llul KIVKK til.AUI.K. llllKSH.n. NoVIIMI'.lll: It. Ki fauah nutnrr OSlarirr inmt t; i'Mn!i. Nui.-i rn,l. .i . IVr er. i'.-.U"" i'i tr.r- t'i .lei War v,.r,, dri'.e. Si- ,-e the iT'H'Umat on f r a:a,i st tl:e imri rial Itrt.i 01 i v errimer.t was issuen 1" itk : th- trie jwt jde f tr.is i t I I I .U' t mve 'At". ;.!rrj:;, i f mrri and ,,;, fr, 'iia'vr.in iti ...r-'t-s. r -tn 'lie t'.rt un- terestetl 1 til Hit- la.-t t!. ir fiYj"-f da- in -s-t-h- Letters From and About Soldiers re- i, t . 'iTll - t I: e to ovttrt ,c Miami i:::til. sol. her of It. ihev I e as ijh;.' t . ;tt h i: ; We . Ho, te . ' .tl ruea-nre, l.triij 1.-.-' tt.!-, recil'J a: jt ( p.u j of -try d Kr tr valley. May ,ii .f tr.'-? wh. rr- TiiK Tlill Vi'ii tlfr Kll.hr ' ... t: M l I f-." i ! .- tr vv . r1. r f ut. d ever 'ne t'.H..r .1' . r r; ar, suftiers. ka's-r V. il'n It, u' 'i th .- .f trie junk er elii-s .' l'r'jri:t ho urire t on hi : n.'vl 'It. .or nr full'. '.it :l l.pn'JIv hi ilu li.t xorvaUd f'.r triet.i-.t-Ives . Miin rici l.t-in-f an I tr.eni selves wad turn. ; ii!.', i. Mi l- i if t'tuVt is a- tin iimi i.il iiicii in l.i in the iniriit lalitv ; i.' the sum v.;i.li. ;.: ! hv ii ty. 'I'fi it' ' v as a o ininat it ..I iod. li lt the prayer- uf the r.i: litem:-, havt I eii answered. Ihok have heen t he .lays (.,it Aiilu-I. t'.itl. l ittle Pel-l-.iiltn, fr risfht. fur ( nri.-t :ai;ity, f l ' hull an ty, limn herself into the maw; ; I' the war machine; I-1 a'U'i' sa net' l.i : i laid vva-te, h.-r homes ruined. It I i v iri: n violated, h-r ri iii'ip rnocktt. j u ,i ii r i al i.e Irais ih .-e.Tati d ; I .!. j.,ve tn the la.-t iin i uf her hl t ,! i ; Italy all hut eiisrueil unilei t ie i n l iiiiiht of hun llsases, while he! ivilian impulat inn ilieil uf hunger hi.i! J 'St : U'MCl . V t in t!ie kaisei nnliueiS wefe he i.ii; hut led op tuuard i'ai is lHl Hirn;t we uf AnieiH'a, a our o.vn yo'.in nun m re hurry ir.j? in a steady slrean a. ru- the At hint li', s-liml lered as n .iin.. fur the linet to hold. IS.lt oil I raers Hint thue of the Allied people: vile ililfereiit fl'i'ii that lietniai THer. i.i i s w a.- a prayer and a Impt nat e vetv on tl e -id.' of r et t ht). 1 t 'll'l rf.il e of I ioil. l't;e I o I i. .hi out i s'..s ,-ai'l ilee. The Pii-l in 1 1 id ol -irnhn hum. of women arid little ehil ,1'i'H has hiii) !e:ted u il was iievel hefi re tested, Hnd it has emerged froll 1 ne ol deal s' luiuer, In or.' h nun fill nml limi'e i nd::i ii n I tian ever. '';iiie after tune this struct: Ie attaiiist Imile fon-e has seemed all hut lost I'.' lnim .saved the civilized world onee : Hie mighty Kmrlis-h tleet has saved it , the Kronen m I'.'ll, with the nuns Ht the very gates of I'hcs, rallying, al lliom'h eh.'HI-led, to th.e cry of "The Shall not I'ass, " saced it; and then, when the Allies weie woin iiiut win iveinv, l oth army ai.'l invil populat o tne Kltut ;,ld virile hinted States o, Ann lira, hei peoples made to reahi iheir deht to Iv.lund, Fraiu'e, Hel tliiim and Italy. Iiurhd her every n soune nun, munil ions, sliiis hiii inoiiev into the lijilit. The I'nitei of Amerira .-aved the civilize! jiwE iiNNK.rr The esteem in wt.oh lloui! i-ou'itv voters, irrespective of it!iuai inn, h Id Jii le A. S. I'.ennett AasMio'vo ii-t week, .ludi'e t!ei:i:ett received n.oie votes than all others, Abuse names v. ere wr.tten in, coin .lined. Juilkie t'ei.i ett is a man of -terl.ng 'ina.il -e.-. lie has grov n to he i kind "I .0 a i uf (rek;..n attorneys, tie has the renei t of h:s fellow law - .i!'' of Karl Euy w he lae ti.ili'Wi! j, re.ei.tci . i tlv by h'.? i arerit- : Se.t 2". I 'ear fo! ..- at heme: 1 haven't writ-, ten for some tune a- 1 hae h.jen a'.vay u a little trip and ,.i.-l ..t taek. Wc had a nice trip and saw s,,nie hne country. Went one way on the train and drove trucks ha k. ationt .".o miles. Were no, e In day. Saw the wonderful city ol I'anii. ll.ly tnere 1 hours, mi, of cuiirse, cuuldn't srt. much of the t'.wii in that tune. II. .w -Kiver ever, we did see muny n teles' ini ' Partv s'iklhts; the Kitlel Tower, went throUttb ' Nutre liame eatr.elr.il; al.-o the old liuuenot church huilt in the eiuhth century, and a numher if hcautiful parks. It is .eita.nlv a Wonderful oil . and 1 hope I'll have a chance to tee: more of it some other Line. We were lu.'ky tu j;ei there at all, as not many ' of the soldier? get to to throt.uh I'aris. ' The weather is cold and rainy and ; hettins to feel like winter already. Only a lew more days and we ean put on the told, chevron for six montts eis as well Invmen who Mow him (is bom st. integrity, f.iiriniodedness , Krance. I have been made a sergeant, so I feel quite proud. There is not much that 1 can write about s-i I'll iiuit. Write often all of vou. I.ove to ad. Kail. .Vt. Kail Khv. Tru. k Co. No. 2:inl K.nnn.t eis. A. K. K. ind tils innv year- of close t idy of lurisprude'n e render him peculiarly ht lor the -tale's hiijh judicial k'Sit'u:i. The i amis of Mrs. VV. K. Shay and Mrs. J. W. t'opper, volunteers in re iev ii g ttie liistressiiiji situations re uiltiij; fi 'in the ii lluei id epnh mil', ; ivere oveih.okid last vek. The urat tude of the coiniiiuuity, as well hs huse unfortunate enough to he strick n, (joes out to these Women. "I am recovermi; from shrapnel ' woiirais in a base hospital," writes' I'l l. Jack Anderson to his f .sttr j mother, Mrs. J. 11. Ihikes. "Wilhal pat ty of comrades 1 w as enirancd in I stringing telephone wires when a shell j hurst overhead. I was struck ovel I : the temple and one of my bij; toes vvusj l tie people m noun mver nave nevei pny (imashed by the llyme, shrapnel, leant a I'etter or more appealing e- Hut the wounds are nut serious and 1 temperaneous address than that deliv- w i II be out in a few days. " , , , , ... . mi e. I'h Anderson, a burner member of crel by .ImUe v ,s., Monday "iter- r(ll,p Oregon National Cuard and ioon. It w as m beautiful expression , a veteran of the Mexican Under earn A the s-e itiineiit lhat was welling 1 paign, on reaching Kram-e was trans- I'rom the hearts of us ail. . e" l" 11 ''V''1 a',llll,t'ry - pwny . In his letter to Mrs. Dukes he staled that j Maj. deo. A. White, formerly in com t'.o to church next Sunday, even , mill f ( liei-on troops on the border, hough ;t is not your custom and let , never forgot hi.-. Proton boys, he dav he one of sincere thanksgiving "H has ju-t learned of my little . , , , ., vvounds, and 1 am now enjoving i igar- loth fur world peace and the passing , .. . ,., l)s s. , ,;.. .. Suits and Overcoats Are vou hard to fit? Are you hard to please? Are you hard on clothes? If at !' t!.t-f !Me.oi.i; ar' Imtia ri! ir t 'tl. this is the j.!ai- tii vniriv lor ju'ir ol t!;e-?. Wt- mako a n ci;il !tii! i d' :it. tin n.attt r uliat ; i v.' r l:v' imv. ti;.-t'f's a HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX SUIT reaily for m. Tin st' inakcrs havo in'ov i lt'd for ''ry variation of tdf human hndy. Ati'dlit r jai t of onr s'f icf is to haw wiilo stleetio'is of styl.-s. Sot'H'thitiK for overv taste. When it fnini's 'u, wear 11 ART. Sv HAKl NKU v: MARX f I.OTIU-N ate tit ttiuaiii'tl; thvy niw- niorv si'i-v itv for your inonoy than anyt-lothos tui ran hny, ami w hat-k that up with a .iruaranUv f sat is fact ion or vo ir money hack. Overcoats . Wt haw ai t-M-i-pttohauy tr o as'ffri-' .Meii's atnl Yoii.o.u' Men's (w-ivi'at.s. '!'!.. tht'Sf wri'c nta'le- for as by The On-uoi: City W Miiis. w hieli in-oivs Quality. Satisfaction a' il S. r Coni.' in a'ni !""k them over. YuTi .' the ioAt.'-t. 'j ia'itv i-"iisii!ei'etl. .1 st take a look at that speeia. toek t ht reoats. Values t:p to sli'.oo. yosir I'i.eiee only $4.48 Men's Flannel Shirts, ail sizes $1.48 Men's Work Shirts, with Military Collars 75.- Men's Metiium Weight Woolen o. the pair 35- Men's Heavy Fleeeed 1'iulershirts 59 ftho PARTtV FAIR HOOD KIVI-.K OIU (()N f tne epldi'ini I'pl. Anileis.ni. If you have a lahel for u t'hl istinas packai;e for an overseas soldier, hurry mil i;et a ration. Ho not await the last nuiiient. The man or woman who cannot he thankful next Thanksgiving day is out the Second Corps tras M'h if Uitie with the civilized world. Males W.il Id. I MiC, aluie, of tln.se n;d Ions, i liain j i ins of iii;h!, cm il l not have with stout Prussian autuciacy. line hy on li;iv have done t In ! r pal t to end for ever the diciiui of a iniid roiuniei't r. an I linnllv all lotether, their men it! reeled hy the genius of I Itiiei iilissiii!' huch, that smiple, (Ii d-fcjirin French iiiiii;, they have freed the w lid froll aunting tear id I'russian mitoc- tne lar P was a proud day for us of Amei nit Momiay. P w as a day lor the tt t urn uf t hanks for the realisation o! .un national uleds, now e;iven a world v ,.e siy:,iliciiiice. It was a day of re j.'iciiie, loi the thoii-iindit on thousand of patents, win now know that I In i hoys are no longer exposed to tlantrei o warfare. And while it was a day of great sadness for those wives am .hdil.'i ii w hu have Inst hnshands aim fathers, and parents; whose sons wil ! ev er t nine hack, their pride should hi go :.ti r than that of all (,. tt st of u. I h :t I", ed on. s have made the si, I'ltine sacrifice that the cclehratioi nngl t he In Id. Theirs is a rich hoi i "Vv, and one that will grow I ichor a t me ailv in i t s. I .eon I.e Franrii Satiinlny receivetl a let ter from his son, I'pl. Melviu I.e Kranci, who mohilized last year from North Yakima, where he was a mem he r of a company of national guard troops, stating; that he had heen as signed to duty as an instructor w ith in France. After an attempt lasting for six months and necesiti ting a serious op- j eration for hernia f lorn w hich he has I completely recovered, .Julius I.e j Kranci, yuiing-er hmther of the gas instructor, lit lieves he has finally been i Hcrepted tor the navv at Bremerton, lomplete unollicial results m H"i! ! 'h,- fathtr has receivetl forms from .tiver and W ars.( counties show the , ,h,, naVH recruiting' station at Seattle lection of . I. llulton and Mrs. fur t-trt if vinr the vnung- man's age. Xievander lhompsun, their respect iv .'otes for the two counties being l.M'.l ind l,n:'t. Herbert Fghert receiveu illll votes All are Wasco county res idents. Mrs. Thompson ropeserted tin listrict in the last legislature. ELECTION NOTES Judge A. S. Hennett, according tu the latest unollicial returns, is ea.-.l. m the lead over J udge Coke for the en pierne court to till the vacancy left hy the death ot Justice Moore. Judge i'.ennett, who was given a handsome .'nle hv all Hood H.ver county pre 'incts, is a member of the law him ol lienni tt. Sinnott & (ialloway, ami is me of tie Northwest's best known i itornev s. Sot. Kloytl French, in a letter to ' Mrs. (!eo. . l.ynn, enclosed an official ' address for his Christmas package. Sgl. French suggested that nothing : ivould suit him better for Christmas than his favoiite brand of cigarettes, i "The government furnishes us with , Hull Purham," he wiote, "and we can j buy cigarettes, but we cannot get any Camel so you may send me some for a change. 1 "1 am hoping that I can spend my j next birthday and also the next Fourth : of July at home. Hut it m iv be some I I line before we get back. Everything : now is going our w ay. ' ' liecausc son. e of the election hoards 1,1 !l l'tter to his parents, Dr. and faded to iost tally sheets at prermrt : Mrs. VV. M. Post, Harry 1'ust, who has tiooths the tutal'iitimher of voles cast part icipatetl in heavy lighting recently at the municipal election latl week1'" Fnince, tells of the visits over the will not he known until next Moiittav : "' li'ws uf a white aeroplane. night, when the vi tu will be canvasst Wt IX) NOT nMI'IJ! Willi TIIK HliK Hill j It'-i'tnt tainptrit g with the bell use,: ' to sound the tire alatni in 1 tot il Uivt i S iininis back to mint! the old story ol the shet.heid hoy , who, to am ise fom j s I', laisfd the cry that wolves wen devminng his llo.-k. The people ran Ii j a il him .- fisst ti a! he tllollght the gom, sport oiignt :., be rein an ,. ' hen out lav tne wdve.- iietu,.liy came, put ! he iit ople shuI : "We will w.iii fur an A-sui-ialn1 Press co' tirnia! ;..n. And the h.'V lost his sheep. I he lite ,e! I should he Us,.,) s,,,.l. I'T the u; ;ii.st. ,,t sounding tire nlnnns. I'" not h: imy w .t minimize its i t!e, t t," ti e wain i g that ;t is intetiileil . ail greet .this machine with ' joy," wnt.'s the voung artillerviiian, "fur it Inings us olticial news and pi'ilcht s of tohacco. As the plant sweeps low anil drops the papers and bugs of lohacco all of us make a rush , to gi t them. " I i Mr. and Mrs. P.. Slutz last week re ceivetl a It Iter from their son, Sgt. 'William K. Slutz, member of an aero squadron, who told of having been iransft rred from F.ngland to France. Mr. aid Mr. Slutz have two othei , sons, Il.dhert and Sam, hi France in the both regiment, of heavy artillery. Samuel Slut, is driving- a supply truck , lor one of the batteries of the regi ment. Mill S. Frederick, gunner with a regiment of Pritish troops in Italy, ' writes his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. To treat human beings as so murhl r redenr that his organization has inert matter regardless of the effect of : participated in some of the stiffest ol the human mind does not speak well , recent lighting on the Italian front, for modern enlightenment. Fven 0111 , "While American soldieis have great g randmot hers were w ise enoug h reached certain parts of Italy," the to avoid the minute descriptions ol ; voung man vvrnes, i nave seen none le minds, rec f people t ov the fit v council. .1. I!. Nickelsen's final uimfiicial lea': iver .1. II. llazletl for Joint senatoi from this and Wasco county is S( votes. DO NOT BE A VICTIM OF I'EAIl l From the Astoria Budget) In this dav of enlightenment it is more Hum passing st range that s.(1 tie seems to be und. i stood i i i.,i r bin; Ihe laws governing contagion. The handling of the present epidemic wouh, he little short of criminal were it not that it must be laid to the door of ig -or.'tnce. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Van Horn have r.-ceived a letter from their son, F.d ward W. Van Horn, who tells of his promotion to captaincy. Captain Van Horn has heen attending a French ar tillery school. Mr. and Mrs. t!eo. W. Howard have receivetl a letter from their son. Peon- , aid, formerly stationed at Fort Canby , but who was recently transferred to an I Alt.r. tic coast fortification, who an i nnunces his safe arrival overseas. j Ralph P.. I'.ennett, who has just tin- idieil triiinine at a I'mversitv of (he- I s'lin training camp, lias left i'or Camp McArthur, Tex., where tie has been J oiileittl to attend an officers' training , camp.. ! Kmniett, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. P.. j Thomas, of the I'pper Valley, is now ; seeing service in France. I h4"HI-i-H-l-H-l-t-e-i-H-'l"l"l-I"l"l")"l ! ins nits ami f ka in Kits ;j; i H--H-H--t-H--H-Hl-h-!--t---H--!--H-f The recent rains that prevailed over eastern Oregon caused geese to fly low and made it possible for hunters to get at the numerous ducks. F. VV. Chind lund, who accompanied Waller T. (inner, a Portland piano man, to the Arlington and t'.lalock district, returned rndav w ith a tine bag of fow ls. If ynu enjoy the sport of lishing in Hood river do not fail to give a dollar or more to the fund that will he used in building the diversion dam at the mouth of the stream. All fishermen know how this dam benefits the sport. I he construction of the dam will make the lishing much better next summer. (irmcrs Will Close Early Beginning Monday grocery stores of the city will open their (daces of busi ness at S o'clock a. m. and close at 7 p. in., including Saturdays. After March the stores will remain open until 'J o'clock Saturday nights. House Plaster For Sale. Kt'llv Bros, phone 14"l. ml til Cl'ang ng the Story "Any li.'W. we t an . 1 lo oto' i Icldien it little. "What ihi vou uu.'tu'.- Wanted I'v .inn i"i cily. (:! ion on tu. ii. i.i ...... 1 1 m .1 n.,-1 '. , . , .- Ii. llsr loi'l it '!. 1 1 inge the story v,t is im liMihi M u-t i.i- uooil : ait Hive H i. I. lu t -. f . II VV ;i!i,..'i . nolo III'. 1 1 : To lif.l.- - ,.t oii'I.nt.I. 'noli, r or lino, i 'We mil lell them that when w. ' piov.'.i n u i.e e It. al to. I ,. no n, u, M on tan it. t . i . N u Wi'l-i n. II 'O't Id v it. oi . H were nciried I vv is tiiakin'.' ,Ti a Week, and we had n n.i-hty haul time ' , '.'. '"' "'"I1 "' mt.-i. V W HiiLie. t.l out- .i.'.M. no of it t. get uVti-I at Unit. lieiroil . . hir Unit -- l.ars;.. l,ons.. tl ve lii'iln.iini 'tu nli. ii. t . 0. Il.iyl. I'noio-tr:i.' intHt fr I !s FOR SALE to, s:,. f . Is tor s,;,., ti;,,. Hi un. u i si 'i , ttlic H :.-i M ,!...- . r ti. i ti.- I in May. I.', i tu. n -.' , I'll, lo.il m lea s. i ; a 1 1 'ii' .' : .Ii iM-v I'lts Me 1. j I ul I'.nil V M t itihl-roiiltl house pitl tlylio- ii,sl.,l on.. 1,1: . k It,, III ll i;.l Sell. ail In : . 1 1 1 1 re ot Mi M A Mio. iii .ki i . iiltl V .1 r ; vv ANTED Itlllii tlHUOltlitt tt Kt-nL ('ttt'iit-I Ali'hi.st- H Hitint liner a-tn-l Mr-tiv, i v I , si u ;('!. tt'i'itli arns an-t w h 'vr phone i ill- In r' h,.ti;'tii;)oi)1 piinin- r Phvi- liisuii, ' t S.U Hick ati't tt.M.hit h'rn.-fix, :.V a si (th'Uif i-M il IrW tmt i i - nt v ;tlH;i tl'HIi V ,l k Ills tM'k. lUf.ll r ill ii.,,rit't i'rtict tlUH' i ! 1 1 tn 'ick tl 'Otn'o-. (tisnt ' vv ii-jr. t ill! I i- Ihu witnl, 1" ti ls Kh ir lit I h ur --;ili' H .itl 'Mi (ol i ;i! ;i I'HI 't Hi ! M ak'H i a' uiiif. tt it MrfiK!'npi, I'tuHir I-'. I t;'Jl Uiiiittl 1 . ; u i tn t ti --.t I n i n it u r Mt i I mi l Hi'."-. I'm.,, i r ht'W i;nMis in t xt'lmntH. Kur Hei i ' v.t ,i.-r, I'Miirh. Mrs i j K- A" K,:lM ' " icm i. u i .' , lor ti v t slum time. nil j ... , , . , , h't:li't )ri.-'h s.ivc voui' iihhihv lv traMitiK t- up S;i In ait nl (i wH'kKttht ks a I mi r with II ( i r tss, ' hi i'i Slri'tt vond .tiaud lru mhih n m: i rait- .tr caiue I hone :t.i. : ir. ifi i:m. i'.-m tt K Ttnifi ms nil I K if !! I M ' ! I ih I'olil n-t ( h UlH 1 1 J. fill' I t-M'h. .1. r. luii-kwult. I'tioin: O'lt- I V i. II l t'.ir Si1!' t I.i e a lift hliiiv If I J; it t n k ft I a I Olli f ) ,. V int. I . it i I l-itsa.- I- ' hu . uitie. , Uiys -a livt' or 'I l s-ril . i : t i !;ik 11 ttm . I'lmli r.oi n 'l Km -Hie . . w (', 1, 1 Kt-it ptillWs Mini hrii -, a w Ii in- I.i i ua Hi i a tu. (tu r yai ii 1 1 takfii at Mit' Mr, t , I.HiitvUn, I. .Hi ntnl liMMile Ms . Il-i nt iti er nil MISOLLANEOUS '"Tosl A lilimil IlllVt-l vtuul.'M OVt-leoill oliii'u line niijlieltnuiit ltoinl. Kin ier 'leitsf all fiT.".' Illl Kor Sale :i year ol.l Imrv, s,i,,l le ion! In I 'le I-:hsv iinitt',1 mi I er senile V.'i ii hied, llloUe lo sjetitle ens ! t.iok.' to . 1 1 I e SI 11 H II' l-M'.lliril tio-se fm eli'l lien lo rule or ilr'ot lo school. l'lti'i' reusuii ih.e M. Stlelley , Itiillte I. II 1-. ir sale - r hester h lie li-no s, i en it tm M-f. O'". VV, K i. ills,, ii K. I i.j. 1,1 .'in I ...Illl Lost Si.l in .1" , un the I'.nsl Snle. ulito chHie: tits tool , ,ir tin let ,I.hs.. letuin to 111 Will Motor I . HII'I teeel-.e Uie tiinllks ot ulWlli. Illl - l.u-t 1st Nul l H i nk pills, eoeuoininx three kt'Ns, s. i i ii 1 1 mil Illl! Ill s;ii. mill ultllt'l's root 1 1 t;,.i t i uss t ii ii 'i en i o i.i 1-1 ii 'ter j 1'.hs, I'etlll 11 lo lilaeler I Itti.'e. n I I I ost V ilii'lliotl'l till'ler . I'll Hie t I'leli Hmill (' 1- K VA1 I H V II I M V lluuil It; v. t. i ti e i 'i . ;, . Ml- A t 11. OV. . Me, . ., ,., i nil I' liiil. e l'.1H Tool' KIVM4 t'HAITI-K N i Meets s.'utl'i H let I. ill I I h 1 i , s ! i . ot ettl'll Itlui'I h . isil, .Is , , Mrs J ti M l ,.. M iss A:ta 1'iHiie, rs ei ei Ht v . - Hiai.l Kiver I'm i,,. i yyAJ -o eels e el r'ls' I I . t iten ill. hi 1 1 1 I s. i , i . A. I anli. 1,1. Ul .1. WAIN I KM II K PV till VN -Meets l he sec. ml ami I. ,ii 1 1 :, I ea.-ti tnoitt h at K ol I' 1 M t a ssusie 1. 1 n u. K r Mrs. Kale Ki i".t nk . M ol It .., Mrs .Vtart:oet H.ovell. M ot Moon KIVKK t'AMH, No ,1 Meets III K.ol I' hu 1 1 everv 1-1 ill '. lit etiell lliollt It tin, 1 : VV. 'I . ! laicr. I 'lerk Itm Hi KIVKK Cilti I.K NO. i.. vv Wta iti'litlt - Meets at K ol I' i tllxtaiitl t hil.l 1 loirs. l ;v - ot . ... ' .Mis "l oi.i i: ,. Mrs. Mattlf Nlekelsen, Clerk W At COMA Meetk in K l.it.etttl reutirit to for K.-rv A I'm., rt'irlstf'e.l llli K.uleil Co. titlnl I lllllil hour lei OUellsx. tijs 'tl I .'til" - I uhiiii VV. I; liihsuh. Kt.t. SOCIETIES. , . , , . K KM1' l.lll't)!-:. No. 1SI. !. (1. o. K - Meels in l.'ltl l-'ol S;i le HllL' , I I III W Hllll I III I'lii' I'le Hie ;.'.l.'l. cl 1'. ol'Hl II s. t'lourhev. N. ti. Wilson Kike V. ti. VV. I,. I Illll. s. See ; VV. II In.e'.icr, Tieiis, 'I.K.TA axsKMHI.Y No. n:;i. CM l Kli A HT sans. - ,!eel s he ili-.it :unt tliinl We. Inns. liivs, work: s. ml anil fuuilh VV .iliiesitiiys Xrtis.ii's hall. r. Ii. 11 iMdi'li.s. M. A.' .1 ii hum no i-eeictHry. i Ffvn dcmt tiu.Kvv 'u.i'K i.otuiK no nrr, i. o. o. k.-; i on fii.ii p , Mct'tp, in Krii'erio.1 tnill. every TlitirH.l.iv iiikIH. VVillhtin lliitriiiiii N.ti. ' ' I-or Kent.- .'ii ir i i, i i ie riou'li Vies t'lurit ! s M IMek. V li. j (-!iio.t. (ihone Villi .tot a ii i y stun i t .mi., n.M (ieu. VV . I hoiiisun, .secretary. I l-oiS;iie trui iii- N n to . Niuser.v oiti is tur Silltll', , mntum ,ei. Illl,; V to let lex ot ll'ne. i'iil .eher l .en-, I'lione rili'.. It ,S t i ul iiL'rtll tie'll .(MniK NO. :n K hi f I', hitil everv I ces I , Krctl VV o ,lns.er VViekhitm. K . ol H iilet T V. Jiihiisun, M . oi K KIKN KNCV .1 1 VI K.N I Ml . I o . Htyllltr nieelitli; seeunil Hint l.uirlli 1 it eiieh tnolill'. K. h . s-l . '.- ' (ieo. V. 'I tiomson Seiitie M l' II OOP not' NCI I. No ""li. ,t - vi 111 .Musonic tl h 1 1 e't-ry thiol Ii,.. each nioni h. VV. K. I 'liiiiiiu i 1) M. lluiiiil.l, Keeoi 'l.T VAr . 1 1. W . - Ite'tl I hi meet 1 1 1 u n Hie ee I ' Hint tlii'it MoiiilayH nl eiieh inonii: 1. tiall. ViMloot corilitOU mi in .1 i. si. M, 1' el, K. t i'luttrli'li, i 'lerk. Hto KIVI.lt l.lUH.K NO. ltd. A h M. M.tlM Satiir.lav evennu on ,. each titll iiioon. T, F. .lutmwiii ! II. Mclliitntht. Se.-n iHn . i I AN ll'l W. It. C,-Meel M-eun.l ,i t ! Siiiiirihiys ul eaeli iniiiitli nt K oil' Mis I I . I . Alnl.-lsoii, 'o . Mrs. Onici' Honey well, Treits. t Mrs. su-ie l.v on. Seereoiry ! H A.lvl. Kt'llKK A II I.OI'OK No. I - . ! I Me. m ttie to si Hint Ihinl I'm 'Mho . , i eaell lll.llltll in llie Oil, I helluvis M ,i ! miles s, mil ui in.,,, i Kim i: I M i-s. i ieri mile i aiin In , , ! Mute Selntier, V. t.. i Mar le K III . See. ! H"OIi KIVKK ill AITKH NO. T K. VIeeth ritsl Hint t tiiril Kl hln ll.yi's. I month. deo. K, i aoi.. . ! All. Moe, Secretlirv. I.ACKKI. KKKKK All I.OIK.K No I Mt'CtK lll'Kl lltl'l tllilil MolllllIVs e;i, , Mis vii,,. vt i . Mis. Kil.ilh. Ill II liilll.ll; Mrs Kittle V lucent, Sei'it-iiirv. disease het'oie diifi't'i omziny the tendency "catch things ' from siiuKestiim. It' any ate prone to doiiht that disease i.s imprseii upon people through suues tion and fear, a .impie 'Xperirnent may ,ii!ti. e to r-hovy how quickly the maj.iiity V ii'ld to a mental silKjfestiori. iin intu a crowd and start an exagner atttl jawn toil observe hovy immetliate ly one al ter another struyyles to sup press the tendency to follow suit. Si inn. Ii for Mitrestmn. Now ash :invohe of the better class of physi cians pi-l what ihe bod,. VAliat that have been on the front. The ltai- lans appreciate the cominjf of the Yanks. 1 am the only man in my en tire division who is an American." Ktlar Kranz w rites from Winchester, Knir., that he has been etiKat!ed there with aero squadrons in the assembling of Caprotii aeroplanes. The big nut chinis, shipped across tlie Atlantic in shifipinir case- each, are assembled and tested in Knirland and then are down across the Channel to Krance. The V'ountr hardware man declares that fleet fear has upon his work has been decidedly inlerest t tines to tin! heart, mi'. I'.V I'l l r iil-l I lie sp" ,'- in a: d I I ill h.'ill have lin.lv t hio. tur 'I I t'll lull . si .-!'. I ilW fMil i I. '' I ' he!. CM , V. lint, MTIKS l ( iitnii-: I si; ne vv. hi ar th oi mi" ,, llootl Itivef. llu, d liiv, heir l ne-! - i. el ;p;ile In: :. !' tl e hi st f'uit has rutin, he tear ,et. U ith the i , -" ay open w e art iromj: t . r v isitors nt ,t snnne hi lore in nur hi-torv . it behooves some ctiterprir--icl " Sides ai;encv to kee v it quantity of the ht-i vt! i t re. Such act ion, ,i e piolit-ihle. ' t too inanv toll WHY WASTE ii not. tin s'cietiiiiis of the stomach and htivu'ls ami how t ie tempet-atu't' rises Yule MeCarty. one of the youngest hroutth fear's ell'efts. Tnen realise llootl Ktver men in the service, how a how ureat a part fear and p Uiiuestiot, ' rat'io man aboatd the I' S. S. S. Ari ionether must play in the spreailin of zona, in a letter to his father, M. K. siii h an epidemic as the present one Mct'arty tells of having' been wounded and we must admit that, a Inuher de recently w hen a fly wheel shattering fo ..ree ot inteliivrenre miclit. have tr. -v- nieces s-truck his. hand, l ht; wounds, j er'.etl its hHiitllintr. As a matter of the letter states are not serious but. i fn. t everything lhat could ltillame the may leave scars. fear of the public has been done; ev- er.vthihe. that could si,ead t he nienta I .p c.Amore last week reeeived ai picture . t sympfoms has hem thrown letter from a nurse ..f a nase ho-pital I Inuiidcast, till everyone who has been ... Krai.ee anm.iinciiur that hi. ! tttacked hy even a simple col,l lias had Kot-v-rt. was a patient at the hospital ! recovermij from shrapnel wounds. The J id ut -ti, (ilHlll FINISH Ilu, d Itivr is makii-u a ti t-t' fii'ish in t'e I i id i! WiirWi'tk c unpaik-'n. Firs! in tne n rent slati of Ocetron, known imi c e her sister of the cummonweaith as ' t 'recoil Fir-t," tinit's a record if which we may all be proud, thud . , , ... ... , , . ,, . , . , I' ilihs lelt w Ith us up to 4 u clock n. ui. Kivtr county was the tirst to ami uiiice . are readv for deliyerv tne next ev-iiitu:. t,.e pledii n,' of her tolal quota of loi,otii ,v (.'antiehl Co. w2.lt f it iiillained hv fear ami hiir. sutl'eietl from the results of fear in ri.-itnt tern petature, which in turn is fed by the mental picture carried, t'ertten it is that tin human emotion controls t ht' minds of people more than fear, and it is time that its effects upon tile body were taken into consideration. Mrs. Arthur ( iarke is lnlluen.a Victim A telegram from the husband to his brother, t'. N. , Clarke, from Camas, 'A tori., ves'miday a inotinciil the death from influenza of Mis. Arthur Clarke, formerly popular local matron. Mrs. Clarke co itracle.i the disease while on outy as a volunteer nurse at theCa'tm). hospital, the regular stall' of wh.ch was stricken with the epidemic. letter stateil that the wounds were not I .sfiiiius, and that, the young man i would be able to resume duty in a ' short time. j lr an interesting letter to hit" broth- or. Frank Parker, Chi K. Parker, who entrained for Camp Lewis with a draft contingent September 1-1, tells of life at Fort Stevens, where he was recently transfeiied. The younir man, w ho has since been transferred to a (ieoria cantonment, has been promoted to a corporal. j Local friends have receivetl word from Dr. J. M. Wauch, captain in the medical reserve carps, who hits been on duty overseas for the past six mouths, who tells that he iias been matte chief consultant of till the base hospitals in one of the districts of France, on plastic surgery Rubber Fabric Labor' hipping $pace an a Your Money TP IPO? HAL Ub.j give you appearance, over-size, guaranteed puncture proof service and yet cost only as much as other guaranteed tires. HEIGHTS GARAGE Hood River, Oregon "i At in: id i hi