The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 29, 1919, Image 10

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    HOOD KIVKI! TliniSDAY. MAY t:. 1-ilO
The lri-t ua Valley Fruit I'nion. of :
Klet.ur,r, i!i s-!.ii loo.onn UiXts of:
h(4 les. voii.i-uted ith 3,WJ last year. :
mys K. H. C. Wood, niariii;er of the'
sales organization, who armed Tues
day nitfr.t lo m-ike -t':dy of cmrnun- j
ity mckr.if houses of Hnfd Kiver.
Mr. Wood, formerly a loeal resident
and t:rt manager of the lluod lUver
telephone yseti, says his concern is
I lat.rintf to erect a lare packitv
r.'Mise. A cannery will also lie elected
hi itosebuiii to handle the annually 111
ceau n fruit prmiui ts.
' We are ju.-t Uyinnirg in a hcrti
culmral whv in the I'mraiua valley,"
.-uyj Mr. Wood. "We set a greater
?tore by our prune than any other
fruit. tor prunes are world tetters."
Mr. Wood motored here He de
clares that the roads of I,. sown sec
tion are tine, and that all highways en
countered, excent neii: Womiujrn,
w here constru turn is i.i roress, are
"And you may just icil all the rest
of Oregon that iHiuJas county aoint
to give the Ko'' i it Hitrhwrty u 1'hi
I er cent vote," Mr. WocJ. "We
l'H,k on this hitrtiway as at) act.ui.1 ne
cessity." Whi n in I'orti.tii'i stop at the modern
I'alace ll 'tt-l, Hi U a-hiri;fi.ii and K'th
htreet", in renter of shopping and thea
tre dislrii ts. I l-;f
R jss-eil G. i'ond. ot the Upper Val
ley, has filled another order for 10. W ,
prop h'ks to le sert to Yakima, V n.,
A few weeks ago a similar order was.
rhipped to a California fruit grower.
Mr. IVnd ays. "The? order came
from men entirely strangers to me.
thev evdientlv having: seen the tTop ,
hooks utilized by a frieml or having
chanced across some of my adverti-(
lrg. Imjuiry l.y telegraph was re
ceived today concerning prices and
date of shipment on MI,oo I'ond screw :
ees. This inquiry also was unsolicit-j
ed. the 'eyes' apparently having ad-j
vitti.-ed themselves. All of this goes ;
to show that people are expecting high ,
pru-es for their fruit and are trying to'
reduce to a minimum lviss from break- j
age, limb ruh, wind fall, etc. Again, j
with the high price of labor, these la-!
Imr saving devices are more popular!
than props." j
K. Y Hannah Badly Hurt j
Kit-hard N. Hannah, I'pper Valley
young man, who fell 15 feet into a pile j
if boulders at I'nderwood. Wash., re I
mains unconscious at the Cottage hos-,
pitai. Mr. Hannah, with local friends j
was attending a dance at Underwood ;
Saturday night, when he stepped from !
a platform, falling on his head. A ;
had concussion or internal fracture j
was sustained.
We are buying Commercial Packed Berries.
W. R. Woolpert. Fruit Co.
Gilford Spray Gun
Will pay for itself at a single spraying.
It has points that count with the
It is adapted to all kinds of spray.
It requires less pressure.
It is non-clogging.
It never leaks.
It saves labor.
Kt-nii-iiihrr these arc features Hint nut only appeal to the Fruit
' '"' "'i' ! 'lie 'iifford tuiu n winner, but they are exciii-
ie t-ut;ii-s which I nited Sl:ites and Foreign Patents' are no
I'ciid.n.v The t. n't, id S(.mv (inn is huffed, polished and built by and
'iinh-i the -upevvi-i .n ..!' -killed mechanics and made of the best qual
ity bra- tu'.ir.g :ind l.igli pro-ore bioiie. the l.,t that iiiomn can bnv.
Although rciiMinahly priced, there is noting cheap about the
(iifford Spray dun. See them
in the Jackson I5uildin,.
In connect ion with Hotel Oregon
Adjoins Hotel on Cascade Avenue
A new lunch room for the convenience of the
general public and our guests.
lil i-- -ei ed .Ltily nu I other meal a la carte ;it all hours
bet ween o -(. in and 1 1 p. m,
I W. I HINDI t s,(, HOIH. ()R,(iON
Third ca State Streets - Stewart BlocK
It is tiii',0 tu start your
garden. Drop in and
look at our seed stock
I'llOXK L'l'
Mr. and Mrs. Richard SkibU. for.
in law and daughter of C. H. Sproat.
will very soon be at home on the C H.
Sproat property, formerly known as
trie lan Smith place.
G. F. Purdy motored to Fossil Mon
day. He wss accompanied by his .
mother. Mrs. Eva Morgan, his niece.
Miss Eva Teague and his Son, I.tland
and daughter, Lima. All expect to.
enjoy the week visiting relative.
Noel and Aubrey Davis and Sherman
I-atferty motored to the leschutes
Monday for a few days fishing.
Purdy & Haskins have sold their
general merchandise business in 'Well
to Carl Johnson, who was formerly as
sociated w ith his brother in the store
at Van Horn. We regret losing t'urdy
& Haskins as merchants in our little
village, but gladly welcome Mr. John- 1
son, of whom we have heard good re-;
The relatives of Thurlo Tompkins
are rejoicing because of his rtturn
home, he having served for the pact
year in the Quartermaster Corps. He
has been stationed in California during
almost the entire time of service.
W. H. Ehrck is driving a new car
which is a beauty an Elgin Six,
which he secured through H. 1). Em
ery, demonstrator and agent.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L, Shirley, who
purchased the Stewart property and
came here not long since from i'ort
land, are very happy since they re
ceived a message staling that their
son, Harold, who has seen almost two
years service overseas landed well and
safe in Huston, May V).
Thomas Cameron has sold to O. M.
Mull his cottage and tract of land in
Udell. Mr. Mull has been employed
by K. H. Weber during his residence
in Udell. The family will occupy their
new property soon.
C. K. Masiker has sold to Mrs. E.
(). Dutro the property which is at pres
ent occupied by J. W. Dakan and fam
ily. S. P. Waldorf will complete a
house which he had partitally built and
Dr. and Mr. Dutro and daughters will
reside there.
J. C Johnson and his wife motored
from The Dalles Saturday for a short
week end visit at the home of Mr.
Johnson's cousin, Mrs. W. I'. Kemp.
They returned home Sunday.
Ed Ward was seriously injured Sun
day when a horse either kicked him or
stepped on his head fracturing the
skull across the forehead just above
the eyes. The injured boy was taken
to- Dr. Dutro's home where a hasty
examination convinced the physician
that the hospital was the proper place. ;
Mr. Silencer, who is employed on the
Middle Valley ranch owned by Kalph j
Koot and Louis Khoades, a neighbor
who lives near the Frank Clenimons
home where the accident occurred, took
the boy all the way to Hood Uiver.
At this time it is impossible to say
what the outcome may be.
Mrs. Kook, who has been for several
months seriously ill at her home near
the home of O. H. Khoades, was taken
to Portland Tuesday in an ambulance
summoned from that city. The pro
giam which marked the close of the
grammar school of Odell refected
credit on all who contributed towards
its success. There were many attrac
tive specialties and it would beditlicult
to choose any one feature and say that
was beet, to Mrs. Henney, musical
director, we must give first honor and
then follows by granting appreciation
of the faithful practice on the part of
pupils and the cooperation of teachers.
We are glad to note that all the teach
ers in the grades were reelected and
with one exception. Mrs. Kitchel, the
teachers have expressed themselves as
expecting to return to Odell next year.
Next week we expect to note the
commencement program for Odell
Union -high school beginning with the
baccalaureate permon Sunday evening
followed by the operetta Wednesday
evering and finally the program of Fri
day evening.
Miss Ollie Reynolds, of .Seattle, is
visiting at A. F. llickford's.
J. (J. Jarvis, F.'H. Blackmun and
Harold Hlackman motored to I'ortland
last Saturday.
Mrs. l H. I.araway expects to leave
Friday night for her former home in
Stanley, Wis. Miss Ida Tiimey, of
Eugene, will go east soon, and Miss
Evelyn Tuiney and Mrs. Mamie Mur
phy, both well known in 1'ine (Jrove,
have already arrived in Stanley for the
family reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Friday attended
the state grange meeting at Hillsboro
last week.
A. G. Clark, chairman of the Uurenu
of Associated Industries of Portland,
will deliver an address at I'ine Grove
grange hall Saturday evening, June 7.
Mr. Clark is a good speaker and will
have something of interest for all.
Mrs. Waldo Mills, accompanied by
Mrs. V. li. I.araway, drove to I'ortland
last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mills
went on to Salem for a visit.
Mrs. Jennie McCullv, of Joseph, was
a guest at the J. D. McCully home last
Thursday. She was taken on a motor
trip to her old home at Salem, return
ing Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wells, married
in Portland May 11, have returned to
the ranch. Mrs. Wells was formerly
Miss Dorothy Taylor, of Portland, until
1 recently a resident of Oak Grove.
; Rev. and Mrs. Roy Jackson and fam
ily, of Wacso, are visiting Pine Grove
j The Aloha club enjoyed a picnic at
! Mrs. Oscar Vanderbilt's home last
; Wednesday afternoon.
j Mrs. G. P. Pemberton has had her
sister, Mrs. May Sample, of Eugene,
(and niece, Mrs. N. M. Sell, Jrom Ne
! braska, visiting at her home.
! Malcolm Hebard went to Portland
over the Highway, returning with a
motorcycle which he will use getting
, to his work during vacation.
Mrs. W. M. Moorman, who has been
' visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. C. Sher
! rieh, and family at llarrett, returned
! home Tuesday.
! J. R. Nickelsen has a crew of men
i cutting down trees which thtenten the
j Highway in case of slides,
i Miss Jane Coate has been busy eew
! n:g in town for several days.
Little Norma Larson, who has been
quite ill with influenza, is improving.
Other members of the family able
to be out again.
Roselle Crone and Verna Houston
were Sunday gjiests of the voting folks
at Rert.jHchard's.
i C. D. Hinrichs has been nursing the
sick at the home cf his sister, Mrs.
: Carl Larson, for about two weeks. Mr.
Larson was at home over Sunday.
An interesting meeting of the Indus
trial club at the school house Tuesday
night, evidenced the fact that our
young folks are busy and planning
larger gardens than heretofore.
, Heartfelt sympathy is extended Mr.
and Mrs. Firuno Franz in the death of
the.r eldest son, Ernest, who died fnn
pneumonia Friday niht. A such times i
words seem all too inadequate, but ,
often they are the only means of com
municating to the sorrowing, the real ;
heart throb of sympathy.
Mesdames Farrtll. Forden and Tufts
had a mending bee at the home of the
latter Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carres spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Sirs.
Marsh L-enlerj; and family. Mr. tnd
Mrs. Carnes have moved from Wyctii
to lite, where they wiil n:tke their
home this summer.
Elmer I sen berg and family. Floyd
Arnold and family, W. A. lcptrg ami
Mr. Willian s spent Sunday w ith Mrs.
1 M. P. Isenberg at the old home.
Strt. Van Alfred Norder, we are glad
to learn, has been discharged from the
base hospital at Camp Lew is ana w ill
be in the convalescent ward four or
rive days, when he will get his dis
charge. His wounded limb, after teven
months, has healed and he can walk as
well as ever. He expects soon to see
the home folks again.
Frank Davenjrt, Jr., has sold his in
1 acres oil Methodist Lane to a Mr.
Mitchell, who will move onto the place
as soon as it is vacated. We shall be
sorry to lose Emery Davenport and
; family, who have been our good neigh
bors for many years,
i Harrett school will reopen its doots
; next Wednesday an continue for the
rest of the week.
j Mr. and Mrs. Pettit, who have lea.-ed
: the Ramsey orchards. hae been called
to give up the little daughter who
passed away last Thursday. Funeral
services were held last Sunday on the
lawn of the Ramsey home. Our sym
pathy is extended to the sorrowing par
; ents.
! We were hoping the flu had folded
' its wings and left our community, but
we hear now of several new cases,
j H. C. Hasbrouck, of Alameda Way,
. who has been ipiite ill with the flu, was
1 able to be in town Saturday.
Miss True spent Monday at the home
of her friend. Miss Emma Wollatn.
j Mrs. Sarah Davis, who has spent the
; w inter in Hood River, is back again on
the ranch.
Mrs. M. P. Isenberg returned last
; week from a three months' visit at
' the homes of her daughters in Maupin
and Wamic.
T. W. Kerry, of Fairview Road, is
sick. We hope soon to hear he is bet
ter. Sickness is also present in the
; home of A. Krieg.
' L. W. Hishop and family are enj y
i ing their new liuick car.
I Misses Pearl and Irene Chubb are
staying for the present at the home of
Mrs. M. P. Isenberg.
Mrs. French and children are up from
1 Portland visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. I). Stocker.
i Mrs. C. V,. Kitchel and children
moved up from Odell Saturday to be
! with Mr. Kitchel.
1 Robert Hai r was up from Hood River
Friday night to attend the dance at
Mr. and Mrs. J.' R. Doggett returned
home Saturday, having spent the week
j attending Grand Lodge at Salem,
j Mr. ami Mrs. C. A. Bell were over
night visitors at Mount Hood Friday.
'They wtre accompanied by little Miss
j Mary.
j Miss Ruth Hloweis returned to her
! home at Hood River Saturday, having
: finished teaching a successful year of
Miss Mary Oiinger'was up from Port
! land Friday to visit her friend, Miss
Ruth Blowers.
Miss Irma Miller left Friday for a
ten days' trip to the coast and other
(points of interest with relatives, via
the Highway.
('has. Lott and family were Hood
River visitors Saturday. They are en
tertaining their son and his faimly,
from Fossil, this week.
Mrs. liclle Sniidt, of Fossil, is here
this week visiting her daughter, Mra.
('. E. Kitchel.
School closed Friday with the annual
picnic. Everybody reported a good
time and bountiful eats.
Glen Lenz left Hood River Sunday
for Montana to claim Miss Cleo Shoup
as his bride.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Hanna enjoyed
a visit from their daughter, Mabel,
and husband, from Spokane, last week.
Richard Hanna was seriously injured
at Underwood Saturday night when he
tell through a trap door in a warehouse
where a dance was being held.
The young ladies of the Comrades
class entertained the young ladies' Sun
day school class of Parkdale at the J.
D. Smullin home at a six o'clock din
tier Saturday. Those present were
Misses Hess Owens, Grace Allen,
Gladys Van Nuys, Elva Conklin, Mabel
Phillips, Florence Craven, Alma Kitch
el, Hazel Miller, Gladys Aubert and
Cloy Smith.
W. T. Wyatt took a party of 22 from
here to Parkdale in his truck Sunday
evening to hear the baccalaureate ser
mon. Parents and friends of the graduates
attended the class day exercises Mon
day evening on the high school lawn at
Graduation exercises will be held to
nihgt, Thursday, at Mclasac hall at
Parkdale. Mount Hood has two repre
sentatives this year, Misses Gladys and
Blanch Aubert.
t ' '
'ft-?- -v.
7 t r:
fimmy -AM
Ji (31
A.. -
Buy Tires cf Known Quality
The steady usefulness t.f your Jvih-hus m tfJ tires.
Economy depends on pood th'. -;.
Lotted States Tires arc good tin.;;. Hint's ns!iv we handle
tliem. Take no chances with unknown cujiity. liny 1'ititcJ
States Tires,
for their proved dependability,
for their oft demonstrated economy.
We can provide you ith United St.tUs 1 ire ; to ru 't ir
neeus exactly.
United States Tires
are Good Tires
Apple Growers Association received
200 eiates Monday.
M l', tloiilu tH'NCII. No s. K. S, M. Mfi-ti.
In M:ihodi(. lull every tliinl I uesday iu
each moii'li.
W. K. l.Hraw.iy. I. I M.
1). .Moliono !.!, Ke.di .ter.
HOD!) Ill Vl-IK I tlAl'l-t- It N'l. -SI. II. A. ,t.
MtH tsriist u.l tlnnl h'tulny uil.thof eaWi
montii. Krank ( hioi.lU r. H. I',
A. 1). Moe, Secretary.
lioo.t tvivef I'oiiMiiHTHlery N' 2, K. I'
v'J'vi'i Meets every ti it. t 1 ne.-, lay hhiiiij
jt-2D ii -li iiioiuli. . Y. I.briiwuy, h., C
&ms9 A. l. Hecordcr.
HK)t) IllVKk t !IAI"I KK ND.25. O. K.H.
MeelH Meeonit ami l-iur I Ii 't'ues. Im v eveniiu
ofcuch month. Visitors coi.liallv weieoine.1
Mrs, VValt.-i Walters, W. M.
Miss Alia I'oole, .Seerelal '.
t ANin W II. I'.- Mei'ls' secoiul mill fonrlh
Saturdays t.l .-a.-h rmtnth at K. oi I', hall.
.Mi's Kld.'i l'. I'. u imess, l'l-esiitent.
Mrs, i trace Honey u el i, Trens,
Mrs. Susie l.ynn, Seert taiy,
A'. O. V. IteyiHiir ineeliimH are neld tne first
Hi)d tnird MoudavN 01 each month at K. ol
I', hull. Visitors cordially invited, h. r, f.
Irl lilautt, I', f.
K. K. Uoiidrleh, Clerk.
Everyone who goes in for Summer D
Sports always thinks of E. A. FRANZ 1
CO. when it comes to getting what
they want.
Hi.OI) 1UVK.11 ( A.Mf, No. J.TIt-.', M. W. A -.Meets
In K.ol I'. hall evcrv 1st and :trd Wed
ot eaeli month. , lames tlaltiiortie, V. V.
W. T. Kraiier. fieri:.
HOOK KIVKK OiKfl.K N0.5.M, .NKHill !f!l!S
of Wooderiill -.MeeiK Hi K , of 1', hall on tie
til, st ami 1 hlid Thursdays ot ea. h iiinnih.
Mrs. ( ora Hliug, ti. N.
Mih. M attic Niekelseii, flerk.
Meeis tlie tlrsl and third Tutsday tAeniui; la
cacti month 111 the odd t-eilows llall, seven
miles Niilllh ol Hood Itlver. II. 1 I
Mrs. Marie Masiker, S. ti
Mr, Mary Jackson, V. (.
K. H, Kfinii, See.
Mrets the second and fourth Thursdavs ol
each month at K, of I' hall.
M rs, Susie I, vim, K. ('.
Mrs. Kali- K'P'deiiek, M. ot H and c.
Mr. Nellie Kerynson, M ol 1-.
I.Al.'KKI. ItKllhK H l.oDot, No. H..I.O 0 f
Metis ttrst and third Mondays each montii"
Mrs Hl'.tltiel I) tl lyniall, N li.
.Mis. Mahel hakin, ' ti.
.Mrs. KhIib S'lnecni, Sei'ielary.
Our line of Bathing Suits are of
the Famous Spalding Brand.
Ladies' All Silk and All Wool Suits
In a variety of Colors
See these in the New Athletic Shapes.
See our line of Bathing Caps.
I 'l-t-l' l-l-l-M-l-H-l-l-H-I-I-l-l-I-l-H-l-
I J Local Sports News J
! t,,T,if..Ti Tnl T ti T f ' -1- ' ' ' ' ' ' '
! Kastua Eliwlta Jimpsonweed Brown
janitored for a lawyer in a southern
town. One Saturday afternoon he
bened to he excused to play a match
game of hasehall. He was centrelield
er. Hasttia waa allowed to go with the
1 understanding that he return at four
o'clock for some pressing errand. The
specified time arrived but no Kastua.
At five o'clock the lawyer motored out
to the hall ground, arriving in time to
see Uastus run in spirals beneath a
falling tly. He muffed it, and with a
sickly grin bowed to his employer. Be-
I fore reprimanding his janitor the law
yer inquired about the game, "What's
1 the score'.'" he asked.
"Oh, she's eomin' fine, Boss," Kas
tus replied. "Ifsfi2."
"Sixty-two to what?" inquired the
"Sixty-two to no-thin," said Rastu?.
"But our chances is good. You just
wait. We ain't been to bat yet."
Ht)ol KIVKK I.DDtiK NO. HIS, A. K. and A
M. .Meets .Saturday eventou ou or heron
each full moon. J. K. t'atsoii, W. M.
I). McDonald, Secretary.
K KMF LOPliK, No. 1M, 1. O. O. K.-Meets in
Odeil Odd Fellows' hall every Halm
itav nldht. VIsilorRcordially welcomed,
Wilson Kike, N. ti. W. I.. I'arnes, Sec y.
isaiis, Mits the llrst and tliird Wcdnen
daya, work; second Hint fourth Wednesday
Artisans hall. t'. U. li iNKH Hti, M. A.
.1. H. Kohkkii Secretary.
IDI.KWU.IiK I.OIUIK NO. IU7, i. o. o. K
Meets lu Kra'erual hall, everv TliniNday
uight, A. I,. 1 my. N. O.
0. A. Lakin, V, ti.
Ueo. W Thomson, fecretary
Hood Hi ver, Ore. ('.!). N k-kelseti, I'res.
Mrs. Alma Howe. Sec. Leslie Itiilh-r, '1'reas.
t ail phone KD1.
WAI'tVMA l.OIitiK NO. 30. K. OK 1'.
Meets lu K. of P. Uall every Tuesday night.
W. It Ninth, C. C.
Jasper Wu kliHin, K. ol H. and rt.
T. V. Johusou. M. of K.
K!KN KNl'AMFilKNT, NO. , I. O. O. K.
Heifiilar meetitnj second and fourth Tuesdays
it each month. R H . Snyder, e. I1.
Ueo. W . T lionison. .Serlhe.
Men's All Wool Suits
These Suits are used by practical smimmers on
both coasts.
We have them in all colors and sizes.
See our line of Bathing Cap3.
are more popular this Summer than ever.
Don't forget that we have what you want.
E. A. Franz Co.
A War Savings Stamp.
Express Company Adds Man
With large quantities of strawber
ries arriving for shipment daily, the
American Express Co. has been forced
to add to its local force. H. J. Prairie,
of i'ortland, has arrived to assist in
I the oliice of the local agency. The
Standard Makes All Sizes
of the supplies needed for your
Use the telephone and we will have your orders ready for
you when you call.
Is Always At Your Service
Rubber Stamps