The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 17, 1918, Image 2

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    li m KI ,L.i ILL i li, LM y i . ; i:!:!: i -
Ihuiiit iHiurr (bkutrr
";. t i l'.ir.. !.'.' IVr War.
,. . IO-..-! !..
I he i, , r w
pre oa" " ' -r ' r. i.e..
.-a i f r in, "bsc
t ly it .-; .ted ri.,ii!i
d i-tric- r.o,ird. S- :i.
I . e !
t. roi"-:. to
v.iiri of the re
ef the i.r ln
fcv, tn w.-v.r.
are C'n: - tn t.ti:t"-t i" .n.i-ly with
the r,.l ' is. and a- a result papers
will he out ..if b.fore. November 1. there may be i.'i tmsui.dt istan.I
i' it, r r : r t in full I.t I..w the m-
struotiof- ;vt nave rcce.vt'l trm the
v ar ! iPi-Tr:c- !' ard :
N'i .t..ti-r f a week Iv . semi
week!, i.r tn-wokh, i. wsnapcr .-hall
use in its ;i..!'ii turn any paper exce t
new spr ir.t . ami it a weight oti the
l.aMS i.f i i.t heavier that: dio.ll Ml Id.
i Imus ;M.i li.
Ail -t i . l s ii.iw on hand may he useil
uhether hew -print, machine liuishe-l
nr sized hi d siipercaletnlcred, and re
yanlless nf ueifil.t.
No publisher may etnitinne f ubscri-tinn-i
after three tuniiths after date of
e pi rat inn miles miIim-1 i t'iiiis are rt-
i. e'.ved ai.d paid fur.
No iii!ili--her may ijive free -npies nf
hii pap. r, e' ept fur aetilal .-erire
letidertd; tirpt tn camp libraries aral
hill.-, or canteen-, nf urbanization ree-
L'niZed liv the tm i rr, merit, mi.-Ii as
K.u Cns, V. M. I . A. ..r K. nf ('..
. vi'ept tu the library nf ruleless and
ml,, r libraries which v. ill iijrcL' tu hind
fur i n-1 ft i ii r eld keeping ; except In tm'
ii liinent depal t inenta I I brant-- which
u-e -aid piihlii al ,i.:is in their wnik;
mid t .vept fur -ilihl.t- tea.-.nni.
N.i phlill her- .-hall mf free copies
to ii'ln rti-.-r-, except not more than
one copy each fnr checkll ir pi': p '--.
No publn-lier shall aci ept the lelurn
of nnold ci i pics fii.ui news i ..!!.
No publisher shall f nut . vha mpies
fur st imulat mi' adcertisinn or sub
sir ptions or for any l,.-e other than
tho-c sp. rilled in the-e regulations ex
cept n. it to excel il 1 per cei l of his
i i r -1 1 1 : 1 1 Ion, w Itli a iniliimuiii of 10 cop
le -.
No publisher shall send 1'iee copi
in exchange tor other pub licat ions ex
c I to such ot her publ ii al ions ai are
prn ted v. itbm (he county, i r within a
ladins of in mile- from his point of
Nc oiibh.-h.T -hall se'l his puhlicM
1 mil at an e.xc. ciiinly low or nominal
subscription price.
No publisher shall sell his publica
tion to anyone below t hi' published
subscript ion pi ice.
No publisher shall oiler premiums" a price l
put lipuii t be pieiiniiin for sale separ
i:tch , ami the combined price is at
least i-i per cent of the sum of the in
dividual pi ices.
Nil ptibli -In r -hall ciindiicl witin m
otiur contest- lor the purpu-e of oh
I a l n i i ; ur subscript loos ; sill ,-cnot h .ns i h
tameil in this wav will nut be cousin
ered bona tidi' subscript ions.
No publisher ma v issue holiday, in
dustrial or other snccial editions.
I'uhli-hcrs shall, so far as pos.-ibl.
procure paper and ali other material.
from the nearest available source of
supply, nro ii led it is consi-tent with
price, quality and scrv ice.
Publishers of papers of mure than
VIV lit I'ilk'eS ill S'7e Wlli leiluce tlx
p,ii',-'S ill exec.-s o furhi ii.'ik'i-s ':" pel
cent. This reduction shall he an aver
age reduction over one month's period.
A publc-her of a four or cicdit pai'i
paper w ill be coii;-Hcro-l t-i have ful
hlli d the re. pi i rem. i ts of t his order if
la- immediately put- into ell'ect paragraph-
numbered I to hi inclusive, anil
in aililit lull t h. into reduces to t he low
est po-sible'point all press room waste.
No newspaper may be established
iluru.n Hie period of the war, except
th"-e fur winch ail alignments hail
been made and plants piirchased previ
ous to the 1-sun.c; of tins order, or un
less it ran be shown that a hewspapoi
I- a nee-Mi y.
A suurn st ateihi'iit will be required
from each publisher on November 1 as
t" how many of Ihe-e rules have I een
I '"I !! elleci by hmi, and w hat r.-
ii. lis .n tiie matter nf reduc, i, if paper
i "i in: has e !n en obi amed.
o ur" very truly.
Thomas K. Honnelle,
t Ii ii f I'u ip and I'aper Sect i..n.
Aui'U-i L.".', h'l-.
l or some ini.i t h, he i'V(nni ,l..ur
Mii. pui'b-lie.l p. I'nrlialid by ('. S.
1 .o-l-. si m, of sine!,. hitnms, has
lieen, din, p. nod ,.i, out, by direct
-tiit' lii' i l am! b ii u, m,., acou-mr
the country hii--- of (Iiol'oo of jjraft
bccnise the, have dared oppo-e a
iiiea-ure, imlatiil b Mr. Jackson's
mui . , I.,, ,., o;: the bntlot of tl e '
No' , nii-t r :. t-.'.-l on, I'm- ptuhihit h i L-tin-
pnlbcal i.i'i of it, u quent t;,v
N.iluiiilly, i he ii. lr pa ei's ui i e i :i
consul at the .l..i r.'.il's t reach, tun
''Inn ci s, and in t heir res. nl nient told
the, i leader-- of seme unpleasant t tilt lis
'"' ' i ciiij: that I'ni'l l.i-ul aper of h, r
inapnioilit a- teiaiencics Now , oincs
thc .lour.'ai s ilh 'ts u-'ial wh.nes a d
a', s the ooi,:.t , i'I'i-:-. because it has
hat., Led I . S. .1.. ;.,-oii a bltle toUchiy
- '! li'ei !.- c I'rus-ian
!i-N !''- ;..s! o'nc inn
can. 1. 1, w hirnm (- t he Join nai,
e arc ratiiei- -on pi I at that last
'- w'lv, but cr:l. I he ,1m, 1 1 a! w ill not
' ! "I ' ll.-!X iiiah, an impr, s
-" I ll can c, : -it astride the fence
;",! 1.1. In. Iii ice, ,-,t tl. -allie t illle.
I he louri a s,, , ii,,. count i prt ss
e'.iitnt I" i.m- alipitnc-.t to OoLster up
tlcir ,"o;cnt:on of henet'its for the
in.'. nl, r.iiu-e of I. i i i ,, ' u pubUeatiohs.
I "'Ice, I. 1 1 c I. a', e sl'iow 'I how Ml. ll a
-sslciu has be, i. cousiucn d m,lis en.-i-blc
in other states of the I'll!"-! ; how
1 ; puhlicat an: acts as a s! iinulus in
sec r ii c p. tax i a tnc'.t ti e indilT, rent
' 1 i-'.c:i. w lie can in I , he di'i en to do
lintv i'V "i.f t'car of uhli.-ity ; the;,
b,n e -tu a, ,, ,w t (,,. mn of dc
iiinpieot lav, - is a pretention for small
bom,- ; vcsP i- u h" .1" ;,t recene ti
t les to then- pr,, ,-riy until certain ii -st
ailnu '.ts have iieei h.ct. Hut natur
ally the .!.u!: ;il' Siolh'ation has
can-, .i the country press to turn the
1 I.t , f publicity en Sam ,lacK"on and
his pa; er ant! tlie 1' nf pui la it), has
t... ; at.-.:. I':'.,
.. r I'M "ft n. ; r is
' "'cr sri"U.'l f..:l
'.s p. r.t, t.c
, ! .-irs. r -i ii note
: ,.-,r, . f si tie
:i;.i! t c:i. r- -
: n aj.-r.t '. vote !. a and its
,ie! t I
it rv . s t.. : !
I.- . f it. Hot it
'. t '. down a a r.d like
.M h -ptiiri.
; . . t I" r. : p ;t bar e-t
w I..
M M! I KK'.Ki
Potior h .. of lo,..i U:er fi Ulity
ca bears m f
cal soldier b, i
tel. .-till-. I he
: e up In- life to
, .
civ ,i iz a I a.n f.i in tne 1 1. rea't-n-'l shack-
l. f i r,. .o ,,,..,,,1..,, . Albert
,es "f dennan trtat h r ..- A.Ht-ri
Kr"-' ',r
Albert Krie- ha- U ''t to his arents
and those Who I'-vt-'i bint best a rich
heritage tor the sacred niche" of tl.tir
niertiotv. liver a year at'" .vir. m ifif
endeavored to enbst vvitli tos brother,
Iviward, in the aviation service. 'I he
latter is ii,, in Kl.t l-ll,f, lilig his
art in ttie tn.tii of brt'akiiui down
I'm-siiin nulitar'sm. Albert KlifL'
was unable to meet the rii'l physical
reqiiiierueiit- f"t aviat urn serv i--e, and
be awaited a call for hunted service
men in the national army. Hut the
s irit ttiat posse-sed Alb. rt Kr.t ir is
the spirit of Americans, the spirit that
is helping to break throutih Herman s ami car' tilt'
"Mi aril to t ne Itl.iiie.
Ilie'l at mies ,
li,, not uric, hysteii-al imr the
.auisii irl'iiicnza. At a meetinc of
pny-iciai s c;
ailed bv Mavor 1 liitidde ,
ami Health oilier Kilv i; .jttnn Sunday
afternoon ami attemteil by all phvsi
cians.the situatioti was fully iliscussei!,
and the general opinion ,,f the inedifHl ,, o .,.,., llllt ,tpt
nu ll, who comprelieiul the situation ; , ,ilv of mm and m..ey. air In
hotter than any lav men, was that we ' , ntnhlr.
should not he alarmed to the extent i f Popular opinion seems to thin! we
toy hysteria. No schools or public have already khpii much Let u I
places'ha'.e b. en closed in llot.d Kiv.-r. 1 ,lol"JSl ''"' 'HVe We given- True.
The cotistituii -d health authorities, who
ire in almost con-taut consultation
with stale health authorities, will
take immediate action for t losing pub
lic laces, to combat the iii'lui'iiZii ;
w henever tiie necessity arises. i
So nonhead with vour normal living1
obst rvint; reasonable n It's of sanita- :
i j,,,, i
" ;
Kery time you tat a peach, an Hpri- i
ci, h iii.l or an olive save the pit. '
Let every household have a receptacle:
'-'eciallv tor the-e pits, which art' so
badly needed for the manufacture of
;as ma-ks. Remember that the wast
:no of a sif-Kie pit may u-s.ult in the;
.f some sold,.
(iraud loads, tirsl bti.ll by l. F. j
Katileman ami their wottli inado known i
,., li i If,...,- emmtv lieolile bv l!o I
1 1. Smith and W. L. Nichols, are n
mo to w in favor, it seem:
lumbia r Highway.
on ti e Co-
i'his rain feels just riht to us old
Iloniild Mcki-'lsen Kfcovers
1 'ot aid N:ci,e!.-en, student at Rush
Medical I'ollotre, 1- rivoverinu from
hibular pneumonia, follow inc; Spanish
i.llueiiza. Mr. Nick clscti, who is nmh!
.oiw.eon.ii the Armour nackint! idanl
-, eral i,,uiits each week, has been
hrt.vMi in t tact recently with mini-
erous cases of the ililllienza.
Color &ohme U.'ed to Ciic.i-.e th
Eyes of tho Enomy. j
Parly In t.he treat w orld wnr tho
yoiu.K piiltitets In riance furmed what
lh"V i ailed Ihe LalalHon de la I'.ntmiU
f'e. a bat.inli,.u whose duties consist of
"Simkti.K hp' k'liiis, itutos. Hiit'ltt'i'd uud
even whole landscapes to rtecelvu the
enein h e.ies the Herophi lies. They
I'.uiiart to a tniinitloii depot the lnuo-
ent iijipenrniii e of n prairie. Tile 7."'g
under their hands take on the sem
blance of oltl trees Tree trunks and
"11 ears me t r:iiis!li.'iii'.'il by these
ill'! Nts fni unliable bntierles oil
w'.b h the l,o-'!!e tire limy spend Itself,
i hey , i',t . e it 1 1 tos to le-eiiiblc roads
or folds,
The ciiiiiil ,-hlef of the Cam.) title Is
'ho i l ui - d decorator Corahi, who
e.'!:.:'d Ids w a r cross at thel'iout Nor
Is t'i'- work wiilioiit lis diiliKors Tiie
a': r ni'i-t repeatedly ii-'end In
:.' : - lo :;,!L. the effect of lbs work
c ;,, i!e. iip. oi, tin, 1 i. II IV I't'tolli'll-
In 1 ' ' be lion,. lie must soiiiet lines
id-, .in e alien, 1 of the llr-t Hues (luring
ihe idcht li. lake measurements which
w III pel iii't Iti id to Itnltate evii'-lly n
"idahi tree trunk or n part of a crinn
' ! d w.iil In No Man's Liiml. which
no "t be c, led, molded by rim er
-' i .ipi"!s Hiid iiit'ioreil the same night
lo son,' us shelters for ol erver
( nil, .on, Mnpizlim.
Once Was Enough.
Mr- M- I.iii' u;i- about t" pull off e
-" nil f 'l' the beiietit of the I ivic t I'll..
' Vic o:; -ome p, hi' lie. Mis. Nex
doi . " :i-!o I (,-i- nice,..
"I -' not!" tuiswet'ed the old
hide "1 , i,tei la iiied her once, and sue
In" er recuperated."
' Would. !v uruetit request of a number of
"What knd, d' n dre-s would be 1 t tie voters of t h is county I have con-uio-t
nppi'op; i.'iie for a iranleti partyV" setited to become at: Independent ea::
T think a lawn dress would.'- Hai- diihtto for the oilice of .-henll' at I he
'liiioro Anici'c ii general election November o.
I am a linn believer in the initiative
i and referendum and believe that at
Her Retort. this critical time we should all do our
M.v !' - ii ,. , small, and crimps
' i, 1 , . me t,, ink,, vou 11' ui vour
'- to. i she I ( I. .ii ' t live on ihe
I O' k
"t tl.l
la t !
:ri fully into the past.
ii. Wisely i oi-
I on - .'' I w it ii; u t . 1 o clock 1 1. m.
- -c'l W it i, u,: u j, t , 1 o'clock p. 111.
Iv '"I I, -in ci v the next evenitlL'.
vV I itid'i'vi Co, IllSJtf
EecLtie Head. History Depart
ment Le'and Stanford Junior University
"T-e cbje. t cf r'' :s
cf teatv o- tnp ILHJ PIIJUIiI". I nrtr.
ti. e ana long ci e- t' ed puncip e of in.
le fdrorai jcton drd horor. . , . Th.i
Ker k net tee ' ei man popie. It
tne rutnlpts i. i.ter of te Gem an pco
n! It lc rt... a.nB.B - -
t mat tn mt-.iry cf tr iest of th
"a 15 no '0""- int to ts handling."
prp,i0t.nt w,lson. August 27. M7.
lud.i.AKS Hii l'dVS
Th'' ! ,-"ll"an'lv
'OO'I con-, i varum to aid our Allies-
1 - ' tm ii i ". i liiniiey The first, the
l-'ooi! A'lmiaist ra: son Bureau is a:
tempt in c to set ui t- la riii'ly by vobnn
tan ettoris Tilt- s.-t mul has h, , n
placed In la mi a .-.iiiipul-ory ba.-is
n 'rlu 'hirii wi" l"l
piisor by laws in. reasim; pu.'-eia
taxatinii to the ex'. -nf of about one
quarter of the annua xpemlitures in
the war. but thlee-tjUHlters must lie
prtivtileil not hy voluntary t;if. hut by
oilmitaiy '0,111
The ease with which the draft of
men was oari'ted thriiuuh. th ipiiet
ac(uiet eniv of AniericH in it. when
ailvisul by America's self choben It-ml
ers. as a niKijniflcHiit pi oof of t In
essential palrmtisni oi our ppople and
of our coiitlileiicp that e are a truh
ileinix i at k- UHtton We trusted our
advisers because we had ourselves
''" u!"' -o- we must trust
them with our money and we must
be read;, for sucrilices. l itis u ur urn
not run lr (.,,;" to fe unit untti
the bt'i'iilr uf An-r'rim litllu milt??
we aie pupnnny to j;ie men and ma
chines, ami ate sp. nttin money in
I ihat preparation, bin our spending ts
as vet hut a drop in the bucket i,,m
IKirnl In li hat our .4 fifs tmrr brtn
spmdina t.r Ihr,.- ,;,r in i,f
. Kor that is what they inn,' been
doiiiK defi inline the world, ami so
delViiiluiR us W e have been Imditiy
them liioney. al a kimiiI rate of inter
est Tliey do not ask us to lnr. even
now. All that they expett is that we
alsi shall bear our Inn dens, as they
'ire fearmic theirs, in tins war tor the
j future of humanity and for safety
Look hi a few facts of Croat Itrit :
ain's effort not at yraud totals, but
at facts applied to the iiidniduttl In
tile las' Hriiish War Loan there wa
il total of $( :'c.ii.ii'iii,uiiii in t-Msli suti- !
M-riptioiis, which means about $lou j
per pi'isoii - men, w omen, and eliil
'Iron. I The h. si thai Cermaiiy was
llllt 'lo i!' i
er person i I o i nual Iti Ham s et
fort America, ilfh'r .ihr hud turn Itinv
wars nl a in . would have to siihsrrihe
$ I o "no in a single 1 o a u .
I'hroiiKli taxation, interest on loans,
and h;.-her cost of living, it is es
iiiiiaied that t-M'iv Kiislishuian with j
,in ' income of $'.."iuo ives $T"ih j
to support the war One reason for
litis hiLih io-i is i hut Iti'itain rVinui !
i he wa i w i' bout properU appreciat
uiS tl" financial burdens ll was the
Rnsines- as I'sual" i-ry l hat pre
I i be pouritiK out of money nl
l wlneli If then uiveii, miuht have
, im ml a savinn for fjilaml hiier, and
jt - iieeiallv a saviliK of Ktmlish lives
This war can not be won without
-act 'lice Let no one think it If
I o-i many wins, or even niak, - a draw i
of it. our future sa.fifiies will be j
hianj times greater. Let no one de
i t-ive himself as to that liitdi! now
ivc are pnurinn out boys -Keiiiiii them
ii-inh Wo iniisi pour out dolhns to
: 1 1 i 1 1 , ilo ui. bui most of ail. in furnish
'l:"iii wi'h ihe liislr'iiin-nts of war that
: In ir lii . may in bo lost be heliii;
i'ill up as man po er against inacliin
'i Many of our boys will ilie, hut
"Hue we may save if we aie ieadv
;n spend the film dolUr of mir re
oiircs In enig i li .-in Hie tools with
w hn h lo make il fair fl(iht
f : ll I , t now it Is 'dollars ami bov
!n -nine ways it is n ques'ion of Mol
in- or hi. vs." This is no abstract
o nei :ili7,a' ion It is a question for
of :o an-wer personall, nh seri-iiii-
ilioiiKht of what money' have
iviiilalib' Kvery dollar held hack for
iii"ii- luxury for non-essentials dm
nc this war, means a ni'Ha'cr chance
if ihe loss of a boy -it may be of your
If will hurt' nn hny in .serin,, and
huhl hni I, iimr dtdUirs, n unit loot,'
i.i.r- in . h hut- in thr fni r ii hrn hr
ii s i v his hmj' If unit dn Im III hark.
I en i'.'i linn think ymt an' iniiiil tn
.'iiinil ."i iirnhbor's i l i unit ion
Inn this ii ar rndsf
This s the tenth of a series of ten
uticles by Professor Adams.
One of the chief secrets of happiness
la never to allow your energies to
if Is less palu to lenrn In yotlt U than
to be iniiofiint In ai,-.
Candidate For Sheriff
; bit to help make democracy safe. For
' ii principle we should stan I linn as a
I rock, for an opinion we may drift
with the tide.
( living to circumstances leadmu up
to the placnm' of my name upon the
official ballot the eeneral mil, lie mm-
be somewhat prejudiced. 1 simply a.-k
them to be fair in their .iiidtinici.t as to
tny htness and riL'ht to oilier, l ook
ll 1 1 mv nast record and vote u..,., . r, On, r-
ly. 1 am tree to serve the public
I'aid adv Louis H. Arneson
ff-aLt a-'d tm of at 1 I I 1 ,S
"''' tat.i t- n-rt cc-fO'-ej I, a-i I 1 I It ,' jl
"HOOriBf gotf'me"l. f. h rj b I II II j'9
.rt' CninrtJ to aomlnate ts orU. I ' li 7 U
proreedt-J to c.i-r, out t' e piaa .t"o,.t t'i f
Mil h w
I ! t i i i r .'ti
I til '
ll.. L .
all i
l ,y' "v- tr?& iFr l
lt & " v r4 1 ?t 5 i y
b ....'nail
in t
hate crowded bin
h 1 r , 1 1 -h ami f r. -
t I li
A I e
the I-
t !
- march lioouc.h I rii -h ci.ant.el o:
..ll losiCciits cal! it the em i,"-s I in.
i i.r'h l.ii:ci; Loan bond- ili
imiif, Inii not hi lien, so'nliMa to lndi
Host'.- II"; I-
l auii-s ail ui T tile
phase of tie Y
in I ho mi litii i ,
cicintrt are on,
W. C A Win
il In n :
I' to the
1 1 1 1 1 1 till 11 1 S f o 1
use of women
linn: Hull' sol
r ri-huive- So
ry ll a v e
'Se :!'0c, tllilt
ii t s and No
ted rooiiis tvfic
ssetl iii'o i:se
II Hi ""wt
I 1 ,11.-, s colli, I
nc hud' IMdoii
t h ' As-', a ia ion
rooms in I he hear
e-l low ti W 1'1'e
turned ti-uipoi-ir
lf ' : :ox-
Mrs. Davison
ily into hosti :-- hou c -
"W'e pui up en etia cot,'' re
polled one wo-te ii .-oer.-t nw . who r,
tiirueil to till in.- War Work i '
ell the siii-eh il io-e l- of her l oll iiclll
It v, tor an nid mian nui timtiie
w ho canie a 1
boy in ca in 1 1
-. e h
t itlliiot
Word (if KlIBli-l) -"lid sic- hll
her old black p;pc- cety h
her ha line- per.
" A Hot iier h,i c lie I o w (il
is the mi l w p. ,ii a ! .. 1
re-led for ,.jj:tu ti
He v- as v. iid w i t It all e-i v
till we said wo wo, dd i,,,,,
lo h.l
upon us
"A t hi: le.-i! oar old imp has j.n-t
lieen t -iliac over to our cufe. She
ran awa Poni a content, and be
in? ad '. cm iirous, iiiinle siraiaht for
amp "
An hostess , an tell vou heart
brM:na: s t . rics of when the
1 is
.sii,'.:.'''1.1 -'
7' A'T
i ; S .r'
Your dollar means one hundred cents in
money; the government guarantees that.
!i yt'U i'
IV. - .l i. !. lie
,v clothe.- vi-u nv.iv jret t.r.e hur.tlretl cents in value fur each tl.-lha i:i j
i.'it. Vfii are uuliin.c t ' iv for value if you are sure of it. 'i v. :
o;i .-huM fume to us for
Jbrt, Scltdjfncr HTcitw CiMes 3 fiat tScuv
Ti.ev o;!'t v the true ecor.omv
. .
4 vie keejnnir. service irtvtnir cltthes. I rsccs are a uiue
I . w .- t t It t t
a iet s these tiavs. hut low eiioiiL-h to oive vou the hiiru'est
Se!.a:l'i,cr tV; Marx Suits t'..r
$18 $20 $25 $30 ata
also t:a't' a niif
ot!. t-i1 tiiak.'.-.
lit. i- Clut!. craft all
y.'.-. itit-linlit.'r suiue ival iiict- liha
at $9.98. $12. $15 and up.
s PL't'S
) i:!it ().TS
Hart S-ha!l tu-f
ii assi.rtinft't mailt1 for us ly
Marx, riotl. craft, an. I ('ffpiti
- Ir, d- ,
in h p. i
this smum an
he,r wav to i
ll t
n t , for I r. ,11
r c. , ('
s for
the linn
W. C. A
h: .
ii n
i nd-
,11 : ':,
out a h.i
I'niM is of ciiitiruile tor tin- (!o-t--
ll'i'l-'' a re i 1 ' I i 1 1 i 1 1 1'ell et c v nl dit
in mill,1 li.w ns h w onion w hn ar. of
im i.iii t ieula r importance to auv one
' oeii lo -nine luu j) in In, ;i) ny
and lo llml.
'I lie eomniainiu! t- of the ci,tnp;- aro
a- a ppre, nit p, o ,1 the In.-i e, . hou-
as I- t he most to, lorn . oman. so
! ou-c- is no i, d ( ci p at li.i .bi i'i t
reipii ' of I dc co'ii . i . ; 1 1 1 . i i : i , ,, , j, , r.
i'dl 'our I'oil-e.- ice mot in n e,
oil er- ate hour.: I , n ! t last ,nn.
her and e.i r j u t i can be . ,.,
l .ach house Ims its imiiv nl niliry.
The plans loi the Innhiinn at ("amp
'ionh.n. Atlanla Heorcia, w, -.. r.
d'awii bv Miss Kay Kt-llni'ir in order
to s. , three maciiitioont oi.k tines,
A fine old Soiitlie.n iiiaiision sccni'd
for the Youiiu Women's I 'nrist :,iti As
sociation In aibpiartors at IVier-burj,
II II! Ill . is as popuhi r w It I) t ho ;-o.
dnrs ! i-i mm Camp I ,io as is the official
ho.-less hou'e.
The hos'ess serve the entire
n:,' :oii
Th" work vtith LitrN is one til' 1 1 : c
most import .ml Piuotioii- nt' tp,. War
Work I 'ouneil, deals w ith ai ui-uds
of wo k wit'i Liris. (iiils in -mall
'ow ns. in cities, in couhtrv il!ii;:es,
cml in tin- mvai man u tat t tiring , i n
' tors are all touched by the unusual
conditions of a comity in a slate of
war preparation. Their patriotism
may ur"c ihem toward iinevpe, t, , pit.
hill-. Their very ent hir-iasm leuiii
tin m into dum--er.
I Coll! li,
d )
-SMf .'
J )
i - I
-!t ,
x, . - '
of a-sun-tl
You will timi here n-en V clothing ot lon ve;;r;r !;
. . ... i -. i
I'ity Woolen Mills. A t'u'l rtiti of !:.- a.
tilt- iiatterns. If vim are uoin.o: to r.t-1 a
coat. Letter K't one of these.
$6.79. $12. $12.50 $14 $18 $24
siiiall sizes, ol. anil t"i"
wool suit-
$4.98. $6.50.
To the voters of llootl Uiver and Wasco
i-ounties :
M name u-.ll appear on tiie ot'ie i:i I
ballot November oth, as all llidepeinl
; t nt cat dal.ite for slate senator from
I the Sixteenth Senatorial Ihstrict.
! The tn at tilings that are i.'! ipfit.c;
Us at Ibis time make the dill', leiices
j which hitherlo have separated the vot
: ers int.. pi lnical parties seem trivial
anil locon.' fluent lal. For a 1 1 smh eld
i coiv I it ions I here is no place now and by
! this time should hae passed
out of our coiisid. rat ion. How small
tliev seem when tiie nation is battlinj;
I .r the jiiiiiciph s on which it was i
tabli-be.l. Ht lv this i;reat piesetit bus
:i: ss really counts with us now.
There is a tremendous t bliation
restmc: upon us lo put our
weight into the scale m behalf of the
iro t-rtiinent and llie civilization to
which we are iial.-bt, d for all we have
anil all we are. The immediate task of
winiiitio the war is so j;rtat and ab
sorbing that it is fill H led to our whole
;i I ' t ii t it ii i , leaving other matttrs to re
ceive latt r ci 'iisnlei at ., ill.
Civilization is beiiii; battered out of
recognition wherever the l.erman arm
ies and boats reach and this greatest
eoidlict of mankind must be finifht to.
a righteous conclusioti at all costs,
The conquest of rus-ianisn, is a Kr,.,l
biisine s thai mu.-t be put t hi ,mt I; to
the etui, howtAei l.n.j; and liitti r the
wav, nii'i for th's puin-ii-e the i.ocon-
. . , c 1
ipiercd .-pit it of a frte people is et -
tti'K back of our no-, crhint hl w itli all
tilt have, l'eail i:i the call.
K . . I . . . i
.Mn in. i i ne rest ui it t-s oi in,' intiiv nl-
ual but ills,, the resources of the slate
of drenoi, should be con..erved and
. I l . . t , . ....
piaceii ai me iiisiosn ion oi ine govern
Iilt'lit for the w iliiimi; of the war and!
such legislation as will (ll'tctuate this
end should be imiiied,,.t;d;, . nitcl. d.
No person should be elected to any
representative ol!ico at this time whii
is not t'litiiu.-iasticullv loval and who
will not support the national adimms
tration in prosecut injr tK. war to ii
successful deteriiiinaUon and in oppos
inn a Im mature pence.
lames 11. Hazlett.
September ",, l'.'ls. (aid advl.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the County Court of llie State of
tireeom, for Iliiod Kiv er County.
In the matter of the estate of Thom
as ,!. Files, deceased.
Notice is hereby eiven, pursuant to
order of the County Court of Hood
Kiver County, Oropon, (hat the under
sinned has tiled Ins tinal report in said
estate in said Court, and that the
Court has set Saturday, the ldth day
of November, l'.US, ;,t , County
Court room in the ,.,ty ,,f i0i (j I ' iVt-rf
iirciron, as the lime and place for the
hcnritii: of Ihe same.
Ihivd I'yles,
,J' ' 1 ' 1 Administrator.
. o S.I P PlIL'tiV 11 tl -t hit! hi-.
I 1 I Od hctfc n in ,n(
Ihol.'il- - al I'llchi iiCi,
-olid I Ulilier
shlipc. AM,)
l-or Sai"
Oi '. linoh, le
!l"'.' I Pi: I st
I'OI S,t.,.
I'.'I- i.i.iii.-i M ii, h,
"in us ne'.
M live pussi-Ni:. r
II A. ( miners.
C i ll'IOUi lh,-, PljIIIOUtll H,,,-!;
aiK'- It pc Pol,,,, . ( 'I,,,,,, ,,, . ., ,
r, o-
io i .Is ol hn w
" I' 1' V.l .1 0. P ick
I no
'PI If
' W ft I
whu'iii. Tel i:
,'hOIIC I Lie, I J.V,
I'OI- Sttlc
W . I.l, ic,
Secniiilhami lunojj ' m
',' o.t W ,.l, , , ,,,. i (
lor Sal,. m
I'll., ne :i7iil.
n epitrnlor, .1 I,
'.'I.' lor
I, r io
one cr,-!
-. I'hon
I cut
Koi -,i
I lice h
I vv
dil Jersey hcileis, ,is
nil l ,!.-; I -i. ,,i-
saie Ui uv it - t '. it i e .' t-..
,,o-e,,,ipio.-,, ..,,.; "w-.v, z:nnz
I "I ' "-'"'""" Mini pil. K 1 1, u hulls,- ,,
-" I" " "' lion, ii :
h-livcrv .
.nt; to i hou, , , t-i, a,
I ti ' It r
K.,: Sale A rolii,,' ,,r til iv n,B
pony. Plionc
n i-
t ,1 hlllLOIll, .
I o.uiiiho, llmhvtiiv, wi sti'ueitv Vc '. , I h','"
Ihoii't. ,, n,..,a ii,.-, .. . .: ' o"'ln-s, !-.
........ (l ()
l-.-r sill,. liuct it,,
I '111 1111- .'.'.l.'l.
k "iii'l lboii,-
b.hti I,,,,.
Midi. .1 .1 k.
';' w:c.'"ii hii. I new
PI'. Hid
1 K. .No!,,,-, 1,,
1 - ''. e in , ,, ; ,,1,
'" i'1'l.oni-. ,-,,,;,.,,.
1 lli-llihis l.iiii,,,,,
lot s .i,.
I, , l et I
ill il I'l '-,.
phone .IM.
Allalhi IPiv
KhiicIi Phi.,,,. v I.,,",,, K '","V
lor Sale
';J Ib' piinpes, ,-,.- r .,
'pl 1771. II ,
"vi-Kr..... ,J(
K.o ss.. I. Hun. js, ,c,,.( . .. .
"in ,,1 haul wotk VV in .,.,1 ', il t r rutin
anot-iv ,,r t..-lher t -, . .. ". -"I"
"HI III Micks Mill
I iii.-rv.-i,.ti, Wh-Ii.
. "olis nortlntcs; n,,,',,'
1 1 T
a.."ii!,.,. ,,.,.od,.i,.,:,7 iw;;:,iir?zu
I- or Silic - I, ne. In-i,,,,,. v..... .' ' ..
siprihK pimiiiiitf. .... ', , oi'crK !,
I apple,
1" .' ' ' . ,it:. 1 11
'"a- t-! ,ll S(,inK
nn mail
guarantee that the n:-.'.
i i . t i .
niuiH i u.aii o-i r..
kind of values.
tlui s hp I,
i-oi i:. nt i- li'in-ii. a ii.iu-.
.lot' llt,.. II
I ..I I.
I, -I t ll.
ll . .s:l.i o
, III... , tl
M 1 1 1 1
hoi It. nl The .,i: t"' i
i.v I',. Il.-r li ml in II. i
-(.iii-h ill t .C h-hM t. to.
It 1 l.itil Ali.-n-.icl t "
V iil,-, I ,11 I I il
.ii;i - - in ' u hoie S- ! ice- A ;
Ml- I M
. I V nl ik,' si." I
i.v (
A W . Mohl, W-
V:i-,l it
li.O hi 1 .!!
'oil. I I0,ll! h
10-1 h- 111 .oo
Whii -I - To l.ii . i'ltii nn ci
aliliii--. t .,-h or low cis m
I .. V t , a li ' o
Wlllll, ,1 '111 hll olll' ll-t'!l n.
Illtli . 1 M Ice- S;, c .Mil liiitlie V I
Willi II I . o , 1 III I'll -! I . ci St-colci
i.-r. 'I .-1 I .'I i.
Wiiii'. .I l..f-i.:, :o .i. i.- ..I i.od
I oiuilc, I- In lol II I ICv. t wen ,,B
i oi. I i-l,.-. lo i ii: li .a, :,!, I h 0 w ,i
hit! 1 ak' O. och.ih. . K. pi' lo I. it,
,,,, lc , , .i.,i., 1 1 , t, .
I'M - 1 W -I '''v ...i.t
V"' i',' iV"f I","-';""'""
'1.1 U I : I 1..- I 1 '','( iO I ' i I W .1 l
i ,v ,., ut , ,, , . , . , :, !k , ,
.i..Kr Co., ll...l kiv. ..
I- il. n in.
I "-' ' 'O '!",,,,
' 1 1
I I, f ciisln.iii I," I, .ii s: :,! ol rot, I
i VV'; f" "'
I -idtilhle lew lO'l.
li lo t
-.inn i ow :,' mv
-poll. -I ll llei ,
:i Mioiii lis ol. I li.-, i, (ai mv i,,ic- a. .
r. K ii.e. Phi .'.
S 1 1 1 If 1 1 - .1,1 HUdity, I lc! 1 1 1 it' I ' - , H e, -I
Itillc tt.t- lilK. il loiln Ailii liiol.l e tit
Itic I. , 111' II In M.S. S.lliliil-, li-i , llli
livolil pro-. -cull, in.
Post- S.O'K "I Win-ill on 1,0 1 ' , I! It'.itd
I ! 1 1 1 1 1 V I ), knapp. 1(1.1 ', K, ami
! o-l
A tp.innihit liiiL'.
Idiotic ' l. lid! iJ
I a 1 1, i l , , w ,
Slotted o- Sloii-n I'toin
I'ai kill.!.-. I lo set civ. . on,--peon
r circle over on l 0 lo
il. Molil .V lil'os Phone M!..
air p..-
i .-in ... I hi
' li. u :o -l
Htiup KIvl- U AI.I.K! II IM N K si .1 I I I V.
Iioi',1 Hi V. I, I lie. I ! I N leUei-cli. I'li-Mr-
A I II III Howe. See. Leslie P.ul u I . do n.
I 'ml plume Idiil.
K K.MI' l.ol'l.K.Nn. Il, l.'l '1 K - Mi-id- in
odi-d ildd Kt-Pows hull iviiv Snlin
'lav i' I tr h I . Visilors cordiiiliv' wi-ichio- i.
II S. I IO I L' III' V , N . 1 . V' I Si 1,1 1 c , , I . .
H . i. I ill lies, Sec y, V. IP IIih Pt i . I o -
H.I'.TA ASs.K.VIUl.V NO. lllil, t'M I i Vltl
isuis.-Meels the ttrsl imtl iloid VScdnts
d-iv-i, Work-. stTtilitt and tollrlh VVeipi.- ii, ,
Vrtisiois' lutil. t , II. II l s II. 1 1 M. A.
.1 11. koiihko Secrt-tHry,
: I'l.KW ll.PK I.iiIiuK NO. 1117, I. ii, ti. r
M.i-lk in ! I'm eriml ti tl I . t v-.-rv riiiii-ditv
IliKhl. William lliiii'iiai, N. i,
s M In.-k. ...
ti,.,,. W. Thomson, .seeretHi y.
Hixil) IIIVKK CtlAITKIt Ml. ii. K. st
M.'Hk Hccond ami fourth '1 'in -.diiy , vchihl
ol each moni n. X is i tors con Pal I v w i lei oii.-.l
Mrs J u M.d.i.iichlni, W. M
Miss Alia PimiIc, Sccu-taiy.
S Hood Kivt-i ' I 'inn in an l. rv N" U.K. I
vVW Meets t v.-i y 11 rst 'rin-sdity .-v.-nim;
fllta tiii'h no oi I li .1 K I'.o-on, I, P.t'
A . ( a nil, 1,1. Kectirdci
WAIN A d KM PI. 1-1 PV I'll IAS Sis I ,H- ,, i
Mis-is II cond .m l (oiirlli I luir-it..v - oi
each lliont P nl Is . ,d P Hal I
M I s, Susie Pv nn, I .. ( '
Mi-. Kale Kit dm ick. M ...IK itnil c
Mr-. Ma'i;iirel llmifii. M ol K.
Hi '(ill It IV Kit (AMI', Ml. 7,711-J, M. W. A
Meets in Kail p. ,ai every lsl mul inl w. 1
ol each n ! ,n t Ii Jim. limp (
W. T. Kraha . Clerk.
II '! IP ClKI I.K Ml. V.M, Wt lM K.N III-Woodrran-Meets
at K . of P tmll on tn,.
Ilrst mid Third l liursda v s ol each im. nth
Mrs I nut Hlncu. . , n
Mrs. .VUttic MekelM ii, Clerk.
WAI ((IMA hOPtiK Ml. .(II. K. oh P
Mcels In K. of I'. I mi I .-very lin-sdav nicm.
h rt'il W. Ii'iitidun, r, (
Jasper WickliHlil, K ol IP it tl . i S
1 . K. Jolinsoii, M . ,,f K.
KbKN KNCA..1 I'M KM. Mi. is, I. o. o h.
Ht'uulHr ineetlm; second and loinlli l'ii,-s,iM ys
ul each itK.n'ii, j.- p. s.j,t,., (- p.
i"o. v ' lloloson Scrlhe.
M I . HOOP Clll'NCH, No H It v S, . Meets
Iii Miisoiu,. ,,ii every in, id 'l,icsiv hi
(act, inont I,.
,, ,, , w K. l.araw.ty, I . I M.
b McPonalil, Kecinler.
W, O. W.- Hetrulur llieel 1 lias ere iit-iit the tli-t
and tlui I .MomPiv ot e,ich nn, toh in K -i
1 . null. V isitois , , jv :n , ii,.. , , , i
... s. M. in, k , , i
K K l.oo.lrieli, I deik.
IIOIIH ItiVKK I ,l l i u 1 1', ,N ( . PI,. A. K. and V
-'''Mi-its s.-ii nr. lav evcnnii.' on or t.efore
IHCh l,i ,,, - K lk,, w V,
- Mcp.iiiiiid. S.-cifi'irv
'AMiV W. H C- M.-c's -, mi , l ,
.tlllolitys ol iii,. , m.iiitli in K i. I - n ,
Mrs Pi.n- Alldelson, Pi.-si'lelil,
Mrs ..inee 1 1 .in, well. Ideas.
Mrs. Susie l.yiui, Se, rei,irv,
H V.KI, HKI1KKAII l.dplil-. No. , I tm
MHt-is U,e hist ,,, ,lr, l ,.s,tiiv eveiiliic in
each liiontl, ln ,hl, ,M, ,.,,, ,i!l seven
miles H.,i,t), ot H,h Kner, It.' P I
Mi""- Hen rude ( iiunli... n i,
Mule S,dne-, V. ((. "
Marie Kemp, Sir.
"!l,JV1l":il,;l,'''l-'N'..K A. M
-Meets J1 ,-Kt Hlidthiril K:i.l..v ...Jl.i .,.
A. 11. Mc, Secretary.' ' " "M""' '
''NVe(ll'l',H,K'I,.K A" t-- No. H7.PIU1 V.
Meets Hrnt and u,ir, Monday, eit.-p , ,,,
Mis Mne Mills. N ll
i , . ' ' -' i oiei ii 1 1 m
Mo, Khiib Vincent, Secretary
"l'i IM 'cthelli llilii,,!,, V , ti
V lucent. Seeretttrv