ilOOI ItlVKU ( LACIER TlimSDAY. AICT T 11 1010 Muddy Smplexion 4f YUUK tUiTirLEAluN is muddy. Yea look hag gard and yellow. Your eyes are losing their lustre. The trouble h with your liver. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will correct that. Then avoid meat?, Let bread and hot cakes, take frequent baths and a long val!: every day, and you will soon be as well and as beautiful as ever. Price 25 cents per bottle. THf UNIVERSAL CAR Remember that when you brin your Ford car to us for mechanical attention that you g-et the genuine Ford service materials, experienced workmen and Ford factory prices. Your Ford is too useful, too valuable to take chances with poor mechanics, with equally poor quality materials. Bring it to us and save both time and money. We are authorized Ford dealers, trusted by the Ford Motor Company to look after the wants of Ford ownersthat's the assurance we otter. We are getting a few Ford cars and tirst come first to receive delivery. DeWitt Motor Co. When You Come to the End of a perfect day -when nothing has marred the pleasure of your long day's drive, your motor purring along with never a miss you can thank your Prest-O-Lite Battery for having done its duty faithfully and well. Put don't neglect it. Prop in from time to time and let us inspect your oattery we can tell in a few minutes if it needs some minor attention or if distilled water should be added. No matter what make of battery you carry, we will give it the same careful attention. We know the time will come when you, too, v ill be car- Prest-O-Lite Battery rying a Prest-O-Lite Willanl Batteries ami Parts Let us inspect your Battery now for the coming season. A man who has learned his business with the Willanl people in charge. The Heights Garage . 210 C Street, Hood River, Ore. FOR THE HOME at all times of the year, and for the Vacation Day Picnic Parties our shelves and cases are filled with anything you may desire in groceries. Wl. Will, HI. (,I .A I) TO PACK THAI HOX 01 c amimm; SI TIM II s THE ARNOLD GROCERY CO. Is Always At Your Service NOTICE TO THE 0RC1IARDISTS Our now location is 321 - 317 N. 11th STKKKT, COR. QUIMBY, PORTLAND, ORK. Address all communications to the above. HOOD RIVER VALLEY PRODUCTS CO. W. MA KOI 'I. IS, M1111.1-.T. Anderson Undertaking Co. C. C. ANDERSON, Side Proprietor Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 413 OAK STREET. PHONE 1394 ANTHONY EUWER ON CHAUTAUQUA Anthony H. EdAer, who for the nl 0 veral years has spent h;s summers on an L"pT Valley jilaoe. is tourirn; the mnidle west this ehr for a chautauqua eurrfany. Mr. Kuaer, who was in sinreJ by his local visits to write i "Kh mes of Our Valley," dealing with the ai'rifices maiie in Lringtrttr atrle trees to hearing and Mid-l'oluir.bia sce;:erji. is called the "i'uet if the Northwest.' Mr. Ej.ver has just returned from overseas service with the V. M. C. A. He has t een in tlermany entertaining the men of the Army of Occupation, i "Haikr Holds the Lines" and "Then (live I'sWinns" are popular war poems written by Mr. Kuwer. Mr. Kuwer is a I'nm'eton I'niversity i student and a friend of 'resident Wil-; son. The following limerick, written j bv Mr. Kuwer, is said to be a favorite i of 'resident Wilson : j "As a beauty IJm not a great star; j There are others more handsyme by far, ' Hut my face- I dotit mind it ; j 'Tis the folks in front that 1 jar. i G. V. AMERICAN LEGION CHAPTER FORMED At a meeting at the courthouse ' Thursday night, Kent Shoemaker was 1 named temporary president of the 1 Hood Uiver Chapter of the American Legion. Other temporary officers : named were: Capt. fcxlw. W. Van ! Horn, vice president ; and Capt. Ceo. K. Ubur, secretary. At a meeting called for Saturday evening, August 1'', by laws will be adopted and perma nent charter list of members will be organized. The charter roll, it is ex pert ed will have more than lull names, i The meeting of Thursday night was represented by the ex-soldiers from all p;irts of the valley, ('apt. Kivers and Capt. I'eroni, both of Cortland and just hack from France, addressed the tor rner service men and explained the : American Legion had come into beii'g primarily to foster 1") per cer.t Amer icamsms. While the organization will be non-partisan, the returned ollicers said, it:i members expect to take a prominent part m governmental mat ters. HOOD RIVER PRODUCTS ; CO. IS REORGANIZED The Hood River Valley Products Co., the Odell plant of which was burned last year, has been reorganized with California capital interested. S. K. Levis, a San Francisco broker, new president of the concern, with VV. Mar ; gulis, who launched the concern here i several years ago and w ho remain? general manager, was here last week j arrranging to establish receiving ware , houses at Hi od River, Van Horn, Odell, Oee and Parkdale. i Mr. Levis announces that the con cern has purchased from California wineries two large presses, the largest j ever to be operated in the Northwest, and these w ith other apparatus have j been installed at l lth and Quimlty j streets, Cortland. The new plant, UK) j by It'll feet, is three stories in height, j Thirty vinegar generators are being ' installed and storage capacity for 2."o,(Hitl gallons has been provided. Much ! of the cider will be bottled freAHi and 'sold under a Hood River label. Mr. Maigulis says he will make shipments ! of the cider to Honolulu and Australia i as soon as grinding begins. Connec tions have already been placed in six ! I'acitic coast and Rocky mountain states. Tire Shoots Gravel Loose round pebbles, hardsurfaced streets and well inflated tires make a dangerous combination. The hazard possible from such condition was dem onstrated here last week when a peb ble, struck by a speeding tire, was shot through the plate glass window at the olfice of the H. F. Oavidson F ruit Co. Harry Farrell, in charge of the office, startled by the shattered glass and tee ing a little round hole and the cobweb pattern made by radiating cracks, started to notify authorities, thinking some one had shot through his window. A few hours earlier a smaller gravel was hurled into a plate glass window of the Hood River Garage, adjoining. Station Men at Meetings Prof. VV. S. Crown, pomological ex pert of the Oregon Agricultural Col lchge, here Saturday to inspect local orchards while en route to Pullman, Wiuh., and Moscow, Ida., to attend conventions of apply experts, was joined by I.eRoy Childs and Cordon (i. Crown, respectively superintendent and horticulturist of the Hood River Ex periment Station. The men will visit the Lewiston, Ida., orchards before returning to Oregon. Mr. Brown declared while here that, he had never seen orchards in a health ier condition than those of HooJ River at present. North Carolina Man Buys Here Junius St. J. Benedict, of Asheville, N. ('., left last week after purchasing a -ID-acre Upper Valley orchard place from 0. 1). Woodworth, fur his former home to return his family here. "I expect to be back by August 20," said Mr. Benedict, "for I have found just what 1 have been looking for far a long time. We will take the train for Hood River just as quickly as we can pack our household goods. Asheville has been called 'The Land of the Sky.' The man who started that never saw Hood River Valley." The place purchased by Mr.' Bene dict is in commercial trees just coming to full bearing. Local Dahlias Beautiful No 'amateur gardeners of Oregon, perhaps, have a finer assortment of dahlias than JudsonG. Ruggles and Dr. C. II. Jenkins. Both men have tine collections of showy plants of the cac tus variety, anil their gardens, now blooming luxuriantly, are attracting a great deal of attention. Mr. Ruggles has more than 50 rare varieties1 of dahlias. Some of his blooms resemble large- hothouse-grown chrysanthemums. A Traveling Man's Experience You may learn something from the following by VV. H. Ireland, a travel ing salesman of Louisville, Ky. "In the summer of I had a severe attack of cholera morbus. I gave the hotel porter fifty cents and told him to buy me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy and to take no substitute. 1 took a double dose of it according to the directions and went to sleep. At five o'clock the next morn ing I was called by my order and took a train for my next stopping place, a well man." A new svill Wrc . The Car Lasts Longer because Zerolene meets with scientific accuracy the lubrica tion needs of the car. It is refined from se lected California crude oil. Deposits least car bon. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY PF.FFER. Special A gent, Stamford Oil Co., Hood River. Order Some Today from the - - A I u J ll'llll I I TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Telephone 4111 Permanency and Durability are combined with beauty in the JEWELRY offered for sale by us After a lifetime in the business we have become acquainted with the best, and only the best Is offered to our patrons. W. F. Lara way We have just received a new lot of Country Club Toilet Preparations Come in & let ustihow them to you Chas. N. Clarke YOUR nnurtrUt C COLUMBIA LUNCH ROOM In connection with Hotel Oregon Adjoins Hotel on Cascade Avenue lunch room for the convenience of the general public and our guests. SPECIAL LUNCH be served Jaily ami ntiier meals ft la carte at all hotir between li a. m. and 11 p. in. f. W. CMINPLI'NI). HOTF.L ORKCiON 1 1 ill LIDiEli! LADIES! r How often we hear the statement that some other locality raised apples "as good as those produced at Hood River." Many Hardware Dealers tell prospec tive customers that their Ranges Are "as good as the MAJESTIC." We do not sell the as good kind, but we do sell the Great Majestic Range Full Size Ovens. Warming Ovens high enough for use. Buy the BEST and be satisfied Blowers Hardware Company SHOES That Stand Close Inspection No matter how carefully oii look m the outside, on the inside -or if you cut them ii so th;it every stitch is exposed to the naked eye, you will find no substitute for leather in Star Rrand Shoes. OUR FALL AND WINTER FOOTWEAR for Men, Women and Children has arrived. Select your Shoes from our stock. We recommend them for every mem ber of the family all grades, styles and prices --dress, me dium weight and work shoes. Buy All-Leather Shoes at T- C. JOHITSEN'S EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE Fresh and Cured Meats In as large a degree as possible we supply you, by means of our packing plant, with the pro duct raised at home. W. J. F1LZ MEAT MARKET Protect Your Surplus Crops IIEF0RE you harvest your fruit, grain or hay, provide a LJ shed or barn in which to store it. And how about that surplus that you expect this year ? Maybe you 'II need some temporary sheds. There's no need to sacrifice your crop when we have so much GOOD LUMBER for Barn or Shed Building, In our yard you will find every thing in building material. Make up your list and bring it in today. BRIDAL VEIL LUMBERING COMPANY Yard West of Freight Depot-Phone 2181 We are selling Schillings Best Line with " a Money Back guarantee if you are not satisfied after using them. Kaesser's Grocery Grocery of Quality E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor Phone 3192 APPLES and PEARS When you have any Apples or Pears to sell call us up. Highest price paid for high class fruit. Orchard supplies, box shooks, spray materials on hand. KELLY BROS. Warehouse: Seventh and R. R. St. Phone 1401