I.'! i i i 1 hi Hi!! Pi' Ml Horn. kivi;i; ulai il l;. 1111 i:ia. im:ci:m :v,. umn ' it V . - ; 3. SI 1 . I -fT -:. - 1 sl ? -; " . .- - v 1y ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES When in need f an Kleetrieal Appliance f any kind, it is to your benefit to it at the ELECTRIC SHOP. We m;.intain our business on the main street, where it is convenient for all. Remember that when buyir.ir Electrical Appliances it should be worth something to know that we stand behind our joods. We can explain how t.) use them and we maintain a repair department where such appliances can be kept in repair. We are members of the National Contractors' Association and receive all the latest infermation on electrical matters, which enables us to keep ri.uht up to date. Those who buy Electrical Appliances of us will get just as good service as can be given in Portland or any other oil v. WE ARE AGENTS FOR MAZDA LAMPS The Light that Turned S'ight into Day. IT GIVES THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT WiTH THE SMALLEST CONSUMPTION OF JUICE AGENTS FOR EDISON MAZDA LAMPS J YEARS OF EXPERIENCE We do all our own work and our many years of experience enables us to give expert, dependa ble service. Also we maintain two autos and our country patrons are given as prompt service as those living in the city. We carry a complete and up to date line of Electrical Devices and as we are practical Elec tricians, we can give to our patrons any service which may be needed in installing and operating these devices. See Us For Electrical Installation and Repair Work Of All Kinds MOT HLEOIIC 0J E. S. COLBSf, Manager PHONE 1484 "We Helped Put the Cobwebs Across the Firehouse Door" 214 OAK ST., HOOD RIVER ! WISH OM AND Al l. or mi iM.oiM i. or hood rivi u coumy and llll. SI kkoi NDiNG MID-COl i'MBI A Happy and Prosperous New Year STANLEY SMITH LUMBER CO. HAVK ,11. 'ST lWKlYKI) A CAR OF Finish Lumber, Lath Shingles Sash and Doors We a iv ruv.v in a position to furnish all Your iVqilllVllH'ntS. Roofing Paper c u : i ; i r i ' in v'm'K STANLEY SMITH LUMBER CO. CROWN FLOUR MARK THE BEST BREAD TAFT TRANSFER CO. HOOD RIVER. ORE. FRANKTON. ! The FiMir l.i;nf Cluvrr ClnW Furjirist"! Mrs. K ilicit (im riihi nut Thiu s. iav with i a Kiicnn mnwer. A very iUiisaii Ht'iTnuiinli iind lt'!;"ions lunrli were en j'er iw those prt'etit. S. I., ("nniriitor. uhn tiHS tit'pii cm plny'. nil (ho Higtmuy U,r sevevnl : wcfkx. I; It fur linker S:ituriliy even- ( itit; to ln.)i after smne nnnes in which t he is iiil' i -.'steil. , S Inn I , MFeil Huain last week, imt so j much tl.e refill, of t!u hs fear of the i same, oiie room having an atte,l:ince ' ot tKe piiuls. So far we have heeo : m alile to locate one cne of in!'uenz:i in the ilistrict. Mrs. Thos. Calkin-1,, who has hetn vi.Mtini; in I'ortlaru) for several (lavs, relumed home Thursday. .1. H. Niekelsen visite'l Cascade Locks last Mot, day, inspei tinu the had (daces on U;e Highway en route. Mr. Hayes and family, who have been hvmn on tne Scott I'.oornian l:ice, have rooved into tow n for the winter. We hear Mrs. Harold rdackman, one of the teachers, is ill in town wilhj ii, Ihleza. I'hll'ord Dunn, assistant state High way engineer,, was heie Wednesday looking over th; woik Ihmmu done. At picsent the Highway is blocked ley a hii; slide hetween Sonny and Vienio. The road is effectually closed to traffic and it. will take several weeks to jr.-t it open for travel. Roy lCamshy is takinn advantage if the frozen roads to haul the last, of his crop from the1 Kiverside ranch. Adam Schmoker was home over Sun day. Cpl. Ivan Schere came home last Thursday after having been musteted out of service. ,1. O. Kastman was in town Tuesday and Wednesday last week serving on the jury. PINE GROVE Mrs. Kva Swantson, of Devil's Lake, N. 1)., arrived last week to sjiend the winter with her sister, Mrs. J.O. Maik. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hosick are spending the holidays in l'ortland. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wuest and family spent, the earlv part id' the week witii relatives in Tort land. Miss Ida Tumey, of the I'niversitv at Kugene, arrived at 1'. H. I.i.raway's last week for the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. A. (j. I.eis have moved to Hood Kivtr for the winter. The Red Cross will meet as usual next week Thursday. A large attend ance is desired. Misses Marguerite Ferrin and Lottie Kinnaird are ill with inlluenzu at Mon mouth Normal school. The Sunday school entertainment w as well attended Sunday evening. The children rendered a wry pleasing pro gram, and the collection for the Ar menian and Syrian relief fund amol nt ed to $4".oti. PARKDALE Mrs. ,1. M. Hemmon arrived home from Wytth Saturday evening for a week's stay during her vacation. Mrs. Everett Rrown left Saturday for l'ortland to spend the h dulays w ith her parents. Mrs. K. H. Harris was a Hood River visitor SHtuiday. The farmers of the Valley Crest dis trict are I. f itting their road In a good coat of g revel. Ralph D.tvis and family motored to Hood River Saturday. A. M. Kelley is haung his saw mi!! moved from the Middle Valley to 1'arkr dale and intends to install il in pin -e of tiie ( lie which buried last fall. Aithur Rabson is reported on the si, k list this week. Trie yoU'.g folks of the Valley Crest disrln t are having gay times no' coast ing. The last carload of potatoes wss shipped for the sea on last week.wiiii b was the ISt h car. There are about six carloads left to be sh pped next spring. AT THE LIBERTY I oday Ch.'istmas morning at Id :) a big free show for the kid lies with Douglas Fairbanks in a five reel drama and Fatty Arbuckle in a to reel coined v. Ail children admitted free, adults Usu al pi ices. At the regular hours Wednesday at t Thursday we give the show you have, been asking for as a special Cl.ri-tm program. Wallnc-e Real in "The Firtliy id' France," taken from the story i f the same rame. This is positively one of the be-t pictures Mr. Real has ever made. Aiso a two reel Mack Sennelt comedy, ' Ladies First." "Firefly of France" has been billed here twice, but wai cancelled bow times on account of tin. Remember the dates and be sure to Fee it. 1" and 'Jo cents. Friday and Saturday Win. S. Hart in "Selfish Yates." Also an Uiti.Mal Allied War Review. Sunday Ileaut.fui lllmlys Leslie in "The Soap (hid," a w himsical little ecniedv drama of high society life. Also two Big V comedies, "Stiipes and Stars," and "Wild Women and Wild Waves." Monday and Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Chariie Chaplin will be seen on the same bill. Think of it, the win Id's greatest comedian and his bride each in a screen offering. Mrs. .Chaplin will be seen in the cleverest screen drama of the year, entitled ; "For Husbands Only." Mother can come if father will bring her, but : watch father or he will he here alone. ChnrLe Chaplin will he seen in a two j reel Mutual Chaplin comedy. An Ani .mated Weekly will also be shown on j I he same bill. Nine big reels, 20 and ;.' cents. I Darwin Wood nt the organ. OBITUARY Local friends have received news of the death of Ira W. White, former local resident, at, Vancouver, from pneu monia, following influenza. Mr. White, aged was born in Fox Valley. In llio.f he was married to Miss Vesta I'arker. who. with two small sons, sur ies him. Mr. White was a member of the United Hrethren church, and a man of noble character, he left many ' friends. I Mrs. ,1. W. Rigby has received a 1 telegram announcing the death Sunday I of her son, Rev. Samuel W. Kemcrer, at Camp Travis, San Antonio, Tex., where he was stationed hj secretary at a Y. M. C. A. hv it. Rev. Ken e'er's death was caused by pneumonia, si.. uei induced by influenza. The body will be .shtppi4t M Minnenpilis, where in terment will lake place at l.akewoni eenu tt t y The funeral tei vices of Mrs. Virgil Rower, w ho sin-, omhed to pneumonia follow ing ii t! .: i,. a, were held al tin nderson chapel last Fliday, Rev Lewellen ofliciatb g. Interment fol lowed at ldlt wilde cemetery. Mr Rower is surv,ed hv her husband an4. I three children. Her paients, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Radt r, of W illoiighby, U., arrived here for the funeral. j Jacob Merle, aged -IT years, one of the stale's best known mechanics, died 1 suddenly Saturday afternoon at d o'clock. Mr. Merle, while at work at the First slreii garage operated by him and Kl l'oiist, was strickin at It o'clock. A physician had attended him and his friend, Frank Stanton, wa. wilh him. It was thought he was on the way to recovery. Following a slight exertion he passed away before Mr. Stanton could summon aid. Mr. Merle's body has been shipo.'d by S K. Ilartmess to Syracuse, N. Y.. for inteiruent. Mr. Merle's family resided there. lnlliienza claimed two children of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. White Saturday even ing. Little Irma Rebecca llamelt, aged seven years, died earlv in the t veiling. ( larence Harnett, aged 11 years, died three hours later. Their 1 mother is ill. Roth the children were known throughout the neighborhood for their courtesy arid cheery smiles. The com munity has not w itnessed sadder deaths 1 than theirs. Funeral services were conducted al i the grave at Idlewilde cemetery Tues day afternoon, an elder of the Church of Christ. Latter Day Saints, olliciat- , ing. Funeral services for Mrs. Tola F.by, wife of F. (!. Fhy, of Sacramento, Calif , were held here Monday at the Anih-rsi n ( haptl, interment following at lo I. wilde cemetery. Rev. J. D. . I.ewelltn ( fficialed at the funeral ser vices. Mrs. Eby, who was 47 years old, was hrre vi iting her brother, J. H. Shull. She was in ill health, and the trip ; n..r(h was made in hones that she I would be benefited. The following other brothers survive: Hugh and R. F. Shull, of Wasco, and E. ('.. Shull, of i l'ortland. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kind words of sym pathy and assistance during our recent bereavement at the time of the death of our wife, mother and daughter. Es pecially do we wish to express our sin cere appreciation of the aid and com fort given us by (he Odd Fellows and Rebekahs and Rev. Lewellen. V. A. Rower and Children, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. b. Rader. &ibin Made Administrator R. L. Sabin, of l'ortland, has been appointed administrator of the estates of Mr. and Mrs. Hosmer K. Arnold, both of whom recently died with Span ish inrlenza. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold are survived by three small children. The value of the two estates left is placed Ht approximately $30,(Ni0, a part of it valuable West Side orchard property. Don't Ruin a Good Battery this Winter IF you put up your car for the winter, don't make the mistake of leaving the battery in it. It may mean the ruin of the hattery. Why take a chance when for a nominal charge we will take the proper care of your hat tery during the winter, and have it ready for you when you want it in the spring. If you drive your car during the winter, stop in or write us for information on the tare you should give your hattery. Careful, 'Courteous Inspection and Square-Deal Repair Ser vice on any battery of any make. lakin Electric Works 115 Third Street PHONE 2712 HOOD RIVER, OREGON Turkeys Wanted Live or dressed, or any kind of poultry. Good de mand for large Potatoes. We want a lot of apples, Spitz, Jonathans, Northern Spy, or any good cooking or eating Apple. Send us a sample shipment, packed or orchard run. Can also handle some dried apples and prunes. Send sample. BOGGESS & CO. Phone : Main 2818 Capital Stock, $20,000. 151 Front St.. Portland