HOOD K1VEK (iLACIKU, TllllLslAY, APRIL 1918 v J. The BEEMAN WALKING TRACTOR will make your garden produce to the maximum. This little riant will do anything that tne horse can do, and it doesn't eat expensive feed. USE THE rrrz a SAMSON TRACTOR V i V- FOR ORCHARD WORK . I.L ' 1 "v5 one. We have u: pent calls for second-hand cars. 'l JHF ' "st anv "' M,at w'' bring- money now days. We can fix it or make it, or you can find it in some one cf our nine departments: IllacksmilhinK oodworking Auto Repairing Horseshoeing SjTisun Tractors G M G Trucks Ovcrhnds Accessories Tires Arouoa and Wide Tread) v -w 11m & - I n - si .ii -V- .'' Y, V -V? SNOW & FORDEN MOTOR CO. Tl. 2612 or 2611 ti Corner Fourth and Cascade Sts., HOOD RIVER ' we draw the line and let the Pine Grove ! boys tell it. If we had as much gasoline as is be-! ing used Sundays going to see the ' Ruhton hill Highway work, we would j get us a Ford. The Four Leaf Clover club meets this afternoon with Mrs. H. P. Allen. Art Kerr writes to the folks at home from somewhere in France that he is W eill and hearty and p lad that he is ; over there and for the folks at home I not to worry. Miss Eloise Copper and her cousin, ! Miss Josephine Tuoley, of The Dalles, took a hike Sunday over to White Salmon, sight-seeing and picnicking. Picnicking is starting pretty early. F. R. Absten and boys and some others from Kuthton and a bunch from Hood I River apert Sunday on Bald mountain J enjoying the hike and warm sunshine, j Born At thi Cottage hospital in j Hood River, one day last week, a son i to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tazwell. It's j hard telling who is the proudest, aside j from the mother, Mrs. Tazwell, or its i granddad, F. R. Absten. In this column last week weAnade the statement that J. VV. Morton had attempted to turn off the water that supplied the steam shovel on Ruthton hill, but had changed his mind about it. This was a mistake due to our misun derstanding our informant. The water that was turned off was that going to the house of C. E. Coppple now occu pied by J. M. 1-ovell. Mrs. Vm. Biesanz eave the young I for CirCU.it Judge ' people a partv Friday evening in fare-'. . welt to Doruthy Fou'ts, w ho expects to In Jlln, ,l e ! pi'mtnieiit as leave the valley soon. , 'vn mr to succeed the late Judje . i.. mausiiiw as urcu.i juhsc. - i In connection with the work now be ing done for the needy in France men- tion should be made of the work be ing one by Mrs E. V. D. Paul and some others for the children of the French wounded. j April 23. H. J. Lickel and family went down j to the Little White Salmon country j Sunday. M.ss Bell and Miss Walker ! accompanied them part way, going to ; Cooks, Miss Bell's home, for an over night visit. We understand Carl Pearson is home the la t!a appointment holds only un til tLe ct xt general election and thi orBee is 'ne ot t.'. ! hicb the people will be called u;ou to t. next Novem ber. During the iast nine months I have eiideav.re-t t,. lultil thedutie-of Circuit JiiiU- faithttir.y and jiutiy, with out any tear and without any favor. It it is 'agreeable t. the iters i t the Seventh Ju i. ial I':.-trit. 1 should like to lie elected 11 Jud.'e I'.ra !-h;uv's suc-ces-r and therefore ai.n -tuuv mv candi dacy for the Republican nomination for Circuit Ju.k-e. 1 can piomise notliiiii iture for the REMEMBER Mr. Merchant1, you can employ me bv the hour or day to do vour Show Cards and i'rice tickets. The results will as tonish you. P. MANSER Quality Sign Writer Photos Colored. Phone 54'T. from Camp Lewis for an IS day visit. I, fv,ture than 1 have tried to do s niv lat The basket ball played the Husum .aturuay evening bovs' game was teams from here teams at Husum The score of the t, ut r.f tv, .lune, except -hoald bring (f.nl AJv.l Cktn up, Kamerad; no hody't going to tit yoa! Taltt mlitrit chew of Cratelf and ym'll Ut tetter. r 14,1 -Ji f' ' 1 Every Few Days Send Him a pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug Think of the welcome he will give it this con densed plug of fine tobacco that slips flat into his pocket, ready to give him tobacco comfort and satis faction anywhere, all the time! Cive any man a chew of Red Gravely Plug, and he will tell you that'i the kind to send. Send the best! Ordinary plug it false economy. It costs less per week to chew Real Gravely, because a small chew of it lasts a long while. If you smoke a pipe, slice Gruvely with your knife and add a little to your smoking tobacco. It will give flavor improve your smoke. SLNO VOIR FRIEND IN THE .U. S. SERVICE A POUCH OF GRAVELY Dealers all around here carry it in 10c pouches. A 3c, stamp will put it into his hands in any Training Camp or Seaport of the U. S. A. F.ven "over there" a 3c. stamp will take it to him. Your dealer will supply envelope and give you official directions how to address it. P. D. (iRAVELY TOBACCO COMPANY, Danville, Va. The Patent Pouch keeps it Fresh and Clean and Good It is not Reul Gravely uiilhoat this Protection Seal Established 1831 Studebaker MODEL One of the sensations of the PORTLAND AUTO SHOW is coming to Hood River Those who were unfortunate in not getting through the crowd to see these new models Four and Six's while in Portland, will have the opportunity to inspect at our Salesroom in a few days. Our pleasure will be to demonstrate and show you these beauties of Stude baker construction. At Vour Service. FPU ST & MERLE. PINE GROVE Mrs. Edw. Van Horn and little daughter, who have been spending a few weeks with S. R. McDonald and family, left last week for Alaska, sail ing from Seattle last Thursday morn ing. (I. A. Wiedener and family, from Portland, are helpers on the C. T. Roberts ranch this summer. Mrs. (Jeo. Vannier returned to Port land Friday after several days' visit vvith'H. M. Vannier and family. Mrs. Vannier, although 70 years of age, soon takes a journey alone to North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. (Titlord Porter and ba by, from The Dalles, came to visit the home folks Saturday evening and re turned Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wilson, from Portland, will help on the A. 1. Mason ranch the coming season. E. E. Lage and family went to Ort ley Sunday in company with friends from Hood River. A picnic dnner was especially enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Fogarty visited the week end with Mrs. Fogarty's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnston. Mrs. II. M. Hosick is visiting friends in Portland. Refore her return home she will attend the State Sunday school convention at Salem, having been elected as delegate from Pine Grove. Miss Ethel Rickford, accompanied by a friend from White Salmon, spent the week end at the Rickford home and attended the Red Cross party at grange hall. Mrs. Howland, mother of J. C. How land, has been taken to the Hood River hospital for treatment. Her daugh ters, who have been visiting her from the east, have returned home. The Misses Cram, from Hood River, were guests of Jessie I.wis,over Sun day. Arthur Enderlin returned to his home in Vancouver last week after a week's visit with friends in Pine Grove. Last Friday a baseball game was played between Frankton and Pine Grove, the latter winning the game. The Red Cross dance last Friday evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The net receipts were about ?!K). Mrs. Martin Dragseth received the lucky number which entitled her to the beau tiful lily which through the medium of chance brought $16.80. The Red Cross society will meet Thursday again in an all day session. Over ISO were present at the last meet ing. There will be regular services at the church next Sunday. Last Sunday the pretty baptismal service was given the little daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Newham. PINE GROVE SCHOOL Frankton baseball team played the Pine Grove baseball team on the Pine Grove grounds Friday, the score being z'J to I in tavor of Pine Grove, h. E. House mid Prof. Rums umpired. The Industrial club met Friday af ternoon. Most of the time was de voted to talks on gardening, with a few special numbers of music and reci tations! Gardening seems to be the current topic these days, for if we can not shoulder a gun we can surely annul der a hoe. The next club meeting will be May . At assembly Monday morning time was taken to organize a War Saving Stamp society. Kingsley Roberts was elected president, Blanche lucker, vice president, and Wendell Keck, secre tary-treasurer. The pupils now have $1.")00.50 in stamps and bonds. We ex pect a good increase in this amount the coming week. Elwin House was very patriotic last week by devoting his whole time to Liberty measles. The girls of the four upper grades have just completed a nice assortment i of knitted bonnets for Relgian refugee children and are now ready for more i Ked woss work. The pupils are working nut the final j steps in their four minute speeches on Ihritt. 1 hese speeches will be deliv ered some time this week. j We are this week installing some of ' our play ground equipment which hag been made by the boys of our manual i training classes. Mrs. M. P. Isenberg is daughter in Portland. The neighbors of Mrs. J. W. Davis are pleased to see her back on her ranch for the summer. She has been in town during the past winter, but the coun try has for her the greater attraction. Miss Lucille Davis is staying with her grandmother, but attends school in town. W. II. Davis is working at the car- enter trade in the shipyards in Port land. We regret to learn that Mrs. J. W. Anderson is confined to the house with muscular rheumatism. After a delightful sojourn of several months in his former eastern home, S. Uxborrow is back on his ranch hard at work. Will Metcalf. who has been emnloved since last fall with the Apple Growers) Association, is again in charge ot his father's ranch for the summer. The people of the county are invited to come to Belmont to feast their eyes upon our magnificent display of pear and cherry blossoms now in full bloom. The bride of Mr. Sato, who was una ble to obtain passage at the time her husband returned from Japan, has again joined him at their Hood River home. Mr. Sato and his brother are among the most desirable Japam.se citizens of the valley. Rubber Stamps AT THE GLACIER OFFICE FRANKTON. Jay Heppner was home a few days last week from the Locks, where he is working for the Bridal Veil Lumber l-o. His mother and sister have been on the sick list. John Phillips and family camped at nome tne weeK end.- Fire early Sunday morning destroyed one oi tne om Duiidings lett at Kuth ton after the big tire last summer. The building was being used as a bunk house for some of the men working on tne Kutnton mil. M:ss Hilma Imholz. one of Frank ton's teachers, was in Portland Sunday on a pleasure trip. J. M. Lovell returned Sunday from a nusiness vrip 10 me locks. frankton has a new drum in the school. The kids can now keep the step. The Frankton ball team Hayed the Pine Grove team last Friday at Pine Grove. The score well, here is where BELMONT visiting her nirls' game 25 to 10, both in favor of Trout Lake. The children all had a good time. It was a beautiful night and the boys will long remember Perry Harter for his auto ride. The vote in both school districts, 62 and 61, was against consolidation. Mrs. S. II. Thomas was up from White Salmon Sunday in her car. The next meeting of the Woman's club will be with Mrs. Cutting next Thuriday afternoon. Mrs. Eva Stewart is again located in her home here after spending the win ter in Portland. C. W. Stewart and family have moved into their new home on property bought from Wm. Biesanz. Mr. Howell, who bought the Haley place here, has gone back to bring his family. We have 7 per cent money for Farm Loans with prepayment privileges, ami can give you prompt service. Abstracts, Insurance and Surveying. Hood River Abstract and Inv. Co'. I'houe 1:131 . tf that added evpcriei.ee eater Hticiencv. KRKl VV. WILSON. r IswM (MW PIIS tl th r. 1. 1 1. KOVERAUS nunsMcinaav Rg U.S. Pet. Off Keep Kids Kleen The mott practical, htVthful, plavtiw garmenn ever invented tor chiUJtrn i t 6 ven ti agr. Ntde m ont piece witi drop back. Ean!v wiDoed on ot cift tatily wathnj. Nought eUlbt bands U itop circulation. Made is "jtuedrnini. a ltd genuirw blue and hite hickon npr AUoligbter weight, Urt-cuK materia tn a variety ntiJftinfideigr' nil appropriately trimmed itr laat-cnlor gafatra. All garment made to Dutch neck ttitn elbiw tlecvet or high nevk arid long ileevei r older (m romrt) framing uii rerent matenaia ant tiee or. request. $1.00 the suit If your dealer rannul tupulv yM we will send tlu, chargt-i prepaic on receipt ot pnre, $1.00 each Satutartion guaranteed ot none) retuDded. fr rVM7 MOUNT HOOD. The Literary Society, of Parkdale high school, will give a play entitled. the Ja.'k Daw, at Mclsaac s hall at 8 o'clock Friday evening. Admission 15 cents. Mrs. Lura Crony n spent several days last week at the home of Mrs.Arens. Mrs. Tel Blount and children, of Hood River, are visiting at the home of J. B. Dimmtck and family. Dr. E. 1). Kana'ga and J. W. ('rites. of Hood River, spent Sunday at Mount Hood. Arvo Hukari attended the Parent- Teacher social here Friday evening. James Steele and Dave and George Cooper spent Sunday at the Devil's Punch Bowl. Douglas Leasure Riient Sunday at Hood River with Cory Rood. The following officers were elected by the Parent-Teacher Association for the coming year: Mrs. A. C. Jordan, pres.; Mrs. Ross Kinger, 1st vice pres. ; Mrs. J. B. Doggett, 2nd vice pres. ; Mrs. J. 1). Smullin, sec. ; Mrs. Geo. Barr, treas. The regular church services were held Sunday. Next Sunday the Odd Fellows lodge will attend church at Parkdale and have a picnic dinner at Sheldrake's hall. Mr. Buddy will peach on Ihe Brotherhood of Man. W. M. Cooper was a business visitor at Jesse Davidson s Sunday afternoon. I Wm. Leasure spent Sunday at his home at Mount Hood. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rhoades and : small son attended the church services at Mount Hood Sunday morning. TROUT LAKE. April 18. Messrs. Lickel and C. A. Pearson went down to White Salmon Saturday to report on sale of Third Liberty Loan Bonds. Mrs. Lickel, Miss Bell and Miss Walker accompanied them. There were about $3000 sold here. The Masons had a time Saturday i evening. Ihe third degree and a sup- j per. Loggers have commenced felling , trees on Chris Guler's land, near the store, for the Mt. Adams Lumber Co. A few of C. E. Hall's friends sur prised him Friday evening, the event being his birthday. The evening was spent playing 500. Refreshments were served. At the meeting of West Klickitat Pomona Grange No. 32 held here April !) there was a warm discussion of sev eral county matters. It is claimed on good authority that there are reasons for believing one or more of our coun ty commissioners are in favor of mak ing each county commissioner's district one road district, instead of having several smaller road districts. We do not believe such a movement would be approved of by the people in this dis trict. The general program of the meeting was patriotic, loyal and American, as the resolutions and thefollowing pro gram will evidence: Welcome song: Old Glory ; America ; remarks by Wm. Coate, Master ; Red, White and Blue, by Misses Bessie and Martha Coate; resolutions ; talk on cooperation and dairying, by Bro. Langdon, of Sumner, Wash. Mr. Langdon is at the head of the cooperative committee in the state grange; quartet, Don't Bite the Hand That Feeds You ; remarks by Bro. Kurtz, of Goldendale ; remarks by Bro. McMahon, of Goldendale; closing song, God Be With You Till We Meet Again. Music for singing and during the noon hour by Mrs. Smith, pianist, G. W. Sickafoose and W. Yaden, violinists. This, Pomona grange accepted an in vitation from Klickitat Pomona grange, No. 5, to meet with them at Block house May 22. C. H. Pearson & Co. are hauling hay and grain with their new auto truck, we hear. The Woman's club has a traveling li brary. If you wiBh a book to read it W'ill cost you only five cents. Or, be come a member and it will not cost anything. The club entertained their husbands the evening of May 4 at the home of Mrs. Wm. Biesanz,5 A NEW SUIT FREE IF THLY HIP fW'te trr.ilalionn. U.kfi.rth label tjiT MoJe iy LEVI STRAUSS Mfr. of KOVERALLS Rlfi.u s. PAt.orr. LfVI STRMJSStCO. f CANOSOO.CAL & CO. , Sao Frinciico Freedom' A tie ' oew garment tur women For Representative To the citizens it Wacoand Hood Rher j counties: ! Complying with the request of my' numerous friends who have placed tliCi matter liefur- me as a patriotic duty, I j hereby announce my caudiilut-y for the j Republican nomination l.r represent;-1 tive from the tweuty-iiinth district. It, in your judgment my election will serve j the U"t interests ir this district, 1 ill ! appreciate your support. It nominated and elected I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the ollitv to the best mv abilitv. Paid adv.) HERBERT EGBERT. D. H. MATHEWS GENERAL MOTOk TRUCKING AND FREIGHTING Contract Work a Specialty Let imp haul your apple boxes and move your other freight Tel. 3041 SOCIETIES. tDbKWll.DK 1.011UK NO. 107, I. O. O. K. Meet In Frs'eriml hall, evwry Thursday uighl. VViIIIhiii Hliir'nHii. N. J. S. M. Dirk, V. U. (ien. W. Thomson, Seerf'tary. HOOD KIVKR CHAPTKB NO. 25, O. K. H. Me(K Meconrt uittl fourth TtieHdHy evening ofeiich month. Visitor cordially welcomed Mm. J. O. MrUUKliliD, W. M. Mies Alia PihiIc, Hecretary. Hood Klwr IVimniandery No. 12, K.T m".n Kviy nisi t urui,y evt'!iiiif each month. ,1. K. ( arson, L. K.C. A. ( Hiilleld, Recorder. Ol.KTA AKHKMHLY NO. MM. UNITED ART IxaiiH. .MiiK the nrst hihi tlilrct wdnen. ilay, work; second and fourth Wednesdays ArtlHiins' hall. II. I), Minkiciih, M. A. J, H. Kohkko Secretary. HOI) K1VKK CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A. Meet" in K.of 1'. hall every 1st and 3rd Wed. ol eiu'h month. .luo. Hull, V.C. W. T. Kramer. Clerk. LAUKKI. KKKKKAH LODGE No. 87.I.O.O.F. .Meets tlrm and third Mnudays each month, Mr A. I.. Day, N. O. Mrs. A. I.. Vincent, Secretary. K EMI' LOI'OK. No. 181, 1. O. O. K.-MeetH In Odell Odd Fellows' hall every Satur day DlKit. Visitors cordially welcomed. D. M. Jackson, N. O. W. I,, l ames, Sec'y; W. 11. Hucher, Treas. HOOD KIVKK Cinftw NO. 52-t, WOMEN OF Woodcraft Meets at K. of V. hall on the nrstaiid Third Thursdays of each month. Mrs. Cora Hlaxg, O. N. Mrs. Mstlie Nlckelsen, Clerk. For County Assessor I hereby announce toy candidacy fot County Assessor, subject to the will id the Republican Voters at the May pri maries. If nominated and elected 1 pledge to cohiinne to .jve this olliiv the Lest of mv abiliiies. (Paid adv.) JASPER WICK HAM. For County Assessor To the Republii an voters of Hood River County: 1 hereby announce luyself as a candi date for County Assessor on the Repub lican ticket, subject to the primary to be held on -Mac 17, 1:iI?n. If nominated and elected, I promise faithful duty to the uitice, and further more, I expect a salary as voted by the people. 1 have been a resident of Hood River County for 'At years and know the Coun ty and the conditions thoroughly. (.Paid adv.) GEO. T. PRAT HER. For County Coroner I desire to announce that I shall be a candidate for nomination on the Repub lican ticket for County Coroner. I now bold the otliee under appoint ment and if elected I pledge the same straightforward and economical service that I have endeavored to render from the beginning of my term of otliee. Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer, county ollicers, listen. Here's my motto : "I'se econ omy in the administration of the countv business and you will lower the taxes." Don't think because the county pays the bill it doesn't matter. (Paid adv. i S. E. HARTMESS. For Coroner To the Republican Voters oi Hood River County : I hereby dnnmince that I will be a candidate at the coming primaries for nomination of ('ounty Coroner. If I am nominated and elected, 1 pledge myself to perform the duties of the otliee to the best of niv abilitv. Paid adv. C. C. ANDERSON. For Commissioner. To the Republican Voters of Hood River County : 1 hereby announce that I will be a candidate at the coming primaries for tor renomination to the oilice which I am at prceent holding as County Com missioner. If nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the dmies o the otliee to the best of my judgment. E. HAWKES. (Paid Adv.) ml iff For County Assessor 1 hereby announce my candidacy for ('ounty Assessor, subject to the will of the Democratic voters of Hood River County at the May Primary. (Paid Adv.) ' s. W. li El'PNER. WAUCOMA LODOE NO. 30, K. OK P. Meets in K. of P, ball every Tuesday niKht, Kred W. HlnKijon, C. U. Jasper Wick ham, K. of It. and H. T. K. Johnson, At. of K. EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. 4K, 1. O. O. F. Keitnlar meeting second and fourth Tuesdays of each mouth. K. B. Mnyder, C. P. lleo. W. Thomson, serine. HOOD KIVKK CHAPTER NO. 27. K. A. M. Meets first aud thlrd Friday niuhtsof each month. Oeo. It. Castner, H. P. A. It. Moe, Secretary. MT, HOOD t'OI'NCIi. No. 8. K. H. M. Meet 111 Masonic Hall every third Tuesday Id each month. W. K. I-araway. 1. I. M. I). McDonald, Recorder. W. O. W. Regular meetings are held the first and third Mondays ot each month at K. ol P. hall. Visitors cordially Invited, ti, C. C. H. M. Dick, C. C. E. E. Goodrich, Clerk. HOOD RIVER LODGE NO. 105, A. F. andX M. Meet Haturday eveulug on or before each full moon. T, F. Johnson, W. M. D. McDonald, Secretary. WACNATEMPLE PYTHIAN 8IHTKKS No.6 Meets the second and fourth Thursdays ol each month at K. of P hall. Mrs. Husie l.ynn, K. C. Mrs. Kate Frederick, M. of R. and C. Mrs. Margaret Howell, M. of F. hood rivek valley humane society Hood River, Ore. '. McKelsen, Pres. Mrs. Alma Howe. Wee. Leslie Butler, Treas, Call ptiout) 1.H1. CANDY W, It. C- Meets second and fourth Saturdays u each inuntli at K.ol P. hall. Mrs. LiMle Anderson, President, Mrs. Orace Honeywell, Treas. x Mrs. Susie Lvno. Secretary. HAZEL KEI'EK A It LODGE No, 156, I.O.O.F. Meets the first nud third Tuesday evening In each month m Ihe oud Fellows Hall, seveD miles south o Hood Klver, R. I), l Mrs. Gertrude Caughey, N. G. Male Schiller, V U. Marie Kemp, Sec, ' "No trespassing," ' at Glacier office, o 'no hunting" aigns For Representative After much consideration I have deci ded to become a Republican candidate for Representative from Wascoimd Hood River Counties, in which district I have lived for 41) years. I feel aoiiaiuted with the needs of the people and should be glad of the opportunity to serve the best interests of the two counties. (Paid adv.) V. C. BOLTON, For County Surveyor l hereby announce that I shall be a candidate for the Republican nomina tion for County Surveyor at the May Primaries. 1 have been performing the duties of this ollice since the enlistment of C. M. Hiirlhiirtand, if nominated and elected, I pledge myself to (ill the otliee. to the best of mv abilitv. (Paidadv.) A. R. CRUIKSHANK. For County Judge I will be a candidate for election to the position I now hold under appoint ment by the Oovernor. 11 nominated and elected 1 shall continue in the fu ture, as I have in the past, to work solely for what I believe to be for the beat inteies'H of the people of this com miinitv. (Paid Adv. . L. N. BLOWERS. For County Commissioner I hereby announce mv candidacy for County Commissioner eubject to the will of the Republican voters at the May Primaries. F. 11. BLACKMAN. (Paid adv.) Harness Oil, Shoe Oil, Axle Grease, Etc. Just Received Some WHALE AMBER William Weber Bell Building KUTH HOWES Teacher of Piano Residence, 221 Prospect Ave. Telephone iiSi EDITH WOODCOCK Teacher of Piano Professional pupil of Mr, Thomas C. Kurke Endorsed tty Mrs. C. K. Coffin. For Information. Telephone 1371 PAUL WOOLSEY Piano Organ Tuner Player Expert Phone 2742 HOOD RIVER Dr. Carolyn Onderhill DENTIST Smith Building. Telephone 2021 Dr. William Morton Post Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Hall Bld. Phone 2401 HOOD RIVER, OREGON Have You Ever Noticed how often it is ths man who carries no insurance who loses bis property by lire? We are Apents for the Rest and Strongest Companies. J. M. Culbertson & Co. Stranahan & Slaven Contractors & Builders HOOO RIVER, OREGON. C. H.JENKINS, D. M.D. DENTIST Telephones: Ollice 1081; resident j 3331 Ollice over Butler Bank E. L. SCOBEE, D. D. S. DENTIST Telephones : Ollice 3101 ; resilience 3421 Ollice in Brosius Building J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Equipped for X Ray and Electro-Therapeutics. Telephone: 1901 ana ltsjj H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Calls promptly answer:! In town or country Day or Night. Telephone: Residence, UM1: Office, 13U. oftlce In the Krosins Uullitiis? E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Phones Ollice 4211 Res. 1811 Office in Kliot Building Dr. William G. Kellar, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AT HOTEL OREGON SATURDAYS Beginning Saturday, March 23. DERBY & STEARNS Lawyers HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Telephone 3(i"l Elliot Bldg. Wilbur & Hazlett Lawyers HOOD RIVER - . OREGON ERNEST C. SMITH Lawyer Rooms 1 and 2 Hall Building Hood River, Ore. - - A. R. Cruikshank, C. E. Surveying and Blueprinting Room 28, Heilbronner Building Rea., Tel. 8252 For Rent and Glacier ofiice. For Sale signs at the K. B. Snyder B. B. Powell Hood River Plumb ' ing Company SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING Tinnlnu and Sheet Metal Work. Gasoline Enifines. Pumps, Rama. Reoalrina Prninnl. ly Attended. Estimates Furnished. itil. ISext to City Water Office. OAK STREET Phone W.J.Baker&Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands M. E. WELCH, LICENSED TETERISARY SURGEON Jv"ff.?.PRH2J?y.wor P th Pterin. ry i lira. He can be found by eallliis at or phontu to the Kmhlon Hninlei: O O