The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 20, 1919, Image 7

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. I I 1 I I V I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 i 1 i, t,
H. L. H.vhrorirk, Optometrist,
l-orl d,w- ti-it;- . ... ... t
i.iiotiiui!.. Tel. 3oU.
Films, Cam., Photo Supplie ! Cantiehl Co. lS.,j
Jude lerby was a business visitor'
111 I'urtlar.d the first of the week. i
V. J. Fill was a business visitor
i on iHnii me nrst of the w eek
Miss Minnie L. Munner was in Port
land the first of the week on business.
O. F. Turner was here from Wveth
on business last week.
M. Osterjrard was up from
tin- first of the week on business.
Bessie Karriscale is at the Liberty
today. J
Mr. and Mr?. J. C. Butcher are vis
iting Portland friends this week.
Mrs. Maude Shoemaker has left for
Portland to take a commercial course.
F. A. Countryman is again a patient
at the Cottage hospital.
A. W. Peters was a business visitor
in Portland the first of the week.
VV. 1$. Hrazeau was a business visit
or in Portland last week.
.1. W. West has returned from Port
bind, where he has beert on business for
the past several days.
Mr. and Mrs. J.'F. ItatcheMer have
returned from a visit with friends in
Itr. Carolyn Underbill was
land over the week end
in IVrt-
After a visit with relatives and
friends in Iowa points, Mr. and Mrs. F.
S. Smith have returned home.
Just received, a special shipment of
coats, capes, suits and 'dresses. Mon
iter's. (iet your Pictures lleveloped and
l ini-lod by us. Kxpert work, 24 hour
ser ice. Slocom, Cantield Co. inS-tf
lr. John U. Westorvelt, Hentist, has
U-turned and opened bis otlice in the
Morgan bid,:, tel. .Main :0so, Portland.
I have taken the agency for the Spir
eilu Corset. Call at Uuclow Tutlor Shop.
Mrs. Kmi Ittielow , Hood Itivcr, Or. tl
Highest cash price paid for your used
furniture, stovesand riijfs. Call McCluin
at K. A. Fran. Co. fL'tltf
Fyes Hcientitically examined by H. I.,
Ilasbroiick, Optometrist, lleilbronner
Hid. fH-if
Ralph l.araway, of Eugene, was
litre Monday tor a short visit with his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. VV. F. l.araway.
W. II. Jones, who is now residing in
Tacoma, was here the fust of the week
on business.
Miss Elsa Salquist, sister of Mrs.
(leore Mellon, is now located at the
Keir drug store.
( orbett Alexander, member of the Regiment, is now w ith the DeWitt
Motor Car Co.
M. I,. Howard was here from Port
land the first of the week visiting the
t'amliy of his son, Fred J. Howard.
Just received a special shipment of
corts, capes, suits and dresses. Mon
ner's. Miss Dorothy Wissintfer has been
visiting her parents at Milwaukie the
past week.
Mrs. S. J. Moore yesterday pur
chased a Chevrolet car from the Hood
Liver (iarage.
Mrs. VV. K. Shay returned Saturday
from Hot Lake, where she had been
spending ten days on a vacation.
C. C. Casey, accompanied by his son
ami (Ilibert Kile, was here on business
from Parkdale Saturday.
Dorothy Phillips in ' The Talk of the
Town" at the Liberty next Monday
and Tuesday is a dandy picture.
J. II. Lausmann last week purchased
a handsome new Nash touring car
from the Hood Kiver Garage.
Mrs. Clarence lirown has been here
from Portland visiting the family of
her father, A. C. btevens.
Virginia, little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Sallenbuch is a patient at
the Cottage hospital.
Hood Kiver Odd Fellows and Kebek
ahs participated in a pleasant social at
Odd Fellows hall last night
Mrs. II. K. Ward is recovering from
an operation at the Cottage hospital
lat. week.
1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The New Suits, Coats,
be Here
of this wt-ck, MARCH 21 and 22. A generous nssortrnert of the
very newest styles and best makes of the new seasons oHenngs, at
remarkably low prices ma.le possible by our commission plan.
The New Garments are Beauties
and include all the new features t his se()n- Am oQcr'3
.Kersey and Serge, all in the new colors.
.u I-o"t.who was a patient at
the U,ttage he spital, was able to re
turn to his home last week.
w- -
rriaay rd Saturday of
Norrxa TalmaJge will bi
"Chocts of Yesterdav."
next week
seen in i
W anted irsms to haul lumrT from
1 11 to ll 4 Kivt-r at It.iX) per loon feet.
nr ..i. 11 V V oricti'Uctloll (, 1
t te ne
ollr taint stnd oftoer naiiU t.
Hunt Paint A Wall
t aper I o., ho ill
i.tke care ot fn.ii u ..ii !....,
OMi- ' jvAlt't
. H. M. Hamlin, i.f Underwood, was
in the city last week on business. Mr.
Hamlin and family spent the winter in
southern California.
James Davidson, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Mcintosh, motored down
from Mount Hood the latter part of
last week.
Iouglas Lockman, who has been en
gage! m shipyard work in Portland,
arrived last week for a visit with rela
tives and friends.
Jesse Davidson drove down from his
mount tiood ranch the latter part of
last week to attend to business and
visit relatives and fiiends.
Ira George, who has l-en viitino in
California and Arizona, has returred
here and is again with his father, H.
S. George at the Electric Kitchen.
Accomoanied bv Mr VV v n...
Ijtrchmutt, little Irwin Crew was up
from Portland over the week end vis
iting his father, C. C. Crew.
The Mission Circle cf the Baptist
church will meet with Mrs. Marshall
Hill at her home on the Heights this
Searches of records and reliable ah
stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com
pany, a. V. Ontbank, Manager, .r
Oak Street. Phone 1.S2I. iv'JO-tf
The members of the B. Y. P. If. of
the Baptist church will conduc t lmk
sales each Saturday at the old Blue
Ribbon Bakery on 12th street.
W anted teams to haul lumber from
Fir to Hood Kiver at per WOO feet.
Fir Mill A Construction Co., Telephone
3-2. 11,2(1
Mrs. C. Bridires. whn recently un
derwent an operation for BMiendicitis
has returned from the hospital to her
home, wheie she is convalescing.
M. 0. Boe, who underwent a minor
operation at the Cottage hospital last
week has returned to his home in the
Upper Valley.
Jack, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. P. Hitchcock, underwent an oper
tion opeiation at the Cottage hospital
last Saturday for removal of tonsils.
H. P. Allen, who
has been doing '
past week, came !
federal jury duty the
home Saturday, returning to Portland
G. W. Marshall, an Imbler orchard-
1st, was here the latter part of last : l'unty agency for the tire concern's
week visiting friends and attending to i products. s
matters of business. I The Hood Kiver Garage has just sold
Mrs. Leonard Armstrong was up
from Portland the first of the week
visiting fiiends. Her husband is in
France with the expeditionary forces.
Albert J. Davenport, of the Filz
meat market, is ill at his home on
Cascade avenue, suffering from the
effects of a recent attack of influenza.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Page and son,
Bernard, have moved from the city,
where they spent the winter, to their !
East Side place.
After an extended visit to Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Ramsey have re
turned to their place in the Belmont
E. Goss was in Portland last week
on business and to attend the sessions
of the Nationl Rabbit Fanciers' Asso
ciation. Acting on an order from the city
council, P. L. Manser has placed neat
signs along the Columbia Highway
through the city.
The St. Mark's Guild will meet to
morrow afternoon at 2.;iO o'clock with
Mrs. J. W. Crites. Mrs. Lulu Cran
dall, of The Dalles, will be the guest
of the Guild at the meeting.
Accompanied by George Morrison,
just home from overseas duty, W. K.
Furnish mctored here over the High
way for a visit with his sister, Mrs.
S. J. Moore, and family.
Subscriptions for all magazines taken
at any time. Look over your list-" and
allow me to make your renewals for
your favorite publications, Prompt scr
vice Mrs.J. K. Carson, Tel. .'i2MI. f.'utf
and Dresses
The New Styles Reflect
the Joyous Peace Time Note
ore unite different from tlic somber war
tt l.ieli l.uve nrevniled dnrinu the lnet
vcr Yon will like the change. Our c.
sioiphm makes lower price? poHsibl,-,
, .. wide niiiire of colors and st
choose' from and everyone different, only one
kind, and nil sizes in the lot.
These Garments Will Be Here
Whether you buy or not you are welcome to come, we want you to
The Royal Tailors for Men
Made to Measure Suits
Mrs. Geo. C Gladden is making a
steady improvement frcm a severe at
tack of pneumonia at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mr. V. F. i.des.
in Oak Grove.
Dr. C. G. Black, of Pon.eroy. Wash.,
was here the first of the tek visiting
M. M. Hill. Dr. Black accompanied
Mr. Hill from Portland over the High
way. Mrs. D. G. Cruikshank. called to
Tacoma several weeks ago because of
I the serious illness of a brother sutfer-
itig from pneumonia, has returned
home. Her brother is convalescing,
j A. L. Bennett, w ho has been with
the J C. Pennev Co. here, has returned
to The Dalles, to take charge cf the
store here. R. K. In. bier succeeds Mr.
Bennett here.
W. M. Cooper, in charge of the'
Hood River county fi rest range, w as
here from Parkdale over the week end
visiting friends and attending to niat-i
ters of business.
The Parent-Teacher Association of !
the Barrett district will meet Friday, !
March 21, at ". p. m. Prof. Bailey,
of the Hood Kiver high school, and!
, others, will sjieak.
Leslie Newton, formerly in the can
' rtery business here with his father. J. '
K. Newton, was up last week from!
Portland, where he and his family
S have resided the past winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Spencer and
son, Walter, motoring here over 'the
Highway from Portland, spent the
: week end the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
: Bart G. Davidson.
Mr. ard Mrs. F. M. Cox arrived
Sunday from Chicago to look' after
: property interests. Mr. Cox, a promi
! ner.t attorney of Chicago, ow ns a
handsome Odell orchard place.
j J. M. Bedford, who has been in Port
land in shipyards work, has returned to
his home here. He has been working
at the Howell Bros, blacksmith shop
; the past week.
William Woud, who has been playing
at the Sunset in Portland, is again at
; the piano at the Liberty. "Portland
: is bigger, but not better than Hood
i Kiver," says the organist of the Lib
! erty.
Mrs. Leroy Childs and children have
returned from Kedlands, Calif., where
! they spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs.
Childs will make their home on the
! Spring Villa ranch of Ira E. Willaims
j on Alameda Way.
; Mrs L. M. Bentley has been the hos
; tesB this week of Mrs, Bertha Drew
, Gillman, of Heppner, president of the
Department of Oregon, W. K. C, and
! Mrs. Minnie Horseman, of Portland.
department secretary,
P. F. Follen a representative of the
Lion lire Co. was here the latter part
of last week visiting the Heights Ga
rage, which has taken the Hood Kiver
Nash touring cars to Chas. Plog ard
1 C. C. Anderson. It was necessary for
I E. E. Brett to make a hurried trip to
Portland Tuesday for another of the
! popular cars.
1 Mrs. Flora Hartley arrived from
i Portland last week for a visit with
! friends and to attend to matters of
! businesH. Her daughter. Miss Kather
I ine Hartley, will graduate this semes-
ter ft"m iht University of Oregon
Robert Iiarr, who arrived here Sun
i day from Camp Lewis, where he was
mustered out of the (Wth Regiment af-
' ter a visit with his sister, Mrs. George
Ertle, left Monday for his home in the
Middle Valley.
Thirty members of Idlewilde Lodge,
I. 0. 0. F., visited Cascade Locks
Monday night and conducted the initia
; tion of a class of nine candidates
there. The local lodge members were
tendered a banquet by the Locks lodge.
Fred Stevens, who has been spend
ing the winter in Portland, while en
loute back to Condon, where he has
large ranching interests, has been here
the pust week the guest of his brother,
: A. C. Stevens, and family.
C. C. Hutcliins, secretary of the
White Salmon Commercial club and
I good roads apostle, while here Satur
day, announced that a crew of engin
eers was now engaged in Klickitat
j county running a survey of the North
I Bank Highway east from the White
Salmon river. The Highway, except
for a stretch between Cooks and Car
son, in Skamania county, has been
Hutcliins, whose
iii mis- 1
it also
les to
of a
Molden-Huelat-Satter Co.
(The House of Personal Service)
TIintIAY. MAIUH 20. 101f
Everyday Suiting, Portland 9Q M. F. C. Ginghams, Port- OQf Zeuher Ginghams, Pott- AO
price 50c, our price WWW janj price 35 our prjce LOU .inj pr;ce --K oU1. , ;a, tuU
Japanese Crepes, Portland AQf Admiration Voiles, Port- 7Qp Brentwood Voiles, Port- CO
price 0V, our price land price $1, our price . wl land price nV, twr price DwC
Greenhood Sport Shirts. American Khai Kahi pants Rough and Peadv Shirts,
Portland price $2.00, 4 JQ Portland price $2, our Crt Portland price .1.2-". our QO
ourprige I to prjce I WU prja wOl
Mens Furnishings
are Cheaper Here
is photography, has taken a number of
mid-Columbia scenic points in the past
several years. He will exhibit his pic
tures here at the Kresse drug store
soon. Mr. Hutching contemplates a
book of views to advertise the mid
Columbia scenery to touring motorists.
The Liberty will present "The Heart
of Humanity," the picture that has
astounded the show going public of
America, soon. Dorotny Phillips, who
plays the leading role, startled the
critics with her wonderful rendition.
Watch for it.
The Gilbert Motor Car Co. last week
ordered 11 new Oldsmobile automo
biles. Both runabouts and touring
cars of the handsome and popular
make of machines are already arriv
ing, and Mr. Gilbert announces that a
demonstrator will be here soon.
Howard Cooper writes his parents
that he has just sailed for Europe as
warrant ollicer aboard the S. S. Pow
hatan, one of the large German ships
now used as a transport. Young Coo
per has just finished a course of study
at the naval academy at Hoboken.N.J.
Afeomnumed hv Mrs. k'nlKkern fliui
; his son Capt. E. L. Kniskem, who has
been stationed with the Medical Corps
at Fort Worden, was here the first of
the week visiting Mrs. Kniskern's
father, Leslie Butler. Capt. Kniskern
is en route to Michigan with his fam
ily to attend to business.
A. J. Graham is removing his Ed V.
Price agency this week from the Heil
bronner building to the quarters to be
occupied by G. E. (.Corson with bis
music store in the old Red Cross head
quarters. Mr. Graham will, in addi
tion to conducting his tailoring head
quarters, assist Mr. Corson in conduct
ing the music store.
Mrs. V. C. Brock, who has been
with Mr. Brock at (London, where the
latter Jwas engaged in appraisals for
the Spokane State Land Bank, writes
that she will leave soon for Seattle to
join her daughter, Miss Lillian, who is
in the Sound City taking a special
course in music. Miss Brock is spe
cializing in pipe-organ music.
Miss Lucille Wittenberg, after an
eight weeks' illness at the Cottage
hospital, has returned home, where
she is convalescing. "Our daughter
was very ill." says her father. S. C.
Wittenberg. "We feel very grateful j
to our physician and the nurses of the !
hospital for the excellent care they j
gave her." !
Local friends have received news!
from W. H. Walton, formerly editor j
and joint publisher of the Hood River j
News, who recently resigned the edi-1
torship of the Baker Herald, that he
has accepted the editorship of Better
ULUi m mr" n 4-4 c-N-RAVLIN
r-, j rrxt jj l l-L - -r - Tr Reliable Real Estate
P. tJ-;J 7t$:i h( j UjJNr3- Heilbronner Building Hood River, Oregon
pm w vwt sc-k.
Watch This Store for Real
Fruit, now published in Portland in the
interest of the northwestern fruit in
dustry. Mr. Walton was at one time
connected with Better Fruit when it
was published here by the late E. 11.
Mrs. Ashley Wilson, en route to Spo
kane, where Mr. Wilson will represent
the White Motor Car Co., was here last
week visiting friends. Mr. Wilson,
formerly superintendtnt of the Mount
Hood R. R. Co., has been residing with
his family in San Francisco, having
been stationed there with the motor
car concern.
The DeWitt Motor Company reports
the following sales and deliveries dur
ing the past week : Ford trucks to
Geo. Haslinger and Fred Puasch ; Ford
touring cats to H. C. Cutler and Glenn
Shoemaker; Ford runabout to W. S.
Hull and Fordson tractor to E.J R.
S. R. Sorenson, who has been w ith
Columbia river steamboat lines for
many years, has arrived here to suc
ceed L. U. Lethbridge as agent for the
Dulles-Columbia line. The line is now
operating a night service, which will
make possible the shipment of small
fruits and berries here to arrive by the
next morning for Portland markets.
Hot and Cold Lunches
Candies Ice Cream
Hot Drinks
Soda Fountain
The Ideal Ladies. Tailors
Made to Measure Garments
, The Chevrolet One-Ton Truck wa brought ilk
1 eg out bv the Chevrolet Motor Comoiinv, one
Bf of the foremost manufacturers of nutonio- &
fa " biles, to meet the need for a substantial,
well built truck that crmld bo depended 1ft
tl upon for constant service at uniformly low la
V cost for maintenance. In every r'pe. t the M
i has fulfilled its mission, It has enabled its ow tiers to speed
nn Hiid svstcmatize their delivery serviees'and to handle :t
Values on Reliable Goods
Dr. E. O. Dutro has removed his
otlice from his old quarters in the Hall
building to the rooms formerly occu
pied by Better Fruit. Dr. Dutro says
the report that he will move from
Odell to Hood River is an error, prob
ably arising by his decision to iiev to
more attention in thefuture to ket p
ing his office hours promptly.
Miss Gladys Reavis, has accepted a
position at the office of the Pacific
Power & Light Co. She had been sub
stituting at the post oltice for Sgt.
Wm. Bailey, who, according to news
just received, has been discharged at
an eastern cantonment. He was
Will opt'ii i tirst-t l.iss Point .Sttuo hoioon
Apiil iM ami w ill liaiulk-
Paints, Varnishes, Oils
Wall Paper
All contracts and work absolutely tiaiantccd
Residence: Ml. HOOD HO ILL. I olephone, 1421
Store will Be located in old l.nterpilsv ottke on
loimii s i ki i i
just back of Consolidated Menantile Co.
$4,(10(1 fur acres, four miles out on the west side.
Splendid red shot soil. Fifteen acres in cultivation. Most
of the balance easily cleared. Thrco acre of rich bottom
.11 III
and alone l'helps creek.
story barn. Spring water. Will make a tine strawberry
proposition. This belonjrs to a non-resident owner and can
be had on very liberal terms. $.r)i)0 down and balance in
ten years.
1 also have what I consider to be absolutely the best
seven acre orchard and home in the entire valley, elose in.
a proven producer, in an ideal situation. Trees in perfect
condition and good buildings. $7,5(10. I can assure you
this is a tine "buy" at the price.
I larger volume of bus'iness at less F.vpense. it
I'l ice, w ith Ixtdv, si-post top and ctittiiin.-, I .T.'lo ; Tnn k mm
with IxHly" l,ltiti; Clmsiis, l,ri : f.o.l, Ib.od Liver j ,
New Wash Goods
at Big Sayings
transferred from the ;Hh Regiment,
shortly after that unit arrived from
The Youi.g People's Society of the
Baptist church has arranged for a ser
ies of Sunday evening addresses by
representative men of different valley
professions. Ti.e forums w ill be opcred
Sunday eenii:g by an address from L.
B. (ob-on. R. V. Wright and W. R.
1'a.iey base been schem.led for speech
es. .Indue Wilson, of The Dalit s, has
been inv ited hs a speaker of the forum.
A speaker will iilso be supplied by the
Portland Y. M. C. A. for one of the
Fnic room house and i:ood two-