lloub K1VIIU GLAl'llUt TUl'KSDA. MAY u, lulS 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 i I 1 4 i I 1 BRIEF LOCAL MENTION 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I i ; 1 1 i 1 I i i 1 1 I i I 11. I., llaslipiuek, On.,metr:-t. Shie mad or rei.airwl at .Tol.n-ti'n KiirU- does .;iiutitiif, stirn urk and t.llsiiriiltun. Tel. :jill4. H:Hi Get tarnation fur Mother's luy. Tel. the Heights Greenhouse. Geo. I'arlU is now employed at the F.lite grocery of J. R. Kinsey. II your ohoeg have gone wrung ta,e them to Johnson. J. VV. Pengu. who has Wen on the sick list, is able ta te out again. A. O. Adams was up Saturday from Cascade Looks visiting friend?. ltahlias for Sale at the Heights Greenhouse lo and 25 cents. House Piaster For Sale.. Kellv P.ros. ihonelt'l. ;lll4l VV. B. Cole, of Husum. was here the latter part of last week on business. W. H. Marshall, of Lee. was here the latter part of last week on business. H you want Mines that don't no ron it no to Johnsen'ti. (let a carnation for Mother's Day. Tel. :C!".i:i, the Heights Greenhouse. Claude K. Copple has recovered from an attack of mumps that confined him Ui bed for several days. Have just received a 10 day consign ment of suits, coats and waists. Mon ner's. Carl V. Ross was up the latter part of last week from Portland visiting friends and attending to business. Jack Will ami W. H. Hobson, of The Dalles, were here the latter part of last week on business. Highest cash price paid for your used furniture, stoves and rugw. t ali MiChim at K. A. bran. Co. sL'Otf J. C. Marshall, of Portland, was here lastweek on business and visiting friends. A. J. Graham was in Wyeth and Mosier last week in the interest of the Red Cross. See Texas Guinan as a gun woman in the play of the same name at the Lib erty Sunday, one day only. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Frazier arrived last week from Oakland, Calif., for a visit with relatives here. After a visit with her mother, Mrs. John Zolls, Mrs. Percy Gibbons re turned to Portland last Saturday. Mrs. W. R. Greene spent the week end in Portland visiting relatives and friends. F.yes scientifically examined bv II. I.. Hasbroiuk, Optometrist, lleilbronner Itlilg. IS-1 f Mr. and Mrs. J. K. F.ilgar were down from Dee last week to see the Beast of Berlin at the Liberty. R. H. Weber was here last week from The Dalles visiting his Fast Side orchard. I have taken the agency for the Spir ella Corset. Cull at Buelow Tailor Shop. Mrs. Karl liuelow, Hood River, Or. tf J. L. Firebaugh, of Portland, was here the first of the week on business and visiting friends. Mrs. Leon Stoner, of Long Beach, Cal., is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Deitz. Fresh ground graham, whole wheat Hour and corn meal at Kelly P.ros'. warehouse. nl-tf Miss Mae Davidson spent the week end in The Dalles visiting Mrs. John Van Dellen. M. S. Bird has completed a handsome bungalow cottage on his Oak Grove ranch on Lover's Lanf. Have just received a 10 day consign ment of suits, coats and waists. Mon ner's. Mrs. B. M. Sattertield and daughter, of Portland, have been here isiting Mrs. Gladys W. Brock. Cabbtiue, tomato, egg plant and pep pers, 15 cents per doen, Tel. '.MX), the Heights Greenhouse. mlio Mrs. Harvey Junes and children, who spent the winter in Indianapolis, have returned home. Mrs. Hargreaves arrived Monday from Portland to be with;her daugh ter, Mrs. P. E. Bul'am, who is ill. Mrs. Jennie Whitcomb, who spent the winter at Anacortes, Wash., has returned to her home here. Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fur row at the Cottage hospital Sunday, May ft, a daughter. Mrs. George Haslingor is at the Cot tage hospital recovering from a seri ous operation of last week. O. P. HOFF, republican, lr State T reasurer. Road The Political I'u.lc, pages 2b-l7, election pamphlet, i I'd Ad Hot cafeteria dinner will he served by the ladies of the Methodist church Saturday noon. Prices reasonable. Miss Addie Davidson, of Lebanon, is here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. I.oveall. A 10 per cent discount sale on every thing in stock, including hats, coats, suits, dresses and corsets. Sale began Saturday. May 4, to last 10 days. Monner's. ... Your Satisfaction or Money Back GOOD HOSIERY For the Whole Family We Stll the Rest Brar.ds Made FLORSHlIM SHOES $4.98 to $9.00 UTZ & DUNN SHOES $3.50 to $8.90 BROADWALK SHOES MARSHALL El ELD & CO. Cotton Dress Goods Draperies Suitings Sheer Wash Goods White Goods and Silks It is our aim to carry the best goods in every department in our store and price them just as low as we can and live. We have reduced our expenses and our connection with A. M. Williams & Co. permits us to do business with very low overhead expense, as their $150,000.00 stock is available to us at all times and we are carrying no dead stock. Try Us on a Special Order and Watch This Business Grow ' FRANK A. CRAM Always Up-to-Date NEW MODELS in White and Flesh to Fit Any Form. We show both Front and Back Lace Priced . . . 98c to $5.00 Special orders carefully executed. DOYAL woCESI tH Miss Vera I.atFerty is visiting frH'nds in t'orvallis. Judge Wilson was down from The I al les Tuesday on a short business visit. Miss Mae Shay hits returned to I'ort land to resume her studies at a bust ness college. Cabiiii'jre, tomato, eggplant and e' ers, 1") cents in r dozen, Tel. '' '' tin sister, who went husband, Harold i.t Fort I'an- tir rubber st a iiiw. used -. and if ymi need any 1 V"iir older to The (ila- L Picnic Time is here and you need some of these for that nice Picnic Lunch: Ripe and Green Olives Pork and Beans Sweet and Dill Pickles Sandwich Meats Sandwich Cheese Sardines Salmon Potato Chips Cookies and Crackers Fruit and Coffee AT The Star Grocery "Good Things to i'.ot " PERIGO & SON Heights t ircclihoiise. in-i'l Glen I'. Niles. of the Butler Hankinc Co., was in Salem over the week end to be with his sister, who was ill. The billies of the Methodist chinch will serve a cafeteria dinner at the church dinine; muni Saturday at noun. Mrs. 15. Powell was here from Portland the latter part of last week visit injr friends. O. P. HOFF, republican, tor State Treasurer. Read I he Political Puvle, pages 26-27, t lection pamphlet. ( I'dAd Mrs. 11. S. Iluttettield and daughter, Miss Genevieve, of Portland, have been here at their Felnmnt country home. J. R. Harroll, of the I'pper Valley, was awarded a Second lieutenancy at the Camp Lee, Va., training camp just closed. Marguerite Clark in "Pah's Ditrv," at the Liberty Monday and Tuesday, together with one of those funny Mack Setinett comedies. Hanks Mortimer, now sergeant in the aviation corps and in charge of headquarters garage in Portland, spent the week end here with Mrs. Mortimer. Searches of record" and reliable ab stracts made by Urcuoii Abstiact Com punv, ,. V. Uiit!iuii', Matiaii t, :i5 Oak Street. I'botie ! ! . jy'.'0-tl G. A. Shaffer, formerly a local resi dent, writes that, he is now living at Rogers, Ark. Mr. Shaffer cotetnplat.es returning to Hood Kiver. Misses Vivian Junes and Lulu Pra ther, who have been teaching respect ively at Gateway and Prineville, re turned home last Friday afternoon. Miss Hernice VVildin left Friday for Portland to be with her aunt Mrs. J. VV. lMckinson, there having her eyes treated. Accnmpanving his down to be with her Sexton, V. G. Weber by last week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Paul VV. Childers, Mr. ami Mrs. Preston and Mr. and Mrs. Yontish, of The 1 tulles, were here Sun day visiting Mrs. titmice Woodard. Mrs. Fowler, of Pendleton, en mute home f(om Portland, stopped here last week to visit her niece, Mrs. 1. If. Parkins. Look over v fur h.rry boxi extra ones, giv cier at orce. Fdward Weiss, manager of the Junes Lumber Co., of Port land, w as a week end guest at the home of Miss Lucille G. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. ( S. King, their so part of last we Side orciiatd place. You can get a good dinner at the Methodist church Satiuday noun cheap er than you can getjit at home. F.very, thing will fie good, too. After a visit here with the fanjily of her daughter, Mrs. J. Ii. Robertson, Mrs. A. A. Couch returned to her home In La trrantle 1 uesilav. Or. and Mrs. Chas. Scears and fam ily, of Portland, spent the week end here visiting Mis. I-imma Kpping and family. The recent card party given by the members of St. Mary's Catholic church Altar Society netted the Red Cross Chapter f.Vt. ' Sgt. VV. J. A. Laker and Fred VV. Coshow, stationed at Fort Stevens, Wash., spent the week end here visit ing relatives and friends. Mrs. A. VV. l'.ishep and daughter, Mary, went to Portland Sunday to spend the summer with Mr. Bishop, who is there in one of the big shipyards. Judge and Mrs. A. S. Bennett, II. T. Hopkins and baby daughter motored over fmm The Dalles Sunday to see the apple blossoms. After a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flagler, Mrs. Geo. Dryer re turned to her home in Spokane Mon day. Miss Florence Carson has succeeded H. M. Francis at the clerk's otlice at the court house. The duties of this ollice are now administered by women. P. J. Kychaney, of Denver, accom panied by his wife, has arrived fur a visit with his sister. Mrs. C. S. Fields, and family. Delegates and visitors at the En deavor convention will be able to get a good cafeteria dinner right at the church Saturday noon. The Red Cross Rummage Sale will be open to' receive appropriations of articles next Saturday, May 11. The Rummage Sale will be open for busi ness the following Saturday. Julian Kltinge, in the picture that was partly made in Portland and en the Highway, "The Clever Mrs. Car fax," at the Libertv Friday and Saturday. Roy Roberts is now w ith the Hood ; River Produce Kxchange, V. 1). l.ill ; having gone to Bend to take chare of j the concern's branch, the Bend Pro- j duee Exchange. i Miss Helen Davidson, who is teach-; ing domestic science at the Wasco high j schoul, spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Da- j vidson. Lieut, and Mrs. James E. Montgom- ; ery spent Sunday here visiting friends, j Lieut. Montgomery is on tlie start or t ol. Disiiue, of the spruce gathering ASSOCIATION BUYS THE S.&C. PROPERTY HIGH SCHOOL NOTES WEDDINGS OIVIPIUO Ol llie MKMCU lUipn IM luiwnu.i. i jnm,a!ie,j Mrs. P. A. Tolman is back from boxes. j The Apple Growers Association Tuesday increased its realty holdings by the purchase from C. H. Stranahan and VV. L. Clark of a two story brick I warehouse located just west of the i storage plants of the Association. Re j frigeration pipes may be extended to l the building conveniently, and the storage facilities of the concern will by more than In, nun Molalla, where she had spent the past winter keeping house for her daugh ter. Miss Nellie Tolman, who lias been teaching there. Mrs. Chas. Lancaster and daughter. Miss Irene, were here last week where the Lancaster ides, visiting Mrs. E. VV. King am , were up t h k visiting Chas. latter their Fast A 10 per cent discount sale on every thing in stock, ineiuding hats, coats, suits, dresses and corsets. Sale began Saturday, May 4, to last 10 days. Monner's. Camas., Wash., family now res li. Kaesser. "Flames of Chance," a story taken from the Ladies' Home Journal story, "The Three Godsons of Jeannette Gon treau," will be shown at the Liberty tudav. The Red Cross Rummage Sale will be open to receive appropriations of articles next Saturday, May II. The Rummage Sale will open for business on the following Saturday. Lieut. Hay Furrow, en route from a California cantonment to Camp Lewis, stopped oil' last week fur a visit with his parents, Mr. anil Mrs. VV. H. Fur ruw. Harry lleth, of Seattle, representa tive of the Polk Directory Co., was here the lirst, of the week checking over data for a new edition of the i state's business directory, j Harry Wirrick, of Dee, and VV. C. j Cohoon, of the department of manual I training in the high school, have en i listed in the navy. Mr. Cohoon will remain here until school closes. A 111 per cent discount sale on every thing in stock, including hats, coats, suits, dresses and corsets. Sale began Saturday, May I, to last lb days. ! Muimer's. i We have 7 per cent money for Farm ! Loans with prepayment privileges, and jean '.rive you prompt service. Abstracts, i Insurance and Survey ing. Hood River I Ah-trnct and In v. Co'. Phone 1X11 . tf ! L. C. Heizer was stricken suddenly i with ptomaine poisoning while here on ! business Thursday afternoon. Mr. ! Heizer, in a painful but not serious condition, attributes the attack to sar dines eaten for lunch. i Miss Helen Knight, who has been attending the I'niversity of California, is home for the vacation. Mrs. Dean ' Ballard, of Seattle, is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. VV. J. I Kniirbt, and to be with her sister. I Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Grant, of the Oak Gmve district, have just received j word from their son, Earle E. Grant, . announcing his promotion from a sec ond to a lirst lieutenancy at. t amp Lewis. Miss Elsie McLucns, who has re cently resigned her position as Lents librarian, whs here over the week end visiting friends. Miss McLucas ex- peets to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I). McLucas, at Gateway. The Butler Banking Co. has trans ferred the building of the old Hood River State Bank to G. F. Brown, of Corvallis, in exchange for the Jackson building, which was purchased by Mr. Brown from A. F. Adams and VV. A. Sehatfner. E. A. Youngstead, who has won fame for the cowboy boots he has made at Victor Marden's shop at The Dalles, was here last week at the J. C. Johnsen shoe shop, taking the place of Gust Senger. The latter and all of his family were atllicted with Liberty measles. After a visit, here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wilson, George VV ilson left, Friday to return to his home at Ojiincey, Calif. He was ac companied as far as Portland by his mother, w ho remained there for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Hini-di, ami tamiiy. Accompanied by their respective mothers, Mrs. E. J. Baker and Mrs. S. A. Colburn, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Baker, returning home from Seattle, where they have been to attend the wedding of their daughter, Miss Dorothy, to Walter VV. Tuttle, 'to their home at Sioux City, la., spent the week end here visiting friends. Lieut. Chester Huggins is now at Camp Fremont, Calif., having been assigned to a company of machine gunners. He writes that he expects to be sentto anjeastern port for em barcation for France at any time. Win. P. Huggins, who went from North Yakima to Camp Lewis recent ly, was made a corporal the first week he was at the big . cantonment. He writes his father that he is working diligently. In hilling from her pursurers, Bab, fully clothed, took refuge in a bath tub full of very cold water. J. Searle Daw ley. director for Marguerite Clark, remarked that the enthusiasm with which the star performed this stunt was truly remarkable, as in doing it she ruined one of the most attractive gowns of her expensive wardrobes. The star, however, declared it was worth it. At the Liberty Monday and Tuesday. The Association recently purchased six lots, just south of the warehouse, formerly used for grain storage by Stranahan V- Clark, contemplating fu ture construction of a large storage ,..i I.... ,.,..(.i ...ui. ,u.. c I unii, niu.it iu nr LuiuiLLitii nun lilt from I it ... . i ... .. ... , ... oiu pianis, ciutei oy Luuoei 01 a oiiuge across Railroad avenue. Woman to Address S. S. ('(invention Mrs. N. A. Daunehower, who for many years has been a prominent Sun day school worker of the state, will be here to deliver an address at the an nual Hood River County Sunday School Association convention to be held at the Pine Grove church next Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Donnehower will proceed from here to New York city to make her home. C. A. Phipps, secretary of the Ore gon Sunday School Association, who is now pastor of a church at La Grande and general secretary of the Y. M. C. A. there, will not be present for the convention, as planned. Mrs. J. E. Ferguson, president of the comity association, states that the people of the Pine Grove district are enthusiastically preparing for the meeting. Through an oversight the name of Mrs. E. E. Lage, one of the county's delegates to the state convention, was omitted from last week's paper. John A. Biaser is in Trouble John A. Biaser, recently convicted of bootlegging in Portland, was bound over to the grand jury Monday by Jus tice of the Peace Onthank, following his trial on a charge involving Myrtle Craines. Charged with rifling a pri vate mail bag of the Oregon Lumber Co. and the theft of $.U!M) from a let ter, Biaser was sought Saturday night by officers. He was located at a local boarding house where the woman had registered as his wife. Biaser confessed that he and the girl were not married. He says they were planning to get married and had ar ranged to go to some Washington point last week for the wedding, but failed to make the trip. Papers were found on Biaser indicat ing that he had at one time been em ployed as a detective and special dep uty slieiilf engaged in tracing down bootlegging cases in Minnesota. biaser broke jail Monday night. OHiccrs had given him the run of the main building before locking him in a cell for the night. When they returned it was round that he had torceu a rear door with a board. He was to have been taken to The Dalles Tuesday. Iladlev Predicts Low Water W. 0. Hartley, of The Dalles, here last week on ollicial business, declares that he has never seen the flood river any lower during the spring months than at the present time, Mr. Hadley predicts a serious water famine for Hood River valley orchardists. Columbia river, too," sa' (By Georgia Lynn) j The playlet, "The Elopement of EI leu," which the Adelphic Literary So ciety presented to a very large audi ence Thursday evening of last week, was a success in every way. Every part was a star part and showed talent produced and improved by thorough practice on the part of the partici pants. The net proceeds of the even ing, approximately $.'!8, will be ex pended for the Adelphic share in the service llag and for Junior Red Cross supplies or other war work. H. R. 11. S. added another victory to ; its record when White Salmon lost to us in baseball Friday. The game, which was very onesided, was scored with 17 5 points in our favor. I Another of our high school boys has been called to service. Saturday af ternoon Kenneth Hicks left for Camp Lewis to take the position of stock keeper in the Y. M. C. A. supply , houses. This will not affeot his gradu j ation. You are not in style now-a-days if you do not have the measles. Hood River Hi is a very stylish and up to date school in the "measley" sense of the word. This week's Junior Four Minute Man, Clara Haas, was unable to speak in assembly on account of measles. First Church of Christ, Scientist Services will be held in Church Building, idh and Eugene, Sunday, 1 1 :ti a. in.; Subject: Adam and Falleu Man. Sunday School at 11 a. in. Wednesday service, H p. in. The reading room is open daily from li to 0 p. hi., in the Hall building." Bible Sen ice, E., o ii p. in. Cordial w Christian Church CllOOl, il.Jll ft. ill. ; Preai: 1 1 a. m. and H p. in.; J unii in.; Christian Endeavor, count to all. IIML' r t . ti.l") McDonald Kite Local friends have just received an nouncements of the wedding at ion City, 111., Friday, Apnl VI, of Aegus Carthur McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald, and Miss Georgia Evelyn Rice, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. B. M. Rice, where Rev. Rice is pastor of a church. Mr. McDonald. who with his brother, Clifford McDonald, enlisted in the navy last spring, is now first class hospital apprentice in the pharmacy depart ment, stationed at the Great Lakes naval training station. He expects to secure u furlough this summer when he and his bride will visit his parents here. Mr. McDonald telegraphed his par ents on the date of Ins wedding an nouncing that he had entered the realm of benedicts. P. N. Co. Has Daily Service For the first time this year, the mid Columbia again has a daily boat ser vice with Portland. Unable to accom modate the traffic between mid-Columbia points and Portland with the steamer Tahorna, the People's Naviga tion Co. has seeuredjthe service of the J. N. Teal and the two craft now make trips alternately up and down the Co lumbia. The daily service is an accommoda tion to motorists blocked by the incom pleted portion of the Highway around Ruthton hill. Arsenate of Lead Kills Animals Dr. M. K. Welch, county veterinar ian, has issued a warning to orchardists to use more care in the handling of arsenate of lead and other poison spray materials. Dr. Welch says that numerous tine milch cows and other animals are killed annually from eat ing foliage covered with 'the poison sprays. I t-M-H"l"l"l"!"l"l-M-l-l"I"l'-i 1 1' 1 M'l-l-f T HNS, Ft US AMI mTIIEKS T 4. I ' I , 1,1 ' 1 I, . . T..T, 1 ,T. 1, I,, I I, T I 1 f Ti I 1 . 1.1.. .IP ... ,1,1111,1111 The largest sturgeon seen in Hood River in recent years was exhibited at the Filz meat market Monday. The big fish, weighing 120 pounds ard seven feet long, was caught by Ed Wright in a dritt net. Sturgeon, formerly caught here in numbers, some of the biggest weighing as much as .VK) pounds, are very scarce now in the mid-Columbia. Prominent Portlanders See Orchards Aboard Mr. Farreil's private car, the following party of Portland people came here Sunday to see the orchards of the valley in bloom: Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. Farrell and son and daughter; Major Kern and w ife and sun and J. T. Hume. The visitors were taken for motor rides through the orchards by the following men: Truman Butler, E. O. Blanchar, J. II. Fredricy, C. H. Vanghan and A. VV. Stone. While here Mr. Farrell, commenting on the car situation, stated that he thought growers would have no trouble this fall in securing the cars for mov ing their cmps. forey to Attend Camp Glen L. Corey, who has been granted his full credits as member of the year's graduating class of O. A. C, is home for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. VV. 11. Corey, before leaving for the fourth officers' training camp.' Mr. Corey, member of the Sigma Chi fraternity, which will furnish five men, he says, for the coming camp, does not know whether he will go to Camp Lewis or the Presidio. An inspection will convince you that the service of the Palace Hotel, Port land, t iregon, Washington and Twelfth streets, is second to none. Convenient to shopping and theatre districts, clean est moms in city for 50 cts. and up. i-A .-3-i' . 1 ; w 'The says Mr. Hadley, "judging from the talks with oldtime fishermen up and down the stream, is going to be unusually low this season. The fish warden says that interest in salmon fishing is unusually active in the mid-Columbia district thia year. A number of local men began the op eration of traps last week. Asparagus Harvest On The asparagus harvest here is now at its height. John Koberg and Harry Monumoto, whose truck gardens on Columbia river lowlands to the east of the city are the most extensive of the district, are shipping tons of the prod uct weekly. They employ more than a score of men and women cutting the succulent sprouts. The asparagus is shipped to Portland, Seattle and Spokane. Si .W U V V .' !' ' iV ,.l 1 fi i. ? w Kenneth Hicks at Camp Lewis Kenneth L. Hicks, a member of the senior class, has left for Camp Lewis, where he has received a appointment in Y. M. C. A. work. Young Hicks was a member of 12th Co., but when the company was called out for federal ser vice last year he was unable to pass the physical examination. He has been endeavoring since to get into some kind of war service. Tollman Sent to Asylum VVilliam Tollman, 64 year old Upper Valley rancher, brought before a san ity commission for the second time in a week, was adjudged insane and escort ed to Pendleton asylum Thursday. The aged man had been declared sane at another examination. His abberatiou is expressed in fits of anger and tie has threatened neighbors. Warner's Rust Proof Corsets Red Cross work other service. The correct Corset, properly fitted, will insure your comfort and conserve your enorpy for the activities of these busy days. The Corset is the base of all good dressing. Buy a WARNER'S and pet the ripht foundation and get full value for your money besides. Athletic Dancing Front Lace Abdominal and Regular There's a Warner's to suit you and fit you v.T i V i ABDOMINAL $1.25 to $5.00 They are rust proof, will not break or tear iff : jfanifrr's ' rat l'i-HCf Come and See Our Bargain Square! Here we have grouped together a number of items that are real Bargains. We have been watch ing our chance for several mouths to get these good things and now they are beginning to come in and we believe you will agree with us that they are real ly, sjre enough bargains. We will have more to add to our Bargain Square from time to time, as this is to be part of our "Personal Service." Here are some of the good things in our Bargain Square this week. 38-inch Chambray 25c yard plain shades good colors Praid and Stripe Ginghams 19c yard New Flowered Dimities 18C yard Ladies' Black Cotton Hose 15c pair Men's Black Cotton Socks 15c pair Men's Canvas Gloves leather faced gauntlets 25c pair Child's Kid Pat. Tip Button Shoes, wedge heel sizes 2 to 4 98C pair and other good things. Molden, Huelat, Sather Co. "The House of Personal Service"