The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 17, 1919, Image 1

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Safe Funds
for Vacation Travel
iyHKTHKR you are planning a trans-contitn-tital ttmr
I I J or only a motor trip into t!' i-oiuitn , you ticnl a
supply of 'A. li. A." Cheeks in vour pocket.
You will find them safer than currency, and just as
convenient in making payments at hotels, yaraires. tail
road offices, etc.. where they are readily accepttd as
The only identification needed is your
in the presence of the person accepting a check.
T1 ?J.
to !:' i'AKi or m-. rv
' 5.;t.Gl.,;.-n an.! I'f.f. H u.-ht l-v
(it vt-rrtin.i bw'-'ria! (' ntc-L
S.! :-i Lips :l -.:r'.
Kresse Drug C
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Come in and hear the latest J :!y icur Records
i ' a i I ' ' a . . r t
tl .if;. ; , U.l .-...
t 1..- m ' ti f
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I'!,!i-!ri:i: ('!,') i'-j. .
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Dan Wuille & Co., Ltd., offer
their direct distribution to the
Grower who has formerly shipped
through intermediate organiza
tions at a cost of a multiplicity of
We believe that the Grower
will be glad to eliminate all possi
ble charges. We believe that many
intermediate shipping organizations
do nothing lor the Grower that he
cannot do for himself.
There are often as many as
four commissions or charges made
on a shipment of apples to foreign
markets. These are unjustified in
that the shipments are often if not
always turned over on consignment
to some company like Dan Wuille
& Co, Ltd, to sell. They are
therefore for a service that is non
essential and constitute a margin
which should go to the Grower as
a margin of profit. Direct connec
tion with a Selling Company elim
inates these extra charges and means
simply that the producer gets more
money out of his fruit.
This Company operates direct
ly on all important foreign markets.
We actually do sell our consign- ,
ments ourselves. Apples sold for the
Grower's account at similar prices
to those sold for a dealer's account
must naturally return more money
to the Grower than the dealer can
return to his Grower or local con
nection. We think that when the grow
ers thoroughly understand the meth
ods employed in marketing fruit the
Dan Wuille Company with their
direct connections will be better
We invite 'you to talk the
matter over with us. We shall be
glad to give you all the informa
tion in regard to marketing that
we have at our disposal.
1 1
Statement of th. condition -;' he
Butler Banking Company, cf Ho River, Ore. ! r.;-
: n.'ie. S. . v
at UieCiW'oi CuMiu-s Juno :!, I'Jl'J
I' M, jlM.I.'O
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Loans atnl Di-counls
V. S. JJonds and Treasury (Vrti:icuti
Uonds, Warrants a nil Stocks
Saving's Department Loans
Safes, Furniture and Fixtures
Ileal Fstate ' iM.'.Hks.n
Cash tn Hand and in Other Lauks 1 tS, ( it )7. '.)"
Capital Stock
Famed Surplus and Undivided lYofits :W. !". 5:t
Deposits illilLi
1 1
f ;,s t Co I..;', Itl'.i l r !l
(;,.r).''.'") r ' l U- f ;i. t c :
V. Cn'i'iC'sr n.(l i!; irs, l v
f-u it, two xanttv, t.v. j;
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( ;'';-! '!:!) Mr- .' i ' I
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Every Saturday Niht, ( to 12
at the
Open Air Pavilion
Fourth and Oak Streets
iolstacfs Orchestra
i ii . i
:..oi. a ,
1 . i inr ti, ; -t
t-'.M r :i oi o
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Hood River Volunteer lire Depariinent
(' oir :, lin : l'!::-t A, f
lit.--. II, :?!, s i. n
; ' : '!..-; A. .-1.
The present high price of
Canned Fruit and Vego tables
will be maintained for the
coming year therefore
Practice Economy
We have a full supply of
Mason and Economy Fruit Jars,
also Caps, Rings and Parafine.
Let Us Supply Your Needs
; l'ii',r. .-I fmii n; d t i ' :i j . ' i
. ' : i.f re i ii s of furl ! h I k : ' i.o :
. -v.-":' !: ' ir - A , ?, .- '.'.
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.1. i , t-p:i I I .ON of ,
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i-7. I ive liat'tani : 1. 1 s li, -
:;s. M.iM'iiil tralnirtr : Cbs A, S
Tl, if.."'1', 'i-'- H, l, r.oii.
: i lih-kt'lrv : Cla-s i , J!, T '.
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41. I'TiA'cvs, iiii home t-xhiiui i, ;j)n
r.!ria"l in 1 r. c i,,a s c . aav ra'i'i'i",'
tho l'.oi.ilv: Swt t.l, on-;, Tl, ..'so, ';.
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; ., r , ,.' of ! , (l"r-: ll , "V ho - 1 ft!
,'V ! ' 1 ' ' ' oil ,, V il Ion ill
: .- i ; . '! ' lo-o iai.'Oo, Tin' f ,oov
. -j., i ,-r , . o No- (n iaa:',.:,! aa
, oil.' 1 1 o oi.i-.- on ii j'lii-
t t ri' I ha ',:!c ;i:it. s wort- lioro
i ' ' t" a i'.r o.rioir.N : II. M.
.1 :..;ii. 0: :t I'a", r. .1. H. liio-n-r
, :i i '!'. IT.- !i. A." ( t'aiiaii iin l T
-'..'!-. of I '..alar, j, in-.-. oi; i.a 1 1 1, ,
:! ..:. T a! vl?, wi r- oatt't lanital
a! a 1 io "a .y f.ral f; ilnii"i.
I ' - ;'".!. 'rriviaa part y v. its taioTi
' . ; ha ', .a.':,', a, ' h-a (aahaoh-t, t hi.;
!! ". - of v i.i.a'i nr..' lo.'iili'il v illi
f i . I . ; ' . .' i.ili. a: 'h a, , a- vt i'y
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a a o.r ir rr r,-, j j tloit ilia aoalcs
in,' f.l i :-. I'. ' on i H-ai ti-i.t il.air
a' T, ir. ii a"-! v ;. si IllU-.t hltve
: r o. r j,., , ;i , a
W. lliGi'WAY
l::f: .-n a' :o I.,, hal. ;b- ytatu- of
; I 'a a v.a .' 1 i . ri"i (',"".' anl ( 'as-
... j , .-' - ,.,-! lie oauai ,a i rs nrt:
a , I aa " aia: of I i,c a .".; " i,!a
r :'., i- '-. - ;,l lr O',.- 1 1 !' ll ''"r ll'. I I ! ,-t
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::..,,.. aa . iTal li, ' r aal
' ;li ,",rri;y ! . ,, j. ,-. f,,r ,, ( '. r m
.' ; .. a .' r- - '' .tli ;i stt-Krii'-lrtvvl
' . ..a I i " r aa. ; of a two aalr
' Is i 1 i il.. I'." I Uvt i a 1 a -a 1
i ; a r ,', I i.i- n..;ij will tli -i
i'a'''' ';.. I r ii ' i ,., .,
' , a a a- '.,..1 .oaihi.o : s
A li.-k of fan is w II i at aa .... .1 to ;
r-,;ol -a:-! k in Ilia- . u. t v a.ri, r '
i a'l-r rl l,!'0io"l, ll 0 ' ,i,;ai -' ol ;
;i: 1 la, saia.loiy Ti " ' K ti , i,v .' Iliiaa ,
tt I'itn.'f will" -yutM-r 'i.e r aa, r a,'r rf A p.. oi.i '., f. !
tlie y-nr. '1 ht; out lay-' n ! h o t. i f a' in.;; ia. ! .'
in ttu; iiair al 0U'!l'.'1 lai-ai'.'il aa a .-'javai, v.' i
trjon'oi' of 'ha , hi ;tt;cl la-aaj" IT . !i t . c 11 to !.' U !
i ', li. io -a e
'i.r' t-
i'tiivi'i r liix-nntinai'd
t lo. haa rorrivi .! r ot ii h
1 r Iinl', I'lli.'f fpl' iVD
Wi- iaa'a'oii, 1 1. ('., that
r I-raah, , ion Art has 1 i t'll
i !F.-:iv .rn .
... ., faro, i...
I ' , ' !:!,r."h:i-ll of u -tii k
t'm t-iiv to ihr Kn-t. I- : k of J! j 1 i ; :,,!:."" of
o". riai'N of wav !' r ti o i .-i rai i.i f t- ail '" '
l.a.T liir! v .! a .vr't :' Soo '.'. ' r
iiaint., j: u; ;y i !!: vrs I - k ,l;:,' IJ,t(-l !
i iairai Tr,o i 1 , 1 1 t , c . art ha. nl 'on I' ' r ( I;
...... i ,a,i,i '!" - i.' i - ;-' y ' ;"
vai l?. A l' f ta i'1"1 hio- haua re- here hat ft. a
:-.! ,t.J for wiPt-.r IomJ oik. 1 ret ortt j.
(i r I. in a i aa My four lidi-WH
! ., a. . , a -r a ,;;,ln'iO" i.f oat foian or
H". i. . r '' ri i: , - a, ill o , t .,o o'J'Tj i U tk
duii af the tiua the law was effective.
A. F. 15ICHFORD, Prop.
ro tar I,