UnOb illVKU (iL.ulEU 1HI K1)AK U LY 17. l!lf tbuofo iSinrr (Slarirr AUTIUR O. MOE. PabUtbcr. SaltM-riptlun. $i.M. Prr r. WLm ut-rnrsideire . u.nge in adlrefw tuiofTi''e snould t DuitQd promptly, and it Weea beforv If posMbie. AlWtth give o,d 1 drrrv. r:: the new A!s, Hood kun utecrit-rH utmuid notify Hu-ornce at once w uen changing Uir: r dtre from ihm rural rouu to anotner. or Iruw city delivery to cuuutry delivery . or Hi ver. If you d' D--I tt your pl-r promptly, notify u by mail or leieptuim and the UlatUT will In- Investigated. .IVI K riINti KM IS Diaplay, reeuts fr inch. S i-euts t-r mi-li additional r composition t.,-ai reading mi'im -c-nts per line. Classified Ails --JS cent tor iilif insertion. 5 liun or it; loi-rul for each additional iiwr. Iioo ol same ad A BOLT THE RITHTON PARR As a memorial tribute to the coun ty's heroes f the treat war we ran think of no site more peculiarly suit hole than Kuthton hill. A to recom mendations for monumental emliellifh nients there in the way of shafts or pyramids, we have none. It is enough for ub that the sightly promontory w ill be donated to the county and set aside as public property, dedicated to the memory of the men who made the su preme sacrifice. Comparatively speak ing a few dollars will turn it into a rest spot for those who tour the High way. A simple bronze table can tell of the purposes to which it will be ded icated. If the citizens, in general, of the county desire to express their feel ings and respect by a monument on the courthouse square we do not be lieve any who have promoted the Kuthton project will object. Hut we would like to interject here a point that perhaps few have consid ered. It will require a vast sum to put on the prosaic courthouse lawn a monument that would be for us a last ing pride, something that would at tract every visitor among us. Kuthton hill is a monument in itself. Indeed, a litttle landscaping, a bronze tablet and the greafgorge promontory ill be turned into a monument to the soldiers. We would soon grow callous to a monument on the courthouse lawn, while the Kuthton monument, a shrine to be visited on special occasion, would bring a rededication of our feelings every time we visited there. Our con temporary thought Kuthton hill should not be chosen because all of us did not have automobiles and could not visit it. On the spur of the moment we can think of no non-motor car owners ex cept our contemporary editor and our selves, but we know that friends will see that we get a lift to Kuthton whenever we want it. Eventually all such points of promi nence along the Columbia Kiver High way will be dedicated to the embellish ment of some principle or idea of civic or patriotic thought. Let us reserve the Kuthton hill promontory to keep green our memory of the deeds of our soldiers. NEKD FOR HOMES The recent beneficial epidemic of home buying in Hood Kiver was only ended when there were no otherresi dentihl properties on the market. Of course, the foregoing statement is not strictly true, but we do mean that the residence property available for pur chase is relatively scarce in Hood Kiv er at present. The existing situation is one that is not for the best welfare of the city. If more good houses were available here we believe our popula tion might be increased by the scores. It will soon be school time, but fami lies with children to educate will not locate in a town where only shacks can be leased. The local condition warrants consider ation. The individual or concern that would engage in the construction of a score or more of substanial cottages, fur lease or sale on easy term!, would profit from such investments and he would aid the community in two dis tinct ways. His new homes would invite additional population, and his construction work would give employ ment to many and add a new payyroll to the town. When I.eroy ("hi Ids was introduced last week to Addison Bennett, dean of Northwestern editorial writers and here with the O. A. C. regents' party, he exclaimed in surprise: "This can't be Addison Bennett can it? I thought you were a very young man!" That, we consider a great compliment. Mr. Childshad formed his opinion from Mr. Bennett's writings and his frequent trips like that of the college jaunt. Mr. Bennett, despite the fact that he is ast the three score and 10 mark is as spry as any youngster. His years' meeting and conversing with people of all classes has ripened his judgment, but his articles are always full of the optimism of youth. He will never grow old in spirit. We wish to congratulate the local chautauqua committee. The members made less fuss and stir over sale of tickets than in any former year, and probably just because of it they sold more tickets. Indeed, it was an excel lent demonstration of good salesman ship. It appears that the success of this season has put the chautauqua on a permanent basis Jn Hood Kiver. Hereafter the sale of chautauqua tick ets will be a task of limiting (hem to the capacity of the open air theatre. Altogether the Ul! chautauqua has been a most gratifying event. HiKid Kiver valley wags along just the same even if July 1 did become buttermilk day. Our condition leads the Oregonian to remark : "The most (iptimitsic reHrt of conditions ci mes from Hood River and is explained in a short sentence, 'Plenty of irrigating water.' Mr. Dan Cupid is not a union mem ber. At leat it is not so recorded. Indeed, his actions belie any such sug-, gestioru Dan doesn't limit his work to any limited number of hours of the day. He'i! shoot an arrow at mid night it at dawn, and just as precisely at one time as the other. But little old Dan is causing the telephone office j nearly as much worry as the strikers, in Portland. Manager Smithson is contemplating asking the court for an order to eruoin Mr. Cupid from firing on his i peraturs. We heard a howl a few weeks ago from Hymen C.hen, markets editor for a Portland newspaoer, to the effect that Portland dealers were facing a deluge of small stocks the coming sea son. We wish to inform the Portland dealers and consumers alike that local hardware dealers, although they had an unusually large supply of the small tools, have completely sold out their thinning shears. There ain't going to 1 any small apples in Hood Kiver. Ik not overlook' the opportunity that may be lost for lack of about $3uo. Interest in the 1ist Lake road is now at a hiirh oint. Help keep it there. Join those who are donating. A dona tion for the Lost Lake road is an in vestment in a civic betterment. Portland is talking a tube under the Willamette. If trans-Columbia auto traffic continues to increase here Mr. Cousin may be invited to make plans for a local motor way beneath the river. Billy Sunday is too wise to harken to the temptations of politicians who would have him as a candidate for the United States Benate. Billy Sunday is too good in his chosen field. Silvery-tngued oratory still draws the crowd. Standing room was at a premium Saturday night, when Mr. Bryan addressed the chautauqua pa- tron!, Fruit of all varieties has never been of better quality that means more dollars for Hood Kiver. The auto park now seems assured. The property has been bought. Heed the warnings of the tire mar shal men. AERO MEN GREETED WITH ICE CREAM The Ked Cross Canteen committee won the hearts completely of 12( air service men Tuesday afternoon when they met their 8ecial train with a lib eral supply of ice cream cones. Kvery man had all he could eat. The ride across the state had been smotheritigly hot, and the men declared they never had tasted better ice cream. The men, en route to Camp Lewis for demobilization, and from various overseas air service units, assembled at Mineola, L. I., for the transcontinental journey. Four local men were aboard - Eric Ciordon, Kdwin Barr, Melvir. Jenison and Mark E. Moe. They all expect demobilization within the next few days and by the end of the week the returned soldiers expect to be home. WEDDINGS Smith-May William Thaddeus Smith and Mrs. Laura May, of I'arkdale, surprised their many inemis ny oeing married in t'ort land Tuesday, July 8. After spending several days motoring through the state they returned to their I'arkdale home, where they received the hearty congratulations and well wishen of their many friends in the I'pper Val lev. Husum Arms Against Blight Apple growers of the Husum and White Salmon districts, according to L. J. Phebus, a grower of the former district, are on the alert for fire blight, inroads of which have been reported at Lyle, to the east. Mr. Phebus says that a high range of hills and prevail ing winds from the west very likely will protect the west Klickitat fruit districts from infection. "But," he says, "we are taking no chances, i came here to seek advice from the representativi s of your ex periment station. Our Klickitat county authorities are going alter the infected orchards at Lyle and we are going to eradicate the disease as hastily as pos sible." Mr Phebus says the Husum orchards are in excellent condition. From Ii3 acres just coming into bearing he ex pects to harvest 1500 boxes this season. While here Mr. Phebus was accom panied by Dr. Nell Marcey, of The Italics. Thpy were motoring to Port land. Prominent Artist Here H. Ellsworth Bassett, an artist of Newark, N. J., who has just finished a sketching tour of the Pacific coast na tional parks, is visiting at the Little Boy Kanch, the country home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker. Mr. Hansen will make paintings of Mitchells Point, the towering cliff, known to the early Indians as Storm King, and the famed tunnel with its open windows looking ujion the Columbia. The painter while here will make excursions to mid-Columbia streams for trout fishing. John Ledford is Home John D. Ledford, son of Mr. and Mts. J. M. Ledford has returned home from France after more than two years in naval air service. Mr. Ledford, who sailed for France November 3, 1117, saw lf months of active service. He whs stationed at Dunkirk and Zebrug ge. Bert C. Ledford, a brother, who has been with an army aviation unit in France for 20 months, expects to sail for home soon. Man Visits Valley, Gets Home B. I.. Cunimings. as a result of a visit with friends, decided to turn orere ardist. Mr. Cummings has sold his holdings near Culver, where for a num ber of years he has engaged in grain ranching and stock raising, and has just purchased 10 acres from F. G. Church, in the Belmont district. He has removed his family here, RECORD IS SET FOR CHERRY PRICE The last of the eirht carloads of black varieties of cherries shipped by the Association set a fruit prke rec ord, selling for $4,675 net f. o. b. Houd Kiver. The fruit, shipped Monday i night, was sold to distributors at Wat-' erloo, la. RESORTS Ijoral vacationists just back from the Lake Branch region, report that . the road leading into the remote forst-! ed section seemed almost as popular Sunday as the Columbia Highway, i More than Iihj members of outing par-! ties motored to the district over the 1 week end for picnics and to fish for , trout. Lines of cars 20 in number ' streamed along over the crooked road. The heavy traffic over the earth toad, i it is declared, will soon make the coun-1 ty highway, to connect with the new Lost Lake road, almost lmnassable. Numerous local families establish summer camps in the Lost like dis trict. At the confluence of the Laki Branch and West Fork of Hood river, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker have a permanent camp. The family left the latter part of last week to spend the heated season at the retreat, known as Camp Minnehaha. The extreme heat of the lower levels is daily sending greater crowds to Cloud Cap Inn, where at a mile eleva tion the hottest summer day never worries the vacationist. Twenty guests were at the Inn Sunday. The first automobile to reach the Inn was driven by Geo. C. Blakeley, of The Dalles, who was accompanied by Mrs. Blakeley, Miss Elsie Harri man and Philip Sharp. Prominent Grangers Here Prominent Oregon grangers were here Tuesday to accompany John C. Ketcham, Master of the Michigan grange, w ho lectured to orchardists at Pine Grove grange Tuesday night. They were C. E. Spence," Master of the Oregon grange; Sam T. Shell, lecturer of the Moro county grange. The visitors were taken for a tour of the orchards by Chas. H. Castner. Smith Brothers Buy Chandlers Both L. F. and A. F. Smith, broth ers and orchardists, purchased Chand ler seven passenger automobiles from the Gilbert Motor Co. the past week. The Chandler is getting more xpu!ar daily with orehardist owners. Bryan Likes Cherries William Jennings Itryan likes cher ries, lie says so in a letter of thanks to the Apple Growers Association. The cooperative shipping concern presented the Commoner with a box of selected fruit w hen he was here to deliver the lecture Saturday night. Methodist Church Sunday school, '10 a. rn, A class for all. Sermon and special music, 11 a. m. Kpworth League, 7 p. m. Half hour song service and sermon, X p. m. J. D. Iwellen, Pastor. Christian 4 Missionary Alliance Snndiiv School everv Sunday morn ing at '.NTi, Preaching at II. Young Peoples Society at 7 p. in. Kxpository sermon at X p. m. I'.verybody welcome. First Baptist Church Sunday school at 10 o'clock ; Junior members' service at 5 p. in. and U. Y. P. P. at 7 p. m. each Sunday. Christian Church Bible School, t(.4.) a. in. ; Preaching Service, 11 a. m. and H p. m.; Christian Kndeavor, ti,4ft p. in. Cordial welcome to all. First Church of Christ, Scientist Services will be held in Church Building, nth and Kugene, Sunday, 1 1 :00 a. in.; Subject: Christian Science. Sunday School at 11a. ui. Wednesday service, 8 p, in. The reading room is open daily from 3 to 5 p. m., in the Church. ( liaiiilii rlain's Colic and Diarrhoea liemedy This medicine always wins the good opinion if not the praise of those who use it. Try it when you have need of such a remedy. CENTENARY WILL RECRUIT 53.000 Fifty-three thousand young men aud women are being recruited and trained for social and religious work at home anil abroad, the biggest single project of the kind in the history of Christian ity, it was announced at the offices of the $lit5,00i).uoii Missionary Centenary of the Methodist Episcopal church. This army of trained workers will be needed to handle skillfully the world iHsionary program, for which $ld.'.,nmi,omi is being raised by the church. Extension of schools, hospi tals and churches in many countries is being planned. A special effort is being made to in duce young men from the American army to go into Christian service. It is realized by the heads of the move ment, in the life service department of the Centenary commission, that the men who proved themselves capable leaders in France possess the charac ter and personality which will make them most powerful agents in the dis semination of civilization and the gospel. Of 1S.:!07 Methodist Episcopal charges, or congregations, in the Unit ed States, nearly o.uOo today are with out pastors. In the foreign field, the number of trained workers who could be used is limited only by the fund available and these will be enormous),' increased through the "war drive" of the Centenary. Notice Notice is hereby given that I,. M. Bentley has completed his contract for the construction of a wooden bridge across Indian Creek near the Shepard place, according to the plans and spec ifications, and the same has been ac cepted by the County Court and final settlement will he made on Thursday, the 24th day of July, 119. By order of the County Court. E. E. Shoemaker, jl" County Clerk. ft Have an expert take care of your feet You wouldn't let anyone hut a dentist take care of your teeth! And your feet should be cared for ty a Pra tie()it a man who really under stands the delicate organism of the foot. With its many small bones, musiles and lig aments, the foot requires f.r-p-tt treatment when it be gins to pain and ache. Wanted 250 Families to pick out their Wall Paper - Big Sale on this week. Paper from 5c per roll up, or 50c for one room. To make room for new stock. H. S. BRAAKMAN, 111') Fourth Street, between Oak and Cascade, Tel. 1294. Hood River. FOR SALE r-'i -ale -7 acre ol knm1 liay laii',1 Minuted riKiii 'Mil at Oitell, Orcuon, "." luiiiiilc- w nlk ut'i i ii HiiU eat ut Hit dcMit. A v-ry iliHHtilc lo miiiiii. with a 7-riMHn ilao-red turns, tumll twin Mill ouiliuilitliiKH. iwith a"l .1 irr Ktork ttmce ai'oitii'l hHitie. S,nur null ami giii'iK-ii UiiHjcHr. AIm) nil-lie- ui wau-r Ki't-i u it h '. Ins irox-i n . Ha- a turn tHuiif at tin im-th end all Uih wu. I m-ms tin- miner eld, iuhI enough (all to tttiatf Hie wiole mu I nicely. 4 or a tons ol im on place, ror sail- by K. K Oldliam ;. H ni'om IfM answered bv n,al or call at Ulu :itft. Hood Kiver. I'i ic t t MI, coiislderitiK part trade. J it Hay ItaliiiK any one uhuIIhk liny da eu plun.e i vtl j i; u hur hIc Yomij pig". I'lione fts.ll '! r ur Sale-Some tl ne ymuitf "Oregon" cock" rei o. A. t. Strain. I'lione JIH.l It For Salc-'fi tni'ti Hr wood. Oak Uiove Store. Tel "ms;. j .'I .it Knr Sale House and i lots at corner ol "Hi and Cine street, must tie sold at once to close esiate. Make your otter to attorney tjco. ti. W liuur. Knot 11 1. If 1 1 r 1 1 Kor .sale- H tgli grade Jersey; :l year old: leii.i.i. A Kgontire. t all at Zetk llnikyaid Kru.iKside lrle or I'lione ruiTI. lw k Kin Sale-Mel of single harness, ruMirr tired Imgsy and home made packing lalne tied Howard, I'lione III" 'Midi. ;'t For Sale Uood team of tim es, w eiht ;'2(io pounds, wagon and harness. W. II. Stone, phone I'til, JlTtf Kor Hale TUree-year old .Icisey cow. (lives 4 gal. per day, second call, Iresh two months, span weldings :lRiidiyi old. I'.'im itis. each, ticnl te, single, double or to rid'. New Weher 21 . wag rf, t,ox and sidehoards complete: set iiietvliing harness. 01 I'M I lor .ki. I'ercy T "sin-lley. al roi stale Hi v nr wish!, I :t. and hi-ln. lie ilin'i' I prices, delivered any where in town or ou Kast Hide. Call evening.- Sa zinan llros. phone ITU lit I- o- alc u It. extension disc, smdehaker lli i k, .'-seated surrey. Tel. f,.WJ. A. I. t'ad dork. .UI K .i Service Registered Ihirot' Jetsey t'oar al my Willow Klat Itanch. I'lione odeil mi H. K I'reson. am Id-o'J Kor Sale Horse, K';l'2 pounds, bay, sound, sale and true to pull Well broke, single, double, and to ride. Not afraid of sprayer or autos Kalph Hinrlclis Tel. .VHI7. Jylutf Kor sale Al li year old lloisleln cow. Fine milker, may he seen at Beauregard ranch at Fir. Will he tresli this Kail, telephone :ti (t. Udell. Jlhtf For sale-Several good family nws Kruny,, l'lioue.Mi'l. Urn no j.ll For Sale Kir wood, delivered Williain Ullktrsiin, I'lione lli Udell j 17 For Sale Alaiul Hull fet ;( inch wire wound wood pipe, Herond hand, 10c per loot. J. II . Kola-i g. j IT For Sale Vi head of cows. Will sell at prices t hat are right as I must close out liairy. (ieo W. Howard, l ei. IVnJ!. jl7 For Sale-A dandy nice oak ti octave F;sly organ ol a tine tone for sale or trade. t. W. Lee 01: lli'lliiioiil loud Llll rods west of 12th street. yi For Sale Pi fteri'H first class Hood Kiver Ulid, '.I iiiiles Iromclty. I', mile from rail road station on Ml. II, od Kail road; on county road. Two good springs on ranch; ten acred in cultivation, five acres in apples and cher rles; ballance fir and oak tiinher: estimated S.lkK) cords; at present time wiaxt isseliing at railroad station fort; and 87 per cord. Kanch located two tulles west ol Odell station. For sale lo close out Parlnershlp. Call oraddresa M, K. Welch, . 8 , Hood Kiver. I'lione 1.1)1. For Sale-Some giKul youdg rabblls: Flem ish breed, lltterol seven Irom registered doe: tairn May II. F'ine for breeding. Order iaick, each; also IS. unrelated to ore viously mentioned animals, lairu April lii at f I mi each. Also young bred does at f t up and does Willi litters f-l and up. Kdward W. Vanllorn. I'lione -Mils. J.'tdt For F'xchange Five room house with mod ern appliances, cement basement, good gai age house just newly patnled, lot 'iOaIMI set to fruit with nice lawn and choice roses; locnted In choice part of town of M.imo, county seat of Urange county; located be'ween two paved slreels lust one lot of) state highway which is to have ornamental lights soon;in neighbor hood of flu.iKJO hollies. This is cheap at f.i.utm. iiiMid teasons tor selling: will trade for small ranch unproved or ranch of ,(Ual value, even it lo or JO in ilea from town In gxd l(H-altty, Open lo dealers, loyd I). Crane, lij W, lslh St., Santa Ana, Calif. JlWf Kor Sale 1HI" ti-t'ylinder Chummy Koad ster htudebaker. This Is an excellent buy. I arson a Watts, Casiaide Uarage. Telephone SU. J tl UK For Sale- F:ight acres, one mile west of de pot on Columbia Kiver Highway. Barn and water. Will sell very reasonahle for cash. Address I'. I.. Adams, :).(' .. F:ast l'.'lli st. south, t'ort land, Oregon. m-'Wl For Sale A triangular tract east of I'ark hurst Addition, south of Wilson s reservoir on the heights frontage on ;td street, with giant depth for garden. Fine trees and Hue view. F;sy terms. Also H lots in HUst halfol block Jit between Hazel and 1'leasant View Streets, with beautiful view of Columhla Kiver and no possible obstruction of view. Apply to A. W. Onthauk. I'-iltf For Sale Heavy galvanized iron Just the llntig for orchard hurneis. I'lione Davenport, I1J1. H Hit f For sale six pigs and mother, also two flue hriHid sows, all liuroc Jetseys. W, H ( orev. t'hone M77. JUtf For Sale-Second band Dodge for sale. Call 5I6'2. Jlilif For Sale .is acres, ;) cultivation, 2 acres orchard ten to yeara old S nillen Hood Kiver Town. .1 H. Frary, Route J, Box S4, Htxid Kier, On). J&dl Dr. ScholPs Foot Comfort Appliances will supply the needed relief. Kach appliance is designed to relieve ami comvt a sin'citic condition and by this sr- ice immediate relief can be enjoyed from tired, aching: teet. weak or broken-dow n arches, flat foot, callouses on the Sole, bun ions, painful heels, weak ankles, cramplike pain known a .Morton's Toe. hammer toes, and other foot troubles. These corrective foot appliances are simple in construction, jet are ortlioedically correct in every de tail. They are liyjit and resilient, can be comfortably worn in any shoe, and Rive to the tired, 'achino. foot the lijiht. springy step which has been lost through overwork, neglect or abuse. We will have an expert on foot troub les with us on July 25th and 2th -a grad uate! lYactipedist-a man specially trained in science of niving" foot comfort. I'on't t'oiRt t the date July 25th and 26th. &fe PARIS FAIR Acme Quality Paint We carry the most complete stock of Paint in the City There is an Acme Paint made for every kind of painting in your house. SEE OUR PAINT MAN FOR COLOR CARDS AND PRICES E. A. Franz Co. F or Sale A new '.' Ion lit arhom Truck t tai'hiiieut 011 a I 'll Cadillac. W ill haul ll) boxes apples. F.hgine completely overhauled, Will sell at a bargain, W rite Cutler M I'g. Co., I'm I land. Ore. apKlf For Sale F'arm train, weight ahmil Sfiim. I'lione .1. F;. Femusoli, Udell tnJJtf Fot Sale House, 011 the Heights, H rooms, pai l ly tin lushed, can he bought lor finm. J,il cash payuieut required, I'lione :.Nn. airit v Kor Sale--Cheap, giaid K h.p. olds gns engine Will trade lor hay, grain or apples. Kelly! llros , phone Hill. inllltf ! TOR RENT j For Kent Two furnished rooms, call lifter 1 six at 71ii Cascade avenue. )ii j For Kent-Furnished or uiiftii nished apart, j nieuts. I'lione :fs;i -jt WANTED otitig woman wishes place in country to work part day for three months perhaps j mr lor home. Stnte full part u-in us. Address Miss.N. Francis. 71: Ob.sco lildi;., I'miland, ore. j IT Wauled oiaig puppy. pn't"rhly l,u terrier or collie, lor children playmate, 1'hone Odiceilll. Mrs. Koiner Kogers Jt W anted - lu.Dfit) young strawberrie plants, about August 1st. F. II. Mercer. K. U. No. i 11 Wanted -To lease a etly house, place with large garden spol and fruit ttees prele-red. Call Heniy Hilts, 'Jill or liril. j IT Wanted -Siuninei pruning II. T. Itegnell, Kid . I, HiKi'l Kiver, Ore. j.ll Wanted At once, a mini either married or single, steady work during apple harvest. J. C. Duck wall, phone odell J ill Work Wanted Married man experienced in tractors, autos snd oilier gas engines; also some experience In ranch work Would pre (er steady place, but will consider work tor the summer. Flume 1.171. j-.'ij Wanted Parly to lake contract tor cutting Sim cords Hi torn 111' with gasoline saw. .1 K. riillllps, Tel Si.tti. ni2'.'tr Wanled-To buy your used liirnlliire at highest prices. Save your money by trading Willi H. liross, Third Street Second. bund Hea ler. Tel. UIH. n29tr Wanted-To buy your used ku niliire, stoves and rugs. Cash or new giaids in exchange. V.. A. Fran. Co. sjutt MISCELLANEOUS F'or special long hauls I have secured a two ton truck, with pneumatic urea, and am equipped lo do your delicate hauling. Truck will also be available t t transport parties ot ) oiiug people lu Ixist Lake or oilier scenic points on camping outings. Hlove can be taken along Oak Urine Store. Tel. Lost on Columbia Highway July IH-l&m on altertioon between Hiaik Kiver hud Cascade lioeka Suit caseof Ladles and children's cloths and etc. Finder please return It to o. . I I, in. gren, Hood K.ver. Or., and get reward. Koule 4 Hux l;; ti Lost A grip coutalulhg some hooki, kodak and other articles, was lost west of town, F'lnder please notify owner and receive re. reward. 1'. tSleeu. luM Ftanklin, Asluria.Ore. Iiost-.luly 4, bar pin, 5Sil. Keward. piuk cameo. I'lione J-'l Lost A hunch of keys, turn to A. Samuel. F'lnder please re J17 Maternity cases cared for in private home. Kates reasonable Mrs. .Mary Woltiart, phone 57sh. lit list Featherbed, wrapiwd In package, bet ween I.iM'kmatis place at odell and town. Finder please phone W. A. I-ockmau, Wl, and receive teward jn l'lano Tunlng-l'layer piano repalilng and reflulshing. Work guaranteed I'lione 1212. S. A. IiiK'kstader, care lieed, Freuch Flano Co., HiKid Kiver. apl7tf Kor Nale-Wlo Model :i speed n horse power Motorcycle, with l'restou lite and tank, good tire. Itaaaiiapat jam, or will trade s part Eayment for a good Ford ear. Call at Vlt. uoj more lor C. L Ijreeu. y:i are" caused by overwork or strain .n the -, clt-s and ligaments. They U-come tnv.i . relaxed, pf niiittinj: the arch to lower 1 causes tired, aching feet, cramped t-s. , inns, callouses, etc. Ir. Scln4is Foot-l brings instant relief and comfut t by tit n .: gently supporting the arch, relieving :;. !es just as its name indicates 'Vases feet." Trice. $:i.i" per pair. RUN-OVER-HEELS are the result of improper walking and si;. itiR. The weight of the body is thrown .. ,: balance and run-over-heels are the rex:;' i. Scholl's Walk Strate Heel Tads placed -the shoe, scientifically corrects this tnuib.. equalizinn weight of IkhI.v. TheV keep shoes in shape, add jirace t carriage. ai shock, save repair bills and make walk r. pleasure. Trice Xk per pair. BUNIONS are produced by various causes. l)r. Si i. l.union Reducer fits simply over the eniar: bunion joint, relieving the pain and shoe i i sure, and by absorption reduces the et,i;u merit. Made of soft, antiseptic rubber. " Do You Use FREE During July we will give a Sample Can of acme quality Varnolac to any person calling at our store. js if :e l e s We want more Transparent, Astrachans, Early Har vest and lied .lime this season. Our demand is Rood ami should you have only ten to tifteen boxes we want vou to ship them tons, for every few boxes add for volume ami permits us to sell in quantities at a satisfactory price for then-rower. Ship about three-fourths green, VeRard less ot color, faced and tilled. Sheridan Bechley Co. T1 , ., 126 Front Street, PORTLAND, ORE. Reference: Hibernian Bank. 1 011 t an always L'et 1111 AiLIiohs Stamp fret; by t ailing at (ilio ior Ollir.'. SOCIETIES. MT. MOOIiCOI'NC'ILNo.K. K. a H. M. Meeta In Masonic Hall every third Tuesday in each month. I). McDonald, Keemder. hood kivf:k( haptkk no 27 k a m - Meets first and third Frlday'night; of each T"!'. ; h'UMk Chandler, ll' p. A. D. Moe, Secretary. S? Hood Kiver Cominsnderv No. 12, K T (S3 Meets every first Tuesday evening 7S earn month u p A.lJ.Moe. KecoiWr. HOOD KIVKR UIAITKK NO. s, o. K. H -Meet second and fourtliTnesday evening ofeach moulh. V isitors cordially welcomed in.,,, Mrs. Walter Wallers, W. M Misn Alia I'oole, Mecreiary. CANHY W. R C.-Meets second 8d fourth Saturdays ot each month at K. ol I' h" II ,, KI,lH C. Harmless, l'reaideii't Mrs. Oraee Honey well, Treas ,UM,ue"1 Mrs. Susie Lynn, Secretary. ' W'nd tT,-7dKvt""!,r ,,1Pt,l'' re he7dtn"e n"rst and third Mondays ot cacti month. i i.' ... V. hall. Viitf,rH crtlRlly VnviVed! I, i;'V ' K.K.Ooodrlch, Clerk. 'r' C' HOOD KI VKK CAM F, No 7 70" M w A Meets in K.of I', hall'every wCl d WT tirst and Third Thi,? rac",ii'moUnt'01.e Mrs. Maine N.rke. J"c,'.r!r "" U N" haf;l rkbkkah i.odof; no m TicTtTv Mr,. Mary im,' 6. K. II. Kemp, Sei'. Meets tlr,l and thlr,. MrtH,; eacim Vu- Mrs F izubeii, Higman, Ntrti. .rs.K,l'lr,,(,)V,:;1'''',V.U. KDK.N F'.NCA.d PM KNT, No. w I O oV lo. W. Thomson. Scribe.' "Jller' (:' WACCOMA LODOK No. 3() k "n'if"u Meta in K. of F. hall every1ua?KB1Jla Jasper Wickham.K. of ira,1m's',nh',;'1-' T F. Johnson, M. of F, K KMP LOPOK, No. ii n ,,' ' " .. Odell Odd Fellow.' ,Lile?;7MtT,?ln uHynlght. Visitors e!a,,vVwreic,,,n,Tr Kaymoud K Asdeli.'slro,"""'"' ''ri"y. HOOD KI v-F'.K VAtLKYH V, M F H,Ms -r." Hood KI ver, Ore. c . C. -T V Mrs. Alma Howe. Hec. LeBlie Hm T,V r,'B Call phone 1JU1. e Blll-r. Ireaa. WAT N A TKMPI.K P YTTuATsTLrrr Mcts the second and , , each mouth al K. of p i,a it ""lr"1ays ol Mrs. Susie Lynn, K. f Mrs. Kate Frederick, M of K a,, .. MM. Nellie Ferguson, M. ,,' f, nd (:' WEAK ARCHES HOOD UlVHt OREGON ORDER YOUR RUBBER STAMPS For Apple Boxes NOW at the GLACIER OFFICE FOR SALE Cosy Five-Room BUNGALOW with bath, pantry, screen iwcli and basement, at Gl.'l Hazell, corner of 6th, lare grounds, excellent view of river and mountain. Build injr is being completely reno vated and painted and deco rated inside and out. Owned by non-resident who cannot well care for it, so wants !u sell. Utiildinjr (.(,1( not be erected today for the price ot entire property. $2,250. Make your own terms in reason. Please do not dis turb tennants, but see Hood River Abstract and Investment Co. "SI"1' "'VSR LODOK NO. 1(6, A. K. and A iiT,f. o HH,urdy evening on or before D M,d, 'm,nM ' K' ", W. M u. McDonald, Secretary. 'i;LA MH,;M.l N0' MB. UN1TK0 AKI rt?iu 't1 ,ne flrHt "' tlilrti Wednes AiJuT".rl; "r"1"1 fourth Wednesdays i. H. koHKKn Secretary. "mWE ,j?"kno. u'iTo."o7i:.- Meet 0 Kra'ernal hall, every Thursday u'w' A. 1,. Day, N. O. flen U T. - A- I'BklU, V, (I. ueo. w. Thomson, Secretary.