linn. UlVKIl (II.ACIKU TlirnSIAY. .rVNE 12 1019 MOUSE RAISES ! PAVED FERRY CIIAN--1NDIAN ALARM MEL IS PROPOSED r-EV. KENNEDY TELLS OF FIRST SERMON the !MH.rt-s i f I- S.a'm t.t re to part'- i-! Hu.l RP-er may h ive a pafj street i- , i the :ra-.-1 . rrv harvest l.a? tu- ! txtttubrv from the ct:o: a. ..J h. I.. Sn,;ti . t tii-tun , r-jj ; the f..t t r irst street er..a tre .is' of Ce"!'.itiit,ia !e.-s than i track? to h.v Wster mark on the IV p 'THOUSANDS OF WOMEN u;Fcr mherahly from B U ,! periodic attacks of headache, never dreaming N : i't tuurv a e P.:. in less tr.ei a MM'i. "1 Headache H .1 . ... q mat a permanent cure may he had. 1 lcaJache g , - -...uj iiouiu ii win tunic uiuiucr oi liic Momacii, liver or bowels. lake Chamberhin's i 1 liblttS. ThtV will rorrft rkfvf rllcanLro -nrl k' th ere will be r.o more headache. Many have be.n ' .1 it v- . . . g permanently curea Dy Chamberlain s Tablet'. 1 U $ 'I ! S i I M i i 8 kl r 1 1 !'s5 3 l" r the most part was s he i- today," mi ut 1 rt "n-!:,t i r mi i e -i--.-:i. ti.i-ti after in v tamrly h;.i a:: vt i r.-i-.-. a rvit a i ai.ii hid en;!-n.::t- d Si rw .i'!-r.!ata. 0,1 t''.e li-ltlt tc if tre .un:'...;.. lie i.tAs iii'E l.fv 1 1 .-turi.-.i the 1-ial (.. . m '.mi. "At thut tiire vf I.;-! w.-rkirt; fT iS J !' P iii:. T 11 illl-'iH..Js v. a : a ! 1,.' I't ii i'v, iul pie..ti ' vi ,4 itr:iait atti-n '). s-r'rir. aftcr ' p :i ir l!'l!'a'i Is. he ei!, in a ' - ' r.j i.-narj. iit ar.i a t-'rr.tit' srrt-am , tr mi t:.'1 i.i .-i'-.-e. a i : - 1 1 d stari'e 1. 11 y.-iii t:cj l'r-.ri -u'.'it hy t ?. Hi it! .uuht tne 1 ;! s v.n-e it akiri; u. 1 Httatk, a! t tiiat !.. . : 1 V rs i f n.y ! ily vitv s rcMfi.ii t lie ttt-( p.-.i; . :a e atal t!e4 up a I tu?h!e4 ran i :i. Tfo j cur g mi'M lemaii'. i uiiitt 1'i.vir Utilil i;t-;i r ! V dalk, leturiiir g a J 1 1 t.f t.rst sc-m e n t iri n v, (' V. (i. 'A . Ke f; :;i t'.e t 1 ..e ;.r a.-t..r t -. -iTil :: t'.e t. .to tr iL! tr i'jri.lira river. At U i-X nun, hers i f the eity c say they 'r tei'U late surh a ru'ir.-e a h reult if h tnt f-r vr:t'A t.teJ in i'iri-L.;t c utt hy C t't'.aj mail. 1 nrr i f IVlutSilia li-w lai-i: aer-isi whiih the e.ty rwviitly laal i.ut e rij-t-l ". th a street. Iri hi-- .-inr,; laifrt Mr. ( e i-:' t: I. iiian a!lejs th it the eity has Ti vred .1 r I flrt-arii Mf et i.-e'i duriftf ri"4 i-f liit'j , ( -i"l-'e tre a water hv fetrv systems ami that th , v ti.-. a.; i ; He ' fei rv i'- I'ers derive a tr. tit from use f a! of his I; 1'itv otli.'ia! claim tim: Mr. t'hai'iri'in in fornitr years has ile nve-1 h ir.i'.mse from his ehar'ts to t'olumt'ia river heat i-uniaiits f..r lat.Uinir f.riviUve. Trie new street stsves trie river trar-sportat'oti ennif a:-- :es a free riirht of v.av from lieeji w. I ter to tt e eity hen hiaii water f.ree-i Jihein from their regular lanili il ! j!t;tS. j t'ity ii.thorilii'S asstrt that Mr. I Chapman for a number of iars I:... 1: e 1. f,e ;ar- I i: ! v...r.-h:;i n i .West i;i ti 0 tia; f -t in, i.'tl v,c;e m i to ait. t. :,t. ft! e ' i- I " Hi !!'! THE UNIVERSAL CAR Remcml)er that when you brinr? your Ford car to us for mechanical attention that you get the genuine Kurd service materials, experienced workmen and Ford factory prices. Your Ford is too useful, too valuable to take chances with poor with equally poor quality mechanics, materials. Urint? it to us and save both time and money. V are authorized Ford dealers, trusted by the Frd Motor Company to look after thc wants of Ford owners that's the assurance we oiler. We are ettina few Ford cars and first come first to receive dohvorv. DeWitt Motor Co. s tii u-!y, creeti.'r from clmhii to eluniji ; ai.i.nyeii the n.univi(.ality by lltuat.oti of t,nlies. As i.e can:e4 the hoii-e he over (etty water! roi,t privileges. I !;. ;h my wile t-i t i 1 r ii on the jwirih, en rr'.Ti in st-iAir.. ile hunieil over and uiurte.l 1 ut a ijtii . tion : ' 'Who was ' 1 heard sereaniing this attiTooor.'.'-' "Mrs. Mliith. explairie 1. Our daugh ter. Jessie, now Mr.. Win. S'ewart, Ita4 been chafed into a elottr by in -u-e while searehit'n for some article in the attic. " ' ;i I: ! : I' 1 C. W. McCULLACII NOW CLL'I! HEAD 1 The Commercial club directors Thurs ;di! named ('. W. McCillah as jiresi- dent of the urbanization to sin'ceed O. ; I', liahrey, wim recently resigned. Mr. 1'ahney plims on leas ins; su'1 w ith i hn wife to make his home 111 southern j California. j 'I lie first tak of the Commercial i-li.ii under the ersei utivesbin of Mr. .M't'uilasrh will be to secure a free . ni !o:jiobile campii'd park for liooi liivi-r. Thi! club ihrectors emlored tht' I I ins of devotion the Kouttli of July 1 ctiebratum collisions this year eti ti'eiy tr.ward raisinsr a fond for eijiiip pr f ;i caminh.i; place for motori-us. 'I tie pn-t two eais, with the Ut-1 C'l-.M Chapter in chitrs'e, sevi ral tti-ill-Sl pil tioiiitr liine bet 11 iai;ei lloin h' 1 ,:rth i t July 1 on e.-sions. The ihio , w '!l be l..:rkeii in it- plan-- tins misuii : by 1 he ii'v ami coiintv irnvertiiiio-its ii'rd by ail oruiiid.atliiPs. lo'tutircd ; Hoed Kivcr county soMnrs, now or iii:s;, will a parade on U.t I' uitii nr. I will othelWise a.-sst in : n-i - 111' the p-.rk fund. I SJ J. li. lOedncv was ilected t.. lire v:i- ) c;.r.-v U ti on the board w th Mr. 1 nb m , 's i'fcii!iiiti i, and Iluirh 0. Hal! ' h,-.s been uailicrl to succeed C. N. liav iiu as the Hub's secretary. !IO."i!Ei! ROGERS BUYS j CLOUD CAP INN mpose to LMve him a taste ot his own ir.tiiicine by uvinir toe lowland stree', under water a port. on of each year. Mr. Chapman will probably oppose tin. pHviiisr. in that oridmtnees that it shall be paid fur by shutting property. FIRE HAZARD RE FORMS SUGGESTED iOOD RIVER RURAL EXPRESS and Passenger Service L. II. ARNESON, Manager IP : thr Vili'i'.V .:.!. i 1 he Will IK" (Hoittliils oxtt'ink'il to otlu r parts ol justify. Tt'U'i'hoiu' K'li. iiHivliant jit.-'-t wlut ynn wntit ami have liim diflivor any small iiaokaKts at (.'luu. X. Clarke's )mz Sturc. plainly inarkcl with your nam.', for i!elivtry by the II. K. Rural I' Freight, Kxpivss, or larjrc parkam s will In' calk'il for as required. City Office with Chas. N. Clarke . . Phcne 12G1 Oak Grove Office, Oak Grove Store . " 5582 Residence Phone, 5536 Any helpful s'ljre-t ions fur beiterim be appredatrd. YOl'K PATIiOXACiI' SOI.IC tin.' sen ice will I 'IT l ! 'i w en in p ortlan STOP AT riii: PALACE licit o.vfiVnV.v of iOTEL of tin tin Hum- City 440 Washington Street The modern, bath, hot and rates. An iu-i city, tirst il.i-- M-rvice b'.v, s'i'.iiii rooti aid writer, ill -hopping and lia'atre i vtiun ill c-Miviiice ynii. h'iuii-t ro-iu:-. in ,it's;e around Ih'o in. 1 ! b I net. n(, strictly 01 lihimt reasonable l or a consideration of J.'utiO William M. I.ail'i hm ' old historic Cloud Cap 1 In r to lion., r A Uomc-s, bead of the M-smt H mi l.odte Company. Mr. Mci'ss inlcmO tu develop a chain of lo.i.ifi i'iiteriiiiii;ei:t rc.-o. I s inciudinst the Inn, Mount ibioii Pons;.' and the ' beautiful cnnip sjvoiiikIs jit F.Ik M end ow .i, iilioiit ball way around the nioun- 1 tarn on thi; propo ed Poop road. Trii' inrincy for tin' purcha e of C'hiu-I t'np Inn was raised ti. round the conpet atii.11 of the Portland Ad club and the active aid of a committee from the club headed by 0. W. Stubblehme and K. I,. Yoke, 'ihe Ad club's indorse mer.t rec unized Mr. Holers' project as a delinil:.' means of nidinn the srci;. oral propaganda in fa if of fur-oslniia facil tus for the accommodat n nl' altiacti'd to the Northwest by the irlowint; advert isinsl used by the Piii-iti,' Nnrtiiweit. Tourist Association . and the railroads. The Ad club has also arranjteJ ll "i'l ! Mr. kojers in the future in matters of business administration, iiccouiitinsj ami aiivertisins? y.iidaiice. Kssay tm Pauls i'ants are made for men and not f..r women. Women re nmde for men nr,d not for pants. When a man pants for a Wiinrin and a woman for a man, that makes a pair of pants, i i'Mi:t aie lii.e molasses; they are thin I tn r in hot weather and thicker in cold I weather. There has been much discus sion as to whet Ik r pants is singular or plural. Seems l us that when men v.a ar pants it is pbiial, and w!en they don't wear pants it is singular. If ou uiiit to make the pants last, make the 1 coat tirst.- Kxcharrno. I Cut 1 hi- Out and I dike it With oii A mar. often foreets the eflact na.n.e of the arti.'h- he w ii-hes to purchase, ard as a last resort takes somi thine ebe instead. That is always disap pointing and unsatisfactory. The sale , way is to cut this out and take it with you so us to make sure of jrcttim; i hamherlain's Tablets. You will find nothing quite so satisfactory fur con stipation and indigestion. hrfi'.f(ini)!i.'ks Hriflge Albert Krieir has just completed a new bridge a id l:!l, repiacimr an nhi structure over Kail creek, m the East ib rrett orchard district. The improve ment will cost the county approxi maielv f)i'0. RENEWED TESTIMONY' rf the stomach hi t,s I i. a j tifchtsrest. 1; ycurston.acn is.vaa ; liiituiLi'H, isso'.-e tvio cr ilea i ' tt .r' b i cn t!ie tonruebeforsretiri-s r.nJ en- t-3 ! jcyrtfreilunv;--letp. TV.e nrity ar. J ft I grcdnesscf ki-moiJguniantce4 by p j SCOTT & EOWNE M MAKERS OF ECGTTS EMUUSIONI p i)r. William Morton Post Dentist a n. FiAce your order now KELLY BROS.. Phone 14OI No one in Hood Kiver wh sulfers backache, hcadaclies, or liistressinK urinary ill.-, can ali'ord'vto this Hood Kiver ivuiiiiiii's tw ice-told story. It confirmed testin.ony that no Hood iliver resident can doubt. Mrs J. W. (iaichtl, I bill Seventh St. lined Kiver, s,.s: "I bad con.-ider- Peputy State Fire Marshal Gilbert VV. Allen, here last week from Salem, after a survey of apple storage plant i and waiehosues, the cider factory and other structures alonj; Railroad avenue, declared that pure luck, coupled w ilh the willing man power of the Hood Kiver Volunteer tire department, had kept the city from having a disastrous lire. Mr. Allm made many recom mendations for prevention of tire haz ard at the city's chief industrial pUnts along the O.-W. 11. & N. tracks. While Hood Kivei has excellent water pres. lire, he sas the tire lightinir apparatus for the city of il.tmu is inadequate fur a town of ooil. Mr. Allen, who was accompanied on his investigations by Marshal hraitr sucsts that the city council requi st from the state liie marshal's i. Mice i survey, which wiil I e lottie wiCcn cost to the loi-al authorities, l-ollaw-iiu; reiuiimcnilatioiis based on the sn vey the city can purchase equipment cinimensiii ate with Ihe need of tie ln'.cn. Authorities ar-piove the sut .LO-stii.:., and it is likely that the sui vey Will be r. que k .1 at once. Mr. All. n complimented the l.ibertv tlieatte for ihe safety devices ofit projection room, lie de-.'laied that the loan was one of the best ill the stale. MARINE ENLISTMENT BEING CALLED FOR Pischarged soldiers and marines may enlist for direct duty overseas from now until fall, at which time they wrli be returned to the. United States and discharged. The object of this splen did other of a live months' trip to France is to relieve the marines now serving in the army of occupation, wh" have been overseas for the past two vein's. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for an ex-soldier or marine who served his time in the State to take that much desired trip to France, with the assurance of n discharce upon return in the fall. This otter d ies not hold good for long, so take advantage now. Applications may be made to any postmaster or Marine Recruiting Station. Four year enlistments are also Ileitis made of men between the ages of 17 and -ll.) yiars who have had no previous military service, for duty in the United States and abroad. The pay of a pn vat-. in the Marine Corps is $Hil a tin o 1 1), with clothes and medical atUn tion furnished free. Sixteen more muMcians are needed ut the present time for the f.imoip Mare Island Marine band and applica tions will be receivedjat any post otlict or Marine Necruiling Station. Any further inlormation remirlinp I the Devil Pegs w ill he gladly furni-hei' by the Marine K-'cruiting Station, lire & Alder Streets, Portland, or any post master. Mrs. I'ost is Appointed Mrs. VV. M. Pi st has In en appointed ii.i associate of Mrs. ,1. VV. lngalls i , taking up the Work of Securing que: tinmaites of flood Kiver s.ddieis, sail ors and murines dui ing the absence in' Mrs. H. F. Davidson, county hist.niat; P is urged that all local men hasten h turning in the information, which is desired by the county, state and fed eral governments. Truck Appears in Maikd Peas and cabbage are being otfi red through the local markets this wetk by ,1. H. Koberg and Harry Munemoto. The vegetables are of excellent quality this season. Potatoes) and string bean will quickly follow the pens and cab bage. Local truckers have madejheavy plantings of tomatoes this season. Mrs. Noble Curiud Thursday Funeral services of Mrs. Frank No ble, hLi year old pioneer, w ho died tht Tuesday before from influenza, wen cond cute at the grave last Thursday afternoon by Rev. J. I.. Hershner. Mrs. Noble was a native of Danville. III., but came to Oregor. at the aee of IX. She was first married at the age of 21 years to (jerd Palmer, a pioneer of White Salmon. Her wedding to Mr. Noble, a Civil war veteran, occurred in ls;il. In audition to a son, l.con Noble, of Seattle, Mrs. Noble is survived by a sister, Mrs. Phoebe Foss, and a broth er, John Purser. Mr. Noble and hfs wife were here to attend the funeral, which was directed bv S. F,. Part- Kooms 1 and "J Hall HOOD Rl vi ol: Phone :oon G. H.JEW KINS, D. M.D. 1 1 h n ns r leiep! itles Oil: ' lilice lUsl ; resi leiic ltd rv oer liiita-l Punk E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. Dh'.YI'Kr oii"s r Dike inbe, III th - die! ; re-nl -sel- i:..,.Pw' at.' How oflcn we ht.u the xt.-.tvt v: .: some other locality rai-s. J .-s good as those produced a; II- . .1 1-Jv, r." Many Hardware DcaLr, ts 1 . , v -tive customers that t' vir !. "as good as the MAJlSiii ." , e c not sell the as irood kind, cut w u sell the Great Range Full Size ()i::s. Warming Owns high enough f t i.- c Buy the BEST and be sati fx Blowers Hordware Company Dr. Carolyn Lnderitill DJiNTISr Smith Pu.ld:!iij 'I eli i 1 1 1 ii me c.'l DK. I id' ilea la .cr Calls b l ND si la,; ..NT .1- Mm::.. C K --ins I, L' iin.l d I'i.ol.e P-s lle-'neia 1 I ) -. 1 1 1 I, rie-Oe. ( Id. d I' !.. 1-er Ml a II i'.l'osills Kb .'. Id ms. mxm AD SIFTCN ilV- es. Pi, il'lANs a s ; Dr. A 1 Di. s.i'oii .1 st' la !.( is I'.l'n.-ill- I icblili; a! am I IV. .lis i qbee O.'T. i 'Hie Kesii Dll 13. 0. DUTRO I'll VSP'IAN AND si la.l-.uN e: Hail I'.ldg . Phone 1 ik-'f: .- v?' '.- J 01 R I'OiTLAUIiV IS N;)T A!.!. SShiKr. ;r, ' It arises from merit an.! eoieiaai ---r' o e. ' INSPECTION OF ()l"R SMOKS ami itKnan v -a, .v ur,- s jj will reveal to ou the earne.stn.-s., of i-.u" ih I p.. .I.'.vrvc - mil' ei !) 1 1 lU'inlat ion. Wa shall be e hd t . i i :'. . . :,a . ,, ' n in t i: juilire of tiia reasons fur our popuiariiy. , J. C. JOHNSEN-THF. S113Z I. TAN" j! "SI'AH ItltANI) SHOPS AiU. 1.! ! i i a " Hours, L' t. Uee r I l.leli. lb. ur : '.' t- - p. m. i'le.ue, Odell 1 1 a. in. J. I'. WATT, M. I). PIlYMCt.VN I oil X Kav and Id, AND -led t , tl-i I i ;,i. i-a i H. L. DUMELE, i'HYMClAN AND slipoi-ON lis pr-.tiii i iniswei -.1 ot inn n e: c-, cl.-nce. I'lal: i Mtlc laosais ISmlUii inirr) ll. E. D.KAN AG A Ihysician and Surgeon Idaun-S : I Mill KM I Ml (Tib e ill bile) I'aiiidlllJ 11 C. GLAN VILLE ; A'l lnPNiiY AT I. W Kooiii 1 Nation:. I Dank 0 u . P I i II I Ki . r. I hi g..ii DERBY & STEARNS Lawyers HOOD RIVCH, OrtEOr.N. Stanaliaii & Slaven Contractors & Builders HOOD RIVER. OREGON, M. E. WELCH, MCOStl VFinUWKY SIK(.10X Is pn-parod tt do miv v.'tn k m ihf v-t '''U -iry line. He chii I.e fn ih.l 1 y calling 'i' u! -n'tij,' to Ihe Kashimt suililf- Presh and Cured M In as large a degree as .o:,:-,i:h we supply you, by mcms oi packing plant, with the pro duct raised at home. W. J. FILZ MEAT MARKET Protect Your Surplus Crops FIKFOUK ymi harvest your fruit, 'arain or liny, pp. ,!! ; shed or barn in which to sOi;-' it, Aa-1 Low ;;' -n tio t surplus that you expect this year ? May m-i 'it .(-. a ' -a., temporary sheds. There's no ne-.'il to ivc-r.ikv j'...r enn when wo have so much GOOD LUMBER for Bam or Shed lUtildinjr, In our yar-l yt..i v.ii! fun! v-ry-thinjr in buildintf material. Make up jour li.-a ami I nm; ii in today. BRIDAL VEIL LUMBERING mm Yard West of Freight Depot- Phone 2131 Mr. W bl.f ( tircil of Imliir. Ktinn Mime l : n i c in Anderson Undertaking Co. C. C. ,M)I KSON, Sole Proprietor licensed Embalmcr and Funeral Director niiMV aide trouble fnun a dull naR'niT pain : me.-'? acr si- thr- small of ray buck. 1 tried M-.t-nl well kidney medicines. but (linn t ed any relict. I mahy I "Sme Limn in Hmy when I had mi i i can u.-m.o Dean's Kidney Rills hud ' attark of l.ahneftion and eeryt,'ot 'g fotaal. inu. h to my surprise, how kh,omy to me, 1 rereiv.d a frei nenkly tluy actevl; 1 tot better at sa.nple of Cli'mbei Iain's Tablet-' I once. 1 he backache disippeared and mail. I eatve a trial and the.i m. k.dia - v.. :e streiiL'th." ed." 1 were such a helo to me that I le Ufih't li'.er f.x years biter Mis, (iatohel !( packaue, and 1 can truthfully w. . saa;: "I am rzlad to contit n: w I, at I that I have not had a similar aliai '. i mo a in my former statement regard inr ; suia, " writes VVm. 15. VV if ler, Douc- i my experience with I loan .s Knlney ' .i;ville Pa. j l'llp'. 1 take tliein whcii in nee l of a : j k idea v n;t .Peine and thev aUaVti i;ive ! . i- t, !. v.e iaeat satisfaction." ' " I llierry (top U-M ; ldi.e bo-, at ail itealer.-a Don't sim I j, p, Nuuamaker report that thc piy ask tor a kidnty reir.uly - - et ' vMTy yi.dd vuTl be I 'k liter this yea i i ....i i ,..s i..e .-.el tiiJv . tllail M-asun. n.r, iVLiiiiiniiwr .tti Mrs. lirrtvlu-l had. t oister-M i iiuirn niales that- his crop will be a third of PI ION 1'. 1VM'''' '"- luiiaio, .n, l. ; the bO tons harvested last year. Preserve Your HARNESS and your Shoes I.KATIIKK MI ST P.IO KI'.PT l i.P N I'D AM) Oll.l'.D. Sec in for Harness anl Mine Oils W. G. WEBER IU11 J'.uildina Wc are selling Schillings Cost Lino v.iu a Money Back-guarantee if you are not satisfied after nunz Kaesser5s Grocery Grocery of Quality E. E. KAF.SSFR, Proprietor MIGHT Q;r?r': v 9:00 P.M. Hcod Uivcr (a 10:00 P.M. Portland (i ,) io f 5 ( 'l'i " '!',' DALLnS-COLU;iBIA LliSll S. R. SORP.NSr.N. Agent. IIP 's. .5 ! ! I c nK STRFFl'. . ' I lu -