MM VOL. XAIX HOOD KIVEH, OREGON, THURSDAY, Al'ML is, 191S Xo. 4G Our Boys We may spare them the Supreme Sacrifice! HOW? By individual Self-Denial. By stopping every extravagance. By placing every penny and dollar where it is needed most. Don't only think ACT! Buy Thrift Stamps: every quarter oils our fighting machine. Aid the cause of Liberty. Help end Ruthlessness. Hasten the homecoming of the Boys. Buy War Savings Stamps-NOW! First National Bank Member Federal Reserve System Hood River, Ore. 1 I i 1 ... . . Corosive Water Glass Sublimate for Eggs for Spuds Victrolas Kodaks and and Records Supplies THE KRESSE DRUG CO. The t&xalt Store Come in and Lear the latent April Records. Did you hear the stirring mes sage which Dr. Kerr brought from Washington to the people of Hood River last Friday evening ? Are you measuring up to the one hundred per cent responsibility that rests at this critical moment on every loyal citizen of the United States ? Have you done the things you ought to have done and have you left undone the things you ought not to have done ? HAVE YOU BOUGHT A 1 Liberty Bond?i: -And have you faithfully observed the food regulations of the Government? (Th' spuce contributed by Htillrr Hunkinu Company) Clf i : i?hi t-'" IT JS in the attitude of an investment The Chevrolet Motor Company considers a motor car purchase from the standpoint that it is an important investment. They have built with this idea in mind, with a full realization that the car itself must make the distinction between investment and liability. The Chevrolet is an investment, not alone because of its moderate price, but because of the little it costs after its purchase. In low upkeep especially, does the price of the Chevrolet qualify as an investment rich in economical service returns. That the Chevrolet has become a world-wide favorite is not haphazard success, but the merited result of a conscientious manufacturing policy. It is a common thing for a Chevrolet "Four Ninety" to travel twenty-five miles on a gallon of gasoline. It's a pleasure to demonstrate a Chevrolet for you. May we io it? Price $787.50 F. 0. B. Hood River war tax included. The Orchardist in the market for a grader and apple sizing machine will save money by seeing me at the earliest opportunity. My machine is no experiment. After severest tests with competing ma chines, my sizer has won the approval of all fruit districts. Just yesterday I had an order for four graders from Idaho. Ideal Fruit and Nursery Co. Grader warn will make you money because of the low cost of original investment as compared with other machines, and another item its cheap ness of operation. CALL AUGUST GUIGNARD IDEAL FRUIT & NURSERY CO. Tel. 5832 Seed Potatoes For Sale American Wonder, White Rose, Early Rose, Burbank and Pride of Multnomah Seed Half Price. Send your order. We buy or will handle for you Apples. Potatoes. Beans, Dried Fruit. Hogs, Mutton, Reef. Chickens, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks (live or dressed). Ship by boat if possible. Prompt returns daily. Write for tags. BOQQESS & CO. (Capital Stock, $20,000.00) 151 Front Street PORTLAND, ORE. MESSAGE CAUSES HIGH RESOLVE DR. KERR TALK IS SERIOUS ONE Educator Appeals for Active fooporation f apt. Humphreys Warn Against German Propaganda I FARM UTENSILS AND STOCK FOR SALE Hood River Garage Second and Cascade Streets HOOD RIVER, ORE. Phone 4444 At the old Gust Westerburg Ranch at Bloucher Station One farm wagon, complete; feed grinder, corn sheller, sin gle horse plow, potato plow, garden seeder, cross-cut saw, platform scales, hoes, picks, mattocks, crowbar, corn knife, hand sickles, scythes, brush hook, wagon jack, wire stretch er, tile spoon, powder auger, eight-foot pruner, large and small pruning shears, pruning saw, picking buckets and sacks, picking ladders, box nailing press, Sharpless separa tor, milk cans and pail, four extra cow stanchions, set dou ble harness, four horse blankets, halters, two extra collars, 125 orchard boxes, three cows and a calf, -one three-year-old work horse, one pony. These articles are priced at the place and will be sold there. See W, F, HAMMER at the ranch. Phone Odell 1 8, or Hood River Abstract & Investment Company RHONE 1331 Hood River people who crowded the j city's largest auditorium Friday night to hear Dr. W. J. Kerr,- president of Oregon Agricultural College who is on a tour of the Northwestern states as a representative of the national govern ment, to inform the people of the seri ousness of the war situation, returned to their homes sobered, with renewed determination and with high resolves to actively cooperate with the country's leaders in every work necessary for winning the war. Although punctuated by frequent applause, both in greeting of the forceful appeals of the well known educator and of the rousing speech of Capt. L. W. , Humphreys, Portland attorney, who was assigned from Camp Lewis, where he commands a company of the new National army, to tour Oregon for the liberty bond campaign, the meeting was characterized by the absence of levity and the presence of an all pervading breath of purpose. "Your support of your government," declared lr. Kerr, "should not be con fined to a mere acquiescence and a declaration of confidence in your lead ers, but it calls for the active cooper ative assistance of all the American people." Dr. Kerr with five other prominent men from various points of the country were called to Washington for a con ference that lasted several days. As he explained last Friday night, all facts of the serious situations that face America and her allies were placed face up, and those attending the conference were detailed to tour the states and give the truth to the people. Dr. Kerr by the presentation of a convincing array of figures and statis tics pointed out to his hearers the famine that stalks over the allied countries. He showed how Russia, the civil population demoralized by hunger and weakened for the poisonous attack of German propaganda, collapsed be hind the battle lines, crumbling with it the morale of the Russian army. He showed how a similar attempt of Ger many had been made on the Italians. How the lack of food had broken the spirit of the Italian civilian imputation, how the distressing situation bad made itself felt in the army, and how the Germans, taking advantage of such a condition had poured masses of Ger man and Austrian armies down into Italy to sweep the Italians back from the ground they had gained. "Victory will go to the combattants who are best fed," said Dr. Kerr, reading from a recent official British bulletin, "and best nourished. Even von Hindenburg not so long ago dared to send to the kaiser a message declar ing that he must have a larger supply of fats and oils for his munition work ers and soldiers or he would not be responsible for the consequences." Dr. Kerr showed how the shortage of supplies, of breads and meats, must be made up for the allied countries from America and Canada. Because of the lack of ships, it was pointed out how these products could not be shipped from Argentine, India or Aus tralia. He presented figures showing that, the shortages of cereals in the allied countries was greater than the annual consumption had normally been in America. Dr. Kerr paid the highest tribute to the people of France, whose faith and hope and spirit have been maintained despite the fact that they have cut and cut and cut in their rationing. With a ( per cent cut in their food, the French soldier, engaged in the greatest battle of the world, has been holding the German, not only from his own land but back from the American homes. "France had a population of $5,000, 000 people," said Dr. Kerr, "of which 2,000,000 are now in territory conquered and occupied by the Germans. Yet France has raised and equipped an armv of 7.000.000 men." Dr. Kerr turned to the Belgian atrocities, of their unspeakable tern bleness. "Those people over there so close to Belgium and northern France, he said, "know what they have to fight. Thev know that they are fighting not only for their national existence but for the very protection ot their women and their children. Dr. Kerr declared that France had reached the limit of her endurance. He declared as ridiculous and nonsen sical that idea that America could starve Germany by the operation of an embargo. He pointed out the occupa tion of Russian territory, a territory nine times the size of Oregon and populated by .16,000,000 people. The American people, he appealed, must arouse and consider with more serious ness their undertaking. Should trance collapse, Italy would follow within 24 hours. "And you know the Oerman pro gram, said Vi. Kerr, -it is raris, London and America, it nas Deen me German plan to make America pay back to Germany and Austria every dollar those two countries have ex pended. Which no we prefer, liberty bonds or bonds of German slavery? Let me close with those inspiring words of the Marseillaise, March on, March on, All hearts uniting on victory or death.' " Captain Humpreys, who had the highest praise for the men of the National army, warned the civilian population to be wary of attacks of propaganda that would be directed at them. "The Hun. he said, "is not only going to attack us soldiers with bullets but he is going to try to overcome you people back here at home with the poison gas of his rumors. He is going to work from every standpoint. He will play on your prejudices. Forget them until 'after the war.' He will play upon your heartstrings in . an effort to break your spirit." Captain Humphreys recalled that old rumor, which he characterized as hav ing hml its origin in Berlin and started with German money, of the Red Cross sweater which had been purchased by an Alaskan fisherman. "I'll tell you what has become of those sweaters," he declared. "Up at Camp Lewis we have 256 men and offi cers in my company. Every one of us is wearing one of those sweaters, and we are mighty thankful to you Red Cross women for knitting them." The Liberty- Bond double quartet, Mrs. Geo. 1. Slooom accompanying, furnished music for the meeting. In his short talk of introdurtion. Prof. Gibson, chairman of the meeting, urged the ieople to impose the strict est confidence and faith in their lead ers and the honesty of their purpose, and to follow to the letter their in structions. "No great thing is gained w ithout determination and effort," said I'rof. Gibson, "and the Cnited States is now climbing the steepest grade and the roughest road in her history." VOTE FOR AUTO CAMP PARK UNANIMOUS BUY AT HOME WEEK HERE WOMEN PROMOTE THIS JJOYDIENT Purchase of Home-Made Products Helps to Relieve the Congestion of Rail Transportation At a meeting of the Commercial club Monday night city and valley res idents voted unanimously to instruct the council to proceed with the pur chase of a two acre plot of ground on the Heights to be used for an auto mobile camping park. The motion also urges that the county court assist the city government in the develop ment of the property by the installa tion of ovens, electric lights and con necting the location with the city sewer and water system. W hue opposition against the pro posed camping park was expressed early in the meeting, when it was shown that the owner, A. A. Schenck, of Omaha, Nebr., was willing to sell the plot for $1,000, giving the city 2n years, at six percent interest, to pay for the site, and when the benefits that would accrue to the town were pointed out. the motion made by C. H. Vaughan, was adopted without a dis senting vote. J. R. Norton, chairman of the civic committee of the club, who has been at work for several months on an auto park, reported that it was estimated that the park could be equipped for campers at a maximum expense of $100. The members of the council at the Monday night meeting, while no ofii cial action was taken, participated in an informal discussion of the proposed auto park. A sentiment was expres.-.ed that the purchase would not be neces sary this year, since, as it was stated, the Highway would not likely be open lor any length ot time this season. "MR. BOB" AT HIGH SCHOOL TONIGHT What promises to lie an unusually good literary will be given by the Skookum Literary society Thursday, this, evening. Hitherto these literar- tes have been open to the public, free of charge. An exception is to be made in this case and the nominal sum ot IE cents admission will bo charged. The proceeds are to be used to pay for the new service Hag. It is hoped that there will be a good response from the community at large. 1 he chief number on the program will be a little play entitled. "Mr. Bob." It is composed of scores of humorous situations, comical dialogues and interesting bits of action. Wher ever the play has been produced it has won a hearty applause. Ihere is not a dull moment in it. The high school iovs and girls have been working hard the past few weeks and have an assur ance that the play will meet its usual standard. The characters have all been chosen with care and are as follows : Marion Bryant, alias "Bob", Bessie Campbell. I'atty, Clara Haas. Katherine, Georgia Lynn. Aunt Becky, Betty Kpping. Philip Koyson, Carl Epping. Mr. Brown, Myron Hoyt. Jenkins, Vernon Garrabrant. In addition, there will be several songs hits and (lances on the program. One particular feature will be the rendition of "O, Vere, O Vere Has Mine Beetle Dog Gone," the words of which were composed by Miss Anne Vannet. CHAS. FILZ WAS ON COLLIER CYCLOPS Chas. Filz, listed as carpenter's mate aboard the collier Cyclops, is well known here. Completing a term in the navy at Manila in 1916, Mr. Filz, who had won the title of welter weight champion of the Orient, came here for a visit with his brother, W. J. Filz. He remained here until last summer, when he returned to Apple ton, Wis., for a visit with his parents before re-enlisting. The big collier is long overdue from a South American port. She carried a cargo of manganese. Navy officials express Jgrave alarm overher mysteri ous disappearance. Several explana tions have been offered, none of them satisfactory. It is feared that a huge submarine may possibly have crossed the Atlantic and have sunk the collier without leaving a trace. Other ex planations name the trouble as a poS' Bible explosion. The Cyclops was known to have one of her engines dis abled. It may be that she was struck by one of those sudden, fierce torna does that sweep the southern oceans. The naval authorities have detailed patrols to search all trade paths and to call at the numerous groups of islands in the southern waters. NEW TRANS COLUMBIA CABLE IS CUT IN The Woman's Club is observing this week Western Women's War Service week. The members of the Club are urging the purchase of home products during the period of the war, in order that congestion of railway transporta tion may be relieved thus. "It is our hope," says Mrs. W. H. McCIain, in charge of the activities of the coming week, "that such a habit formed during the war, will last after ward." As a feature of the week's celebra tion, all merchants of the city are par ticipating in a competitive window dis play. I'remiums will be awarded the mercantile establishments making the most attractive displays of Oregon made products. Mrs. McCIain says: "In buying home products we are helping Hood River to grow ; in buying Oregon products we are helping the state to maintain its first place among northwestern states. Oregon is first in all war activities. Boost Oregon to make her first in in dustrial lines." Gov. Withycombe says : "In time of peace it should be a matter of local pride and interest for the people of Oregon to patronize the home industries of our state. In the existing conditions when the necessity of serving of our war needs is the first of the nation and the first duty of the individual citizen, a double responsi bility rests UKn the eople of Oregon to use Oregon products." Mrs. C. H. ( astner has sent letters to the Woman's Clubs of the state ask ing them to cooperate in the "Buy at Home" movement. She says: "For the past two years the Woman's Clubs have been observing each spring a Western Club Woman's Consumers' Week, spreading information about western and Oregon-made goods, and as a state federation used as our slo gan, 'Buy at home and get the habit.' "Women are the home makers and the home spenders of this nation. There are very few women who do not take the responsibility of the household fi nances ; thus she spends nine-tenths of the money. Upon the women, there fore, is placed the task of giving to our own merchants the business they are entitled to. "If we have a subscription paper, tickets for a concert, a church supper or any other worthy cause for which we are asking funds, we visit the mer chant first --and are never disappoint ed, for we are always well received and the money is willingly contributed. Let us h: Iovhi to these merchants and help build up our town. Increased business means better and larger stocks from which to select." Completing work begun last sum mer, the Pacific Power & Light Co. Tuesday put into commission a cable line, spanning the Columbia and con necting up its Oregon system with the plant of the Northwestern Llectric Co. and its own plant on the White Salmon river in Klickitat county, Washington Almost two miles long, the six-cable line across the Columbia is attached to steel towers on either bank and rests on a tower rising from a small island mid-stream. Cutting in on the new cable, which will insure the concern s patrons con tinuous sertice, was effected without ostentation. But for the short inter ruption, while linemen spliced wires, local people would not have known of the trans-Columbia connection. BARRETT FLAG TO BE DEDICATED TOMORROW With 62 stars, the service flag of the Barrett district will bo dedicated Friday night at a meeting to be held at the Valley Christian Church un der the auspices of the following or ganizations: Patriotic; League, Par ent-Teacher Association and Park Grange. Directed by Miss Lillian. Brock, the children of. the Barrett school will shut patriotic songs. The program has been arranged aa follows: Singing of "The Star Spangled Bauuer," address of wel come by Hoy 1). Smith, song, "The Battle Hymn of the Rppubllc," by Miss Gladys lieavis; address by Judge Fred W. Wilson of The Dal les; singing of "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean" by school children; presentation of flag by L. B. Gibson, county school superintendent; sing ing of "When Johnny Comes Mareh Ig Home" by school children; "Amer ica" by all. The little daughter of Captain and Mrs. C. M. Hurlburt will unveil the Hag. Those on the honor roll are a follows: Joel C. Abbott Tolvo Anna la, Corbett Alexander, Leonard Arm strong, George F. Alsup, Lloyd Bish op, Roy Bruno, Harry Barker, Fred Broughtou, Frank Baubain, August Bosse, DeVValt Bonebrake, Carl Ber ry, Sidney Carnino, Arne Copple, Clarence Dornhecker, Paul Dix, Har old Ingalls, Ray Furrow, Gus Fors berg, Charles and Albert Gibbons, Will Coodcnough, Raymond Glass, Hubert Hasbrouck, C. M. Hurlburt William Hukari, Sidney Hook, How ard Hodges, Garland Hollowell, Wil fred, Jenkins, Harold Jenkins, Carl ton Kibbey, Edward Krieg, Paul Lan caster, Ellis Morse, Howard Mer riam, Lee Markley, Realt and Vir gil Meyers, Arthur Mo3es, Miles McFarland, Ixjwell Nickelsen, Van N'order, Harry Post, Wado Robbing, Kirby Ross, Walter Regnell, Glen Shoemaker, Ralph Sherrieb, Kent Shoemaker, Delbert Slutz, Fred Schall, Stanley Shere, Elvis Staten, Lee Sehi'knecht, Bert Thornsbury, Chas. Van Blarlcom, Perry Williams, Edward Wrenn, John Winn and Rob ert L. Paddock. TO GIVE RED CROSS BENEFIT The ladies of the Altar Society of the Catholic church will give a card party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Haas on Montcllo Avenue next Wednesday, April 24, at eight p. m., for the benefit of the Red Cross. L'ght refreshments will be served. All are cordially Invited. W. S. Kaestner, who has been ill in Portland, returned home last week.