gutaei VOL. X H(mi uivkk. m:;n.. tih"i:siay. uti:i:k it. ims CC (0 i CAPITAL and CREDIT Winking capital .m! Umkinf citMit aie two t'SM-nti.ik to Lnslni'ss Micu'sv A ;vnwiii;' bank tint imt Innlils capital ami ciite confwieiu. e In its t hit's ability. 0n!id(MKe is the Uisis lor cit-tlit. It is at all times tlie M)Iiv ! this Institu tion to i o ipeiaU to tljr tulU-st iiuMsnu with its lt M)sitois. (r We c dtlially in !U ConiMH-it At. Hints. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK MOOD HIM K, OKI (,() .J Perfumed with the Odor of 26 Flowers TT TALC JONTEEL Very Finest Quality Imported Talc, 25 Cents THE KRESSE DRUG CO. The ecalt Store Come iii mill hear 'In- I 'i r L HOOD RIVER AWAITS DRIVE v PV .1 1 j thv v re pl.t charge. N.. i:.,i:ht ft .' r:tl w ar uat h'ne r. 1 - : i t a'li .I'vers v e t fr-m .i-i ,.!..; . hiii.t1': ivt-r. Mf.irt .ii-- : . ,i.d . . .' k ..f W&l govtnmc.t. !' -' ' i st .it in..: i .. t . r !... :.- ! . im! it' r t . i n ! t. IMTED WAR 0RKS DKIE SONN th;X1lff:;,;J'naft'sf.V;' u 1 ; . man than fur vdunteern u. I V'. 1 -t . '..-( J'Jl. 1 f..r recruit;' g a r: . : -1 . t.-; Libert) tUud fimpaignl llaini Ewa Met ti e v.du-iuer s-tem, .,! :v- t i Wilson Holds Word of Peace Seekers of .,,..,. . jfl'Ul a: ! for the n.ue nici th- Ui.t L.I ... ... ... itn Uwuoing htspinsf, (ount j f,.rt. e w.-.t u. war it ius.s No Value "INmi t (oinpound rel- IUIUI V i'UI'.'VI 'V" VU'HU .MOVE FAILS ;UII.IZAT!ON I Nil BIS SIMERIIY tu Apr i .ft- ea.-h m official r ! that tin' cost fur register.! The H......1 Utver valley. anl the re ! -i'i.t. 1!..' M.-t ! . r n.;. 'iiuat if pait ft' if is 1 1 at t-t rv Of t,t ; "!''' u;'s " t!''' '' ! !' ! ' a ha:. In 01 nusi-i! h vi.iii!,-ary suhs,'i i- i M';:,,;i ;" ''t l'u'' f"r ''" '.' r.v : ti.m, li,i f xi'. fil. it t. $il,'iBM Kurth ! 1 I.:h. rt v l.nan iiuuta hv rm-n- than j lMr il""v !;- l''r.v Anic! ;.-ai; i , fi.l.ini.1. 'lhis liuuiv takts int.. .-..I, si,l- , li u s, tht body uf liiirna': j ..mtiot. th.. wM,wri,.t...n ..f th.. the Mi:s i'vn sh.-.f en. It i.- it t C.V.T THL 11 ABIT of asking your na-cr fur tlio Shamrock Brand of Flour and Cereal Products mailt' liy the THE HIGHLAND MILLING CO. The merits of tli products will canst you to keep the lialiit. Wt arc ltuyitiK more than (Iikmi bushels of wheat Krown by I hit it I Kiver ranchers this fall. Mat it nil up at home. M.uitif.K Uui'i-i and Dealers in all kinds of Poultry and Stock Feeds J. P. & L. B. APLIN Proprietor Telephone 1751 HOOD KIVER BUTLER BANKING COMPANY KS I AHLLSH El) H0 0 HOE Ml MHIK I I 1)1 KM. Ul SI KVI S Y S I I l j 1 T.'ad em.luye. t i.:le sulne of ttie nthc-r parts ef the I ..! : ' t ry are wretiinK with 'lie task uf j raisinir ttu ir lean qili'ta, lluml Kiver i etii'.si.ier tn r ..nrk as past hiU'iy ami i.-itizens in charge are luiildini; plans fur a.-.sembli!n' a i'i,1-1"! i)iluta fur the I'luted Wiir Works ,eani.iit;ii whieh will he launched Ncvi'inin r 11. The pie. pie already seem fa:rly well infui ined (mi the purpust uf raisi:ijr the tilt; fumi, and the tasK uf solicit ors, it seems, will merely he one of as semhtiim the comnhutiuns uf tne loyal citizens. The fund will !.e raised for the !sU port of tiie following oranizatluns en liau'eti in miniteiinn tu the needs of soldiers and carrying comfori.i tu them : The V. M. ('. A., V. W. I'. A.. Nation al Catholic War Council, Knights of t'l'lumlius, Jewish Welfare Hoard, Wat Camp Community Service, American Library Association and Salvation Ar my. BOY SCOUT TROOPS ARE ON INCREASE With three etlieieiit troops of Hu Seoul s all eady in existence, the I loud River valley will soon haw two other similar organizations, Frank I'awn purt, Jr., will he master of the secuiul ulanzation to he perfected in the city. It is proposed to myanize a Scout troop at 1'arkdale. K. li. House ar.d .1. C. I hii kwall are respectively masters of troops at 1' lirove and (Itleil. i. ',. ( Hiiksliank, master of Troop 1 of the Puy Scouts of llouil U.ver, ha; increased the organization lroin JOlo mole than U. liy Hit it activities m ail patriotic drives, the i'.ov Scouts of ilood Kivi-r have won aneiniahle name i u trie community. HOME GROWN WHEAT BOUGHT BY AI'LINS t'ictit that ttie world may he n.ade s.d for di tiU'crai , and it is I n!t str !l on the lines of democrat'. . Im ml iunaire and the hurt. hit st i,i...r. niai'i h sale t.v Side. tM.'u ers are :r:.r t,- from every walk of life. No m.iii eMn.pted because he is rich. N are, drafted hecause they are p, Men are measured by their w ilhr ai d tl.eir cai.lcitv. I'ast. or ca tc fteeds are not taken into account. Thus the selective urafl has Peci a I aile of honorahle service. JL'RY SAYS ACCIDENT WAS UNAVOIDABLE Attention Car Owners ! Having piuvhasctl tlie Cascade (larat, wo are fully prepared tu care for all your wants. Our machine shop and repair department are completely equipped. The manauvr, l.!eo. ('. Dye, with "ten years of electrical and shop experience with the Packard Company in Portland, is ready to serve local car owners. Klectrical and Ford Repair Work a specialty. CASCADE GARAGE. Telephone 3521. Fresh and Cured Meats Fish Now is the time to got your fill of Royal Chinook Salmon. The season for Columbia River fishing is open, ami this de lectable food, comparatively, is very cheap. full Values and Courteous and Prompt Service Deliveries: 8. ,10 a. m. and I p. in. daily. NO delivery oulers taken alter )1 in. W. .1. FII.Z MEAT MARKET OLIVIER CHILLI:!) PLOWS. Orchard I Liy Rakes, Muw crs, Disc Plows, Harrows. Winona Wagons. Orchard Trucks. KELLY BROS., Distributors. Phone 1401. HOUSE PLASTER, CEMENT ARSENATE OF LEAD SPRAY BOX S HOOKS (live us your order at so that you can depend upon your supplies for this season, Kel ly Bros. Phone 1401 The residents of Hood Kiver valley will eat Hour from wheat rown in the district for the hist t'me this year. The Hint land Million Co. has received fn ni orchardisis at..' l audit rn ti.hlio li'isla is of wheat f the season's hat vis!. The Holler'- will I'lirchase iih&iit I'ioo iiiisheis more. M ! s. Aphii, who are uryinjj the I'lanlii fj of mure buckwheat here, art I'Ui'chasinii- coin crown in the val ley. The Highland is mat kel inc; its prod-.K t under the Shamrock brand. VVithi'iit froiuhl charms, their tlour and ceieal producls, pronounced by those who have tried I hem as second to none, can be sold cheaper on the local market than the imported prod uct. Therefore, it v ill pay local peo ple tu net the habit of calling for Shamroi k Hour and cereals. MANY ATTEND THE DANCE KOR APPLES Several hutiib'ed people were (iresei.; Saturday nichl for tlie dutice I'iceii to the l.ibet t v theat re orchestra for the put'i ore of raising apples for soldier. The proceeds, more than j'lSO, will lit turned over entirely to the canteen 1 1 c id the lied Cross, C. A. I'ell, J. II. Krtdricy and Mrs. 1.. M, llerrtley. Tile members of t he I .iherl y Ira, who Hie to be thanked f happy occasion, were William Whom. li. A. Uituaid, Miss Orva Wright, W. 1 iJ. (ireei.e, C. I', (iilhei't and Arliiur Kolslad himself. The canteen committee asks that the t at 1 1 1 1 ( - receive an expression of sincere thanks for their cooperation in makiny t he dance a success. orches for ht "Peat!i from ll'iavoidahle accident," was the veribct of a cortiiit r's viry, which spent the afternoon exa','. witni'sies, in the case uf Marc-e'i ! Sch.iiz, Portland tiirl here ei,i;ai,ed r. a i le harvest, who du'd Sundax li'-in injuries sustained in an aiitoinohilo ac ci'lenl. Ucttirniht! from an eiitint; mi the ri er to t heir camp at Maxuelt.m orci -aids, Miss Schulz, accomoaiiied b other boys and uirls, was picked up !- b'oy Miller, l year old sou of Mi. and Mrs. 1'. II. Mdier, acroiiipaucd by Mil lard I !a v. ard and Koher l line., in an automobile. Instead of stopping d the Miixw.'Uorr r-iad Miller dash.-. I by at a ''ate of speed, his car side.-w i line a tele(ihoiie pole, drae,e. inn Miss Schul'. and Ivlna 1'loj.i:, aiiotiier Portland mil, from the rur.nit jr bo. oil. Tcrnhb mangled, the tlesh haviiiL' been torn id most entirely from one of her leys and the other lei; broken and an arm look en in two place. Miss Shiii'z died hitl after reaching 1'ie (' ttni:. pital. labia I'lojr, who si I on ti . li.iininii board in-hind tne tatrdlv m- j ive'l t;:rl, and May Trappe, ri-lnic on the front seat, both of . I'nrl land, sus tanked minor bruis..s in the sina.-h. Iii lt were able to I e seul to I'm (laud Monday. While witnesses Untitled that Milh r uas asked to slop at the corm r, c i deuce was nlso given to show that I he acceh r ator had become stuck and ;li" driver w as unable to hi me.' the car In a halt. RED CROSS PREPARES FOR CHRISTMAS tmv." Sav K'Kistvelt '.'in...' . - - r d s h.ts President sn t it d ! so,-. ,i;. phase of S I e.u'e 1 rop. s,,, IllaklllL' It p b ar t ' the ceiitr.ii -ow,-rs that mere jw. i w;'n. ;.t m. ist sttt.s :ai jjuar t :t'ilit, tn part of t'.ermany, are , vM-rtnless. A.ain is tb rmany shown itiuit Amen. m and the Allies are ready I ' ai'ct i t but one pea.'e. a peace 1 by the military powers of the ,td rations., ttermany nas been told ai-klv that pea.'e will come when she j surrenders unconditionally. 1 It. is i he verdict of the civilized j w oi M that I li-rinanv is uuilt y of the " I m st barbaric crimes. Peace officers ! I.. :-. ! accept the ol'er of an outlaw, :. -s.- ,i...M ts are tlued With vveapolis, t ' parley. An outlaw is taken deader ai'ii1 a. id constilued authorities, in i list' of tie hitler, mete out pumsh-M-ut The allitd r ati. iris are the a.ihoriiies (hat have set themselves ai'eut tne task of killing or fapturini; I'r . -. ,. mditarism, and until the task - c pi. iid, ili'e nations will coiitin . their task. If they fail in their t,.-s the in. oinpreliensilde sacrifices of iiidii id uais and nations the past four o i s u ill hax e been in vain. 1 ii t hi ed I he peace w hines of der mal. , acord. iaj lo Col. Theodori' Koo-.-.tlt, is to i ompound a felony, a i , im!iodine the most repulsive, ine m. ist hai batons and at rot'iiius -i ones i..f all hi-d.ii y. I'.il. Uo.isevell 's sen', lineut nun he taken as fairly typi cal of tin- American people as well as '.lie allied nations. And the American arm and those of the A I lies are stll I j.'isliiriu on tow ard the Rhine. NAMES WILL (iO O.N OFFICIAL BALLOT The 1!'. (I Cross Chapter is prtpaiinc. to see that every enlisted man I'leui lb .oil ll.ier who sends home a bitnl issMii'd by ttie oversells command (.rets a Christ mas package in a regulation lied Cross carton. Inspectors and as sisliints who will have charce of ls.-u I r . li the oaitons arii later inspect ibc them ale Mis. C. il Vane.!.,.:., chief. Mr... Tiubiau l.utii . Mis. C. N. Ila. Im, Mis. I eibu 1'il't. Mis. I V. Wall. Mrs. May diln.'i'l, Mis. C. W . lcl ul Int'li, Mrs. (,co. I. Slucom, Airs. I', S. 1 a iii.--. n , Mrs. !'.. I1. Km. ana, Mrs. (I. A. Moldt ii and Miss Gladys b'eavis. The count', has almost .",o,i enlisted men. SPANISH INFLUENZA TAKES HOOD SOLDIEIi A. tniL' in an advisory capacity in stead of rendering a judicial decision, ,lud.:e Wil.,-,11, of The I 'alien, Monday i eci-mm. mli d that Mrs. Kent Shoe- aker, ediiuty clerk, include on the . tli. ial ballot the names of L. II. Arne ..n, A. ti. Winn and F. II. Illackmnn, cuididati s i e nect.iv tdy for the olliees of sin , a-st'ssor and commissioner. ,1 u-lc V ils. n strongly rebuked I'o inou;, e- r;i members w ho had charge of die indiums of Mr. Arneson and Mr. V mu, for (heir dilatory tactic. "I would have felt conscience-free if I had refused, " he said, "to come (.ere loday, asked to render a decision . t the "'.nil minute of the 11th hour. V". i. r in my exper ience as an attorney ;' a jude have 1 known of a court V: ha-. i'lK been niven to small oonsddera- lloll. .liaise Wilson exonerated Deputy Dis trict Attorney dhtiville and W. S. I Ken. here Irom Portland to appear for tiie uniri'eis, of any inconsiderate ci .mliict, 'I he kraiiKi. committee made d. -ell obno.Mous l. appearnur at ,lud;e il- oil's hold ear ly in the morniri).' and , i,t!, ..viirir.jr an argument of the case .Hi loin in his bediontn. Follovviric; t'ldi,' ilson's recoinmendatoti and the dismissal of the case, A. 1. Mason, e. iniice leader, allempted to address (he court, bul was asked to makeiwlial . 'Vt r lale-nents lie had throuifii his at torney. When Mason persisted Jude V dsoii lid'tatelad a line for contempt of court. The pilitioiis for Mr. Arneson and Mr. Winn, c'rciilated by the jrranccrs, were not tiled until October In, the last lay undei the law. Deputy (ilanville ruled ayairsl llietn because of (heir failure to have two allidavits of au thenticity of si- natures. The grail; ers at litsl threaientd niaiidainus prti-ceednic-s. It wa: a greet I Monday morn ing to abide h. whatever ruling was uivenby Judge Wilson, acting in an advisory capacity. cr tt tr i f L. OJ XJJ I I excels because it is the best. A strictly non-intoxicating soft drink, for sale at all first-class soft drink fountains. LET YOUR NEXT DRINK BE J- lei Bi SO li in I WOMAN'S COMMITTEE DOES GOOD WORK The National Woman's Liberty Loan committee has been doing excellent work. The propaganda and speaking department o1 this eommitteejias been mailing to inlluental citizens of the country letters showing how funds have been expended. It. is shown thai, despite the giirantic proportions of the great war tasks, costs have been k, pi unusually low. One of these letters, received Iy VV. 11. Taft, is in part as follows: Our enemy looked on with sneers and jeers and contempt, followed by I fear and panic, while democracy built an army. Our allies watched with hope and with doubt, while a lieinoc- i racy turned its citizens into soldiers I and sent the finished product to the battle fronts id Lurope. You w ill remember the 5th of June a year ago, when between daw n and dark ten million men to he exact, k j o, ".Ml, ".us men between the aires of 2 A. krieg Monday received a tele gram from 1-' nt McDowell, Calf., an nouncing death of In ; sou, Albert Kreig, .lr., from bronchial pneumonia resulting from Spanish inmieir.a. Young Krieg left here October d with three other men, the last called or, tin gent of Hood Liver draftees. The hotly will arrive here today. A public funeral, that the young man who was -ti years old, might receive a tribute from the citizens of the county, was at lirst contemplated. Localise, however, of fear of a spread of the in- lliietiza the funeral will be private. Motorist Has Sensation When his brakes failed to hold near (he top of the two mile grade on Mo sitr hill M. O'Toole, of Portland, par ticipated last week in one of the most sensational rides ever experienced in Ilood Liver county. Plunging down the descent with its numerous curves, Mr. O'Toole narrow ly missed collision with a number of machines. In order to avoid machines par!-:ed at the road side, whih' drivers were making ad justments. Mr. '"I oole ditched his ci.i . Dunging mto a bank with great force, the machine overturned, the end of it lar-dmg mi the car of L. (I. Meyer, of Avaloii, Ida. and Son Do Bit While his son, Kd'.vard Jeppest n. is m Kngland with an aero squadron, J. II. Jeiuiesen is m I'orlland working in the shipyards. Mr. Jeppi eii was heie 'Sl"t (;( .-ii.-1. in-. i- ..w-c .i' a t'.si. tor i-.i - .. . . .. i Ii . i vul i sweet mice. .Mr. .lennii.vs ,e duration,! ... , - . , - ,-, ,.r,i ur , ,, HARVEST MOKE THAN HALF COMPLETED The apple harvest, more than 5D per cent over, was slowed down Tuesday because of showers, and forces of orehardists were concentrated on work of sorting and cleaning up fruit stored at sheds and packing plants. Fruit re maining unpicked is of the red vari olas which are left on trees as lung as possible for better coloring. Shipments conl inue at the rate of an average of 1-i cars daily, a total of more than 2nl ha ibg been rolled. C. II. (, recti, superintendent of the gov en im id employment bureau, w hich will be closed the first of next week, says that no grower providing his help with comfortable .pmrters has experi enced dillitulty in getting pickers ihis reason. Mr. drecn has furnished orch aruists wilh a total of l.ol! harvest lands from Loitland, most of them girls and w omen. FIRST SORGHUM CROP IS liEINI! HARVESTED A. (I. denning-, 1'aradise Farm rancher, began Monday to harvest the .vnikvs nrst crop ol sorghum, the m cane is fullv matured and NliiI creek ranch tor tin the war. Mr. .leppe-en is a native : i anil oi were enrolled lor military ser vice, how within 1 hours practically all registration return were assem bled by telegraph here at Washington. 1 he same process was repeated las'. June and again in August, when some thing like S.Mi.Mmii men, the new 21 yeaJ ! olds, were enrolled ; and now the fourth 'registration, which congress has just i authorized, includes ld,liou,uii(i more, up I to 4" years of age and down to That will leave in the country only about live million ablebodied men: the rest w ill be bnjs and gray-heads. At first glance the biggest thing about the draft appears to be it- size but great as that is, the numbers are lianilv as remarkable and as significant were in ex, . dent, condition . . - r. 1 - I I . I . I . Il' I I'll- as the tact tlial tne people raised tneir were iiougn. o. ..). riiz. 1 own army. hverv town, city am li to sweets. Dane and skilled in shipbuilding'. II lias worked at K el, the great (lermaii ! naval base, where he fieipiently saw the kaiser. . a r,,'i V th , l' a ,' ' loiimeuts in different parts of the roun- j'.iukerislii thai I saw when 1 was at Kiel." Many Suffer From Influenza lieports from schools and army can- try an- tiiat many Ilood Liver hoys are Bluest Herd is Sold sad!', -ring from Spanish influenza. The if. Ilowine hovs, rflernbers of the I'm , or-;!; of iii.-goii students' army tram line. c..rps aie ill at Kugetie : Forrest The largest herd of caltlo ever sold ' 'nrt.-r.Mi rlon h.lts and I'.oyd Jenkins, in Hood Liver county was driven fn m Albert Krig-sow writes his parents, the I'i per Vullev yesterday l.v Warren Mr. and Mr .. II. . Krussow, that Im Cooper The aiiim ils. L'l in' number, Lother II. il.crt, is recovering Irom in had been pasdretl this summer on the tiwiMH a! D ivton, O. Loth men are meadows of the forest reserve and with an aero Miuaonm. They ; Vernon Cooper, who is at Fort Me- The cattle Nought the total sum of l'..oil, t'if., is ill with Spanish itillu- ii. ate last men, a ? I1'11. I O