The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 05, 1919, Image 3

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    HOOD K1VKK (JL.UTKB. TIIl'IRvY. .H'NC 1010
T am
Uu IUU WWW that indigestion can be cured,
permanently cured, so that you can eat any
. kind of food that you crave? It has been done
not only once, but in almost every case when Cham
berlain's Tablets are used. An instance: Mr. J.
Pominville, Stillwater, Minn., who had spent over
$2,000.00 for medicine and treatment was perma
nently cured by these tablets.
Remember that when you bring your
Ford car to us for mechanical attention
that you get the genuine Ford service
materials, experienced workmen and Ford
factory prices. Your Ford is too useful,
too valuable to take chances with poor
mechanics, with equally poor quality
materials. Bring it to us and save both
time and money. We are authorized
Ford dealers, trusted by the Ford Motor
Company to look after the wants of Ford
owners that's the assurance we oiler.
We are getting a few Ford cars and first
come first to receive delivery.
DeWitt Motor Co.
and Passenger Service
L. II. ARNESON, Manager
the West Side
Valk'V as the
; will be
Now sevvintr residents f
extended to oilier parts of the
Telephone your merchant just what you want and have
him deliver any small packages at ('has. N. Clarke's Druj?
Store, plainly marked w ith your name, for delivery by the
II. II. Rural Kx press.
Freight, Express, or liirn'e packages w ill be called for
as required.
City Office with Chas. N. Clarke . . Phone 1261
Oak Grove Office, Oak Grove Store . " 5582
Residence Phone, 5536
surest ions for bettering the service will
Any helpful
he appreciated.
When In Portland
One of tlw licit li(itlirics of
the Rose City
446 Washington Street
The i leanest rKiiit in I he city, lir-I
(111, hll'tje
hot Itlul i'
rules. An
1111.1 lim
it W'.lt fi
ll will
r l.l.'.v
, in fliiippin
run inee vuu.
i-Li1 Srnii'e,
St fil 11 1 lltWti'il looll;
thtltrt il
-1 . r f , strivtly
il !i or witlnmt
ii, it'a-i nutili'
Somtor.e who has to do with the Uo-lu-ation
t.f vr Sht Prints, a
tru" puhliratii'i issued I y the big it.--v
cumf ar.y. was reared in a small ivt:.
Hii i h: hardest thvushts today we if
tt.e old home village.
lie suWnbes to the old home ('!pr,
ar.d '"L.e it ever so humhle," there is
no m cr 1 ke that of the old home
town. This : what Shoe Prints sas:
The unity r.ews'! ir! Life ith
' out you Wui lil 1' u dreary wa-!e.
Your weikly vis.t is anxiously a ait
eit. and fh(.u i 1 the mail carrier fail to
l.ritijf you on the day ex per ted mv
; heart is sad.
j Fifty-two times a year you brititf me
ail the t:ew from home. You faith
i fully chronicle the deaths, births and
! m;;riiayes of the neiyhhoihood. You
j keep me tstel en ('aities, rhurch s,.
: cials aril village iisii. and you tell
rue what the rif.eeU are for (jimkI er
' noor erofs. as the case mav be. if a
family moves away or a newt-unit r
moves into town 1 know it the next
week. If Farmer Jones on the Knle
Road brings a prize pumpkin to your
othre 1 know all about it, although
hundreds of miles away, as soon as
some of his neighbors. You keep me
posted on the improvements that Far
mer Hrown, of the Lake road, contem
plates to his barn "in the near fu
ture." And when Farmer Smith, of
the Lexington road, started a cheese
factory at Kidder's Corners 1 knew it
the day after publication.
(1, country newspaper! Well may 1
say that "life without you would be a
dreary waste." Unce a week you are
to me an oasis in the desert of this
hurly-burly life in a great city.
The city man who does not take his
"home" paper, providing- he was
reared in the country, does not know
what real enjoyment he misses. The
news 1 get out of one issue is worth
more than the yearly subscription. 1
devour every line of the local gossip
and neighborhood correspondence, and
when 1 lay the paper aside 1 praise the
country editor for giving me this privi
kge. Letters from home are very wel
come, but one doesn't get as much
news in a hundred letters as he dues in
one issue of the home paper. And let
ters are so uncertain ; you sometimes
have to wail six months for a reply to
your last one. Put it you are a sun
scriber to the country paper it comes
to you regululrv every week, rain or
shine. You may lie in arrears, but the
country editor sends the pa cr along
with the hope that you will some day
settle uji matters.
To the man who cannot visit his old
home every year or two the weekly
perusal of his home paper is almost a
good as a trip to boyhood scenes, lie
reads where the little freckleface girl
who sat behind him at school was mar
ried to a city chap w ho holds a "lucra
tive position w ith a street car com
pany"-probably a motornian ; he is
informed that the boy who was know n
as the bully of the school was arrested
for wife desertion and is "incarcerated
in the county bastile;" he learns from
his home paper that "the Thornton
family will hold a reunion," and the
news is also conveyed that "Aunt
Eliza Knbertson will tie ninety three
years old nejit week Tuesday," an
event which the city man wishes he
was able to be at home to celebrate.
If "midnight marauders" (deal
chickens from Jake Meeker's coop it is
nicely told in the country (taper, and
the editor would be driven out of town
if he failed to make note of the benefit
party at Odd Fellows hall for the M.
L. church, which was "a grand suc
cess socially and financially." The re
ceipts, by the w ay, "amounted to over
; seven dollars.
i 1 am interested in the personal gos
! sip of my old home, and it is with feel
! ings of genuine pleasure that 1 learn
"Mr. K Mrs. Fred Myers wheeled over
I from Edinboro last Sunday," or that
I "Miss Ida Wessler is sojourning for a
1 few days with friends at Keepville."
i The presence in town of Mrs. Frank
U'ooley (nee Itaxter), of Buffalo, "for
j merly a resident of our burg," is duly
chronicled with the additional inferma
: tion that she is accompanied by her
! tvvo-months-old baby boy." The burn-
ing of "blank" Edson's barn is a big
1 piece of news, as ''it is the most disas
i trolls coullagration that has visited
! this section since the Fire King des
I trovtd Brown Brothers' cider mill in
j li s?it."
I If you are sick the country editor
j writes a nice paragraph about your ill
I ness, and he trusts that you will "soon
be able to appear upon our streets
'again;" if your wife dies he tells of
her many good traits of character ami
that she "bore her last illness with
Christian fortitude;" if your son gets
married the country editor tells what a
promising young man he is and what
an "estimable and charming young
lady" is the bride.
If the crops are bad the country edi
tor sympathizes with the farmer, and
if the harvest is good he rejoices. He
gives away hundreds of dollars worth
of advertising every year for which he
scarcely receives a polite "thank you ;"
he is looked upon by some people as an
object, of chanty, and when they pay
him their subscription they say to
themselves, "Well, it will help to keep
him out of the poorhouse for a while ;"
he works harder and puts in more
hours at labor than any other man in
town--if he didn't he would be in the
(), country editor, dear friend, 1 de
rive much happiness every week from
reading your paper, and wish it were
in my power to make your business
tenfoid better paving than it is. May
your advertising increase until you aie
complete to print a larger paper, and
may your subscribers come to the ollice
or send you by mail the money due
you. May your days be full of happi
ness, and'at night when you sit around
the family hearthstone may your
thoughts be those .of sweet content
ment as one who is doing worthy work
The interest!, letter below, written f
bv Mrs. (J. L. Schetky. formerly Miss
Ktheljane Vclonald. tells of the warm (
welcome New Y.rk city extends to re
turning service men. Of eepecii.1 in-,
terest ii Mrs. Schetky's recUal of the
art Oregon is doing to welcome back i
to America, her soldiers and eailnrs. (
Place your order now
KELLY BROS., Phone 1401
Anderson Undertaking Co.
C. C AN1H KSON, Sole Pioprictor
Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director
415 oak s i Rn:r.
PHONE 1394
Mascot Wins Praise
The Mascot, the annual publication
of the high school, is being distributed.
It is declined one of the best annuals
ever issued by the school. The stall' of
the ltHH Mascot was: Mymn lloyt,
editor; Helen Brosi, associate editor ;
(leorge Simuel, business manager;
Morton Honey well, ciiculation mana
ger; Kay Shuen, athletic editor; Louis
Yonder Ahe, society editor; Fiank
Yonder Ahe, jazz editor ; Susan Bod
well and Helen Hershner, reporters;
Principal Bailey, faculty adviser.
(lit TliN tint mill lake it W it it Y on
A man often forgets the exact name
of (lie article he wishes tn purchase,
lind as a last rcoit takes something
else instead. That is always disap
pointing and ur.sntisfactory. The sate
way is to cut this out and take it with
you so as to make sure of guiing
Chamberlain's Tablets. You will find
nothing Quite so satisfactory for con
stipation and indigestion.
Am sendirg these lines to tell what
is going on over on this side of the
continent, tsfeeially of the Oregon
Club, which 1 feel sjre the home folks
will be interested to know about.
Alter the home letters and the home
newspapers are read 1 don't know of
anything to give one, far from home,
more real pleasure than talking w ith
someone fiom tiinl's country home. j
Here in the heart of the big city of j
New York is the dace to find that real j
pleasure. After spending1 part of this j
afternoon in our Oregon Club I decided :
to tell you about it. Hood River has I
had some thare in it. as I understand
the funds for its maintenance are from j
a state appropriation.
Down on West .)th street is a v ar
Camp Community Service House called
the "Hall of Mates. r.ach ot A W
believe) states is represented with a
separate room and hostess-but long
ago Oregon outgrew one sniull room
and moved to larger quarters at All
Sever th Ave.
Miss Gilliert. from Newberg, Ore.,
has been in charge every time I've
been in the club. She prepared for
Salvation Army overseas service, but
armistice fuund her here ready to sail,
so she gitvv her time to the returning
soldiers, and since December has met
every returning transport and with
others carrying on the good work of
the Oregon club.
A large room has been turned into
comfortable and cozy club rooms for
the returning heros from Oregon. A
piano, telephone, writing tables, read
ing tables, tniokes, candy and every
body's home paper welcome the hun
dreils of guests who have taken advan
tage of the Club.
One corner especially appealing to
the fellows, a duplication of "mother's
pantry," for added comfort and pleas
ure has this card on the wall: "If the
cook's away, make your own colfee and
sandwiches, and if the maid's away
wash your dishes." Oregon ladies are
hostesses often. Mrs. Arens, I'pper
Valley, was hostess recently.
The registration book includes all
Oregon people now residing in the city,
and every soldier, sailor and marine
registers his name, home address and
prtsent address, so he can be easily
located. Yesterday M. Z Donnell, of
The Dalles, registered. In the past
few days these Hood River men haii
registered: Kavmmi (llass, John Fen
wick, II. S. S. Pueblo: Roy (lilt, II. S.
S. Rochester, and a Mr. Jones, a tor
mer Bartctt fellow, brother of Mrs.
Greii-on, Better Fruil Cieison, was in
the club room and very excited to find
some from there.
The walls are decorated with famil
iar scenes of the Columbia River High
way ana large placards lrom several
well known cities with their slogans
with welcomes to their boys, e. g.,
From The Dalles, "Welcome to our re
turning soldiers and sailors from the
Cherry City." Pendleton is there with
her "Let 'er Buck" welcome. Why
not Hood River? 1 think our Commer
ial club would send a greeting from
the Land of the Apple to welcome
these Hood River heroes who come in
so often.
You might be interested to know how
popular the Skookum apple advertise
ment is here. Invariably when 1 am
introduced by my friends and they say
"from Hood River, Oregon, the usual
ready reply is, "Oh, yes, the apple
country. 1 saw that adveitisement in
the city." 1 always look in the sub
way cars for it and am seldom disap
pointed. 1 travel with the thousands of
others and am a victim of "subway-
itis." Though once in my travels I
met one easterner who wasn't geo
graphical. After an introduction 1 was
greeted by this remark, "Oh yes, Ore
gon is very near Florida?"
New York city grows more fascinat
ing to nie each time 1 am here. I
guess its bigness always appeals to
westerners, and one can always find
friends from home here.
Up Ht Columbia University are four
members of the Oregon Normal School
faculty who were my instructors when
1 attended 0. N. S. 1 had dinner the
other day with Miss Alberta (Ireene
and Miss Laura Kennon. Mr. Pitman
is there and E. S. Evenden, w ho be
comes b regular member of the Teach
ers' College faculty this summer.
New York has been a wonderful host
to all the returning soldiers, but the
past few weeks especially to our sail
ors. The ovation given the Meet in
December, when I was here to join my
hii.-lutnd when he returned after six
months in European waters, was very
mild compared to the reception given
them upon their arrival from Guanta
namo Bay, Cuba, April 14. Practically
our entire tleet anchored that day on
the Hudson river. A beautiful sight
and thousands of people visiting the
ships daily. At night each ship had a
drill with search lights which was the
most spectacular sight I've ever wit
nessed. War Camp Service clubs had
planned some form of entertainment
fur each of the HO.OOO (Jobs when they
weie olf duty. The Knights of Coluni
bus entertained every morning with a
special performance of the combined
circuses of Barnum & Bailey and Ring
ling Bros., then playing in Madison
Square Garden. I heard some hun
dreds of the officers also availed them
selves of the opportunity of seeing an
old time circus. So did I.
Fifth Avenue must not be forgotten.
Daily it was a scene for some parade,
Victory Bond campaign or other activ
ity. The avenue was gorgeously and
beautifully decorated for the fleet.
The absence of the flotilla of de
stroyers and tleet of battleships was
soon to be forgotten by busy New
York, for May 1 they were taking po
sition between the United States and
England to safeguard the flyers in the
big event in history, today's history,
the trans-Atlantic flight. Laurence
went out, his ship, the U. S. S. Flor
ida, being stationed near the Azores.
I am expecting his ship in any dav
A year ago today 1 arrived in Phila
delphia en mute tu the U. S. N. A.,
rtnnapi.-us, .via,, ana am more ot a
westerner each day of the year.
Our Glaciers are a source of great
pleasure. We lock forward to each
Mr. Misl.T Cured f Indiifi si ion
"Some time in lf"ii) when 1 had an
attack of ii.digtstion and everjthirg
looked gloomy to me, I rtceivetl a fret
sample of Chambei Iain's Tablets by
mud. 1 gave t hi in a trial and th--v
were such a help to me that. 1 In ught
a package, and 1 can truthfully say
that I have not had a similar araek
since," writes Wm. B, Wisler, toug
lassviile. Pa.
Rubber Stamp ink at thil olb.
Misses Pauline Goidrr.ark, Dorothy
Pope and Gcnvieve llallock. of the
United States Bureau of LaUir at
tached to the Railway Administration,
pa.---ed through here Friday en route to
a visit ;.t Mount Hood Loige. Miss
Goh!mnrk will also visit the family of
hir friend, Mrs. Sidney G. Babson.
The visitors, who have been touring
toe west on an ii.vit uation of the
Wurk of Women ra;lwa employes, were
entertained while hue by J. H. Fred
ricy and J. W. West. Mr. Fredricy
t'jok them on a motor tour of the Low
er Valley.
Bimic is Nut a timid lire
(From the Ames, la.,Inteiligemerl
When a man comes to voir all doub
led up with pain and declares he will
die in your presence unless you procure
him a drink of whiskey, send him to a
doctor or else give him a dose of Cham
berlain's Colic.and Diarrhoea Remedy.
There is a mistaken notion among a
whi le lot ot people that booze is the
best remedy for colic and stomachache.
ia the root of nearly ail rirttive
Tilt. If your cLgeition U week cr
out of kilter, better tt leti&ndu(e
the new aid to better digeation.
Pleauiit to take effective. Let
ATi-moiit help traighteri out your
digestive trouble!.
Dr. William Morton Post
Rooms 1 and 'J ILill I'.ldg.' Phone 1401
Telephones: Ollice ltisl ; residenc- XH
Ollice over Butler I'n ok
E. L. SCOEEE, D. D. S.
Telephone" : Oili.v ,'il';l ; residence '141
Ollice in llrohius Building
Dr. Carolyn Underbill
Smith Building Telephone 2021
illiice boms for Summer, beioic 111 and
after .". Rooms 1 , 2 mid :l l'.rosius Jlldg.
Phone lSs,
Calls answered from Dee, U to .V
Phone, Odell 40.'l.
Rooms 17, pi, I'd lirosius Building
Res. Phones: Dr. Abraham llfi'.'.
Dr. Siftmi 5HS. Mliec 4 1 . 1 .
OHUe: Hall P.idg., Phone I"i71
Hours, J to o p. in.
Resilience: Odell. Phono, Odell ;'.;;
I lours : n tn
a. m.
J. F. WATT, M. D.
Kiiiiiped for
X Hay ami Klcctio-Theitipeulics.
Telephones: imil mot 'M
i 'nils proimlly aniwer-d in (own or country
I ny or Niuiil.
Telephonm: Kemdenee, liKl: Office, 1211.
OrHce In tl-.e UroKius Bnilrticy
Physician and Surgeon
Phones: Otl'n-e 4'Jll
Res. is 11
Otlice in Kliol
Stranahan & Slaveu
Contractors & Builders
In prepHrnf! to do Hny work In Hie velerlr.
ry line. He em) he found 1 v cililluu ul or
I'l' -nihi: to the KhsIiIihi stahle
Preserve Your
and your Shoes
Nee us for Harness ami Shoe Oil-
Bell Building
II v- 1 1 ' - Tjyai-Mi-
How often we hear the statement that
some other locality raised apples "as
good as those produced at Hood River."
Many Hardware Dealer tell prospec
tive customers that their Ranges are
"as good as the MAJKST1C." We do
not sell the as good kind, but we do
sell the
Great Majestic
Full Size Ovens.
Warming Ovens high enough for use.
Buy the BEST and be satisfied
Blowers Hardware
24 iiia sSnEr c----.
Ol lt POPl LRII Y IS NOT ALL SMOkh l,y ;my means.
It arises from merit and Hlk-jenl service.
INSPECTION OF OI K SHOES ami imiuin as to our prices
will reveal to you the earnestness of our desire todeserve
your commendation. We shall he L-'.a l to have you call and
judtre of the reasons for our popularity.
Fresh and Cured Meats
In as large a degree as possible
we supply you, by means of our
packing plant, with the pro
duct raised at home.
Protect Your Surplus Crops
IJEFOHK you harvest your fruit, pain or hay, provide a
shed or barn in which to store it. And how about that
surplus that you expect this year ? Maybe you Ml need some
temporary sheds. There's no need to sacrifice your crop
when we have so much
for Barn or Shed Building, In our yard you will lind every
thing in building material. Make up your list and bring it
in today.
Yard West of Freight Depot-Phone 2181
We are selling Schillings Best Line with
a Money Back guarantee if you are
not satisfied after using them.
Kaesser's Grocery
Grocery of Quality
E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor
Phone 3192
9:00 P. M. Hood River to Portland.
1 0:00 P. M. Portland (A.ts, ) to
Hood River.
S. R. SOKLNSEN. Ai-nt. ' I'HONK 1M1