flOOD lilVEH GLACIEK. THL'KDAV, MAT S. 1!10 IT'S NOT YOUR IT'S K;JnT 1ia !t ro rMj" of rer cna A rvajontv ot Us !.s atflii'tinit trp: to-lay cin te traied t- it to :(' uo jb T) kulr.r.s re tha m-"st Important brifkQs .f -mU. They ar ttie f.uerera iht ( jr.Seis, of uur b. u-.nl. K'tnrr li'H is uaually inu!f.! by -a-tm s,i rifrniines. r.rv,ustitrs. tti-s;bii.tj! . !.. .. lit-. s(iin.i ti lr.i IV, pain 01 luius an! lnwer ;it-1oiitn, il t-n?a itrae:, rheyii ; m.u. and luirbuiro. AM tre ilorar.eerr.enta are nature -Kral to wirn you ttia' trie kutneya i.eil hep You shou'.l u U' L1 MKDAl. liarira il Capaulta lmtna- AN ASSET TO ANY MAN If it's a business car you want, one easy to handle and fit for any kind of travel, you owe it to yourself to examine this capable Roadster. We know of no car that equals it for constant and economical service, or that handles with as much surety and quickness in tight places. Touring Car,$10T5; Roadster, $1075; Sedan. $1650; Coupe, $I6A0 F.O.B. Poutiac, Mich. Additional for wire wheel equipment, $74 HEIGHTS MfelNJ B& HT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time Table No. 31 (Taking effect. 12:01 a. m. Sunday. Juty 15th, 1917. J; ,J t'TllllOI'.M) No 5 No. 3 Nil. I j Molar Notor M'Hiiy a 11 ! Daily Daily : ua,ly M'n.lyi f. M. A. M. j A. .. fi.tm 1 10 4.i H.OO i fi 0.1 10 48 8.05 5. T.' 1 57 H. 15 f) L'H 11.10 8.i.r 6. Lit ii. u h:m fi.:i5 11.18 8.40 r 40 ii .2:? 8.45 fi.4M 11 afi 8.50 5 47 ! 1130 St 10 i).Wt ' 11 o.'t !l.0.r 5.57 i 1 1.38 5t 'JO CL' ! 11.43 '.'5 ti l'J 11 53 0 .35 B. 17 I VI (XI 10.00 VM. ! ML A.l. Stations Hood River . I'nw ct'diile rwitclilick .Van Horn ... Molir. . .. . Oilt'li. . . . Silliiliiit . .. lilimcher . . .Ilulxtein . . ... Dee . Trout Oei'k Parkilalt Steam, t Motor. Owinu lo limited space on Motor Curs h11 trunks and heavy biiifUHU1 will be handled on the ftcum trains, either in advance of or lollowiiiu the paiMi'nitcrx. COAL AND WOOD Rock Springs and Utah Coal Best Grades Only. Wood of all kinds special quotations on carload lots. Crushed Rock add Sand and Gravel. STORAGE Remember we are always at your service for any of the above items or for the transfer of your trunk or any other hauling. Transfer & Livery Co. TELEPHONE 4111 Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc. S. E. BARTMESS FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMBALMER Licensed with Oregon's first class of Embalmers. Phone 1381, 3821 , HOOD RIVER, OREGON HEART YOUR KIDNEYS diarly. The nothtre. -aUiif oil artm uiaMs 'h? k'..1nys, relieves inrtanini iiiim and dratroya ih icernn wi.-h Save aasej it. Lo not wan until to morrow. Go ti yuur tiruKgiat toJ jv ar.il Ins'.st n KU MEDAX. llaarlrm Mil t"apules In iweniy-four hours you ahoul.i feel health an t v.jeor returmn an1 wilt hsa tne day you fill? haard of C. iLl Mfl'.Vh 'I.Krlem Oil. After you feel that ou hava cureil ynury-'lf. continue to tka one or two ivn.aij'ea each fav. ao aa to keep In nrsr-4-lam condition nJ wrj off th danirty of other attacks sk for the original muxjrtej GU1 MKI AU brand. Three ataes Money r- funded if thejr do ot help you. "k, GARAGE O u NllHnlllor.vn No. 2 No. 4 ;::no.c; m.t, 'Dully t Daily i Motor IDjIly f. M. TisT 2.11 2,04' ; Motor) Kxifnt Kxront ! nut urn ; Only jHunday ! Hniulny I' M. 3 IK) 1 57 a. 50 2.40 2.35 2.30 2.25 2 20 2.10 2.05 2.00 11.15 II .05 11.00 A. M. A . M. u. as 9.22 il 15 It 02 8.58 8.53 8.40 8.42 8 37 8.34 8 30 8.25 8,15 8.10 A . M. Ar. .48 .43 18 13 no .36 .32 7.02 6.57 ft 54 0 50 45 0 35 0 30 i '1 1.27 1.21 1.20 1.15 1 05 1.00, P. M. Lv. lv- rT" 'la jii a1'! Heath & Milligan Mixed Paints Glidden's Varnishes Room Mouldings Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Plate and Card Rail Dry Paste FORD DRIVER TRAILS CHALMERS FOR MATCH Harry T. DeWitt tells story of a journey to Portland the firft of the week that was tilled with incidents that bear witness to the negotiability of the scenic highway, that are strong testi- monv ot man a aevotion to amauy Nicotine," that cite a demonstration of the durability of a Ford and, with- 1, that are fraught with much humor. Ted Ilerlihy, representative of the Portland Chalmers branch, " was with me, said Mr. UeYVilt, ana we were in a hurry.'for we were due in Port land to greet friend?. Wrfwere atout a mile out of town, when a Ford, 'of a lit 17 model, as we later learned, thun dered up behind us, as we traveled along at a clip of 25 miles. Thinking that the lone occupant of the Lizzie wanted to pass, Ilerlihy gave our car more need, and we pushed right along ahead of him. A"We took the'Ruthton hill grade and gome of the other bad places at a rath er leisurely clip, and near Viento we heard a horn tooting, and there was that rord again, but iletlihy again stepped on the Chalmers and we plunged on at a rate or JO to 40 miles. Just on the other side of Wyeth we slowed down a bit and the westbound Oregon-Washington limited thundered down the gorge. But above the sound of the tumble we heard a toot, and I'm blamed iflthere wasn't that Ford. coming down the road like the devil himself was after it. "We didn't wait though; we took out in a race with the locomotive. The limited train alorg this part of the line travels at the rate of about 35 miles an hour. We took the straight of ways at about 45 miles, and flowed down on curves to 20 and 25. At times we were right along the cab and would yell to the fireman, who was on our side to tell his engineer to give her more speed. We kept up this clip all the way into Wyeth, where the high way and rail tracks separate. Nor Jin! we slow down until after we had passed through Cascade Locks and had reached the paved part of the road. In fact, we beat the train to the Locks. At this point Ilerlihy let me take the wheel, but first he wanted to see something about the engine and we pulled off to a siding, led remarked that he didn't think that Ford would bother ua. Yet scarcely were the words out of his mouth when the little car buzzed around a point. The driver slowed down and stopped about f0 feet in front of us. lie crawled out of the car and approached us, saying, 'I've been trying to overhaul you fellows ever since you left Hood Kiver. 1 want a match. Found I didn't have a durned one, and never wanted to smoke no bad in my life. His seriousness led to an immediate apology as we handed him a handful of matches, and then the humor of the situation struck me. 1 simply had to howl. As soon as I was able to gulp down my laughs,!! asked the man how on earth he had kept his light car on those sharp curves at such a speed. He (seemed i,to think the feat nothing unusual, lie said he had kept us in sightlpretty well all of the time. "'1 was fright along running neck and neck with the observation car when you fellows were chasing the engine hack there,' he remarked. Then he crawled into his Ford, waving for us to go ahead. He grunted that he would enjoy his smoke and take it easy. "In my confusion I forgot to take his name. I'm sorry ; for that fellow is worth remembering. " Sheriff's Notice of Sale of Real Property In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood Kiver County. J. W. Howk, as guardian of the per son. M. E. Calbreath, plaintiff, vs J. W. Howk, guardian of the person and es tate of Lorin T. Hecker; Lorin T. Hecker, a minor, Lela A. Hecker and J. W, Howk, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an excution issued out of the above named court and cause on the 1-lth day of April. l!ll!, and to me directed, I will on the 17th day of May, .11)19, at the front door of the county court house in Hood Kiver, Oregon, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the SEi of the NW and the NEJofthe SWJ and the WJ of the SEi of Sec. 2f, and the NEJ of Sec. :S all in Tp. 2, N. of K. No. y, E. of W. M. in Hood Kiver county, Oregon, together with the tenements, heredita ments and appurtenances thereunto be longing or in any wise appertaining, save and except the timber now stand ing or being on said premises, and right of ingress and egress, and con stuction of railroads and other rights set out in a deed from J. W. Howk as guardian to Charles T. Early, which said deed is recorded at page 313 of Vol. 12 of Deeds of Hood Kiver Coun ty, Oregon; or so much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the judg ment of the plaintiff herein; to-wit, $260.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from August 3rd., 1914, for $11)0.00 as at torney fees and $23.00 costs and dis bursements and accruing costs and dis bursements. Sale is subject to the statutory right of redemption. Date of first publication, April 17, 1919. Date of last publication. May 15. 1919. m Thos. F. Johnson, Sheriff. Do Your Most Everyone should do all he can to pro vide for his family and in order to do this he must keep his physical system in the best condition possible. No one can reasonably hope to do much when he is half sick a good share of the time. If you are constipated, bilious or troubled with indigestion get a parkage of Chamberlain's Tablets and follow the plain printed directions, and you will soon be feeling alright and able to do a day's work. We have money for Farm Loans with prepayment privileges, and can give you prompt service. Abstracts Intur ance and Surveying. Hood Kiver Ab stract snd Inv. Co. Plionei:t31. tf LOOK TOR THE FED BAIL TRADE MARK Modem" fireartns 6 Ammunition L Shootinl' Bhr e LVV S 7 m WHITE STAR BUS ON" DAILY SCHEDULE Service of the White Star Line mo tor Bus line, recently established te tween here and Portland by the Fa.sh- ion Livery Co.. is proving very popu othtr lar. Beginning with an every day service, the line now operates on a "schedule affording two round trips daily. The big buses, which have been weil crowded the past week, leave Hood Kiver at 2.45 p. m. and i.30 a. m. daily. The local buses only run as far as Mutlnomah Falls, where they connect with a line oierated out of Portland. Because the bus trip affords the trav eler a means ot inspecting me tugn way at moderate expense, many people from The Dalles and other eastern ur egon points take the train to Hood Kiver and the motor bus on in to Pott land. The eastbound evening lus brings Portland evening papers here, arriving at 6.30 o'clock, 70 minutes ahead of train time. IOWA TOURISTS MO TOR FROM SOUTH With the Pacific Highway blacked by slides. Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Shields, an Allerton. la , couple, accompanied by their son. arrived here from California last Friday by way of central Oregon. The Iowa people, who spent the winter ! in Los Angeles, traveled ty way ol I I.akeview, La i'ine and Bend. We found snow on the summit be ' tween California points and Lake view," says Mrs. Shields, "but that I was a week aizo. and by this time the I road should be in a fair condition. The worst road we struck was in the vicin i ity of La I'ine. The dust here was 1 from six to eight Jinches deep. The ! roads in Wasco county were found in ! good condition." After replacing a tire here tne lows people left for Portland over the Co lumbia Highway. They will tour wes tern Washington and return to the east by some northern route. Cigar Company Expands The Hood River Cigar Company, an incorporated concern, originating from an individual business begun here five years ago by F. M. White, has bucome an established institution and seven employes are kept busy daily turning out "smokes" for Nnrthwesterners. Mr. White was formerly storekeeper for the Stanley Smith Lumber Co. at the Green Point mill. In addition to supplying mid-Columbia points, the concern sells many cigars to rortianu jobbers. Notice of Sheriff's Sale In virtue of an attachment execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wheeler county, upon a judgment fur the sum of $2,170.00, and the further sum of $2.10.00 attorney's fees, and $17.00 cotts and disbursements, which judg ment is in favor of (iilman-I rench Land & Live Stock Company, a corpor ation, and against J. T. Cooper and Idn Cooper, 1 will on Saturday, the 17th diiv of May, 1919, at the hour of lo o'clock a. m ., at the couit house door in Hood Kiver, in Hood Kiver County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highcBt bidder for cash in ahnd for the purpose of satisfying said judgment, the following described attached real estate, situated in Hood Kiver County, Oregon, to wit: The southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section twenty-one (21), Township one (1), North, Range ten (10) East, W. M., subject to a wagon road thirty (30) feet in width on the south side of said tract. Dated this 17th day of April 1919. Thos. F. Johnson, al7ml5 Sheriff. Citation In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Hood Kiver. In the matter of the estate of Adclia A. Stranahan, deceased. To Ethel Skewes, H. G. Skewes. May Mottishaw, Fred Mottishaw, Bes sie Mooney, Hope Stuart, Charles P. Stuart, Greeting: In the name of the State of Oregon and by virtue of an order of the Coun ty Court of Hood River. Oregon, here in made and entered on the 2nd day of May, 1919, you and each of you are herebycited and required to appear in the court room of the court house in the City of Hood River, Hood Kiver County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the tith day of June, 1919, and then and there show cause, if any exists, why an order should not then and there be made authorizing and li censing Albert K. Stranahan, as exec utor, to Bell, from time to time, all or any portion of the following described real property situated in the City of Hood Kiver, County of Hood Kiver, State of Oregon, towit : Iots fifty-nine and sixty (.19 and 60), in Block one (1), in Stranahan'ii 2nd Addition.to the said city ; Lot seventy four (7-1), in Block thirteen (13), and Lot thirty-seven (117) and Lot forty (40), in Block nine (9) in Stranahan's I5id Addition to said city; Also begin ning at a sunken stone monument set in the east line of the Wm. Jenkin's Donation Land .Claim No. 38, Town ship 3 North, Range 10 East of W. M., 330 feet south of the re-entrant corner of the east aide of said claim ; thence south 1 deg. 20 min. west 200 feet, thence east 6(52.72 feet to a point ten feet west of the southwest corner of Lot 33, in Block 10, of Stranhan's 3rd Addition ; thence north 200 feet ; thence west to the place of beginning, con taining 3.02 acres, more or less ; at private sale, for cash, or for not less than 25 per cent of the purchase price in cash, payment of the remainder to be made and secured by mortgage on the property sold, and that all or any portion of said properties be sold in one sale or in several sales, as the ex ecutor may deem most beneficial for said estate, the proceeds to be applied in paying claims against said estate, the expenses of administration and the bequests made by the testatrix' will, and for final distribution. This citation is served upon you by pub ication in accordance with an or der of the county couit of Hood River County, Oregon, made and entered herein on the 2nd day of May, 1919, di recting that same shall be published in the Hood River Glacier commencing with the 8th day of May, 1919. and published once a week for four (4) sue cecsive weeks. 1 he first publication is the 8th day of May, 1919. Witness, the Hon. L. N. Blowers, Judge of the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, with the seal of taid court, affixed this 2nd day of May, 1919. Attest, E. E. Shoemaker, Clerk. (Seal; m Loud Were The Praises of our Portland Guests of the beauty and fragrance of the Hood River Orchards. Many Were The Compliments they paid to the Ice Cream Sodas, Miik Shakes, Sundaes, Fancy Dishes, etc., served from the new Fountain - the most sanitary and up-to-date built which is now fully installed and ready to serve you. THE ICE CREAM, TRUE FRUIT SYRUPS AND CRUSHED FRUITS SERVED ARE THE CHOICEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR HOOD RIVER. WE ASK YOUR OPINION. A. S. KEIR SMITH BLOCK RELIABLE DRUGGIST W. U. SUPERVISOR STATES THE FACTS llrooks Says Taulac Has Oiercome Ills 1 roubles-.Now Feels Like a pw Man "My w ife obtained such satisfactory results from Taulac that 1 tried it my self and I have gained ten pounds and feel like a new man,' said ,1. W. Brooks, traffic superintendent for the I Western Union Telegraph Co. at lial-j las, Tex., and living at 1732 Hickory ; street, that city. j "When 1 began taking Tanlac," he ; continued, "1 was suffering from a stubborn case of stomach trouble, the result of an attack of aiute indiges-: tion 1 had several years ago. 1 had an ! awful pain across m back, and was so nervous and worried about my kidneys that 1 could hardly sleep at all. 1 (suf fered from rheumatism in my legs, m feet would swell and I was tired and languid all the time. I was badly run i down, lost weight, strength ami en ergy and none of the medicines 1 took did me any good. "After ueir.g Tunlac for a short time I began to pick up and kept improving till now my rheumatism is all gone.thej pains have disappeared from my back and my kidneys don't worry me like ; they did. 1 have a tine appetite and can tat anything 1 want without suf fering at all from indigestion, my sleep is sound and restful and 1 get up in the morning feeling fine." Tanlac is k Id in Hood Kiver by the Krcsse I'rug Co.--Adv. Mrs. Bradford Buried Funeral services fur Mrs. Flint P. Bradford, whose surviving husband is the last direct descendant of Governor Bradford of 1'lymouth Rock, were held Thursday at the Bnrtmess chapel, Rev. J. L. Hershner officiating Interment followed at ldlewilde cemetery. A na tive of Hamilton, Canada, Mrs. Brad ford was wedded in lKXOat The I (alley. She and her husband have resided con tinuously in the Hood Kiver valley and vicinity. She was 59 years old. Mr. Biadford's father was a promi nent pioneer. He was one of the mov ing figures in the old Oregon Steam- ship Navigation services for both Bradford were Hershner. line, the funeral the parents of Mr. conducted by Rev. Notice of Administrator's Sale Notice is hereby given that I, as administrator of the estate of John L. Morrison, deceased, am offering at private sale to the highest bidder for cash, all the personal property of said estate, consisting of cigar store, pool hall, rooming house and restaurant fixtures; that, as ordered by the court, Fealed bids will be recieved up to four o'clock in the afternoon of Monday, May 12th, 1919. Bids to be made as follows : Cigar store, furniture and fixtures, a lump sum, and a percent of the cost of stock in trade. Rooming house furniture and fix tures, a lump sum. Restaurant furniture and fixtures, a lump sum. A certified check, payable to the administrator, as a matter of good faith must accompany each bid, on store and stock the sum of $100.00, on rooming house the sum of $2.1.00, and on restaurant the sum of $2.1.00, same to be forfeited should successful bidder refuse or fail to settle for his purchase. The administrator reserves the right to reject any or all bids. For more detailed information and terms and conditions of sale, address John Baker, Administrator, Brosius Building, 8m Hood River, Oregon Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for liood River County. In the matter of the estate of Homer E. Ferry, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the Estate of Homer E. Berry, deceased, by the county Court of the State of Oregon., for Hood River County, and that all persona having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to said administrator at the office of A. J. Derby, First National Bank Building, Hood River, Oregon, duly verified according to law, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which date is the 1st day of May, 1919. W. V. Perry, m29 Administrator. BRIGGS AUTO WOOD-SAW Attachment Oaa maa cuu 15 corda; 2 maa, 35 cord. Goes Anywhere Any Auto. BRIGGS t BURPEE CO. Inc., Mirufactvers 279 Hawtbunic Av Portland. Snd for lofomation and IUutrtd Circular ALWAYS AT VOI R SIRVICF OREGON LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturers LUMBER 4 LUMBER PRODUCTS Wholesale A complete stock of GOODYEAR and REPUBLIC TIRES AND TUBES together with our ser vice, makes this an ideal place to pur chase your tire re quirements. DeWITT motor CO. Victory Gardeners Get Busy We have SEEDS fur planting and PROVISIONS to satisfy that appetite that work in the open will brintf you. Yours for success in the eominVietory Loan, L. H. HUGGINS' GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET TWILFTII STREET PHONE 2134 it I want to remind you about that small chew of this good tobacco. It tastes better because it's good tobacco. Its quality saves you part of your tobacco money. It goes further and lasts longer. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco 0 0 o and Retail 55 j says the Good Judge I