The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 03, 1918, Image 1

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    to ?
No. 31
AT the first of the New Year, you no doubt
are planning on economies and making: use
of labor saving devices. The telephone is one of
the greatest labor saving devices of the 1 day.
Can you afford not to have one in your resi
dence? Five cents a day or less than one cent
per call for the average subscriber is the rate.
Oregon-Washington Telephone Compsny
Business men contemplating additional
or new banking connections are cordially
invited to confer with our Officers.
This Institution is thoroughly qualified to
meet the needs of growing business in
terests. Our policy of service is based upon recog
nized strength, adequate facilities and a
spirit of helpful cooperation.
Call whenever convenient for a personal
Member Federal Reserve System
The 1917 Figures
A year ago we published a comparative statement of de
posits and the following figures show that the financial im
provement in Hood River Valley which began two years ago
has continued down to the present time.
About $80,000. of the increase since May is the business
we acquired from the Hood River State Bank, our own in
crease being well over $200,000.
Deposits, 1916 Deposits, 1917 Increase
$104,927.36 516,160.2 $111,232 90
385,213.81 503,109.41! 117,895. t
415,307.29 497,440.22 82,078.93
450,454.95 570,022.13 120,107.18
411,855.4ii 642,317.32 230,401.80
459,800.43 732,473.80 272,604.37
445.329 Oh 764,198.17 318,808.49
449,841 83 778,'. 52. 87 328,911.04
433,923.71 721 ,866. till 287,942.95
456,320.93 712,776.90 250,450.03
488,748.40 759,843.17 271,094.71
487,907.54 780,497. 60 292,690.12
Aim ust
September 1
October 1
November 1
December 1
Member Federal Reserve System
Sets Ug Pace
20th Year
J7ATHERS, Sons and Grandsons, each
within their time, have found Olds
mobile durability, endurance and com
fort inseparably woven among their
fondest family traditions,
A Happy New Year
The t&ttGdlt Store
A Happy
New Year!
Conservation and Economy
go hand in hand here. We will help you do your bit toward
conserving the wool supply of the country and to economize
on the clothes question at the same time.
Almost everybody is paying particular attention to their
bid clothes now in place of buying new. Let us show you
what can be done with your clothes. How you can get more
satisfactory service out of that old suit or coat than you ever
dreamed was possible.
Don't throw good clothes away just because they need
cleaning and pressing, or perhaps a little repairing. We are
experts at cleaning, repairing and altering garments for men
and women. You will be better dressed and save money on
your clothes if you will let us keep them in shape for you.
Work called for and delivered anywhere in the city.
Telephone 1124
May the Year 1918
be for all of us full of the blessings of life, fruit
ful of those happenings that strengthen us In
our Ideals and make us a stronger and nobler
Yours for
, Successor to E. M. HOLMAN
Sanitary Market and Grocery
Telephone 2134
Automobile Owners!
Do not store your cars for the winter without first
bringing them in for our inspection.
We have added to our business an automobile repair
branch. Our new department will be maintained with the
care that has characterized all of the work of our shop.
H. P. Jochimsen will be in charge of this work.
With best wishes to all of our Hood River Valley
friends and customers for
A Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Budget Advisory Committee Hears Sugges
tions and Makes Recommendation
City Tax to be 36.15 Mills
In case the county court adopts the
recommendations of citizens at a pub
lie meeting held Thursday for the dis
cussion of the 1918 budget, road work
the coming year will be centralized.
The proposal, made by Commissioner
Hannum, that a crew of half dozen or
more skilled road workers be employed
permanently met with general appro
bation. According to Mr. Hannum's
plans the county will buy a light motor
truck to supply Quick transportation to
any part of the county.
It was also recommended at the
meeting that the county secure a strip
of forest land along Neal Creek rpad
in order to preserve the scenic beauty
of the drive. K. E. Scott has offered
to secure by subscription $500 to be
applied to purchasing adjoining tim
ber land. It is said that the county
will be required to appropriate $700 for
the purpose.
The county's total tax for the com
ing year, according to the budget, will
be $124,240, exclusive of state tax,
which will be $28,979.10. A summary
of the different items follows : County
school fund, $17,000 ; high school fund.
$3,000; road fund, to be raised from all
assessable property outside of city of
Hood River, $40,500; Highway bond
interest, $3,750; Highway bond sinking
fund, $6,250 ; bridges and culverts,
$26,000 ; salaries and miscellaneous ex
penses, $27,740.
; The members of the advisory board
present were Chairman Blanchar, M.
M. Hill, J. M. Taylor, C. C. Walton
and J. H. Shoemaker.
On a millage basis the county tax
for the year will be as follows : Gen
eral fund, 8.2 ; roads (to be assessed
on all property outside of Hood River),
5.7; general school fund, 1.9; high
school tuition, .65; highway bond sink
ing fund, 1.1; a total of 17.55. The
city tax is 11.7 mills and the special
city school tax, 12.6. The total city
tax in millage will be 36.15.
Because of the heavy damage that
recent freshets have cause highways
and bridges, it is estimated that be
tween $12,000 and $15,000 of the road
fund will have to be expended the
coming year in repairs.
For over a week a small force of
carpenters has been working in the
upper story of the present Electric
theatre, and yesterday actual work on
the Liberty was well under way. H.
Cramer, the local contractor, will now
have a full force of men at work on
the building. The electrical contract
was let to the Apple City Electrical
The Liberty promises to be one of
the most up to date and modern little
houses in the state. The lamphouse
will be of the latest interlocking tile
with five dead air spaces in the wall,
making an absolute fire proof lamp
house. All observation and machine
parts will be arranged with automatic
fire shutters. The wiring in the build
ing will be entirely installed in iron
conduit and will conform to all local
and Underwriters' ordinances. The
auditorium floor will be of fireproof
construction and will be flushed daily,
a great advantage over a swept audi
torium. Modern ventilating and heat
ing systems will be installed in the
theatre, while on the mezzanine floor
in the ladies' rest room will be found
every convenience and comfort for lady
patrons of the theatre. The balcony
will be of the latest improved type
with no supporting posts to interfere
with the line of vision of patrons on
the lower floor.
Pierre Taglio, a well known North
west decorator, is making two copies
of the Statue of Liberty for the Lib
erty, one to be located on the mezzan
ine floor and one above the screen.
Mr. Kolstad will make a trip to Port
land this week to select new hangings
and draperies for the foyer, stage and
mezzanine floors. It is hoped the new
theatre will be ready to open bv the
middle of February.
While the Electric is closed the Gem
will run every day, showing the same
shows as were being booked in at the
' News was received here last week of
the death of Charles Walker Young,
aged 87, at his home three miles north
of Eugene December" 28. Mr. Young
was the father of Mrs. C. E. Copple,
of this valley, who wasat her father's
bedside during his fatal illness and
Mr. Young has been a resident of
Lane county continuously for 65 years,
having kept intact and in a high state
of cultivation his donation land claim
of 640 acres.
On February 22, 1852, Mr. Young was
married to Miss Mary B. Gillespie in
his home county of Lafayette in Mis
souri. He and his bride in the early
spring of that year crossed the plains,
reaching The Dalles in August. They
arrived in Lane county in October.
In addition to Mrs. Copple Mr. Young
is survived by two sons and four other
daughters, as follows : Baxter Young,
of Springfield ; Cal Young, of Eugene ;
Thomas Van Duyn, of Coburg ; Mrs.
James Shields, of Bellingham, Wash. ;
Mrs. William Wallace, of Spokane;
Mrs. Frank McAlister, of Eugene.
Funeral services were conducted Sun
day afternoon at the family residence,
interment following at the Gillespie
cemetery. Mr. Copple was present at
the funeral.
Oregon Gives Christmas Dance
The guests of the Hotel'Oregon and
friends enjoyed a Christmas tree and
participated in a dance through the
hospitality of Mine Host Chindlund
I and Mrs. Chindlund Christmas eve.
The occasion was the delight of all
j present and lasted till the wee sma'
J hours.
Except to fill vacancies in calls al
ready made, no more men will be
drafted from Oregon or other states
before February 15. As all question
naires will be completed before that
date, this will give men taken hereaf
ter, except such few as may be needed
prior to February 15 to fill vacancies,
the advantage of the new classification
Very few men would have been taken
from Oregon in any event prior to the
next draft, which it is now announced
will be not earlier than February 15.
This is one of only 10 states that have
already filled their quotas in the first
draft, barring a few vacancies caused
by rejections at the training camps.
Future draft quotas are to be filled
first from Class 1, comprising men
without dependents. They will be
drafted from deferred classifications
only when Class 1 is exhausted, thus
making it necessary to go to the next
class for enough men to fill up the
An exception to this will be made in
the case of experts and men highly
skilled in agriulture or industries. It
is announced that the government soon
will call for a large number of men of
this special class. They will be taken
as needed for such special work from
whatever classicfiaton they may have
been granted.
A limited number of officers not now
in active service, and retired officers of
the Oregon National Guard, who are
physically fit and between the ages of
23 and 47, are eligible for enlistments
privates first class for attendance at
the next officers' training camps, which
begin Januaryl5. Official word to this
4-Minute Men 4
effect has just been received by John
M. Williams, Acting Adjutant General,
from the Chief of the Bureau of Mili
tary Affairs at Washington, with the
request that it be given publicity.
Applications for the camps by such
officers must be approved by the Bu
reau, i none quaiiiiying ML uie cbmijb,
which will be held in southern Califor
nia and the southern states, will re
ceive commissions.
The local exemption board states
that men claiming deferred classifica
tion because of agricultural or other
necessary industry should not be
alarmed when they receive a card from
the local board announcing that they
are placed in group A, Class 1. Such
claims are passed on by the district
board, and the final classification will
be made when the ruling from the dis
trict board is received.
For the first time in the remem
brance of the valley's oldest residents
Mount Defiance, the forested peak ly
ing to the west of the orcnard districts
and said to be the highest wooded peak
in the United States, is free from its
usual deep covering of of mid-winter
snow. Because of its elevation apple
growers are accustomed to glimpse the
season's first snow on Defiance, and
the blanket lingers there until early
The warm rains of the past two
weeks, in addition to causing the snow
of Defiance to vanish, have taken a
heavy toll of the snows on the base of
Mount Hood. As is indicated by the
milky waters of the Hood river, the
warm rains have eaten away the snow
newly fallen since fall began and are
now consuming the glacier formations
that feed the stream in- summer.
Given a military significance by the
presence of numerous men in olive drab
uniforms, the 13th annual ball of the
Volunteer fire department held Mon
day night at Heilbronner hall, was a
success from every standpoint, and the
sum of $120 was cleared for the relief
fund of the organization, eleven mem
bers of which are now in the service of
their country.
The ball was attended by 350 men
and women, who greeted the New Year
at the first stroke of 12 o'clock with a
patriotic demonstration and the singing
of the national anthem.
The firemen in charge of the ball
were Earl Franz, T. D. Waldie, Cecil
Lafferty, P. G. Ripper and Chief Mor
gan. The music, furnished by Kol
stad's orchestra, was one of the fea
tures that had much to do with the
success of the occasion.
Oregon apple growers will contribute
matrially to the success of the cam
nHicn be run bv the. International Ap
ple Shippers' Association to raise 100
carloads of barreled and boxed apples
for free distribution among the Ameri
can expeditionary forces. C. W. Mc-
Cullagh, who has been appointed chair
man of a soliciting committee for Ore
gon, reports that the local Association
and the Rogue River Fruit & Produce
Association, S. V. Beckwith manager,
have each contributed a full carload of
the best apples.
"In addition to apples," says Mr.
McCullagh, "we will receive contribu
tions of cash from fruit districts that
have already disposed of their product.
Carl Wodecki, a prominent fruit man
of The Dalles, has been made manager
for Wasco county and promises a fine
report from there."
The government will take the fruit
in charge on delivery to Atlantic sea
board. The Red Cross will distribute
the apples.
Lieut.- Pined, here from Camp Lewis
on a furlough is at the Cottage hospi
tal suffering from a severe attack of
Situation Expected to Clear as the New
Year Advances Export Situa
tion Very Doubtful
While the apple situation at the pre
ent time is none too bright for ship
pers, it is expected that the market
will clear of inferior product aa the
season advances and that high class
fruit now held in storage will bring
profitable prices. Up to date 16,999
cars of Northwestern apples have been
shipped as compared with 14,691 on the
same date last year.
While prices on good quality and fa
vorable sized apples are somewhat bet
ter in the big'eastern centers, the gen
eral situation continues unsatisfactory.
Stocks in storage at eastern points
are coming on the market, and some of
the offerings are showing poor quality,
with sacrificed values the result.
In general the apple markets of the
east are dragging with the demand
slow to moderate. In practically no
center east of the Rockies is the call
More local shipments of apples art
being made to the Portland market and
most of these consist of very small
sizes, which are beginning to accumu
late in most quarters.
Manager Scott announces that the
Hood River county Christmas drive
has resulted in 2,000 members, the re
vised quota for the county. The orig
inal quota was z,5U0.
Glose canvasses of all districts have
been made, and more than 100 addi
tional new members were turned in at
Red Cross headquarters Saturday. One
of the most successful teams of the
valley was that captained by Leroy
Childs. The members of this team
canvassed the West Side and secured
memberships Lto the extent of 95 per
cent of the total population.
The state of Oregon as a whole baa
"eone over the ton" and has filled its
quota of 240,000 new members. The
state has attained the record ahead of
any other state of the Union.
Monday K. E. hcott received from
Harvey Lindley, C. C. Chapman and
Harrv E. Reed, the following letter
of thanks for the part Hood River
county had played in the patriotic
work ;
"Your campaign workers braved the
weather and went from house to house
and farm to farm, canvassing for Red
Cross memberships. There was no
hardship they were not willing to un
dergo. The distressing shortage of
buttons and other supplies embarrassed
them, but they went ahead with lofty
courage. They were animated by love
of our country, affection for our soldier
boys and a desire to be of actual ser
vice in relieving the suffering caused
by frightful war ; also they were de
termined Hood River county should do
its full share in the enrollment of
members in response to the appeal of
President Wilson asking every man
and woman to join the Red Cross.
"The results in Hood River county
speak for themselves. To your heroic
workers belongs the credit. It was in
dividual work like this all over our
state that won again for Oregon the
proud distinction of being among the
foremost states of our Union in patri
otic achievement.
"No mere letter of thanks can con
vey to your workers anything like the
credit that is their due. Their devo
tion demonstrates that they were not
striving for personal credit. Their rich
reward is in the consciousness of sac
rifice made and duty done, but in be
half of the Northwestern division cam
paign committee, will you kindly con
vey to each and all of them through
any channel that may be available,
the deep sense of appreciation felt at
division and state headquarters for
their devoted service."
This will be a busy week for Mrs. C.
H. Castner. Yesteday Mrs. Castner
delivered an address at the Oregon
Agricultural College home makers'
week program on "The Club Woman
in War Work." Today Bhe will pre
side at a conference of the women's
organizations of the state. Addresses
will be delivered at this conference by
presidents of the different state organ
izations and by Mrs. Alexander Thomp
son, of The Dalles.
Mrs. Castner states that she consid
ers the part given to women in home
maker's week a most important one
because of the presence of Mrs. Joseph
Gawler, of the home economic depart
ment of the National Federation, who
will deliver an address each dav. Mrs.
Castner urges that club women of all
towns near Corvallis make it a po nt to
be present to hear the message that
will be brought by Mrs. Gawler.
Friday Mrs. Castner will preside at a
meeting of the Woman's Committee of
the Oregon National Defense Council
t Waldo hall.
Drafted Men Brave
When men called under the selective
service law reach the cantonments they
are given, so iar as pracucaoie, ineir
choices of army service. Infantry is
nftan nrf erred, artillerv second
engineers divisions are third in popu
larity ami qunrwruiwiKio uuii,u.
Investigations so far made by the
committee on classifications of per
sonnel in the army which has the
matter in charge prove that only two
per cent of the men attempt to secure
nonhazaraous positions.
High School Resumes Work
The high school students resumed
their work yesterday. The Christmas
vacation was cut short because of the
time lost from studies in October,
when ' the boys and girls aided so
materially in the apple harvest.
The grade schools will resume work
next Monday.