Samuelson says he is still
undetermined as to whether he is
growing apples or pears on the freak
tree. Others who have sampled the
fruit declare it to be a variety of pear.
Are Days of Suffering Ihpy are Be
coming Hriyliter fur Some Hood
River People
Many "dark days" from kidney ills.
Backache, headache tired days ;
Urinary trouble makes you gloomy;
Doan's Kidney Pills have proven
their worth.
Have been tested by many kidney
They are endorsed by Hood River
Mrs. M. A. Douglas, 1126 Seventh
St., says: "1 was more or less subject
! to backache and when I was suffering
! in this way my kidneys became irregu-
lar in action. 1 felt depressed and had
j no ambition for anything. After 1 had
taken two boxes of Doan's Kidney
Pills 1 felt like a different person.
That misery in my back stopped and
my kidneys haven't caused me any
j trouble since."
i Erice 60c at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy -I'nan's
Kidney Pills the same
At a special meeting last week the !
county court consolidated a number
of the county's road districts. Hist-:
nets No. 1, 4 and 11. representing a !
large section of the area west ef Hod j
river, were changed to District 1. Ine
Upper Vallev. formerly Districts 2 and 1
X, will form District 2, and Districts 5,
and 10. Kir ard Fine Grove sections,
will be District 5 hereatfer. j
The consolidation was effected in
order to aid the roadmaster. W. L. !
Nichols, in supervising work.
A Three Million Dollar Product
EDISON, "The Wizard," spent the above
he would give to the world his new
amount before
After his associates said "This is good enough," he
spent two million more in perfecting it
Today he has a Phonograph so perfect he allows the
living artist to sing in direct comparison with the machine
the hardest test ever conceived to he given a
median ica I ins tru m en f .
We carry a full line of these machines and records.
They may be purchased on easy time payments if desired.
See the new models on display.
Boy Gets $25 Fine
After several thrilling episodes that ;
nearly cost him his life. Jack Nesser, '
a youth accused of robbing fellow
workers at a Highway camp east of
here, was lined $25 by Justice of the '
Peace Onthank Friday. Nesser at first
faced a charge of grand larceny, but
this was withdrawn and one of petty
larceny substituted.
The boy, week before last, was taken
tt Pendleton. Constable Olinger was
returning him here when the boy
jumped from a swiftly moving train i
just east of The Dalles. Although he !
I.tmled in a pile of rocks, he survhed
with minor bruises as his only injuries.
He was recaptured by the city mar-;
shal of Arlington, who, when the buy
tried to escape, shot him three times.'
A bullet still remains in his hip. but j
he has been returned to work with the
road camps, apparently little the worse i
oil' for his injuries. ;
Notice of Sale of Stock in Glacier Irri-.
gating Company for Delinquent j
Assessments j
Notice is hereby given : That on Oe-'
tuber 21th, I'-U".! at the hour of 2
o'clock p. m., at Valley t'rest school
house, m School District No. 8. locat
ed in Section Is, Two. 1 S , Itaiige 10
K., W. M , the undersigned, in the
rame of (ilacier Irrigating CumpMny, a
corporation, and acting t'or the Hoard 1
of Directors thereof, will sell at public
auction, to the h'ghest bidder, tor cash
in hand, the sunk subscribed for and
held by the persons, and in the tiuanti
ties, as lit-U-.l below, t'or the purpose
of making the unpaid and delinquent
asessmenU doe thereon, also liste 1 de
low, as follow s. to-wit :
Niton- of
Hoi. It-1-
Anna K.
laioi-s I .
i.. C. r.
No o
Shall. -i
linker MO
I'ande" 2(1
vlishaw . .
Joseph l.rwin
j .l"sie 1 1. I l.lll till 111
! ,1. ( ). Ilanmiiii
i ( iiM.tjie 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 :1 it
j lin y .li-iitu ....
j William Jones . . .
j ( ieoige M'.nroe- . . .
j ( ii'Nivc .M iller
Williuin Moi .lv . .
j 'i. U. .McKce
I Frank IVder
Cym V. Sparks .
I'. .1. Stark
I.. II. Thomas
. i::
1 1
1 elit).lietlt
f I2.u0
(.1 dO
II liil
sn (.0
!l 141
Pi. 00
22 10
:t.i no
2S S'l
2") i i"
4:1.20 '
l!v older of lb
Itoanl of 1 i rectors :
Kverelt A. lirow n,
Newberg Will Ship 100 Cars
"The Willamette Valley will be
come this year an important factor in
Oregon apple shipments," says Allen
Hart, who has charire of a liackine
plant for Dan Wuills & Co. at New
berg. "We will ship 100 cars of fine
quality of apples from Newberg. Our i
packing house has three grading ma-j
chines operating now, and we are turn- i
ing out 1,200 boxes of apples daily."
Mr. Hart, who has been at Newberg :
the past two weeks, organizing his,
torces was here last week to sect re
additional packers.
"Lack of packers," he says, "has
been our chief labor objection. The
apple indusrty, is new and the district
a yet hasn't 'sufficient experienced
Underwood Harvest On
The harvest of apples has begun at
Underwood, according to Dr. H. L
(iearv, who was here last week on
business. Underwood growers were
engaged last week in picking Winter
Bananas, and this week the harvest of
other standard varieties will be under
"We will have about four cars of necessary, and w ill hear and determine
Winter Pananas," said Mr. Geary, "all any objection by any interested person
big, well colored tipples. We have ; to said assessment and apportionment
completed the harvest wf four cars ot 'j thereof and any other matter connect
d'Anjou pears. The Mt. Adams Orch- ed therewith that may come before it.
aid Co.. the tracts of which are north i The assessment list and record, so
of llusum. will ship alioul nire cars of i made and adopted, is now and will re-
Wholesale and Retail
Board of Equalization
East Fork Irrigation District
Notice is hereby given: That the
Board of Directors of Fast Fork Irri
gation District, sitting as a Board of
Fqualization, will meet at its office in
the Flint Building, in the City of Hood
Kiver, Oregon, on Tuesday, October
7, l'JU), for purpose of reviewing and
correcting its assessment and appor
tionment :of tuxes fur the year 1!)20,
made and adopted September 2, 191!).
The Board will continue in session
from day to day, as long as may be
d'Anjous through the Underwoid ware
house. We expect 100 cars of anples i
of all varieties in our district."
Skull Pierced By Arrowhead
"I saw one of the most interesting I
relics last week that has ever come un-
der my observation," said W. J. j
White, traveling salesman for the Pa-!
cific Paper Co. "It was a human j
skull in which was imbedded an Indian i
"The grisly reminder of the days of
hostile Redmen was found near Squal-!
ly Hook on the Columbia east of The i
Dalles. The Bkull, perfectly pre-j
setveU, was covered partly with sand.
mum in the othce of the Secretary of
the Board, Eliot Building, Hood Kiver,
Oregon, for the inspection of all per
sons interested.
Dated September 2, 11U9.
(leorge U. Wilbur,
slo2 Secretary.
Equalization Meeting
flood River Irrigation District
Notice is hereby given : That the
Hoard of Liioctorsjof the Hood Kiver
Irrigation District sitting as a B.iard i
of Fqualization, will meet at its office '
in the Oak Grove Store Monday, Octo-1
her ti, ipjl'j, at 2 n. m.. for the mir-.
It is the head, perhaps, of some early
day Hudson Bay man."
The, human skull, with the piercing
airowhead, is being shown by Wm.
McGuire, of Goldendale, a collector of
Indian relics.
Dan Wuille Returns
Dan Wuille, after a tour of all Pa
cific coast apple districts, left last
week for Vancouver, whence he will
travel esat bv way of the Canadian Pa
cific. Mr. Wuille, whose concern has
been shipping heavily from Hood Kiver
and other Northwestern district for a
number of years, declares that he an
ticipates a steadily increasing export
volume each year.
"We are here to stay," he said,
''and will establish our storage plants
and warehouses permanently in your
i pose of reviewing and correcting its
assessment anil apportionment of taxes
: for the year 11)20, male and adopted
j September 2, 1919. The Board will
continue in session from day to day as
long as may be necessary, and will
hear and determine any objection by
any interested person to said assess
ment and apportionment thereof and
any other matter connected therewith
that may come before it. The assess
ment list and record, so made and
adopted is now and will remain in the
! office of the secretary at the Oak
Grove store. Hood Kiver, Oregon, for
the inspection of all persons interested.
By'order of the Board of Directors.
Dated September 3, 1919.
K Fenwick,
A complete stock of
together with our ser
vice, makes this an
ideal place to pur
chase your tire re
quirements. DeWITT MOTOR CO.
Bobbins Praises Hood River
J. H. Robbins.'of Spokane, formerly
a fruit grower of that district and one
of the organizers of the North Pacific
Fruit Distributors, was here last week
with W. J. Furnish, of Portland, in
fpecting Hood Kiver orchards. Mr.
Kobbins declares that he has never
seen finer apple prospects than ate
now indicated in Hood Kiver.
"Your apples are es( erially highly
colored and of good size," said Mr.
Tax Payments Roll In
Deputy Sheriff Hughes reports that
tax payments are being made in heavy
volumes this week. Last Thursday Mr.
Hughes received $2,800. and larger
sums are expected each day through
out the week. Mr. Hughes expects
October 5 to be reached with a record
small delinquency.
D m
wjmti s; ' -
An Agreeable Surprise
"About three years ago when I was
suffering from a severe cold on my
lungs and coughed most of the time
nightind day 1 tried a bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and was sur
prishd at the promptness with which it
gave me relief." writes Mrs. James
get. Brown, Clark Mills, N. Y. Many an
that , other has been surprised and nleased I
On man cuts IS corcU; 2 ma, 38 cr!,
Goes Anywhere Any Anto.
BRIGGS I BURPEE CO. Inc., Maniif.ctnrtrs
279 Hawthorn Art., Portland.
Sand for Infamation and tllutralad Circular
Tires and Tubes
Kelly-Springfield (Solid and
Mrs. Douglas had. Foster-Milburn with the prompt relief afforded by this
Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 7 remedy.
Weather strips for
Hood River Garage.
windshields, 60c.
The Steamer J. N. Teal leaves Pn,-tlQn,i t..m-..-
J-jver aDout 7.00 n. rn. T
'Fridays and Sundays about 9.30 a.
a. m.. arrives in llnnr!
Hood River Wednesdays,
for Portland and way
Phone 3514
L. S. MILLER, Agent