HOOD iUVER ULAl'lEU. THlIlSlUY. APIUL !.', 1918 t t t t t FOR SALE In A-l Condition Seven-Passenger Cadillac Touring Car Has been run less than 15,000 miles, and has been thoroughly overhauled this winter by Covey Motor Car Co., Portland PRICE $800 CASH This Car is really a great bar gain and could be altered to make a fine Two-Ton Truck. Apply: WALTER KIMBALL Odell 88 IRVIX S. COBB TELIS STORIES TO SOLDIERS Irvin S. Cobb, newspaper man, war correspondent, magazine writer, is do ing his bit in the dugouts of the Y. M. C. A. nearest the American front lines over there. He is employing his time telling stories to soldiers under the auspices of the National War Work Council of the Y. M. C. A., doing his part in keeping the morale of the American army at the topmost point. He is undergoing hardships, dodging into underground stations as sharpnel bursts, and keeping a smile in the midst of it all. He is telling soldiers stories of the south, stones of home, that they want to hear, doing a wonderful work and enjoying it. Fourteen hours a day he is tit it, 10 hours a day more than he ever worked before. He is acquiring an intimate knowledge of the Ameri can lighting man, amusing him in his leisure hours and making life just a little happier for him. His is a cheer ful, helpful, encouraging message in the midst of booming cannon and im minent death and reports from the front are that he is getting it over big. SIMPSON VISITS RE MOTEST PUCES ! FARM UTENSILS AND STOCK FOR SALE At the old Gust Westerburg Ranch at Bloucher Station One farm wagon, complete; feed grinder, corn sheller, sin gle horse plow, potato plow, garden seeder, cross-cut saw, platform scales, hoes, picks, mattocks, crowbar, coin knife, hand sickles, scythes, brush hook, wagon jack, wire stretch- er, tile spoon, powder auger, eight-foot pruner, large and small pruning shears, pruning saw, picking buckets and f sacks, picking ladders, box nailing press, Sharpless separa- tor, milk cans and pail, four extra cow stanchions, set dou- ble harness, four horse blankets, halters, two extra collars, 125 orchard boxes, three cows and a calf, one three-year-old work horse, one pony. These articles are priced at the place and will be sold there. 1 See W. F. HAMMER at the ranch. Phone Odell 1 8, or Hood River Abstract & Investment Company i ' ' PHONE 1331 IffiVl LADIES! Llilf T) II 11 We have just received a new I !i I II 1 1 kt f I I I Country Club Toilet I ILX-AjA Preparations 1 i-- J8 C Come in & let us show them to you Ul J 555 Chas. N. Clarke CS ig- YOUR Drugaist S-7 Dissolution of Partnership. This is to announce the dissolution of the partnership between myself and C. A. Tucker in conducting the Cas cade Garage. I have purchased the interest of Mr. Tuc ker and have assumed all liabilities and will collect all debts owed the firm. In order that the business may be settled at once will all who have accounts due the Cascade Garage please remit by mail or call at the Heights Garage where I am continuing in business. J. F. VOLSTORFF. STATE POLICE IS . BEING RECRUITED Capt. H. E. Williams, of Portland, is now recruiting men for the Oregon State Poliee. All applications should be sent to (X Morgan Hldg., Portland. tjualitications and duties of the State Police are as follows : A body of state police to prevent and detect crime and apprehend crim inals. All male citizens of the United States between the ages of lrt and 4! years of age, physically qualified, are eligible for service in this body. The term of enlistment will be for two years unless sooner discharged by proper authority. The entire time of the personnel of the command will be given to their du ties, exceptions being governed by regulations. Remuneration for enlisted men $i0 per month and up. Uniform and equipment furnished free of charge. For those who wish to serve their state and country in the abolishment of sedition and other crimes which are rampant during war this service w ill he particularly interesting. A German Battle Hymn If we wish to know the spirit in which a people make war, we go, not to the guarded and formal speeches of its public men, but to the songs that the poets write and the soldiers sing; they come glowing from the red-hot furnace of emotion that sustains the power of the nation. It is illuminat ing, therefore, to read this translation of a battle song that was found on a German soldier taken prisoner in It aly. William Koscoe Thayer, the his torian of Italy, has made it public on this side of the water. The song is worthy of the age when the ancestors of the modern Germans burst out of the gloomy forests of the north to overthrow an earlier Italian civilization. It is primeval, savage ; it tells us what the Germans them selves think of their diplomatists' as sertion that this was for them a "war of defense." If our readers wish to see what wide contrasts there may be between the war spirits of great na tions at war, let them, after reading this, read Mrs. Howe's Battle Hymn of the Republic. Son of Germany in armB : Forward ! This is the hour of joy and of glory. Oh, our artillerist, thy powerful cannon, thine invulnerable brother, calls thee ; was it not made to renew the world? Oh, our rifleman, behold ! thou art the force that wins; wherever thou penetratest is Germany. Oh, our cavalryman, spur, attack, overthrow! let thy will spur on thy I horse like a winged victory. That cowardly nesh (the Italians) is made to manure the fields, which shall be thine and thy sons'. Son of Germany in arms, the great hour has come. Life does not finish, it passes on and is transformed without rest; the life of the conquered is absorbed by the con queror; the life of the slain belongs to the slayer; see then how thou canst gather on the breast of thy holy fatherland the life of the world. Do not bend to womanish Jpity to ward women and children; the child of the conquered has often been the con queror tomorrow; and what will vic tory avail of revenge comes tomorrow? What sort of a father wouldst thou be if thou shouldst kill thy enemy and leave alive the enemy of thy son? Son of Germany in arms, forward ! Fulminate, shatter, beat down, trans fix, devastate, burn, KILL, KILL, KILL! The hour of glory opens for us. The Youth's Companion. WE HAVE Land Plaster. i Box Shooks. Give us your order at once so that you can depend upon your supplies for this season. Kelly Bros. Phone 1401 COAL AND WOOD Rock Springs and Utah Coal Best Grades Only. Wood of all kinds special quotat ions on carload lots. Crushed Rock add Sand and Gravel. STORAGE Remember we are always at your service for any of the above items or for the transfer of your trunk or any other hauling. Transfer & Livery Co. TELEPHONE 4111 When J. L. Simpson, candidate for j the Republican nomination for gover- j nor, tinishel his recent tour of central and stlheastern Oregon, he had made 1 one ol tbe most unique journeys ever undertaken by a candidate for office in Oregon. In many places he was the tirst man ever to appear in the interest of elec tion to the highest othce in the state. This w as true at Lakeview and other points in the extreme south, which formerly were reached only through long journey by rail through other states. His campaign was carried to the people of Oregon directly and in ali the territory which he covered he was able to see more than 15 per cent of the registered voters. His system on this is as unique as his tour. Before leaving Portland he had in his pocket a schedule which told him exactly how many people he was to see in each city. He made it a point not to leave town until a small pocket indicator which he punched regularly showed the required quota. The appearance of a candidate for governor all covered with mud at the tiller of a small auto led many to be lieve that Mr. Simpson was indeed in earnest in his endeavor to reach most of Oregon before election time. His journey covered more than MOO miles in this light car and was made at a time when the roads for the most part were considered impassable. He crossed the state tirst from The Dalles to lakeview and then went directly east to the Idaho line, disposing of his small car at Ontario, where it was rattled for the benefit of the Red Cross Chapter of that place. In the 10 days that he was en route he made himself known and talked over his principles with more than l!k) individuals besides talking on the Lib erty Ioan before audiences numbering in all more than 8000 persons. TI1IELEN PLANS LIBERTY PARK The small park, or garden, at the Liberty Temple in Portland was plan ned by L. M. Thielen, formerly a local landscape gardener. . The Oregonian of Sunday says : "While many have been charmed by' the wee park in the midst of a busy city street that surrounds Liberty Tem ple, few know that it is the city of Portland that has made the arrange ments and carried out the effect of a landscape garden built on top of an asphalt street. "The city collected a floral aisplay of r0 varities of plants at a cost of nearly $'J000. The planning was the work of L. M. Thielen, landscape en gineer. The plants were taken from the city parks, under his direction, and boxed so they could be moved in good condition. "Perhaps the most striking plants on display are the camillias, a most beau tiful collection containing some of the choicest that grow. Attractive, too, are the laurels, both English and Port ugese, several varieities of evergreen viburnums, a veriety of veronicas, an dromedas, tilarias, ilex crenata and boxwood. The plants are edged with vinca minor and banked with tanbark to obtain the massed effect. "Foliage effects were obtained large ly by the use of various evergreen vi burnums. The scarlet berries of the aucubas have created much comment among interested passersby. Then there is the eosmantacus with its holly like foliage, often taken for holly it self. The Oregon grape is also in abundance. "Two big plants on either side of the entrance to Liberty .Temple are Irish yew. No German plants have been used or allowed in the wonderful display of flowers andshrubbery. "It is the plan tojmaintain the floral and shrubbery display as iong as the Temple stands. The plants will be changed, however, as they go out of bloom for others more in season." DON'T DELAY! Some Hood River People Have Learned That Neglect is Dangerous. The slightest symptom uf kidney trouble is far too serums to be over looked. It's the small, neglected trini ties that so often lead to serious kidney ailments. That pain in the 'small" of your back; that urinary irregularity; tli.e headaches and dizy spells ; that weak, neary, worn out feeling, may le nature's warning of kidney weakness. Why n?k your life by ueglectiut! the? symptom? Reach the cause of the trouble while there yet is time begin treating your kidneys at once with a tried and proven kiduev reuiedv. No need to experiment IVmn's Kidney Pills have been successfully used in thousands of cases of kidney trouble i"T over 50 years. iKiau's Kidney Tills are used and recommended throughout ti e civilized world. Endorsed at home. Itead this Hood kiver testimonv. A. C. Stevens. '.l Twelfth St., says: "1 know lKiau's Kidney Tills are just the thing for a weak and aching back. I have found them to lie very beneficial for rheumatic pains, too. 1 could'nt recommend a more reliable medicine than Doan'a Kidney'Pills for these trou bles. I have been taking them off and on for a long time and they have never failed to give me tbe best of satisfac tion. Mr. S evens is only one of many Hood River eople who nave gratefully en dorsed Huiin's Kidney Pills. If "your back aches if your kidney's bother you, don't simply ask for a kidney rem edyask distinctly for lOANS" KID NEY PILLS, the same that Mr. Ste vens relies on the remedy backed by home testimony. tHI cents at all stores. Koster-Milburn Co. , Props., Puffalo, N. V. "When your buck is lame remem lier the Name." i Sacks, Sacks and more SacKs We want sacks pretty badly and it will pay you to see H. GROSS THE SECONDHAND DEALER THIRD STREET Phone 121.) We have just received our Spring shipment of FORKNER LIGHT DRAFT HARROWS These Harrows are well known on the east side and have proved their worth will pay for themselves in one season in time saving. We also have the Roderick Lean Extension Discs You do not gamble when you buy either of these implements Both have been tried and not found wanting Blowers Hardware Company Corner of Oak and First Streets Notice of Sheriffs Sale Ily virlurof an execution in foreclosure duly ' IsNiieil Ity the IMerlt ol tUf ('limit Court of the Comity of Hood Kiver, Hlnte uf l)retnii. lHtet the Until day of March, litis, in h certHiu hcIhiii ' In the Circuit Court lor nod County unit state, wherein J. K. Hull a I'lHintil) rwiv ereil Juilh'inent against J. II all, Jr. and Klizariftti Hall tor the Mini of jfftmi.00 Willi 7 per cent interest from August 3, 1117, and costa and dixburM-menlH taxed al t'di.hl), and attor neys teen In the sum ot f7u.tM Willi G per cent inlerest from Keb. M. l'lls. j Notice Is hereby Riven that 1 will on the -litli day of April, 1918. at the east front diior ol t lie Court limine In Hood Itiver, in hid County, j at S:lW o'clock lu the allernoou of said day, sell al unbltc anctlou to the hlKhest bidder, I fur caah, the following described property, to wit: Au undivided one-hall interest m ami to the Knst one-halt of the southeast quarter ul Section hour (II, Township One (I I South, Knnife Ten (Id) Kast ol the Wllliinietle Mert diau, si I mil id In Hood Kiver County, Slate ot i Oregon, TfiKi-n atidllevied upon as the prop, i erty of the said ,1. K. flail, Jr. and Kllzabetli : Hall, or aa much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said Judgment in favor ol J. i' Hull against said J. K. Hull, Jr. and Kllr.aheth Hall, with Interest thereon, together with all costa and disbursements that have or may accrue. THOS. F. JOHNSON. Sherllt Hated at Hrod Kiver, Oregon, .March 27th, Wife. B.'fi BEANS Seed Beans for sale. Michigan Pea Bean and Lady Washington. Selected Seed Stock. The Michigan Pea Beans best suited for this section, do not take so long to mature and all mature at once. A lim ited stock on hand. KELLY BROS. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court ol the State of Oregon, for Hood Itiver futility. In the Matter of the Katate of Thomas J. I'lles, Deceased. Not lee is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the Ks tate of Thomas J. riles, by tl;e County Court ol the Smte ot Oregon, for Hood River County , and has iimllfled as sueh. All persons hav. lug (Malms against said estate are hereby re iUlred to present, the smne, duly vended ar eording to law, tojthe undersigned adminis trator, wlthiu six months irom the date ol tills notice, at the oHloe of A.J. Derby, First Nationsl Hank Huilding, Hood Kiver. Ore. Hated and tirst published April 4lh, HUH. 1MV1L) 1'YLKS. tu2 Administrator For Auto or horse drawn vehicles, Service to any part of the Valley at any time Telephone 1201 Fashion Livery Co. Hood River, Oregon Mrs. Castner Leaves Today Mrs. Chs. H. Castner, president of the Oregon State Federation of Wo men's cluba, will leave today for Hot Springs, Ark., to attend the biennial convention of the National Federation. Hollowing the convention Mrs. Castner will proceed to Washington, 1). C, where she will attend conferences of the woman's committee of the National Council of Defense. For the past several weeks Mrs. Castner has been devoting her time largely to organizing the women work ers of the state to carry on a campaign for the sale of War Savings Stamps. Constipation ami Indigestion These are twin evils. Persons suf ering from imbjteation are often troubled with constipation. Mrs. Rob ert Allison. Mattoon, 111., writes that when she first moved to Mattoon she was a great sufferer from indigestion and constipation. Food distressed her and there was a feeling like a heavy weight pressing on her stomach and chest. She did not rest well at night, and foil worn out a good part of the time. One bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets corrected this trouble so that she has since felt like a different person. Hood River Has Liberty Measles Hood River county is experiencing an epidemic of German or Liberty measles. During the past 10 days chil dren of the grade schools of the county have contracted the disease. Many hicrh school students have hpen kent away from their classes and the meas les have invaded the business ranks of the city. The disease is of an extremely mild form. Students Express Appreciation Students of the high school declare that they are willing to express their appreciation of action by the members of the Commercial cluh, who recently voted to allow the high school free use of athletic apparatus, by donating their work in cleaning up a proposed camp for visiting automobile tourists. The Commercial club's athletic quar ters have been turned over to the women of the Red Cross, who meet twice a week for the manufacture of hospital and surgical supplies. Rheumatic Tains Relieved "I have used Chamberlain's Lini ment for pains in the chest and lame ness of the shoulders due to rheuma tism, and am pleased to say that it has never failed to give me prompt re lief," writes Mrs. S. N. Finch, of Batavia, N. Y. Reeman Tractor Creates Interest The Ceeman walking tractor, a small machine that draws a plow across a field, just as a horse or mule, arriving at the Cascade avenue garage of the Snow-Forden Motor Co. last week, at tracted a widesperad attention. The little machine, which develops a four horse power on the pulley, will draw a plow or cultivator as slowly or as fast as the operator wishes. It is just the thing for the strawberry rancher. Indian Has Valuable Cherry Tree Peter Coon, Indian landowner across whose place the Columbia Highway between Hood River and Mosier will extend, attaches great value to a small cherry tree that must be removed when the road is built. Peter has in terviewed Engineer Cruikshank, claim ing that the tree is of a rare species and worth much money. Mr. Cruik shank has reported Mr. Coon's request to the board of viewers. J. H Koberg, who owns young tim ber of a size used for piling, through which the highway must pass, has asked the viewers to set a value on the trees that must be removed from the right of way. Cut This Out It is Worth Money DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with Gc and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chi cago, 111., writing your name and ad dress clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey ana Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and back ; rheu matism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments ; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, headache and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Notice to Creditors Nn'lee In hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the es tate of John 1) Fletcher, deceased, by the I'ounty Court ol Hood River County. All persons having claims against said estate snould present them properly verified within six monlbs from dale ot tills notice at my residence near Hid Kiver Dated and Qrut puhMshea tnl lHth day of April. aiaiuitt Adtitiaiairatrlx. Notice of Sheriffs Sale Hy virtue of an execution In foreclosure duly Issued by I he Clerk of the Circuit Court i ot the County ol Hood Kiver, Htate ol Oregon, I dated the first day of April, ItdX, in a certain i action in the Circuit Court tor saldCounly j and Mtale, wherein Klhel' u Milliard as 'lain-j till recovered judgement against Mihis H. i Soule, Carl K. Jones, Trustee in Bankruptcy in j the mutter of Silas H Houle, Hankrupt, I he ! Ouuld Company, a Corporation, for the sum ot Hlx Hundred fMl mi) Hollars, with 7 per ! cent interest Horn ix touer II. IHih, ana mior i ney's lira in the sum of One Hundred (lil (ill) Hollars, and the further sum of Thirty One and ! Tl-UU ($11.7'.') Hollars on the -sub day of March, i Win. j Notice Is hereby given that I wi!lnn t he 17th ! day ol May, I'JIN. at the east front door of the j Court House In Hood Kiver In said County, at t l:;M o'clock In the allernoou of suld day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to wit: Hltualed in Hood Kiver County, State of Oiegon, In the Northwest (Quarter (NW4) of the Northwest Quarter iN W'-4I of Hecllon 24, I ownshlp One North, Kange N Ine Kast ot the Willamette Meridian and mure lully de scribed as follows: Beginning at ft point which Is the section corner common to sections II, 14 -'.'! and 21, Township One North, Kuuge Nine Kast ot Willamette Meridian and running south thir teen hundred and twenty (l;mn leet; thence north w,o Mi east nine hundred and ninety feet: thence north thirteen bundled and twenty (1820) feet to an Intersection with the I south boundary ol lot number F8 of the First ! Addition of Riverside I'arg Mubdivlslou; I hence smith 8i) 5hi west nine hundred and ! ninety 0WI feet to the place of beginning, con-: talning thirty acres morn or less. Taken and levied upon as the property of the said defen dants, or ,w much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said Judgment in favor of F.thelyn Huliard agalnstsaid llefendauts, with Interest thereon, together with all rosin and disbursements that have or may accrue. THi IS. K JOHNSON, Sherlll. Hated at Hood Kiver, Oregon, April Kith, IMS. 814-m U Notice of Sheriffs Sale Bv virtue of an execution duly Issned by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Hood River atid State ol Oregon, dated April If., ISIS, in a certain suit In said Circuit Court for the foreclosure of mortgage wherein A. Kilhlike waa plaintllt and Lewis ('.bonne man, et al, were defendants, and wherein on Aprils. IMS, the said plaintllt received his Judgment against said defendants, Lewis (,'. Sonneman.et al, for the sum of Ifi.Oim.ini. with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per a nun in from the first day of liecember, lids, and for the sum of $:iil().(IO as and for attorney's fees and JIO.OU costs and disbursements: and whicn said execution la against and direr is that the hereinafter described real projierty be sold to satisfy said sums and the costs and expenses of said sale. Notice is hereby given that I will on the isth day ol May, lids, at the front door of the Courthouse, lu the City of Iood River, Hood River County. State of Oregon, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon 'ifsald day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder fur casn, the following described retl property situated In the Coun ty ol Hood Kiver, state or Oregon, to wli: Beginning at a point 3D rods and ;l feel south of the center of Section 7, In Township H North, Kange 11 Fastot the Willamette Merid ian: running thence West 82 rods and 4 leet to center of county road, running North and South through said Section 7: thence running Southerly following the center of said county road -JO rods and S feet; thence running Fast SO roda and l() feet, more or less, to quarter section line, running North and Souln through said Section 7; thence North follow ing said quarter section line al rods and M2 feet to the place of beginning, coulaiulng 1(1 21 acres of land, more or less, all In Hood IHver County, state of Oregon Or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said Judgment In favor of thesnld plaintiff and against said defendants, Iewls C. Sonneman el al, together with all ooata that nave or may accrue. Dated April 16, mix. iismlf. THOS. F. JOIJNSON, StitflQ ii Hood Kiver Uiutiiy, Orevot:. PEOPLES NAVIGATION COMPANY vSteamer Tahoma Down Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays Up Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays AU kinds of freight and passengers handled. Hows and automobiles given Hpecial attention. Jack Bagley, Agent, Phone 3623 BRUNO FRANZ DAIRY YOURS FOR PROMPT SERVICE AM) GOOD MILK AND CREAM Tel. 5441 We are selling Schillings Best Line with a Money Back guarantee if you are not satisfied after using them. Kaesser's Grocery Grocery of Quality E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor Phone 3192 Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc. Heath & Milligau Mixed Faints Glidden's Varnishes Room Mouldings o Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Plate and Card Rail o Dry Paste 0 mm o o O