HOOD IllYKK GLAI'lKIi. llllllSl'AY. mw Hlt feunb Shirr (Blarirr AIM HI It D. VVOE PubH.btr. SaWrlt.tlon.ti2.tMI IVr lr. The l)et,art.mer.t vt Agriculture is ; warning westerners cf proven a4e districts nut to pull up their trtts. We thank them. Hood River dm-i-rTt: need the warning, however, for gr.w-! ere here this year are spending dollars un spray for Ben Davis and the old j trees that they had contemplated to use for firewood. We might end up to .Mosier and get their recipe for putting over Liberty loans. Mr. Ehrlich. cashier of the Moeier Valley Dank, and his crops of efficient assistants alw ays ronie out in truly Oregon style and take their places in front ranks. Mosier made a gratifying oversubscription - a volun tary one- in the Victory loan. We have received whisperings from Portland that local garages and hotels have overcharged visitors daring the past two weeks. Knowing our garage men and hotelkeepers as we do, it is ; difficult to believe that such a com-, plaint is true. But it is well enough j to strive agairmt any such a tempta-; tion. We are popular now, let's re-1 main so. j The mother heart of every Hood River woman aches in sympathy with Capt. and Mrs. Van Horn in their loes of their little daughter, Charlotte. Human agency is helpless to heal the I grief of the parents, but we would j have them know that we grieve with; them. They are already eating strawberry shortcake in the White Salmon valley. Thoughts of the delectable feasts of our neighbors act as an appetizer for us, and we will be all the better pre pared for gustatory feats at our own board a few weeks hence. Step by step we are getting a little closer to actual construction of the great utilitarian1 and scenic road to meander around the east bas-e of Mount Hood. Secretary of Agriculture Hous ton has approved the plan. Odell is getting in the big league claws. In fact it is predicted that it is only a matter of a few years until the station, centrally located, will ship more carloads of apples annually than Hood River. Nobody was any more tired Sunday night than the hotel and restuarant people. Our hats are off to them for their accomplishments in handling the crowds. Sherman was right. We know it, for not a day passes without a set to with one of those invincible book agents selling the "only true history of the great war." I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I i I 1 -r J HS, Fl RS AND IE1THLKS I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I ! M 1 I 1 I I 1 M The Victory Robin is of theBelmor.t district is a male instead of a female as was announced by residents of the neighborh od several weeks ago. Res idents of i he orchard neightorhood be lieve the bird's mate is sitting, as the gaily plumed fellow is often seen alone at present. Singly and in numbea the Belmont folk have endeavored to trail the freak bird to its nest. The beautiful bird is seen daily by residents of Belmont, and many visit ors have been shown the Victory robin. A coop of 15 carrier pigeons from the cotes of W. L. Coates, of Tillamook, were released at o'clock Mondav by Kx press Agent Johnson. All but three of the birds within a few seconds after their release ascended about 150 feet above the business section of the city and headed down the Columbia gorge. The three, apparently con fused at first, circled for five minutes before taking a westward course. It is thought that cougars during the past winter have killed a herd of an gora goats that ran wild three years ago in the Upper Valley The ani mals, straying away from the home stead places of P. J. Mohr and Charles Rawson, fled to the timbered highlands of Mount Hood. Frequently they were seen on the snowfields, and have led to numerous report by mountain climbers of the discovery of wild goats on Hood. The goats are usually teen in early spring by forest rangers, but no one, although they have been watching for them, hat) sighted them this season. AT THE LIBERTY Today Harold Lxxkwood in "The Great Romance." Also Fox comedy. Friday and Saturday Herbert Rawlinson and Prescilla Dean in "Kiss or Kill," and Strand comedy. Sundav Edith Storey in "As the Sun Went Down" and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew in two reel comedy. .Monday and Tuesday Nanimova in "An Eye for an Eye." Hearst News. AT THE GEM Today Pauline Federicks in "Daughter of the Old South," and Pearl White in "The House of Hate." Friday and Saturday Alice Brady in "The Silent Sacri fice," and Pictorgaph. Sunday Lena Caveleri in "A Woman of Im pulse," and Burton Holmes Travelog. Monday and Tuesday Wm. S. Hart in "Blue Blazes Raw den" and Harold Lloyd comedy. I For Sa!f lM'y-lnrham row, will fr' "B ; UlU-r prt of July f built OlrU lux. H)". Kor 6aic A Itw noso! Airalfa t . tltl , ttcrti V:e Raucb C K. Bun, f u -ne . j iMeU B far Sal tbrauumi iu-r. OrBr Cii.ry i and Koiivr Murk. Fbouroxt. mli Kr halt Yuuo Jrry cow. givinc 10q'. prr dav. prtrr. T"j. Wr have oue tuo uiuy. For salt KaOl.it. thr I. w(i uti 14 vouoe rabb'.t. Young rmrbit just right to kill. r'rwl F-tfiitft. KiiiiKltil. uilT . ... i Queen Quality Shoes For Sale Hrooiucorn tl. H B. Ltoutrd jit 1 jib sr . l ily. Kir Hale PaDdy F-ariy Kor -td jiotal". W. K. W maua, pnonr Otltit 17. uil' For Salt I i Win It ttiorxui!tiMvl rtiji. trtl I'ltf. to wet-kit out. f il to $1 t-ft. Now in Ute unit to titcl tlit htal ol vuur htrd. 0nie aoi pick ou' ttit otit ou waut whilt pti'kius i good 11. M. Hoxii'lc. Kl'' 1. iuIj For "al W'ikkI and uouy. Alw kmhI iv turt lor all kinilt. f Uak. Uladw u 1'hvis. KM. 1. Tel. Udell IX jul For Salt or Trade Lart houst aud lot at U'U Tlnrtetuth M. oty mln. aalrr and m-w-tr. Liberal tertoa. I'ould ue at-remje on ttie W ent Side. AddrtNiOwutr, Bo . Monroe. Orvguu aJ4U For Sale Harred I'lymouth Kia'k tt!e lor st'.tin Buruank polaiota. J. C liu kwall, Od.ll&f. anil For Sale JoIiq bay liiy baler I'lioue fM.l. I'ower raltr. altil For ale Ifcmd bulldiiK Kaud and tcravel. Me yard. Hood Klver I'auniUK ( . tix il F'or Halt Six lartce wiMHltD rounttrH utid Khtlvliiv. All in nrsi rlana condition at a I tr ga'U. Set U. F.. C'omtu al niUHte riUtre. uu ! (Jet out Monday night and boost for the representation of Hood River coun ty products at the State Fair and the Portland Land Products Show. Ole Street! Asks Local Help Ole Streed, of Portland, has asked local ferrymen and county officials to watch the Columbia for the bodies of his wife and two little daughters, who are believed to have drowned in the Columbia. It is believed that Mrs. Streed, recently at Arlington, threw herself and the children into the river. The bodies of the two children have been found at points further up the river. For sale A ruowiiiK niacliine, S hay raktu, lixlit hack for Mrawberry uhuIhik and num erous fur ml nit implement!. H. liromi, corner of f turd and Oak. Tel. 1213. allilf I III I ii CO&SETFS Choose a Corset designed . especially for you TSack Lace or Front Lace. The slender tipure can U and sht.uld U, so c-orseted as to accentuate its natural charm and gracefulness. For each t p of slender fig ure, special American Iuly nnwlels afford those imnrtant features liht stays, tlexibil ity and correct prtijHrtions that insure a lillie Wautiful tijrure. Look for the name il is your guarantee of perfect style and service. AMERICAN LADY CORSETS $4.00. $3.50. $3.00. $2.50 $2.00. $1.50 Daintily practical, they are the lea ders in summer styles. Your desire for the best in Sprnir and Summer Styles will he more than satisfied in the crafts manship and beauty of Queen Quality famous shoes for this season. Your every need wiil be satisfied. Queen Quality styles represent the1 utmost satisfaction to women who seek values in keeping with the trend of fashions. Authentic style, correct design, perfect fit and fair prices make them national favorites. Queen Quality Shoes represent a solid standard of value, identified by the trade mark and demands by well dressed women the country over. Yon will buy them with confidence and wear them with pleasure. We will be pleased to show you the nianv new stvles. ; i 'At-. H (Mi a mm fc u kn f. ' You'll like the iu JACK TAR M1DD1KS we have jut ri'ivived Imih tin- f.t -toiv. The nyles arc ditim lm -, i ! i materials lire excellent, an I tin in! iti.ility is aturdy, ymi nil' . n tub 'cm scrub 'em they cm ,( smilinu. We have a full hue i JACK T,K !(. Ue PARK FAIR noon RIVER OREGON For Sale llouxe, on the Heights, H rooms, partly furniHlied. can be bought for $I0. f ') caU payment rtiiuireu. flume :oi. uutt For Sale A new 2-ton Kearborn Truck at tachment ou a 1911 l adillac. Will haul 1 tioxea apples. KiiKttie completely overhauled. Will sell at a bargoiu. Write Cutler Mk. Co., Portland, Ore. apKlf For Sale 8. V,. Khtxfe Island Red eggs for liali'lilnu fl jier settltiK.. Fertility tiu urn li lted. F F. Ilutten. I'lioue W7S. in.'mf Wanted To rent 3or4tiirnlhe 1 ioom Ap Ply W. J. lmuan at J. C. I'enuey More. 1'Uiue l-'l in HI Wauled -A good cow. I'lnint 51IT. tn!r Watited-ToliHceo ucr whodue eetnpleU' cure, mailed V. o It. f: (lu. Write I.. W. Kl llott, The liallea. Ore. mylS Wanted AddrtM V. Summer rnies for l aw Hieei, L. OiiKe. Milfliell.'ore. ml") For Sale Ten acres, three miles front town. west side, all plattted to fruit: Ktven acres lull . ttearinit In.jOU Half ali. For artlctilars call 5s.iT. InJ'ir j Watited t.neriretle iiihii tor tlixl Kivtr distru't. A vrv prufitiitite tiusuies eau lit ; eslHtilistied. bond and relerenet reiiiured Apiy l.rsud i'uiou lea t o , Fortland. tnUtf ' Wanted To tmy your tc.ed furniture at ' tiiKhesi priivs. save your money in- trailing Willi H. (iross.Thiid Sireel Second. hand Pea ler. 1 .'I. l'.'is. n.'Wf Miited-iil ( hii.trs t all j. K I'lul lips. I'lioue Mv-I, alter s p. m. ft f Wsnieil-T'i tiny your used tut niture, stoves and ruas 1'hIi or new jfiMtdti In exehstnie. K. A. Fran, t o. s-i'tf MISCELLANEOUS Lost I'ink shell eameo hr'HMi pin Finder please return to tjlaeier Office and receive suitable reward. tu!5 Lost- sevi-n weeltsold hlai'k pi. I: . for return ot pin or intoi iiiatlon iradu. reUtrn. Flume 4T'J. i I'lanoTuuliiif-l'layer piano rfpu riiit reflntshiug. Work auHratiieeil I'lim.i s. A liH-Wit:ider, care Heed, I ri-iieti I i n., Hood Kiver. h ; F:rService KegNtered liitr.H' .It-ri nt niy Willow Flat Munch. I'll one (iii K. K. t'resou. apt . For Sale Cheap, good 8 b.p. olds gfis engine Will trade for hay, grain or apples. Kelly ; liros , plioue Hul. ml ill For Sale H. Knode Island batching tgg j from hens that have layed well ail winter and t are healthy and vigorous. I'lioue M, V . H. ; Corey. Avtlou Way. inl;tu For Kiehange ltd) acres ol tliuhtrland near j Ml. II i hiiI Malum estimated at about 4.1IOI.K1I teet ot saw Umber, for city properly. J.H. Shoemaker, phone s;llf j For Sa le or Trade One H'4 In. wagon, new; a j vpau ol black geldings, wt 3'Jno, aged S and : j 1 black gelding 5 yrs old. wt. llliuor I.Ki, brok ! en to work; net of double harnesx; span ot ; mules and Mime cattle. 1'ercy Shelley, phone j Odell '."Jit. ltf For Male Heavy galvanized iron, .lust the ' thing for orchard huruem. I'lioue tiavenport, ll'Jl. aliiil ! For Hale A triangular tract east of I'ark hurst Addilion, south of WilMin's reservoir on ; the heights frontage on Hd street, with gisid , depth fur garden. Fine trees aud line view, i F.asy terms. Also II iolsln Kant hall ot block 211 between llay.el and I'leasant View Streets, . with beHUtiful view of eolu.nbiu Kiver anil i uo possitile obhtruction ot view. Applv to i A. W. ontbiink. rjlll ' We like to think that the hhade of the late K. II. ShepHrd whs here to see the joy of visitors Sunday. And we are sure it was gliid. Just one thing was overlooked last week. Jupiter I'luvius forgot to lay the dust. Now for the annual spring freshet of the Columbia. Nt'ud any apple thinners? Kh? Court Inspects Roads Th dsniane to Hood Kiver county roads from the heavy traffic of last Sunday, when according to estimates ii.OtlO cars were traveling over a radius of 15 miles, is less than otlicials antici pated. Judge Blowers and Commis sioners llannum and lilackman made a tour of inspection of the tohiIs Tues day, planning numerous betterments for the convenience of the many motor tourists expected here this summer. The county court was accompanied on the tour by members of the road com mittee of the Civic League, Leslie Butler, F. A. Massee, K. W. Hirge, Gub Miller and W. A. Langille. Christian & Missionary Alliance Sundav School everv Sunday morn ing ut Preaching ut II. Young Peoples Society at 7 p. ni, repository sermon at 8 p. in. Pverybody welcome. hi SOLD BY Consolidated Mer. Co. Hood River and Odell Arnold Grocery Co. Hood Kiver A. F. Bickford Pine Grove, Ore. R. J. Mclsaac Parkdale, Ore. Oregon Lumber Co., Dee, Oregon For Sale Cheap small sawmill. Just the rig for cutting lies. Cull J. R. 1'hillips. Tel. !WM Hfler 6 p. in. ft;tL j For Hale fiN acres, .HI cultivation, 12 acres j orchard ten to iS years old. 6 miles Hood i Klver Town. .1. 11 Frary, Route'.', Itox si, ! Hood River, Ore. j;iutl WANTED Wanted A Kurd wllh express body In amid condition. Address, cure The Glacier. ins Wanted - To rent, at Mrs. Netsler, I'boue .Isil. small house. inSil Wanted -To let contract lor clearing III aeres of goated of!" land. 1'. J. Mohr, I'arkdale, Ore. I'hone odell ;tlx. mlb Wanted A man for apple ranch, work, good wages. Thos. K. Avery 177ft. Stt'Hdy I'lioue nisif W anted To rent at once, IMI ai re ranch it t confluence of West Fork and Lake Kiiiuch. hour aeres in three-year old berries, l.S in hay, 9 acre orchard snd li acres ready to seed. i Tel. Mrs. .1 It. Nlekelsen, MINI, or write Kid. i No Hood Ki' er, or. tul.i Watited - Married, capable man lor general I ranch work. Oood opMirtumty for permn ' nent position for the right man. Attractive 1 home local Ion in 4-rootn cottage, free water j piped to house Will make liberal inilnce ! ments. I'hone WT9 Hi erlein Hros. tnln i Wanted- Flr, pine and Oak Wood, I fid or i HI Inch, fo.h.cars Ml. Hisid I.lneoro. W. I li. A N. I'lioue '.'mi. Hood Kiver Fuel Co. l"i qA busy man's automobile may become sh ibby from sheer lack of time to have it clone over. You nceJ the car daily and yea can haruly afford to Vie without it ior the length of time ordi narily thought necessary for rcjv.intinj. If trus is your pro'o'.cm, B-II Superior Automobile Enrtr,el will solve it. Paint your car iii;ht r.t hxm? let it fir;' while you sleep- :r.vc it to town in the morning! B-H S'ir'.T;or Automobile Fasir.el dries thoroughly i: irom thf. to five hours. See ycir friends open trtir eyes at the glossy, durahl; f.riis'a tli new-lc-'ici: appear ance ci a fsctcry job. Amo&!& Esssmel v ''I'ributor H. S. BRAAKMAN I'ainta and Wall Paper. Painting and Puperhiuiging HOOP KIVKK. OKt.t.ON FOR SALE l Mir sale-r"ure mood roiann t nina t'lgs, six to eight weeks. Delivered to Hood Klver f7 IK) li. I-. Murphy, phoDe fiOOs. inl.' For snle Afresh Jersey Durham cow, milking better than 4 gallons rich milk per dav. tuberculin tested, gentle and easily milked S.J.Frank. Tel. M7;i. msif PHONOGRAPH Plays All Disc Records Better. The Saphire Ball Point Does Not Wear The Record. If you are considering a Phonograph - Don't Kail To Hear The Pathe. Six Models Always In Stock. Come in Hear the April lUvorJg Terms to Suit Sheet Music New Song Hits as soon as Published. GUITARS' BANJOS, VIOLINS, IKILELES, MANDOLINS Strings and Accessories PKICKS RIC.HT CONSISTENT WITH Ol'AlJTY SLOCOM & CANFIELD COMPANY i-)L?iL T"? i 1 rT ". -. .!.'.:v.-.v:';;'Ji5 Chevrolet cars are built to endure to :'r-'-tf-fii$ ', N; v-.-is s,an" UP and render satisfying service under . ' 'V 'V1 'f. the most exacting conditions. ', -V'.'Vj V "V?i Every important unit of the Chevrolet ' ; ' : v.-' X-S-'i''J ar 's ma('e the Chevrolet organization '?'''i'jtijf$ 'X'iy A - whose reputation for manufacturing meth- -'"SlM iilktf A' ods of the highest standard are well known v.' !'s'r!fr:'f the world over. .v. i:V nfcMl HOOD RIVER GARAGE, Inc. m VaJ Second and Cascade Streets fraSwCl li' S 'W. Phone 4444 HOOD RIVER, ORE. 1371 S M 11 Chevro,et "Four-Ninety" Touring Car tlf j ,S'7(MI fh' H',nl''l'er' 0rgf111 VICTORY LIBERTY NOTES READY FOR DELIVERY We have received our first shipment of notes of the (liith) Victory Liherty l oon and can now innke delivery to subscribers who ask, either by moil or in person, for notes of the fifty or one hundred dollar denominations. Butler Banking Company Member Federal Reserve Systet STRAWBERRY CRATES APPLE BOXES SPRAY MATERIAL Full Line of Famous P. & 0. Farming Implements OTHER ORCHARD SUPPLIES Hood River Fruit Company DAVIDSON BUILDING For the first time in its history, Hood River is Koin to have a I IRST CLASS Confectionery and Restaurant, combined. We have been gradually adding one new feature after another to our business, and many more are contemplated in the future. Our New Fountain is without a doubt the best equipped and most convenient in the city. And the New Fountain Menu which we plan will be a sur prise even to the most blase. A new service, such as Hood River has never before known, will also be featured by us. In fact, everything will be new. Watch for the announcement of our formal opening to the public of the many new good things. HICKS' SWEETS 'N EATS "The Home of Quality" Chevrolet Four-Ninety" Touruig Car, All of us are now happy as we welcome "back the returned service man. The returned sailor, soldier or marine, his family and his friends, are alvyays welcome at our store. "The Home of Good Groceries" Is Always At Your Service THE ARNOLD GROCERY CO.