HOOD KiYEH GLACIEU. THI'KSDaY, FEIUTaIIY 21, 1018 YUBA Ball Tread Tractors, Model 1 2-20,are now being delivered. To relieve the shortage of labor to hasten the planting -to insure the work done now, order a Yuba 12-20 for immediate delivery. The price is 2750 00 cash (f.o.b. Benicia, California) the number ready for shipment is limited wire your order and put one to work. PARKDALE The high school students entertained the young people of the community t a valentine party Thursday night. (lames and fortune telling formed tho chief amusements. A delightful sup per was served at 10 o'clock. Allen joyed the evening very much. The Home Economics club met Tues day at Mclsaac's hall. E. F. Monroe left the first of the week for Portland. Miss Florence Pifer spent Saturday at J. I). Smullen'u. The Thimble club met with Mrs. J. M. Demmon last week. Friday afternoon the high school en joyed a very interesting literary pro gram. The parents should plan to at tend these meetings. A. J. Brunquist left the latter part of last week for Portland to remain for a few months. Felix Kile was at Odell lust week. Kev. Bodily gave a lecture on Charles Dickens at Mount Hood Friday even ing. A number of Parkdale folks at tended the lecture and social. Mr. Alexander, of Portland, was a business caller here Monday. Orville Thoprison was home from Fort Steven9 Sunday to spend a few hours with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Thompson. A number of the Hebekahs met at Mrs. J. M. Demmon's Friday afternoon to make a service flag for the Odd Fel GRAVELYS fff Real Chewing Plus i)-3r m Bator h Invtntlon kl. DmmI DaiiI.II el our t r .... . Mam Da1ra Could Not Ke th FI.or and Froihn... In eL GBAVELY PLUG TOBACCO. Wowtht P.t.nt Po-oh K.OP. It Fro Cl G"-' ft LIltCh. of Or.l Eooh . . . i than . bit on i nnvt XJ XT 13 L - 4, ISAUTREADTSAOsJ jj J j IMMEDIATE YUBA MANUFACTURING COMPANY DEPARTMENT 1 10 11 433 CALIFORNIA STREET SAN FRANCISCO lows. The flag now displays' eight stars in honor of Alva Hardman, El mer and Walter Meyers, Fred Holman, Pearl Perkins, Russell Kelley, Mr. Shearer and Charles Giinn. The flag was hung Saturday night at the regu lar meeting of the Odd Fellows. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Tomlinson were guests of .1. P.. Doggett and family Sunday at Mount Hood. Preparations were being made the first of the week for the Snow Shoe club which arrived Monday to enjoy the snowbanks of Mount Hood. Yes, we have sleighing, if that's what you want to call it, but its rather rough riding. We had no lights Saturday night so no basket ball or other amusements were indulged in at the warehouse. The Ladies' Aid held an all day ses sion at the home of Mrs. Davies this week. Quilti;:g was the chief work for the day. MOUNT HOOD. The social given last Friday evening by the Parent-Teacher Association was greatly enjoyed by all. There was a large turnout in spite of the snow storm. Those in charge of the social were Mrs. J. 1). Smullin, Mrs. A. C. Jordan and Mrs. C. H. Shaw. Mrs. Ross Ringer and daughter, Ha zel, returned from their visit in the east last Thursday. Hazel has been sick with tonsilitis since she came home. C. Kichtel and daughter, Alma, were 3 1 lxSiJ HE LEARNED ALL ABOUT REAL GRAVELY BACK THERE IN OLD rginia;thi MINUTE HE PEAO MY BILLBOARD HE WENT OUT AND ROPED HIM A PLUG- r flSi now LOOK HOW HAPPY 1 HE IS'. 1 " wre Tin; ponTECTION SEAL . . MOT REAL GRAVELY WITHOUT THIS StW. IP DELIVERY PEACE the only way to get o it is to fight for it. We're doing our all three shifts every hour of the 24 turning out tractors for you. Get one, put It to work it will keep going day and night and rarely need repair. Quick action in securing one of the Yuba Tractors means sure crops for you and food for our soldiers. Pine Grove visitors Tuesday. They went to have Alma's eyes examined. It was found she needed glasses. Prof. Harrington was up from Salem Thursday to visit the schools in the interest of the industrial club work. The Industrial club met with Viola Jordan Saturday afternoon. Quite a number of the young people were guests at the junior-senior valen tine party at the high Bchool at Park dale Thursday evening and report a very pleasant timc. Kev. and Mrs. W. H. Buddy spent Thursday at the J. 1). Smullin ranch. H. G. Wyatt was a business visitor at Hood River Friday. Agnes Miller and Florence Rood came up from Hood River Friday evening to attend the social. They were guests of Hazel Miller. They returned to Hood River Saturday afternoon. ' E. F. Monroe left Saturday for Vir ginia, where he has enlisted as a cook in the army. George and Dave Cooper spent a part of the week at Mount Hood, where they were packing for the Snow Shoe club. L. W. Tomlinson and family, of Parkdale, spent Sunday at the J. B. Doggett home. Miss Dorcas DeWitt spent Sunday at the Will Edwards home. The regular preaching services were held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The communion service was also ob served. There will be preaching ser vices in two weeks at 8 o'clock in the evening. Miss Amy Johnson had a very sore hand last week, bhe bruised her hnger, which caused a boil and proved very painful. It is better now. Miss Florence Pifer, of Parkdale, spent Friday night at the J. 1). Smul lin home. Red Cross meets this week on Fri day. Word received from Robert Liarr states that he has been transferred from Fort Canby to Fort Stevens. Mrs. H. C. Wyatt was on the sick list for several days. Mrs. Bert Sandman and son, Ernest spent the week end with Mrs. W. E Jones in the Valley Grest district. BELMONT Mrs. Thomas Downing and Mrs. W. G. Somerville were guests Thursday of Mr. and- Mrs. Milton Downing and family at their home in East Barrett. W. H. Davis and wife and Mrs. J W. Davis were out at their ranch Sun day. Mr. Davis is now at work in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Games spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Carnes sister, Mrs. Marsh Isen berg. Thursday they took their de nurture for Wyeth, where Mr. Carnes has secured a good position. Mrs. Ida Parker and Mrs. Hicks, of Hood River, spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Downing Mrs. Parker is a sister of Mrs. Down in. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. M. P Isenberg is on the sick list and hsi been for several weeks. We hope as the weather gets settled to hear of her geiiing wen ana strong again. Red Cross Chapter is Praised That the personnel of the Canteen committee of the Hood River Red Cross chapter has been taken as the model in making similar appointments at numerous other Northwestern towns, was the statement made by Leslie W. Gatchell, of Seattle, director of military relief for the Northwestern Division of the Red Cross, here on an official visit. Mr. Gatchell compli mented the local chapter highly, de claring its organization was one of the best he had visited. The canteen committee consists of J. H. Fredricv, C. A. Bell, and Mrs. L. M. Bentley. About Constipation Certain articles of diet tend to check movements of the bowels. The most common of these are cheese, tea and boiled milk. On the other hand raw fruits, especially apples and bananas, also graham bread and whole wheat nread promote a movement of the bow els. When the bowels are badly con stipated, however, the sure way is to take one or two of Chamberlain s Tab lets immediately after supper. Rubber Htampa at Glacier office. M. SMITH TELLS OF i ABRAHAM LINCOLN At a Lincoln Memorial dinner given Tuesday evtning of last week at the Riverside Congregational church, E. L, Smith. bO year old Northwestern pio neer, in an addrw?s gave his personal reminiscences of the great Emanci pator. Mr. Smith, who at the time was a student at Lombard University at Galesburg. 111., with fellow students attended the Chicago Republican con vention at which Lincoln received this first nomination for the presidency. He told how the news was shouted f rom the roof of the great auditorium that had been erected for the occasion and how men from Lincoln's home county, bearing walnut rails that the stalwart candidate, himself, had split, headed an enormous parade through the streets of Chicago. Mr. Smith told of meeting Linckm at Springfield, 111 , when he delivered an address. On that occasion when Lincoln and his wife, riding in a car riage drawn by a fine span of horses, appeared at the fairgrounds, where the address was to be given, the horses were unhitched and a score or more of admirers took the polj and wheeled the future president to the grandstand. PINE GROVE ; Bliss Clark is home on a furlough for ajfew days. J. B. Davis went to Portland Sunday and returned.Wednesday. C. T. Roberts will celebrate his mother's birthday, in Portland, Febru ary 22. His mother has reached the advanced age of 84 years. Mrs. Mary Wells Strieker returned from a visit to Portland last Friday. Al Graff went to Portland the first part of the week with a load of hogs for the market. Mr. Rickman and family will live in Vancouver the coming season. The Red Cross auxiliary will meet at the grange hall Thursday of this week in all day s session, impending circumstances making it necessary to deviate from the regular meeting day. The Amicus club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Amanda Sears and daughter. Mrs. Gladys Brock. Knitting was the order of the afternoon's work. Next Sunday there will be an all day's meeting at the church. At the regular service hour the pastor will give an address appropriate to the ob servance of Father and Son dav. In the afternoon several speakers will be in attendance. Among those who are expected to be present to address the people are Iruman Butler, of Hood River, Mrs. J. E. Ferguson, of Odell and Mrs. A. G. Lewis, of Pine Grove. All are requested to bring their lunch. enough for themselves and for one more. Gotlee, cream and sugar will be furnished at the church. Mrs. John Johnson and children re turned recently from McMinnville, where they had spent a week visiting her mother. FINE GROVE SCHOOL The pupils of the upper grades gave a valentine program Frdiay afternoon. Myrtle Jarvis and Cleo Johnson had charge of the program. Prof. L. P. Harrington gave the school a most interesting lecture ltmt Wednesday afternoon. His subject was "Industrial Club Work and the Thrift Campaign." He complimented the older girls, who during his lecture were industriously knitting for the Red Cross. Prof. Harrington was pleased with the enthusiasm shown by the chil dren toward club work. The girls have already entered the sewing project, in cluding it with their school work, hav ing two lessons a week. The boys will take up their projects later. Prof. Smith, principal of Pine Grove school, last week gave the pnpils of the upper grades a lecture on "The Forward Movement of Practical Educa tion." Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Sherrieb visited the fifth and sixth grade rooms last Wednesday morning. The children were much interested to hear Mr.Sher rieb tell of some of the pioneer inci dents connected with the early history of Oregon, especially of our own coun try. The little green Thrift Stamp is hav ing a very lively time at our school these days. He seeks admittance to each and every home. Our pupils are proudly displaying their Junior Red Cross pins. Pomona Grange Meeting The first quarterly session of the Hood River County Pomona grange was lipid at Pine Grove Wednesday, Feb. 13. The greater part of the day's session was devoted to consideration of the food and feed problems now con fronting the country, and especially the rural districts. The wide discus sion of these problems were finally summarized in the following resolu tion : "We urge cur national food adminis trator to immediately ask congress for the power to control the prices of all foods, including all stock foods, and also requesting him to compel the mid dlemen to show their patriotism by re ducing their unreasonable and unpatri otic profits now being obtained." A resolution commending the board of regents of the Oregon Agrieultura College for retaining Prof. Kerr as president of that institution was prom pity approved. The lecture hour was devoted to a reading by Miss Joy Mason and an address by Mr. Harrington, assistant state superintendent of public instruc tion, on"Boys and Girls Club Work." The next regular meeting will be held at Odell in May. Press Com. Pine Grove Patriotic Meeting An all day meeting will be held Sun day at Pine Grove church. The patri otic interest of the recent institute will be further maintained by a good program. There will he the usual Sun day school at 10 a. m., followed by the morning service at 11 o'clock. Every one is invited to bring his dinner to the church where coffee, cream and sugar will be provided by the ladies of the church. The afternoon session will begin atJ2 p. m. Some oftheJitems on the program are as follows : Address, Truman Butler, "Liberty Bonds;" E. L. House, "Lopsided News;" Mrs. A. G. Lewis, "The Bit That Woman May Do;" patriotic reading by Mrs. J. E. Ferguson ; special musical numbers and two recitations by boys from the Upstreamers class. Chamberlain's Tablets These tablets are intended especially for disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels. If you are troubled with heartburn, indigestion or constipation they will do you good. Films, Cameras, Photo Supplies. -Slooom, CaulielJ Co, tu-tf Cut This Out-It is Worth Money Don't miss this. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley Jc Co., is5 ShtthVld Ave., Chicago. 111,, writing your name and ;idites cleat l. You will receive in return a trial pack age containing Foley's Honey and Tar Cotiipoud. for coughs, colds ana croup; Foley Kidney Pills, fur pain in sides and back ; rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder ailments, and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, fur constipation, biliousness, headache and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Gives brilliant glossy shin that dot not rub tf or dust oil (Mat anneals t the tron--th.it lasts tour times as lou as any other. Black Silk Stove Polish Is in a class by itself, It's m rs ittfn!!y made and maJo If I'til MUr uuitt PUiis. T -y it on T-nr parlor Bitiv e, yuur cu' ru or nt u i4 nnM. It you ifem't fin i it t he txft po! Ub y u rvr ued, yuur barawar or gnMwrv tlt"Silr is ttuttMiriatJ tu r- funtl your rtmrm'm"A Shlnmln fiwjr Drop' Have You Ever Noticed how often it is the man ho carries no insurance who lises his property by tre ? We are Agents for the Best and Strongest Companies. J. M. Culbertson & Co. Stranahan & Slaven Contractors & Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the tttate of Oregon for Hd Hlver I'ouiity. ("Imk. J. Calkins and Dunne A. Kellows, plHintlttk, v. H. A. Imikkwi unit fcva M. Dug. KUii, ilt'fenlHn1. To 11. A. imisau mill Kva M. Huggim, le fendaiiU: In the iiHine of the State it 'Oregon, u unit eoh ill you are hereby required u appear ami answer the I'omplHiiit tiled against ymi In the a hove entitled wii, on or het'ore the expiration t xix weeks Iroiii the dateot the llrtit puhhi'a tlou of IhlF KuuuuoiiH, A'hieh dale is herelu alter mated, and, If you fall solo appear or answer, tor want thereof, the plaintillH will apply to the Court for the relief prayed forJn their complaint, to-wil: For Judgment against yon for the mini ol MXMHi with Interest thenon at the rate of per eent per annum from May 3rd, IHIT, until paid, for the sum of S2UI.;i7 with interest there on at the raleot s it wul ier milium Irom various dales: lor J'.iillO as attorney' tees, and tor the rosts and dlshnrsumeuts of this suit; for the usual decree lor the foreclosure of that certain mortgage given hy deleiidaniH to plaintiffs descntwd In the complaint, cover lull and mortgaging to plalntills Ihe following desciihed 'enljproperty in tlisid Kiver Coun ty, Oregon, to-wil: Lot one (1) In Section 10, Twp. 1 N., ttange in hasi nt the W illamette Meridian, couiain Ing Hli.HH acres inure or less; uNoastrlpol land 'Jl tcet In wtdi h, la tinning al the south line, of the ahove de ci ilied tract .in. I runnliik' thence south along liie east line of Ijil (l ol said Sei'llon HI, liT rods, more or less, to the County road; subject to a certain easement created and granted hy that certain deed dated Dec at, lull, and recorded Mareii f, I'll.', in Book 7 on page :tl ol the Keeoi Is ol Deeds ot Hood Kiver Count, Oregon, cxeeiiied hv the t hen owner ol siild land to Kran, X. Areus; and de. treeing mat all of said sums are a tlrst and valid lien on said land by vnlueot said moru gage, anil lliat exi'ciittou shall Issue lor Ihe sale id said premise, in the manner provided hy law, and that said laud may bwsnld under execution and the proceeds of such sale ap plied In the satisfaction of saiil sums or such judgment us pluintilN may recover herein; that you ami each of you, and all persons claiming under or suhseiiH ut to you, nr mill. seiuent to the exe. uiiou ol said mortgage, may be forever barred and foreclosed ot all right, tille, interest, or claim, in or to said land or any part or portion thereof, and for such other relief as to the. Court may seem dilutable. Yon re served with this Sinn mons by publl. cation, pursuant to an order made hy Hie tloti. Krert. . Wilson, Judge ol the above entitled Court, duly made and enteied herein ou;ihe aith day of December. PUT, which order di rects that yon shall he served with numinous herein by the publication thereof, in Ihe man ner provided by law, and that, yon shall appear and answer to said complaint on or betore the expiration of six weeks Irom the date of the tlrst publication of this numinous, which date is fixed hy said order as the 17lh day ot January, ltlla This Hummons Is first published on Janu ary 17th. pii . Kit N KM C. SMITH, Atlornev tor Plalntllts, f-2K IDsid Kiver, ore. Notice of Sale for Delinquent Assessment Notice. Is hereby given that on the 2Mh day of January, nils, a warrant was duly and reg ularly Issued by Dm Recorder of t he City of Hood River, Oregon, to me directed aud'de livered. commanding me to forthwith adver tise the properly tneulloned and described Unrein aglnsi which Ihe assessment lor the cost of the linpiovement of Railroad Mtreet and Railroad Mreet Kxt., of said City was made, and to sell said properly, or so much thereof as can he sold separately to advant age Kiiftlcleiit. to pay said delinquent assess ment, together with Interval, costs and dis bursements, In the manner provided hy iaw, and to reluru Ihe proceeds of such sale to the City Recorder ol the City of llisid Kiver. (.Ire. gnu, and the following is a description of the properly against w hich assessment was levied and which is delinquent, and gives the name of the person to w horn It whs assessed, and the amount of the assessment thereon uow due, to-wit: Iai Block 4, Waucotna Addition, as sessed to Wilbur A. Carnea, JyjO.ir.i; lot i, block t, WaneouiH Addition, assessed to Wil bur A. Carnes, JiiJD.nO. Haid property being sltuaied In Ihe City of Mood Kiver, County ol Hood Kiver, Stale ol Oregon .Now, therefore, In pursuance of said w ar rant and for the purpose of satisfying the delinquent assessment meutloiied therein. I will on Kriday, the 1st day of March, l'JIS, al Ihe hour of ten o'clock a. in. ol said day, at the east front door of Ihe City Mall, in Ihe City of Hood Kiver, County ot iliio.l River, State ol Oregon, proceed lo sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in hattd, the several tracts or parcels of land above menttoned, or so much thereof as ran lie sold separately to advaulage sulliclent to pay said delinquent, asses-i-ient, together wit n Ihe in terest, costs and dishursi inputs provided by law, and will continue said sale from day to day Ihereallei unlil said property Is sold, ol so much thereot as may be necessary to sat isfy said assessment. Dated at Hood River. Oregon, this Lih day or,)anuar, I ds. I K ( ARSON, Marshal of Ihe City ol ilisid Kiver, Oregon j::i' Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned ha been appointed executrix of the estate ol Samuel Barker, deceased, by the County Court of Hood River County. All persons having claims against said dale should pre sent them properly verified within six months from dale of this notice al mvresl. dence near Mood Kiver. Oregon. Dated and first published this 7th dav of hehruary, lulu. rnr IA KTII BARKEK, Executrix, MM A GOOD SIGN is the best introduc tion to a customer. P. MANSER Phon 544T None too small or too iarjro. Photos Artistically Colored. Dr. Carolyu Uiidorhill DENTIST Smith BuilJine;. Telephone 2021 Dr. William Morton Post Dentist Kooms 1 ami 2 Hall UMtf. I'liouc .'4c! HOOl KIVKK, OUKt.ON C. H. JENKINS, D. M.D. l'K.vnsr Telephones: Cilice lltal; res-Mi ne 3'I.-I Otlic over I'.utler liunW E. L. SCOBEE, D. D7 IiKNTlST Telephones : Cttice 3161 ; resilience Cilice in Itro.siiu Uuihliii J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKiKON. Telephone: offlee, l'fl; residence, i&71. HUKUKUN O. R. AN. Co. JOHN W. SIFTON Physician and Surgeon OFFICE SMITH KI.OCK Phones: Office 2U2I lleBnlence, 541S H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SUKtiF.ON. Calls promptly answer Hi in town or couimy Hay or Night. Telephone Residence, uui: Office, 1.H1. Office In the Hrotdua Uulldiu? E.D.KANAGA Physician and Surgeon Phones: Ottice 41 1 Hes. 1MI Cilice in Eliot 1'iinlilhig M. E. WELCH, ' MmsED VF.TF.KINAUY SlrUiFOX Is prepared to do any work in the veterin ary line. He can be found by calling at or phoning to the Fashion Slahles. DERBY & STEARNS Lawyers HOOD RIVER. OREGON. Telephone MtPl Elliot ihlg. Wilbur & Hazlett Lawyers HOOD KIVER - - OREGON L. A., A. P. & R. C. REED LAWYERS 849 McKnijiht HniMing Minneapolis, . Minn. ERNEST C. SMITH Lawyer Rooms 1 and 2 Hull Building Hood River, Ore. RUTH HOWES Teacher oi Piano Residence, 221 Prospect Ave. Telephone EDITH WOODCOCK Teacher of Piano I'rofessloual pupil of Mr. Thomas C. liui ke Kndorsed by Mrs. C. K. ColMii. For Infortunium, Telephone l:ni PAUL WOOLSEY Piano Organ Tuner Player Expert Phone 2742 HOOD RIVF.R Horse Blankets Equapelles Wagon Sheets, etc. We make our Harness; also have in Stock all kinds of Shoe Oils. William Weber Bell Building V. B. Snyder It. B. Powell Hood River Plumb ing Company SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. Gasoline tnitines, Pumps, Kami. Repairing Prompt ly Attended, r stimaten Kurniihed. Phone 1624. Next to City Water Office. OAK STREET W. J. Baker & Co. bt'iilcTH in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands "No truftpanHing," "no hunting" nignu tl (jlacier oilieej.