llool UlVKIt liLAl'lKU riiriiSLiAi. MAY s I Biliousness I! 117KEN you have: u lu'? :ui era:!: yo ;r liver Clh I to pcriorxu hz .:.. You bcec - j cc:;- stomach ir tocd U i!i:tj. Thb mlliav.s t!.o stomach end caursj i:.iu? voiriitir rn.l a trrib'-j headache. T:i!:a Cliabirln'sT.-.bijts. Thr will tcr.e up your liver, cl;an cut your ttoirach and yea r!11 ernt k . -r.,'il T1 .L" t .. v.. . 3- m?3 LION AUTOMOBILE TIRES TUBES . ACCESSORIES " VK MAINTAIN A IIK.II STAN !.U!l) " (in Iichvv IiiM-fi nrryintr I" "2 int-J-nm trip, ruiiniiiK mi a rtv ilUircluily M-'mdulc I lN TIKES have noi.lc ,'. t tnilt-H inM ain dill in service. rirri'M(nlini!ly n$ itiiliijp i bi-nur intuU- uilh l.PiN TIKES mi I'lcaciiri' Curs, I imIci -taker"' Heavy Vehicles. I'iuiio lel very Trmks, (t'oiititrv Ihuiliiik!), I'lu-kinj! House Trucks, Brewery J) I, wry Trurkt", Eiinneiw1 Stork lliiiilinif Trucks, t-tc , ete. Llun Tirfes Have No Superior liANhl.l.n liv H BIG UTS GARAGE "ol,S'oH I- r .v 11-11 r. O'l'NTY At JEST 1210 C STREET Also have an up-to-date Vulcanizing' Plant nK.lern and 1'p-to-dale Batten Repairs i )i ;t ftnu-ttt. Brest ' l.!-;ht Service WE DO OIK ADJlSllNt; ON I1KES HOOD RIVER RURAL EXPRESS and Passenger Service L. H. ARNESON. Manager Now serving residents of the West Side; will he extended to other parts of the Valley as the demands justify. Telephone your merchant just what you want and have him deliver any small packages at ('has. N. Clarke's Drug Store, plainly marked with your name, for delivery by the II. It. Rural Kxpress. Freight, Express, or large packages will he called for as required. City Office with Chas. N. Clarke . . Phone 1261 Oak Grove Office, Oak Grove Store . " 5582 Residence Phone, 5536 Any helpful suggestions for bettering the service will be appreciated. YOUR PATRON AG I SOLKTlKI) ASCoN Ml, . 8EH00l .-, wWiteBisftf Mill FANCY BLUtlOlWTCNT MAKES WHITER, LIGHTER BREAD GET IT FROM VOI R GROCER CEM Place your order now KELLY BROS., Phone 1401 HORSE IS RILLED PULLING TRACTOR Joe Tharr.er. Cascade Locks arn.er, recently tmrchased a new tractor from 11. T. LeV itt. It was delivered at the town by boat. Mr. Ik-Witt expected to stnd a mechanic to Cascade Locks the next day following the arrival of the machine to jiilot it out to Mr. Thurn er'a, farm, but the visit of the exiert was delayed by rain. Mr. IeW:tt, however, hajiened to be motorine to I'ortland next morning. He met Mr. Thurner on the nad. "I'll eend R.tn down to get your tractor over," he said as he greeted his customer. "He would have come today but for the rain .METHODIST CENTEX- ' EARL FRANZ FINDS AliY PROGRESSING I PICTIRE AT FIRE The Methodist centenary drive fir JluO.UoO.lMJ is making rapid orore?s. Large contributions are coming in. A business man of New York city, rot a member of the church, gave his check for f 150.1HX to be applied on the re construction work through the centen ary program. John C. Charter, owner cf the Chicago Evenirg Post, wrote out a check for ."."o0 for the centen ary. Hundreds of others are respond ing in a splendid way. The program is so big and spterflid that men of vis ion are w illing to invest in this work. Three hundred and riftv thousand have already joined the league of But Mr. Thurner replied that he had j Prayer, and many have joined the Life taken the tractor home. He went to the boat landing with his team Parts of the road en route to the Thurner farm are very steep, and the rancher had allowed one of his horses to over exert himself. "I got the tractor in my barn, and unhitched the horses," Mr. Thurner told Mr. IWWitt, "when one of them died. 1 think he must have bursted a blood vessel. You'll have to hurry and teach me to run that tractor. 1 nee I it now. I want to get that horse out to the Held and bury him. I am afraid it will kill my ether horse if I allow him to pull iiis teummate alone." FARRELL TO GO TO NEW YORK CITY H. F. Oavidson announced laKt week t ml he had secured the services of Sgt. Harry I'arrell, just returned fioni Camp Levis, where he was mustered out of the army. Mr. Karrell, who will become Mr. Pavidson's chief as sistant, w ill not go to New York until this full. Mr. FarrtTl. when called to the ser vice last year, was superintendent of storage plai ts of the Apple Growers Association. For more than 10 yenrs he has been connected with local apple shipping concerns, having first been a' shipping clerk with the old Apple Growers Union. Suggestions For a Cmnping Trip Huy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and I)iarrhoea Remedy before leaving home. As a rule it cannot be obtained when on a hunting, fishing or prospect ing trip. Neither can it be obtained while on board the cars or steamships and at such times and places it is most likely to be needed. The safe way in to have it with you. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed executor of the estate of Frank A. Countryman, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River Coun ty, and has qualified. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are beie by notified to present same, duly veri fied as by law required, to the under signed lit the office of J. H. Hazlett, Flint Building, Hood River, Oregon, within six months of the date hereof. Dated and first published May 1st, liilit. Artie Countryman, mlm'.'lt Kxecutor. Summons of Service League, while the lithers Hand is increasing by the thousands. If you are looking for something big come around and get into the game Truly God' spirit is moTing the hearts of His people. J. 1. Lewellen, Pastor. MANY THEFTS ARE BEING REPORTED Numerous thefts of household goods from unoccupied rural houste, of chick ens and farming implements have re cently been reported. The thieves, be Sieved by residents to come into the district from outside points after night, have been especially active in their visits t: unoccupied homes. One uch West Si le place, it was discov ered lost all of its furniture. The kitchen ranje, its water connection; removed, was hauled away. T.ie poul try yard was raided on the VV. A. len berg place. A number of young chick ens were taken, as well as 12 hens. The thieves killed the hens, leaving the heads in the henhouse. Sevtral thefts of city property have recently been reported to authorities The roller of the Benedict Tennis club was stolen. TENT CATERPILLARS MENACE ORCHARDS Bert Hebard, currying a wild rose branch on which hundreds of the worms were busy devouring foliuge, appealed to the county court Thursday to destroy tent caterpillers, which he declares are a menace to orchards junt west of the city. Mr. Hebard rays that growers of the district have des troyed the pest in their own orchards, but that rose bushes and other frhrubf intlie county highway are literally alive with the caterpillars. Mr. Hebard believes the caterpillars originated in city orchards, which for the past several years have gone un sprayed. A movement among rural orchardists to enforce the law that requires all city fruit and ornamental trees to be sprayed, is growing. LATE L. E CROWE HOOD'S FIRST AGENT Wednesday evening of last wtek when Farl Fraiiz, an official of the Volunteer fire department, was mak ing an examination in the attic of the C. liethman home to extinguish any embers that might have fallen there from a roof fire, he turned over an old photograph frame and by the light of his pocket flashlight beheld himself, aged six. Mr. Franz' father sold the residence to Mr. Ivthman five years ago, and the old picture of the elder son, stored in the attic, had been left behind. The tire department hsd no more than returned to the tire hall with the apparatus when the alarm sounded again, calling them to a barn at the home of F-. E. Goodrich, on the Heights. Damage at both tires was negligib le. BOY SCOUTS GET UNITARIAN CHURCH The two troops of Boy Scouts, who recently lost their meeting place when the building w as leased for storage of vinegar barrels, now find themselves at home in much better quarters. The management of the Unitarian church, for several years withut a pastor, has given the boys the full use of the en tire church building. W ith I. G. Cruikshank and Frank I'avenport, Jr., reectively Scout Masters of Troop No. 1 and Troop No. 2. interest in Scout life is keen here. Cnder the leadership of the two men the city now has 50 Scout members. Sheriff's Cousins Buy Here August Peschler has sold his 20 acre bearing orchard place in the Oak Grove district to G. R. and A. H. C. John son, former Kansas City business men who have heenjn Portland for the past several years. The men, cousins of Sberiif Johnson, expect to come here to reside soon. Mr. Pecshler and his family will re turn to their former home in Indianap 'll:S. IT'S UNWISE ,to put off to-day's dn( y until to morrow. f your stomach is acid-disturbed take the now cl J to diffeslion comfort today A pleannnt relief from the discomfort cf acid-dyspepsia. MADE CV SCOTT & BOWVE MAKERS OF SCOTV3 EMULSION !- nun in in hiiimh i l c Ti l"i''"lli' SKIT D I In the Circuit Court of the Stut Oregon for Hood River County. ! Ainiee V. Hockabay, Plaintiff, vs. i Lhzabeth A. Biign and C. A. Briggs, j tier husband; Call K. Sweeney hnd 'Mrs. Sweeney, his wife; Fredenca ! V heeler an 1 Mr. Am.i L. Wheeler, l.er husband; Glenn 11. Wheeler and Mrs. V heeler, his wife; 11. A. Col lins and Mrs. - Collins, his wife; Jeanne J. Farnsworth and Mr. - Famsworth, her husband ; and W. R. Gibson ; and also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, lien, estate or interest in the real estate described herein, Defendants. To Elizabeth A. Briggs and C. A. Briggs, her husband ; Carl E. Sweeney and Mrs. Sweeney, his wife; Fred erica Wheeler and Amzi L. Wheeler, her husband; Glenn H. Wheeler and Mrs. -- Wheeler, his wife; 11. A. Col lins and Mrs. Collins, his wife; Jeanne J. Famsworth and Mr. Farnswurth, he' husband ; and W. R. Gibson, and also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, lien, estate or interest in the real estate described herein, Defend ants ; In the name of the state of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit and court on or before the expiration of six (ti) weeks from the date of first publication of this sum mons, which date is hereinafter stated, and if you fail so to appear or answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: For judgment against defendants Elizabeth A. Briggs and C. A. Briggs, her husband, for the sum of One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars (SlUfiO) with interest thereon at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum from August 2tith, 1915 until paid ; for if 150 attorney's fees and for her costs and disbursements in this suit. Also for the usual decree for the foreclosure of that certain mortgage given by the last two named defend ants and described in the complaint, converting and mortgaging to J. F. Watt, assignor of plaintiff, all of the southeast quarter of the northwe. t quarter of Section One, Township One North of Range Ten, east of the Wil lamette Meridian, containing forty acres more or less, together with all; and singular the tenements, heredit-, amenta and appurtenances thereunto belonging, located in Hood River county, State of Oregon, and decreeing that said sum and said mortgage are n first and valid lien and charge against saiii property, that said mortgage be 1 foreclosed and that execution shall be issued for the sale of said premises, and the whole thereof and the proceeds of said sale be applied to the sati.-fac- ; tion of said judgment ; that you, and each of you, and all persons or parties claiming under you or subsequent to ' the execution of said mortgage, may be forever barred and foreclosed of all j right, title, estate, lien or interest in j or to said premises or any portion I thereto, and for such other relief as to ! ' the court may seem equitable. ! You are served with this summons by publication pursuant to an order ! I made by the Hon. Fred W. Wilson, I judge of the above entitled court, duly .entered lit rein on the 7th day of April, I UM'.l, which order directs that you shall I appear and answer said complaint on : or before six (ti) weeks from the date ! of the first publication of this sum- mons, w hich date is fixed in said order April 10th, 1919. First publication of this summons is April 10, 1919, and the last publication will be Mhj- 22nd, 1919. j E. H. Hartwig, Attorney for Plaintiff, alom22 Hood River Oregon The lute L. F. Crowe, a relative of Mrs. 1. D. Parkins, was Food River's first railway agent. Mr. Crowe, v.ho came to Hood River in 1SS2, having' been a timekeeper for con-tructii n gangs, became Hgent in 1M7. He is known to all the pioneer residents of the valley. Mr. Crowe, w ho died in Portland in January at the age of bl years, was in the automobile business tnere. lie, left here in 1SU0, going ot The Dalles, where he entered the hardware busi ness, remaining there for 17 years. Mr. Crowe, who was a native of Nova Scotia, was engaged in the automobile business in Los Angeles for six years, lit! is survived by his widow. About Rheumatism People are learning that it is only r waste of time Hnd money to take med icine internally for chronic and muscu lar rheumatism, and about 99 out of 100 ca.es are one or the other of these varieties. All that is really necessary to afford relief is to apply Chamber lain's Liniment freely. Try it. It costs but 30 cents per bottle. Large size t0 rents. Card or Thanks We wish, in this way, to express our heartfelt gratitude to the dear friends and neighbors who ware fo kind and sympathetic during the sick ness find death of our beloved husb mil and father. Also our thanks for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. H. E. Redfield and Family. ir K. ami Nature placed the growth -promoting "vitamins" in the oil of the cod-fish this explains why Scott's Emulsion is so definite in its help to a child ot any age. Latter-day science reveals that the "vitamins" are needful for normal growth. Scott'. i Emulsion will help any child grow, Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield, N.J. l- iicicwj vtyns Dr. William Morton Post Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Hall illdg. Phone 2401 HOOD RIVER, OREGON C. H. JENKINS, D. M.D. DENTIST Telephones; Office lOal; residency 3W Oitice over Butler Bank GENERAL HAULING 3-Ton Denby Truck KEYS & PENDERGAST, HOOD -RIVER. ORE. Tel. 421. E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. DENTIST telephones : Office 3101 ; residence 3412 Office in RroHius Building Dr. Carolyn Onderhill DENTIST Smith Building. T elephone 2021 DRS. ABRAHAM AND SIFTON PHYSICIANS ami SCIUiEONS Rooms 17, 19, 20 Urosins Building lli-s. Phones : Dr. Abraham 4152. Dr. Hilton 5 1 IS. Office 4151. DR E. 0. DUTRO PHYSICIAN AM) H ERG EON Otlice: Hall Bklg., Phone lo71 Hours, 2 to 5 p. m. Residence: Odell. Phone, Odell 353 i Hours: 9 to 11 a. hi. j J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Equipped lor X Hay and Electro-Tberapeutics. i lelepliouns: l'lul nrt ItiOi I . . . . .... H. L. DTJMBLE, I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ealiii promptly answunBd til (own or Country Hay or Nik tit. I Tt-ipphonua: Kcsldi-nce, lull: Otlice, I '21 . j iiiflce In the Urosins Hulldln" I E. D. KANAGA i Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 4211 Kes. is 11 Otlice in Eliot Building Preserve Your HARNESS and your Shoes LEATHER MUST BE KEIT CLEANED AND OILED.' ee its for Barnes and Shoe OIU W. G. WEBER Bell Building DERBY & STEARNS ! Lawyers HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Straualian & Slaveu Contractors & Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY Si" ltd EON Is iirepareil to flo ny work In the vrtern . try hue. He rnu I found by culling f or How often ve hear the statement that some other locality raised apples "as good as those produced at Hood River." Many Hardware Dealers tell prospec tive customers that their Ranges are "as good as the MAJESTIC." We do not sell the as good kind, but we do sell the Great Majestic Range Full Size Ovens. Warming Ovens high enough for use. Buy the BEST and be satisfied Blowers Hardware Company OUR POPULARITY IS NO, All SMOKR l.y any means. It arises from merit and etiieieut st-rviee. INSPECTION OF OUR SHOES and inquiry as to our prices will reveal to you the earnestness of our desire to deserve your commendation. We shall he jrlad to have you call and judye of tin- reasons for our popularity. J. C. JOHN SEN "THE SHOE MAN" " STAR BRAND SHOES ARE BETTER " Fresh and Cured Meats In as large a degree as possible we supply you, by means of our packing plant, with the pro duct raised at home. W. J. FILZ MEAT MARKET Protect Your Surplus Crops I1EF0KE you harvest your fruit, grain or hay, provide a shed or barn in which to store it. And how about that surplus that you expect this year ' Maybe you '11 need some temporary sheds. There's no need to sacrifice your crop when we have so much GOOD LUMBER for Barn or Shed Building, In our yard you will rind every thing1 in building material. Make up your list and bring it in today. BRIDAL VEIL LUMBERING COMPANY Yard West of Freight Depot- Phone 2181 We are selling Schillings Best Line with a Money Back guarantee if you are not satisfied after using them. Kaesser's Grocery Groctry of Quality E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor Phone 3192 PEOPLES' NAVIGATION COMPANY DAILY SERVICE S T E A M E R "Tahoma" and " Dalles City," All kiwis of freight anil pansenRers hunrtle'l. Hore and automoliili-a given special attention. Jack Bagley, Agent, Phone 3623 i j pt"'alD( to the Kaitiiuii !SiKtlt.