11U0D UlVElt GLAUElt. TIll'ltfDAY. ATH1L -J J, lt10 THE MOST DANGEROUS DISEASE kf.nfysi 'h"f' Tt.1 .ow 1 p V',cr: vr i ft - i cr hive tdi" in the b.r. k rtrTB ar not m t'-tr-miDy, !.!i-rr t"" tion l'rTerly. Yhy !v r dnrnr thiir wtrk ;in.i ar- ! vi- i. Jjpn t it-s t- a I'linmla t at1 t r - d into uru a ii ar.j .f i,-r i..:-- -is. which arr t u: ri 'fislitss ti: i H destroy you units they are drtvcU from your system. are so -I V 'let some -U Mfci:AL H.uirlem 0 1 Capau at once. Tl'.ey are an M. tried i ir; arutlou us?-J all or ::. wofM for tfntunra. Ti:-y con'ain oti V oU-fiftli-ione.i, aothmtf oils com i'ineii wi a . irtu?h-ic 'tin a u.i s stem-cleansintt i eroa, wti! k;iun and ue.i by phst i ri- ii thtur di-'y prai t toe. tloL-U MKhAL ll.tartem Uu Capsule are Ira :..,r,i lUrrt t from the Uboralorita in lU'lUn.T. Thy are convenient to takd. anl mill triiher tfive proriit reiief or your nin-y will be refumlr-d. Afc for t rtorn at aiiV time store, but be 'ie to f.-t the original iri ported : Ll MI.rAl briid. Accei't tio substitute, la ?-alr1 packages. T ree sues. AUTO PARK IS ROOSEVELT WAY WILL YET IX THE OFFING HELP EASTERN OREGON AN ASSET TO ANY MAN If it's a business car you want, one easy to handle and fit for any kind of travel, you owe it to yourself to examine this capable Roadster. We know of no car that equals it for constant and economical service, or that handles with as much surety and quickness in tight places. Touring Car, $1075; Roadster, $1075; Sedan. $l6il); Coupe, $6M F.O.Ii. ruiitiae, Mich. Additional for wire wheel equipment, $74 HEIGHTS GARAGE- HT. HOOD RAILROAD COMPANY Time Table No. 31 Taking effect 101 a. m. .Sunday, July 15th, l'M7. I'M I 'I lllIHaiMHIIMlii "TT , o D tt o30 , (QJ t'Tiiiiorsn NOUTI1 liul'M) No Sj ; Motor Daily i 1". M. 5. (HI fi.OM 5.1 h.L'ii f.L'!l f).:i.") 40 4:i 47 fill r7 V2 17 M. No. 3 Motor Daily A. M. 10.4.') 10 4X 10. r.7 11.10 11.1.1 11. is H. si 11 .'.Mi 11.30 il.:t:i ii.:im 11.4:1 li a; r.'.oo M. No, I lilillv Kxtvpl N n.l y ! A.M. K.00 K.0.ri ! H. l.i ! i H.ar, j .v:io ; i S,10 ! N.4.) I ! S.,'.0 ! ii.ik) ; ! '.t.lVi ! I I ..'-T) I o as 1 10 oo ! A.M. No. 2 No. 4 No.r No. 8 Stations Ar Hood River Ar . l'o'A iTilalc . . . Stt i t lilmi'k ., . Van I lorn . . . . . Moli r . . . Odi-ll . . Sn 1 1 1 1 ii it . .lSlmicher . . IllllfJtl'ill . . Winaiis . . . Den Trout Creek . Wo'iil wort ii . . Parkdale Lv. Sttain. t.Mo'.or. i t hi 1 1 v t liaily u.,.P Motor I Kx.rpt I Kre,.t Jl ', s""t'y Snii(tay j Miimlay f Daily only 1' M. I A.M. 1'. M , I'. M. . . I :i.00 I !I.L'5 "f.h 7.45 1 'J 1 L 1 1 7.41 . . l'.mi i i.i.r) 2.04 7 . :; 4 . , '.'.40 i il.lt' : 1 ..V.' . 7.22 . . : -:. 1 H.rs ; i.4H ! 7. is . . '.:(il ! S ',3 1.43 7.13 : '.' 25 i S.4H 1 7, (Hi ..'i 2.20 i S.I2 ; 1.32 I 7.02 ..I 2.10 i K.37 ! 1.27 i 0.57 .. ! 2.05 j 8.34 1. 21 ft. 51 . 2. 1'H I K.30 ! 1.20 : 0 5(1 . . I 11 .15 I 8 .25 i 1.15 I H. 15 ..ill .05 1 S. 15 1 .05 ii 35 . . : 11.00 : 8.11) 1.00 0.. 'in jA.M, j A. M. I'. M. J OwiiiK to limited space on Motor Cars nil handled on the eteam trains, either in advance trunkfl and heavy baL'tingi' will of or follow ini! the pimseiiisers, COAL AND WOOD Rock Springs and Utah Coal Best Grades Only. Wood of all kinds special quotations on carload lots. Crushed Rock add Sand and Gravel. STORAGE Remember we are always at your service for any of the above items or for the transfer of your trunk or any other hauling. Transfer & Livery Co. TELEPHONE 4111 Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of I'AIM S, OILS, BRUSHLS, Etc. Heath & Milligan Mixed Paints Glidden's Varnishes Room v Mouldings yggjjj Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Plate and Card Kail Dry Paste AgiUtion of the past two years has not yet actually made available an autctnubile camping park in Hood Rivtr. At interval an announcement has been made that a free campsite, equipped with the limited ronven it noes needed by travelers, would s.wn b in readir.ees. but plans have always failed of materialization. I.a.it eumpier the Commercial Club brought to near maturity plans for a motor camping ground on the Heights, within the city's residence section. Residents of the district protested to the city council, alleging that the camping ground?, so near their homes. would prove a nuisance, rtummerous citizens criticized the plans oti the grounds that the site was too far away frvm the ( olumbia Kiver Highway. About this time Chas. T. Carly otfered to furnish the city and county a free site, provided it were located alon; the Highway. Committees of the Hood River Game Protective Association and the Hood Kiver Commercial Club be gan an investigation of available prop erly. While they were delaying to return a joint report, Mr. harly otfered free use of the property of the Oregon Lumber Company just east of the city. The game association committee en dorsed the proposal and has asked the county cturt to make a lormal accept ance. Because the Tax Budget Ad visory Committee urged last December that the county expend no funds for an automobile park, the county authorities do not feel like taking the initiative in the matter without an assurance that the city w ill take steps toward financ ing the preparations of the park. The matter, too, it is stated, has been hampered by a jealousy between the two organizations. Game Associa tion members stated last week that they understood that the Commercial club members had dubbed the proposed park "The Rod and Gun Club Re treat." t liamlicrlaU'x l otigh Reined) The great benefit derived from the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been gratefully acknowledged by many. Mrs. Benjamin F. Blakenehy, Decatur, 111., writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is by fur the best med icine for eolds and coughs, we have ever used in our family. 1 gave it to niv children when small for croup and have taken it myself." Stranahan Praises Highway Despite the fact that he drove 75 per cent of the way in showers, ('. H. Stanahan, who has spent the past two years farming a 20 acre ranch in Clarke county, Washington, near Van couver, made thq 80 mile trip here in 4J hours last week. He was accom panied by his neighbor, Ira Bills. "The road is tine," said Mr. iStrana han. "It will be one of the most wonderful boulevards in the world when they get it paved." ooc 0 S. E. BARTMESS 3DH niROTfiB am t tpcmccti JllillJ imilAJlUll IU1JJ lilUIillOMJ uiuimlm icenscd with Oregon's first clas of Embalmcrs. Phone 1381, 3821 HOOD RIVER. OREGON Sheriff's Notice of Sale of Real Property In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County. J. VV. Howk, as guardian of the per son, , M. K. Calhreath, plaintiff, vs J. W. Howk, guardian of the person and es tate of I.otin T. Hecker; Lorin T. Ilecker, a minor, I.ela A. Hecker and I. VV. Howk, defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an excution issued out of the above named couit and cau.e on the 14th day of April. 1!'19, and to me directed, I w ill on the 17th day of May, l'Jli), at the front door of the county court house in Hood River, Oregon, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the SEJ of the NWJ and the XEl of the SWJ and the W'4 of the SKI f 't-'c. 20, and the NE1 of Sec. 35 all in Tp. 2, N. of R. No. 9, K. of VV. M. in Hood Kiver county, Oregon, together with the tenements, heredita ments and appurtenances thereunto be longing fir in any wise appertaining, save and except the timber now stand ing or being on said premises, and right of ingress and egress, and con stuction of railroads and other rights set out in a deed from J. W. Howk as guardian to Charles T. Early, which said deed is recorded at page 313 of Vol. 12 of Deeds of Hood Kiver Coun ty. Oregon; or so much thereofas shall he necessary In satisfy the judg ment of the plaintiff herein; to-wit, $22i;i).lKI with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per ce.nt per annum from August 3rd., 11)14, for $100.00 as at torney fees and $23.00 costs and dis bursements and accruing costs and dis bursements. Sale is subject to the statutory right of redemption. Date of first publication, April 17, 1!1). Date of last publication, May 15, 1919. Thos. F. Johnson, Sheriff. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed executor of the estate of Fredrick Luthy, de ceased, by the county court for the state of Oregon for Hood River county and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, properly verified according to law, to the undersigned executor at the office of A. J. Derby, First Na tional Bank Building, Hood River, Or egon. Dated and first published this 27th day of March, 1919. Fred 0. Luthy, m27a24 Executor. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given"that the un dersigned has been appointed adminis tratrix of the estate of Frank D. Has Brouck, deceased, by the county court of Hood River county. All persons having claims against said estate should present them prop erly verified within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 27th day of March, 1919. Mrs. Maude HasBrouck, tn27a24 Administratrix. Though it is a fact net generally known Tillamook county, the most pro ductive dairying section of the state of Oregon, has to bip in hay and other forage for its dairy herds. On this ac count farmers of eastern Oregon prof ited to the extent of $U.,inm) in 1918. While the Tillamook section ar.d the coast country in general boasts as fer tile soil as can be found anywhere, the grasses there are not converted into winter fodder, for the reason that the product is more valuable for grazing dairy cat lie. Tillamook county was not the only coast county that proved to be a good customer of the alfalfa raisers of the irrigated lands of eaiternJOregon. All the rest of the seven coast counties purchased hay as well, though in smaller quantifies. The proposed Roosevelt Highway along the coast would open up a great agricultural empire in that region, and in a few years millions of dollars would flow out to the hay producers where now only hundreds of thousands are spent by the dairymen. In 1918 Tillamook county sold throughout the United Slates $2,000, 000 worth of cheese and dairy products alone. This gives an inkling of what will be the result if millions of acres of land like that in Tillamook are opened up to cultivation and settle ment through the medium of the Roos evelt Highway. Based on what has been shown in Tillamook county, $lo0,OiKI,0(K) worth of taxable property would be added to the wealth of the state if the rest of the coast region is developed in like manner. Grass is green every day of the year on the ocean side of the coast range of mountains, and the climate is so mild that the cattle do not need to lie kept in barns and fed, as in other dairy sec tions of the United States, notably in the middle states and on the Atlantic seaboard, but, as has been stated al ready, it has been found more profit able to keep the land sowed down to clover pasturage for the dairy herds than to raise hay thereon. That is why the coast country will always be a great market for eastern Oregon hay. CARSON TWINS CELE BRATE 9TII BIRTHDAY One of the most pleasut t of recent socml affairs for children was. that last week Wednesday when Mrs. J. K. Car son enteitained a large party of little folks at her home on the Heights in celebration of the ninth birthday of the youngest two of her children, jane and .lames, twins. The following chil dren were present at the happy event: Helen Andersen, Joyce Nye, Louise N oi ton, Fern Marshall, Louise Cooper, Kathryn I'erigo, Kathyrn Vaughan, Editha Hartwig. Kathleen Hartwig, Mildred Rogers, Kathryn Volstorff, Margaret Rogers, Elluirna Volstorff, Beulah Cash, Dorothy Heath, Virginia Heath, I'auiine Keller, Ruth Blagg, Mary Emma Hackett, Lucile Atkinson, Mable bjlosche, Marianna New by, Dor othy Nealeigh, Ray liatthorne, Call Smith, Sterling Cash, liilly Blashtield, John Marshall, Gordon Manser, Thom as Johnson, Leonard Slocom, Louis Jones, Herbert Frasier, Byron Wal ters, Horace Narver, Walter Dixon, Robert I'erigo, Arnold lsenberg and I'arr Aplin. Mrs. Carson was assisted in enter taining the children with games and in serving refreshments by the folluwing gills: Misses Alberta and Alice Car son, Daisy Davidson, Ruth lsenberg and Bessie Maten. Little Miss Isen oerg celebrated her 12th birthday si muitaneously with the Carson twins. STEAM SHOVELS EAT ON GRADE Two big steam shovels are cutting away on the Highway east of here. One of the shovels is operated on both a day and night shift. A third shovel was expected here the past week. The 1 machine, however, will be held up for several weeks, probably, having been I badly damaged in a wreck between I Timber and Portland. One of the steam shovels is cutting ! figure as on the side of the range ris ing just across Hood river from the town. In climbing to the top of the gorge the Highway makes three suc cessive horseshoe turns. How Diphtheria M'mitrartctl One often hears theJexpression,"My child caught a severe cold which devel oped into diphtheria," when the truth was that the cold simply left the little one particularly susceptible to the wandering diphtheria germ. If your child has a cold when diphtheria is prevalent you should take him out of school and keep him off the street un til fully recovered, as there is a hun ded times more danger of his taking diphtheria when he has a cold. When Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given it quickly cures the cold and lessens the danger of diphtheria or any other germ disease being contracted. Wapanitia Man Dies Here Smallpox and the disabilities of old age proved fatal to William Fraizer, Wapanitia man, aged 77 years Wednes day night of last week. Mr. Fraizer was stricken while visiting at the J. C. Abbott home on the West Side. The body was interred at Idlewilde cemetery Thursday afternoon. LOOK FOR THE RED BALL TRADE MARK I'fiHTEfiwMtOrwl f , PWTUlND,0M&0N. J fm firearms Ammunition HShooting' Right SOI. I) BY Consolidated Mer. Co. Hood River and Odell Arnold Grocery Co. Hood River A. F. Bickford Pine Grove, Ore. R. J. Mclsaac Parkdale, Ore. Have you Music in your home? Can you in your own home sit down and enjoy the best of music of all variety ? Do you know that by making a small installment and Payments as low as SI. 00 per week you may have all this at your command. We sell Edison Diamond Point PHONOGRAPHS the most wonderful and and perfect ever in ventedat terms to suit you. Come in and talk it over. A. S. KEIR SMITH BLOCK RELIABLE DRUGGIST L. L. HOOKS SAYS HIS TROUBLES ARE OVER Tanlac Ituilt II im l'p Si. He is Now Working Hard Every Ouy "When I weighed the other day 1 found 1 had gained thirty-five pounds, and that's only a part of what Tanlac has'done for me," said L. L. Hooks, of North Roswell, Ga., in relating his experience with Tanlac. "1 suffered from such an awful case of stomach trouble." he continued, "that 1 could hardly eat a thing and nothing tasted right. The little 1 forced down didn't give me any strength and at times 1 would almost choke from .the gas that formed in my stomach. 1 was so weak and miser able I just couldn't do any work at all and was just about all in. "I commenced to take Tunlae be. cause I saw the good it was doing others, ur.d 1 coolj feel all the differ ence in the world right from the start; it simply made me feel like a new man. My troubles are now over; it built me up wonderfully and 1 am working hMrd, using pick and shovel every day, and never have any mere trouble w ith my stomach." - Tanlac is soid in Hood River by the Kresse Drug Co. Adv. Japanese Have Big Tract Japanese leasees of (ifi acres of for-! tile land near Bonebmo planted to strawberries bid fair tn become rich this season. The berries, planted on land leased from the Boneboro and Cascade Orchards Co., are three years old this jear arid should bear their heaviest crop. The tract is perhaps the largest single area in Btrawberries in the northwest. The average yield of strawberries at the height of their production is 175 crates per acre. If the price of last season, $3.33 per crate, is realized this: year, the Japanese growers will de liver to the Association fruit exceed ing $:i.r),(R)0 in value. Notice of Sheriff's Sale In virtue of an attachment execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the : State of Oregon, for Wheeler county, upon a judgment for the sum of $2,176.00, and the further sum of $250.00 attorneys fees, and $17.00 costs and disbursements, which judg-, merit is in favor of Oilman-French ' Laud & Live Stock Company, a corpor-1 ation, and against J. T. Cooper and Ida I Cooper, I will on Saturday, the 17th1 day of May, 1919, at the hour of 10 ' o'clock a. m ., at the court house door! in Hood River, in Hood River County, j Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in ahnd for the purpose of satisfying said judgment, j the following described attached real I estate, situated in Hood River County, j Oregon, to wit : The southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section ' twenty-one (21), Township one (1),! North. Range ten (10) East, W. M., subject to a wagon road thirty (30) feet in width on the south side of said! tract. 1 Dated this 17th day of April 1919. 1 Thos. F. Johnson, al7ml5 Sheriff. Citation In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for he County of Hood River. In the matter of the estate of John Donohue. deceased. To Emma Willetta Parker, and to the unknown heirs of John Donohue, deceased, and to all others, unknown, interested in his said estaet; im pleaded with Dixon McDonald, trustee under the will of said decedent; Greeting : In the name of the State of Oregon ; You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, at the court room thereof in the city of Hood River, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 6th day of May 1919, at 10 o'clock, a. m., then and there to show cause, if any there be, why a license should not be issued to D. McDonald, executor of the will of John Donohue, deceased, authoriz ing him to sell the following described real property belonging to said estate: Lots 2 and 3 in Block "B" of Bar-rett-Sipma addition to the city of Hood River, Oregon ; and Lot 15 in Block 9 of Hull's subdi vision of Lots or Tracts "A" and "li" of Pleasant View addition to the city of Hood River, Oregon; for the purpose of paying the funeral charges, expenses of administration and the claims against said estate and for the purpose of distribution. This citation is served upon you hy this publication in accordance with the order of the Judge of the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, made and entered March 22, 1919, prescrib ing such publication should continue for four weeks. Witness, the Hon. L. N. Blowers, Judge of the County (Vurt of Hood River County, Oregon, with the seal of said Court affixed, this 22nd day of Man.. 1919. Attest: "' E. E. Shoemaker, County Clerk. (Seal) Hy Kent Shoemaker, m27a24 Deputy. Glacier oll'ao nittkes rubber stamps. OREGON LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturers LUMBER & LUMBER PRODUCTS Wholesale and Retail A complete stock of GOODYEAR and REPUBLIC TIRES AND TUBES together with our ser vice, makes this an ideal place to pur chase your tire re quirements. DeWITT MOTOR CO. Victory Gardeners Get Busy We have SEEDS for planting and PROVISIONS to satisfy that appetite that work in the open will bring you. Yours for success in the coming, Victory Loan, . L. H. HU.G GINS' GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET TWELFTH STREET PHONE 2134 Men are sure getting wise to says the tobacconist. "Any kind of plug used to be good enough for most of them. Nowadays nearly everybody is beginning to learn about the real to bacco satisfaction of genuine Gravely Plug." Good taite, smaller chew, longer life is what maket Gen uine Gravely cost leu to chevt than ordinary tobacco, Write to: Genuine Gravely DANVILLE, VA, for booklet on ihtwint plug. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch o 0 0 o