The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 17, 1919, Image 8

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    11001) UlYEll GLAClElt. TllLllLVV, APRIL 17. 1010
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r t" arv fT 'he
!! Mhi'Al, b'ji.t
If it's a business car you want, one easy to
handle and fit for any kind of travel, you owe
it to yourself to examine this capable Roadster.
We know of no car that equals it for constant
and economical service, or that handles with
as much surety and quickness ia tight places.
Touring Car, $10T5; Koai-ttr, $107.3; Sedan. $1630; Coup. 16W Poiitiac, Mich. Addition tl for wire wheel equipment, $7i
!s ' , A 1
i-fJVx .-..: i .. -5.
X ...
(Fum the Portland Pacific Semophcre)
r i it i " : .
I ine iuiiuint( paxaksrapns are :aiu iu
: be extracts from letters received by
the Bureau cf War Hik Insurance at
Washington :
I ain't not no book learning and I
huf 1 am writing for information.
Just a line to let you knew 1 am a
widew and four children.
He was indicted into the urlace.
1 have a fcur months baby and he is
my only support.
1 was discharged from the armv for
a (!oitie which 1 was sent home for.
I am left with a child seven months
old and one is a baby and ran't work
and he is my best supporter.
1 am bis wile and only air.
You have asked for my allotment
number, well 1 have four boys and t ao
fii I?.
rlease correct mv name as I could
not and would not go under a consumed
From a soldier to his mother. "1 am
writing in YMCA with a piano playi.iK
in my uriform."
I am pleating for a little more time.
Please return my marriaee certifi
cate, liaby hasn t eaten in three duvs.
1 need him to bee after me.
Botffsides of my parents are old and i tiat
Time Table No. 31
Taking effect 12:01 a. m. Sunday, July 15th, 1917.
PaVs " ....
No 51
r. m.
5. Ill
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Lv. Hood River Ar.
. . . l'owi-i'liile . . .
... Switchback . .
. . . . Yun I lorn . . .
SlllllNllt ....
niouciuT ....
Ib.lMoill ... .
Wiiiiiui ....
Den 1
. . . Trout Creek . .
. , . ,Vi id worth . .
, Ar. Parkdale Lv.
Stt'iiiii. t.Mo'or.
OwiliL' to limited
No. 2 I No. 4 No. jC'No. 8"
Umly t iNidy u..t. MotorJ
smulay Sunilny Daily Only
! M. A.M. P. M. I'. M.
:i.00 l.25 i '2" 15 7.45
2 o7 I). 22 2.11 , 7.41
2..r,o o.l") ; 201 7.:u
2.40 0.02 1 1..V2' 1 7.22
2.M.1 K.5H , 1.4H : 7.1H
2.:tn 8.53 ! 1.4.1 ; 7.l:i
2.25 K.4'1 ' : 7.00
2 2i H.42 ' 1.H2 ; 7.02
2.10 H.!t7 I 1.27 0.57
2.05 8.34 1.24 .54
2.00 8.30 : 1.20 0.50
11.15 8.25 i 1.15 ' C.45
11.05 8.15 1 1.05 O.ri
11.00 8.10 ! 1.00 ii.:tii
A . VI , jA . M . JIM i'
mi, iee on M t r t'ars all trunks mid heavy banaaue will In
liiimlled on the -te.Hu train-, cither in a lvance of or following tluv piissciiors.
Ivock Springs ami Utah Coal Best Grades Only.
Wood of all kinds special quotations on carload lots.
Crushed Koek add Sand and Gravel.
Remember we are always at your service for any
of the above items or for the transfer of your trunk
or any other hauling.
Transfer & Livery Co.
(By Gordon G. Brown)
(Continued frcm last week)
That yields have been materially in
creased by the uss of fertilizer is
clearly indicated. First, compare re
sults from plats receiving nitrate
' alore in different amounts and applied
at different times. We are chiefly in-
! tcrested in average yields on a three
year basis and it is to this your atten
tion is directed. Yields are comjHited
; on a heaped basis just as brought from
the field, which l equivalent to a
packed crate. It seems best to rem-
: pare results for both tes at one time.
! It will be seen that plats representiry
j a total of 440 (Kiunds nitrate to the
! 10.010 plants, one half of which was
; put on in early sprirg just as growth
j was starting and the balance when
lilossorrs appeareJ.gave highest yields,
j In Test 1, 2M crates have.been secured
. versus 2lio for the Check, or a gain cf
I 51 cates per acre. The yield for the
; check is unusually good and probably
doubles the average for the valley.
The significance of increased yields by
the use of commercial fettibzer under
such conditions is interesting indeed
This high average is made possible by
the exceptionally high yield for PJUi,
of 373 crates, a truly remarkable
P0"'- . record considering that no fertilizer
I lease send me a wires form. was applied. Results from similar ap
I'ear Mr. Wilson-l have already in TW r .,siat.r,t with
wrote to one headquarters and received tlwse ; -jest i j.t ;i an av-
no relpy, and it 1 uon t get one I am i ,.ra;e total of 250 crates per 10.000
going to write Uncle ham himself. versU8 lKH fll. the ch,M u. ... an
a poor widow and all 1 have is ; ,. -,n
i In Test 2, only, an opportunity is
! olTorded to note average results from
I am
in the front.
We have
your letter. 1
am his
gramimomer ami granaiatner anu nelthe Uiie ,,f ,heavvl 410 luuind hm.
tras been kept arid bred up in this ' ,,ii..ut:.n t r,itrUtu .,f ,.n in ua,u-
house according to your instructions.
I am t received my husband s pay
and will be forced to lead an immortal
You have changed my little boy to a
girl, will that make any difference.
1 ain t received no pav since my hus
band has gone to now here.
1 lease let rue know if John hag put
in an application for a wife and child.
lou have taken away my man to
fiht and he is the best fighter 1 ever
Mv son is in Co. 158 inf. Please tell '
spring only. It shows a very high av
erage for three years, or 244 cratee
per acre.
A further study reveals the fact that
a total of 220 pounds nitrate put on in
two instalments, although considerably
surprassed by the heavier applications
in Test 2, is only very slightly exceed
ed in Test 1. The figure on a three
year average show 277 crates for tin
former versus 281 for the latter. Fur
thermore, it wiil be noted that a total
application of 220 pounds nitrate put
two instalments gives yields ex
.in In
me it ne is (lean or alive anil it so : feeding that from
vtiiui io ilia Huuress.
My boy has been put in charge of a
spitton, will he get any more pay.
1 have learned that my husband is in
a constipation camp in Germany.
Knights Strike Slide
Motoring home from Cascade Locks,
where they had gone to attend a
Knights of Pythias ceremonial, 2G
Knights met with an adventure near
Wyeth Thursday night, when thev
into a slide on the Highway. After
shoveling away the edge of the heap of
debris, the visiting fraternity men
were able to crawl around the slide.
Senator Nicklesen. in charge of the
Highway's maintenance in this county,
quickly removed the tlicle.
The Pythians traveled to the Locks,
where Ivanhoe Lodge, of Portland,
conducted work of initiating u class
and Grand Chancellor Johnson, of As
toria, delivered an address, aboard live
Hon Piplnhei i.i is ( entrueled
One often hears the expression. "Mv
child caught a severe cold which devel
o ed into diphtheria, w hen the truth
was that the cold simply left the little
one particularly susceptible to the
wandering diphtheria germ. If your
child has a cold when diphtheria is
prevalent you should take him out of
school and keep him off the street un
til fully recovered, as there is a bun
ded times more danger of his taking
diphtheria when he has a cold. When
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given
it quickly cures the cold and lessens
the danger of diphtheria or any other
germ disease being contracted.
heir Puts in New Fountain
A. S. Keir now has the newest and
biggest soda fountain in town. He
is hoping for an early warm season.
The handsome new fountain is now be
ing put in shape. It makes one's
mouth water for a drink of cooling
Mr. Keir haB had his store over
hauled generally, all walls having been
plats receiving a
simillar amount put on at blossoming
time, or from plants receiving a simi
lar total amount put on during eurly
spring only. The advantage of putting
on nitrate in equal instalments, wheth
er in larger or smaller amounts, is in
dicated. That heavier application:
give larger yields than smaller appli
cations is also clear.
Results from the use of sulphate of
potash or superphosphate alone are
disappointing. In Tests 1 and 2 the
ran i furruer gives yields on an average low
er man mat or ine t necks, mis is
also true for the latter in Test 1, while
the slight increase in lest 2 is neglig
i !!.
When a "Complete Fertilizer" was
used, increased yields have been se
cured. Results in this respect are con
sistent in hold tests, lhe increases,
however, aie considerably below that
given for heavier applications of ni
trate. It is also noteworthy that ni
trate when combined with superphos
phate in the proportions indicated
show smaller yields than the checks,
but when combined with sulphate of
pota:-h increased yields are iillorded.
Results from the combination of pot
ash and superphosphate are such as to
afford little clear cut evidence. In
Test 1 results are satisfatury in that
considerable increase is shown, but a
reverse is found in Test 2.
Owing to the fact that it is hoped to
place in your hands soon a bulletin
covering this experiment I will not re
fer to the matter of size of fruit.
Complete information in regard to this
matter will be summarized therein.
(To be continued)
Have you Music in your home?
Can you in your own home sit down and enjoy
the best of music of all variety ?
Do you know that by making a small installment
and Payments as low as SI. 00 per week
you may have all this at vour command. We sell
Edison Diamond Point
the most wonderful and and perfect ever in
ventedat terms to suit you.
Come in and talk it over.
C. F. Gilbert Reports Sales
C. F. Gilbert reports the following
motor car sales for the past week:
Jennings and Jensen, of White Salmon,
two Dodge touring cars; W. J. Cady,
W. C. Nack and Mrs. Edna Ellen
Wright, Dodge touring cars ; August of California,
Deschler, Overland, and Willis V an of Michigan
Horn, Chandler.
F. A. Countryman, aged 68 and a
resident of the West Side, died early
last Thursday morning at the Cottage
hospital after a prolonged illness. Air.
Countryman, who came here 20 years
ago from the Willamette Valley, had
been a member of the Knights of
Pythias for 21 years. His funeral,
conducted by the members of Waucoma
Lodge, was held here Friday afternoon
at the Knights of Pythias chapel. In
terment, in charge of C. C. Anderson,
followed at the K. of P. cemetery.
Mr. Countryman is survived ty a son
and two daughters, Arthur Country
man, of Hood River; Mrs. J. A. Leach,
and Mrs. R. S. Adams,
When in Portland stop at the modern
Palace Hotel, at Washington and 12lli
streets, in center of shopping and thea
tre districts. Il-tf
Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co.
Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Utc.
Heath & Milligan Mixed Paints
Gliddcn's Varnishes
Room Mouldings
Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order
Plate and Card Rail
Dry Paste
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed executor
of the estate of Fredrick Luthv, de
ceased, by the county court for the
state of Oregon for Hood River county
and has qualified as such. All persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby notified and required to present
the same within six months from the
date of the first publication of this
notice, properly verified according to
law, to the undersigned executor at
the office of A. J. Derby, First Na
tional Bank Building, Hood River, Or
egon. Dated and first published this 27th
day of March, 1919.
Fred O. Luthy,
m27a24 - Executor.
Former Tiainul .urse, Graduate of
Hellenic Hospital, bains 25
Pounds Taking Tauluc
One cf the most interesting of the
many remarkable statements yet made
in connection with l'anlac was given
by Mrs. Marie J. Howard who resides
at 4)2 Westlake Ave., North. Seattle,
recently. Mis. Howard has been a
lesident of Seattle for the past
eighteen years, and before her mar
riage was a trained nurse and a gradu
ate of liellevue Hospital, New lork.
vV hen asked if she would be willing!
for her statement to be published she j
said, "Yes indeed, and you may start
it by saying I believe Tanlac has saved i
my life.
"I have suffered from stomach trou-.
ble and disordered liver and kidneys
lor five years and had gotten in such a
bad condition that 1 honestly felt like
1 was was going to die. Everything 1 ;
would tat fermented in my stomach i
and the gas formed by it would cause
my heart to palpitate so my breath ,
would almost stop. There were in
tense pains all through my baik about i
my liver and kidneys and I can't begin !
to tell how 1 id suffer. I haj fearful .
headaches and was so nervous 1 hardly
knew what sleep was. 1 was often
down in bed for a week at a time,
hardly able to raise my hand. Then 1
would manage to stay up lor two or
three days, but would have to give up
and take to my bed again. 1 would ;
often go for two or three days without ,
eating a mouthful of anything. 1 lost !
weight right along and am telling the
positive truth when 1 Bay 1 was in ;
such an awful condition that 1 thought I
1 was going to die.
"After reading and hearing so much
about Tanlac 1 bought a bottle, think-;
u.g if it did others so much good per- j
haps it might help me too. Well, it .
has not only helped me, but 1 have ac- j
tually gained twenty-live pounds since !
1 began taking it and have never felt
better in my life. My appetite is good
and my stomach in such a splendid j
condition that 1 can hardly eat enough ;
and I don't suffer a particle after- j
wards. All my pain and misery is
gone, my kidneys and liver are acting
splendidly and my nerves are perfectly :
strong and normal. 1 sleep every j
night like a child, and don't know :
what it is to have a headache. My .
husband has also taken Teniae withl
wonderful results. In fact, I think it !
has done him as much good as it has
me, and we both consider it tne nnest
medicine made."
Tanlac is sold in Hood River by the
Kresse Drug Co. Adv. j
Card of Thanks !
We wish to express our sincere J
thanks to our friends and neighbors for
their expressions of sympathy and
kind aid during our recent bereave, i
nient at the time of the death of our I
son and brother. Especially do we
wish to express thanks for the many I
floral offerings.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Perry
and Family.
(Ily Hood River Abstract & Inv. Co.!
E. E. Cays and wife to Alexander J.
Gillespie and wife, three acres on Jeri
cho Lane.
Florence E. Post and husband to J.
E. Hoyce and wife, 10 acre orchard in
Oak Grove.
G. F. Purdy to G. A. Weber and N.
W. Weber, one acre in Udell.
Floyd Spurlin and wife to A. R.
Shank and wife, lot 14, block 3 of Park
addition. Eighth and Prospect.
Troy Shelley and wife to Ralph K.
Lewis and wife, five acres in Odell.
Geo. T. Prather and wife to Herman
C. Heft and wife, three acres in Summit.
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the un-1
dersigned has been appointed adminis
tratrix of the estate of Frank D. Has
Hrouck, deceased, by the county court
of Hood River county.
All persons having claims against
said estate should present them prop
erly verified within six months from
the date of this notice.
Dated and first published this 27th
day of March, 1919.
Mrs. Maude HasRrouck,
m27a24 Administratrix.
Licensed with Oregon's first class of Embalmers. Phone 1381, 3821
Ask Your Dealer
. 7a r
Grand PrizeMfteffl
firearms 6 Ammunition lit
Vfite for Catalogue
I 'll l it J I
Consolidated Mer. Co.
Hood River and Odell
Arnold Grocery Co.
Hood River
R. J.
Pine C;rovC
Ore. I
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Hood River.
In the matter of the estate of John
Donohue. deceased.
To Emma Willetta Parker, and to
the unknown heirs of John Donohue,
deceased, and to all others, unknown,
interested in his said estaet; im
pleaded with Dixon McDonald, trustee
under the will of said decedent;
Greeting :
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby cited and required to
appear in the County Court of Hood
River County, Oregon, at the court
room thereof in the city of Hood River,
Oregon, on Tuesday, the 6th day of
May 1919, at 10 o'clock, a. m., then
and there to show cause, if any there
be, why a license should not be issued
to D. McDonald, executor of the will
of John Donohue, deceased, authoriz
ing him to sell the following described
real property belonging to said estate :
Lots 2 and 3 in Block "B" of Bar-rett-Sipma
addition to the city of Hood
River, Oregon ; and
Lot 15 in Block 9 of Hull's subdi
vision of Lots or Tracts "A" and "B"
of Pleasant View addition to the city
of Hood River, Oregon ;
for the purpose of paying the funeral
charges, expenses of administration
and the claims against said estate and
for the purpose of distribution.
This citation is served upon you by
this publication in accordance with the
order of the Judge of the County Court
of Hood River County, Oregon, made
and entered March 22, 1919, prescrib
ing such publication should continue
for four weeks.
Witness, the Hon. L. N. Blowers,
Judge of the County Court of Hood
River County, Oregon, with the seal of
said Court affixed, this 22nd day of
March, 1919.
Attest : E. E. Shoemaker,
County Clerk,
(Seal) By Kent Shoemaker,
m27a24 Deputy.
Highest cash price paid for your nspd
furniture, stoves and rugs. Call NfcClain
at E. A. r ranz Co. i2()if
Wholesale and Retail
A complete stock of
together with our ser
.vice, makes this an
ideal place to pur
chase your tire re
quirements. DeWITT MOTOR CO.
Victory Gardeners
Get Busy
. We have SEEDS for planting and PROVISIONS to
satisfy that appetite that work in the open will bring you.
Yours for success in the coming Victory Loan,
If up to you
says Sandv to
Jock MacPherson
"If it's thick, heavy
6vveeteningyou want
stick to your ordin
ary plug. But for
real tobacco satis
faction, you've got
to come to good old
Good taste, smaller
chew, longer life iswhat
makes Genuine Grave
ly cost less to chew than
ordinary plug.
Write Io:
Genuine Gravely
for booklet an chewint plug.
Peyton Brand
Plug packed in pouch