The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 09, 1918, Image 4

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    HOOD RlVKIt GLAC1KU. Till USDaY. MAY 1. 1018
Famous For Its Marvelous Motor
- P- Jv-- k -?u.- rU
. .. - mwy
--- jOi
Why Women Choose
The Chandler
WOMEN chocro the Chandler Six quite much for the
ease with which they may drive it on any kind of roads
or in any kind of traffic, as for the grace of its hody designs, the
comfort of its deep-cushioned seats and the beauty of its
finish. They choos the Chandler, too, because of its mechani
cal dependence, its ever-readiness.
Thousands of women drive Chandlers, and, even though
they may not know the why of its mechanical excellence, they
know and appreciate the extraordinary quality of this great car.
Chandler body designs offer a pleasing range of selection.
Seven-Passenger Touring Car, St SOS Four-Passenger Roadster, SI SOS
Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, St 675
Convertible Sedan, S2205 Convertible Coupe, S210S Limousine, S280S
All prices I. o. ft. Cleveland)
Come Choose Your Chandler Now
Gilbert Motor Car Co.
I u . r f 111 H tr I I I I H I f m- I I I l I 11 XJ V I.I tri V H I IXl I iii-iiib
The DeWitt Motor Co., local Ford! Fourteen rersons, one a German,
dealers, are now in their commodious j were arrested when a British steam-1
quarters, located on the prominent I ship arrived at an Atlantic irt Mon-1
eorrter of Cascade avenue and Third day from a South American vrt.
street, and are excellently prepared Government officials met the vessel
and equipped to handle all the require- i and perhaps never since this country
merits of the Ford owner. entered the war were passengers sub-
Mr. beWitt states that it is their in- iected to a more thorough examination.
tention at all times to employ expert
mechanics, thereby giving to the Ford
owner the best possible service.
"When your bring your Ford into
our place," he says, "we can tell you
immediately the cost of labor to repair
same, having tixed charges for every
operation. These labor charges are
hxed by the Ford Motor Co., and it is
up to us to employ the right men or
we cannot maintain this schedule and
expect to make any money in this de
partment, which we are going to fea
ture. We w ill keep on hand a com
plete stock of genuine Ford parts, so
that Ford owners will not be delayed
in securing their wants. Ford dealers
are not permitted to handle spurious
parts. We will also carry a complete
stock of Goodyear tires and tubes, be
lieving this line to be good and prob
ably the most popular line of tires and
tubes on the market. However, we
ar not confined to Goodyears, and will
supply our customers with any stock
they may desire.
"One of the features to be tried out
and that without doubt will prove most
satisfactory to our Fori customers,
will be that we will gitfe to all Ford
owners day storage, free of charge and
without any obligations whatever.
This undoubtedly will be appreciated
by our country owners who can run
their car into our large storage space.
where it will be free from the ele
ments and also be absolutely safe. In
fact, we are here to give service and
expect to gain and maintain our busi
ness through our excellent service de
Since completion the new garage has
won much admiration from the people
of the city. The improvement of the
corner over its former condition, when
it was occupied by shacks, the home of
innumerable stray cats, is a benefit to
the city.
The structure is well equipped and
conveniently located. The great floor
space will enable the DeWitt Motor
Co. to make excellent displays of cars
and accessories, and stilll the storage
space will be very great.
The annoncement of free day storage
for Ford owners is winning favorable
Methodist Church
Sunday School 10 a. m. There is a
place for you. At 11a., ni. Mother's
bay will be observed with special mu
sic and sermon, Fach mother attend
ing the service will receive a flower.
Come and bring a friend. At 8 p.
m. the C. E. convention will have
charge of the service.
Oak Grove - There will be Mother's
Day service at 'A o'clock.
J. I). l.evvellen, Pastor.
First Baptist Church
Sunday school 111 a. m. J. li. 1'. at
5 p. ni. I'.. Y. I'. (!. at 7 p. m. Prayer
meeting 8 p. ni. Wednesday. Sermon
Sunday evening at H o'clock hv Kev.M.
L. Hu'tton, subject. "That Boy's Moth
er," it being a Mother's Day sermon,
and the first in the following series on
"That Hov." Sunday, Mav 12, "That
Boy's Mother;" Sunday, May Hi. ''That
Boy's Father;" Sunday, May 2o,"Thal
Boy's Home ;" Sunday, June 2, "That
Boy's Sister;" Sunday, June 9, "That
Boy Himself."
Congregational Church
Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Classes
for everybody. Sermon at 11 a. m.
Subject, "Rabbi, Where Dwellest
Thou?" As we have but one sermon
on Sunday the whole congregation is
urged to make it a good one by being
present. M. L. Mutton, Pastor.
Prodium Process Means Millions
Saved To Tire Users
HE Prodium Process has done
for rubber what vanadium did
for steel.
It has made it stronger and tcugher,
and vastly increased its wear-resisting
Republic Prodium Process Tires are
practically immume to road cuts and
chipping, and wear down as smoothly
and evenly as a piece of tempered steel.
Even after the Staggard Studs are gone,
many miles of service remain in the
The history of the Republic has been
a chronicle of progressive improvement
in tire making.
It is fitting that the Prodium Process
should be a product of the Republic
'irdi.i to
Alto ,
;m Hi
The Staggard Tread was
effective non-skid tire.
the first
Republic Black-line Red Inner Tubes have
a reputation for freedom from trouble
The Republic Rubber Company
Youngstown, Ohio
The Tire Shop
Republic Tires
.Margery Wilson will be sliov n in
her latest Triangle release, "The
Flames of Chance," an adaptation of
"The Three Godsons of Jeaneue Gou
treau," which ran in the La lies'
Home Journal. It is a story of
young stenographer in this ouriirv
who wrote very intimate and per-o
nai letters or clieer to allied priso
ners ol war in (iermany ate sea',
them favors until one is released
and, owing to the intimacy of her
letters, she is obliged to
herself as an old lady in
meet the returned soldier,
one-reel comedy, "The Price
Head." will he shown.
Fri. and Sat., May 10 & 11
We present Julian Kltinge, the
f-.imous female impersonator, who en
joys the unique distinction of being
the best dressed "woman" in tilt
world. He appears in "The Clever
Mrs. Carfax," in which lie uses his
wonderful ability to pass as a wo
man to run down a gang of black
mailers and to find his sweetheart
Mr. Kltinge brought his entire com
pany from Los Angeles to Portland
to make part of the picture anil scon
e- on the Columbia river Highway
are shown. An Animated Weekly
will also be shown.
Sunday, May 12, One Day Only
Texas Quinan, that wonderfully
talented triangle star, will De seen
in her latest dramatic success "The
Gun Woman," a tense and thrilling
story unlike anything ever befor
shown with this talented young star
Also a comedy, "A Butler's Bust Pp.'
Mon. and Tues., May 13 & 14
We present the first of Mary Hob
eits Kinehart's famous sub-deb stor
ies adapted to the screen and pre
sonting Miss Marguerite Clark ns the
clever little "flapper" heroine. The
first of the series will be entitlei
"Bab's Diary" and is the kind of pic
U;re just suited to the damty per
senality of Miss Clark. We will al
so present Polly Moran, Slim Sum
n.erville and "Honest-eyed" Ben Tur
pin in a rip-roaring Western traves
t entitled "Hoping Her Horaeo
This is another comedy from the
Mack Scnnett studios. This is
hear of a comedy and the whole
show is up to the usual high Para
mount standard of excellence.
Wed. and Thurs., May 15 & 16
We present the Triangle players
and Darrell Fuss in a dandy comedy
drama, "Her American Husband
and a one-reel comedy, "Too Many
Church Women Make Garments
The Ladies' Aid society of the Con
ereeational church have taken up the
making of garments for two year old
Belgium refugees. All members and
friends are asked to send any garment
or material that could be cut out and
made over into clothes for these chil
dren to Mrs. J. M. Culbertson, or phone
to her regarding same. With the heir
of all, the Aid wishes to make at leas
50 sets for these children, five gar
ments being in each set, and anything
you can give toward making these
clothes will be greatly appreciated.
Also, any ladies of the Aid who have
old papers are requested to tie them in
bundles of convenient size to handle
and call Mrs. W. T. Price, Phone 2.r8;t,
who has charge of collecting them.
Mrs. Winslow Will Enter Service
Mrs. L. B. Winslow, whose husband
is already chasing submarines, went to
The Dalles Saturday to tike an examin
ation, having applied for entrance to a
yeoman class in the navy. Mrs. Wins
low formerly resided at Eugene. Her
husband enlisted early last year from
that citv. Mrs. Leslie Newton accom
panied Mrs. Winslow to The Dalles,
The German, it was said, was placed
under guard by the Quartermaster soon
after he had lioanied the vessel. In
their search for concealed documents
the government agents even broke two
ollow canes he carried and also seized
honograph records in his baggage.
Lieutenant-Commander Mouth, L. S.
N., said that the missing naval collier
yclops left a Caribbean port and long
before the collier was reported missing
an advertisement appeared in a Portu
gese newspar at Kio Janerio an
nouncing that a requiem mass would te
elebrated for Alfred L. Moreau Gotta-
halk. United States Consul-General in
Rio Janerio, "lost when the Cyclops
was sunk at sea.
It was not until April 15 that the
navy uenartmeiit announced that the
llier w as missing. I he advertise
ment, appearing nearly a month tie tore
the official announcement, was signed
by prominent men in Rio Janiero, who
later are said to have disclaimed re
sponsibility for its appearance.
I he passengers said it was suspected
that the advertisement w as inserted bv
German agents, to transmit a report of
their operations.
(.has. tilz, brother of V. J. nlzand
well known here, was aboard the Cy-
ops. Mr. r'ilz has heard nothing from
the navy department since the Cyclops
was reported overdue.
Local friends recently received an
issue of "The Salvo," a publication is
sued by the men aboard the II. S. S.
Pittsburgh. Mr. Filz was aboard the
Pittsburgh, after his reenlistment, and
his picture is shown in the navy paper,
accompanying an article that told of
Mr. r llz s record of champion welter
weight boxer of the Asiatic Fleet.
j With the blossoming season at its
height, and growers now able to make
estimates of the coming seasons applt
yield from the density of the blooms.
it is predicted that the Hood Kiver ap
ple crop for 1!)1K will fall below that
t l'.Uti, when the harvest reached
"l.iiOO.OOO boxes. Last year was the off
season for most local orchards, and it
was expected that the yield ot this
season would go to l.NMI.OOU boxes, but
the heavy blossom is not general. In
some orchards the yield will be unusu
ally light.
The tonnage, however, may be ma
terially increased by a long growing
season. Last year s tonnage was
shortened by the unusually cool weath
er that prevailed up into June. With
the blossoming ot truit trees two
weeks earlier this year, the apples,
provided the summer is warm, may
reach an extra size.
lI (Jordniuous Chain
gives easy startin g, quick
and smooth acceleration,
power and mileage, in Red
Crown gasoline.
m r jr we
I j9 uasoimo
C. V. PEFFER, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Hood River
Kltinge on Turning Night Into Day
Mr. Fltinge, the well known fem
inine impersonator, who has recently
finished this second Paramount photo
play, "The Clever Mrs. Carfax ' the
tirst one having been "The Countess
Charming" recently gave out his rea
sons for deserting the stage.
'It certainly seemed queer at first to
tie getting up at about the time 1 hud
been used to going to bed - and the
other way around. Hut now 1 like it a
million times better and wouldn't
change back.
"There are many reapons why 1 en
joy this- the first being that it seems
healthier. My complexion has im
proved tremendously. This sounds odd
for a man to say but if 1 were not
careful about lomplexion and figure
where would "The Clever Mrs. Car
fax" be?
"Another reason is that I believe the
early morning hours to be the pleasant
est part of the day. 1 never knew
much about them before, but on closer
acquaintance, 1 like them."
"The Clever Mrs. Carfax" is on the
bill at the Liberty theatre Friday and
Films left w ith us up to 4 o'clock p. in.
are readv for delivery the next evening.
Slocom .V. Cantield Co. mSati
Judge Thos. F. Ryan
Present Assistant State Treasurer
"The voters of this state need - Men
who understand the work which it is
their duty to do ; and men with capacity
to do the duties which devolve upon
them ; men who are honest, fearless
and patriotic; men who are Americans.
Such a man is Judge Thos. F. Ryan."
Canby News."
"Thos. F. Ryan, P. G. M., candidate
for the office of state treasurer, has
been the efficient deputy for the past
seven years and has made good in that
position. He posesses an intimate
knowledge of the duties it involves, is
capable, honest and courteous. We
have an abiding faith in Rro. Ryan's
ability, experience and superior fitness
to fill this important position." Pacific
As an active member of the grange
he has worked consistently for the
building of good roads from farm to
market ; for horticultural and agricul
tural legislation, and for practical
drainage, irrigation and rural credits
laws. aid adv.)
The Orchardist
in the market for a grader and apple sizing
machine will save money by seeing me at
the earliest opportunity.
My machine is no experiment.
After severest tests with competing ma
chines, my sizer has won the approval of all
fruit districts.
Just yesterday 1 had an order for four
graders from Idaho.
Ideal Fruit and Nursery Co.
will make you money because of the low
cost of original investment as compared with
other machines, and another item its cheap
ness of operation.
C A I. I.
Tel. 5832
Third Liberty Bonds
Now Ready for
We ore lod to announce that there will
be no delay in -the delivery of the third
issue of Liberty Bonds.
We have already received our first ship
ment oi these bonds and are ready to
make delivery of all denominations.
Rock Springs and Utah Coal-Best Grades Only.
Wood of ali kinds special quotations on carload lots.
Crushed Rock add Sand and. Gravel.
Remember we are always at your service for any
of the above items or for the transfer of your trunk
or any other hauling.
Transfer & Livery Co.