The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 22, 1919, Image 2

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    noon mvEit cii.Ai iki:. tiu ihav, may 11. imo
iunb Sincr Glarirr
AHTHltt D. MOE. PubUikcr.
SaWriptiun. Si.OO IVr rar.
An incident of
the friendly repartee
i f Mr. Koberjr iind Mr. Butler in their county. The city committee is com
current advertisements may be appt.ed of E. O. Blanchar. Truman But-
... c. . i , t. r ler and J. W. Cntes. The health cum
min profit to a consideration of pull- mittee of the council will make an in
tics. The bit of im of the hank ad- vestitation preparatory to the con-
vertisenient relative to the response of
tr.e right words at the right time is a
lerful truth. The leaden of poli
te who rind the right men at the
nght time and then proceed to say the
right things about them have made an
ally of tcholgy.
This very thing has recently been
done by leading kepublicar, uho have
focused the eyes of American people
on Gen. I.eonhid Woo i by suggesting
him for party nominee. They have
made the surastu n, and it does not
seem in the least unlikely that Ameri
can electors are going to be slow in
accepting the suggtstion. tor it is
pointed out that Gen. Wood has been
the victim of autocrat of the War De
partment because of the Jutipleasant
ness he made for them back in the
days of doubt before April , 1917.
tien. Wood, glimpsing the conflict to
ward which America was inevitably
drifting, called for preparedness. In
stead of cooperation he received re
bidTs. And yet, when America was
actually in the warthe man who first
siKke for preparedness was shoved into
the discard. At least, it so seems.
Indeed, Gen. Wood docs not seem to
have received fair play. If there is
one thing that the American public,
once aroused from apathy, demands, it
is fair play. May haps, that destiny we
hear of as shaping the trend of men's
careers, was but preparing fur greater
things to come for Gen. Wood.
The influx of motor paities over the
Highway indicates that we not only
need a park for those who wish to re
main overnight or longer, camped out,
but that the valley, that is, the Lower
Valley section, hasn't available enough
open wooded places for those seeking
spots to partake 'of "picnic, lunches.
We believe parks .will be provided
for the visitots, but they must resolve,
and keep the resolution, not to litter
them with tr
Just what is the status now of the
proposed auto camping park?
There is enough water in Hood river
for all parties interested in the adjudi
cation now taking Bhape in procedure
before the State Water Board. Indeed,
it is rather gratifying to see the spirit
shown by the different interests, not a
spirit of greed, but rather the wish to
faciliate the progress of the case, the
final outcome of which will stabilize
Hood river water rights.
The Hood River baseball team is
showing pep. More fans are taking an
interest in the outcome of games.
Let's make Hood River come out of
her shell anil warm up to such sports.
Just get behind the team and they'll
do the rest.
In comparison with the service the
organization has rendered to American
soldiers for Oregon, the quota of $2.r(.l, -000,
asked for a continuation of their
work in days of reconstruction, is mod
est. Returned soldiers alone are likely
to fill it.
Only a week ttntil Memorial Day.
Prepare now for devoting the day tow
ard aiding the Grand Army and Relief
Corps members in holding the day sa
cred. All praise to Mrs. Henney and her
corps of enthusiastic helpers for the
excellency of recent entertainments
attendant on the close of the city and
county schools for the year.
Christian & Missionary Alliance
Sundiiv School every Sunday morn
ing at 9.45. Preaching at II. Young
Peoples Society at 7 p. in, Expository
sermon at S p. m. Everybody welcome.
Announces that they have reopened their Branch
.Store in the Jackson Building, opposite the First
National Bank, with a complete Line of Pianos, Col
umbia Grafanolas and Brunswick Phonographs and
any other make you may w ish to order. We also
carry a line of stringed instruments and accessories
as w ell as all popular and classical sheet music at
popular prices.
We have been fortunate enough to secure the
services of Mr. Samuel Docksteader, of Portland,
who w ill have charge of the tuning, refinishing all
kinds of repair work, with player - piano actions
especially. Mr. Docksteader is an expert of many
years' experience, who has left Portland on account
of his health.
All tuning ami repair work guaranteed.
We hereby solicit your patronage and will liv e
up to our old standard of giv ing every one a square
l iberty Bonds and War Stamps as part or In full
layment on any piano or phonograph, taken at face
value today.
G. L CORSON. Local Manager.
! A movement toward ecurin a free
automobile lark, for the us of tcur-
ists journeying heie i over ir,e nign-
.. .. .. .,-.U.A U..nWa' u hurt t ha
av. was iui niaucru m i'muu wv ..
mtv -.,nnnl HniKtinted a commute 10
confer wjth a similar ore from the
gtruction of public comfort stations.
The ordinance providing against
parking on Third street between Oak
and Cascade avenue received tinal
passage, and Marhsal Frazier placed
warning signs the next day.
A remonstrance of citizens along Co
lumbia street, who protest against the
odor from cooking refuse, being turned
into fertilizer at the Kilz packing
plant, was referred to the health com
Hotel and restaurant men asked for
a mollification in the rules regulating
electric street signs.
The petition of the Hood Kiver Fuel
Co. for permission to ereect a tempor
ary building on the Hartley block was
Truman Butler, who on receipt of a
telegram last week from W. G. McAdoo,
accepted chairmanship of the Hood
River county Boy Scout drive, to be
held June 8 14, has appointed the fol
lowing citizens to aid him in the work :
D. G. Cruikshank, Kev. W. H. Boddy,
E. O. Blanchar, E. E. House, Harry
Connaway. C. O. Huelat, L. B. Gibson,
D. L. Pierson, John C. Duckwall and
Frank Davenport.
Hood River county already has four
troop? of Boy Scouts, and a successful
campaign in the interest of the boys'
organization is anticipated by all citi
Rev. William A. Sunday, whose
Whirlwind countrywide campaigns re
sulted in subscriptions in excess of
$30,000,000 for the Victory loan. after a
period of recreation on his Odeil coun
try home, will preach at the Riverside
Congregational church here next Sun
Chamberlain Democrats Win
A victory was scored in Portland
Monday, when Democrats voiced their
support of Senator George Chamber
lain, who during the past year has ex
perienced some differences with the
administration. At the Monday session
Dr. J. W. Morrow was elected to the
national committeeship to succeed W.
H. Honribrook, recently resigned.
Judge Derby, who represented Hood
River and Wasco counties at the meet
ing, was named to preside as chairman
in the conspicuous absence of Chair
man Starkweather.
The Democrats endorsed the Roose
velt Highway bill.
Girl Students Make Record
Misses Clara Haas, aged 17, anil
Vernita Nickelsen, aged lri, members of
the year's graduating class of the Hood
River High school, have made the re
markable record of completing the four
years' course in three years. In addi
tiun to the required lti credits, each
girl has a half credit to spare.
While the young women have made
excellent grades in their studies they
have not sarciticed participation in stu
dent body affairs and athletics, both
having been prominent officials of their
classes and members of basketball
Methodist Church
Sunday school 10 a. m. Subject at 11
o'clock, .'The Gospel of Christ as a
World Power." Special music. Ep
worth League, 7 p. m. At H p. m.,
"The Influence of Jesus." Hear this
subject, Jit is practical and inspiration
al. J. D. Lewellen, Pastor.
Notice to Pythian Sisters
A special meeting of Pythian Sisters
is called for Thursday, May 29, at 2 p.
m. at K. of P. Hall, to arrange for
Memorial Day. All members requested
to be present. For particulars call
Mrs. Howell, Phone 3012.
By order of M. E. C.
While he had been making excellent
catches for ten days previous. Ed
Wright, the only local commercial
salmon fisherman, reported that the
run suddenly ceased Friday. That dav
Mr. Wright caught only 87 pounds of
Chinook. He landed fiom his nets,
however, an 80-pound sturgeon, which
he sold to W. J. Filz.
Funeral services of J. S. Booth, na
tive of the Ualles ana local pioneer
lrf held here Sunday, inter-
... ... ... J
ment following at Idlewilde cemetery
Mr. Booth, whose body arrive! here,
Saturday, died Thursday night at Carle-;
ton, where he has resided for the past
three years. In addition to a widow,
Mr. Booth leaves surviving two chil
dren and three sifters. The latter are !
Mr. Geo. D. Culbertson. of Portland;1
Mrs. W. H. Sharp, of Fast St. Louis, i
HI., and Mrs. J. T. Wilson, ot San j
Francisco. j
Bovhood friends from The Dalles of
Mr. Booth, formerly of the rank of
major and pominent in Oegou military
circles 20 years ago and a veteran of
the Spanish-American war, acted as
pall bearers at the funeral conducted
at the Congregational church. Kev. J.
L. Hershner officiating. Mai. Booth!
was a pioneer merchant. He was 4o
years of age. The funeral was direct
ed bv S. E. Bartmess.
Bids For Wood
The school board of the Barrett
School District. No. 4, will receive
sealed bids for 40 cords of fir wood and
4 cords of lt inch fir wood to be deliv
ered at the school house. All bids to
be in by June 1st.
A. G. Wing,
m2 Clerk Dist. No. 4.
'A South Sea Cannibal
At the Libertv, Monday and Tuesday,
May 20 ami 27
Kor Ssle - !5 acres 1 mile from (1ell stati-in,
li room house, nood linn., six Hcres heHiinic or
chHUl, five acres ol other culliVHlerl luml anil
four acres in tirusli, stock mikI equipment. K
M. Holmes, Tel. 11 x a, Oilell. m2;'tf
hr Sale-Kami lean), welnlit
I'liene .1. K. Ferguson, Udell 6X2.
about 'juo
Kor Sale Slmleliaker waiton, fur Unijle or
Hi u i) if leu in . Willi Harness, n laaen nil
week will sell elicit)!. Call for Mrs. Orion
prune, Nil. 1 Male st. mi
For Hale HoiYlmiii seed.
Il!l Hazel avp., I'liiiue .sc.
.1 I..
nh nson.
Kor Hale
tanrant. I'ool table. Apply at Oregou Ken-
Kor Sale ..-Tomato plants. 15c a dozen. K. K.
Oooilricli, plioue MA. nr.'i
Kor Sale -Second-hand Franklin automobile
I'linne OdellM. nrj
Km Sale To see them, you will buy Ihetn
Very line potatoes at mv residence, Ml rod
wesl of Taylor's store, (i, V. Lee. nvl
F 1
L (b?
tt V v
First National Bank
in tl e State of ()i-iim, at the close of huni iichh on
May 1.', 10
liKSOl lU'KX:
Loans nii.l ili.scotnits, inclmliiiK rcliscoiinta i-l!M,ii77..'i7
OvcrdraftH, sccttri'il, none ; utisecureil Ii . 1 1
1'. S. Bonds (other tliim Liberty Bonds, but including I'. S. certifi
cates of indebtedness) :
I.'. S. lunula deposited tu secure circulation (par value) . . 10i),l)((l (H)
I . S. lionds ami certiticntcM of indebtedncee pledged to
secure t". S. depoHitH (par value) .Vi.Ono.OO
I". S. Bunds and certificates' of indebtodnusH owned and
unpledged llo.OtMf.tK) L'L'O.OK) 00
l.ibei ty Loan Honds :
Liberty Loan Bonds,:',?,, J and )j percent, unplediieil M.L'iO.OO
Liberty Loan Bonds, 4 and 1 per cent, pledued to se
cure State or oilier deposits or bills payable "t.l.VUH.l l't.rttK) 00
Bonds, Securities, etc. (dbet tbiin V. S.j:
Bonds, other than I'. S. bonds, pledged to eectire
postal savings deiosits , 5,000. (K)
Bonds and securities pledged as collateral for
State, or other deposits (postal excluded 1 or
bills pavahle o,70(l 00
Securities other than V. S. Bonds (not incliuling
storks) owned unpledged 77 .TiMI.OH
Total bonds, securities, etc., other than V. S Si 100, ,0'i :
Stocks, other than Federal Unserve Bank stock 475.0!) j
Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per rent of subscription) :i,150.tu)
Value of banking bouse 45,500. IK) ;
Furniture ami fixtures 8,075. On '
Real estate owned other than banking house 9,9-0.79
Lawful reserve with Federal KeserveJiank 44,901. S5
Cash in vault and not amounts due from national banks 4t'.,ttH).,V2
Checks on other bunks in the same city or town as reporting bank. . l,l:iti.4
Checks on banks located outside of city or town
of reporting bank ami other cash items 1,1:S7.7I:
Redemption fund with I'. S. Treasurer ami due from I'. S. Treasurer. . 5,tHH).(H) '
Total i,S9,7-'0.74 i
Capital stock paid in l()0,00n 00 :
Snrilns fund 5,00t).U0
Cndivided prollts l,S.291.5t'i 1
Less current expenses, interest ami taxes paid 11,151.50 7,140 (11)!
Amount reset veil for all interest accrued 1,(100.00
Circulating notes outstatiilinjf 100,000.00 1
Net amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust companies 13'.'. 48
Caxliier's checks on own bank outstanding 19,000.30
Demand Deposits (other linn Bank deposits) subject to reserve !
.deposits payable within JJ0 days) : j
Individual deposits subject to check 480,449.90
Certificates of deposit due in less than l days i.otber than for '
money borrowed) 3,451.27;
State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets
of this bank ' 23,754.55 i
Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits)
subject to Reserve $507,055 72 j
Time Deposits subject to reserve (payable after 30 day?, or subject to j
:iii days or more notice and postal sa"vitigs :
Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 15,479. 05
Postal savings deposits 2,217.30
Other time deposits 1)18,029.17
Total of time deposits subject to Reserve $215,720. 1" i
United States Deposits (other than postal savings) : i
War loan deposit account 13,400 00
Hills Payable, other than with Federal Reserve Rank, including all
obligations representing money borrowed, other than rediscounts. . 20,oo0.00
Total ltiS9.720.74 '
Stale of Oregon, County of Hood River, ss: . j
1, S. ,1. M lore, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that (
the above statement is true to the best ol my knowledge and belief. ' i
Subscribed and sworn to before me
Correct Atti-t : '
A, 1'. M.,i.,
fWfnivle onH Pumnc
Uuecn Quality Shoos for Lailies. They are rniphty hard to
show you some of these new snappy styles.
from a size 5 for a child up
in a wuie scuner last ana in
it will pay you to investigate.
Sizes, 31 to 42. Bip values at
Kor Sale I'ur hrwl Klemish iinint rahl tn,
Hit Irum tUM up. Willi UraiJIt'y. lei
Kor Naif Two full I'enhy truck
loo cords ot lti in. Line wool Aw
IV U.ili'iU
Kor S I riatlorm walr nit wheel. aH'it
ioo ihs . pitu-itcully Uew. HotMl Kiver Aj'l'U'
Vim gar To. iirJW
For Nule
75. A ne iKalgf (uurtii); car. Khoue
Kor Sale J'oiatoi'H, bargain price Also bay
rake HUiX ie1'ttr in gooti coutliitoii. I'lintit
OMell In. Ill Kilt'
Kor Salt Tutmthv
it ii a I a . I'liont ;V( ;i.
and altalla
hay T
Kor Sale -('hone
A si-coint band parlor
or in.
Kor Sale -Wood wo'k horne, V year old, wt
atMiut K. 11. Miller, phone S7.':. iir."j
For Sale Huick Hght-ti tonrlnie ''ar. Five
vHd flreh. three cord, two fabric; Npot huht
and chain; Al mechanical condition. 1.-U--phoue
1. ii
Kor Sale- - Krh "Ki!jf Keep. ' Anccnn will
pill down lri do.. eiiUK. H'lti on cm, wrap in
pnper and put away m curtonn. Kui, t
( Itea pest and ta-nt prescrvit i e ou market. .
I. Kiriuk, lei sir i ml;.) I
Kor Sale t in, dry pine delivered
order booked tor I It. tl r. I hone U!
or Sale-Two clmice IdIh 111 Hood Kiver
liesi residence dtKtrlrl, vet y chetip Address
!. ('. liiown.MI Mtietty m . 1 lie Dulles, or. jl
For Sule l.urtre tvne I'nlund f'liinil I'ivs
lwrwi I 'iiui U'ltt, Itifor tu If ul.itnl i .. rtti nf 1
AIIhIIh Hhv. itiulmnk pntutueH. riiiine U.U U
ill. .1. C. UiHkwiill. mflf
For Snle-:t:.'0 acres k M)d Innd in H4iutliern
IdHlio, fill In ciilllvHtlou, tmy and kthIii,
House, linrnsund poultry houses, well and
plenty ol stock water. W ill give terms. For
pm Menhirs inquire of S. M . IMck at Howell's
'ilacksmith hliop. 11.'
Kor Sale li room co i n Heed.
:H i:itli Hi., t'lly.
11. B,
For Sale or Trade Large house and lot at!
1J1 1 Thirteenth st . t'ity iu'ht, water and sew
er. Liberal termi. Could use acreage on the
Went wide. Address Owner, Hox X, Monroe.
Oregon. aJltf
Kor Sale Ten acres, three tiille from town,
west side, all planted to fruit; seven acres lull
beHrinx 5f,j()U. Hall cash. Kor particulars
call nrviT. nutltf
Kor Sitle 8. r. Knode Island hatchlmc eggs
from hens that have laved well all winter and
are healthy and vigorous;. I'hone -r!77, W. H
Corey Avulon Way. niLllf
this 21st day of May, 1919. i
C. C. Chkw", Notary Public for Oregon. ;
' My commission expires Jan, 22, 1923. 1
K. 0, Dlanuiak, C. I'tniMAS, Directors.
"Stjlish Stouts" for large women. Made with
rvinforved. bui'.t-sttrl. arch supporting- shank,
which holds tip the heaviest woman and pre
vents the ""squashing" down of tl e sin? un
der the instep. No mure need for gussets to
make them tit around the top. Aunt Polly
all black kid shoes, high or low heel, button
or lace, with kid or cloth tops. Aunt Polly
Outsize Shoes have solid sole leather tee
boxes and counters, assuring great service.
We carry a full line of Aunt Polly Shoes and
can fit ou satisfactorily and perfectly.
All new and wanted styles in
fords and Pumps in brown, black
SLIPPERS. A table rilled with very
ues you can imagine. Values in this lot ui to M.UO.
to size for a miss. Most of those are
colors darn tan ana black, l vr pair
IT. 35c. Here are some excellent
Sleeveless, low neck and lace
50c a suit, special the suit
Kor Sale ( heap, kimh1 A h.p Olils engine
Will trade lor liay, grain or apple. Kelly
hri . phtme li'd. ini:tit
Kor Kxchttne t4l Hcrev ot t nnber In ud near
Mt. Hoid station eKiimated al anoiit -t.tmo.
i-el nf saw limber, tor city proaity .1. H.
tiia-iuiiLer. ptione :;ti 'Mt
Kor S'lle or Trade -One :i'4 In whod. new; a
"pHii i black kelilin.'!i, wt lO", Hed s and ;
1 black ueldiiiK h yrs old wt. IKli or IlHIo, brok
en to work; e( ot double harness; span oil
imili-K ami Miiuf
(llifll -JHl.
For S!e-Heax y K:ilvHtifed iron Just the
'hihK lor oichaid I'Uruejs I'mnje l'axenroit,
lor Male-Wood and pony. Also t'tsi.! p'is.
I'll tor nil kinds of stock. O UidWMl Ulivis.
Kid I. Tel Udell IH. Jul. I
For Snle Jnlin lVi-relm li;ilei .power l alcr.
I'lione ."All. aKil
For Sale Sl lame wood. Ii counters mid '
shelving Ail in tlisl class coodillou at a har- '
Seed i-.. lorson al iiui-ic store. IJn'i
Foi Sale- House, on the Heights, H rooms, !
pailly tin nished. can be lioimht tor :hi. fmi ,
cash jiayineut re'iuiieii. I'lione .'Nd. aKll i
For Sale A uew J ton lieurliorn Truck t '
taclnnenl on a P'll radillHC. W ill haul Km!
nines apples. FJniilne coinpietelv overlnuilnt.
Will sell at a liarjjsin. W rite (,'utlcr .Mlu. Cu., j
Portland. Ore. apKtf
Kor Sa lc - a Irlaniiular tract ast ot Park i
hurst Add it ion. south ol W llson's resT on on
tlie heiKliis-iionlHKc on ;id sinel.witli uood
depth loi (iaiden. Fine trees and tine view.
Kasy term". Also II lots in Fast halt ol hlnck
.'H between H ael and Pleasant View streets
with Im mil mil view ol roiu.nlila Kiver inoi
no possible obstruction ol view. Apply In
A. W . Ontliatik. f.ij
Be sure and see this long-lived
car here Saturday
Ci.rsets for growing irls should he chosen
with special consideration for the developtm : t
t,f the figure and future health.
Are designed with this
idea upiennost that
the jrrowinjr figure
must not he restrained
hut must he supported
and jrently molded.
American Girl Cor
sets are made of iijrht
firm material, with
Women's (K-
heat. Let us
Litest val
All sizes.
litrht flexible stays.
values that
35c $1.50 $2.00
For Sale . ntnw tn machine, , buy raketi,
Itiihl buck tot i r;iw i.r-i i v hauhntf and nuni
' enxis f a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiitilt'iiii'iiiM. II tit'uss corner
ot 1 hud and k . lei Uit. ai'Hl
Kor Sale-.") tt
orctinrd ten to .
KHcr Town. I
Ho.kI Kier, t re.
res, ) cultivation, lHi-rew
t-Hts old "t iniieM HMd
tl b laty, Koute Hox ,
Wmited l'Hrt.v to take coniriict lor ciittlhK
.'J.l cords Id Inch III- with igasolttir saw. I K.
I'hilllps.'lel Tii'lii. in.'l'ir
Uaiited -To trade some Saleni pmpertv,
consistm ol new. niodi'i n bungalow and one
sere ot land, 1 1 is id P. i cr pio(H 1 1 v. Phone
tWI It, . W l l!hl. ill.'.'
Wanted Jo rent lurnihed honsfor riauns
In eitv or ciose in tor a vtar. Ucnt laid six
nior.ths in advance tl desirvd lieo. 1 ullley,
ll'M Miinlello ave. inVJ
Wanted --. V secomPhi" rid car or horse and
tiUL'hrv lor palntiiik: U114I papering Hio'k
man s Paint Store, phone tvd niV-tt
N' a tiled-, liu I for general tmusework. phone
Wauled -'lo I'ouiinunicate Willi owner ol
nisle wtnppel or grey hound Addiess Box
I W, Kid. I. til.'
Wsnted-To buy h second-hand. hyhUwt
saddle of Finlisii style and u second. hand
lit;ht tou-k or road wau'oii tor one horse Phone
Oileli W. int.:
Wanted - To rent, at once,
Mrs. Nelsler, I'hone :t--.'l
small house,
Watiteti - Fnerifetlc man for Hood litver
distncl. A vei v jiri'tiliitile business can he
established. Kond and r'derencc required.
Apply liraiid I nion lea Co , Portland, mimf
will be stationed at the Butler Bank
corner and will be glad to
exhibit the features of
to all interested
Wanted T) rent :0r I liiniilifl iimn
iv W.J. In nun at I ' Ivnm y '.m- I ...
lill. mti
Wiiit-il In I'uv ynnr usil fuiuitMtt
hinhHM rl(VH. sv.' vimr iiMiny I.v iin.ti
with II OntHH, Tlnril strift ;s?i'i!ul.hHrnt I1,
irr. It I 1'JH I""
Whii!m1 -'I n liny ynur hhuI iui mini e 't .
and ruu. CksIi iir new nintn in txi'lmi.i
K. A. r'rHin. i O. ' "i
Loht - At frown Toint, lai W eiin vit.i .
t'tow n lllsh Terrier Pok, hrow n ees, nu-w r
lo name of "Ihivan " Undc fttininuii (
with MisudiH rrohman, l.h st i utirt -i .
Koitlnd Ucward.
IoM.. Between Wett.ter'i leed .'ttt ic H.m1
Kiver and IVrry Wellh' place iuar Mnln i
Mat Ion, a purse. Keturu to tilHcier uttb e ; .
Kot-Kit tter at H itfh Sk hMl Audiiorlum nr
between there and Mount H.od Hul a
cameo 1'iease return to Mt. limit Motel f r
reward, uU
,oNt-Wtcb charm, on tme side dutih
heated ScottWh KiKht eaKte, witti sirirtll d:i
niond in eatle k tiead, and on cppuhiie
Templar emblem. h t . t r i m v
evening (Hi streets o l' Hood Kiver reward.
A. Cantleld. Tel. UNI, tts"
Lost -A M'ven weekKold black pi;. Kt-ward
tor return ot plir or intormallou IcadiUK 'o
return. I'hone -IT "J I in'!
I'iauo Tun t UK - Player piano re pal nun and
retlnishitikf. Work KUmitnleed I'hone l.'iJ.
s. A Oockniader, care Keed, Krencti i'ihuo
i'ii.. Hood Kiver. HplTft
K;r Service Kei(l si ereil l)una Jersey Moat
at my Willow Flat Kanch. I'hone odell I l
It. K. Creson. api H' -.'