Hi . . nuui m i:it nLviimt innisDAY, i)Kf'KMm:i: :. ims tili H-I i I i I i I i,.;-: t . r,i... : , " . "' I '"" ' . " "" " " "" I BRIEF LOCAL MENTION 1 ! " " I ' T I t 1 I I Hi I l-H-t-fr? H. 1- Ha-brmrk, Oft -.inrtri-t, h..e made or repair! at .tvn t ,r' C" Calkins visited relatives bi d friends, in Portland last week eua rocKelt w as a visitor tn I v rtlantl and ler.to recently , t,r--,,C- .H-.Jj-r.kin3 and family have been ill with influenza. Miss Catherine Stewart has been ill uie past week. ,. v..... ... .. I. . " ll.'iisi- Pias'er tor :.Ue ellv Bros. mtlif work and pt.one Hoi. r..rli- .1 paiiititur, cal.iiuining. Tel. MoH sign Harvey Hutson was a business visit- tr in Portland last week. I'. E. Scott was visitor in 1'ortiand. a recti, t business K. P. Bennett is now engaged as ed itor of The Dalles Chronicle-. A. A. I.ausrnarm has been ill at hip home w ith influenza. Mr. aid Mrs. O. I'. Dabney have left fur California to s'ml the winter. Mrs. Jessie M. Bishop is in I'ortland spendng the holidays w ith.rt datives. Miss Helen Teal has left for I'ortland to spend the winter. Mrs. C. 0. Huelat has been ill with influenza. 1 1 y-mr shoes have t'HTii to .lolir.sfrt. gonn wroug .ak U rn. S. Hart at the Liberty Friday and Saturday. C. A. Hell was a business visitor in I'ortland the latter part of last week. Happy New Year to all Howl Kiver people Reed-French 1'iano Co. Mr. anil Mrs. C. W. McCullagh spent yesterday in I'ortland visiting friends. I'- Yumibe, of Dee, was in the city the first of the wte'i shopping. R. W. Kelly is spending the holidays with friends and relatives in Oregon City. Guy Walker, w ho has been stationed at Aberdeen, has returned home, hav ing been mustered out of the service. Fycs scientifically examined by U. I,. Ilnshrotick, Optometrist. Ileilbronner Hide fH.,( Our Final Offer for 1918 Something You Will Long Remember the Old Year For Uye New Year is coming and it promises to be the best year this country has ever experienced. We have much to be thankful for and a great deal to look forward to, and we want to be ready for it. Our Sale five days of the old year at very low FiiicES. in f act lower than the present wholesale cost, and now that Christmas is over, you can take a little time to look after your own personal needs. You can supply your needs here and save real money Below are just a few of the many good things we are selling now for less: Men's Heavy Wool Union Suits Bovs' Heavy (Jrcv Wool Sweaters Ladies' Fleeced Union Suits $3.95 $2.95 98 Mens y(M process Shirts & Drawers Boys' Worsted Jerseys, Navy and Ladies' Outinjr Flannel Petticoats 98 fJrey, 98 89 Men's Winter Weight Union Suits Boys' School Hats and Caps Ladies' Silk and Crepe Kimonas $1.45 23 $1.38 up Men's Heavy drey Wool Shirts Bovs' Natural Grey Union Suits Ladies' Dress Shoes, hroken Lines $2.95 $1.67 $3.95 Men's Grey Flannel Military Shirts Bvs' All Leather School Shoes Ladies' Outing Gowns, White and $1,95 $2.65 Colored, $1.19 up Men's Cravenetted Wool Overcoats Bivs' Heavv All Wool Overcoats Heavy White Outing Flannel $17.75 up $4.95 23 See Our Table of Samples Kimonas, Knit Goods, Hose, Etc. (These The House of Personal Service Wish Filled We X? With those who are looking forward so eagerly to greet and welcome the returning soldier member of the family, we, too, rejoice. Welcome the soldier with warm words of praise and cheer, av Mrs. EuVar Franz is able to ner an attack of inrtuei za. M- Yasisi n 1 family re light cases of i.-.ttuerza with Mrs. A. W. Bishop and children have moved u. Portland to join Mr. Bishop f ir the wi: ttr. i Juve taken thelu, ncv f .r the "ha Corset. Cab at liud.', Tailor? Mrs. Kari Bueb.w. I! i U:tr, i r -nir- b p tl . Highlit I'Ash price (Hlid t',,r y,,r turn!ture,sti.y..e:,n-Jr'ws. Call M.-Cl:-.ti it h A. rran C... f.n-i M.sy-e Nellie and Nettie I'latt, :t the I pier Valley, have left for south ern California to spend the winter. Js- Henderson, H.stmaster at Cas cade Locks, was here Saturday on bus n:e?s. H. L. Howe was in I'ortland recently to attend a meeting of the Sheiks, an order of the A. O. U. W. A REAL BARGAIN in tine State St. residence. This must go at once. See me today. C. D. Nukelsen. y Fresh ground tjr.ilcini, whole wheat Hour ana corn meal at Kelly Bros', warehouse. nl-tf Jerry Christner is in Seattle, spend ing the holidays with his daughter, Mrs. C. J. Ke? trier, Jr. Mrs. .1. W. Forbes and daughter. Miss Helen, returned last week after a visit with friends in Portland. Miss Alice Younir left last week f, r Portland for a visit with relatives and i tnends. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hosick left Sat urday for Portland, where they will spend several weeks. Joe (1. Vogt spent Christmas in The Dalles with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vott. Wauna Temple, Pythian Sisters, will meet in regular tessiun this evening. All memheis are ured to be present. Mrs. ("has. Foster, of Wyeth, was here last week, the truest of Mrs. A. M. Kelloj;if. Miss Mini Halvorsen is spending the holidays with friends and relatives in Portland. F. R. Pooley and family willjeave tomorrow for Philadelphia for a" visit with Mr. Pooley 's paients. Searches of records and reliable ab stracts made by Oregon Abstract Com pany, a. V. bnthank, Mauauer, :u5 Oak Street. Phone lV.'l. jv-'lt-tl has left us with a number of short lines of season able goods which we will close out these last are the het ot the new season s Moklen, Huelat, Sathcr Colrril J for All of You a New Year With Health, Happiness and Prosperity -and then, when he is ready ailable the work he left for that of defeating Germany, E. A. FRANZ CO. if "Jii .Mu-s Lottie Ainnhiru. n -firriii nnwTinrTTiiin"--iTTTni iimi ii w m i n mi mi mm mi imfWMriMTi nw Hi miiin wBTMFMimwMmwn:ri(Timnir Mi.-s Lottie Kinnaird, a studer of the Oregon State Normal at Mn-' r.iouth, bas been ill with influenza. Mrs. Chas. S'einhauser and children and Henry Steir.haustr have left for Pasadena, Cat., to spend the w inter. 0. T. Wedemeytr was up from Porf.-! land the latter part of lat week on business. City Marshal Frazier, who has been ill with a severe cold, is able to be on duty again. U.U1T PAYING RENT. I have fur sale or.e of the finest residence proper- : ties on State St., close in at a bargain. C. I). Nic.ieistn. )'l Miss Helen Davidson, w ho is teach ing in Sherman county, is here spend ing the holidays with her mother, Mrs. H. F. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. IloweS are spend ing the Christmas holidays with their daughter, Mrs. Elmer Lafferty, and family at Mosier. A SNAP in one of the finest resi dences on State St., close in. This property must he sold. Fasy terms. C. D. Nickelsen. j2 Miss Marion Howe is home from the Oregon State Normal at Monmouth spending the holidays w ith parents and friends. The comedy featuring Charlie Chap lin Monday and Tuesday is the saddest, funniest, most entertaining comedy of the year. Better than "A Dog's Life." Mrs. F. J. Nicholson has left for Fast Grand Forks, Minn., to join Mr. Nicholson for the winter. The latter is there engaged in railroad work. Sgt. Ralph Duval, who has been sta tioned at Vancouver with the spruce production division, has been mustered out and has returned here. , Mrs. A. VV. lsbell and daughter are at Hertniston, spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Strohm. Mrs. Fd Barton and children left lust Saturday for Portland where they w ill join Mr. Barton and make their home. Miss Helen Lewis, teacher of the Dukes Valley school, left last week to spend the Christmas vacation with her parents in Portland. Miss Ha Nichols, a student at the Universiy of Oregon, is home spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. VV. L. Nichols. production, ntvl sold at a liberal discount.) tor it, mate A 1919 will hold some mighty good news for FRANK A. CRAM. Miss Frances Castner is home from the Oregon Agricultural College spend ing the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Castner. Roger VV. Moe, stationed at Camp Lewis, is expected home on a furlough over New Years to visit hife parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moe, and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flagler and daughter, Miss Miriam, are spending the holidays visiting Portland friends and relatives. Mrs. James Gorton spent a part of last week at Wyeth with her sons. Mrs. Gorton is here for the winter, that her children may attend school. We extend to you May 1919 be a prosperous year for you all and bring all our Boys safely home. The Star Grocery "GOOD THINGS TO EAT" PERIGO & SON II cfe Sell MESS. FRANK A. CRAM Wishes you one and all Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Stlman Gassowuy, who has been at the University of Oregon, a member of the students' army training corps, lias returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Jacohsen, of Tacorna, are here viMtin their re spective parents and friends and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. I'aKt" and son, Bernard, have moved from their Kast Side raneh to the Howe apartments on Cascade avenue. Start the New Year riht and get a C.rafanola for the whole family's en tertainment at the new Keed French store in Red Cross headquarters. Julius Jaeolisen, of Whitman Col lege, Walla Walla, 'is home for the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mis. C. Jacobsen. Misses Frances Elizabeth and Kath ryn Baker are home from the Univers ity of Oregon spending the holidays w ith their father, J no. Baker. We have begun business with a rush. Let us supply you with a New Year's t;ift that will mean much to the whole family. Heed-French 1'iano Co. deo. Frey, who has been in training with the tanks corps at Gettysburg, Pa., has returned home, having been mustered out. '.'The Firefly of France," showing some of the best pictures of airplanes ever given, will lie seen at the Liberty today. Lionel Sohetky, who has been in an overseas aero siiuradron, has returned to New York, and is expected home for New Y'ears. Accompanied by his son, John Schet ky, who is stationed at Camp Lewis, U. L. Schetky arrived the first of the week from Vancouver, B. C, to spend the holidays with his family. M. Shigemitsu, Japanese consul at I'ortland, who has visited M. Yasui here, has left for Paris to represent his government at the peace confer ence. Mrs. J. E. Law and baby left last Thursday for Portland to spend the holidays with friends and relatives. Mr. Law joined them the first of this week. ('has. Hathbun, who has been en gaged in transporting a crew of tele phone linemen near Arlington, hHS ar rived home to spend Christmas with Mrs. Hathbun. Mrs. (ieo. Donahue and two children, of Minneapolis, Minn., are here the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Haas. They expect to remain for several weeks. Curtis Gould, who has been with the students' armv training corps at (). A. C, is spending the holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gould. He will return to college next year. Miss Annamae Chipping, who has been attending the University of Ore gon at Eugene, arrived last week to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chipping. Magazines are the best of Yuletide and New Year's gifts. Subscriptions for all of the high class publications taken. Prompt service. Give me your list. Mrs. J. K. Carson, Tel. 32.ht. Miss Maribeth Blagg has been at Wyeth, assisting her sister, Mrs. J. M. I'eminon, teacher there, in arrang ing Christmas programs at the Wyeth school. Walter Kresse, stationed at the Uni versity of Oregon Medical School as a member of the Naval Medical Reserve Corps, has arrived home for4the holi days. J. P. Aplin was in Carson, Wash., Sunday on business. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Aplin and son, Parr, spent Christ mas in Portland with relatives and friends. Mrs. Melinda Head left Saturday for Oregon City to spend the holidays with relatives. She expects her son, Bert Head, of Camp Lewis, to join her there on a furlough. R. J. Gilmore left last week for An telope for a visit, with relatives and friends. He declared that he was looking forward with much pleasure to hunting jackrabbits. ' We have money or Farm Loans with prepayment privileges, and cmi give yon. prompt service. Abstracts Insur ance and Surveying. Hood Kiver A li st met and Inv. Co. Phone l.'i'H. tf W. E. Nichol, who has been at an officers' training camp, has returned home. Mr. Nichol and his father, Or. W. S. Nichol, were here last week from Mosier. Neai Nunamaker, who has been at an officers' training camp at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., has returned to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nunamaker. Mrs. Flora Hartley left last week for Portland to meet her daughter, Miss Kathryn, a student of the Uni versity of Oregon, and spend the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunter are c n valescing from attacks of influenza. Their grandson, Eddie FTvans, has re covered from a severe attack of pneu monia. Percy Bucklin, who has been with the students' army training corps at the University of Oregon, bar, returned here and will resume his work at that the F"irst National Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mark ley have moved to Portland for the win ter. Mr. Mark ley. who is suffering from rheumatism, will receive treat ment in PciifllHiid. Mrs. Kent Shoemaker'was in Port land last week to meet her husband, Sgt. Shoemaker, who has arrived from Fort Canby, haviug,just been mustered out of the service. W. R. Smith has sold his transfer business to the Height Transfer Co. Mr. Smith has left for California for a visit. He expects to s e .d next sum mer in Alaska. A. V. and Robert l.ausmann have taken charge of the management of the Fir Lumber plant for the w inter. H. M. Sidney, owner of the plant, has left for California for the winter. Miss Fstelle Rich, formerly a teacher in the high school who is now teaching in Seattle, has been here spending the holidays with Mrs. E. C. Ifronaugh and Miss Kitty Bragg. Mrs. M. P. lensherg entertained all members of her family at her Belmont home yesterday. This reunion is an annual event. Mrs. Guy Harvey was here from Wamic to be with her moth er. The Ladies Aid of the Congregational church will meet in the church parlors Friday afternoon of this week at o.IKi o'clock. Home made doughnuts and coffee will be served. A good attend ance is hoped for. A marriage license was issued Mon day to Claude Britton to wed Miss Vio let Munger. The wedding will take place at the home of Miss Munger's parents, Mr. and Mrs, 0. E. Munger. on Ntw Year s Day. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Lofts have re ceived a letter from their son. Sgt. ewis Lofts, stationed at Camp Wilbur Wright, Aviation Field, Dayton, O .vvho states that none of his units have been mustered out of service. A. Canfield, who has been ill at his home, suffering from a carbuncle and a severe cold, was able to get out last week and assist in receiving the Christ mas shoppers at the Slocom-Cantield store. Mrs. C. 11. llenney left last week for Portland to visit her family. How ever, accompanied by Mr. Hemiey and her mother, Mrs. Emma J. Carpenter, she returned here to spend Christmas at the home of R. B. Bragg. Kenneth Hicks, now holding a re sponsible place on the Tacorna Ledger, one of the Northwest's leading news papers, is expected home this week for a short Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Hicks. Wanted To rent an orchard with an average annual yield of 10, Hon boxes of commercial varieties of apples. Nine years of Hood Kiver Vuliev experience. Best ofrelereiiee. ,1. E. Colvin. . F. i. a, Tel. .-;ri. ,iMi The special Christmas dinner, pre pared by Chief Chef Charles Gunn at the Mount Hood hotel attracted many people of the city and surrounding val ley, and the Mount Hood dining room presented a gala appearance yesterday. Miss Dorothy Wissinger, who has been assisting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bell, for the past year at the Mount Hood hotel, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. Wissinger, at Milwaukie. Alvah West, who has been at Camn MacArthur, Tex., where he was as signed to duty at an oflieers' training camp, has returned home, after de mobilization. Mr. West lias just re covered from a severe attack of pneu monia. Floyd Games, a member of 12th Co., who was sent from Fort Canby to a hospital in San Francisco last year suffering from rheumatism, returned home the latter part of last week Mr. Carnes is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Carnes. Ira Williams, who is now cashier of the Monroe State Bank, was here last week on business. He stales that his Laurel, Wash., ranch is being cared for by Mrs. Williams and son, Arthur. Mr. Williams has rented his Springside Villa place on Alameda Way to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Childs. Reeve Claxton, who has been a member of the students' army training corps at the Oregon Argicultural Col lege has returned home for the Christ mas vacation with his parents, M and Mrs. E. R. Claxton. The Claxton familv has been suffering from influ enza. Mrs. Charlie Chapiln will be seen at the Liberty next Monday and Tuesday in ror Husbands Only. Ihesame bill will show her husband in one of the best comedies ever put on the screen. He will be seen in the trenches, and Gritfhh, the great film producer, when he saw it said it was one of the best things ever produced. A. I). Moe Tuesday received the fol lowing message from his son, F. L. Moe, who has just received his commis sion as second lieutenant at Fortress Monroe, Va. : '"Am spending today visiting the scenes of my k id hood days at South Park and South St. Paul. Am having nice trip and feeling fine. Weather here 10 above zero." Lieut. Wm. P. Huggins, who recent ly received his commission at Camp Zachary Taylor, has been mustered out and is now home visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Huggins. Charles Huggins, who has been in the Uni versity of Oregon students' army training corps, is also home for the holidays. Deacon Wilkinson, of Oregon City, after a visit with his brother, William Wilkinson, returned home last week. Deacon Wilkinson for 50 years has been an officer of the Oregon City Con Year you and me. gregational church. He is greatly in terested m federated churches, and while hero interviewed various people on the plans of the proposed local com munity church. Accompanied by her parents, Miss Martha Ferguson left for Portland the latter part of last week to take part in a ves) or "service Sin .lav afternoon at the Portland Y. W. C. A. Miss Fer guson, who is winning a statewide rep utation for her elocutionary art, gave a reading at the Sunday meeting. Mr. Ferguson, while on the journey, made a hurried business trip to Astoria. ODELL A merry Christmas ami a bright, happy, prosperous New Year to you. (). 11. Fhrck went to Portland Tuesr day. He will spend the holidays with relatives. About January 1 he expects to return to his position with Cutler Manufacturing Co., of Portland, where he whs employed last year. Fred Eggert w ill spend a part of the Christinas holidays visiting his aunts, Mrs. J. l. Ilendon, of Gresham, and Mrs. .las. McFarlane, of Portland. W. B. Gentry went to Portland Tues day. Mr. and Mis. W. E. Sherman expect to go to Portland soon for the remain der of the winter. Marion Hunter is in Portland. He may return home soon. Perhaps will remain for an extended stay. W. II. Bueher went to Portland Tuesday. He nuiv find satisfactory employment and remain t'or several months. Mr. and Mrs. Mont Hawthorne ex pect to spend Christmas day with rela tives at Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. ("has, Ehrck and Mr. and Mrs. I.anglast, of Oakland, Calif., went to I'ortland for Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hendon. From Portland Mr. and Mrs. Langlast will return to their borne in Oakland and Mr. ami Mrs. Elirck will return to their home in Odcll. Very appropriate and pleasing Christ mas programs were given at both churches. Excuse haste. This is the busiest week in the jeur in the postotfice and the Glacier went to press one day earlier than usual. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Written assignments were mailed to high school students last Monday even ing, giving all an opportunity to do consistent and effective home work. All reports must he, written. Lessons were planned to cover from five to eight (lavs in various subjects. Stu dents who do this work faithfully will be able to complete the semester's work by January 17, 1919. It is the plan to stress the more difficult work, work that could not be done so well at home, when school opens, the other work having been prepared at home and sent to the teachers. A number of the teachers w ill attend important committee meetings in Port land the latter part of this week, al though the regular State Teachers' Association will not convene at that time. A committee of school men has been appointed by H. P. Barrows, of O. A. C, to cooperate with the National So ciety of Vocational Education. This committee consists of E. T. Goodwin, principal Gresham high ,'school ; E. T. Robinson, superintendent, schools, Hood River; 0. C. Brown, Douglas county superintendent, Roseburg; H. R.Doug las, superintendent schools, Ontario. The school board has decided to ex tend the Christmas vacation one week, reopening January 6, 1919, instead of December U0. 1918. Slide Blocks Highway Rut for a slide a mile west of Mitch ells Point tunnel the Columbia High way would be open for the accommoda tion of many local folks whose plans had included motor trips to Portland. J. R. Nickelsen, who has charge of maintenance of the Highway in this county, after scraping mud several feet deep on Ruthton hill, has covered those bad stretches of the Highway with rock. The latter material, already ground, is found in almost inexhaust ible quantities Oast of Mitchells Point on the Locke place, where Mr. Nickel sen established a bunker. It will require Hi days to remove the debris, eight feet, in depth, that blocks the Highway. First Church of Christ, Scientist Services will tie held in Church Buildup, i'tb and Engene, Sunday , U ;(Mi a. in. ; Subject : Is the Universe, includ ing M.i ii, Kvoive! by Atomic Force'.' s-iindav School at 11a, in. Wednesday service, H p. in. T he reading room is open daily from '4 to Ti o. u)., in the Church. Christian Church ticol, 9 fi a. m. ; Preaching a in. and H p. rn.; Christian ii. 45 p. in. ( 'nrdial welcome P.i hie Sc Service, 1 1 End-'avor, to ail. First Baptist Church Sotclav ichi.ol nt 10 o'clock f Junior nieuiber' service at ft p. m. and U. Y. P. Y at "i p. tn. each Sunday, 9