ii(Ki mvnu ;la ikk. nu Ksi'.w. mtoi:i-:i: r.M tiuah uiurr (blarirr ' 1- I t-tt .rit j-' v -x i;l . v i (:- a ti.-1 K 1 . r "t !v 't. --m' M !.- 1,1ft- trout -iti- ru'xi t- oiu i . .-r t- it: .-! n f . .tt .i E., -I 1. AN All St Oh I'UfttR ii- e .f t 1 e ur-:t a arks of our na is tr.e fi-ifLiiu ,f the press. Iv m. racy i- sept ;.!ive ty a free and i- 'r't.'i.-ir.t i:ciis.; "f uhlif aid Mnw p vu-r tur ,.r -'.,, rep"S-s ifi daily r.evv spapers of a , ,r;i- -irriiht!., n a-,i h f ri.ptirtiitt-.ate potter m he .-mailer country nrvtspn- 1 f ' s t.f VV e 1 V lS-ile. It is : that r eu spapers take s ,'u-at :m a.ivat tat'e .f this privilege .ii. .1 ..wer a- is evi-Vm-eol hi the I'ort iaid .l.-nr -ai, w filch has iv. er.tl i- arced the n:t!Ht .- .f t hills to !' irthtT the pel-oral sp:te of its puh n-ht r, ('. S. Jack- ri. atamst the roun irv press of the st-te ml to further his an, hit n-ns. What would the voters ,.f I pr, think if every newspaper. v :th money a i, (I influence to carry nut ititctitions, were to circulate ami I en the hallnt some measure car- r-, i! tr special hnhhv of the puhllsher C. S. Jackson's hills, one to fruhibit ! the I'lihlicat ion of 'ieliii'iuent taxes anu ' the other reducii'L' t- riil'culousK l .u liyiire charges on leyal Hll'lica ti..ns, are i-ntliir mure than Mr. Jack son's pi-t hohhies. W hiie the voter ho takes the tinit t.. Mu, ly the lulls will tin, I they havt i 1 mi l it the L.'eiieral fiuhlic, as tht .Miii-u.i Mr. Jackson knows, will tive i oi t little thoimhl to the matter, and it trie Journal happens to he. his favorite I iii er, he may vote for the Jackson i. These hills, while theClaciet ti.,.- r, peatedly pun, ted out their lack , f Worth, do not tif themselves repre sent the ereat point at issue. Hut are the voter; of Oregon troint; to allow the pu! h.-her of a widely read newspa- p i, miiii.I.v heemtse he lias heen erant- i eil .-u -h a privilege through the free lin'ii "I' the ress of a threat nation, to ,-iiiii-e his priviiene? If tactics similar to t hose characteriinn Mr. Jackson's action lire carried much further Wt mav well look to a public sentiment rc.Mnctinj; the Hi-eat free press of the American nation. liliUM) HI.MILS AM) UltASSIKS The lure of a well kept trolf course, to t he man w ho has swunj? his driver and has seen a guttapercha nlohe go Imi t linn tliroimh spa, e or w ho has by a deft touch with his putter sent the hail rolliun into ll.t hole becomes very leal. To him tin- study of clubs, in 1 numerable kinds of innumerable names, and all of them for some special pur- i '. ,n, o. O'l s ' ' 1 1 1 e I'M, I OUI- 1 1 t.o'-e hecotues is fascinating as rods ami reels and ll ies and leaders to a dis- cipir ot Isaac Waldin. hut it a man decides to make Liber- 1 Iv eiirilenin his f,nrt instead of 'olf. he will soon I'm, I thai his favored lot um iehc has planted potatoes, peas , present time as a result of the work of and beans has jm.t as ureal a lure n- lllt, I'acitic Northwest Toiltist Associa the links for the uoll'er, and the differ-: tion, maintained by the governments i rt l.,i;ds, species and varieties of hoes ; (ir.y(lll Washington and Itritish Co are almost as numerous as those of lumhia. An exceedingly attractive L".ir , l.,lis, nor does one have to limn , double paered advertisement, prepared bin, .-elf to the use of a single kind ol . 1V t,t, zzftn c,m),any advertising spade. Ihe eame of ;row inK' line voir- specialists of Seattle, apiears in the n.ihle.s, of hattlii .(( with apliids and airtine'd Printers' Ink. species of larvae that persists in trv-I ... i ii f to devour your best radishes, soon ; . 1 1 1. .... ii . m i 1 1 ns mi v .17, ll K"n couise. ine nioaii-niaiie or the jjoost'-iic-k vviil have an especial appeal when oii view the rapid growth of i.ovoiis weed-. S . .. i , ii ,, ,11 ,',.,.l l...,; ' , - ' "iii iiiiw i; ii, ' le, 1 1 e ,' t- ( . , ni",,- onei esunn inaii iroinne; or anv I sin: 1,'u s,niit. And ardeninir has be-i "ii , ii et v popular sport. It is fos- In, d ,y Hoover. Arrange for a plot : ot croiind, buy a load of two of ma- : i hi e to spread t hereon and prepare to ci"A 'i.r fanniv's vcm'taMes next shir.iiier. , ;m minor wiTinroMHK Waller M. Pierce, Iieiiiocratu- candi date for governor, apparently is not i ntsiiiro policies that particularly re- ecu, Irs nasi record n r.,.,.,.,.,1 tl,, ;,. i ""hav i "'i t'oii k' lo appeal to the .' pat riot ic ! .... . citizenship of tlrrtfon. His political placards and Ins talks smack too much of palaver. It is ihlliculf for Mr. 1'i, ice to exidain his t, inner very close idem iticat ion with Hie Non-Partisan I .I'ilt, lie. Civeiuor ithycotrbe, seeking re i lection, is nrnhf to nd it. Wc have I ... I'eat of that. The Pierce supporters u ll,,od K-A ,-ouiity are n'oine; to hi -' - mall as ;,imt Cot to be courted, llo, ,1 ICiver court-, 's record in tile I-, ri.rt h I . i be rt v Loan can. pa in u is a sin e , 1 -itet-ion of a tanlinihle Vote for Wal ter M. Pierce. lames Withvcotiit-e has made a rec , id a- w ,-ir n 'Vernor of whidi Orenor '- well re pt'otiii. The citizens of dren, n .-liould n" t" the polls Novcm '' ' '-l -'Npress their appreciation. HIXli: BLOWERS l-ri in ota- v ew point, it is not feces saf to i;o to the polls November f and vide for liidne L. N. Klowers. He Idisn't any opnsition. Put have ,,u ever tlioucht ,.f it in this liyht ; Judj;, Flowers has attended In his duties with a most cor.?, -lent ions renard for tin- n I of the citizens of Hood Kiver county. He has considered himself n serv art of the pen) lo of this county an 1 has acted ace um ti n ly . He deserves the vote of ev ery cit izen lenni dless of what his or her party affiliations niav he, vv ho isits the polls on flection day. Tire I'hin: s. K. A. FlHtiz Ce. m smuts In the f.-ur tr-; f l-'V Scouts, in charge of re! rc.-et la ive rt'.rn of the' re)-e'.ve c. r- rrur-.ties in hch tr.ey are l-fattd. H.i I', ver cut ty has er Canizattor.s t.f r.,ch she is justly t n.ud. The i r:r-clj Ies en v hich the l'.uy S-outs !;;; their i arta-ipatii-n in .-ommu-dty a:rair will, if adhered to, n.ake i-f then: letter t'S ar.it he'.ter n.en. I : trie ttiiie ,.f v ar w hen every mar., wnrr.ar. a! i chilJ is called .n t.i itf fas utn. .t for his ration. e have fieeti shon h. 'A la.v Scuts car! lender , tr, at hi.i to ti e:r cur, try . May the Sc-ut oruaMZati, : s con tinue to t'r, a ar , to win rc ami aij, ei honors. BK I'ARtHL Citizens' w lio-e p!:ii'esaijoin the'old State roa.'. i.., a link ftheJtVlurnhia Kiver Highway fvest of the city, are complamintj at tc spee.I of gravel trucks he'tfj opt-tatea t.y thetate Hie;tiav t'oinini.-sion an. I of tf.e reck lessness of ti i v t rs of pleasure automo- hile While the fa.-t driving t.f motor tourists has not heen so loticeahie on Cascade aver'ie. the cit extension of he lliiihway, the spurts t.f speed of s..me of the tiic; Jtrucks has aroused (,,n-mer,tofcit dweilers. r.3f Two very narrow escapes were noted on the State road Sundav. Lest we have a very serious ami rcgrettati'e ac- citlent. iiiotorists and truck drivers shuul'i. Kfeater careen their ilri "ff- I'MTKI) WAR WOKh DRIVE lloml kiver county's quota in the I'nited War Work drive is fixed. The piotas of individual districts have been set, and the campaign is just waitinu to he launched. Thcj.ress has told the the purpose of this drive, w"''rt" it! ""l" K" f"r comfort and' aid of sollurs overseas and at home, throiiyhja eonperativejworkof all reliL'ioiis forces of this ifreat na tion. And just as Hood kiver county proceeded to raise the Fourth Liberty Lean fund, so is she Koin'to raise this ipiota for the bit: War Work drive. " The duty is pointed out. The admir- '' spiritjhat is "inspiring, will do Ihe rest. . .! tnent, w Inch issued the following ; So tret yourselves ready for the call ! ' Matter of prices asked by Youn of the committees that will visit you: Men's Christian Association for its Friday, November S. Do your part, articles sold in canteens overseas al and thus the campaign will all lie over ready invest iKated by war department in that one dav and voul can resume and condition is belli remedied. The Ihe comtiletion of vour made harvest I ' The state has her eves on vou. Hood ,, e ' , . . kiver, for vour record in past drives. lust "C-irrv (in " : Joe Know Ies, the nature man, pro- i poses that Kill the llutcher be placed dark nuked and alone'on a wilderness; island. Mr. Know Ies proposes the im- 1 tuissible. The Knowles proposal is scarcelv a tit punishment for the kai--er. Put if he were placed there, loesn't Mr. Knowles know he would I I 'I 'Pi II i ii never he a one. Ihe I ohenzn ern . . ..,,.. i ..i ei -,, r" -n i u Ihe wraiths of millions dead will keep . him coinpanv. ' The Pacific Northwest is securing me very beneficial puhlicity at the If vdu happen to see some friend on the sidewalk and he it'in to contort his face while he scar 1 the palm of his hand or fineis do not i think him eccentric or insane. He has just been handling slabvvood and is ! I , look 111(1 for one orVotne, of those in sidious little, almost invisible, slivers that worry householders thiounh the cold season. In accordance with the President's proclamation, you w ill net. hack next Sunday tnornitiK that hour you lost last Faster Sundav. Set vour clock: hack an hour on lii'iiiK to bed Saturday muht. When the clock reaches the hour hand at 1 o'clock Sunday morning it w ill be otliciallv set back to 12 n. m. i Women of Hood Kiver county who "been lav 'm e..rl.inir f.,r Ihui, , , . .. , ,, , , , . . b-'d I loss ( haptcr. should consider for! a moment the record of Mrs. Amos I Knot, , f Mosier. Mrs. Knot is truly ' an Americaii'citiv.en of an overllowinn l"ii per cent'.lnyalty. tThe proposed," so called II annum -llaiiniimaii road in the" Upper Valley, to all appearances is not an essential, ! at least at the present time. There-: fore not a cent should lie expended in ! any preparation for the openini; of it. The apple nrwcrs have been Jsuc cessful in si-urinp modification of the: 2', per cent freinht increase, and Hoed , Kiver fruit will roll at a charge of: l.lu plT pin pounds. The new freinht! rale went into effect yesterday. i F.at, sleep and live tetrularly and oh- ' serve rules of cleanliness and you will have none far toward preventing Span- i ish intluerz.a. 1 As h protection, not jmly for your self I ut for the j uhlic, remitin nt home if you hitve h had cold. A pence made in (iernmny is repue;. nant tn the civilized world. On to llerlin ! On not stop at one apple a half doz en will he nil the hettcr for you. Oon't you hy. the Flu veil pas I Weed Tire Chains. K. A. Franz Co COUNTY QUOTAS IN WAR CAMPAIGN Chairmen of Organization Also . Given Herewith. Fo"u!t.8 are the otr'.eial ijuota of ea h county la the United War Worlt Campaign. eek of Nuvmb-r 11. hair u.iL of ea h couu'y ana t.:s J JreB: Haker county. $1S J p O'Bryant, Hakr, Or tun; Heum ei.uury. Ill' 'joj. W. K. Kyler. Corvaiiis, ( la, kaina county. $:h.Tnu. A. C. lhiwlami. tlr-eoa City; I'la'sop. JJii.iSr.ii. H F. Srone, Astoria. Columbia. $lo.:',oU. Charles Wheeler, rit. llehlis: COOS. $1S.15U. Charles Hali. Marhfie!d; Crook. $4, l.".o. W F. KinK. Fnueville; Curry, $J.a,",0. Harily T. Stewart, fort Urfi.nl; Deschutes. Jri.Oi't.i. T. H. Foley. Bend; DouKlas. Sis-Jon. lion. O P. Coshaw, Koseburg. Cilliaui, $."i.j'iO. D. K I'arker, Condon, liraut, $j.50, f. D Tyler, John Day; Harmy. Jtj.ami. I S !.er, Iturns; flood f'.iier. $h.S"ii. Leslie But- l-r. Hood Kiv.-r: Ja kson, $:tCti, Wiu. C Tait i North r. M.-dfoid, K. V.Carter, i South I. Ashland. Jefferson, $.!,n"0, Howard W Turner. Madras; Jose phine. 17.100. lleorge K. I.uniHierg, Crants Pass; Klamath, $loi)o, A. U. Kppirson. Klamath Falls; Lake, SiO, J F. Burgess. l.akeiew; l.atie, $L'H.Soit. Richard S. Smith, Kunene: ; Lincoln. $4.50. H. F. Join s. Newport; Linn, J'l'.&no. I'. A. Young. Albany; Malheur, $tl.4"0. W W. Wood, On tario; Marion, $:t7.6f. W. 1. Staley, Salem; Morrow. $ti.750. M. D. Clark, lleppm-r; Multnomah, $:tu6.n50, Dr. 11 C. Fixott. MorKan Bldft ., Portland; Polk. $12.7011. H. I. Fenton. Dallas; Sherman. J."i.2i(i, Moro; Tillamook Co. B Bourhill, 8.fi5W. '. .1. Kd- wards. Tillamook; I'maiilla. $:t4.20. V H Ch'.-ss-.r.aii. IVniiU'ton; Cniou. $15,150, George Palmer, La Crande; ; Wallowa. $!00, Wade Siler. Kilter- I prise; Was, o. $i:!.2.".u. K. O. McCoy, : The Dalles; Washington, $21,r,.".u. J. . 11. tJarrrtt. Ilillshoro; Wheeler. $3,050. ' C. (. I'orlwood. Fossil; Yamhill, $18,-: 550, W. B Dennis, Carlton. , MISUNDERSTANDING CLEARED UP A misunderstanding; relative to the ertinri-u WOIK til Hie I. M , V . .A. lias been cleared no h tfie War DeiiHt-t. t'llllfs Meu s Christian Association Bas ur"'a".v s"f, u i.encrai Pershinp to run the canteens tor the ' .... . arm' "" " V "nl,'r ,0 d : this l had to reckon in price fixing , sui h overhead charges as transporta tint, charges and marine Insurance so that prices were much higher than iu this country. "The Yoiihk Men's Christian Asso- elation made no profits, but lost thou sands of dollars. Arrangements now ; made will enable them to obtain sup-, lilies from sources that will reduce ' overhead charisos and keep prices i down." UNITED WAR WORK OFFICERS State committee officers for the! 1 niled War Work Campaign are: W. , M. I.aild, i-haii man , (). V. Davidson, director; John W. Kelley. and Mrs. ; William 11 Marshall, associates: dtree- ' tor publicity, Ira V. Powers; speakers'! and entertainers' hiireau. .1. W. Hay; siiiuenis, .loiin ii 1 1 u lid . viceiory uoys : and girls' feature, Walter A. (Piss. i Chairiu, ii of ihe seven allied ornan- , l.ations. : Y M i'. A.. Mr. Ladd; . W. C. A.,, Mrs, William Mae Master: War Camp ' ( oin, uiihily S- rvice, lOmery olnistea-l; ' American Library Association, W. L. j Hrevvster; Kniahts of Columbus, Prank ; J. I .oneiKan ; Salvation Army. O. C. I ltortinever; Jewish Welfare Hoard,, Hen Selllliji. John II M, tt, of New York, is direc tor in chief and Lyman I, Pierce, of Sun l-raiieisco, is director ot the Western I apartment, embracing einht sia'es. it, i luiliiin ( ireon. Ll . ,m Sr. Ki . . r.wr r. 1 nu'i ' u' "" i, i. ! Huts lor nurses are maintained by the Y. W r V at Ihe base hospitals in France To extend this work a portion ol the I 'nited War Work funds : 1,1 '"' raised in November will tie used, j PERSHING'S "DO WITHOUT IT" CLUBS Organization of "do without It" clubs in America, as a means of aiilinn the United War Work i ampainn, which open November 11. was recommended by James P. PershuiK. brother of (ieneral Persliinn. in an address delivered recently in Portland in behalf of the drive. lle urned the American people to make some sacrifices in order to help "curry on" the nreat undertaking that is to furnish money for war work in the ba'tle zone durinn the comitiK year. A treat percent age of American people, lie said, do not know, from any sacrifices made thus far. that a war is in progress Relaxation of activi ties because of peace proposals, he declared, should not he toler ated, and asked people of the country to throw their whole enerny and cooperation behind this latest drive for securing funds 1'or tin- seven bin war workim; anencies consolidated in the cainnainn. Baby Expert Preaches Greater Use , Of Milk. A milk hill and healthy children is cheaper than a doctor's hill and an underfed, undernourished child. It would he cheaper to start riht. So SRya Mrs A Bayley, of the 1'aretits' Kducatlonal Hiireau. Orenon Congress of Mothers, who has presided at the testing of thousands of hahieu. She finds thfl milkfed youngster of three or four years scores much higher than the child who has had little milk iu his diet. Mrs. Bavley preaches & greater use ot milk for young and old. : It- i nvnaNHNBNHNava Carter's for Wear the l' ii- ir ar that w -ur h eci!iu:iiv any u:!i,-: T(u- itust O'Si't'i.t 'tab!- tit.clt-t Cartel 's i the stautait! Lav c ai i.-.fs an, I st I'arteis riii!erear!r.e!:ts assire ymi port't't-t ;i li i.k. an-1 remarkable co::.ftrt. Our prices are the New Miti.iy Ii:, rises f, r SU! tlhet-t to I'll, lose tre!!1.. Children's lu all arieties. Cotton Kieece.l arul Woolt n I'tiioti Suits se'-.irate garments. Our assortment is she largest an-1 II .id our prices the lowest. an o to! Hoys' I'tiilershirts an.! Ib'awers. o-o-.l luavy inter wear, about ail sies to ciiooe from the Kanr.eiit .Men's Sanitary Floored heavy tleocod. winter veioht. HOOD RIVF.K OKEGON GRUMBLING IN THE GLOOM. Try to forget Your Ache, and Pains rd the Bad We. .trier. It was u u Ise old it e. ho remarked that if talk about o-.ir n he- and pains i eie ..upi re--,-.! a thii.t - l the eonu-r sHti-n of chi!!.'.e,l life noiild ,-ca-e. If t-i tills tnterdlcie-l Kiil-.h-.-t were n-W.-l tluit ..f o t: s.-: li.-l'u.-t w , at her unoiher tldnl would he chopped It Is unniiiii: to heur Immunity lie xotUig s-i iiiu--1i of (he l-rh t time alio:. ted us here tu palnt'iiily detailed ilia noses of our hea, hi, lies. ..-k.'he. t-tii!i,-h a, he and liiwuiieraliie other miseries. The comical pr.it of r lies In the s.l emu iitleti.e with which e.i, h list mih to t lie other. He or she know s. w ever, t'liit 1 is or her 1 t comes n .t, fu. li'v-i if til. I, iditia Mcherih:.' I I- In, Piked, i-e'-ai'le em n :h nf'l'llhts of s l.-ktiess w 1 lire ii"f 1! Mlltll ,r ii with the Ins "f the present, but r nist trea-iue ii j i t!i'1 pnttis "f tin- p:is hs ,'Ol.statitlv lI'M'llmillHtiiitf fc--ei' oirs of misery nn,l l,.it-;-oiv them of the fu'mv as a debt under w tit, h to ;t oati i-.tnl Krtimlile. If wo could forget tt n'l nnd permit nt'iera to Tor.-et Ir O i-o -hi-- ,,ten ,cn- t.u r 10 t'n.ii it. t.i n. op, u o n "M'-itcnl side to the ho : ;h-s, (,,.,s- offered It. what a rniM-i-e of (ov and ' heer find brightness ;.',.i( en seen w oitld lie In-fore us! It Is nil a manor of mental turn. We may shut the shades of the windows of our minds on Ihe sunny si, I,, nuu moan In darkness, or we tuny open Ihe sumo windows wide and lauuh in the sunlight - liilsii.in Herald. FORGED ANTIQUES. Even British Museum Experts Have Been Fooled by Them. The "nnlbpilly" maunf:i'l ui-er Is n intiii who thrives on evpert f.irnei-y rurnii m e, pi iul i, ,-lilmi , pi, t m es. piale. " ' ' ' ' ' m"sl tapestry he imitates them all s-.i.-, -essi 'nil, . l!ach tnan hu Is spe cl.-ilty. devotes liini'-'-lf to old s horn len'lier .i:r ks. another pioiln, iiooiis, u intiii tiirns out Ine, illeval " MSS. The Hrltl-li museum once boif-ht a rntlssy plate for S2..H. While an nt- ten, hint was liandlliitr It one of tl U sen Is iiflii'-heil to Its hack iiiiestliitf Us u'etiuliietiess liecnme del nched, disdos Inn the iiuirk of a tnmli-i -u French pot- ter. (In other oeenslons term eottn f: ures of IsIs ninl (slri, lioiiirlil by the insiiiution mi- nun, iieus or pounds, ; nil th ilit, l(J tht. J)0ht , ! have been dls -overed to be composed beuinmne;, containinti "2 acres, tnori i of modern clay. r or less, subject to riirht of way of P'nr (food sb't-y told of n foiled il- ! niers' Irrigation Company ditch, to : rw mil It, It. mie ilint oui-iiorteil to i Is'ethcr with the tenements, fieredita ! have come from some secret excava tion In SliLy. This undent cup was ' eii'iinmented with a circular bas-relief, 1 ...11 I I.. I , . . I oi ii ii men i en , 1 1 u a , o . 1 1.1 1 n.i-n'in'i, 1 rcprcseutlm: the frh-.- e of the Part he- ' mm. I'.ut In the liclnht of his Inuo ' ceuce the foi-.er hud piveti ihe frieze In Its present ruined con, ill ion. The exhibition of the cup was received with shouts Stan, hi rd. of humbler. London APPLE BOX STAMPS TIolo G-lacicr Office Tt AT I WONT fcAT rA0lE ICE CREErA Wrfj fMTj WlTft U&R NOR i0 MotCAH-OY What's rvAlP WiT 5UGER. Honest aw tco- .CHCPiJ r'V -HART. I -, CfiMS : , . -s: fta -ji . .V '-il ' , J i x, ' 'J 1 AN HEPOIC Underwear Ladies we urn. farter' l V:: el t s. ni, .rt- tfiatt ew-r st- ti - At - ar yu.i can l...iv. as ivliai-lt- as time- its-If. We O t M ; ( cvevt. I.;., ies an.l Misst-. A 1- r as- Underwear I'eeced. 28c 59c I'mlrrshirts. splendid Siiirts only, each &e PARIS FAIR Sheriff's Sale to an t xecutioii and order of sale is- isiit - l out of the circuit court of the I state of Oregon for II. ...d Kiver court 'V, to me .lirected, oate.l the -T-'nU day ei ,'eiiiner, i:'is, upon a jmiirnient ami decree for the foreclosuie of a certain ni, rteace in a suit whetem the Stati hand 1'iiHid was nlaintitf and .losetd. II. Shoemaker and Jennie M. Sin e-I maker and the I. utter Itatikinq Coin- l--lt,e VI . ,., ii. for .Innts r.,,. ,., favor of the plaintiff 'and against the d, fendants, Josepn II Sl.oemaki r and Jennie M. Shot maker and J. arb J if them. f,,r the sum i f i---.-. with interest at the rate of ,. pe.-cent per aiititim from the 2 1st day of Septetn - ta r, lti'.s, 'and tor the I urtht r sum of $2i,ii foi i.tterney fees and for 5lti costs ! .and disbursements and the aeeniii.-tf j cost of and upon this writ, i And also upon a judu'tiiciit in said Isiut in favor ef th,'- detetniant, the j Kutler rankihc Company and against I the other defendants for the sum of 1 -.'.:" with interest thereon from the 1st day of January. 1'.'17, at the rate of S per cert per annum and Ihe further sum of .s'li as attorney fee. I will on the 2:ird day of November, lVIs, at the hour of In oYlrk a. in., at the front door of the court house in Hood Kiver, in Hood Kiver county and Mute of (Itecjon, sell at public auction to the bttoiesl bai ter for cash in hand all the unlit, title and interest of the said defendants, Joseph II. Shoemaker and Jennie M. Shoemaker, held by them 011 the 2Mb dav of November, 11 1 1 , or at any tune since, in and to the followinrr described real property situated 111 Hood Kiver county, Ure U'oti, towit : ( 'omineiicinu- t t tit- ipiarter section corner common to sections three and ten in Township 2 North, Kanyc In Last of Willamette Meridian, thence run south alone; the quarter section line SO reds, more or less, to the south east corner of the northwest quarter of the iioihtwest ipiarter of said sec tion lu ; thet-ce west on the south lint of said liottheast , matter of th-- liorth- i west ipiatter so tods, more or less, to i tlie southwest cottier of thu said north least quarter of northwest quarter: thence north on the west Inn- of t-aid ' r-.ortlieast qmirler of northwest quarter j S.i! chain, more or less, to the south i '"'C "i oii'd o-vntd liy one t olintry- inan ; thence en-1 alone; said Country man's sail south line 5.SS chains to said Countryman's southeast corner, 1 t hence r.ort h nl,ini said ( 'onntrv tn!,,i' tut linn (i U r-hitiriu to t iw , 1 1 1 ku-. ,t t 1 corner of a tract formerly owned by ! Kzitia K. Jones, thence east alone; said Jones south line i rods to the south- t'!,- ''"'her ol said J-.ties tract, then, east cot tier of north alonir said Jones east line 20 rods, more or less, to the north line of said section lu, thence east, ahum said n, ants and appurtenances thereto be on.'inc; or in anywise aiiiiertainini'. Said nreliertl' wilt bo siihl u 1 1 1 i ... f I.. ' ' ... lM ., i ... r,,, ..., , :,, ,,u i.,, i ! required, ' (fated and lirst puldished this 2 It h day of ( let, iher, P.MS. 1 hos. Y, Johnson, Sherill'. . Ilerhy and K. ( . (ilanville, Attorneys for I'lamttV. n21 A. y a U. S. F.kj,1 Aiiiiiinintratl'iti. . -' f I m Ctr.T j ' SACRIFICE Turkish l'r !,:,.. l'pc-iI. t-aca L'ti.i'i wo: cat. Flannel Shirts for Men Ci-Ki'i hea e!'.-S. eaeli Boys' Duck Coats uttiket 1 1 no. ! sizes LVS, ii. A I'ier shipment of Ladies' French Caps, just received. partmetit. New Siik Petticoats, one lia-.e ever had. Call and see them, the quaiuy, style and ptice. VOTE R S OF OREGON III-! i-Oll-U !-! I e.orh.lii,. I. Cot It U --le Ml tl .-I Hie ;i I ti. 1 " bit,- tor . MU-,-t ,t ii nil to he il(0' ,1 on I he , 'i , i i i ' 1 1 ' . 1 1 1 innW- it n,-ivs,it to ll-i in.- ol ,. in t-.ui.l l.lal. I l l I- I ..1 I inpot 'alii .o-l I loll ill tin- ! .it I lie MU'e t.i i i-t.o.p u iii-oi .r ext-n,e lclicmi ! I 1 1 Is ,-',-lt i 'wrloim.' I "i.,l v,.i- i ,-l.araeter. ali.t ol l.to.el I tot ,,UI coilMltei Hi lull I! f k linnri I I II S lllKlirl I !Js Ua VMsl'la LFLriLtLl Ul UKf.UU!M cm ltis;,t, nt .t th. Sian Hi veats. lawyer lot -.', o i-ti-ir. not S(.:oi ish V me, Iran W n f :unl f ' ' I i ll ' l'l 1 1' - 1 1 1 Mil le '1,0,1. till liL' si - cd Willi Oli, .'i Ii, mm. til: Unriilrt-r ot ll,ct.''ll I , Llstinu," in l'l,- ;, ml 1 ir.. s.-s.uins; .llidt;,',!) tin' V ll I Miiieiiii llivft l.-l . ear-. Ill all lln-s,. ii.iMimiis ti,. has in'olt' i;,mii. His .v.,rd a, a ,n at.' c 1 1 1 1 II H lid eu hi :C ofti-'CIl til, ht't'll lilMit' it It H'lslll . Write in his name at the Gen eral I. ec:im Nov. 5th. 1 or Justice ot the .Supreme (ioui t to till vacancy caused hv the death of Justice I -rank A. Moore. Vote for ( )ne W rite the name of J. I . (iamphell in the above . pace and place an in front of his ii.inie. I I l toiq.t.e,! tor Siqiri'tiie Court I 'h iii pa i e ll I ' no., oi, - mi lily., lit-giill. J. 1 1. Hut ter j-. I I'ii id Adv i FOR SALE - A letit-lernl Jersey low, Ire 'I'ei i;;.'i. " ,,. n I-or isa: as .May. t-iir Sale.. ;; wieeli, ins,- iriieK- :H cacti. W , I-,. Nliet man, phone iris si 1 lot roll For sale I I hiii it-v, top lilt, I t.odv In n I sl'i'l'c, No. 1 utieels. .1, A. Waller. I'hollc .liOli. o.'ltl hot Sal, tin ei'sjil 1 On I Heuter, us, , , sens.in, tl,nd us new. i ,H S trll(i, Move. i.ll. .-s it it , ,11 . 5111 Mate si. oill For Serviee .- lieu Isteled white Iroar. .No h, t ler sM-lk III II Illlllrv; I'llee reMSOlialde. W. It Oilisuh. p.. ii. plume ami. ,1:11 f-01 sale - Itutiiv 1111,1 liainess, solid rniiliet ' 1 'eil Iiiikkv Ail 111 nrsi ela-s slnipe. Ann, inotiiie seat I'noiie :u;:i. ,,; For sale -:d,s t.iodel Mileliell ttve passrni;.M autolimliile us n Iiisncy. It A. I linnets imCHuflM. o.'i l ot Snli' I hot,illi;l,l,i,.,l l'lyin,,ii;li Unci, roo-leis. larue type holaiul I tuna ,iKs, a lew i-o.-ds ot F ir wooil. ,,. Oilell .,',1 .l.l.Huek war ,,,, For sa!e-'l Ian, nnsnliwd New .eiihoid rati lilts, also iqi.e ra, k 101,1 w-anmi. lcl.i;o, .'i For- Sale anil iq..e A iinri-.tw- yautie waton, spriur. ' . f:-, t.f all. I II. If. ,ues, 1. I'lioue o-lt 11 Js o.'l l-or snle St-iniiitliunil Iiihil'V ,'lie.in. v . I. i'ii,-,'.;, u.v vvnnt oin,-., No, :i OJl For Sale-One oleum riparalor, II, , dent ter and sacks, riiiilie ,V.,1J, ' I.,,!-suli'- Ai h hatirnn, ,, ,.,)sv , ,,, ,01 nun in iiiKliw-lij, weslol eily A ct e ot tl lit " 11 loot "'id hemes ,,( all kinds Iw.-ii. poiillty li.ii.srs. ele. Address, (' llaldw in, Hood River, Die ,,'U ' l ot Sale - lilleey, llaek,,,!,,! iianie I 1 1, .lie .i'.,.l. I-jii sale -A ll'allii liny . k. K. Noh! cheap, olmf I'lioue olOll For Sale - AllallH Hay , 1V ,, U)V1. Kniicti, IMionr i.,.':i. ,:. .. Uavim. .,, l or Sal,- .. Fox lliiiim I pimples, wnle or tel ,-pliolie 1771. tl, u. Sit,vi.kni,p. Fn, Sale-llnt.dsonir hlaek Kelilini;, K. pi ynos, sound, tenlie. , ,, vs., f While liiare, l',-i l: years, weiKhl K'lril ,,s' seiylcealiiy- Miunit, yeiill... H, t, r. work.-, . 1 Ills team Is in ,,!,, , , , mil ol lotiil w,k. v .i , a narealii I" aialeiv or loe,.,er, will, Uaniess. i a . !! t .ru V vi- ' .'"' '"Hi's nor.liwesitrom 117 Fur Sale A sntKll Im, !e I'm, I. .r Al condiiion, 'li'I.Oitfli:i,:7rvei,im.s sji,t For Sale-Tniedo.N,,,,,,. .N,lrJry .VltVrHlo, -I'lllit! pirttltlni!, leadlDK varieties ,,t ,. l'eH, .ct,e, ,'.v,etr. I'hone 4,'!'.,. II ,S I j li,,,, . I,1i j FOR RENT f'. Ketll --17 ncie, l.aek ol V al ley I ' I, I'N 1 1 h lrel, m ll.irrel, i,,.lni,, THiWinorrl ir I'sl in eiiiiivation. Ih,se, hM, '-ehm. I.mo. a l'r, ,-, ( p. y tlx p. ''' ' l or Kent- -Ji i-d'i. I, plioiie ' ' aprle mneh. , , s. r,a, H ' '' '"' " very shun timr, ,,::( Fur lien! F ill u'lu d House. 1 1.. ;li(p Fur i: -nt tow niow ti, ri;e ,M. fU(, ,e,p.fns to '.V I, I'hone 17.1.'. liitm For Hem - .n rmhl-rooi ni.lied I ii, ., 1,1. ... I, ,. ., . I'" n lilt im Inn,... . ".ri,-,,. , uie ti sciiool Jn lime oi .tn,. .i .a .ia tiiakel. l, I, r . i'v,1;::, rxz ,r:;r 7, jr:; WANTED Wanted - Kxiietlenee.l Orel' ri t il I st oeriie, W it tiled ,r very I trill 1 ihp nr 1 ii-, , I.,... 1. 1 . . for very r,l,1,).krrp, Pie die llii 03 1 "J s hi I y S 1 7 a rit'L't'il i-atN. 15c S1.48 oJ. wluio thev iasi. 98c arid .Misses' el yet '1 at: See them in our M.'ditieis of the best assortments You'll be pli.; se HOOD IUV1 u OKKCiON W K WAN I' KI- I UKsH M I 1 i -I KK IO N IN oi.Kie.N W , i j W tin ll!ls s.i, sliii K . I I. -I I 1 1,' r. ' ; ll'Hlks, ot w ho Iihvi- tlad I l v.,,, x , 1 ( . lull w.-iil I like to itt v, in, ;ii'o , .... 1 1 1 11,1 every a pr , lea n t ;, j'. A a i , l ; sv -tela t lint will i-1 1 a 1 1 ! e an . w I niHkr li oril f,:. I.' Jl.rJI pel ' 'i I ., . women o! ei't il toll., i a' l.!., I IllriUe-lI. ltl Hl'I'IVdU slaN ,.L'- i , Towels .l in- I null ' lless , srel l.-r, .-. linmn. r .it , , -11., me ol an.v j 1 iv, d In eom nnoe.' . and i. I, i. colllldele', K 1 lie M 1 1 , , lll'll hlilii , Serllla. Vlt 1 1 Willded W III pav S t lie lile. 0. I . in' in a h. .r W - 1 W ini'i'd ' .t ! ler 41 111 t 1 ) lea. Wan.--, srna 1 1 la 1,1 1 1 . .Mis ' jail St. I'uo'ie b' '.' v a ti. d - -e olid tin lid Ii 't liartitd Wlte, llillsl I"' in noo.l . , 1: rt. V iiiiled - lo l.iiy yoiit n. and I Hits lash ol IICW tools K. A. l- i an I o Wali'el -I o t,,iv yotlf used tnitties: pi lees. Siiv, oil! luou wlh It , .ross, lord ;l l eet ee. It r. I'd l.'l.i. Warned To trade .11 aet. s ill I 1 ill Illy. Mil , lor Hood It iv, I an , ace land eio-e to ralitoad and titflwa, ;i hill I. at.e Oc, 1, iiotie. Kel'lv lo a.:,! MISCLLLANEOUS 1-out 1-1 u 111 iI nii'iit i!i 1 lit1 I'M III11V ll.'lVt'Mllllf tt y c;i I I Itiil W "U, 1 1 1 "--, 1 1 ti' 1 1 1 ' I i 1 'it H 1 1 H 1 thr.t linci.'i i-fhif l.tt.-t 'U'tirliil I'tf tui-'r., ..ii.-!.. aiui iKir en t liiiif l'ii -hh .,7 . 1. I f ; . ' I.usl S'iil c.tM'. ticlWMi'ii Vnvrr :tn I lilri1;t. Ulip a ('.in! I" A I K . i - l,t1 S,iIurtMV f-ViMlitii;. hrlUi-.u ihiu-ii -ioif iin.t h i , mu h! nun U' i t ,i ntiji n'wl an im'hI ritiii Pirnee M - - ( -l;i, t'l't. ItiiM ill .nvunl Lu M let- i h'i hi l itt -I'Hr of n ti-) inmit'-l n i iiw hit iiih ;v .s mie hy r;i i ! i ny a : i fu r oili-'f. , rnit'tt lenllier hiii 't i tun lo tl Ki v r miuI l HM-adf 1,4't k -morn ipk , n-toln-r 1 1 1 Ii, tn it ih I ca i i- i ' M'k . W .I.' (irip i-oiitHini-il iiii' ninl stiavln-i oiiKll ami Wt-arint; iiitin -h-i will tt" IthfC'tily rt'Uattlftl, n ti,' livrt u r i p to i ' . .1 . ( tt I k 1 1 1 s, llotxl H -1 V tin yrir i ti , 11 iMttt Kiver. urc. Lost - (Hi M or ni a v Htternini. oi I mm rump on t niuintiiH, nil rn i ! left c nhloli tor l eill seal ot honl i Will fi inter i li av let in n to liinri -(ii uanie i ev ti i tt. A diiiinontl nin;. i'hone ''tell .WJ. tl niter. SOCIETIES. Hot ill KlvF.R ' AL1.M II I' A M. su, ill) Hood Kiver, Ore. ('. !l N n-krisen I" MtH. Alma Howe. Sec. Leslie Hut i. , . 1 :. nr. ( all plume l.'lll. KFM1' LoI'liK, No 1st, I. ii. o F .M,. i-n: Odrll Odd Fellows' liall every h.Iiii Imv iiltttit. N'isliors cordially w-e tin"! II s. t'liuniicv, N. U. Wilson I -;ke. V o W. I, , nines. See y; W . II. Km her, lies I. F.'l'A ASSF.MHI.Y NO. ll. I'M'll'.li HI 'sans.-.Vlet'lh the ttrst and lliinl Wedi..-. days, work: secriid and fonrili Weil ue. n s AitisKiis' hall. c. ll. HiNKiens, VI. A. .1 ll.KotiKiio Secretary. t'l.KW 'it. pk i.oiiuf; no, wr, I. o o c Meet, il) F'lli'el llHl iittll, every F h 1 1 , s. Im v liiKtit. VV lili iin II 'jman. ,s u. S. M. hick. V ,.. ileo. W. 'I'tiornson, seereiary. tool, ItlVFK H AI'I'H'. K No J.1, , i. F. s M eet h see,, ml and tour t h files, I m ,--,iiii,i ofeacii nioiilh. V'lhltoi's cordniMv weicom, -I MrK. J II, M, l.-illKti'llii. W. M Miss Ada Poole, Serreiiiry. y 11 1 Kiver roiiitinoidery N" l- F I Meels every flrr-t Tue-day eveuiiit eaeli tnontli. ,. K Critsiui, 1, r. i A. ('Mlltlelll. Kl'COIlit'l wain a tf:.H'.f; i-viiiian -HsIF.K- n., ,. MeetK Hie ei-olnl all, I f, HI rl ll I'h li im I a . ol each month al K. ol I' lui',1. M is, Susie hv on. F". (' Mis. Kate Fled," u k, M, ol It ninl , . Mis, Margaret Howell, M ot F . loot) RI VKR ('AMI', NO. 7.7'rj, M, w. A Meets In K ul P. 1 it) 1 1 every 1st and el '.V e.l ol each month. . un. ll ml, V i W, T. Frazicr. Clerk. Hoof) RI VKU I l III l.F. NO. (M, VA'OM F.N OK Woodcratt - Meeln at K. ot I', ha'l on In,' fl rut anil Third I liursilnys ut t-arli t iiii. Mrs in a Hlu;:n. -.. N MrN MHtlie Nlckelsrn, Clerk. WAtCOMA l.OIKIK NO. :), K. OF I' -Menu lu K. of 1'. hall every Tuesday n nhi. Kreii W. I'.hmdoii. , I Jasper W'lckhain, K. of ll. and s. T. K. Johtisoti, M . of F'. KUKN KNCA.VI I'M F.NT, No 4H, 1. o o F. K"i!iilar nieeiiiijj oei-ond and fourth I ii.--di, ul Midi month. F. Ii. Snyil, , c. r. Ueo. , 'I iiomson Scrihe. M I . Ilooli rofNCt I, No s. It. , s. M Me.,. In .Masonic flail every third Tuesday In rueli month. W. V. I.iiraway, T.I M II. Mcfiotiald, Re,-or,l-r. W. o. W.- IteL'tilnr meet Hutu hit ne'd I ne Hist arid third MondaVH ol eaeli motiili ut K or I', hall. VlMlot'H cordially Itntled. ir ( . ( . s, M lin k, i . c. K. F,. li'rodtieli, Clerk. HOOfl R VKR UlfM.l: NO inf.. A. F . and A M.-MeelH S:ilin-iav l-Venilu; im -ntafnie l-.ioll full moo,,. ' T, p. .lohiiMin, W. M. I'. Mi lionald. Seerelai v. CAN HV W. I. C -MeetK m ml mid toilltli Saiiinlnys oi eaeli iitmiih hi K.ol I' led Mrs f.i.ie Alidersiin, I're'.iilefi'. Mrs, drnee Honev well, T'reas. .Viih. Susie l.jim, Secretary. HA.KL KKKKKAH I.OPOF: No. IV,, Hull MeetK tlie ih st and third Tuesday evi inns in each month p, tlie odd Fellows Hull m-yen milt's Hunt ti nl IIihmI River. II. h I ., , Mii. (ierlriide CaiiKli. ) , N n MlllrSrlnllei, V. U. Marie Kemp, Ht,. Hnilll HIVKKiTlAfTKHMt il R A. M -Meet,, first ami third I-riday tiiu'lits ot t.,1, Ueo. R. ( asiiier. H. I'. A. li. slop, Nri'ii'tary. I.Al'llKt. RF.I'.F.K i l,(iHOK No H7.I o () F. .Meeir, first and linn) M,,n,ayrt each moic.li. .M rs Mrtr M i N. , i. ., ,. Mrs. Kliz-tiirih It, k'li.an, . o irn K ut le Vini'riit, Srerrtary. Weed Tiro Chains, E. A. Franz Co. o