0 HOOD RIVEIl (iI,A IKU. TlllKSRW. M.Y . HUS YOUR FULL MONEY'S WORTH AT CASH AND CARRY MARKET (Old Hood River Market standi Opixisite Glacier OtHce. on Third St. All eii-a of .MUrry, UiokkwiU:K .ui l i r. ,!;t l..in.- -iim;nat-l. Call, (.'ft thf liHbit atil save uiorw. I'. S. ,vi imn-ut li (t-tt.l Mt-aN. Don't l afraid t.. eend vunr t-l. i ! lr-n V-our ii.mket. .-'II iut tluni the beet e fssve. H. Q. VAN ALLEN HOOD RIVER CASH MARKET Tel. 1452 -K-H- -H- i?lO LARAWAY Ot One Minute Please! Is there any necessity for buying Jewelry from strange concerns hundreds of miles away, when you can jrot the same or better quality merchandise right here in your own City ? We do not ask Your trade simply because we happen to pay taxes here, help suit port the schools and churches and build roads, but because we can and will save you money. KEEP TRADE AT HOME Step in and examine our complete and up-to-date line of - QUALITY JEWELRY W. F. LARAWAY Ml LADIES! LADIES! V -art? We have just received a new lot of g isiIViiS Country Club Toilet Preparations Come In & let us show them to you Chas. N. Clarke YOUR Druiririst 'A I U Dissolution of Partnership. This is to announce the dissolution of the partnership between myself and ('. A. Tucker in conducting the Cas cade Garage. 1 have purchased the interest of Mr. Tuc ker and have assumed all liabilities and will collect all debts owed the firm. In order that the business may be settled at once will all who have accounts due the Cascade Garage please remit by mail or call at the Heights Garage where 1 am continuing in business. .1. F. VOLSTORFF. THE ARNOLD GROCERY COMPANY OITKRS ITS CI S I OMI RS The Food Administrations" Wheat Substitutes WE ALSO II.WF. Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Other Products nil' t si 01 which win sank mi a i Uetiicmlirr tlic I'liiinire in delivery system ami order liet'ure imoti. Y A R S A VINOS S 1 A M P S US3Z1 "A Good Man to Work for is a Ciood Man to Vote lor" A XloR'an chosen by the many Y CIMD VHM men who have worked for JL. J OlrllJUH "Vour Kind of a Man for Governor ' I'rimnry KKID.U MAY 17th Tlit? HinlieM jmism tilt- eiiiliTKi'incnl. Tin- nmst i Whitest Unit his' pollt'irf., pmctii-t'il nwr a p-mitl nt twenty yi'ais, jii'c SOl'Nl), JIM' mill I 1 I ICII I Mil-". Ill' ST I'ONMIUI'. I'KOOI llinl liis plfiU.f in Hit-ciliini of ort'con are not nun; "wonts," Out WORDS Hfil kl 11 BY OURS." Tniwe in know turn lii'liiuo IN him, believe IN his ABILITY believe IN hl POI.IlillS Tliev know he will Ktvo onmiii a (.11 AN, IMI"tR 1 IA1 . Ill MM ssl IKK ii liiiinistialion. They know it to lie true, ABSOIT I I.I.Y. WHY? Ilei'.'.iwe- lu nineteen years hi1 Ims einployeii .'l,io :nen. Ill' IIHK HlWrtVS pilllt tfiMiU V.l4;ev Ill1 , KA Kll luul a strike or a pi rsmuil injury suit. Mi' hullt many hnnn's "on tnor, N l Kit tnreeinsril a mortgittfi? or Mieil on a prntnissorv tioti1. Hi' tins lirlpiM many iiihiirmc turn to ai'ijuii'i' tlu'ir houii's, their business mi'l Iheir livllhooit. I lieso workers, who know hmi I'esi, have emlorseil It I in to a man, have ailnpteil the nhove slogan ami Unit's "W II Y" he Is "iinr kind ot a niHti lor ooveriiur.' L. J. SIMPSON Krpublican I'alit Ad. issued hy "Simpson tor lioveituir I.entiue," HI Hi.iiinir ltl.li.' . Vortiiitiii mwnii i Letters From and About Soldiers The following interest!! Lr letter from j Stt. Kent huemaker, of Fort 1'at.liy, ! was received last week by Jasjerj Wii kham, K. of K. S., of Waueoma j Lodge. Knitit.ts of rythia. who read) it to the litlire : I receivtd your card last nijrht and was indeed tlad t le retnemlierei hv youi-self tiinl mtnilers of Waueoma Lodge. 1 am glad indeed ft hear that the laxige is prosperine; anil training in r!eintierhiti s.) fast. It makes me i wish I could lie with you again at some ' of your meetings but in eight months we have learned to almost forget all we know ahout civil life and are living in a little world all tiur own. To those who do not know just ' where Fort Canby is, w ill say that it is on a small peninsula on the Wash 1 ington side of the river, at the ex- trenie mouth. The iieninsula is sur I rounded on the east bv a bay. on the ; south by the Columbia river and on i the west by the ocean. Those who nay us a short visit declare it is a beauti ful sta.it, but we w ho have been here j for the last eight months declare there i is nothing more fur us to see' and are all anxious for a move. I Spring and good weather finds us all 1 hard at work, getting ourselves harder 1 and harder, and at the same time starting the green recruit on the road : to a good soldier. When I say green, j 1 mean some of the greenest young ! men that you can imagine, just from i country farms in Wisconsin, North ln ! kota, Tennessee and Alabama. Some ; of them were never inside a school ; room and can neither read nor write. . You can imagine that it is quite dilli ! cult to explain certain drill movements , to them, but w e have learned to be ! patient and continue to hammer it into i them from morning until night, day- utter day, until the greenest of them ; pick it up. Hesides drilling all day we are called I out twice each week for night drill. We fall out at the sound of call to I arms and are required to stay out until latter 11 o'clock, line night we drill ! on the search lights and night signal I ing and the other we take a night I march. The call to arms is first soiind j ed by the bugler of the guard and then j taken up by all buglers on the post. I It has more pep than any other call in ; the army, and w hen sounded on the j bat tie field I should think it would set a man's blood to running so that he I would at once w ant to go over the top. With all our work wehave certain ; pleasures. Last Sunday the four com i panys of the post. TZ men each, went out to assist the Ketl I ross ot llwaco gather moss. This moss is to be sub stituted for absorbent cotton. It is found on the low, marshy lands, and completely covers the ground and ex tends to a depth of six to feet. It is said tq be capable of absorbing L'U tunes its weight of water, and, it is claimed, will be used extensively for bandages. We took our lunch, which was set veil by our kitchen force, and after lunch had a base ball game. The citizens of the little town of ll waco have been very nice to the sol diers and we are always ready to give them a hand on any occasion. On this Sunday Sgt. Foiist and 1 were invited to take an auto ride down the beach, tor 'M miles the beach is just as level as a lloor and all the way from 1,0(10 to ii.OiHI yanls wide, ami a better drive 1 never saw. Of course, the air at this time of the year, near the water, is quite cool. On our ride we saw a whale that had been washed on the beach by the tide. It measured 2."i feet in length and was indeed quite a sight. We stopped on our way and dug some clams. This, to one who has never tried it, is some job. We have caught numerous crabs, but that was the tirst clams 1 ever dug or ever saw !dug, and it was an interesting exped ience for me. We returned to the home j of our friends and it wasn't long be i fore the Mrs. invited us to be seated j at her table, and before us was a ! steaming clam chowder. Our appetites i had been sharpened by the hike, the moss gathering, the light lunch, and auto ride, etc., so 1 doubt whether you lean appreciate my meaning when I say I that we enioved that meal. While we get plcntv to eat it is not like that served on a family table, so if you want to see somebody enjoy something just invite a soldier out for dinner. 1 am fortunate enough to be invited out for dinner about once each week, and believe me, 1 never refuse an invita tion. Since the company was called out there have been about 200 men trans ferred out. New ones are, of course, I transferred m to take their places. ! F.ach time they take the oldest men. j It seems that 1 am the goat, as 1 am j one of three left in the company that i were mustered in with the company on j August 10, litlo. Our ollicers change 1 about every month, so that the keeping of the records of the men as they come , and go is left to me, and with the red tape ot the army, it is some job to keep them all straight. 1'ersonally, 1 get mighty lonesome at times, especially when a bunch of old men and my best friends, are trans ferred out of the company. Hesides attending drills outside I do most of the olliee work so that. I am always busy, otherwise I don't know how 1 would stand it here. Our prospects for getting across look better now than ever before. W e hear that all the old men will soon be trans ferred to a battery which will at once leave for over seas. Kvery man, in eluding the national army men, is anx ious to show the hun, the sun of a gun, w hat the Yankee boys can do. I received a receipt from the Grand Lodge for my dues for the period of the war. 1 hat, together wiht the way ! the people are subscribing for the Third Liberty loan bonds, certainly ' make the soldiers feel that the people j at home are behind them. We feel j that whatever becomes of us we will I be taken care of, and taken care of right. The government is doing won derfully well in supplying us with ' clothing, and although we only get ,12 cents per day per man for our mess, we are eating plenty good enough, and we feel that if the people at home will continue to stand behind the soldiers there will be no question as to the outcome of this war. We all hope to see herlin before it is over. We would sure hate to be kept here for the dura tion of the war. I - I rational honor and became an ou'east among tre nalin' s ol me earm. ;r.: has outraged utilization and stands at ! bav snarhrg f'-e a wild Itast-and I dreads the day of final accounting. "That day is fast approaching. The i western front is civilization's c.Kiru g house. All national obligations are due and t avable in the year of our V". Harley Glass, the young naval s.-lcnt writes that he has won two important wrestling matches, in one, at l'ort Tow nse.nd. W ash., recertl; Voi'i g Glass threw a wrestler who has l:v!4 a championship m the light Wc'ght class. "T wouldn't le out of the r.avy for a':vthing," writes the vout.g man. the kaiser. l-ord iyi. ami there w in oe no uavs oi i l m getting reauv to hck grace. Germany will do well to re-i C. K. Comiton, l'ee orchard!. Anderson Undertaking Co. C. C. ANDF RSON, Solo Proprietor Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 41 OAK STREET. I'HONE M The January number of The Spiker published somewhere in France bv the lSth enginers, railway, V. S. A., a copy of which has just been received here by Mrs. 11. V. Davidson, is one of the most interesting and entertaining of soldier publications that has been received in Hood River. Entitled, "The I'av is at Hand," the January number's leading editorial is as fol lows : "The loss of a firm national character or the dissolution of a nation's honor is the inevitable prelude to her de struction. This is the verdict of ti,(KK) years of recorded history. "When Germany officially declared her solemn treaty obligations to be 'scraps of paper, ' she prostituted her member that the world uoes not go backward and that in this great world ci aring house all bad paper goes in the.dnrixrd. "Junkerdom has damned the German people even to the third generation and vandalism has desolated the once scientific !! classic fields. "The day is at hat-il w hen the imin ri al German government mur-t Imw its head in shame, beat its breast in hu mility and and murmur the ancient supplication of forgiveness, Wit I'ulpa Mea I'ulpa Mea Maxa I'ulpa.' "The treaty of peace should lie signed at Verdun and the peace com missioners of the allies, as they tread above the dead who died for liberty, should make it plain to the representa tives of the so called imjierial German ople that millions untmrn are dedi cated to die as those men died, or live like free men- free. "I'ost-bellum days must ditTer from ante-bellum days. When the German comes to our shores, whether it be to break bread under our roof tree, or to barter, there shall be no duplicity or double dealing. "Like liante's dicer, we lingered sorrowfully behind 'I'onning o'er the throws and learning by our grief." In a communication in The Spiker from I'apt. Kenneth 1). Hauser, com manding otticer of Go. F, composed of Portland and Oregon boys, tive of whom ate from llood River, it is an nounced that the total of tive deaths in the engineers' regiment have been sutfered entirely by lo. F. I'apt. Hauser writes : "While we are at loss to undertsand why these calamities should be visited on us, let us resolve that they shall only serve to cement the rest of us closer together aud build up our organ ization to withstand any future shocks we may be subjected to. May it also serve as a guide for our action in the future, so that the unworthy things we may be held accountable for should some similar disaster abruptly con front any of us, be reduced to a mini mum. "If we will consecrate our future standards of living and actions to their memories, then the five wonderful boys who gave their lives tor their country - the Go. F honor roll, Mercer, Gramos. Hancock. Sapue and Barrett - w iil not have died in vain." The soldier paper mentions the Cop per boys, John and Walter, of this city. The following letter whs recently re ceived by Sam W. Stark from Glen Lenz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake I.enz, who is now at Camp Morrison, V'a., a member of the 12th Halloon Co. : 1 received your most welcome letter last evening and will endeavor to tell you what I ani doing and where. 1 am in the isolated hosiptal now with the mumps. We arrived here February 2f, and God knows when we will get out of here. When we arrived here we were quarantined for the scarlet fever, and then we got out and believe me 1 have been on the go day and night ever since. Hut now 1 am in the hospital, so 1 have a few minutes to spare to myself. 1 have been putting it olf to write you and let you know where 1 was. I wish to thank you for the let ter of recommendation you sent me. 1 didn't get to see it at Omaha, as my company commander wouldn't let me out. He said he wanted me with him, as a mechanic and driver, and as the company was "out-going" he wanted me to stay. He said would get a chance to get into the aero machines after we crossed. 1 am now a first class chauffeur and get !f"d, and that isn't so bad. It is not just the work 1 want. I want to get into the aeroplane work. 1 have been so busy here studying artillery, French, motors, infantry drill first aid etc. that 1 have hardly gotten a chance to write Jhome. 1 was sorry JthalI couldn't get intojthe motor mechanics reserve. Hut 1 am pretty well satisfied now for my company's class at Washington 1. C. as the best balloon company in the service and all my officers are "strong" for me. We are six miles from Newport News at an aviation concentration camp and plenty ot work to he done, as it is a new camp. Several of the llood River boys are at Fortress Monroe but I haven't been over there. Haven't been outside the post yet. At the first opening l am going over to see mem. Lieut. Hrosius is there studying artil lery and Hill McGuire is at Norfolk in the navy aero school as an instructor. 1 would like to see the boys again but I don't know whether 1 can get a chance. You said that everything was green there. Gee! how I would like to see old Oregon again. Hut 1 can't think of that until old Kaiser Hill is in hell or so other tropical place. 1 am cer tamly glad at the way Oregon is going in for Liberty bonds. She sure has done her part in men and money and I am proud that I am an Oregonian, for there is no place like the west. They ure sure having some tight over there now, but 1 think the allies will soon show llutch Hill where to head in. The Germans have sure lost a bunch of men. I don't know John Wynn, but I have heard of him at Hood River. I wish I had a Hood River boy with me it would make it better for lioth of us. Well 1 am out of news for today, but 1 w ill write you more in the near future. "We can't say too much in praise of the Y. M. C. A., writes Stanley J. Shore, formerly agent of the Mount llood R. li. Co., who left recently for Camp Lewis, where he is now a mem ber of a casual company, "and the work they are doing in the army. There are at least 10 or a dozen huts here and each one has an entertainment every night. The huts are always crowded and the boys have a hne time. The workers do all they can to keep up the boys' spirits, and those who go to the huts do not find much time to asso ciate with old man 'Gloom.' "I can't tell much about, the camp, as I have been in quarantine, Saturday having been the first day 1 was out. Ashley Wilson, my brother-in-law, was here from Sn Francisco, and i was permitted leave Saturday and Sunday to be with him in Tacoma. I haven't seen many of the Hood River bovs Ivan Dakin and Ed Woodman, who are in the field hospital, and John Schiller, who was first in the same brigade with me but who has since been transferred to the light artillery. I also, saw Lieut. Pineo, who, even after his stay in the hospital, has the look of a fight ing American soldier. "The officers are having a busy time taking care of the newly arrived re- icruits. They are coming so fast that they are having their hands full." Raymon Glass is winning a reputa tion at Bremerton nty yards, where he is a yeoman at the training station. In a Ittur to his parents, Mr, and t. w no is a veteran of the Spanish-American war, having seen service in the Philip pines, writes that he has been assigned for a course at the signal officers' training school at Leon Spring, Tex. Mr. I'ompton, who also served for a time in the F ilipino constabulary, came here in lyio from Manila, where he was a ncwspajier reporter tor more than 10 ears after his army service. Mr. Comptmi has been stationed at Camp Lew is. I'apt. Lyman G. Rice who won his commission at the second Presidio offi cers' training school, writes his w ife, formerly Miss Florence Avery, of this valley, that he has lieen assigned to the command of a battery of held ar tillery at Camp Lewis. Mrs. Rice will come here from Pendleton the home of herself and Capt. Rice to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Avery. More than T"i Utters came Saturday morning fiotn the :W Hood River bovs, members of Battery E, "th Artillery, who are now stationed in England, to friends and parents. One of the ollic ers of the battery is Lieut. Van Horn, formerly with 12th Co. The young men declare that they are wi ll and that they have made jiuiiht ous excursions into the countryside surrounding their camp to visit historic spots. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kimball last week had a letter from their son, Fordham B. Kimball, who enlisted last year in the heavy artillery and who, alter training at ban Anlonio, lex., was sent to France for special duty, announcing that he was interested in his work, well and happy. Mr. Kimball's brother, Stuart Kim ball, left Monday for Camp Lewis, having been called to till a Hood River draft quota. Hugh (pple writes his father, S. Copple, that he has just been promoted to rank of sergeant at Fort Canby, where he is with 12th Co. Mr. Copple says that bis time is taken up exclus ively with drilling tie A' recruits from middle western and southern points. He declares that he is impatient to get a transfer overseas to active service. Mrs. Chas. Lancaster last week re- ! ceived a mesasge from her son, Paul Lancaster, announcing his safe arrival ; overseas. Six other llood River boys were in same contingent with a number of artillery men formerly stationed at Fort Stevens, who were placed in quarantine at San Francisco when , their regiment was en route to New York city. j Hubert L. llasbrouck writes his' father that he has successfully passed j all examinations given so far at the j radio school at Harvard University. The young man, who enlisted in the ' navy last fall, was transferred almost immediately from the Goat Island navy yard to the Harvard radio school. Howard Wildin writes his mother, Mrs. H. W. Wildin, that he has re ceived his rating as a third class sea man after a period of training at the San Pedro, Calif., submarine training school. The young man says that two other Hood River boys, Leslie W.Stone and William Tolman. are at the San Pedro training school. Mrs. Edgar Franz receives word that her husband and Willard Young, mem bers of the aviation corps, are still stationed at Garden City, N. Y. The pictures of the young men, in a group around a Y. M. C. A. hut, recently appeared in the Graphic magazine. C. S. Bowe, of the Upper Valley, who enlisted last summer, has w ritten local friends that he is now located at San Hernito, Tex., with a troop of the llith Cavalry Reg. Mr. Howe says that men of the regiment are eager for ', overseas service. Jakku Among N. A. Recruits j Thrugh an oversight the name of ! Eino Jakku, one of the llood River national army recruits, who left Mini- I day of last week was left from the ' prmtedjist in the Glacier. j Cut Th's Out- It is Worth Money j DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this! slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to j Foley & Co., 2S:5o Sheffield Ave., Chi cago, 111., writing your name and ad dress clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and back ; rheu matism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, headache and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Notice of Sheriffs Sale lly virtue of an execution In loreclosure duly issued by Ihe Clerk of the Circuit Court ol the County ot Hood Kiver, Stale ol on uoti, dated the first day of April, IMIx, in a pertain action in the Circuit Court tor KaldJCounty und Stale, wherein Klhel' n Billiard as plain tilt' recovered Judgement against Silas It. Soule, Carl K. .Jones, Trustee .iu Bankruptcy In the matter of Silas II. Soule, Bankrupt, The (iiuild Company, a Corporation, lor the sum ol Six Hundred lum.tni Hollars, with 7 per cent iuU'l'eKt from Octoher 11, llilh, and attor ney's tecx in Ihe sum of One 11 iiudred (il'UMii) Pii'lhirs.und the further sum of Thirl v one und 7J-1K) (:11.7J) Dollar on the '9t li day of March, llils. police Is hereby mlven that 1 w 111 on I he ITIli day of May, II'IH. at the east, front door of the Court House in Hood Kiver In said County, al l::tfl o'clock In the allernoou of said day, ki-11 at public auction to the hit'tiesl bidder, lor cash, Ihe followini: described property, lo wit: Situated in Hood Kiver County, State of Oicnon, in Ihe Northwest quarter NWl, of the Northwest Quarter NW.,1 ol Section Jl, Townshl p One North, Kane N me Kat of the Willamette Meridian and more fully de scribed as follows: Bi'Kiiinlng Hi a point winch In the section corner common to sections 11, 11 :M und 1, Township One North, Itant'e Nine Kasl ol Willnnieile Merldiau and riinnhm south thir teen hundred and twenty (l;f.1l) feet; thence nnrlli si.o ,vm east nine hundred and ninety CilKIl feet; thence north thirteen bundled anil twenty (Kl'-il) feet to an intersection with the south boundary ol hot number nM of the Kirst Addition of Riverside Park Subdivision; thence smith W .tm wesi nine hundred and ninety pwi) feet to Ihe placeof beirlnntnir.con talnitiK thirty acres more or less. Taken and levied upon lis the property of the said delen dants, or as much thereof hh may-he necessary to satisfy the naid ludnment In favor of Klhelyn Billiard Hitainst sHid liefetnlnnts, Willi Interest thereon, together with all cosu and disbursement that have or may accrue. THi is. K JOHNSON, Sherifl. Dated at Hood lUver, Oregon, April lot li, lHls. al9-m:; Notice to Creditors No' loo is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix ol the a late of John II. t letcher, deceased, by the County Court ot Hood Kiver County All persona having claims against said estate snould present thetn properly verified within mix month from date ot thin notice al my residence near llood Kiver Daled and first published tlii isih day of April, mitt. MAKY J KLKTi'HKH, msuilti Aduuultttauu. We have just received our Spring shipment of FORKNER LIGHT DRAFT HARROWS These Harrows are well known on the east side and have proved their worth will pay for themselves in one season in time saving. We also have the Roderick Lean Extension Discs BBMBBBMHMiBKEBMMMBCMBHHHniiilBiilfliii n imMM You do not gamble when you buy either of these implements Both have been tried and not found wanting Blowers Hardware Company Corner of Oak and First Streets BEANS Seed Beans for sale. Michigan Pea lean and Lady Washington, Selected Seed Stock. The Michigan Pea Beans best suited for this section, do not take so long to mature and all mature at once. A lim ited stock on hand. KKLLY BROS. For Auto or horse drawn vehicles, Service to any part of the Valley at any time Telephone 1201 Fashion Livery Co. Hood River, Oregon PEOPLES NAVIGATION COMPANY Steamer Tahoma Down Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays Up Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays All kinds oi freight ami iaati'ii)iei's handled. Mown and automobile!) KiYt-n special attention. Jack Bagley, Agent, Phone 3623 BRUNO FRANZ DAIRY YOl'KS FOR PROMPT SERVICE. ANI) GOOD MILK AND CREAM Tel. 5441 We are selling Schillings Best Line with a Money Back guarantee if you are not satisfied after using them. Kaesser's Grocery Grocery of Quality E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor Phone 3192 Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc. Heath & Milligan Mixed Faints Glidden's Varnishes Room Mouldings Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Plate and Card Kail Dry Paste Mm pa.