The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 14, 1918, Image 5

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    HOOD KIVKIi (il.AllKll. THIUSHAY, M.Mllll U. 191
An Opportunity of 1918
tfiveii tradiu stamps
This is to announce to our patrons a hew schedule of I
a plan that otters you unus.iiil m.iu .,;ti..
Because e found interest in S. & H
owiiuf wU, we have discontinued them.
Srvt is the opportunity:
u u J f , , Kr ceut ll'f"t "' :i ''-!. purchases;
all bills paid in full on or before the tenth of the mouth to
we jrive three ir ceut discount.
-mm t.i a ciianee in our atterDo.m delivery, !" start!
.nr. e,.ai inneu.1 ot :.Jio cUK lL-1iindlv have voiir .
N'f. re the autoiiujiile starts.
and on
How in:,
mr from
rlers in
Rock Springs and Utah Coal-Best Grades Only.
Wood of all kinds special quotations on carload lots.
Crushed Rock add Sand and Gravel.
Remember we are always at your service for any
of the above items or for the transfer of your trunk
or any other hauling.
Transfer & Livery Co.
Protect Your Surplus Crops
BEFORE you harvest your fruit, jrrain or hay. provide a
shed or barn in which to store it. And how abouj that
surplus that you expect this year ? Maybe you 'II need some
temporary sheds. There's no need to sacrifice your crop
when we have so mueli
for Barn or Shed Building, In our yard you will rind every
thing in building material. Make up your list and bring it
in today.
Vird Wed of f reijlit Dtpot-PhMC 2181
Ve have just received a new
lot of
Country Club Toilet
Come in & let us show ttieni to you
Chas. N. Clarke
Don't Be Alarmed
because this store, has a reputation for selling shoes of the
better class only. We stand ready to prove that high quali
ties do not necessarily mean high prices. You may buy
shoes for less than we charge. But of one thing you may
rest assured. You wont get better values anywhere no mat
ter what you pay.
I Buy for Cash, F. 0. B. cars
Apples Potatoes
All Grades and Varieties
What Have You to Offer?
Land Plaster.
Box Shooks.
Out but 15 minutes the jury in the. j
r Allen arson case Thursday afternoon,
j on the tirst ballot, returned a verdict I
of not guilty, j
No criminal case has ever aroused a j
i greater sensation in Hood River coun- j
I ty. The defendant, kev. J. L. Allen, j
I was formerly fir two years pastor tfi
; the Haptist church, the pastorate of )
which, according to lr. Allen s testi
! mony, he resigned last fall because of
j alleged slanderous remarks of mem
; tiers of the church. A few days prior
: to his arrest Rev. Allen tiled a suit in
circuit court, asking damages from
! two aged members of his church, Mr.
and Mrs. Marshall Hill, whom he ac
cused in his complaint of circulating
stories that attacked his character.
Following the criminal proceedings.
rred Lverson, of Cortland, withdrew
from the slander case as attorney of
record. Following the jury's .verdict
Rev. Allen stated that he would pro
ceed with the civil action.
The Allen case throughout Thursday
was not. without its dramatic moments.
E. H. Hartwig, associated with J. J.
Fitzgerald, of I'ortland, in the defense
of Allen, wept as he finished an impas
sioned aipeal, while the defendant's
wife, holding in her lap one of her
three children, sobbed audibly. At
this moment the defendant held, sleep
ing in his arms, the couple's bab.wson.
The court house was crowded at all
times during the trial. The audience
was treated to a sensation Thursday
morning, when Rev. Allen being cross
examined by District Attorney Derby
was asked to explain statments made
during direct examination Wednesday
night. ttorney Fitzgerald, seeking
to establish, as he stated, that the de
fendant's lease of the Cascade Iocks
apartments, where he was accused of
having started the tire, was executed
in good faith, the defendant seeking a
(luiet place for pursuing his study of
the law, had the accused man recite
some of his former occupations. In
his story to the jury Rev. Allen stated
that he had been a silent partner in
several law firms.
Explaining to the district attorney
Rev. Allen said that his father had the
pow er of attorney in one of the largest
estates in California. In his recital
he declared that one Julius Friedman,
an old bachelor and a Russian Jew,
nad died leaving an estate valued at
$40,000,000. While not of record, Mr.
Allen stated that he had worked on
this case for law firms of New York
city, Washington, D. C, and Oakland
and San Francisco, Calif. Attorney
Derby then asked him specifically to
name the San Francisco law firm. Mr.
Allen replied that he did not know the
When asked for the name of the
Washington firm, lie replied that it
was the Russian ambassador. He ex
plained that certain formalities in the
case required the consideration and ap
proval of both the American and Rus
sian ambassadors. He stated that
Friedman left 70 heirs and that at
times as many as 12i" lawyers were en
gaged on details invoving the estate.
After the trial Rev. Allen called on
newspaper men and askfd that his val
uation of the estate he corrected to
A coincidence of the jury that tried
Rev. Allen was that four Millers sat
on the body of peers. None of them
were related. They were : Warren
Miller, J. 1. Miller, Gus Miller and
Roscoe Miller. Other jurymen were:
J. D. McCullv, J. U. 1'hillips, I. T.
Heal, A. T. Ze'ek. F. W. Ilayt, (". H.
Clyrner, I.. C. Sonneman and W. A.
Fancy Wraps Not to Be Printed
The Apple Growers Association will
break an established precedent this
season, when apples of the Red Dia
mond or second grade, will be market
ed in plain wrappers. Formely the
wrapper has borne the imprint of the
organization's copyrighted trademark
in ted ink.
The change will be made, it is said,
because of the high cost of the printed
wrappers as compared with the plain.
From the Mosier Bulletin
"It Sure Does the Work"
Changeable weather and wet feet
make March a dangerous month for
coughs, colds, croup and whooping
cough. Be prepared to get prompt re
lief. Don't let a cold run into serious
sickness. Mrs. W. H. Thornton, 3i2'.
W. 10th St., Little Hock, Ark., writes:
"My little boy had a severe attack of
croup and I honest!' believe he would
have died if it had not been for Foley's
Honey and Tar. Two doses relieved
him. I would not be without it at any
price." Sold everywhere.
For six consecutive years the present
board of directors of the Mosier Fruit j
Growers Association has served the
fruit growers of this district.'and with !
the election Saturday at the annual
meeting of the stockholders at which
!5 shares were represented, they were 1
re-elected for the fifth time, each elee-
tion yearly Leing significant by a unan
imous vote being cast. This is high
tribute to the perfect harmony among
the loo per cent co-operative organiza
tion, every grower being a member.
The board of directors include Amos
Root, president; Lee Evans; J. M.
Carroll. seretary ; C. A. McCargar ;
and Dr. A. Macrum. Mr. Root has
served as president since tie organiza
tion was founded, serving continuous
ly for 11 years. Lee Evans and J. M.
Carroll have been members for 10
years, C. A. McCargar, H years and
Dr. C. A. Macrum, ti years.
R. 1). Chattield is now finishing his
seventh year as manager, the fiscal
year ending April 1.
J. M. Carroll was manager the first
three years; 11. M. Huxley, the fol
lowing year; and R. D. Chatfiled hold
ing the office since that time.
Other growers who have served on
the board are A. P. Hateham, Fred
Evans, Ed. L. Howe, D. 1'. Harvey
and E. J. Middleswart.
W. F. G win,' vice president and gen
eral manager of the Northwestern
Fruit Exchange and H. G. Fletcher,
sales manager of that selling agency,
with which the Mosier Fruit Growers
Association is affiliated, were here
from Seattle and gave short talks to
the growers on the apple outlook for
this year.
Mr. Gwin explained how the war
embargo had affected foreign ship
ments, and told of the loss to growers
caused by car shortage, together with
the extremely cold weather last "fall.
He declared that under the Fond Ad
ministration much of this trouble will
now be eliminated.
Mr. Fletcher told the growers how
his organization had distributed Mosier
apples to many new markets in various
sections of the United States because
Nv'w York dealers had combined on a
low price at which the Exchange re
fused to sell. Therefore one or two
cars only was placed in several large
This action will force the New York
dealers to come to terms, he main
tained, as they are very desirous of
the Mosier fruit. He explained that
the action of the New York dealers is
really a blessing in disguise, for under
the "Skookum traaemark the Mosier
apples will get a country-wide reputa
tion. Following is the report of Manager
Chattield, which is incomplete, he an
nounced, because the majority of the
apple pools are not closed. He hopes
to be able to make a complete report
by April 1.
179,405 lbs. Royal Anne cherries, av.
fiic lb ; 3,912 10-ib. boxes black cher
ries, av. 1.02; 3li 20-lb. boxes peaches,
$.,"2; 10 crates blackberries, $1.!)5; 80'J
crates peach plums, $.70 ; 80 crates
Tennant prunes, $.!KI; 4!) crates, Hun
garian prunes, $.80; 82 crates Silver
prunes, $.58; (14 crates Italian prunes,
$.72; 141 20-lb. boxes Petit prunes,
$.4:; 280,158 lbs. Italian prunes, $:il
ton; 122 boxes Kartlett pears, $1.35:
4;il boxes various pears, $1.04 ; 371
half boxes Bosc pears, $1.35; 9 half
boxes Cornice pears, $.81 ; 7 full boxes
Hose pears, $2.31 ; 5 full boxes Cornice
pears, $1.05: 500 full boxes Anjou
pears, $1.98; 439,730 lbs. eider and
canning apples, $12 per ton; 2,072 box
es local and cooking apples, $1.00;
34,160 boxes apples in 41 cars, (pools
not closed) ; 5,000 boxes apples cold
storage in east ; 2,000 boxes on hand.
Two pools have been closed as fol
lows :
Gravensteins-Orchard run, 125 and
larger, $1.50; 138 to 103, $1.25; 138 to
103, $1.25; 175 to 200, $1.00.
Red Cheek Combination grade 138
and larger, $l.ti5; 150 to 103, $1.40; 175
to 200, $1.15; Choice-103 and larger,
$1.10; 175 to 200, $.80.
.Total revenue for year, approxi
mately, $75,WK).
For United States Senator
(live us your order at onee so that you can depend upon
your supplies for this season.
Kelly Bros.
Phone 1401
;i v
0 t.
R. N. Staufield.
Farmer, Stockraiscr and Businessman.
A man who does things.
Who has accomplished some
thing. Who knows how to work and
get results.
Who knows Oregon's needs, re
quirements and resources.
Who has the experience, knowl
edge and business understanding.
Who, as a state Legislator for
six years, has already done much
for Oregon.
Whose republicanism is un
questioned and whose ability has
been proven.
iPnlrt rnlvertisemenl by stanfli'ld Commit
tee, Slfliillclil, Ori'KOii.)
Sheriff Johnson left Saturday after
noon with two prisoners for the state
penitentiary. Philip Solem.who pleaded
guilty to a charge of attempting to
wreck an O.-W. R. & N. limited train,
was sentenced to from five to 10 v'ears.
Dave Matheny, sentenced for larceny
of the country place of Dr. T, L. Eliot,
will serve from six months to three
Under the statute that sets the pen
alty for conviction in cases involving
the placing of obstructions on rail lines
that might result in serious wrecks;
the officer or other citizen making the
arrest is granted a reward of $300.
City Marshal Carson will claim re
wards. He says the reward money, if
received from the state, will be invest
ed in Liberty bonds of the third issue.
Judge Wilson adjourned Saturday
until today, when he will hear the
divorce case of Mrs. Esther Davis, who
seeks divorce from Elbert Davis.
H. I). Emery, who sued the King
Wittenberg Co., operators of fruit and
vegetable process plants at Salem and
The Dulles, for $750, alleged salary,
was awarded $125 by a jury.
County Food Administrator Gibson
has written to all fraternal organiza
tions and other organizations of the
county asking that ail superfluous
luiiches be discontinued. His letter
follows :
"At this time of stress and crisis in
the life of our national government
the closest affiliation of organiza
tions is urgently needed.
"Fraternal organizations are in a
position to add energy to governmental
agencies and forces. Will you kindly
bring before your order the question of
eliminating all lunches and suppers
except those served during a regular
meal time and taking the place of a
regular meal during the period of the
war Will you please ask your mem
bers to discuss this and act on it as
seems best? May 1 suggest that there
are two objections to these lunches and
suppers -they result in an unnecessoy
consumption of food and they break
down saving practices in the home.
1 here is a shortage of food. In
the face of this fact we have some
hundreds of thousands of our own boys j
to feed and half the world is starving.
Any consideration of this suggestion
will be gratefully appreciated.
In the service of God and the in
terests of humanity.
Mncerely yours,
"L. B. Gibson."
A Billions Attack
When you have a billious attack your
liver fails to perform its functions.
You become constipated, 'lhe food
you eat ferments in your stomach in
stead of digesting. This 'illumes the
stomach and causes nausea, vomiting
and a terrible headache. Take Cham
berlain's Tablets. They will tone up
your liver, clean out your stomach and
you will soon be as well as ever.
They only cost quarter.
Ranchers Like Eight-Hour Law
The new eight-hour rule that went
into effect at the Dee plant of the Ore
gon Lumber Co. last week, following
the conference between Col. Disque
and northwestern loggers, is pleasing
to the ranchers of the Dee section, who
work at the mill. Numerous owners of
Dee Flat orchards have paid for their
places and their development by work
in the lumber mill. The orchardist
mill workers declare that the new rul
ing will permit them to devote several
hours a day to their farm work.
The Dee mill, now operating under
government orders, has perhaps been
freer from !. W. W. influences than
any other in the northwest.
If You Have, the Statement of This i
Hood River Resident Will
Interest You j
Does your back ache, night and day ;
Hinder work ; destroy your rest? j
Does it stab you through and through
When you stoop or lift or bend?
Then your kidneys may be weak. i
Often backache is the clue. j
Just to givo you further proof, :
The kidney action may be wrong,
If attention is not paid
More distress will soon appear.
1 1 end aches, di.zy spells and nerves, ,
Uric acid and its ilis
Make the burden worse and worse. !
Liniments and plasters can't j
Reach the inward cause at all ; ;
Help the kidneys use the pills j
Hood River folks have tried and proved, j
What they say you can believe,
koad-tni Hood River woman's account. '
ee hfr, ask her, if vou doubt. I
Mrs. F. B. Snyder, 1223 Durham St. j
says: "I suffered a great deal from kid-;
ney and bladder trouble. Fur aliout a I
year 1 was hardly able to do my work as
the trouble took the life right out of me. 1
My back ached over mv kidneys all the !
time and my kidneys acted irregularly, j
IWn's Kidney Pills soon relieved the j
awful pains in my back and my kidneys j
acted more regularly. Four "boxes of;
Doan H cured me and since then I have
been free from kidney trouble."
Mrs. Snyder is only one of many Hood
River people who have gratefully en
dorsed Doan's Kidney Pills. If your
back aches if your kidneys bother yo,
don't simply ask for a kidney remedy
ask distinctly for DOAN'S KIDNEY
PILLS, the same that cured Mrs. Sny
der the remedy backed hy home testi
mony. 00 cents at all stores. Foster
Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
"When your back is lame remember
the name." 11
We have just received our Spring shipment
These Harrows are well known on the
east side and have proved their worth w ill
pay for themselves in one season in time
We also have the
Roderick Lean Extension Discs
You do not gamble when you buy
either of these implements
Both have been tried and not found wanting
Blowers Hardware
Corner of Oak and First Streets
For Auto or horse drawn vehicles,
Service to any part of the
Valley at any time
Telephone 1201
Fashion Livery Co.
Hood River, Oregon
Steamer Tahoma
Down Sunday. Tucidiff, Thurtdri
Up Monday. Wednesday, Saturday
All kinds of freight and passengers handled. Horses and automobiles
Kiven special attention.
Jack Bagley, Agent, Phone 3623
W. 0. Hadley, of The Dalles, deputy
state game and fish warden, was here
last week inspecting the new fish lad
der that is being constructed by the
Pacific Power & Light Co. over a dam
on Hood river just Bouth of the city.
The new structure, .which is nearing
completion, will replace a ladder
washed out by December freshetB. Mr,
Hadley says that the new ladder, which
will cost approximately $1,500, will
withstand floods. It is located on the
west side of the river, protected by
cribbing, whereas the old ladder was
on the east side. A permanent fish
ladder will soon be constructed by the
Oregon Lumber Co. at Dee under the
supervision of the State Game and Fisb
Have You Ever Noticed
how often it is thtt man who
carries no insurance who
loses his property by tire?
We are Agents for the Best
and Strongest Companies.
J. M. Culbertson & Co.
12th STREET. PHONE 2134.
For substitute! for White Flour, we carry Corn Meal and Oat Meal,
IHickwheat, Parley, Wee, and Corn Flour.
Sacks, Sacks
and more Sachs
We want sacks pretty badly and it
will pay yon to see
Phone 1213
Tel. 5441
Marines Have Record Insurance
The 80th Co., regiment, U. S. ma
rines, on active service somewhere in
France, is insured for $2,545,000.
This undoubtedly establishes a rec
ord for individual company insurance
subscription. Of the 255 men in the
company, 254 took out insurance for
$10,000, each, the remaining member
subscribing to a $5,000 policy.
In addition to this, 188 men of the
same company made allotments total
ing $2,830.50 for the "folks back
In the rircolt Court of the State ot Oregon
for Hood River County.
ri the matter of the antijrnment of V. A.
Mercer, Insolvent.
Hy vlrtuef an order and llcenw to wll and
convey tlnf" pfopeny herelnalter dewenfoed,
duly made ana entered lu the above entit led
matter on February IB, 11HS notice la herebv
given that 1 the hour of luo'clork In the
forenoon, on March i1, W, at the Kaat front
door of the Comity Court house, In the Clly of
Hood Hlver. Ciiunty of Hood River, brenon,
sell to the hltfheHl bidder lor caxu an undi
vided one-hall Interest owned by naid estate
in and to the following described real pro))
erty mtnated lu Hood Klver County, orenon.
Lot numbered fourteen (U). and the south
ten (lu) acre of lot numbered eleven (II) In
Sirtion II, Township 1 North, Kane 10 Kant of
the W illamette Meridian, beiufj part of the
land w hich William (1. Iiodsou acquired from
the C. H. by final receiver.' recent No.
application No. 604, as a homestead, which
said land contains tiny and three-fourth
(M'4I acres, more or less.
Paled February .Tth. 1(11
Assignee of the Kslate of
W. A. Mercer, Insolvent.
Ekncst C. Smith,
Attoruev (ur Awuguet. fii
We are selling Schillings Best Line with
a Money Back guarantee if you are
not satisfied after using them.
Kaesser's Grocery
Grocery of Quality
E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor
Phone 3192
Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co.
Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc.
Heath & Milligan Mixed Paints
Glidden's Varnishes
Boom Mouldings
Bulk Calcimine M ixed to Order 0
Plate and Ca rd Rail
Dry Paste