HOOD 1UVEU U LAC 1 Eli. THTHSLUY, JI LY 17. 1010 LONGER LIFE FOR YOUR CAR The correct grade of Zerolene will add years to the life of your car. Gives bet ter lubrication with least carbon. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) ANT!(jUlTY OF iGPEAT master of thumt DECORATIVE ART Infuenct of Ans'.etle on the M nds of Men Has Been for Two Thousand Years Supreme. PAINT AS AN ASSET. Farmers Say They Lend More Money on Property When Strange Sources From Which ; ; XE! Buildings Are Well Painted. Pigments Used bv Modern t lie wus bum U. C and died In $11 Painters Are Derived. ; a C In the hitory of tmmi chili- ; INDICATION OF THRIFT. j ration there Is no example of any oth- ; er philosopher Iriviiii; exerted so gieat PRESERVATION OF SURFACES ' 8UJ S0 'erl"Mt""lU "n i"1uenee on the Cle Concern Advances 25 Per Cent Hi! tills of men as Aiistutle. For nearly j i.tt years his authority wus not only Crude but Effective Processes Employ ' predominant, hut : Imot despotic, la More if Repainting I Done Every Five Year. G. V. PUFFER. Special Au'ent, Standard Oil Co., Hood Ri ed by the Ejyptians and Greeks of Pliny's Day Noah Prudently Waterproofed the Ark. Let Our Experts Repair Your Tires Don't neglect the tread cuts, the stone bruises and other tire troubles. A stitch in time saves nine. We can make your tires go 20 per cent, further if you use our Kepair Ser vice. We have added to our equipment until we now have one of the most completely equipped shops in the state. Have you tried dny of our retreads? THE TIRE SHOP, Inc. OAK STREET Order Some Today from the TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. Telephone 4111 Whether ;iiiit wus itiM'tited in an swer to u need for u inwrvatlv or to meet a desire fr t.emity is a question fully as knotty as the niu ieiit one ahout the relathe time of arrival of the chicken or the eS. It was Invented, though, uiid It serves both purposes equally; n whether It Is nn offsprtnj; of mother necessity or an adopted son of heuuiy remains forever a disputed question. The first men. cowering under the fierce and goring suns of the hililicul oouuu'ics, constructed rmle huts of ood to ahel'er thetn. The perlsliahle Buttire of these structures caused rapid decay, and It Is probable that the oc cupants, seeking some urtlticinl means of preservation, hit ttpoii the pitiients of the earth in their search. It Is per haps natural to suppose that It wan the Instinct of preservation that led men to the search, although the glories of the sunsets and the beauties of the rainbow may have created a desire to Imitate those wonders iu their own d ellin'R. The earliest record of the applica tion of a preservative to a wooden i met ure dates from the ark, which whs, according to the Itible, "pitched within and without." The pitch was a triumph of preservation whatever It 'lucked ns a thing of beauty. Decoration applied to hulldinj: first comes to light with undent llubjlon, whose Hulls were covered with repre sentations of hunting scenes mid of combat. These were done In red and the method followed was to paint the scene on the bricks at the time of manufacture, assuring permanence by baking. Strictly speaking, ibis was not painting so much as It was the earliest manifestation of our ou fa miliar kalsomlhlng. The first Hebrew to mention paint ing is Moses. In the thirty -third chap ter of the book of .Numbers he in utrui'is the Israelites, "When je have passed over the .Ionian Into the laud of (.'uniitm. then shall je drive out all the inhabitants of the land from be fore jou and destroy all their pic tures. ..." At later periods the Jews adopted many customs of the peoples who suc cessively obtained power over them and in the apocryphal book of the Maccabees Is tnuiid Ibis (illusion to the art of decorating, "For us the mas ter builder of a new house must care for the whole building, but he that undcrtakelli to set It out and paint it, must seek out things for the adorning thereof." Although Homer gives credit to n (reek for the discovery of paint, the ulluslons to It In the books of Moses, the painted minimi) cases of the Egyp tians and the decorated wii I all countries where the light of learn- ili had penetrated. Iur;ng the "dark ages, when little atteutiou was paid to learning, even In the most favored pertains of Christian Kurope, the philosophy of Aristotle wus encourag ed and his works diligently studied in the Moslem capitals vf Hagdad and Cordova. On the revival of letters Iu Italy and other parts of Europe, Arts totle reigned for a time In the schools without a rival. After the reformation his Influence decreased, and tor nearly L'HO years after the time of Bacon the works of Aristotle were almost universally neg lected among the learned in Europe. Toward the close of the last century, however, attention was again directed to them. His true position In the realm of Intellect Is admitted to he fully equal, If not superior, to that of any other of the g'eat masters of thought that the world has ever seen. NOT GOOD JUDGE OF POETRY One Explanation for Napoleon's Pecu liar Worship at Shrine of Second Rate Writer of Verse. x The curious partiality which Napo-1 Ieon showed for the poems of Osslan, particularly "Temora," puzzled his contemporaries, as it since has his bi ographers, says the Christian Science .Monitor. It is related thut he carried u beautifully bound copy of Usslun with li i in to Egypt, and that on being read passages of the Odyssey by the poet Arnault, while ou board ship, he Contempt uoiii-ly exclaimed: "You call thut sublime! What u difference be tween your Homer and my Ossiun," und, reading some passages from "Te mora," he said, "This is grand, and sentimental and sublime! Osslan Is a Does It pay to paint carefully farm buildings? lioes It add to the selling value of a farm when buildings are properly kept up and regularly paint ed'.' A careful inquiry of a number of leading bankers In the Mississippi val ley, including such states as Iowa, mi nis, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Mis s uirl, reveals the fact that In ne:irly eeiy case the bankers did not hesi tate to say that they would lend all the v ny from 5 to f0 per cent, more on I nd where farm buildings were well p dated and kept In good condition, 'lhey maintain that well kept-up and well painted buildings and fences are an Indication of thrift and that the ! thrifty fanner is a good client, and to liim money can be safely loaned. An average of the, returns from these bankers shows thut the increased loan value because of painted buildings is around 22 per cent. Some of these bnnkers make Inter esting comment. A Michigan concern Rays thut, while not especially pre pared to advise definitely In response to this inquiry, tho officers would loan more money on farms where bui'dings were painted than where they were not so treated. This bunk l,o timls that where houses, barns und fences are well tuken care of the farm Is a profitable proposition, and bankers- In general consider the fanner a good client. Another Michigan bank says "farm buildings out of repair and needing paint Indicate that the owner is slow pay." Such farms are rated tit about one-third of the assessed alue for loans. Where the farm buildings are In good shape the rating Is one half. The president of a middle west ern bank says that when real estate leans are considered, painted buildings are always taken Into consideration In ninklng an estimate. The general ap- . HPIJ I'M liCf of tliu lii-iumplv mipfniui,ltri. poet, Homer mere drivel." .poleo's .... limls ,.,, ,,,. ,, ' m preference for the works of the tnvs- tery poet of the North continued throughout his life. He was reading Ossiun in 171)7, am a w ell-thumbeU copy was among his honks at St. He lena. There have been many explana tions given for so strange a literary preference. The Countess de Montho lon upkindly remarks that Napoleon was notoriously deficient in his sense of rhythm and that therefore poetry which wus not poetry ut nil as far as feiiii went, for he read osslan In French prose, suited him vcrv nicel v. How Indians Tell Time at Night. To ascertain the time at night, the Apache Indians employed a gourd on (,llt' ,,,,PS "ot- Another Mimic and fences would be carefully observ ed. He further says that he has no hesitancy In Nuying that he would ab solutely refuse a loan on funns where the buildings were not kept up und well painted. In his judgment, tin palnted farm buildings would reduce the loan value ut least 2.1 per cent. A Minnesota banker says that he Is much more willing to loan money where the buildings are well painted. In his particular case he believes that be would loan 20 per cent, more than If thy buildings were not properly tnken care of. A farmer who will keep his buildings painted takes a much deeper Interest .n his work ihan "onii me stars ol tlie Heavens were marked. As the constellation rose In j the sky the Indian referred to his i gourd and found out the hour. By j turning the gourd around he could tell the order in which the constellations : might be expected to appear. The hill people of Assam reckon l time anil distance by the number of s of lialiy- quids of betelnut chewed. It will he Ion iiml Thebes lix lis origin at a remembered how, according to Wash period long antecedent to the (Irechm j liiglou Irving, the Iiuteh colonial us era. The walls of Thebes w ere paint- j sembly was Invariably dismissed at ed l.lMt years before the coming of j the last puff f the third pipe of to Christ and !''.! years before " 'Omer j haceo of O.iv. Wouler Van Tw iller Ninole his bloomin- lyre." A Montagnis Indian of Canada will 1 he-Creeks recognized the value of set up a tall stick In the snow when paint us a preservative and made use - traveling ahead of friends who are to of something akin to it on their ships. ,, ,,.,. ,)is 1'li,iy ;;r : ,"f, I .r iow est, ,,,,,1 , n, ci,imge """ ' "f" mii-i I l 10 11 IU'.. of llu sli,l.,. .1,.. Win 1 . 1 LADIES! LADIES! We have just received a new lot of Country Club Toilet Preparations Come in & let us show them to you ' Chas. N. Clarke YOUR Palmist y which, he iliuues, "neither the sen, nor the wind, nor tho sun can destroy the wood thus protected. " Tne Konians, being essentially a warlike people, never brought i tie dec oration of buildings to the high piano It had reached with the Creeks. For ill that the ruins of I'ouipeii show many structures whose mural decora tions ure In fair bhape today. The colors used were glaring. A black background was the usual one and the combinations worked thereon red, yel low and blue. In the early Christian ern the use of mosaics for churches somewhat sup planted murul pnlniiiiK. Still, during the reign of Justinian the Church of Saint Sophia was bulit at Constantino- onconi- Ing party can tWI on arriving at the spot, about how far abend the leader Is. Hopl Indians. The first knowledge of the Hopl In. rliaiis by Europeans was in July of lo40, soon after Captain Ceneral Onn l runcisco Vusquoj! de Coromnlo had found the famed golden Seven Cities of Cibola in the poverty-stricken pu eblos of Zunl, In the sutniner he sent westward nn exploring party, headed by I ion I'edro de Tovar. ThoiU'li the very name of the tribe, ' Hopllu," means "peaceful people," the Spanish chronicles of their land, known as the province of Tusnyun, showed pie and Its walls were adorned with Unit of nil southwestern Indians they paintings. nave resisted encroachment most, und Iu modern times the uses of paint buve, till very lately, generally re hnve come to be us numerous ns Its fused the ministration of Christian myriad shades and tints. I'alnt Is j lenchers. Ahout the time of the Spau uiilque Iu thut Its name .ins no syno- iirils' coining they transferred their nym and for It there is no substitute habitations to the mesa tops, whereon material. Bread Is the staff of life, but they now live in a half dozen villages paint Is the life of the staff. to which the women pack water up No one thinks or tne exterior or n steep aim rocky trails. wooden building now except In terms of paint coated. Interiors, too, from painted walls and slained furniture down to the lowliest kitchen utensil, all receive their protective covering. Steel, so often associated with cement re-enforcing, Is ;alniod neiore It goes to give solidity to the manufactured stone. The huge girders of t he sky scrapers are daubed an ugly but ohi olent red underneaili the s.irface coat of black. Perhaps the best example of tho value of paint on steel Is found In the venerable Brooklyn bridge, on which a gang of painters is kept go ing continually. It is scarce possible to think of a sVjigl inamifaciured ar ticle which does not meet paint some where In thv course' of Its construc tion. So has piiint grown Into the very marrow of our livus. sota bank says flint well painted build ings have resulted In securing from his hunk sometimes us high as 2o per , cent, more money than where the buildings are not painted, An Ohio i concern says that It will loan 2o per cent, more money on a well kept farm : where buildings are painted at least ; once every five years. A southern Illi nois bunk says that It has no fixed rule about this, but It docs make a de- , elded difference when owners of farm lands apply for loans. If tho buildings ure well painted and thus well pre-I served the lonn rate would not only be cheaper, but the amount of money : borrowed would be larger. A northern Illinois bank does not hesitate to say that It would loan fully fit) per cent. : more on a farm where buildings were well painted and In good order than where they were not. The vice presi dent, who answers the Inquiry, goes on to say: "There probably ure many fanners good financially and morally ! who permit their buildings to remain tinpulnted, but as a rule the most sub-1 stantial people who live In the coun try keep their buildings well painted." i An Iowa bunk, through Its vice pies- ! Irtent, states thnt It would make a dlf- ! ference of at least 2." per cent. In fa- ' vor of the farm with painted build- lugs. Another Iowa concern suys that ' It would make a difference of ut least 20 per cent. All this being true, It Is perfectly evident that It Is n fond business prop osition to keep the furm buildings well painted. They not only look better and are more pleasing to the owner, but the farm would sell to better ad vantage, the loan value of the properly would be greatly Increased and the buildings themselves would last much longer nnd need less repair. The American Agriculturist. NOTICE TO THE ORCIIARDISTS Our new location is S21 -327 N. 1-tih STREET, COR, (JUIMRY, PORTLAND, ORE. Adilivss all communications to the above. HOOD RIVER VALLEY PRODUCTS CO. W. MAUUl'l.lS, MunnjiT. Help Your Digestion When acid-distressed, relieve the m indigestion with Ki-HOIDS Dissolve easily on tongue as pleasant to take as candy. Keep your stomach sweet, try Ki-moids MADE BY SCOTT BOWNS MAKERS OF SCOTT EMULSION No Unmixed Good. All good things are subject to abuse, nul when abused become pernicious. . . . . Creat powers, commerce and riches or, In other words, gnat nntinnal prosperity may, In like man ner, he denominated evils; for they lead to Insolence and Inordinate ambi tion, a vicious luxury, licentiousness of morals, and all those vices which corrupt a government, enslave the slate and precipitate the ruin of a na tion. But no wise statesman will re ject the good from an apprehension of the 111. The truth is. in all human affairs there is no good, pure and un mixed. Kvery advantage has two sides; and wisd.-m con ists In avail ing ourselves of the good, and guard ing as much as possjMo gainst the bad. Alexander Hamilton. PAINT AND ILLITERACY. Curious Fact Comes to Light That Lo calities Least Using Books Avoid Paint Also. Washington, D, C A curious fact has been brought to light by the Edu cational Bureau and the Bureau of In dustrial Itesenrch here. It Is that In the states where illiteracy Is most prevalent paint Is least used. The paint referred to Is the common or bnrn variety, of course, for the back woods countries have no neeu for the finer pigments or facial adornments. It is true, though, that In the sections of all states where white Illiteracy Is J lilgbpst minted homes are rare and painted outbuildings mid barns are practically unknown. Probably the Illiterates do not use paint on their buildings because they do not undivr stand Its value us a preservative. O.-W. R. & N. Co. Time Table Summer Complaint in Children WKST HOUND Tl . 1: i. 1 . r C; aii)inuiK iiKe so many No. 1 1 , Spokane-Port. Pass.. . (5:11 a.m. deaths from this disease now as before j Nl, pl Mail 10 n i Camberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Rem-1 p', 0mB'iia Kan' V-'it'v' " ' ' " edy came into such general use. Whenl' ' ' it..., ,...,',..'.,..'. ".' ,-12..V p. m. this remedy is given with castor oil as I NV Pemlletn'n-IVrt. Local . .3 MX) n. directed amtyroper care is taken as to No ,T( (,r(,.Vash. Limited . .1 : u ,. uicL, ii in rnic to i-ajf lunjf lillieiy-nine out of every hundred cases recover. Mr, VV. G. Campbell, of Butler, Tenn., FAST UOL'NU No. (i, Salt Lake Kxprcas. . . 12 :" a. u. km), i nave useu .namueriain a v.oiie : .No. 2, Port.-I'endietoii Local . !i:odi. m. and Diarrhoea Remedy for summer ; No. 18, Ore -Wash. Ltd lli.'i.'ia. in complaint in children. It is far ahead No. 4, Omaha, Kan. Citv, ) . ro of anything I have ever used for this Denver, nas-emre'r .. ( ," p' Dl' IDEAL FRUIT GRADERS have passed another successful sea son and we are required to double our output this year -a larger crop will result in a larger demand for Graders. We are offering our new Four Grade machine that accommodate 8 Sorters, for large packing houses requiring a large output. Our prices are very moderate and we invite your inspection, which we know will convince you that we have just w hat you want. IDEAL FRUIT AND NURSERY CO., HOOD RIVER, OREGON Phone No. 5832 I wish to inform the Independent Growers of Hootl River, that I will again this year, operate in this market, as a buyer and shipper of Apples, Pears Cherries I have secured the building, known as the Columbia Garage, for a warehouse, and will be prepared to buy the fruit cither packed or in bulk, and for those not having the proper facilities at home, I am pre pared to do a limited amount of packing. Last year I enjoyed a very nice ton nage, and from among the fifty growers that 1 did business with, I no doubt can refer you to some neighbor as to the treat ment received. I would be glad to have the opportunity of figuring with you when you have something to offer. L. E. IRELAND. Portland realizes the benefits of encouraging home products to such extent that the mayor of that city has designated by proclamation the week of June 9-14 as OREGON PRODUCTS' WEEK The principle applies with just as much force in Hood River as in Portland, and that is why The Highland MiUing Co. Makers of Shamrock Brand Flour and Cereals would have the people of the Hood River Valley read and practice the following: "Factories are our biggest asset in the reconstruction period when our thousands of men are being taken from the army and navy and placed in industry as civilians. It is imperative that every encouragement lie riven the up building of these industries, and patronage from our own people is one of the most important factors." SUMMER TIME IS TEA TIME Be Sure to Cmr- ""3 Ask for For Sale Exclusively By . . . mm WiTfltr? A Tea That Satisfies VINCENT & SHANK'S "The Home of Quality Groceries" I purpose. " No, 12. sjpoLaue-l'ort. Pass . . 8:48 p. ut.