- HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1917 - 1" 1 1 11,1 ' " 1 A TARDY BUYERS WILL BE SERVED BEST AT While last week's buying was spirited and satisfactory, yet we are well prepared for this week's selling. Sensible, practical gifts are most approved by and for old and young. Wise buyers are this year more than ever before making gifts of articles, their friends and relatives really need. You will not go wrong on Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Clothing, Underwear, Towels, Bedding, Shoes, Hosiery. Gloves and any of the hundreds of items really necessary to all Men, Women & Children. A wiut: SELbCHUN AWAITS VOIT hfpf (Join the Red Cross Today-Wbile Humanity Bleeds; Do Merciful Deeds) n 1 1 ii n m i n mn imij BRIEF LOCAL MENTION I hi i n i n 1 1 n h h mi in II. L. Hasbrouck, Optometrist. Shoes made or repaired at Johneen'i Ixiuie Glaum at the Electric today. Laraway's is the Christmas store. Just go and see. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Avery left last week for a visit in Portland. E. C. Wolf left last week for an ex tended visit in Portland. II yon want shoes that don't go wrong no to Johneen'i. E. L. Harper, of Portland, is now with the Bon Ton barber shop. E. H. Shepard was a business visitor in Portland the latter part of last week. Sessue Hayakawa at the Electric Friday and Saturday. W. J. Filz was a business visitor in Portland the latter part of last week. Miss DeForrest Gould spent the week end in Portland visiting friends. The finest Sterling silverware at Lara way's. Blanche Sweet at the Electric Friday and Saturday of next week. C. J. Calkins was a business visitor in Portland the latter part of last week. VV. H. Davis was a business visitor in Mosier the latter part of last week. Leslie Butler was in Tacoma and Seattle last week on business. J. J. Wasley was a Portland business visitor the first of theweek. Douglas Fairbanks at the Electric Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 31 and Jan.l. J. P. Thomsen was in The Dalles the first of the week on business. F. E. Battey was a businesss visitor in Portland thefirst of the week. If your shoes have gone wrong take them to Johnsen. Mrs. H. H. Hattery, of Pendleton, is here the guest of Mrs. J. W. Sifton. Miss Hazel Hollenbeck was a Port land visitor the first of the week. Eyes scientifically examined by H. L. Hasbrouck, Optometrist, lieilbronner Uldg. f8-tf GoodThingstoEat Christmas! New Navel Oranges 40c, 50c, 60c doz. Large Florida Grapefruit 15c Dromedary Dates, 20c White Figs, 10c Large Cluster Raisins, 25c lb Fancy Cranberries, 25c lb Christmas Candies, 25c to $1. 00 per lb Walnuts and Almonds, 30c lb Queen Olives, 25c pint Midget Pickles, 20c pint Dill Pickles, 20c doz Libby's Mincemeat, 25c lb Shreded Cocoanut 10c, 20c, 35c AT "The Star Grocery" perigo & SON r. Mm T.inp c: . i ... - oiuiuutun nas leit lor Portland to spend the winter. C E. Copple has been visitng in Grants Pass the past week. Have you seen Laraway'a Pyralin ivory fine for Christmas presents. Mrs. J. H. Lausmann has left for Chicago to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Chas. T. Early was here last week visiting her sister, Mrs. L. N. Blowers, and family. Mrs. J. Williams, her many friends will be glad to learn, is recovering from a recent serious illness. Harry Post was here the first of the week spending a short furloueh with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Post Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ward were in Portland the latter part of last week visiting friends. E. N. White, of Detroit- Mich., has arrived here and is employed by his father, F. M. White. C H. Vaughan was a business visit or in Portland the latter part of last week. Father Maximilian Kline was in Portland the latter part of last week visiting friends. Thaddeus S. Lane and J. Kipp, orch ardists of Spokane, were here last week visiting F. W. Buff. J. K. McGregor, of Mosier, was he ra last Thursday to secure repairs for his automobile. Born To Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Colby, Thursday, December 13, a 12-pound son. Judge Buck, who has been ill at his home on the Heights, was able to be out calling on friends last week. Highest cash price paid for your used furniture, stoves and ruga. Call McClain at E. A. Franz Co, s20tf Sgt. Shoemaker will arrive next week from Fort Canby to spend the holidays here with his family. N. C. Evans was here from Portland the latter part of last week attending to matters of business. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wallace were in Portland the latter part of last week visiting friends. S. W. Curran was here the latter part of last week from Viento on busi ness. Mrs. M. Ostergard, of Viento, was here last week visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Paasch, and family. W. S. Chapman was here the latter part of last week from Portlandon Business. Orman Gobs, of Elk Point, S. D., has arrived for an extended visit with his sister, Mrs. L. A. Kerr. , Fresh ground graham and whole wheat flour at Kelly Bros', ware house. . nl-tf Mr. Jand Mrs. Asa B. Cutler and Mr. and Mrs. Frank W.Kutler have left for Portland, where they will spend the winter. Dr. W. S. Nichol, who traded his place recently to Fred Thuley, of Washougal, Wash., has moved to the C C. Isom ranch at Mosier. Having bought the Hotel Oregon Barber Shop, and taken possession, I solicit a poition of the public's patron-age.-H. A. Loveall. d27 Miss Anna Schaetz, of Brownsville, after a visit with the family of J. H. Mohr, returned home the latter part of last week. Deputy Clerk Francis was in Port land last week to attend the convetion of county clerks and county commis sioners. Glen C. Niles, formerly of the Capi tal City National Bank at Salem, is now a member of the Butler Bank staff. Mrs. W. G. Weber was called to The Dalles Sunday to be with her mother, Mrs. Nancy J. Murray, who is suffer ing from an attack of pneumonia. Engineer Kline, of the State High way Department, who was located here all fall, has gone to The Dalles, where he is working on the location of the Columbia Highway. We have 7 per cent money for Farm Loans with prepayment privileges, and can give you prompt service. Abstracts, Insurance and Surveying. Hood River Abstract and Inv. Co. Phone 1331. tf Men's Cuff Buttons and Links 19c to $1.69 Men's Tie Pins and Tie Clasps 11c to 98c One lot Ladies' Brooches and Lavallieres to $l--38c Ladies' Fancy Hat Pins, the pair. .... 13c to 68c BRAGG MERCANTILE CO. Automobile Owners! - """" " Do not store your care for the winter without first branch! Our new department will .Jf1 care that has characterized all fhS iork J H. P. Jochimsen will be m charge o ttwwork. J With best wishes to all of our Hood River vauey friends and customers for - A Merry Christmas and A Happy and Prosperous New Year. W. G. SNOW HOOD RIVER, OREGON A. O. Anderson it in Portland on the federal grand jury. Mrs. A. J. Derby, who went to The Dalles hospital last week for treat ment, is reported much better. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Wasson, who have been visiting here, will leave soon for Portland to spend the winter. Edwin Sonnichsen, after a four day furlough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C P. Sonnichsen, returned yesterday to Fort Canby, Wash. Accompanying her mother, little Miss Bernice Johannsen, who is recovering from an operation for apendicitis, re turned home Monday from The Dalles. Victor Johnson, who recently enlisted at Vancouver Barracks, was home over the week end vioiting his mother, Mrs. Lina Johnson. The annual election of officers will be held at the next reguar meetiing of Hood Kiver Uxlge, No. 105, A.r . & A. M., next Saturday night Nixon Battev returned'Mondav even ing from Fort Canby, where he had been visiting his brother, Gershom, a member of 12th Co. C. J. Wurtz. brother of Mrs. Kaes- ser, and wife, of Buhl, Ida., will ar river the latter part of this week to spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kaesser and family. W. L. Clark will leave next Monday to spend Christmas day in Portland with Mrs. Clark and Newton. Later in the week Mrs. Clark and Newton will visit in Hood River.. Mrs. Geo. Hinish and children have arrived from Portland to spend the hol idays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wilson, . Mr. Hinish will ar rive later in the week. Claude C. Collins, of 12th Co.. has been up from Fort Canby to visit his mother, Mrs. Phoebe Couchman, before she left for Alaska to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Thomas Richardson. Unique and precious, for the wood from which they are made is limited, are those myrtlewood articles on sale at Lara way's. Nothing better for a Christmas present. Douglas Lockman, who recently ar rived from Petaluma, Cal., for a visit with friends and relatives, has left for Portland, where he will spend the winter. Miss Marjory Pond. Of Parkdale, left the latter part of last week for a visit with relatives in Boston. She was ac companied as far as this city by her mother, Mrs. J. n. fond.' - D. McDonald was called to Moro last Thursday by the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. Ann McDonald. Mrs. McDonald, who is 7a years or age, is much better. Mrs. S. J. Moore and little daughter have left for Portland to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Furnish. Mr. Moore will join them Sunday. Edwin C. Eberly, formerly with E. E. Kaesser but who is'now with a for estry company at Vancouver Barracks, will spend the Christmas holidays here if he can get out of quarantine. Mr. Eberly is in the measles quarantine. Miss Alta Anderson, traveling audit or for the Dulmage Motor Car Co., which ODerates branches at Seattle and other Puget Sound cities, arrived yes terday for a visit with ner iatner, j. W. Anderson. Mrs. Rebecca Cooper is recovering from a recent operation for goitre at the Good Samaritan hospital in Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Cooper and her son, Geo. M. Cooper, have been at Los Angeles for the oast several months. Miss Clara Partis, who has been at tending a Portland business college, is here for the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Partis. Miss Partis is spending part of her vacation at her old place in the Cram store. Anyone wishing to subscribe for or renew subscriptions to Ladies' Home Journal at $1.50 per year, Saturday Evening Post, $1.50, Country Gentle man, $1, phone Mrs. Harry Bailey, 3782. Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kerr, of the Frankton district, has en listed with the 20th Co.. Forestry Ser vice Corus. Engineers. He left last week for Washington, D. C, where he will receive his training. Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin were called to Portland the first of the week to attend the funeral of Mr. Irwin's brother. Thomas Irwin. Mr. Irwin. who was 56 years of age, died from the effects or a recent operation. Rev. and Mrs. Elijah Hulll Long brake and daughter, Miss Esther, left Monday for Berwyn, 111., where they will spend the holidays. Kev. Long brake has accepted a call to the pastor ate of the Ashland, 111., church. Wanted Young men and young la dies wanted to prepare for telegraph service to fill vacancies caused by un usual enlistment, war and signal corps ; biar demand for telegraph operators. Call or write Telegraph Dept., 60B Pan ama Bldg., Portland, Oregon. d2U Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Van Allen, Mrs, Pat Lindsey and Miss Claudia Wrenn were in Portland the first of the week to bid farewll to Ed Wrenn, who has left for training at Camp Kelly, Tex, Mr. Wrenn has enlisted in the aviation corps. Lieut Henderson, who recently re turned from Fort Leavenworth, Kas., where he underwent a six weeks' training in the Engineers' Reserve corps, left Friday afternoon for Camp Lewis, where ne nas Deen aeumea ior active duty. The children of the Heights Baptist church will present a Christmas can tata entitled, "Santa and his Auto Sleigh," with Miss Frudenee bpight at the piano next Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock. All parents and friends are cordially invited to be present David A. Aronson, Portland manager for the Sherwin-Williams Paint Co., was in the city last week on business. Mr. Aronson was here for the purpose of creating interest of apple growers in a new form of lime-sulphur. The preparation is in powder form. Mr. Aronson says that none of the effect iveness is lost in the less bulky prepar ation. Business Opportunity I have for sale or lease, sale preferred, excellent site for box factory or other manufacturing plant, i)i acres land, good witer power partly developed. Two miles west of Hood River on Columbia Highway. Address J. R. Phillips, R. F. D. No. 3. dl3-tf Robert Murray, formerly coach of The Dalles high school athletic teams, who recently received the commission of second lieutenant at the Presidio training camp, has been detailed for duty at Camp Fremont, California. Mrs. W. G. Weber, his sister, was in The Dalles visiting Lieut Murray.last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Warren, of Prince Island, where Mr. Warren is connected with a large gold mining concern, left yesterday after a visit with the family of their nepehw, M. P. Warren. Mr. Warren says they came especially to see their little new grand niece, the first baby born to the family for 20 years. Willard Young and Edgar Franz, who recently enlisted in the aviation corps at Vancouver Barracks, spent a brief leave at home Sunday with friends and relatives. The young men had expect ed they would have to leave Vancouver last Wednesday. A shortage of cars, however, detained them until the first of this week. Fine Christmas Windows Proportionate to the size of the city and the population of the valley one would have to travel far to find a city with finer Christmas show widows than those of Hood River. Especially at tractive are the grocery windows of the Consolidated Mercantile Co., Perigo and Kaesser's, the displays evidencing care and taste on the part of the dec orators. Cram has windows that are especially attractive with Christmas offerings, and the big windows of the Paris Fair are filled with tempting articles. The Eliot block, the whole Tower floor front takn up with the windows of the Franz Hardware and Furniture Company.per haps create more interest than any others of the city. The fine display of toys send the youngsters into ecstasies, while exhibits of other windows are just as tempting to the elders. The store of Pat Lind3ey has taken on its annual Christmas time -decora tion and cheer. The decorations here were made by Cecil Lafferty. The city's drug store windows are especially attractive at this time. Vanderbilt Fears Damage After an examination of his orchard Monday Oscar Vanderbilt expressed the fear that a heavy freeze later in the year may cause serious damage to Hood River apple trees. "I find the sap rising in the trees," says Mr. Vanderbilt. "Our late fall and winter so far have been as warm as springtime, and vegetation is as far advanced as late March. I have Shasta daisies blooming and. my raspberry bushes are green. I found new growth on some honeysuckle vines that was several inches in length." Patrons Asked to Help Rural Carriers Postmaster Reavis has issued an an nouncement to the patrons of rural free deliveries, asking that they call at the postoffice when in the city for heavy packages that they may be ex pecting. The recent heavy rains have made part of the roads traversed by the carrieis almost impassable. One carrier, Ole Nelson, of Delivery No. 1, because of the washout of the Hood river steelbridge, has to travel double his usual distance in delivering his mail. Dee Makes Record Before Tuesday night the lumbering town of Dee had made the record of enrolling all of the 40 adult men and women of the place as 1918 members of the Ked Cross. Ihe heavy rainstorm prevented soliciting in the orchard sec tion around the town. This work will be undertaken by the following com mittee appointed by Mrs. T. J. Kin naird, captain of the Dee drive : Mrs. A. E. Williams. Mrs. C. F. Sheplar, Mrs. W. J. Horbelt, Mrs. R. W. Em mett and R. A. Collins. , Mrs. Castner Will Talk Beginning with a consideration of the club woman in the emergency, by Mrs. Chas. H. Castner, alseries'of con servation discussions by some of the ablest leaders of women's work in the entire country will be striking features of Farmers and Homemakers Week at O. A. C. this year, December 81-J ami ary 6. Congregational Church Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Sermon at 11 a. m. Subject "Windows of the Soul." Special Christmas music at this service. Christmas entertainment given by the Sunday school at 6.30 p. m. Subject of the program, "Christ the Hope of the World." Odell Union church, Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Sermon at 7.30 p. m. M. L. Hutton, Pastor. Methodist Church Regular services will be held next Sunday, and each Sunday following, spending the arrival of the new minis- tar TamKrfl nrp PYTwtpd tn ftttpnH ! services and to keep up their budget pledges in order to have finances and interest in good condition when the new man arrives. GLASSES FITTED. It will pay you to see Dr. Eaton and I have him fit your glasses. All work ' guaranteed first-class. Charges reason able, 1017 Mull street, three doors east of Heights Greenhouse. Dr. A. V. iytton, Optometrist - d20 do i our uinstmas Mopping uany do it rsowi Here are a Few Suggestions we have to offer PATHEPHONE X5hQ All-in-One The good points of the best ma chines combined in one. Actually plays all disc records no attachments to buy. Brings all the great artists into your home. No changing of needles. Regulated in tone to suit your particular room. . $15 $25 $75 $110 $150 $175 $200 Come in see them hear them Easy payments. mil ill Banjukes and Ukulele A nice assortment of these popular instruments Cameras and Kodaks Eastman's Box and Folding Seneca Kodak Albums For the Soldier Boy Khaki-covered Writing Kits Bibles Fountain Pens-The "Ever Sharp" Pencil-Leather Bound Book Thin Paper Editions Memorandum Books Stationery. Flashlights Our Christmas Cards are unsurpassed. Beautiful Hand-Colored Highway Pictures Bibles and Testaments Our Book Dept. fc- Is up to the minute. Everything for the chil dren. A good assortment of War History. The best of the New Fiction. Join the Red Cross today Every Miser helps the Kaiser Slocom & Canf ield Company u--rmmirmm i mmmm LOW ROUND-TRIP FARES BETWEEN CITIES OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST via Union Pacific System ON SALE December io, , 12, 23, 24 and 25 return limit, January 3, 191S San Francisco.. ?31.64 Tide raerotk initio if IfelfefSU Los Angeles... i 48.65 uPon4"'Ucat'onto U SMSI'W On Sale December 11 to a8 J. H. FREDRICY tJWTS1k ' return limit, January 15,1918 Agent I GsSf P Suw fro chorea eft. Hood River, Oregon " iflm Weiss' hfj'wm WRITE YOUR Apple Insurance WITH J. M. Culbertson & Co. Ladies' Silk Sweater Coats -'--$8.79 Extra Quality Pure Wool Sweaters $6.98 Medium Weight Pure Wool Sweaters'... $3.89 All-Wool Sleeveless Sweaters, khaki color $3.89 Boys' and Girls' All-Wool Sweaters -$2.89 I Bragg Mercantile Co.