The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 14, 1919, Image 10

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20, for a motor trip. Thty will tirst, moved into S. Caunbell'i house at Van
eo east as far a Ontario. Ore., where Hern.
M Us Cue and Mis lrnm will go by
Hi Cat
for Fall and Winter of
Fashion's Favored Styles
Already Received from Our
Headquarters in New York City
While Selection is Complete!
A Big Saving is Possible
Buying From Us!
j Incorporated & J
Idaho, for the i
ra.lroad to
school vear.
1 he other members of the party will
then romt west and then soutn into
lifortua where they expect to s(ieriii
I he heavy w inds w hich rave pre
vailed several days have caused the
apples and pears to drop badly. There
the wmter in a health-Seekm pleasure i l.9 " Vwn V ' lI"s
Tk, t.i. h. .,., 'district this
trio. Their many friends are hopir.g ; u,!,w
that this outing may prove beneficial! Mr. Thelps. who with his wife has
beyond their brightest dreams. j teen camped up fust lanyon cutting
r. i r ' m . , : : r i lor air. t niuips, nas oeen quite
Dr. and Mrs. E. T. Hull and dauh-; , .:,h ,,., ..w.,nin., h
ters. Misses Gladys and IVrothy, have n ,..,-,..; Mml : Mlli ... i, fcl' ...
been enjoying the past two weeks at m(,re His daUKhter Mts. CroIf. 0f
hcola. Cannon Beach, whither they t Vancouver. W ash., is here visiting
went via motor. i hi,,, uN i',iTin t,, ti.We her
Mr. ami Mrs. M. L. Howard motored
from their home in I'orthtnd ami Hr
rived here Tuesday of last week. They
are visiting at the home of their son,
Fred .). Howard. Mr. Howard, Sr.,
will look after property interests while
Miriam ('lark Hrcconipanied her sis
ter, Mrs. Arthur Heiietiel, to Klondike,
Ore., where she w ill spend a week vis
iting friends.
Mrs. Geo. W. Meyer and daughter.
Miss Doris, of Denver, spent several
days of the past week visiting Mrs.
Meyer's sister, Mrs. Wm. Lester.
Mr. and Mrs. ('. E. Copple have pur
ilmsed a tine new piano for their daugh
ter, little Miss Helen,
i Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hoskin have
placed a new player piano in their liv
ing rooms at the rear of the pool room.
After having stopped for a longer
summer vacation than usual, Rev, and
Mrs. Wm. A. Sunday and sons, Wm.
Jr., and 1'aul. left Hood River last
Thursday, eastbound.
Mrs. G. E. Howerman, Miss Leita
Bowerman and Irwin Howerman, Mrs.
Irma Howerman and Miss Eleanor Coe,
will leave Odell Wednesday, August
the national joy smoke
ann ul jcssev v jm
TEVER was such right-handed-two- i' g.
Copyr!rit it'l
f N J Kynoilf
Tut a ceo lo.
EVER was such rieht-handed-two-
fisted smokejoy as you puff out of a
jimmy pipe packed with Prince Albert I
That's because P. A. has the quality!
You can't fool your taste apparatus any more than you
can get five aces out of a family deck I So, when you hit
Prince Albert, coming and going, and get up half an hour
earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes,
you know you've got the big prize on the end of your line I
Prince Albert's quality alone puts it in a class of its own,
but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive
patented process that cuts out bite and parch well you
feel like getting a flock of dictionaries to find enough words
to express your happy days sentiments I
Toppy rtd bagt, tidy rtd fin, handtome pound and half-pound tin
humidort and- that clotty, practical pound cryttal glati humidor with
tpongt moittentr top that keept tht tobacco in loch perfect condition.
R. J. Rcynoldi Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C
Miss Albertson, of Idaho, has been
here for a visit with her friend, M;ss
Eunice tkiell.
Miss Opal C'allison, who is demon
strator for a I'endlcton firm, which has
the sales agency for Hudson, Cadillac
aud Huick cars, stopped over for a
short stay Saturday while on her way
to Portland to spend the day with her
Joe Tompkin has sold his home in
Odell to Sttg Har.son.
J. 1.. Stewart has sold his home and
orchard to a purchaser w hose name we
have not learned. j
Miss Irene Brix, of 1'ortland, is the
guest of her friend. Miss Martha Fer
guson. S. E. Levis, of San Francisco, and
VV. Margulis, of Portland, were here
last week looking over the prospect
for cider apples. The Hood River
Valley Products Go. has been reorgan
ized with Mr. Levis as president and
Mr. Margulis manager and treasurer.
A receiving station will be built at
Odell. Apples purchased here will 1
shipKd to the plant t the present
location on North 14th street, Portland.
J. W. Wilson, formerly of Odell but
for the past three years employed by
a smelter company of Kellogg, Idaho,
spent the week end here calling on
friends and attending t business con
nected with his property in this com
munity. Mrs. Ida Tudor and daughter, Bobby
of Sutherlin, Ore., are guests at
Homewood. Mrs. M. J. Alsdorf is
also visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gould and
her brother, Mr. Casement.
Friends of the Howerman family,
numbering something like HO, persons,
gathered at their pleasant bungalow
home Tuesday evening for a happy
evening together before their depar
ture for an extended stay, thus indi
cuting the good will and esteem of all
present. Dainty refreshments were
served and all in all a most enjoyable
evening was spent.
Evervthinir is ready for the Met he
dist Sunday school picnic on the Pine
Grove school grounds on Thursday,
August 14. All the friends of the
church and Sunday school are invited
to come and join the festivities of the
occasion. The students who have no
way of going will be given free trans
portation to and from the picnic
grounds if they will be at the church
at It) o'clock in the forenoon. Allison
( letcher has arranged to have several
automobiles ready for that purpose.
Mrs. J. E. Ferguson will conduct sev
eral special features that will furnish
fun for the little folks and amusement
for the little ones. John C. Duckwall
will manage the races, game?, con
tests, and ahtletic features of the day.
G. A. Weber has in charge the serving
of the dinnner at noon. Everybody
should bring along some eatables. Ice
cream and other dainties will be on the
ground in charge of Mrs. James Eg
The Methodist church here has been
granted its desire for separation from
the Pine Grove church, with which it
has been connected since its organiza
tion eight years ago. The matter was
oflicially settled at the meeting of a
quarterly conference of the two con
gregations at the Pine Grove church
last week. The annual session of the
Columbia River Conference, which will
he held at Spokane early in Septem
ber, will have to confirm this action for
separation, and thereafter the Odell
church will have its own pastor and
more church meetings at more season
able hours.
The regular preaching service will he
he 1.1 at the Mehodist at D.UO a. m. next
Sunday, Rev. E. C. Newhani, otficiat
inn. Sunday school will convene at
10.30 a. m. There will be no Epworth
League meeting in the evening, as the
Odell League has accepted an invita
lion from the Pine Grove church at
8.(Xi p. m. Miss Anita Krussow, pres
ident of the Pine Grove League, and
G. A. Weber, president of the Odell
League, will be the joint leaders of
this meeting. The subject is "Our re
lation toward parents and others in the
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. W'enhieimer and
their son, Algie, left laft week for
Iowa and the Dakotas to spend a month
visiting relatives, friends and old home
J. Mills. Harry Mills, of Portland, J
0. Mark and Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Mills
enjoyed a camping triji at Lost Lake
last week. They were fortunate in
seeing the lake without a ripple and
the relleetion of the mountains perfect
ly mirrored. They considered that alone
worth the trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Smith and two
daughters, Portland, Miss McEachern,
of Spokane, also I)r. and Mrs. S. J.
Bowersox, of Momnouth, have been re
cent guests of Miss Marguerite Ferrin.
Mr. and Mrs. Mayer Dano. of Marsh-
field, visited Mr. and Mrs. P. B. fara
way last week. They all enjoyed a
trip to Portland on Staurday.
Mrs. S. R. McDonald went to Port
land last Saturday as the guesfof Mrs.
E. 1. Apgar.
The Gentle Readers were entertained
at a lun. heon at the home of Mrs. J.
D. McCully on Tuesday in honor of
the birthdays of Mrs. A. F. Bickfurd,
Mrs. James Clark and Miss Ethel Rick
ford. The hostesses were Miss McCul
lv, Mrs. P. B. Larawav, Mrs. Ned Van
Horn and Mrs. F. H. Blackman.
1 e; Byers and family have moved to
Wasco, where Mr. Byers will teach in
the High School.
MrB. E. E. House returned from the
Cottage Hospital last Friday.
Miss F.lhel Biekford has been visit-
inii friends at White Salmon. Miss
Betty Hemans returned with her as a
Mrs. Fisher, of Portland, has been a
guest of her sister, Mrs. C. I). Rob
eits. Mrs. Gladys Brock, Mrs. Porter and
Bobbie Brock returned from Tennes
see la?t week Thursday. Bobbie was
taken ill some time ago hut U much
improved in health.
Mrs. Fred Tooley and son are visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. I.
Mas n.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Clark, of Port
land, weie guests Tuesday night of Mr.
and Mr. F. H. Blackman. Mr. Clark,
of the Bureau of Home Industries of
Portland, came to speak at the Pomona
Grange meeting at Wood worth Park on
Mr. and Mr. Harold Blackman have
father with her to Vancouver to rest
Roy Rash made a trip to Pro.ser
last week. He expected to go up
there to live, but was not able to get a
house in which to move his family, so
returned to Hood River.
Wordna Isbell. after a two weeks I tention to the disease
visit with her prandoarents at Hermis- i that the youth would
ton. is at home again.
The Clover Leaf Club met at Mrs.
Price's last Thursday.
Sixteen of the Frankton school child
ren met at the schoolhouse last rriday
with Mrs. Melvin Foley, she being
their Industrial Cnib advisor. After
their meeting they enjoyed a picnic
lunch on the school house lawn. The
club will meet again August 22.
Steve Eby is seen driving about now
in a new l nevroiel. un runtiay ne
and his family were out on the High
way enjoying a ride.
Mr. and Mrs. Foley and son, Melvin,
and Mrs. Foley mother, Mrs.
Vaughan, drove to Trout Lake Sunday.
They visited the ice cave and other
points of interest and came back the
same day.
Marion Phillips and Malcolm Hebard
are very desirous of killing a bear.
Having seen signs of bear on their trip
to Green Point a week ago they spent
the past Sunday there hunting, but
came back empty-handed.
Under an amendment adopted by the
last legislature, circuit juvies in sen
tencing defendants found gu:!ty of fel
onies must assess a maximum term m
the Jieniter.tiary. W hen the ) risontr
has served a fourth ut the term, how
ever, he may apply fur a parole.
When J. C. Jamiescr, a youth who
confessed the robbery of his aged
bunkmate. a Swede carpenter at the
lee mill if the Oregon Lumber Co.,
has served a year of the four ear sen
tence passed t.n him Tuesday by C'.r
cruit JudgeiWilsi.n, of The Dalies, he
may not apply for a parole unlets he
has len cureu of a disease that now
threatens life affliction. Judie Wilson
in a kindly lecture when the !ha stoinl
to hear sentence pronounced, called at-
and declared
serve himself
better, if not cured at the end of a
year, if he remained for further treat
ment. "You are right, sir," replied Jamie
son. Andrew Rose, a young man, accused
of a similar charge at the Bridal Veil
Lumber Company null at Cascade
Locks, received a similar sentence.
Both were escorted to Salem Tuesday
by Sheriff Johnson.
No other indictments were returned
by the grand jury, and the men were
dismissed until the next term of cir
cuit court. The jury was composed of
the following : 11. M. Vannier. F. W.
Radford, F. L. Mack. C. C. W alton, C.
W. Road, Lee F. Smith, and Chas.
Everett Brown has a new Buick.
Geo. Blodgett came back from the
war a few days ago.
John McConn is superintending the
construction of a large apple bouse
fur Henry Steinhauser. Mr. McConn
has just completed an apple house for
Chas. Howe and will build a tenant
house for Mr. Bowe, on the ten acres
just purchased from Mr. Dodd.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McConn are the
proud parents of a baby boy born Aug.
H, at the Cottage hospital in Hood
Chas Bowe purchased a team from
J. F. Thompson.
Lody Kyle, another soldier boy, is
I home again.
A. C. Sullenbach is building a large
apple house. Mr. London is also build
ing an apple house. L. C. Baldwin
has the contract for both buildings.
The funeral of little Dorothy Red
ford was held at the house last Satur
day afternoon at 2 :M o'clock.
W. L. Rowland, ( f Mosier, has moved
to the I'pper Valley anil will work for
Chas. Bowe. J. B. Doggett is cutting
grain around Parkdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mann were
Hood River visitors one day last week.
Mountain Hoers Appeal !
"The flower-covered meadows on the j
west base of Mount Hood from a ver
veritable paradise," declares A. J.
Brumpyist, of Parkdale ; w ho has just
returned with his wife and Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Kockhold, of San Francis- j
co, who own an Upper Valley ranch,
from an outing near the foot of Bar- j
rett Spur. j
"1 never thought the meadows of the
east base of the snow peak could be
: j II. I
irnproveu ii.on, says mi. ii siihiuim, i
"but they are far less gorgeous than I
the acres and acres of vari colored
bloom met with near the snowtiells
around the foot of Barrett's Spur. In
a walk of less than a half mile we
counted 7'J species of handsome blitom-
ing plants. The heather seemed at its
best when we were there, and anemones
were pushing their white heads through
the lingering snowbanks. Mrs. Kock
hold for years has made a study of
mountain th.ra, and she was captivated
by the specimens on the west base .
Hood. They are wonderful."
Boxes Made I'p by Machine
HixhI River orehardists are for the
for the first time having their boxes
made by machinery this year. Joe
Peterson, who worked last vear on the
orchard place of Geo. T. Galligan, has
brought a power driven nailer here,
and declares that he already has con
tracts for more work than he can do.
He expects to employ two machines
next year.
hen 1 first sought work, says
Mr. Peterson, "growers would not let
vn. ntbLt. bitv,.a fitr nnthimr A
Miss Florence Eddy was visiting i ,i,llllut ,.;,, r..aht ,u m,,,..
than I could handle. Warehousemen
commend the machine made boxes,
the power-driven naiN
friends in this vicinity last week.
Col. and Mrs. W. F. Tucker are
spending a few days at the Mt. Hood
hotel. They will go from there to
Portland for a little vacation.
Mr. and Mr. Cy. Hoskins have sold
their ranch to Mr. Thorpe, of the Oak
Gorve district. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins
intend to locate at Greeham.
Mrs. L. L. Barber and daughter,
Mrs. Perry, were in Hood River Satur
day. Miss Ruth Nicholson has entertained
two afternoons a number of friends as
well as Miss Louise Nelson, who is her
house guest. Miss Nelson former ly
resided in Belmont. Her home at pres
ent is in Silverton, Ore.
Mrs. F. G. Church was a caller Sun
day at the Somerville home. Mrs.
Somerville was on the sick list Sun
day. Mrs. Osgood and daughter, Miss May,
are spending the summer in Belmont,
their ranch being rented. They are
living on part of the E. J. Nicholson
H. T. Regnell is busy pruning on the
Cotton ranch. Tom Lee is manager of
the place.
Geo. Gallaway took Will Somerville
and w ife auto riding Wednesday even
ing. Mrs. S. T. Aitken and Mrs. Crites,
of Hood River, entertained a large
company of friends last Wednesday
evening on the lawn of the Aitken
home on honor of Mrs. Crites' sisters,
Misses Virginia and Helen Griffiths,
who arp spending the summer here
with their sister's family. Miss Helen
gave three very pretty fancy dances on
the lawn, which was decorated with
electric lights and Japanese lanterns.
The decorations were done by G. 1.
Sargent, Delicious refreshments were
served, Mis. Root assisting at the
punch bowl. Mrs. Kanaga served the
ice cream with the assistance of Misses
Florence Gould, Miriam Flagler and
others. Every one present enjoyed the
evening leaving at a late hour for their
A lack of news has been due to the
fact that everyone has been busy
srpaying and getting ready for the
pear picking which begins this week.
declaring that the power-driven
never protrude from sides of box ends
a frequently found fault with hand
driven nails. These protruding nails
often wounded warehouse men severely
in the hands, as boxes were passed
from wagon to trucks. Mr. Peterson
is contracting boxmaking at one cent
Forestry Crews Sleep on Springs
The Forestry Service, now employ
ing many crews of men in national
forests around the base of Mount
Hood, according to vacationists whi
have returned from mountain outns.
never has labor troubles. Men work
ing on trails and in other forestry
work are provided with more comforts
than most vacation parties. Rangers
pack in fresh provisions at frequent
internals. The men have plenty of
leisure for fishing and mountain trout
cease to be a luxury. When night
comes the workers sleep on real
springs. The forestry service has
bought dozens of pairs of mattresses
and springs ut local stores this year
tor use of its mountain crews.
George Wenner is ill with bronchitis. '
Mr. Perry and family and Mr. Paasch
and family, of the Pine Grove district,
spent Sunday at the C. W. Kitchel
F. H. Miller and family were up
from Hood River Sunday to spend the
day with his brother, E, C. Miller, and
Mrs. J. D. Smullin is entertaining a
friend from Pennsylvania this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lenz were Sunday
visitors at J. B. Dimmick's.
Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, of Summit,
Wash., are here visiting friends arid
A. B. Combs was up from Portland
over the week end looking after busi
ness interests.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Carrier were tip
trom from Salem several days last
week visiting at the J. D. Smullin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aubert and daugh
ter, Gladys, were Hood River visitors
Mt. Hood Builds New Bridge
The Mt. Hood R. R. Co. is engaged
in replacing a wooden bridge across
Hood River just sooth of the city. The
new structure will cost approximately
$6,000. The new bridge will be com
pleted before movement of the alley s
First Carload of Melons Arrive
the first ca, load of watermelons eve.
distributed in Hood River was receiv
last week by the Hood River Produce
Exchange. The melons, grown in ( al
ifornia, are of excellent quality and
tind a ready demand on the local mar
ket, the car earned lo tons, and a
delivery truck of the produce companv
spent the day distributing the melons
to local grocers. Melons are now re
tailing here at 24 cents per pound.
Within two weeks watermelons from
The Dalles are expected here. Ship
ments from the neighboring district
arrive by boat.
O.-W. Employes to Climb Mt. Hood.
The Mt. Hood R. R. Co. has receive!
notice from O.-W. R. & N. employes
of Portland that a party of 50 of them
w ill arrive here on Saturday evening
August .50, en routle lor an outing on
Mount Hood's snowfields. The local
mail will furnish special equipment to
transport the recreationists, who will
return here on the evening of Labor
Day, arriving in Portland early 1 ues-
day morning.
The Brunswick
Columbia Grafonola
are standard dependaNt' Talk
ing Machines with a tone as
clear as a hell. .Just received
a new numher this month and
have the style that will appeal
to you. We are receiving new
Record.? weekly and you will
he sure to find what you want
here. We also have S'mie new
Pianos coming in which are
hiirh grade reliahle instru
ments. See them and hear the
beautiful tones of our Players.
Exclusive dealers in 1 1 001 1 Hi ver
for the always reliable l'runs
wick Talking Machines.
Reed-French Piano Co.
Telephone 1212
303 Oak Street
Last year our stock
of Orchard Supplies
was exhausted long
before the season
for using them was
over. We wore
unable to get more
from the manufac
This Year
We want to take
your order early
and set it aside for
you. Then when
your busy time ar
rives you will not
be disappointed as
in the past.
Orchard Ladders
Picking Buckets
Picking Pails
Picking Sacks
Box Nails
5s, 5'.s and 6s
Nail Strippers
Box Hatchets
Box Presses
Orchard Yarn
Packers' Trays
Packers' Needles
E. A.
big a
apple crop has started.