hooi mvKit GLAcitn. rnrii5?iAY, -lri.v a. i'.i. OLD AGE STARTS WITH YOUR KIDNEYS . ;h '. ill' aji".. ' wv Tr. o:l vr.u1.'- . .... ......... ' i.- a-,..-.- :4.'. n r ! Ini-'.r ..v.. r- ..- H i- 1 tti r. a':i,-j.' Wi.n f-o.rel OU'i'.M- !.!. .1 . .! - T t V h i;.v 't-i. i .i::'ai. ii.r'-i!i i: w ... ., ..u .:. an! vi'if .-. t j. . v. r .i r .- ' i r ri ..f --e rt I , - : ,. . t w !:1 .. i- ci -li:- S ; a... IV-1 ! f r n- I t V" t .,, ,r .., t .-t i, U. Of l !J. M '!. H-.'-ei 'i i)! .V;nr 1 , IHtlir'nt.rr t f f'" ,n . .t .s ..r.-n,. t I.. U..I i . 1 tf. .roionfrl fr t..v,.!.i t:.t rfr juiM ty It- .nerate ;crs'.i. I'i.r v-r -.rs L' M'.'.l' A! Ha&r : fl t- r ,-1 ek r.i 'Us ' y .! t rrg eir.s I ' a -oa'.iirl 1 .. .p. r.-n,.-;v a-, ' ; 'h ri- irrro 4 j.-. I.-. ;"!.! MfUAI. iti.i! ;:i " I is 1 It.. . O.IO. :. ..-... i. .?.t Mi. I'M. l-'S'it. AN ASSET TO ANY MAN If it's a business car you want, one easy to handle and fit for any kind of travel, you owe it to yourself to examine this capable lloaditer. We know of no car that equals it for constant and economical service, or that handles with as much surety and quickness in tight places. Tuuru.g Car. $10Ti; Koa.Mer, $1075; Scd.n. Coupe. I6W t.OM. routine, M.ch. AJa.t.onul for w.re wheel equ.piucnt. . J IRELAND TO LNTER COLUMBIA LOOP TRIP LOCAL FRUIT DEAL IS APPEALING L. E. Ireland, who for the st to The fvllvwir. story, written l I', years has operated in apples in south C. Huti-i ins. of Vh.te Jlmt n. tu em California markets, has planned to made the Hrt journey ovtr the CV.Ium enter the lal marset deal m..re ex- tua river lict. route, btartin from tentsivety tl is fall. Mr. lrela::l. who Wlate Shimon and traveling to 1'ort- k.m iKa i.nr.-hxvo ..f lm .1 liv av of tile North HatiK t"S.l. .herrits. and who announte!. that he V ill buy anples a::d pears, has leased the old Columbia Garage building, which he wilt convert into a packing house and receiving station. Mr. Ire land will ship cherries, in packed box es, to eastern markets. Kee fciniiiti.-ally exsnuued by 11. L. Ila-brouik. I'ptometrist, fleilbronner THE EXPLANATION Nature placed the growth-promoting "vitamins" in the oil of the cod-fish this explains why , ! SGOtt's Emulsion is so definite in its help to a child i of any age. Latter-day science reveals that the "vitamins" are ! needful for normal growth. Scott' Emulaion wut nai0 mny child grow. Scott (k Huwnt. Bloomfifid. N. J. I- Notice of Sale 0 . 13 n f -"' " a ,wu ll-ll HEIGHTS GARAGE returnir.r t:ver the Columbia Highway to Hood Kit-r. will be of interest t.' td people. The story, appe-.rii.u in lat Sunday 's dn-onian. cites tt.e ap j tal of a anety of scrnery eiicoui.l-er.-d by the motor uurist: AtM U" tie great luid Colua.Lia basin, e..mprisir(r extensive i'.ieas of Oretf ir. Washirtun and Idaho, was an immense li land lake. Finally this body of water foicvd its way through the Cascade rai te and to the sea : re-.-uiting was our waterway, the Colum bia nvn. t'erhaps for centuries the Indian was s ipreu.e in this Cobin.l i;i gorge countiy; its waters provided the major part if his f.n.d : his trails couMfd its peaks aid valleys. '1 he' in lfbf came th.ie irtrepid ( i.meers. Lewis and Clarke; they four d oia I'a-cit-c Noithwest, and b.ld the World. Other vintuH-.-oine pmoeerr-, largely traders in fur?, followel. but sm the prairie schooners were tediously seek ing the tia.l the gieat Oregon Trail to the land ' f pler.tv. From The llatles. by .anoe, and raits id logs, with manual pottage a'yund the Cay cade rapid.--, did they rea. h the Wil lamette valley and southwestern Wash ington countiy; then by steam craft, and rad portne around the rapids they ..till ..un.u I,.' ihtt ntniili.sU 'l'hf steel In the County- Court nf the State of : rail finally was laid on both shores, ty Oregon, for the county of Hood Kiver. . ing the east to the west. Mill the In the matter of the estate of Adelia crawngs nf man were not appeased : A Stranahan. deceased. the advent of the auto created a desire 1 Albert K. Stranahan, executor of j to reach all points, independent of the the will of said deceased, herebv give ' rail or boat, f.ir business and pleasure notice that I will, bv virtue of and pur tours. To course this great xwvx, suant to an order of the above entitled through the gorge of the Cascades, by court made herein on June h, ly.trom a mgnway on a sui4.unc o and after the 11th day of July. 1919. j gotn.ting by auto, seemed to be beyond sell or otrer at private sale at my otlice i pos.-ible engineering skill. 1 his is. at Front and Oak streets, in tneciiv oi . nowevei, ie Are you run down, tired out, languid, losing weight, or has the "Flu left you feeling tired and worn out ? If so, Nature is calling for help. We know of nothing to aid you quicker and surer than , Penslar Dynamic Tonic This Tonic consists of the most highly recommended foods for nerves and tissues. The exact formula is on each bottle, and is manufactured by one of the Most Reliable Pharmaceutical Houses in the World not a patent medicine firm that puts all the money that should be in the drugs, into glaring advertisements and testimonials. During the influenza epidemic, PENSLAR DYNAMIC TONIC secured wonderful results, also WE GUARANTEE EVERY BOTTLE. A. SMITH BLOCK KEIR RELIABLE DRUGGIST o 0 0 0 rVT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time table No. SI Taking effect li l a. m. Sund.iy, July IMh, l'M7. J, 5. t. HihhI Kiver. Hood Kiver County, state j ,f (lr.-i7on. the following described real property situated in the city of Hood River. Hood Kiver county, state of Oregon, to w it : Lots hftyniiie and sixty ,i) anu tin; in Ulock one til, in sirananan s -iiu Addition to the said city ; Lot seventy- four 174), in I'.lock thirteen (Ki), and Lot thirty-seven (li.) and lot lony in Lluck nine (.0. in Stranahan's Mrd Addition to said city; Also, beginning at a sunken stone monument set in the east line of the W'ni. Jenkins Puliation Land Claim No. US, Township 3 North, Kange 10 hast ot V. M. AW leel soum of the re-entrant corner ot the east side of said claim; thence south 1 deg. 2(1 min. west U(K feet; thence east tiii2.72 feet to a point ten feet west of the southwest corner of Lot in Block in of Strar.ahan's 3rd addition : thence north 20(1 feet ; thence west to the place of beginning, containing 3. Oil acres, more or less ; Said property w ill be sold to the best and highest bidder for cash or for nut loss than J" per cent of the purchase price in cash, payment ot the remaind er to be made by the promissory note of the purchaser and a tirst mortgage lien on the property sold as security, and said sale shall be maue in one par cel and one sale or in separate sales and parcels as may be most beneticial tor said estate. Iiatedat Hood Kiver, Oregon, this lh? fl.lV of .llllil". 191.1. Albert K. Mianahan, Lxeeutor. jnl2j.vlo No 5 Motor Dally I'. M. r oo 5 o.: !.VJ fVliti B.H ft. 3;. fi.4l) 5.43 fM7 5..rxl ft . f'7 d.irj H.la ti.K I' M. V IIIHOI'M) No. :i Nil I ; olll UlioI'MI Motor Daily A. M. 10 . 4 111 .48 10.57 11.10 1 1. 1.1 11 is ll.l!3 ll.'Jf, 11.30 11.33 II 3H 11.43 11 I m 1 1 : b.x,'.'iti S'n'l v ! I. M. ,S IK) S.i I.". S l.'l H , "') h :tu s 41) S 45 s 93KI 0.1)5 '.'II 0.25 (I ,V) ill r.vuo io oo , M. Nu. 2 No. 4 No. 6 ' i No. 8 ; ""V i '."""y Motor s!;;v MHwiKv -miioiJ; Daity Ullly v. A. p. m . r. m . ,! Oil 0 25 15 7 45 " !l L"2 '.Ml 7 41 j :,() !i 15 04 7 31 ' 10 o ir' 1 ,5'2 7 L"J :5 ' H 5S 1.4S 7. IS 2 :;o S 53 1.43 7 13 s 4H l.3(i 1 7 Oil 2.2.1 H.4-J ; 1-32 7 02 ' ID H.37 1.27 ti 57 05 S.34 1 24 h.5l 2 no N.30 1.20 0 50 II 15 ; H.25 1.15 ' C. II 05 S.15 , 1 05 0 35 I I 00 S 10 1 00 : 0 v, m. , . M. '' ' M- Stertin. tMotor. Owinu' t" limited s. handled on the steam In St ationt Lv. Hood River Ar . . l'owor.l.ile . . , S'.Mtcliliiirk . , . . Van I lorn Mol.r Odell .... Summit I'.loiicliei- Ilolsteili inaiis he CM. ... Trout Creek . . . . . . . W.hhIm or l ii ... Ar, Parkd.ile Lv. . nee on Motor Cjr- all trunks mid heavy baaisage will be II, s. either ill lolviinre "I ..r following the plissell'ers. Notice ot Sheriff Sale I'.y virtue of a writ of execution in , foreclosure duly issued by the Clerlt of; the Circuit Court of Hood Kiver Coun-; tv, Oregon, dated June 7th, 1919, in a, certain suit wherein Albert K. Strana hM.v us pxecutor. is nlaintitf. and Hoo. River W. O. W. Hall Association, a i corporation, is defendant, wherein plaintill' recovered judgment and decree mi May 2tith, 1919, for the sum of I01S.33, together with interest thereon at the rate ot S per cent per annum from November 1, 1914, until paid, $7.5.00 attorney's fees, and the further sum of $10.00 costs, which- judgment . nro .'(1 and docketed in the eh..!.-' otlice of said court in said coun to th.' skill of tnati ; the mind ot Ilia conceived and the hand of man hae givm us the now world famous Colum bin Kiver Highway, crowned on its summit bv the Vista House of rest and ..,,. i'.,rt Wt have irazed. from the Hides of this highway, to the north or Washington side of the gorge; have wondered what of interest us closed hi ok might reveal, if once opened. I I, at time has come, in the opening of i he North Hank Hiuhwav from Van- cum r, Washington, to Underwood. Uhi!e Salmon and the east. In no seie is this new highway a .d to the one on the Oregon side ; raiher it is a part of same; a com i:ui;itiim of same, forming the mot scenic loop tour in this, and probi-hi.. any other, country. In touring the Orecon highway hnw itten have we wondered what was tia.k of this and that fall; what lay I back of that canyon's mouth from j hundreds of vantage points on the va-hington highway, our curiosity is j appeased. The falls are ideally de I lined ; over and beyond them we see ! the great gorge where they reach their , last i'lunue: wing after wing of range i is unfolded, as we gaze fiom point to I point of the newer highway. I The North Ihu.k Highway does not i foil ,v the river as closely mi does tiie ! Cclun, bia Kiver Highway; it touches ; same at many points, but w inds m and licit; up and liiwn, from the river a j revelation of scenic grandeur to iveiy I one, and is indescribable as is that of ! tte highway on the Oregon side, l-rotn 1 t'.mn.nvnr " tt ash . t.1 White Sldllloll ! and as far.'east as l.ewistoti, Idaho, the i Kvcrt'reen Highway, of which the North Hank is a link has been marked with the green marker of the Kver- : oieen Highway Association ; inus man i n r it impossible for one to get elf on the wrong road. rotn Vancuuvtr to vvasnotigai, a lame of lti.7 milts, we traverse a i highly developed section, including the ! ancouver Barracks and Camas, wl.eie may he visited the large plant jet the Cruwn-Willarm tt" Paper Com j .;...y. Throughout this st.it.h will be ' f..o'al jirunes, prunes and more prunes; I mir v acres being reset, where a tew u. iirs a io thev were torn out of the heinir discour .i,.,,efl tht.ir .iwners ourt in said coun- ,' u tv on the liiHh (iHV of May. iyi, wriit'h j L'm Wtthnuirni for r distant' of ; i t . f ti,.., ,.rtit.i u i 'id ti HIP 1 . i . . . . tf. 11,.., SH II W I t'MTUUtni ivuiuiniiuo v'GCO, If ivioii 1 fAlO ULJt-VuM;tNT MAKES WHITER, LKiHTER BREAD GET H 1 ROM VOI R GROCER as sheritl', to make sale of the property described in said judgment and decree and hereinafter described to satisfy caid judgment : Notice is hereby giver, that I will, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon on the 12th day of July, 1919, at the east I ront door of the county court hoime in the citv of Hood Kiver. coun ty of Hood Kiver, state of Oregon, sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property, in Hood River County, ( h-egon, to-w it : All of lots eighteen (1M and nineteen ( 19) in block four 14) of Stranahan's First Addition to the town of Hood i.,;...,r ...vi' ,.iiv ,,f Hood Rive-r. as tier i.oci, iiv,,. 1 .t - - rKa the duly recorded plat thereof, together j . ..ok uli tho inner,, .oils hereditaments' . 1 and appurtenances thereunto,, belong ing, or so much thereof as may be neces sary to satisfy said judgment and de cree in full, with accruing costs. Said property w ill be sold subject to confirmation and redemption as by law provided. Dated June 7th, 1919. Thos. F. Johnson, Sheritr, Hood Kiver County, Oregon. jnlUjylO Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood Kiver. Bernace V. Alexander, Flaintit'.', vs. Reed H. Alexander, Defendant. To Heed II. Alexander, defendant: Hor.roximatelv nine miles, we follow cioHtdv the wooded banks of the charm- : ing Washougal river, with its hundreds of rapids, falls and pools, which are 1 the delight of the trout and pteelhead fisherman. Many a film will be ex 'posed along this river, for its vistas , are too alluring to go unrecorded. For the next ten miles the run is made through a virgin forest of great i firs, their sweeping branches meeting , above, and forming a literal tunnel of ' green, w ith an undergrowth of almost tropical beauty. This stretch of some i ten miles circles around Cape Horn ; ! many trout streams are crossed. For the next 15 miles, from Ska ; mania to Stevenson, the county teat of Skamania countv, this space will not in to nermit coveriiy the scenic and interesting details of the run. It is estimated there are over 700,000,000 feet of fir timber in and back of this stretch. Lumber and cord wood hae been the main output of this section. The Wind Kiver Company has been logging here for dose to 20 years. Hushing creeks are frequently crossed ; bass and trout lakes are passed and camping spots, with purest of waUr and fuel in abundance are on every side. Thirty-two and nine-tenths miles out of Vancouver Multnomah Falls, on the opposite side of the gorge, stand out like a bar of silver, again at 30.5 miles a beautiful view of Horsetail Falls is enjoyed, and so on mile, by mile do the Oregon wonders unfurl. Having covered 40.5 miles we come to Beacon Rock, a sentinel standing the milling plant of the Wind K.ver Lumber Co. Leaving Stevenson, at 51.0, we pass through a must scenic and enjoyable stretch, reaching Carson at 50.4. Here again will be found m free auto park, close to town, hotel and garage. The C.overnment Hot Springs resort lies in a good road IS miles north of this place; two othir hot springs resorts are within 1 miles or, a diverging road from the highway. At 57.7 a full iew of the Wind river surge will hiing the kodaks into play. : As the eradual descent is made, a fine view of W ind mountam is had ; at the : foot of the guide, at the east end of Wind river bridge, is a large fi.-h hateherv. At d"..r the highway is hewn out of solid rock mound the face of Wind mountain and nbove the rail oiul. This was the heaviest piece of woik mi the higwhay. being in charge ,,f Covernnient KngnieerW. 1.. lioweti, and covering nearly seven miles of heavv rock work and fills; much of ame being- directly above the railroad trains on same not heing ueiayeti ovei two hours in all, so reported. At I'ooks. 05 '.i, gasoline may be had, and the inner man satisfied by the Wallace sisters and Miss Fonts, hos tesses. Leaving Cooks we tour over a tirst class and low grade highway up the Little White Salmon valley, and one of the most beautiful stretches in tt.e entire run. If a camp is desired in this valley, would suggest a short, run up the diverging W iliard road, at 71.2, where a most enjoyable free (limping jpot-- in the wil ls will be found, with convenii nets and the glad hand oi ine pioneer himself. A deck Hows into the main riv. r at this point, whore waters stand id eight di green above freezing all the year round, appearing on the Fiirface close by, after 'lowing i".,r miles through ice caves under ground from M Hint Adams. A wager that one could hold his hands in it water for five minutes has never been accomplished, the best time being H minutes. Continuing and crossing the bridge over the Little White Salmon river, where every car will stop and its occu pants drink in the view of the rushing st i earn through the timber, with its inpids and ovei falls ; possibly stop for a few trout, for they are awaiting the My, we gradually climbjon a perfect road and grade to the high l.'nderwocd bluffs, where one of the grandest pan oiamic views in the entire gorge sec tion will be enjoyed. From here we look up and down the river for miles; over the entire Hood River valley with its sentinel and snow peaked Mount Hood in the background. It is a view never; to be forgotten. On all sides will be found well kept'orchaids and bungalow homes. Again we descend, until the mouth of the White Salmon river and the little town ot Underwood are reached, where gasoline and sup plies may be found. "Commercial jo1) printing at the Chi ( i'T olliee. 7 I "Ami I . i Ash Your Dealer Rznjntt0tl Grand PrizeMste firearms 6 Ammunition Vfit? for Cativ1oue TH MMINOTONARMSUMC CO lC r .in hi mi in m Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAIY1S, OILS, BKL'SHES, He. Heath & Milligan Mixed Paints Glidden's Varnishes Room Mouldings Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Plate and Card Pvail Dry Paste 10 Keetl II. rtieXHIllier, uciniunni. I iv, i.a...,i ....v.., .. In the name of the state of Oregon guard over the most enjoyable part ot you are hereby required to appear and the entire mid-Columbia gorge, pro answer the complaint tiled against you viding from its summit a panoramic in the above entitled suit on or before view most inspiring, through the gen the expirr.tion of the six fo) weeks en.sity of its owner, Henry J. Piddle, from the date of the tirst publica-; who has personally financed the con tion of this summons, which date struct ion of a rock hewn trail from is hereinafter stated, and if you baee to summit, provided with an iron fail so to appear or answer, for want railing for "safety first.' Again, on thereof the plaintiff will apply to the the opposite side of the highway will court for the relief praved for in her be found a trail leading up to A ah complaint, towit, for a decree ofrii- ;clella Park and Little Beacon Imck ; hut. a short climb, fine spring and ..... viiilmr l,Alu'ut, vim ami the view, trend nlace for H lunch. This llllllini l CAMUI'h .,..'..., j. . n I " - 1 . J J. , nintitT and for a decree awarding to also is provided uy :ir. uiu.ne. plaintiff the custody of Beatrice j mileage 40.K a close up view or saunoi. 1 1. ....... i.,, m;nr nn.i tliB itish wliepls wi be had : also the o h 1 daughter of the plaintiff and the de- portage railroad around the Cascade c i.,,.i h..r.,;n un.l f,,r so.'h .,t inr re minds : this with its mate on me ure Id the S. E. BARTMESS PHI Licensed with Oregon's first class of Embalmers. Phone I3SI, 3821 HOOD RIVER. OREGON , lief us the court mav deem equitable You are hereby served with tin summons by publication pursuant to an order of the Hon. L. N. Blowers, coun ty judge of Hood River County, Ore gon', made in the above entitled suit or, June 17, 1919, which order directs that you t hai I appear and answer said com plaint o.i or before the expiration of six (H) weeks from the date of the tirst publication of this summons, which date is fixed in said order as June 19, 1919. Tins nimnions is first published June 59, 59.9. Ernest C. Smith, Atlorey for I'laintitV, ji.l.ijilU Hood Kiver, Oregon. gon side, were the tusi ranroaus num in thi tven states, 'ihis is the narrow est tihH of tho fforife and the site of the Bridire of the Cods. Crossing several creeks, Stevenson, the countv seat, will be found a clean, Htimctive citv with i?ood streets aiu every service provided for the comfort of the tourist desired, including a snlendid free HUtO nark, close to the business section, with Rock Creek spring water Mowing through its ten acres of ground. First class hotel, garage, kodak supplies, even a splen didly equipped hospital, if such service should be required. On the opposite side will be seen Cascade Locks and IffiES cAricnca $ First Cur LIGHT SIX E. A. FRANZ CO. Agents OREGON LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturer LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS Wholesale and Retail A complete stock of GOODYEAR and REPUBLIC TIRES AND TUBES together with our ser vice, makes this an ideal place to pur chase your tire re quirements. DeWITT MOTOR CO. Take Your Choice of new tires or those we have vulcan ized into lencwe.l serviceability. Ho f ir as tb' inner tubes are concerned there will be no difference except that new tubes will cost many times what we chaise for making old tires new. Don't he in a hurry to throw damaged tires to the scrap heap. P.i ing them here. W e can probably save them for many miles of service for you yet. THE TIKE SHOP BRIGGS AUTO WOOD-SAW Attachment On. mn cuU IS cord.; 2 mo. 38 cfd. Goes Anywhere Any Auto. BRIGGS BURPEE CO.. lac, Mir.ufadurers 279 H.wthDrn. A... fort,nd. Sand for lnfom.lion and lllintr.t.d Clrcultf "Listen!" says the Good Judgc- "And remember it, too." The better the quality of your chew, the more you'll enjoy it. You'll get more out of your to bacco money, tooyou'll save part of it for something else. A small chew of this quality tobacco tastes good and it lasts and lasts. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco