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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1917)
HOOD RIVER GLACIER. THURSDAY, DECEMB'ER 27, 1917 o lro Your LuRrjo Otroszj? Do cold go down to your throat? Are your bronchial kV?!? affected?i Above all, do colds settle on your cnestr lnen your lungs may not be as strong as you expected consumption often follows. Good Physicians Everywhere Prescribe OTTSE11S J) Becausa Its Pure Cod Liver CU Is Famous hTM fkde!icaie !W and weak rungiwhfle its glycerine AJJ soothes the tender nhn nJ .ll.;.JL u c u. ij. OIi tntuwon today-It U Nature's building-food without drugs or alcohol ooHll!,'d. Nr7rn cl " dl m4 In 5eoM. gmmbh It mom n&ati la OW wa Ajmticm Ulwmtoric. wfcich urmalc it fn hST oott ft Bowm, Bkxmficld, M . I. jj-jj May a Bright Happy New Year filled with Happiness, Achleve ment and Prosperity be Yours US J. C. JOHNSEN HOOD RIVER SHOE MAN s ANOTHER NEW YEAR APPROACHES ND as the old year passes we like to sum up the happenings and progress ot the twelve months. SIt is with pride that we announce our advance ment. We are now operating in conunction with our Market, the packing plant recently purchased irom E. J. Young. It is our aim to give Hood River the best at the most reasonable of prices. And too, we are handling where we can the homegrown pro ducts of the Mid-Columbia district. Yours for a Happy New Year! W. J. FILZ COAL AND WOOD Rock Springs and Utah Coal Best Grades Only. Wood of all kinds special quotations on carload lots. Crushed Rock add Sand and Gravel. STORAGE Remember we are always at your service for any of the above items or for the transfer of your trunk or any other hauling. Transfer & Livery Co TELEPHONE 41 ll Protect Your Surplus Crops BEFORE you harvest your fruit, grain or hay, provide a shed or barn in which to store it. And how about that surplus that you expect this year ? Maybe you Ml need some temporary sheds. There's no need to sacrifice your crop when we have so much GOOD LUMBER for Barn or Shed Building, In our yard you will find every thing in building material. Make up your list and bring it in today. BRIDAL VEIL LUMBERING COMPANY Yard West of Freight Depot-Phone 2181 mm IMS LIB1 YVe.have just received new lot of Country Club Toilet 'Preparations Come in & let us show them to you Chas. N. Clarke YOUR Druggist Rubber Stamps . AT THE GLACIER OFFICE RED CROSS CHAPTER " APPRECIATES AID The Hood River Chapter of the American Red Cross desires to take this opportunity of expressing its heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the most generous response to the many appeals for assistance during the past year, and for the splendid cooper ation of everyone who has been called upon for active Red Cross work. The real Red Cross spirit is to promptly accept, without question or hesitation, any duty or work that is delegated by those in command. We are very gratified to be able to state that this spirit has prevailed locally to the very highest degree from the very beginning of the Hood River Chapter. The many workers, without excep tion, who "have brought the Chapter to such a high state of efficiency, have devoted their Jtime and energies with out compensation of any sort. A great many " sacrifices have been made, in time, in money and in physical Btrenght, but we feel confident that all of those who are bearing the brunt of the Red Cross work are prepared, and willing, to make still greater sac rifices should the demand be made up on them. We are proud to state that the local Red Cross workroom has been pro nounced by the traveling auditorof the northwest division of the Red Cross and by army medical experts, who vis ited Hood River last week, to be the most efficient, bet organized and best equipped of any Chapter in the north west outside of the big cities. We particularly desire to congratulate the ladies in charge for the splendid re sults they have achieved during the few months the workroom has been in operation. We especially want to emphasize our appreciation to the officers and mem bers of the Commercial club for so generously contributing so large a part of their club rooms for Red Cross pur poses. We feel that the club, in all its existence has never done anything that wll so redound to the credit of the organization as this courtesy to the Red Cross. We do not hesitate to ssy, that through the generosity of the Commercial club the efficiency of the local Red Cross has been increased 50 per cent. We further desire to extend the thanks of the Chapter to Messrs. Cass and Lofts, of the Transfer & Livery Co., for their liberality in offering to do, without charge, any and all haul ing and cartage required by the - Chap ter. Since this offer was made last April we have had to make a great many calls upon them, for all kinds of cartage, from a case of finished gar ments to the freight depot, to a couple of tons of old papers to the boat land ing. In every instance they have re sponded promptly and men and teams have been placed at our disposal as long as the service was required. The many favors extended to the Chapter by the merchants, fruit grow ers, fraternal and social organizations and individuals are much too numerous to itemize, but to them all we extend on behalf of the Hood River Chapter our most cordial thanks. Executive Committee, E. 0. Blanchar, Chairman, C. N. Ravlin, Sec'y. WEST POINT AND ANNAPOLIS EXAMS Congressman Nick Sinnott has been called upon by the War Department and the Navy Departmen to designate a cadet for the military academy and a midshipman for the naval academy to take official examinations for admission during the spring of 1918. He will make designations of princi pals and alternates to fill both these vacancies on the basis of a competi tive exmination to be held on January 9, 1918, by the U. S. Civil Service Commission simultaneously in the fol lowing eight cities of his district: Klamath rails, Lakeview, untano, Bend, Baker La Grande, Penleton, The Dalles. Candidates should report to local Civil Service seceretary at the postoffice at 9 o'clock a. m. on that Any young man of the required age is eligible to enter this competition who is now, and has since uecerrmer i, 1917. been an actual bonafide resident of the second Oregon district. Candi dates for admission to the military academy at West Point must not be under 17 nor over 22 years of aee on date of admission ; to the naval acad emy, between the ages of 16 and 20 years on the date of official examina tion. The competitive examination will probably cover the following subjects, algebra, geography, history, English composition and literature, plane ge ometry and English grammar. Those desiring to tawe me examina tion should write to Congressman Sin not, 242 House of Representatives, Washineton. D. C, at once, for sample questions and further information. It is important that each fsnoum aiso state whether he prefers designation to the military or naval academy. Radishes Win Reputation Hood River orchardists have made a widespread reputation the past season for production of winter radishes. Planted in August in numerous war gardens, the vegetables have reached in instances the enormous length of two feet Traveling salesmen and vis itors to the city have purchased the radishes to be expressed or mailed home as vegetable novelties. The rad ishes are mild in taste and are pre ferred by most people to the little red radishes offered by green grocers in the early spring. Receiving of Proposals Postponed On account of the necessity of mak ing line changes in the proposed route between Mosier and Hood River for reasons which were unknwon at this office until recently, the date of receiv ing proposals on this work which was advertised as luesday, January stn, wilt be postponed. As soon as the ex tent of the changes has been deter mined, a new date will be set for re ceiving these proposals. Herbert Nunn, jlO State Highway Engineer. Chamberlain's Tablets. Chsmherlain's Tablets are intended esnecialtv for stomach troubles, bilious ness and constipation, and have met with much success in the treatment ot those (diseases. People who have suf fered for years with stomach trouble and have been unable to obtain any perma nent relief, have been completely cured by the use of these tablets. Chamber lain's Tablets are also of great value for biliousness. Chronic constipation may be permanently cured by taking Cham berlain's Tablets and observing the plain printed directions with each bottle. CHAPLAIN OF 18TII WRITES MRS. CRAMPS Ernest V. Gramng has just received from his mother. Mrs. Anna C. Cramps. of Minneapolis, a letter written her by Earl Cleeland, chaplain oi tba 18th Engineers, about her son.'Pvt. Floyd M. Gram ns. member of Co. F. recruit ed last year from Northwestern boys. Chaplain Cleeland, a ror nana man, writes : 'No doubt through the chief of the Burial Department you have by this time been advised of the trait ic death of your son, bugler of Company F, 18th Engineers. "As his chaplain may I not also write you, difficult though the task may be. His entire regiment was ter ribly shocked by his suddendeath, and we mourn his loss, but our grief is as nothing to the suffering that you, his mother, will have to endure. Your son erave all that he had to give. A man could do more. He gave his life in or der that the principles of liberty and Justice might remain secure on earth, and thereby has merited an everlasting crown. He wasburied under the sign of the Cross of the Founder of those principles for which we fight. Had your son lived to old age at home in America, could he have gained a better crown? "Your son had been spending the day in the city on a leave of absence, and was returning to camp along the railroad tracks about 9.30 p. m. So far as we know he was alone. He was seen on the street car by a number of the men of the 18th just about a half an hour before, but the men separated at the tar line to return for the night to their various locations in camp. The 18th is not all located in one camp. Thinking, no doubt, that walking down the tracks would bring him more quickly to camp he apparently took that course and started off alone. "About 3 o'clock the next morning his body was found beside the track just opposite the caoip. I think he was found by one or the men on guard. All we know is that he was alone and that Jhe had evidently been struck by a train. His death must nave neen in stantaneous. He probably never knew what happened. "He was 'given, a military funeral attended by the regimental band, most of the members of his company, a number of officers, the pall bearers and a firing squad. As the chaplain of the regiment 1 read the Episcopal bur ial service and delivered a sermon at the grave. It was a solemn occasion. "Some French people of the neigh borhood hearing of the death of your son sent to his funeral a bouquet with this inscription attached: 'To the young American, who died so far from home, from friends in France.' " Council Adopts Resolution The citv council recently adopted the following resolution in honor of the young soldier : Whereas, on October 17, 1917, Floyd M. Gramps gave his life in carrying on our country's fight for democracy, liberty and humanity against a bar baric autocracy ; and Whereas, there was thereby lost to our country a patriotic son, to our army a valiant soldier, and to our community a worthy and respected cit izen, now, theretore, Be it Resolved that the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Hood River, Oregon, in regular meeting as sembled, do all honor to the name and memory ofjthia brave lad, and do here by indelibly record an expression of their .great respect "and appreciation for a life so nobly lived and given in patriotic devotion. ' EXPERT OFFICIALS TO CLASSIFY INCOMES The banks have received a letter from Milton A. Miller, of Portland, collector of internal revenues for Ore- . . I .1 4. . I' ' I fon, wno announces uini an uuiciui rom his office will visit the local insti tutions from January 2 to 15 and assist in the classification of local citizens who will be required under the recent revenue bill passed by congress to pay an income tax. The new law will in clude in its list of "income taxpayers many orchardists. Under the new law, all single citi zens with incomes of $1,000 or over are required to pay income tax. The minimum amount for married men is $2,000. Under the law taxpayers are re quired to voluntarily declare their in comes. Women See Art Exhibit A collection of pictures belonging to the Oregon State Federation of Wom en's Clubs was exhibited at the library building Wednesday afternoon of last week under the auspices ot the art committee of the Woman's club. More than 20 reproductions of works of noted American artists were shown. An explanatory lecture was given by Mrs. J. E. Ferguson, Mrs. U H. Jen kins read a paper entitled, "Art m Life." Musical numbers were rendered by Misses Annamae Chipping, Gladys Keavis and Adah baraway. Grange Adopts Resolution The Pomona grange has forwarded to the county court a copy of a resolu tion which urges the State Highway Commission to locate the Highway be tween here and Mosier over the inter vening range of mountains, following a survey made two years ago by J. A. Elliott, an engineer ior the Uommre sion. Declaring that the Highway is for the purpose of expltTung scenery rather than utilitarian, the grangers in their resolution say that points of the Elliott survey offer unexcelled scenic panoramas. County Judge Blowers states that the court will take no action on the grange resolution. Cook Gets Scalp Wounds Following an argument over an amount of change which the cook says he had coming after eating his dinner. Herbert Wright, negro dining car cook, and the dining car conductor of the eastbound Oregon-Washington lim ited, engaged in a right rriday after noon, the blows that passed resulting in a shattered cutglass water bottle and a severely lacerated scalp for Wright. The cook, who was on a va cation, was left here where his wounds were dressed. Stomach Trouble and Constipation. Those who are afflicted with stomach trouble and constipation should read the following: "I have never found any thing so good for stomach trouble and constipation as Chamberlain's Tablets. I have used them off and on now for the past two years. They not only regulate the action of the bowels but stimulate the liver and keep one's body in heal thy condition," writes Mrs. Benjamin Hooper, Auburn, X. Y, nOW THE GERMANS If? HAVE BEEN TAUGHT The following is reprinted from Cur rent Events, published weekly in New York city throughout the school year by the American Education Press : The following letter from a Prussian girl to a fiiend in Switzerland may throw lieht upon that amazing state of mind of the Prussian people which leada them to support and applaud their king in plunging the world into war. For behind the war, and the real cause of it, there is a Prussian way of looking at things. That way is so for eign to our American ideas of right and wrong that Americans can hardly understand it or believe that it exists. The letter is printed in the Con gressional Record, and is taken from page 8046 of the volume for the recent session. No doubt this girl is just an average Prussian in the ideas she shows regarding a supposed Prussian right to rule the world. She expresses the idea a little more simply and frankly than the Prussian statesmen; that is all. ihat a great intelligent people like the Prussians can be so ig norant and perverted in their moral ideas is what is hardest for Americans to understand. "Frankfort on Oder. July 20, 1016. "My dear Louise: The contents of your last letter would have hurt me had I not known that your thoughts of our glorious war resulted from sheer ignorance. You are in a country rendered ef feminate by the influence of old fash ioned ideas of liberty, a country which is at least two centuries behind ours. You are -in need of a good dose of Prussian culture. "It is evident that you, a Swiss girl, with your French sympathies, cannot understand how my heart, the heart of a young German girl, passionately de sired this war. Speaking of it some years ago, my father said to us : 'Chil dren, Germany is getting too small for us, we shall have to go to t ranee again in order to find more room. Is it our fault if France will not understand that more money. and land are necessary for us? "And you reproach us that our sol diers have been very cruel to the Bel gian rabble, and you s'peak also of the destruction of Rheims, and of the burn ing of villages and towns. Well, that is war. As in every undertaking, we are past masters in the making of war. "You have a great deal to learn be fore you can come up to our standard, and I can assure you that what has been done so far is a mere bagatelle compared with what will follow. "As a matter of fact, there is but one race worthy of ruling the world, and which has already attained the highest degree of civlization. That race is ours, the Pussians ; for though we Germans in general are the lords of the world the Prussian is undoubtely the world par excellence among the Germans. "All other nations, and among them, unfortunately, the Swiss, are degener ate and of inferior worth. That is why I have always been so proud of being a true Prussian. "Yesterday, again, our pastor ex plained to us convincingly that our first parents, Adam and Eve, were also Prussian. That is quite easy to under stand, because the Bible tells us that the German God created us all after his own image. If, then, all men are descended from Adam and his wife, it follows that only Prussians, or at least Germans, ought to exist in the world, and that all who push on and prosper ought to belong to us. You must ad mit that that is logic, and that is why our motto is, 'God with us, Germany above everything.' "You know now why we wished this war. Is it not shameful that other na tions, who have no right to existence on the earth, wish to diminish our her itage? We are the divine fruit and the others are only weeds. That is why our great emperor has decided to put an end to all these injustices and to extirpate the weeds. Do you under stand that now? "1 remain, your school friend, "Katie Hamel." Cut This Out It Is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Folev & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago, III", writing your name and address clearly. You will receive iu return a trial pack age containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides ami back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathar tic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathnrtfc for constipation, bil iousness, headache and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Can You Beat This? Ripe tomatoes out of a back yard garden were served last week by Mrs. W. A. Isenberg. The war garden to matoes were protected by an overshad owing eave and escaped the season's only frosts in early November and late October. The warm rains of the past few weeks have given the plants new growth. Importance of Healthy Kidneys. Hood River Readers Should Learn to . Keep the Kidneys Well. The kidneys have a big work to do. All the blood in the body is coursing through the kidneys constantly to be freed of poisonous matter. It is a heavy enough task when the kidneys' are well, but a cold, chill, fever or some thought less exposureis likely to irritate, inflame and congest the Jkidueys and interrupt the purifving work. Then the aching frequently begins and is often accompanied by some signs of bladder trouble. Thousands testify to the wonderful merit of Doan s Kidney Pills, a remedy for the kidneyBonly, that has been used in kidney troubles 50 years. You will make no mistake in following this Hood River woman's ad vice. Mrs. W. II. Davis, Seventh and Col umbla Sts., says: "I was so completely run down that I could hardly drag my self around, and for three months, I wasn't able to do a thing. My back ached and 1 felt so weak that at times I could hardly stand up. My kidneys acted irregularly. My limbs began to bloat and I could hardly get my shoes on, as my ankles were to' badly swollen. My head ached and I felt miserable all over. Medicine gave meonly temporary relief until I began nsing Doan's Kidney Pills. When I had finished four boxes, I felt like a different woman. I was able to do all my work and could get around better than I had been able to for years. Since then, I have enjoyed the best of health.'' Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills- the same that Mrs. Davis had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Mfgra., Buf falo, X. Y. 13 1918 We Wish for You: JOY In the happiness of others. COURAGE-To help the discouraged: FAITH In your fellow men. PROSPERITY-To share with those less fortunate. PATRIOTISM -To support the best Govern ment on Earth. not only New Year's Day but the zvhole year through Blowers Hardware Company For Auto or horse drawn vehicles, Service to any part of the Valley at any time Telephone 1201 Fashion Livery Co. Hood River, Oregon PEOPLES NAVIGATION COMPANY iSteamer Tahoma Down Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays Up Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays All kinds of freight and passengers handled. Horses and automobiles given special attention. Jack Bagley, Agent, Phone 3623 DRY WOOD We have obtained a small amount of Dry Mill Wood which will be shipped in by cars. If you wish some of it please order at once so we can deliver direct from cars. Phone 4251 Taft Transfer Company ts Route Your Freight by the "Regulator Line. On the up-river trip, the "BAILEY GATZERT, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, arrives Hood River, 4:20 p. m. On down-river trip on Wednesday, Friday and Sun day, arrives Hood River 9:30 a. m. The "DALLES CITY" operates on alternate days, at the same time on a schedule just the reverse of the above. LEONARD S. MILLER, Agent. For Free 'Bus call Fashion Livery Co. Telephone 1201. We are selling Schillings Best Line with a Money Back guarantee if you are not satisfied after using them. Kaesser's Gro'cery Grocery of Quality E. E. KAESSER, Proprietor Phone 3192 Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc. TgpAJKr Heath &Milligan Mixed Paints JSs?H Glidden's Varnishes Room Mouldings Bulk Calcimine Mixed to Order Plate and Card Rail Dry Paste