lioul) K1YLK IKK. llll I i EMP.EK -JE litis ihunb Hturr (Blarirr sermona as devel.nxd ty the orepin Apparently H.l Rivrr is i:uir.g to Hveiene Society ciws uur.4 men rea- fail to nuke k1 on War Stamps. .jons for dean living. Tne folly of This will te tr.e reeordif frrany citi : imroura'.ty point the wy. We bate zens do r.oi hurry to invest in the small uh"riMM.. 81.:.i.Ver itetr. b about ftandards cf racial- securities within the rext six days. ArVr J....u.- ! W. SJp er. it y for men and women and that but : - ' cne boulJ he cbsr-.e4. Such wcrk u Happy New Year! ADvuriMNG R1F ! that accorrIuhfJ the Oregon Hy- Society g lurt.ier iuara FOR SALE brinirimr about a siitf'e standard of .. p y. u c ins; I. i--r iri'it. 1 tit to i for fi"ni-iuft- Kier.e .j Mr .'lifr ui-rlon, . m urn 11 a i nl. moral tr.Hll ill the mealy mouthed ' germuns ever delivered, j The work uf the Oregon Social My-1 eiene Society has resulted in cne f The ftate manager ha notified Coun the finest compliments the jouiik men . 1 xr Uarttv I'Uiup 1 After Christmas specials Ladies Handkerchiefs U ARE TOD OF THIS HM.I gnu. A'l 'i'lli.l-lr I' gal. l-liW. L.I. ICooert-s ph'Mi!- -e Jit. tor Sulr forit mimfe-nt, u4 one jvar. for Ail--4 tnurolis tibrrJ Wtnte K-L mil IrtN pi w tui'-"-. rim' oiiJ:u-ii,to in. winter. II. J tv Manager Gilbert that Hood River uf aov etatt: of the I'riion ever re . . ... 1 1 . .. . ... , ewur.t (fa;n over ear memuer- cfivvtl. Keconls tt I amp i.ewm meui- . lr lutn. X) Mrtt ,u ,ke flue ktiin i:, the lied Cross exceeded that of .,r1i.-i.l.t eh., a- llr.eon hn to have trnwl auoiian I'tuiu- J.h- Hm rd, f arA othei county in the btaie. LI 6 BIT ASimifcl) OF THIS I'nlefS th citizens i f thi.' wjnfy do some Ital irito their treasure chest bef.-ie New Year's lay, it will '.e reeor'fid that i t River failed to j do her part t the purchase of War j . , ... ... 11 .1 11: .... 1.. 1 ?aviri9 Marrps. nttti iwivn ""P11 1 whtri h ben cleaner than the men of any other K.vr-ui--A itamty. late fM imxl . . , .. , i . i- k't r . v ! I n.lT far n itovl hi. new stale senGiliK solJ.ers to mat oitr un- XM1. 11( , fx., ,u,, ,,,,,, tonment. This is a national record. .;. i "' I'" ukv"ru S.'.rn The H if iene Society deserves contm-. iiwxnt Oaianw. bed support. I-or wrv i nulen notltli of CM 111 'iu j . I,n io.l lllluble rut ulint Ket maxl pM- j liiit; iu -io ; -t h lltnlr; it) acre fit-Mre!; , -? 11 t-n re rf.w Willi l'l -e. l' i '"I'll. Hub i.l:u't "'Hi) ior. nt'dil rattle.'iiKiwer. I aign, the only 1 ne ilelimpjent, wiih cxilurs flyi'K. 'f ll simply deteim ne t h so. There fore jro and buy to nur respective in Oividnal limit of the small securities. Io not allow a blot to remain on Hoot River's record. ONE END TO THE R0l)S .. , ' rnkr, iil.iar : tiacrows. dlw. waK'Xi. laulllet is treaJirjr on dar kch us K"und .,,! ,., tr K,NKl ril, o n hd.i n lie begins a discussion that will ,'";i'T:V'' iwhte op in t.HS 1 m cam- ,nvojve reliiuus belief or principle. hmi.ii-V-OU (r c-!it. in.rit!-.'e mi in which thev Mre!,o-. . 1 . . ... 1 J.ii AiMrett'. K. Hub, t'ark'nie in mm ii) ",r: Without any recommendations t our )r u t; j. j, , 'own, we wish to approve of the sug Kor Sle-Fat turkeys lor i'hrittnaa. I'hont HOME INDUSTRIES Hood River has two home industries that deserve the full patronage and co operation of citizens of the county. The Hood River 1'ieamery has beconn a well established institution. During the past fall, it is estimated, more thai: $1."i,ihk) have been receive.) by Hood River ranchers for hotfS and c title, but chiefly hogs. The Hood River creamery is resHinsbile for this. Through coop rative management the Hood River creamery is paying its airiri.s rceoro pru ts for butter fat. Its average tr a; rtif v itujly higher than that paid el-e when. 11ik1 Kiver fumilie a. -.ioinj: well by the creaniery. Let them con tinue, for the creamety isdcinK web by tb community. The Highland MilliiiK Co., operated by J. ('. Apbn and son, I. M. Aplin, Uith experienced millers, has already eiitatdished a plant of which the city should be proud. Hut it plans additions Hood River people should give thi Shamrock products of the new null every trial. The products are (food, hikI a trial will in most instances re sult, in steady patronage. The Hi)?h land Milling company proposes addi tional units. It us help it, Hnd out community benefits will surely follow. I.. H. Aplin lias made suutfeHtioiis should interest Hood River ranch ers. He proposes to purchase for grinding hu.kwheat grown here KaiH'hets, he says, should plant and grow other cereals. There is no tea seon why Hood River people should no' eat cornbread made from home growi corn. Indeed, the Highland compati) has made some excellent Hour from hardwheat irrnwn in tthe Hood River valley. The net time you order dour tr Shamrock. Uestiot'S made hy Mrs. Alma L. Howe ! vm in this week's paper. A successful; ( tS-l1 nf liHV n,r, h yi.aPi ,)ld ,,,;,, effort in brining aoout a community A. SHiiger. Ill" I weifth hi "i church will mean much to the town; K.r Aiie-Voiaii I'u.ur Jer-y Met and the members of the r.ty's churrh-1 "r ,,","r d1-" es. An unsuccessful effort may leav j nr s.ile-.10 cr. .v, million feet of tun . I her, iiii:iile. fe'jw Tum. tt. Metreailv conditions worse than ever. Therefore (iiuer. wn. J 't the cautions that Mrs. Howe supcuests j Kiir Two Uins ,Ul,lhv hliy. Hl" should be heeded. ' "ak umic raufD. t N H ivuo, tel .w.'a. : Before we finish, however, we would yn, Hair-Maini irlt hav in rar lot like to recall the philosophic comment ', '"""' B.-nler. Ontario, re. jc of Uncle Mose. an old colored "brud- For rile-iiKi.t mney, ni and hi.ity li . hlie. No. I wheel. J. A. WHllr J r on chlir. h beliet. . phoue SDlW. oH "Pey'B three roads from my place j Kr HaielTrue.neNHn.e 'siiwj ; i.fleni f.. to town," said I nele Mose, the hill : i'nni: intntnue. leauiii varieties n aw , . .... i er.ciierry.ef i-tioiie i.mi.ii road, the river road and the middle! - road. Hut when 1 goes to town wid a load of wheat the man asks me what road I took. says, 'Mose, is the wheat Rood'." G!li!!l. ncti W anted - To lean a tennniE tiri'ti.tnl Keil K O.. lilHi ler ortii e u 11 lll The puriHise of all church work isth ame. While it is true that the differ Wanted-Hn wmie l.eaiinrii I'uiuis .1 ,,,... ... ,.f .. ,l .;il t 1'uillev, II. Itiver. Hon e I ru' r ui iiiiiiuii ul nti 11 mill nuiinu n 111 . alwuvM nrevaiL it si oms that it is tin.e , Wxnttd-To tiorrow t-jOO on fcuu Hloi k lor " . , . ... ; mmitiiH or I earal s pel cent liiiereni, lti. to t ail a liail ana orinu atxiut unuica- ; suveiiMin, Wanti. mm tion, when tms ditlerence ut opmioti , has resulted in so many organizations j that the elticienry of all of them is minimized. FIRE PREVENTION When you are working on vour New Year's resolutions the latter part ol this week do not forget one and pro ceed Ht once to execute it that wib result in elimination of the fire darker Hood River had too nmny tires last year. ( "art lessness probably cuusei many of them. Fire is waste. There- foie, if you have rubbish in your base ment, remove it. If you have fcan that your electric wires are not Prti' erly insulated see the electrician. "To Keep the Home Fires Hurning,' is the title of a fhort net of sarcastn suggestions in a recent bulletin issuer by the Oregon fire marshal. They fol low : I .et the children play with matches. Permit the cook to start the tin with gasoline. Hum trash in the hack yard, especi ally en w indy days. rorget lo turn off the electric iron. Store 1 ily rugs in the closet or wood lift. Set the stoves too close to the wool work. Let soot accumulate in the rhimney There ate many other wajs in whtcl we can continue to burn down 011 homes, but for further suggestions o, can apply to the chief of your tire de partment. And don't forget that : "Gasoline for starting fires Helps to till angelic choirs." week in the lobbies of post offices. We are willing to bet that the worst as sortment of pens and empty inkwells in the world were to have been found 111 post oflicta last week. Of course we exclude country newspaper offices. The poorness of their pens, are pro verbial. But thev can always find enough ink for a subscriber who ha;- ieiis to dro heck in payment of his subscription. FOR RENT Kor Kent fiw room linniodow nwnett to H A .Vlm l'iinnid at I lln 1'iohk ot live Kef!" to Hooil lUver AtiMlrsct & lnvcNtui' lit Co. d,.,i- The canteen committee is in need of apples for passing soldiers. Do not let You have until next Tuesday night to make good on your war savings stamp pledge. A BEAUTIFUL 1919 CALENDAR FREE 111 IS CoITON tiiil entitle you ton beautiful I '.ibrid.i r, when presented to Mnl.Io'N, Ilt'Kt.vr, Satiikh Co. (The llmi-e o' 1'e s iiial Service HOOKS AS .MINI) SAVERS UoHd this extract from a letter re reived by the American Library Asso ciafion and then send I he hestahook; you own to the public library, to go h the hoys in the hospitals. "There are two b in wheelet tliiiiis, one wuh both l,gs gone, thi other but'or.e, wbosit most of the da beside the bo.tks, which are so hi ranged that they can sit and puil then ojt without keeping others away. Ont boy said to me the ther day, 1 reve knew until now what books muld meat in a nun's life. 1 would have lost m mind if I could iol have had the usi of these honkf.' " - CLEAN MEN Seve al years ago the Oregon Social Hyg'cne Society cHme into being un turned the ligh' of publicity on the so called sicisl diseases, a plague U n unkind as fur back as hi.-tory reai li es. Young men were told in plain language the dangers, not to them sidves alone, but to unborn genera lions, from venetal diseases. Thi work of the society to a large evtent obliterated that old sense of false modesty that possessed society and prevented, except in hushed tones, the discussion of this red plague. For merly young men were preached at and told to follow the straight and narrow" pathD. Hut the new ystem of Nntt thutrii (Brrrtings To the IVopk- of Ho l River City and Valley : We tender wishes for h.ipplness and prosperity for the coming yeai. And with these reetin we make our Ikiw fx? fore the Hood Riser public as one of the business linns that is confident of the future for our industties and our citizen's prosperity. We have just purchased from Mis. J. R. Kinsey the LI lit. GROCERY In the Bell Building. It will ever be our en deavor to make our store as up-to-date as possible. Courtesy and full values for every dollar sxnt with us w ill be our watchword. We hope to merit the continued patronage of all patrons of Mrs. Kinsey, and we will le lad to reet all of our friends and the Hood River public here. Our telephone is 4451. Start the New Year rlht by lvln us if tall. A. L VINCI. M. I.AR1. SHANK. With ne;it mhrj-i'iered ilcsijjn In varner, Tiu-st' are seoditl quality. They have s.nie f.lilit vleftvt v the weave. If perfect tlit v v..uki have t sell fur from 1 K t" iV. White the', la-t Misses' Gloves A tlancly line uf Ohamoisettt- iiioves, all small sizes, black. p.fev and inanon. regular 50c to Toe aliies. your choice the jair, only 5c colors 25c Bovs' Undershirts and Drawers s' Heavy Fleeect lawn Undershirts ;u.d I ra evs. Jf iiUiut all siz.-s. fn.'ii L'l to .'.1. the arm-'ht tOC Men's Woolen Undershirts and Drawers .stly Sar'e sizes. r g-.-.Ur values of .i'2.2." a tar- (1 AO meui and up t" .Sl.Mi. the yrattneM y 1 jO Men's Heavv Woolen Sox 38c Just the kind fjr )-vTy lay wear dark blue, the pair cioi s Mack WISHING ALL OUR CUSTOMKRS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A MOST PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR HOOD RIVER OREGON UAe PARIvS FAIR HOOD RIVER OREGON WANTED I sell to neber i ... I l' . I !!.... u, l. IiuH himubwliliiu lie just , room lor eUU-iiy couple, l'lmiie Odell If j.' Wmited-oielinrd iruioin t exie't pint). er and I'ee doolor. lv nav or conli'sct. Ad ilif-K II V. Klas, care (Jlm ler.' dl'.'lf Wanted -To tmy your ued liu iilttire, sio and rius. ( ahti or new goods in f YriiHino .. ; K. A. f'rati. Co n.i'it nome 01 the aemouliuea 1. m. L,. A. i Wanted-lo buy your ned furuinire in m.,n ,,hi hm Uun ,.r,u.u ..f i , lilKliest prices. Have vour money hy traitim.. i wilti It (irosK.Tbird Street HertMi.l.lmnd Ilea writing desks of Y. huts at the can- ! a r. Tel. i-l:i. . uawf tonments might have found work last i MISCELLANEOUS Lost - En city, tariff It-nthcr pnrM tiMainliit '!il waU'li ami chiilit, It-n tir t w-lc rttilttir Hi r.uth, Wediimlil.v, Nov. I I.. (itiiH'li. i" Ti-t - Hi'lffcea Oiik Uruve iltstrlrt and m l'hir1 Miiffi Mr. drawer from u dirsher. II. i.) and wnntH to draw h ". I KJ2. y Lost Kinall ult cfSH on Pine Ht nar Kirst, uHt(ir1v v'hlNtf. Under pleaHt Iave 1 UbtcuT Oltict for lewar.t, t o v i cnnv:i wijrtn' shirt rti which wn sfiniipr-d ThH Tiaorsft-r l'oninni ' na-rif apple growers bear the entire financial - r?SZJ rl.r u.' irV orunt of supplying the committee with '" J- Iruit. those wlio are not growers should help. Give the canteen com mittee a dollar or two and let them buy apples. Hunt Paint & Wail Paper Co, Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc. t f . Heath & Milligan Mixed Paints Glidden's Varnishes a Koom mouldings Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Sll Plate and Card Rail V Dry Paste Wl EXITNI) Hi! SI ASON'.S GRI.I I INGS AND WISH I OR OUR f RU NDS AND PATRONS A M YEAR .STORED ll l l. Ol HIE Bl ESSINGS (): llll. PACIFIC POWER AND LIGHT CO. Get a Bean Power Sprayer to insure a crop and Place an Order early to insure delivery Supplies for manufacturers have been reduced 25 per cent, w hich will mean a reduced output. HOC hoc 31 nor: PAT'S PLACE Wishes All of You A Prosperous and Happy New Year hoc on 5 ( IOC 1 o Why Shouldn't We Be Well Pleased when our elTnrts to serve the public with Shoes of the better sort are so generously and increasingly recognized. Why Shouldn't You Be Well Pleased when we continue to offer just the right Shoes at a little less than I he right price judgred hy ordinary standards ? J. C. J OH N S E N " THE SHOE MAN" "STAR BRAND SHOES ARF. BETTER " See d. Mcdonald AGENT HOOD RIVER, OREGON Did you know that when you select one of our worthy woolens and have us send your measure to Ed. V. Price & Co. that you are having your clothes made expressly for you by HPk T i rn m me largest lanors in the World of GOOD Made-to-Order Clothes Consider what an advantage this is and let us have your order today A. J. GRAHAM Hcilbronner Building 0 K 1 V r w 1 i A 1: fS; -: i 'h 1 w, I NEW GOODS IN We have received our new stock of WALNUTS, RAISINS, MINCEMEAT, ETC and are ready to serve you with all these good things. Royal Bread. Fresh and Cured Meats. L. H. HUGGINS' GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET TU H.H H STREET PHONE 21.VI Atteniion Car 0 i fct J wners ! Having purchased the Cascade Garage, we are fully prepared to care for all your wants. Our machine shop and repair department are completely equipped. The manager, Geo. C. Dye, with ten years of electrical and shop experience with the Packard Company in Portland, is ready to serve local car owners. Electrical and Ford Repair Work a specialty. CASCADE GARAGE. Telephone 3524. PEOPLES' NAVIGATION COMPANY DAILY SERVICE "Tahoma ""and "'Dalles City" All kinds of freight and pHssernrers handled. Ilorsef and automobile!, given special attention. Jack Bagley, Agent, Phone 3623 $106,000.00 "Carnation King Sylva" This Hull is insured in the "Hartford" agamsl "IVath from any cause" fur 1 0(5, 000. fid at a premium cost of .8tK0 a year. Ordinary cows and horses insured against "Death from JSLT-"1 Ule ,,,,artf"iM for thre-fourths .heir alue hy this agency. Cow $8 per 10O annually Horses $7 per $100 annually R. E. SCOTT Farm Loans-Real Estate -Insurance